FATHER MARK HAMMOND, PASTOR 392-4711 ext. 1 @ St. Vincent de Paul Parish Office Father Vince Nguyen, Parochial Vicar 392-4711 ext. 7 Deacon Tim Birie 392-4711 ext. 2 Father Homer Blubaugh, retired 1-740-502-2679 Thomas Harrmann, Director of Religious Ed. 507-0029 (cell) 427-3099 (home) Betty Hoffman, Treasurer 599-6362 (office) Sandy Mickley, Secretary 599-6362 (office) 599-7171 (home) 507-9569 (cell) Donald Hawk, Parish Council President 599-6416 (home) Sacramental Emergencies – 398-6285 Website www.stlukedanvilleoh.org SACRAMENTAL MINISTRY Parish E-mail address [email protected] Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday 3:30-4:30pm and by appointment LITURGY OF THE MASS Marriage: Call Parish office or contact Father six months Saturday Evening: 5:00pm before the wedding date; Instruction is required. Sunday Morning: 10:00am Baptism: Call Greg Henkel at 740-392-4711 ext. 5 or Daily: Tues. 8am,Wed. 11am, Thurs. 8am [email protected]; instruction required. In Case of Sickness: Call parish office if you are sick PARISH OFFICE HOURS or hospitalized; also, inform us about the sick or Monday through Friday 9:30am to 4:30pm aged who are unable to attend church.

MISSION STATEMENT – We are St. Luke Church, people of God, created in the image and likeness of Christ, and committed to living our faith in the Roman Catholic tradition under the authority and direction of the Pope, Bishop and Pastor. As people baptized in Christ, gifted with many talents and rooted in strong families, we reach out and welcome all. Our mission is to proclaim the good news, as a prayerful and caring community celebrating Christ’s presence in worship, sacraments, and service. Readings for January 17, 2016 First Reading: Isaiah 62:1-5 Second Sunday in Ordinary Timer Responsorial: Psalm 96:1-2, 2-3, 7-8, 9-10 Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 12:4-11 Gospel: John 2:1-11

First Reading: Nehemiah 8:2-4a, 5-6, 8-10 Responsorial: Psalm 19:8, 9, 10, 15 Readings for January 24, 2016 Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 12:12-30 Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Gospel: Luke 1:1-4; 4:14-21

JANUARY MASS INTENTIONS OFFERED BY ALTAR SERVERS Saturday 16 5pm People of St. Luke Erin Mickley-Rachel Mickley Sunday 17 10am Eleanor Remen Bob Remen Anna Worley-Joseph Hedge Monday 18 No Mass Tuesday 19 8am Sr. Jean Welling Jo Ann Guinther Wednesday 20 11am Todd Mickley Thursday 21 8am Norma Beck Charlie Beck Friday 22 No Mass Saturday 23 5pm Harold Mickley Joanna Mickley Nathen Butts, Joey & Megann H. Sunday 24 10am People of St. Luke Regina Worley-Darian Warnock

January Daily Mass Priest Schedule: Fr. Hammond – Tuesday, Fr. Vince – Wednesday & Thursday Daily Office Schedule for Clergy: Fr. Hammond – Tuesday morning, Fr. Vince – Wednesday

St. Vincent de Paul Website: www.st-vincentdepaul.org Go to Quick Links at the bottom of the page for ‘Church Bulletin’ St. Vincent Mass times Saturday at 4:30pm, Sunday, 8:00am, 10:00am, 11:30am Monday, Tuesday at 12:15pm, Wednesday at 8:30am, Friday at 5:30pm Liturgy of the Hours Thursday at 8:00am in Rectory Chapel Church of the Nativity Mass times Friday at 5:30pm in the rectory, Sunday at 8am at the Utica Elementary School, 367 Church Street

Your Stewardship to God – Week of January 9-10 $3,695.85 Weekly Offering, Thank you! 355.00 Christmas-295, Diocesan Charities-25, Immaculate Conception-10, Solemnity of Mary-25 50.00 Home Missions-20, Catholic Times-20, Prop/Faith Membership-10

Society for the Propagation of the Faith Membership Sunday – January 16-17: To join the Propagation of the Faith, please use your collection envelope for “Membership Enrollment” in your packet. Members receive the graces of 15,000 Masses celebrated each day by missionaries for its members—living or deceased.

Prayers are requested for... Chris Allison, Ray Anderson, Denise Bates, Bill Bennett, Annette Campbell, James Crawford, Tom Dixon, Jim Denuit, Lois Fox, Tom Gardner, Lisa/Ken Hall, Donna Hammond, Liza Heffelfinger, Mick Kanuckel, Hannah King, Bob Kosman, Kathy Kosman, Bill Lang, John Leslie, Katelyn McKinley, Patty Merriam, Louie Mickley, Barb Miller, Eileen Miller, Josh Moore, Chris Neitzelt, Dave/Lorna Patton, Carol Roberts, Beth Sapp, Wayne Sapp, Jackie Shackle, Father Snoke, Shirley/Rodger Stoner, Martha Stutz, Melvin Troyer, Connie Turner, Sr. Jean Welling, Bruce Worthington, Anna Zimelis, the unborn & closure of abortion clinics. When admitted to a hospital please identify yourself as Catholic & call the parish office if you wish to have a visit.

The monthly PCCW card party is on hold until March 29. Ladies who have been on the January & February committees will be moved to other months. It was decided last fall due to unpredictable weather to not schedule for January and February. Revised committee schedules will be available in early March. MINISTRIES Ushers Minister/Word Eucharistic Ministers Saturday 1/23 5pm Iverson family Joanna Mickley Marie Holland-Mark Latorre Tharp family Jim Puster-Annette Puster-Keith Miller Sunday 1/24 10am Greg Thomas John Fongheiser Roger Durbin-Steve Dessert-Kathryn Beth Durbin Dessert-Francis Durbin-Barb Mickley

Ushers: Please note additional instructions on the new schedule.

Cantors: Saturday, January 23 at 5pm: Rochelle Adam, Jane Butts & Jaime Hilberg Sunday, January 24 at 10am: Laura Wills & Patti Winterhalter Offertory Counter Team: January 24 – Deb Payne, John & Beth Higgins

Vocational Views: You are filled with the Spirit! What is your gift? What is your ministry? Pray for wisdom and knowledge, faith and healing power. Pray to know how God wants you to use your gifts. (1 Corinthian 12:4-11) Blessing Cup Devotion for Vocations Schedule – Sign-up in back of church or call the parish office. January 16 or 17 – January 30 or 31 – January 23 or 24 – February 6 or 7 – Vocations Web site: www.seekholiness.com - Visit this web site for answers to questions about vocations, information on what makes marriage work, and ways to nurture and strengthen your marriage.

A Mass of Healing and Healing Service will be held on Monday, January 18, 6:30 p.m., at St. Joseph Cathedral, 212 East Broad Street, in downtown Columbus. Fr. Michael Hinterschied will celebrate the Mass and provide the homily. Following the Mass of Healing, a Healing Service will take place beginning with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, Veneration of relics of the True Cross, with each person having the opportunity to speak individually with one of several priests present to discuss their particular situation and receive a prayer of healing; the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick will also be available. The Healing Service will conclude with Benediction. All persons who seek healing – cancer, heart, all physical illnesses and infirmities – are invited, as are family members, caregivers, and medical professionals. For questions, please call St. Joseph Cathedral, 614-224-1295.

The Jubilee Museum is honored to present In Memory of an Artist: The Personal Collection and Artwork of Father Harry Schneider. The exhibition, which runs from Jan. 9th to Feb. 6th, offers visitors a chance to see highlights from Fr. Harry's art collection, as well Fr. Harry's own artwork – jewelry, ceramics and works on paper. Father Harold E. Schneider (1928 – 2015) graduated in Fine Arts from The in 1952 and was ordained in 1962 following graduation from Mount Saint Mary of the West Seminary in Norwood, Ohio. Fr. Harry's art collection includes a number of remarkable pieces; among them, a lithograph by American social-realist artist, Ben Shahn, aquatints by French artist Georges Rouault, an etching of the Crucifixion by Baroque Dutch master Rembrandt van Rijn, silkscreens by Sister Mary Corita Kent, color lithographs of Dante's Divine Comedy by Salvador Dali, a color lithograph by Joan Miró, and a color pencil drawing of a woman by Jean Cocteau. For more information please visit the Jubilee Museum and Catholic Cultural Center’s website at www.jubileemuseum.org or call 614-600- 0054. A suggested donation of $10 per person is greatly appreciated. Father Harry was a native of Newark and graduated from St. Francis De Sales.

Love is Stronger than the Moment. It is true that there are so many difficulties in married life, so many, when there is insufficient work or money, when the children have problems. So much to contend with. And many times the husband and wife become a little fractious and argue between themselves. They argue, this is how it is; there is always arguing in marriage, sometimes the plates even fly. Yet we must not become saddened by this; this is the human condition. The secret is that love is stronger than the moment when there is arguing, and therefore I always advise spouses: do not let a day when you have argued end without making peace. Always! And to make peace, it isn’t necessary to call the United Nations to come to the house and make peace. A little gesture is sufficient, a caress, and then let it be! Until tomorrow! And tomorrow, begin again. And this is life, carrying on, carrying on with courage and the desire to live together. And this is truly great; it is beautiful! ~Pope Francis, General Audience, St. Peter’s Square, April 2, 2014 EVENTS OF THE COMING WEEK Sunday January 17 Society for the Propagation of Faith Membership weekend 9-11:30 Pancake & Sausage Breakfast 11am-7pm – Eucharistic Adoration, 7pm Rosary 6-7:30pm Youth Group Monday January 18 7:30pm – KofC, 3rd Degree Tuesday January 19 7pm – RCIA at St. Vincent’s Wednesday January 20 7:30am – March for Life Trip to Washington, DC 6:30-8pm – PSR, grades K-10; 7:45-9:15pm – PSR, grades 11-12 Sunday January 24 6-7:30pm – Youth Group

Second Sunday in Ordinary Time, January 16/17, 2016: In today’s second reading, Saint Paul makes a list of gifts dispensed to members of the Christian community by the Holy Spirit. Each gift bestowed has a specific purpose for the person for whom it is intended: wisdom, knowledge, faith, healing, mighty deeds, prophecy, discernment, tongues, and interpretation. Good stewards know these gifts are not meant to be kept hidden by the recipient but to be shared with the community and beyond. As we begin a new year, let us reflect on the gift the Holy Spirit has given to each of us. Do we recognize this gift? Are we being good stewards of this gift?

PCCW Events: Grab your sweetheart for a fun-filled evening with dinner and dance Saturday, February 6 at 6:00pm. Appetizers, prime rib dinner, dance and a romantic evening for you and your sweetheart. Cost is $50.00 a couple. We sell only 75 tickets, so please call Marcia Durbin 740-599-6459 to reserve yours now!! Sponsored by PCCW

Are you ready to learn how to line dance? We will have a lesson Sunday, January 31 at 1:00 at the center. Any questions call Marcia Durbin.

Have you ever wanted to know about gift ideas and ideas to make extra money? Mark your calendar for Sunday, January 24 from 11:00am-2:00pm at the center with people to help. Cash and carry items available also. Sponsored by the PCCW.

Columbus Catholic Women’s Conference “Mercy Changes Everything” – February 20, 2016 – 8am-4pm – Ohio Expo Center: This conference is for all women in the Columbus Diocese & guests. All ages are welcome. Schedule: Rosary at 8am, Mass at 8:30, opening remarks, music by Sarah Kroger, speakers Jennifer Fulwiler & Fr. Nathan Cromley, lunch/confession/vendors, Eucharistic Adoration, speaker Sonja Corbitt, & closing at 4pm. Pre-registration is $35/adult, $20/student; scholarship application is available. For more information and to register go to www.ColumbusCatholicWomen.com or pick up a brochure in church for mail-in registration. The Catholic Foundation, through a grant, is able to reimburse up to 75% of the cost of a bus for parishes outside I-270. If the Knox-Licking Consortium can confirm enough women would ride a bus, we can make arrangements and the parishes would pay the other 25% so that there would be no charge to ride. If you have never attended a conference, this is a great opportunity, plus a chance to enjoy each other’s company to and from the conference. Please call the parish office if you are interested in riding the bus.

Save the Date: Catholic Men’s Conference – February 27: Held in the Ohio Expo Center in Columbus. Brochures are available in the church. Register on line or by mail. Carpooling will be available.

January 22 – Respect Life Mass – Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children – The annual Respect Life Mass will be held on Friday, January 22, 2016, 10:30 a.m. at St. Joseph Cathedral, 212 E. Broad Street, Columbus. Bishop Frederick Campbell will be the celebrant. On this day of the anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court decision Roe V. Wade, our diocese will join all dioceses of the United States in observing a Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children. All are invited to attend. For more information about the Church’s teaching on pro-life issues, visit the U.S. Bishops’ website at www.usccb.org/prolife.

January 22 – Roe Remembrance at (outdoors): Greater Columbus Right to Life will sponsor the 43rd Annual Roe Remembrance event on Friday, January 22, at the Ohio Statehouse. The hour-long program will begin at Noon and be held outdoors. Due to Statehouse security restrictions, no signs or banners are permitted inside the Statehouse. For additional information, please visit online at www.gcrtl.org.