
ORIGINAL ARTICLE Pill Swallowing by Adults With Dysphagia

Giselle Carnaby-Mann, B App Sci, PGrad Dip (HSc), MPH, PhD; Michael Crary, PhD

Objective: To evaluate differences in swallowing Results: Significant differences included greater physiology and safety in patients with dysphagia sEMG amplitude and longer apneic duration when between conventional tablets and a new method of swallowing a conventional compared with the tablet transportation, orally disintegrating technology ODT (PϽ.001). Patients with dysphagia demonstrated (ODT) (RapiTab; Schwarz Pharma Inc, Milwaukee, significantly longer total swallow durations (PϽ.001), Wis). a higher number of swallows per tablet (PϽ.002), and the need for fluid to assist in the clearance of the con- Design: The study observed a single group, crossover ventional tablet (PϽ.001). No significant difference design. was noted between the 2 tablet preparations in amount of residue or airway compromise during or Setting: Outpatient clinic within an academic teaching following the swallow. On a postevaluation survey, hospital. patients reported that they preferred the ODT prepara- tion for most of the parameters assessed. Participants: A total of 36 adult dysphagic patients re- ferred to the clinic. Conclusions: Patients with dysphagia frequently com- plain of trouble swallowing . In this study, an Interventions: All subjects underwent simultaneous ODT formulation provided a method of delivery that re- nasopharyngeal endoscopic evaluation, surface elec- quired less effort to swallow, did not result in increased tromyographic (sEMG) measurement, and respiratory levels of airway compromise, and was preferred by dys- monitoring during swallowing. Subjects were evalu- phagic patients. The ODT medication delivery technol- ated swallowing the ODT and a conventional tablet ogy may provide benefit to adults with dysphagia in con- formulation. Tablets were randomly and blindly pre- venience, compliance, and accuracy of dosing. sented to each subject. Subjects completed a prefer- ence survey subsequent to swallowing both tablets. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2005;131:970-975

YSPHAGIA (DIFFICULTY persistent challenge for many individuals. swallowing food or liq- A recent national survey revealed that over uids) is a common con- 40% of adults in the general community ex- sequence of many health perience problems swallowing pills.3 Of problems and has been adults who reported difficulty swallowing associatedD with complications such as pills, 14% disclosed that they had delayed , dehydration, and malnutri- taking a dose of their medication, and 8% tion. Dysphagia is currently estimated to had skipped a dose completely. Thus, adults affect more than 18 million adults in the who have difficulty swallowing these forms United States,1 and it has been proposed of oral may not comply with that this number is likely to rise in the near prescribed regimens. Poor compliance with future owing to the aging population and oral medication regimens may be elevated a reported association between advanc- in the patient with dysphagia. For example, ing age and swallowing difficulties.2 With 15% of all residents in surveyed long-term impaired swallowing, many patients dem- care facilities reported difficulty swallow- onstrate difficulty in transporting sub- ing tablets and capsules. Of this group, 5% stances from the mouth into the phar- regularly expectorated this medication, ynx. Hesitation, impaired control of oral while 27% did not even attempt to swallow materials, incomplete clearance or ex- these medications.4 Patients with dyspha- Author Affiliations: tended clearance time for swallowed ma- giawhofailtocomplywithprescribedmedi- Departments of Psychiatry, terial, and penetration or aspiration of cation dosing are likely to encounter in- McKnight Brain Institute (Dr Carnaby-Mann) and swallowed materials into the airway are all creased morbidity and mortality. Thus, Communicative Disorders common features of a dysphagic profile. health care providers must improve meth- (Dr Crary), University of Swallowing oral medications in the form ods to effectively deliver oral medications Florida, Gainesville. of pills, tablets, or capsules also presents a to the swallowing-impaired patient.


©2005 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. Downloaded From: https://jamanetwork.com/ on 09/25/2021 Figure 1. Simultaneous data collection of conventional tablet swallowing. The image displays an example of synchronized data collection using the Kay Digital Swallowing Workstation and signals laboratory (model No. 7100; KayPENTAX, Lincoln Park, NJ).

Recent developments in dosing technology offer an METHODS alternative delivery mechanism for medication to pa- tients with oropharyngeal swallowing problems.5,6 A form of orally disintegrating technology (ODT), DuraSolv SUBJECTS (Cima Labs Inc, Eden Prairie, Minn), which is used in the manufacture of RapiTab (Schwarz Pharma Inc, Mil- We recruited a consecutive sample of patients referred to an waukee, Wis), provides a means by which oral medica- outpatient swallowing clinic within an academic teaching hos- tions are delivered via rapid disintegration of a tablet pital between November 2003 and April 2004 for this study. within the mouth facilitating passage through the upper Adults 21 years or older with a complaint of swallowing diffi- culties based on patient and/or caregiver report were ap- aerodigestive system without the use of water to aid in proached for participation in the study. In total, 36 eligible pa- swallowing. Rapidly dissolving tablets may facilitate safer tients participated in this study. This study was approved by and more consistent delivery of medication to swallowing- the institutional review board of the University of Florida. compromised patients.7,8 However, advantages of this form of oral medication have not been established in swallow- ing-impaired adults. Information on the relative effec- PROCEDURES tiveness, safety, and preference of swallowed ODT prepa- rations is a prerequisite to clinical application of this form The study followed a randomized, single-group, crossover de- sign. All swallowing measurements were conducted using the of oral medication in adults with swallowing impair- 9,10 Kay Digital Swallowing Workstation and Swallowing Signals ments. Laboratory (model No. 7100; KayPENTAX, Lincoln Park, NJ). This study aimed to investigate differences in swal- The Kay Digital Swallowing Workstation with signals labora- lowing effectiveness and safety between ODT and con- tory is a computer-integrated system of swallowing measure- ventional tablet preparations in adults with swallowing ment facilities including videoendoscopy, cervical ausculta- impairments. In addition, it sought to evaluate prefer- tion, surface electromyography (sEMG), pharyngeal manometry, ence for either preparation. The primary null hypoth- and respiratory monitoring. The system is specifically de- esis for this study was that there would be no difference signed to evaluate swallowing and permits synchronization, on- in the success or safety of bolus clearance between ODT line display, recording, and digitization of several physiologic preparations and conventional pill or tablet formula- signals during the time of the swallowing evaluation. For this study, nasopharyngeal videoendosocopy was used to visually tions. Secondary null hypotheses were that there would display all swallowing attempts of each preparation (Figure 1). be no differences in the time to bolus clearance, route of Simultaneous sEMG was used to evaluate the timing and bolus clearance and/or position of residue, number of muscular effort of each swallow event, and simultaneous na- swallows, and effort attributed to swallowing the 2 for- sal airflow monitoring was used to measure the apneic dura- mulations. tion of swallowing associated with each preparation.


©2005 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. Downloaded From: https://jamanetwork.com/ on 09/25/2021 MATERIALS NASAL AIRFLOW MEASURES

Each subject was observed videoendoscopically while swal- Respiratory coordination for swallowing was measured using lowing 2 tablet preparations, RapiTab (an ODT) and a conven- a nasal catheter positioned at the entrance of each subject’s nare. tional tablet, both manufactured by Schwarz Pharma Inc. Both Respiratory information (inhalation/) displayed as tablet types had an average weight of 340 mg and thickness of a line tracing was recorded for all swallowing attempts. Respi- 4.05 mm. Each tablet preparation was colored blue to maxi- ration points were temporally related to the videoendoscopic mize visualization during the videoendoscopic study. Tablet physiology such as airway closure and reopening. order was randomly assigned from a computer-generated ran- measures derived included (1) onset of inspiration, defined as dom numbers list. The subjects and investigators were blind a downward line tracing associated with an open glottis posi- to the order of presentation of the tablet formulations. To en- tion on the endoscopic trace; (2) swallowing , defined as sure blinding, each preparation was dispensed and arranged by a horizontal line on the respiratory tracing indicating absence the research assistant according to the randomization sched- of airflow; and 3) expiration onset, defined as the upward line ule prior to the testing session. Subjects were not able to visu- tracing associated with an open glottic position. Swallow ap- alize their swallowing attempts during the evaluation. nea duration was calculated from these measurements. Swal- low apnea duration, measured in seconds, reflects the dura- GENERAL PROCEDURES tion of “nonbreathing” during the swallow. Longer apnea durations may reflect more physiologic demands on the sub- During the evaluation, each subject was asked to “place the tab- ject during swallowing. let preparation on his or her tongue, move it around and when able, swallow it completely.” To avoid influencing the sub- RESCUE CRITERIA jects’ swallowing behaviors, no other instructions were pro- vided. Once the patients placed the tablet preparation onto their If a subject, after multiple attempts, was unable to swallow either tongue, a “tag” marker was generated on the simultaneous vid- preparation successfully, he or she could request a 10-mL ali- eoendoscopic, nasal airflow, and sEMG traces (Figure 1). All quot of . Allocation of liquid to assist in swallowing was subsequent timing measures were made relative to this marker, recorded for each trial. which indicated placement of the preparation in the mouth. PATIENT PREFERENCE RATING VIDEOENDOSCOPIC MEASURES On completion of the examination, each subject was asked to The nasopharyngeal endoscopic video record was used to visu- rate his or her preference of each preparation on a series of ally evaluate the success of all aspects of the swallow attempts, 5-point Likert scales relating to ease of swallowing. including route of clearance, safety, number of swallows, pres- ence of residue, and extent of bolus clearance. Swallowing suc- STATISTICAL ANALYSIS cess for each trial was defined as clearance of the preparation through the upper esophageal sphincter without residue. Route Results were initially described using means, standard devia- of clearance was defined as the pathway taken by the bolus dur- tions, medians, ranges, and statistical tests for significance. Ow- ing the swallowing attempt. Residue was defined as the pres- ing to skewed distributions, the Mann-Whitney U test for non- ence of some or the entire tablet in the oropharynx following a parametric data was used for the continuous variables age, time swallow. Safety of swallowing was defined by entry of swal- with dysphagia, and sEMG amplitude. Duration of swallow ap- lowed materials or presence of residue in the laryngeal vesti- nea, number of swallows, and total time to swallow were also bule or proximal trachea during swallowing. Airway compro- nonnormally distributed and were transformed using a natu- mise was reflected by the penetration of any swallowed material ral logarithmic transformation. Rank preference data, peak sEMG into the endolarynx but not below the vocal folds. Material en- amplitude, average sEMG amplitude, and duration of swallow tering the airway below the true vocal folds was characterized apneic pause were reviewed using related-samples t tests and as an aspiration event. The measurement “number of swallows” the nonparametric equivalent Wilcoxon test; matched pairs were included a count of swallows required to remove tablet materi- evaluated using the McNemar test. The ␹2 test was used for dis- als from the oropharynx. The extent of clearance of the tablet crete counts of swallowing events such as number of swallows materials was defined a priori as a composite variable of time to and provision of a liquid bolus to assist in swallowing. Fried- clear, presence of residue, and number of swallows required to man nonparametric analysis of variance was used to review in- clear a bolus. Total time to swallow was measured from the place- teractions between age and the other skewed continuous vari- ment of the tablet on the tongue until clearance from the oro- ables by tablet type. pharynx on the endoscopic record.


Surface EMG was used to evaluate the muscular activity asso- PATIENT CHARACTERISTICS ciated with swallowing each tablet. Surface electrodes were po- sitioned in the submental position for each subject. Muscle ac- The characteristics of the patients in the study group tivity was recorded at a bandwidth of 50 to 250 Hz, with the are listed in Table 1. Most (64%) of the subjects were sampling rate set at 500 Hz. Raw sEMG activity was integrated male with chronic swallowing problems. The mean and rectified and displayed as a graphic trace on a computer screen. Measures derived from the sEMG record included on- (SD) age for the group was 64.5 (11.8) years. The set of swallow activation, offset of swallow activation, and peak median time with a swallowing problem was 9 months (maximum) amplitude. The effort required to swallow each tab- (range, 0.75-156 months). Most subjects (89%) were let preparation was inferred from the average sEMG ampli- feeding orally, with 11 modifying their diet as a result tude during the tablet swallow. of the swallowing difficulty. Only 13 (36%) reported a


©2005 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. Downloaded From: https://jamanetwork.com/ on 09/25/2021 history of difficulty swallowing tablets. Neurologic Route of Clearance impairment (stroke) and head and/or neck cancer were the most frequent underlying causes of dyspha- No significant association was identified between route gia in this subject group. of clearance and type of pill preparation. An exploratory subgroup analysis was undertaken to descriptively evaluate the role of disease grouping on pill Number of Swallows swallowing. Compared with the ODT tablet, patients with dyspha- PHYSIOLOGIC SWALLOWING gia required significantly more swallows (PϽ.002) to clear CHARACTERISTICS the conventional tablet from the oropharynx (Table 2). Also, a significant association was identified between tab- Of the 36 subjects, 22 (61%) demonstrated obvious let type, number of swallows, and diagnostic grouping difficulties (defined as visual struggle, coughing, or (PϽ.002). Patients with neurologic impairment re- expulsion of the tablet) swallowing the conventional quired the greatest number of swallows to clear any tab- tablet. Fourteen (39%) demonstrated these difficulties let, followed by patients with head and/or neck cancer. with the ODT tablet. Physiologic swallowing charac- teristics of the conventional tablet differed signifi- Total Time to Swallow cantly from those characteristics associated with the ODT tablet. These physiologic characteristics included The median time to swallow any preparation for the group number of swallows, timing of swallows, use of liquid as a whole was 52 seconds (range, 1.92-323.5 seconds). to assist with swallowing, airway compromise, effort Subjects required more time to swallow the conventional in swallowing, and respiratory patterns. tablet (median time to swallow, 56.7 seconds; range, 5.2- 323 seconds) than the ODT tablet (median, 49.8 sec- onds; range, 1.9-323 seconds) (PϽ.001). Table 1. Demographic Features of Study Subjects Use of Liquid to Assist Swallowing Characteristic Measure* More subjects requested water to assist in swallowing the Age, mean (SD), y 64.5 (11.8) Male 23 conventionaltabletthantheODTtablet(14[39%]vs6[17%]) Female 13 (P=.02). No subject with neurologically based dysphagia Duration of dysphagia, median (range), mo 9 (0.75-156) requested fluid to assist in swallowing the ODT pill; how- History of pill dysphagia 13 ever, subjects with head and/or neck cancer required wa- Feeding method ter to assist in swallowing both tablet types. Oral 32 Nonoral 4 Diagnostic group Residue Neurologic 15 Cancer 11 Overall, residue was present in the hypopharynx after 39 Esophageal 6 (54%) of 72 tablet swallows. Figure 1 and Figure 2 pre- Anterior cervical fusion 2 sent examples of residue accumulation for the ODT and con- Unknown 2 ventional tablets. However, no differences resulted between *Unless otherwise indicated, data are presented as number of subjects the 2 tablet types in proportion of subjects showing residue (n = 36). remaining in the hypopharynx after the swallow (Table 2).

Table 2. Physiologic Characteristics of Swallowing by Tablet Type*

ODT Conventional Tablet Tablet P Characteristic (n = 36) (n = 36) Value Value No. of swallows to clear,† median (range) 2 (1-19) 3 (1-20) 3.148 .002‡ Total time to swallow,† median (range), s 49.8 (1.92-323) 56.7 (5.23-323) −15.700 Ͻ.001‡ Use of liquid needed to assist 6 14 5.114 .02§ Residue present following swallow 20 19 0.114 .74 ࿣ Penetration into the endolarynx 7 5 0.400 .53 ࿣ Aspiration below true vocal cords 3 5 0.563 .45 ࿣ sEMG amplitude, mean (SD), µV 55.8 (25.7) 62.1 (26.1) −18.296 Ͻ.001‡ Apneic duration,† median (range), s 1.47 (0.47-4.92) 2.11 (0.62-9.93) 9.775 Ͻ.001‡

Abbreviations: NS, nonsignificant finding (P value not available); ODT, orally dissolving technology; sEMG, surface electromyography; *Unless otherwise noted, data are reported as number or number (percentage) of tablet swallows (NT = 72). †Log transformation. ‡Paired t test. §McNemar test. ࿣␹2 Test.


©2005 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. Downloaded From: https://jamanetwork.com/ on 09/25/2021 Figure 2. Simultaneous data collection from a subject swallowing an orally disintegrating technology tablet (RapiTab; Schwarz Pharma Inc, Milwaukee, Wis). The image displays an example of synchronized data collection during this process using the Kay Digital Swallowing Workstation and signals laboratory (Kay PENTAX, Lincoln Park, NJ).

Respiratory Patterns Table 3. Patient Preference Data* A significant difference in swallow-related apneic dura- tion resulted between the tablet types. Subjects with dys- Conventional ODT Tablet Tablet phagia required a significantly longer breath-holding pe- Question (n = 36) (n = 36) riod when swallowing the conventional tablet (PϽ.001) How easy was the pill to swallow? compared with the ODT tablet (Table 2). Not difficult 5 (14) 11 (31) A significant interaction also resulted between tablet type, Extreme difficulty 8 (21) 1 (3) apneic duration, and diagnostic grouping (PϽ.001). Pa- Which pill did you prefer? 8 (22) 27 (76) tients with neurologically based dysphagia (2.78 seconds) How concerned were you 15 (42) 9 (25) and dysphagia secondary to anterior cervical spine fusion when swallowing the pill? (2.37 seconds) required significantly longer apneic peri- I prefer using water with this tablet. 19 (53) 4 (11) ods when swallowing the conventional tablet. Abbreviation: ODT, orally disintegrating technology. *Data are reported as number (percentage) of subjects. PATIENT PREFERENCE More than 75% (95% confidence interval, 59%-86%) of the sample group found the ODT formulation easier to swallow than the conventional tablet and preferred that preparation Airway Compromise as a medication type (Table 3). A significantly greater num- ber of patients with neurologically- based swallowing prob- From the total of 72 tablet swallows, only 12 (17%) lems(13/15)foundtheODTtableteasiertoswallow(PϽ.04) showed penetration of swallowed materials, while 8 compared with the other disease groups within the sample. (11%) revealed aspiration. No association was identi- Overall, most subjects experienced some level of con- fied between aspiration or penetration with either cern about swallowing any type of pill. However, a sig- tablet. nificantly greater number of subjects reported high lev- els of concern over swallowing the conventional tablet Surface EMG Patterns (Effort of Swallowing) compared with the ODT tablet (42% vs 25%) (Table 3). A significant difference resulted between the 2 tablet types Similarly, a significantly larger number of patients pre- in mean sEMG amplitude (PϽ.001). Mean sEMG am- ferred to use water to swallow the conventional tablet com- plitude was higher when swallowing the conventional tab- pared with the ODT tablet and reported dislike at attempt- let, suggesting that greater effort was required to swal- ing to swallow the conventional tablet without water (53% low this preparation (Table 2). vs 11%) (Table 3).


©2005 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. Downloaded From: https://jamanetwork.com/ on 09/25/2021 COMMENT server bias in outcome evaluation by the blinding of the outcome assessor to the tablet allocation. A potential weakness of the study is the limited num- This study has identified differences in the physiologic swal- ber of subjects and therefore imprecise estimates (ie, wide lowing characteristics and effort related to swallowing an 95% confidence intervals), introducing the possibility that ODT tablet compared with a conventional tablet. The pa- results could be due to chance. Similarly, such sample size tients with dysphagia in this study required a fewer num- restrictions reduce the ability to generalize these results, ber of swallows, shorter total swallow duration, shorter and thus our data should be considered pilot in nature. apneic duration, reduced muscular effort, and less fluid Patients with dysphagia demonstrate difficulty with to assist in swallowing the ODT tablet. Conversely, no dif- the manipulation, control, and clearance of food and/or ference was found between the 2 tablet types in residue fluids from the oropharynx. In addition, they frequently in the oropharynx following a swallow and aspiration or report difficulty in swallowing pills. This study has found penetration of swallowed materials into the airway. This that an ODT tablet reduced the effort and physiologic study has also revealed that patients with dysphagia show stress associated with tablet swallowing in a sample of a strong independent preference toward the ODT prepa- adults with dysphagia. In addition, patients with dys- ration, rating it easier to swallow. These results suggest phagia reported a preference for this tablet. If these re- that ODT may provide benefit to patients with dysphagia sults can be replicated in a larger sample, they would sug- byimprovingbothcomplianceandeaseofswallowingwhile gest that ODT tablets might offer substantial advantages not increasing the risk of airway compromise. over conventional tablets and enhance compliance in pa- Swallowing tablets is difficult for many patients with tients who experience swallowing difficulty. Future stud- dysphagia. Recent surveys suggest up to 40% of the gen- ies on adults without dysphagia across the age span and eral population may have difficulties swallowing pills or focused groups of patients with dysphagia should help tablets.2 Some information on the esophageal transit of to evaluate the physiologic effects, preferences, and clini- pills is available,9 but the oropharyngeal aspects of pill swallowing have not been studied. Consequently, the cal application of these preparations. physiologic swallowing characteristics, the influence of different pill characteristics, the impact of different un- Submitted for Publication: May 5, 2005; final revision derlying disease processes, and the longitudinal out- received July 8, 2005; accepted July 12, 2005. comes of pill dysphagia are unknown. Correspondence: Giselle Carnaby-Mann, B App Sci, To our knowledge, this is the first study to evaluate the PGrad Dip (HSc), MPH, PhD, Department of Psychia- physiologic aspects of tablet swallowing in a group of iden- try, University of Florida, McKnight Brain Institute, L4- tified individuals with dysphagia, and it provides prelimi- 100, Newel Drive, Gainesville, FL 32610 (gmann nary data suggesting that tablet formulation may influence @psychiatry.ufl.edu). swallowing success. In our study, more than 60% of sub- Financial Disclosure: None. jects with dysphagia experienced obvious difficulty swal- Funding/Support: This research was supported by an un- lowing a conventional tablet. However, the evaluation of restricted educational grant from Schwarz Pharma Inc. standard tablet swallowing as part of a dysphagia assess- Additional Information: The principal investigator, Dr ment (either videoendoscopic or videofluoroscopic) is not Carnaby-Mann, had full access to all the data in the study routinely performed. Traditionally, pills have been used and takes responsibility for the integrity of the data and only in the evaluation of esophageal function. Our results the accuracy of the data analysis. suggest that the inclusion of a tablet-swallowing task in oropharyngeal dysphagia evaluations may facilitate com- REFERENCES prehensive evaluation and treatment planning. Our results also suggest that the diagnosed condition 1. Agency for Health Care Policy and Research. Diagnosis and Treatment of Swal- underlying the dysphagia may impact the physiologic as- lowing Disorders (Dysphagia) in Acute-Care Stroke Patients: Summary, Evi- pects of tablet swallowing. 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©2005 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. Downloaded From: https://jamanetwork.com/ on 09/25/2021