September 1978, Vol. Ill, No. 9


Department of the Interior • U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service • Endangered Species Program, Washington, D.C. 20240

Amended Regulations Proposed To Allow Critical Habitat Set For More Cooperative Pacts With States Two California Plants

The Service has proposed revised In its new proposal, the Service has A 60-acre remnant of the Antioch regulations to carry out a change in proposed the following criteria for Dunes in Contra Costa County, Cali- the Endangered Species Act of 1973 determining which listed species are fornia, has been designated as Critical that is designed to facilitate the partic- most urgently in need of a conserva- Habitat for two Endangered plants— ipation of more states in the coopera- tion program: the Contra Costa wallflower {Erysimum tive agreement program. 1. The degree of threat to the con- capitatum var. angustatum) and the tinued existence of the species. The proposal (F.R. 8/30/78) con- Antioch Dunes evening primrose 2. The species' recovery potential. cerns the alternative set of eligibility (Oenothera deltoides ssp. howellii)— 3. The taxonomic status (e.g., giving requirements provided for under an in a final rulemaking issued by the full species priority over subspecies or amendment to section 6 of the law and Service (F.R. 8/31/78). populations). signed by President Carter on Decem- The ruling, effective October 1, 1978, 4. Such other relevant biological fac- ber 19, 1977. These alternate require- will benefit other species of plants tors as determined appropriate. ments may be applied by any state and , including the Endangered possessing authority for the manage- The proposal also provides for ap- Lange's metal mark butterfly {Apo- Iment of some, but not all, federally propriate rewording of all existing reg- demia normo langei), that also reside listed species resident in the state to ulations pertaining to cooperative in the dunes. In its larval stage, enter into a cooperative agreement agreement eligibility and responsibili- Lange's metal mark feeds solely upon ties to bring the regulations into line with the Service and receive Federal wild buckwheat {Eriogonum latifolium with the amendment. States that al- grant-in-aid funds for its endangered auriculatum) growing on the dunes. A ready have broad authority and wish to species program. Critical Habitat determination for the conserve all federally listed resident butterfly is pending. For example, a state fish and wild- species may still do so and will remain The dunes formerly covered 500 life conservation agency may have eligible for cooperative agreements acres, extending for about 3 miles authority to protect only certain cate- now in force. parallel to the Sacramento-San Joa- gories of federally listed species, such To further improve program admin- quin Rivers and averaging one-quarter as vertebrates, rather than all listed istration, the Service also is proposing mile in width. Much of the dunes have resident species (which could include to allocate Federal grant-in-aid funds disappeared because of sand mining insects, mollusks, or other inverte- on a semiannual basis. This would re- and rototilling for fire control. Both the brates). Under the original law, the place the present system of allotting wallflower and evening primrose re- agency could not meet the require- funds only once a year. quire areas that have not been invaded ments of section 6, which specified Comments on this proposal from the by weedy exotic plants, and the prim- that state agencies must have author- public and Governors of all states are rose in particular can thrive only in ity to conserve all federally listed En- due by October 20, 1978. open sands. (continued on page 9) dangered or Threatened species.

As provided in the amendment, a state may now be considered eligible for cooperative agreements if it satis- fies paragraphs 3, 4, and 5 under the existing section 6(c), and if it also has plans to give immediate attention to federally listed species that the Serv- ice and state agency agree are "most urgently in need of conservation pro- grams. . . ." (Paragraphs 3, 4, and 5 I require the states to have authority to 'investigate the status of resident wild- life, acquire habitat, and provide for public participation in the listing of resident species if they have a listing Members ot a Corps of Engineers survey crew and the Service confer near the place function.) where Endangered Higgins' eye pearly mussels have been found. (See story on page 3.) Special Report Puerto Rico Department of Natural Resources Puerto Rico Expands ES Protection Program

A new ranger corps has been en- jurisdiction. The rangers are patrolling Puerto Rican plain pigeon (Columba( larged by Puerto Rico's Department of the beaches to protect nesting Endan- inornata wetmorei). Natural Resources to enforce strength- gered hawksbill (Eretmochelys inbri- In addition, hunting has been closed ened wildlife regulations and promote cata) and leatherback {Dermochelys for three species of waterfowl listed the protection of endangered species. coriacea) sea turtles from any human as endangered by Puerto Rico—the Created In 1977 with 80 rangers depredation of eggs and nesting fe- Bahama pintail (Anas bahamensis ba- sworn into service, the corps recently males. The rangers also are control- hamensis), the ruddy duck (Oxyura ja- was doubled In size by the assignment ling recreational usage of Mona Island maicensis), and the purple gallinule of 84 more rangers to the department's to protect the Threatened Mona ground [Porphyrula martinica). district offices. The corps was author- Iguana {Cyclura sfe/negen). The Iguana Federal Aid ized by the enactment in 1976 of a new nests in the lowlands, which have be- wildlife law by the Commonwealth's come prime areas for campsites and The department, established in 1973, legislature. vehicular traffic. has been employing Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration (Pittman-Robert- This law also provides for new hunt- Hunting Restrictions ing regulations that specifically protect son) funds for endangered wildlife endangered amphibians and reptiles— To reduce the Impact of hunting on planning, research, and management. species previously lacking protection federally listed Endangered species, Currently, it is progressing toward under Commonwealth law. the department has created a buffer compliance with the requirements for zone around the habitat of the Puerto a cooperative agreement with the Serv- Ranger Patrols RIcan parrot (Amazona vittata vitiate) ice to receive Federal grant-in-aid Part of the ranger force has been that Is closed to the shooting of matching funds for endangered spe- stationed on Mona and Culebra Is- pigeons and doves. All hunting has cies conservation. lands, which are under Commonwealth been prohibited in the habitat of the Endangered species "watchllsts" for both and plants have recently been completed with the assistance of U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Region 2, P.O. Box 1306, Albuquerque, other Commonwealth and private orga- Washington, D.C. 20240 NM 87103 (505-766-2321): W. O. Nel- son, Regional Director; Robert F. Ste- nizations. The lists are used by the de- Lynn A. Greenwalt, Director phen, Assistant Regional Director; partment In setting priorities for man- (202-343-4717) Jack B. Woody, Endangered Species agement and research. Keith M. Schreiner, Specialist. (continued on page 11) Associate Director and Endangered Region 3, Federal BIdg., Fort Snelling, Species Program Manager Twin Cities, MN 55111 (612-725-3500): (202-343-4646) Charles A. Hughlett, Acting Regional Harold J. O'Connor, Director; Delbert H. Rasmussen, As- Deputy Associate Director sistant Regional Director; James M. (202-343-4646) Engel, Endangered Species Specialist. Regional Briefs John Spinks, Chief, Region 4, P.O. Box 95067, Atlanta, GA Office of Endangered Species 30347 (404-881-4671): Kenneth E. Endangered Species Program re- (202-343-5687) Black, Regional Director; Harold W. gional staffs have reported the follow- Richard Parsons, Chief, Benson, Assistant Regional Director; ing recent activities in their areas: Federai Wiidiife Permit Office Alex B. Montgomery, Endangered (202-643-1496) Species Specialist. Region 2. The regional office reports Clark R. Bavin, Chief, Region 5, Suite 700, One Gateway Cen- that the status review of the Houston Division of Law Enforcement ter, Newton Corner, MA 02158 (617- toad in Harris County, Texas, has been (202-343-9242) 965-5100): Howard Larsen, Regional received. According to the study, no TECHNICAL BULLETIN STAFF Director; James Shaw, Assistant Re- speciViens were found, despite an In- gional Director; Paul Nickerson, En- Dona Finnley, Editor tensive search for both adult and dangered Species Specialist. Clare Senecal, Assistant Editor young toads. (202-343-5687) Region 6, P.O. Box 25486, Denver Fed- Region 3. A booklet entitled "Bald eral Center, Denver, CO 80225 (303- Eagle Production in the Great Lakes Regional Offices 234-2209): Harvey Willoughby, Re- States 1973-77" has been developed gional Director; Charles E. Lane, As- Region 1, Suite 1692, Lloyd 500 BIdg., by Carl Madsen. Copies may be ob- 500 N.E. Mulnomah St., Portland, OR sistant Regional Director; Don Rogers, tained by writing to the Twin Cities 97232 (503-231-6118): R. Kahler Mar- Endangered Species Specialist. regional office. tinson, Regional Director; Edward B. Alaska Area, 1101 E Tudor Rd., Anchor- Chamberlain, Assistant Regional Di- age, AK 99057 (907-265-4864): Gordon Region 4. Final arrangements have rector; David B. Marshall, Endangered W. Watson, Area Director; Dan Ben- been made to award contracts for sta- Species Specialist. field, Endangered Species Specialist. tus reports on 104 plant species within the region. These contracts have been U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Regions designed to include surveys of five Region 1: California, Hawaii, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, Washington, and Pacific Trust Territories. national wildlife refuges, as well as to Region 2: Arizona, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas. Region 3; Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minne- sota, Ohio, and Wisconsin. Region 4: Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, provide information for the manage- Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee. Region 5: Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, ment of any candidate species that Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire. New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Ver- mont; Virginia, and West Virginia. Region 6: Colorado. Iowa, Kansas. Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, may be present. North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, and Wyoming. Alaska Area: Alaska. Region 5. Contracts have been( The ENDANGERED SPECIES TECHNICAL BULLETIN is published monthly by the awarded for undertaking status reviews U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. 20240. of the endangered flora of Pennsyl- vania, West Virginia, and Delaware. Dredging Hazard

Corps/Service Cooperate To Protect Endangered Mussels

One evening in early August, Jim Jack Hemphill, former Twin Cities channel at Prairie du Chien, Wiscon- Engel found a message awaiting him regional director for the Service, con- sin. She charged the agency with vio- at home to call Sam Fuller at once, no siders the actions of the Corps' St. lating section 7. matter how late the hour. Engel, the Paul District since initiating consulta- Prior to the complaint, and even U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's Region tion in January 1977 as exemplary: "In prior to the final listing of the species, 3 endangered species specialist based view of the potential ramifications this the Corps had met with the Service, at Minneapolis-St. Paul, imagined particular consultation presented, and local government officials, and con- what the call was about before he the results accruing from the coopera- cerned citizens to notify them of its picked up the telephone. There had tive effort, I believe this consultation intent to dredge the channel and to been other urgent calls like this one should serve as a model of how sec- discuss possible impacts. The Great from Fuller—all concerning new finds tion 7 of the act should be adminis- River Environmental Action Team of endangered mussel specimens in tered." (GREAT), an interagency group of Fed- the upper Mississippi River system. A The Corps of Engineers has been eral and state representatives (see ac- malacologist with the Academy of Nat- dredging the upper Mississippi to companying story), consulted commer- ural Sciences of Philadelphia (ANSP), maintain a 9-foot navigational channel cial clammers to determine locations Fuller has been surveying portions of for over 50 years. Estimates put last of clam beds and, in July 1976, visited the river's navigational channel sched- year's river traffic in commercial cargo the sites. This resulted in a modifica- uled for dredging by the U.S. Army in the district at nearly 20 million tons, tion of the dredging design to reduce Corps of Engineers. Under a unique both up- and down-bound. During its the possibility of damage to known or contingency plan agreed to by the 220-day navigational season, the Corps suspected clam beds. Corps and the Service, Fuller has in- dredges an average of 6 percent of the Following its review of the proposed structions to call Engel and Corps offi- 284 river miles in its St. Paul District. operations, the Service determined cials as soon as endangered mussels Some 20 sites must be dredged either that reasonable precautions were be- are located, so that measures can be annually or every other year to clear a ing taken by the Corps to insure that taken to protect them from the path for the continuous flow of such endangered mussels would not be dredges. commodities as coal and grain, com- jeopardized. monly shipped by barge. On this occasion. Fuller informed Study Launched Engel that he had found five Endan- Source of Controversy gered Higgins' eye pearly mussels But the incident showed that knowl- {Lampsilis higginsi) in the St. Croix In 1976, a few months after the Hig- edge of the status and distribution of River near the Hudson (Wisconsin) gins' eye and fat pocketbook {Proptera the Higgins' eye was very limited, as railroad bridge (about 25 miles up- capax) pearly mussels were listed by was information on the abundance, stream from where the St. Croix joins the Service as Endangered (F.R. 6/14/ distribution, and ecological require- the Mississippi). The five specimens 76), a private citizen complained that ments of the other 48 mussel species had been taken from a pool not far the Corps' dredges had killed a Hig- and subspecies known in the upper from where Fuller's crew discovered gins' eye in the Mississippi River's east Mississippi. Accordingly, in keeping two other Higgins' eyes in 1977. (continued on next page) Under the contingency plan, dredg- ing scheduled for this site would be temporarily stayed to prevent the im- minent destruction of protected mus- sels while permitting an evaluation of the effects of dredging and the consid- eration of available alternatives. In EHect Since 1977 Essentially, the agreement is an in- terim approach to promoting Corps compliance with Section 7 of the En- dangered Species Act of 1973—a pro- vision that requires all Federal agen- cies to insure that their actions do not jeopardize Endangered or Threatened species or destroy or modify habitats considered to be critical to the species' continued existence. in effect since the culmination of the survey in June 1977, the contingency plan is representative of the Corps' comprehensive effort to study Endan-

I gered mussels of the upper Mississippi Photo by Joseph F. Havlik to insure that channel maintenance These Higgins' eye specimens—chipped from a dredge pipe in the Mississippi River's east will not have an adverse impact on any channel near Prairie du Chien —prompted Marian Havlik to charge the Corps of Engineers listed species or subspecies. with a Section 7 violation Mussels (continued from page 3) underscored by a threshold examina- at the time to determine Critical Habi- tion conducted in February 1977 by the tat for the species. with its section 7 responsibilities—and Service (following the initiation of for- • To make a biological judgment as as a key member of the GREAT seek- mal consultation by the Corps), whic"h to whether or not maintenance dredg- ing to restore the river's multiple wild- concluded that: ing would modify the Critical Habitat, it life and recreational resources—the • Maintenance dredging may jeop- would be necessary to determine the Corps decided to undertake a compre- ardize the continued existence of the location and extent of existing clam hensive study of freshwater mussel species and/or adversely modify the beds. Further, to determine whether ecology to determine the effects of habitat that may be determined critical maintenance dredging has jeopardized dredging and channel maintenance. to the species. the continued existence of a species, The need for the study was further • Sufficient information did not exist it would be necessary to understand the effects of siltation on mollusks. Great River Studies Striving Dredging Effects "Minor ' To Conserve Fish and Wildlife The independent 2-year study effort —designed with the assistance of the Preservation of endangered fresh- Illinois, Missouri, and Iowa. The five Service, the States of Wisconsin and water mussels is one of many con- Federal agency members are the Minnesota, and the ANSP—was started cerns of the Great River Environ- Fish and Wildlife Service, the Corps in mid-July 1977 by Fuller, a recog- mental Action Team (GREAT)—a of Engineers, the Department of nized authority on mussels, under a Federal/state interagency body that Agriculture's Soil Conservation contract with the Corps. Working is performing intensive studies of Service, the Environmental Protec- through mid-November, Fuller sur- the upper Mississippi River. tion Agency, and the U.S. Coast veyed 46 sites that had a history of GREAT was created in 1974 un- Guard. dredging or were scheduled for dredg- der the auspices of the Upper Mis- Congress has appropriated nearly ing, including 42 sites on the upper sissippi River Basin Commission to $10 million for a series of studies Mississippi, 3 on the Minnesota River, investigate environmental concerns by GREAT from fiscal year 1975 and 1 on the St. Croix River, with cur- arising out of the dredging and through fiscal year 1979. These sory examination of a dozen additional maintenance of the 9-foot naviga- studies have been broken down locations. tional channel by the U.S. Army geographically into three phases At each sampling site, observations Corps of Engineers from New and cover every aspect of the river were made on its physical and biologi- Orleans to Minneapolis-St. Paul. system's resources and manage- cal condition, on the nature of the Approximately 1 million cubic yards ment. GREAT I extends from Minne- mussel community, and on the possi- of sediment are removed from the apolis-St. Paul south to Guttenberg, ble effects of channel maintenance. river system annually and deposited Iowa; GREAT II stretches from Gut- After the first year of study. Investi- in shallow backwater areas, on tenberg to Saverton, Missouri; and gators tentatively concluded that chan- natural islands, or on spoil banks GREAT III covers the system from nel dredging and associated activities along the river. Saverton to the mouth of the Ohio "have only a minor impact on fresh- River at Cairo, Illinois. Numerous wing dams have been water mussels, including the legally constructed by the Corps at right The main stem of the Mississippi, protected species" and that with care- angles to the river to control water which drains 1.5 million square ful planning the impact could continue flow. There also has been a con- miles of land covering 31 states and to be minor. For example. Fuller noted siderable amount of construction two Canadian provinces, is the larg- that the two Higgins' eye specimens and dredging by private interests. est environmental "corridor" in the found in the St. Croix River during the These manmade changes have United States sustaining abundant study were only a few meters from greatly altered the character of the fish and wildlife resources. But where the navigational channel had river since 1924, when Congress GREAT studies are showing that the been dredged in 1970, yet both were proclaimed "navigation" as the biological productivity of the upper old enough to have been there prior river's primary purpose. That same Mississippi is being threatened in a to that time. year. Congress also established the number of ways. Confirmed adverse effects of dredg- Upper Mississippi River Wild Life Continuing sedimentation is filling ing on Lampsilis higginsi, the study and Fish Refuge, near Wabasha, lakes, marshes, and backwaters. reported, were found only at Prairie du Minnesota, but stipulated that oper- The disposal of dredged materials Chien, where 21 specimens had been ation of the 195,000-acre refuge was in some instances has resulted In lost in dredging operations, and on the not to interfere with the operation the conversion of productive fish Mississippi at Brownsville (Minnesota), of the 9-foot navigational channel. and wildlife habitat into relatively where one juvenile specimen had been Over the years, however, conser- sterile open sand areas. Some back- located. vation organizations, officials of waters created by the construction But the study cautioned that, unless states adjoining the river, biologists, of dams and the diking effect of care was exercised in the removal of and interested individuals have be- spoil banks formerly provided rich materials from the channel and In Its habitat for mammals, fish, and come increasingly concerned about deposition on spoil banks along the waterfowl. But now many of these the river's alteration. Their cam- river, mussels could be adversely af- same areas appear to be dying for paign to give equal attention to such fected. The potential impacts include lack of fresh water and for other other aspects as fish and wildlife, direct destruction of the animals by complex ecological reasons. recreation, wilderness areas, water the dredges' cutterheads and subse- quality, and flood plain manage- It is disturbing problems like quent transport through pipes to a new ment has led to the formation of these, along with the conservatTon location; the burial of mussels under GREAT. of fish and wildlife resources in the dredged deposits; and, increased tur-i The interagency team is made up river's mainstream, that the GREAT bidity and pollution through the resus-' of appointed representatives from studies are striving to correct be- pension of heavy metals and other the States of Wisconsin, Minnesota, fore it is too late. (continued on next page) Photo by Dona Finnley

Mussels (continued from page 4) This sampling of freshwater mussels was pulled from the St. Croix River by Samuel Fuller just below the Hudson (Wisconsin) railroad bridge (in back- toxic materials when the river bottom ground), where he previously found six Endangered Higgins' eye pearly is disturbed. mussels. The mussels are clinging to a device known as a brail, which Ful- Turbidity reduces light penetration, ler's crew has used extensively in its survey of dredging sites along the upper decreasing the productivity of micro- Mississippi River navigational channel for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. organisms upon which mussels feed, according to Fuller. Associated sus- The brail consists of a 10-foot wooden bar equipped with a number of 10- pension of fine particles also may in- inch chains from which are suspended bunches of hooks. The hooks are terfere with the animals' feeding and straight wire tines of different gauges (to accommodate various sizes of mus- respiration by clogging their gills. sels) tipped with balls of solder. The bar is designed to float above the river- (Under agreement with the Minne- bed while towed from a small boat, allowing the hooks to graze the bottom. sota Pollution Control Agency, the As a hook passes between the open valves of a mussel, the clamps Corps is now studying the effects of shut on it and is pulled along by the motion of the brail and boat. turbidity, in terms of duration and ex- In Fuller's brailing runs, the device is towed downstream for five minutes, tent of dissipation, and is attempting then lifted into the boat so that specimens can be removed. Several 5-minute to determine the degree and nature of runs covering about 500 feet are made at each survey site, generally about chemical pollutants resuspended dur- 50 feet from the shoreline. ing dredging.) I\4ussels also are retrieved in the survey by pollywogging—wading offshore Project investigators also noted that and collecting by hand; by scooping them up in a wire mesh box called a backwater areas created by spoil de- Needham scraper (useful for finding juveniles too small to be caught by Iposits since 1924, when Congress au- brailing); and by hard-hat HOOKAH diving. The latter technique permits the thorized maintenance of the naviga- visual examination of suspected endangered mussel beds without disturbing tional channel, serve as prime nursery them.

(continued on next page) In abundance in the upper Mississippi Parasitic Phase River over the past 75 years. (An ex- ception is the mapleleaf—Quadrula An associated problem is the availa- quadrula—which has apparently man- bility of the proper fish species to aged to flourish by exploiting the im- serve as glochidial hosts. Many spe- pounded backwater areas.) There was cies of freshwater mussels reproduce no evidence of mussels In the lower by the male shedding his sperm into Minnesota River, where they were the current; the sperm is then picked abundant in the late 19th century. up downstream by the female whose Fuller attributes the sharp drop in eggs become fertilized as they are ex- numbers of several species, including truded from the oviducts. The fertilized the Higgins' eye, partly to excessive eggs are held in the gills, where they commercial exploitation by the pearl develop into larval forms known as button industry, which used mussel glochidia. shells to make buttons around 1900. In some genera, the glochidia de- Probably all mussels have been af- velop into juveniles while still in the fected by water quality degradation mussel's gills. But in others, such as from municipal and industrial wastes, Lampsilis, the glochidia attach them- pesticide runoff, and increased silta- selves to the gills and body of a pass- tion. Dredging and disposal of riverbed ing fish. The larval bivalve then soon material by private companies was becomes covered by fish tissue, which listed as another adverse factor. forms a cyst or capsule. After its meta- morphosis in this parasitic stage, a Specimen Findings juvenile mussel then drops from the

Photo by Dona Finnley Fuller's crew of 16 surveyors col- fish to the stream bottom, where it grows to adulthood. Daniel J. Bereza, assisting Sam Fuller in lected more than 8,500 living mussels the survey project, holds two specimens during 1977, providing a cross-sec- Fuller believes further research is believed to be Higgins' eyes tional sampling of the river's fresh- needed into the glochidiosis process water mussel fauna. From their scar- as no larval hosts have been identified city, Fuller concluded that an "unfor- for three of the rare mussels. Mussels (continued from page 5) tunate number" of mussel species Biological Opinion Due and breeding grounds for several mus- were in decline and probably facing sel species and their host fishes, and extinction—among them the buckhorn Additional information gathered dur- may need special protection. (Tritogonia verrucosa), bullhead {Pleth- ing this year's survey effort will be obasus cyphyus), and elephant ear available in the form of a second re- Restrictive state laws now preclude {Elliptio crassideris). port around the first of the year. These the open water dumping of dredge and related data will then be employed spoils along the upper Mississippi. Dis- No trace was found of the Endan- by the Service in preparing its biologi- posal is now generally made in con- gered fat pocketbook. The study safd cal opinion on the overall impacts of sultation with states and other con- this species "may linger in the back- the Corps' channel maintenance oper- cerned agencies and organizations. Al- waters, but its presence in the Upper ations, which the Service expects to though so-called spoil islands are the Mississippi River in 1977 was in ques- issue by early spring. primary dump sites, spoil Is often used tion." Similarly, no specimens were as landfill, for sanding icy roads, or as located of the rare narrow papershell blacktopping. {Leptodea leptodon)—a\so called the scale pearly mussel— and salamander Siltation Study mussel (Simpsoniconcha ambigua). Another study—performed in 1977 The status of the narrow papershell is by the Service under contract with the under review for possible listing under Corps—indicates mussels are capable the Endangered Species Act. of surviving burial under dredged silt Another rare species, the spectacle to some degree.* Researchers demon- case mussel (Cunriberlandia mono- strated this by burying fat mucket data), was discovered at two sites. (Lampsilis radiata luteola) and pocket- This species apparently can live in book (L. ventricosa) clams in sediment wing dams that have been built at right from 2 to 10 inches in depth. They angles to the shore to control the flow found that 7 inches or more of sand or of the river. silt was required to prevent the emer- Exotic Intruder gence of the two species, while 4 inches of silt was sufficient to kill 50 The study discovered the presence percent of the smaller pigtoe {Fus- of an exotic species—the Asiatic clam conaia flava) clams. {Corbicula manilensis)—in . the St. Croix River. The species is known to Declining Populations dislodge mussels from the streambed, The Fuller study reveals that all spe- uprooting them to their eventual death. cies of mussels have suffered a decline Fuller said if the Asiatic clam becomes established in the beds where the Hig- * Leif L. Marking and Terry D. Bills, gins' eyes are located and elsewhere, Photo by Dona Finnley "Acute Effects of Silt and Sand Sedimenta- it could pose as big a threat to the Samuel L. H. Fuller, the malacologist tion on Freshwater Mussels," FWS Fish mussel population as any of the other selected by the Corps to lead its survey Control Laboratory at La Crosse, Wis., 1977. adverse factors. eflort, examines a pigtoe mussel Rulemaking Actions—August 1978 Whooping Crane To help provide additional Federal protection for the Endangered whoop- ing crane (Grus americana) during its spring and fall nfiigrations, the Service has proposed designating eight stop- over areas along the flyway as Critical Habitat for the species (F.R. 8/17/78). If finally approved, these areas would be added to the five that were designated as Critical Habitat for the primary flock on May 15, 1978 (see June 1978 BULLETIN), with all thirteen areas in the central flyway providing protected overnight roosting sites and feeding stations for the whooper popu- lation of about 70 birds on its long flight between Wood Buffalo National Park, in Canada's Northwest Terri- tories, and Aransas National Wildlife Refuge, on the gulf coast in Texas. Proposed Areas The eight areas proposed as addi- tional Critical Habitat are as follows: 1. Kirwin National Wildlife Refuge, in Phillips County, north-central Kan- sas. Centered on the Kirwin Reservoir on the north fork of the Solomon River, the refuge provides the crane with ex- tensive flats and freshwater marshes. 2. Medicine Lake National Wildlife Refuge, in Roosevelt and Sheridan Counties, northeastern Montana. The refuge includes a manmade impound- ment, plus sinks and potholes, that to- Igether provide an extensive and rela- tively isolated wetland environment for the migrating cranes. 3. An area along the Niobrara River, in Brown, Keya Paha, and Rock Coun- ties, north-central Nebraska, to include extensive sand bars, shallow waters, Eight additional stopover areas are proposed as Critical Habitat for the whooping crane to and adjacent marshes. protect the primary flock's feeding and roosting sites along the central flyway 4. An area in Burke, Divide, Mount- rail, Renville, Ward, and Williams North Dakota portion of the reservoir, and western North Dakota, in that Counties, northwestern North Dakota. which is an impoundment behind Oahe these areas constitute the last stop- This relatively isolated wetland and Dam on the Missouri River. With its over for the cranes on their spring prairie environment includes potholes, potential for extensive stretches of migration northwards to nest in Wood sinks, ponds, and streams. shallow water and numerous gravel Buffalo National Park. As the Service 5 Lake Sakakawea in Dunn, Mc- islands, the area provides the migrating points out, "If the cranes were to be Kenzie, McLean, Mountrail, Ward, and cranes with many roosting and feeding deprived of their feeding grounds in Williams Counties, northwestern North sites, particularly during periods of North Dakota [and adjacent southern Dakota. This lake area includes Lake drought. Canada] and were to arrive at the park Sakakawea (the reservoir behind Gar- 8. Oahe Reservoir area, in Campbell, during one of the common spring snow rison Dam on the Missouri River), the Corson, Dewey, Haakon, Hughes, Pot- storms, they might die of malnutrition dam itself, and Audubon National Wild- ter, Stanley, Sully, Walworth, and Zie- or reabsorb their egg material for life Refuge; it provides a relatively iso- bach Counties, north-central South nourishment, thereby reducing the lated environment with extensive shal- Dakota. This area, which includes likelihood of reproductive success." lows and gravel islands. Oahe Dam and the Pocasse National Inclusion of Dams 6. Lake Mo National Wildlife Refuge, Wildlife Refuge, constitutes the South in Dunn County, western North Dakota. Dakota portion of the Oahe Reservoir Manmade structures are customarily Prairie potholes, sinks, and streams area. excluded from Critical Habitats. This characterize this small stopover area proposal is unusual, therefore, in that Critical Habitat in North Dakota to the south of Lake Sakakawea. it specifically includes two such struc- 7. Oahe Reservoir area, in Burleigh, In issuing its recommendations for tures—Garrison Dam and Oahe Dam. |Emmons, Morton, and Sioux Counties, Critical Habitat, the Service empha- Their inclusion is based on the knowl- 'south-central North Dakota. This ex- sizes the importance of including the edge that their existence has led to the tensive area includes the waters of the three proposed areas in northwestern formation of reservoirs that, in some (continued on next page) Rulemakings (continued) in trouble because of livestock over- grazing, which has reduced forage Three Texas Fishes Whooping Crane (continued from page 7) available to the tortoise, and because To help provide Federal protection of habitat destruction resulting from for three species of fish found only in years, help provide habitats suitable agricultural and off-road vehicle (ORV) southwestern Texas, the Service has for the whooping crane's stopovers. use. In addition, some populations are proposed Endangered status for the (These reservoirs become particular- reportedly being harmed by over- Leon Springs pupfish {Cyprinodon bo- ly important in drought years, w/hen collection and by maiming and killing, vinus) and Goodenough gambusia most natural wetlands in the area be- especially along highways. {Gambusia amistadensis) and Threat- come dry. Then the lowered reservoirs In the case of the Beaver Dam Slope ened status for the Devil's River min- provide a reserve of bars and shallow population, the Service said the pri- now {Dionda diaboli), as well as Criti- islands that can be used by the cranes mary adverse factor was overgrazing cal Habitat for the pupfish and minnow and other waterbirds.) by cattle, which had reduced perennial (F.R. 8/15/78). The Service notes that, if finally ap- grasses and destroyed vegetation, es- All three species have declined in proved, the proposed rulemaking will pecially the creosote bush, around recent years as a result of adverse not interfere with the routine opera- which tortoises construct their bur- habitat modification. In fact, the gam- tions of the two dams. rows. Cattle also may cave in burrows, busia's original habitat has been totally harming young tortoises. Comments Due destroyed by a reservoir development The proposed rulemaking is based and the fish survives only in capitivity. In issuing the rulemaking, the Serv- upon a petition submitted by the Leon Springs Pupfish ice set a November 15 deadline for the Desert Tortoise Council in August Governors of Kansas, Montana, Ne- 1977, plus a review of the scientific Formerly, the pupfish was known to braska, North Dakota, and South Da- literature and reports from the Bureau occur in Leon Springs, Diamond Y kota to submit comments on the pro- of Land Management. The Service has Spring, and the latter spring's outflow posal and an October 15 deadline for noted that, if the estimated 5.5 percent stream, Leon Creek. All three bodies of water are located in Pecos County, the public. Subsequently, the Service annual rate of decline were to continue north and west of Fort Stockton. extended the due date for public com- for 40 years, only 40 tortoises would ments to November 15. be left of the fewer than 350 presently Excessive removal of ground water remaining. Most of the population con- in the area greatly reduced stream sists of adults, many of them quite old, flows. Leon Springs dried up in 1962, More Protection thereby extirpating the pupfish popu- including some that were marked in a lation, and subsequently, the upper Sought by Service study conducted from 1936 to 1946. portion of Leon Creek dried up. At For Desert Tortoise The proposed Critical Habitat lies in present, reduced stream flows also Washington County, which borders the Rapidly mounting evidence that the threaten the remaining pupfish popu- Nevada and Arizona state lines. desert tortoise {Gopherus agassizii) is lations in the lower portion of the creek declining throughout much of its range and in Diamond Y Spring. in the Southwestern United States has In 1974, an additional threat to thei prompted the Service to take two ac- species was discovered: hybridization tions to further conservation of the with an introduced pupfish, C. variega- species: tus, in the lower part of the creek. In • The Beaver Dam Slope tortoise March 1978, hybrids were also found population in southwestern Utah, in Diamond Y Spring. Efforts are now which has fallen from 2,000 to fewer being made to eliminate both the hy- than 350 individuals, has been pro- brid and introduced pupfishes. In addi- posed for Endangered status (F.R. tion, pure Leon Springs pupfishes are 8/23/78). The proposed rulemaking being held at Dexter National Fish also defines a 38-square-mile area as Hatchery. Critical Habitat for this population. Diamond Y Spring and Leon Creek, • A status review has been initiated which provide sufficient space, food, Photo by 0. Kenneth Dodd, Jr. for the desert tortoise throughout its and cover to sustain a viable Leon known range in California, Nevada, Desert tortoise on Beaver Dam Slope Springs pupfish population, have been Utah, Arizona, and adjacent areas of proposed as Critical Habitat for the Utah Objection Mexico, including the state of Sonora, species. to determine whether the species Donald A. Smith, former director of Goodenough Gambusia should be proposed for listing as an the Utah Division of Wildlife Re- Endangered or Threatened species sources, has indicated the State would The original habitat of the Good- (F.R. 8/23/78.) object to listing the Beaver Dam Slope enough gambusia consisted solely of Comments from the public on the population at the present time. He has Goodenough Spring, located near the proposal to list the Beaver Dam Slope expressed concern that listing would Rio Grande in Val Verde County. Com- population should be submitted to the be used to eliminate or drastically re- pletion of the Amistad Dam on the Rio Service no later than October 23, 1978. duce grazing and provide legal argu- Grande in the late 1960's eventually The Governor of Utah has until Novem- ments against grazing adjustments. resulted in the flooding of the Good- ber 22, 1978, to make his views known enough Spring area. When the reser- State Protection to the Service. voir reached full pool level, the spring was under more than 70 feet of silt- Comments are being solicited from In launching the status review of the laden water and no evidence could be the governors of the four States in- entire species, the Service noted that found of the gambusia population. volved in the tortoise status review and all the States in which it is found pres- other interested parties. They are due ently protect the reptile. The Service At present, the only known popula-i by November 22, 1978. said it recognized these efforts but tions of the Goodenough gambusia are' nonetheless feels that a comprehen- those being maintained at the Uni- Habitat Destruction sive review of the species' status versity of Texas and Dexter National The tortoise generally appears to be throughout its range is warranted. Fish Hatchery. (continued on next page) Rulemakings (continued) Bureau of Reclamation's proposed de- Calif. Plants (continued from page 1) Fishes (continued from page 8) salinization project at La Verkin Springs could adversely affect the The Service said that any further loss The Service hopes that eventually it chub's habitat. of habitat would appreciably decrease w/ill be possible to reestablish the spe- "Any additional loss of flow or alter- the likelihood of the survival and re- cies in the wild. ation of habitat in the Virgin River may covery of these two endemic plants. Devil's River Minnow result in the extinction of this spe- A total of six comments were re- cies," the Service said. ceived on the proposal following pub- The former range of the Devil's River Critical Habitat for the species lication in the Federal Register on minnow consisted of several streams would include the river's main channel February 8, 1977. All of those respond- and springs located near the Rio from La Verkin Springs to the Lake ents who commented on the biological Grande in Val Verde County. In recent Mead backwaters. aspects of the proposal favored Critical years, however, that range has been Comments on the proposal should Habitat determination. greatly reduced by habitat alteration. be submitted to the Service no later The filling of Amistad Reservoir than November 22, 1978. flooded the lower portion of the Devil's River, destroying the local Devil's River New Mexican minnow population. Ground water re- moval led to extirpation of the popula- Ridge-Nosed Rattlesnake tion in the river's headwaters, and also In a final rulemaking issued by the reduced Pecan Springs—which had Service, the New Mexican ridge-nosed originally consisted of at least six rattlesnake {Crotalus willardi obscurus) springs—to one flowing spring. has been listed as Threatened and its At present, reduced stream and known range in southwestern New spring flows resulting from ground Mexico has been designated as Criti- water removal pose a threat to the sur- cal Habitat (F.R. 8/4/78). vival of the remaining populations in The ruling, effective August 21, em- the Devil's River and in Pecan Springs phasizes that Federal protection is and its outflow stream. In addition, ur- needed to help reduce illegal collec- banization threatens the populations in tion of this rare subspecies. Critical San Felipe Creek, San Filipe Springs, Habitat for the snake is identified as and several short spring runs, all of "an area between 6,200 feet and 8,532 which lie in or near the city of Del Rio. feet in Bear, Indian, and Spring Can- All of these areas have been pro- yons, Animas Mountains." posed by the Service as Critical (continued on next page) Habitat for the species. Comments Due The Contra Costa wallflower {right) and The public's comments on this pro- Antioch Dunes evening primrose (below) I posed rulemaking should be submitted survive only on California's Antioch Dunes, no later than October 13, 1978; com- now protected as Critical Habitat ments from the Governor of Texas are Photos by Norden H. Cheatham due by November 12, 1978. Virgin River Chub Under a proposed rulemaking issued by the Service, the Virgin River chub (Gila robusta seminuda) would be list- ed as Endangered and portions of the river flowing through Utah, Arizona, and Nevada would be identified as Critical Habitat (F.R. 8/23/78). The chub is endemic to a 125-mile- long section of the Virgin River extend- ing from below La Verkin Springs, Utah, downstream to the backwaters of Lake Mead, Nevada. However, more than 50 percent of this section of the river flows intermittently (the result of water diversion for agriculture), and water quality in several portions may not be suitable to sustain the fish. These factors, plus flooding from Lake Mead, have reduced populations of the chub—once the top carnivore in the river's ecosystem—as has increased predation by such introduced exotic species as the green sunfish, large- mouth bass, and red shiner. The Service said the chub's habitat 'is being further threatened by reduced flows of the river from the proposed Warner Valley project. In addition, the Rulemakings (continued)

Snake (continued from page 9) Ten North American (The subspecies' only other known location is an area in the Sierra de San Luis, in the adjoining Mexican state of Chihuahua.) The final rulemaking differs fronn the proposed rulemaking in that it provides ifor Threatened rather than Endangered status and includes a more precise definition of Critical Habitat. These changes were made principal- ly on the basis of comments and other information received by the Service from the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish and 11 other respond- ents following publication of the pro- posal in the Federal Register on May 26, 1977 (see June 1977 BULLETIN). Comments on Proposal The State game and fish department, which recommended Threatened sta- tus, noted that the snake is already listed as endangered by the State and that it may be somewhat more wide- spread than indicated in the original proposal; the department suggested addition of a third canyon to the Serv- ice's proposed delineation of Critical Habitat and indicated that a fourth one may also have a subspecies popula- Andrew's dune scarab Photo by A. Hardy tion. In addition, the department took note of the conservation efforts of a The Service has proposed the listing Angeles and Kern Counties to one site local cattle company that owns much of two North American beetles as En- near Lancaster, in Los Angeles County. of the area proposed as Critical dangered and eight as Threatened, and Recommended for designation as Criti- Habitat. the determination of Critical Habitat cal Habitat, this small area contains! The company itself opposed the for all ten species and subspecies Chrysathamnus nauseosus gnapha- Service's proposal, claiming that exist- (F.R. 8/10/78). lodes and C. n. mojavensis, which ing State laws and the company's Native to three Western States and serve as essential host plants for the private efforts (including controlling adjoining portions of Canada and beetle. access to the canyons and limiting Mexico, the beetles have been pro- Proposed as Threatened devTeiopment within the area) already posed for protection under the En- provide the rattlesnake with adequate dangered Species Act of 1973 because The following eight beetles have protection. their population levels have been de- been proposed for Threatened listing: Herbert S. Harris (Natural History clining and their habitats were and/or Sacramento anthlcid beetle {Anthi- Society of Maryland), who had previ- are undergoing adverse modification. cus Sacramento). This species is found ously written a major study of the l»roposed as Endangered only at two sand dune sites along the snake, recommended refining the pro- Sacramento River in central California. posal's generalized identification of The following two beetles have been One site, on Grand Island (Sacramento Critical Habitat, which had been given proposed for Endangered listing: County), currently serves as a garbage simply as all elevations in the Animas Beller's ground beetle {Agonum bel- dump; the other site, near Rio Vista Mountains above 6,200 feet. leri). The known range of this beetle is (Solano County), is subject to heavy In issuing its final ruling, the Service limited to a few lowland sphagnum off-road vehicle traffic. These uses are concluded that the subspecies should (peat) bogs in the State of Washington adversely modifying the beetle's nat- not be listed as Endangered, because and in British Columbia. In Washing- ural habitat. Both sites have been iden- "the plight of this unique rattlesnake ton, the beetle was formerly found in tified as essential to the survival of the has been recognized by the State and Chase Lake Bog (Snohomish County) species. the landowners have made a vigorous and Kings Lake Bog (King County). Globose dune beetle (Coelus glo- attempt to discourage collectors and However, habitat alteration resulting bosus). Formerly, this beetle was com- associated habitat destruction." Never- from peat mining and housing develop- mon in low beach foredunes along the theless, It warrants Threatened status ment has eliminated the Chase Lake Pacific coast from central to southern in that "the high price commanded by Bog population. Kings Lake Bog—now California, as well as in Baja Cali- the . . . [snake] still makes It a very the only known locality in the United fornia, Mexico. At present, though, the desirable animal, and attempts to se- States for this beetle—has been pro- localities of occurrence are relatively cure specimens can probably be ex- posed as Critical Habitat. few and the species' numbers are pected in spite of strict control." Mojave rabbitbrush limited. ^^ In addition, the Service adopted the {Crossidius mojavensis mojavensis). The principal cause of this decline^A Critical Habitat modification suggested Habitat alteration has reduced the is destruction of the natural foredune^^ by both Herbert Harris and the State range of this beetle, in southern Cali- vegetation resulting from recreational game and fish department. fornia, from five locations in Los development, human traffic on the (continued on next page) 10 Beetles (continued from page 10) dunes, and the introduction of Euro- beetle's natural habitat. In addition, the Andrew's dune scarab beetle {Pseu- pean dune grass (which is incompati- clearing of underbrush (including docotalpa andrewsi). This beetle is ble with the beetle's needs). elderberry bushes) and the planting of found only in the Glamis Dunes, or As proposed by the Service, Critical lawns in some State and county parks Imperial Sand Hills, located in Imperial Habitat for the globose dune beetle have further reduced the 's County in southeastern California. It consists of eight coastal sites in Men- range. has a specialized habitat, consisting of docino, Sonoma, Marin, San Mateo, The beetle is now limited to fewer troughs of loose, drifting sand set be- Monterey, Ventura, and San Diego than ten localities, and two of these— tween the dunes. In its immature Counties. Goethe Park, along the American River stages, the beetle feeds on dead or- San Joaquin dune beetle {Coelus in Sacramento County, and an area ganic matter in the troughs. Off-road gracilis). The known range of this spe- along Putah Creek, in Solano County- vehicles traversing the troughs pre- cies now consists of only four sites, have been proposed as Critical vent the accumulation of such or- all located along the western edge of Habitat. ganic matter and thereby threaten the the San Joaquin Valley in central Cali- Delta green ground beetle {Elaphrus survival of the beetle. The Service has forna. (The population at a fifth site, viridis). Rediscovered in 1974, almost proposed the Gamis Dunes as Critical in the Antioch Dunes in Contra Costa a century after it was first collected, Habitat for the species. County, has already been extirpated the delta green ground beetle is limited Giuliani's dune scarab beetle (Pseu- as a result of habitat alteration.) to the edges of two vernal pools in docotalpa giulianii). The only known Two of the remaining sites, in Fresno Solano County in central California. population of this beetle lives on Big and San Benito Counties, are very These pool areas, which could be Dune, which is located in Nye County vulnerable to habitat damage in that destroyed by agricultural activities or in southern Nevada. The beetle's larval each of them is .only a few hundred drainage projects, have been proposed stage feeds on dead organic matter square meters in area. The other two as Critical Habitat for the species. that accumulates on the dune slopes. sites, in Fresno and Kings Counties, Robinson's rain scarab beetle {Pho- However, this matter tends to be either are already being subjected to habitat betus robinsoni). This species' known compacted or dispersed by the pass- alteration as a result of off-road motor- range consists of no more than three age of off-road vehicles. Big Dune has cycle usage. localities in San Diego and Orange been proposed as Critical Habitat for The Service has recommended des- Counties, in southern California. It is the species. ignating all four sites as Critical Habi- believed that recreational and housing Comments Due tat for the San Joaquin dune beetle. development may have already ex- California elderberry longhorn beetle tirpated the beetle population at Comments from the public on this (Desmocerus californieus dimorphus). O'Neill Park, in Orange County. Hous- proposal should reach the Service by This beetle formerly occurred in elder- ing development also threatens the October 8, 1978; comments from the berry thickets in oak woodlands along population near Laguna Beach, in Governors of California, Nevada, and the Sacramento and San Joaquin riv- Orange County (the area proposed for Washington should be submitted by ers and their tributaries in central Cali- Critical Habitat designation). Only the November 7, 1978. fornia. However, agricultural activities, Scissor's Crossing (San Diego County) levee construction, and stream chan- population remains unthreatened at Puerto Rico (continued from page 2) nelization have destroyed much of the pre.sent. Research Projects Puerto Rico is engaged in a cooper- ative project with the Fish and Wildlife Service and U.S. Forest Service to monitor the population of the Puerto Rican plain pigeon, using a simultane- ous station census method. The study indicates that less than 100 of the pigeons remain. (A Service-appointed recovery team recently completed its draft recovery plan for this Endangered species.) In other research projects, the de- partment has determined that only a small remnant population remains of- the white-crowned pigeon (Columba elucocephala), which has been listed as endangered by the Commonwealth. The bird's decline is attributed to habi- » tat loss and overhunting. As a manage- ment measure, the department has postponed the pigeon and dove hunt- ing season to protect late nesting by S- "/r •' the white-crowned pigeon.

* A preliminary survey of the manatee • f • f {Trichechus manatus) indicates that a small breeding population ranges through the coastal waters of south- V eastern Puerto Rico and Viegues Is- land (which is under Commonwealth jurisdiction). A proposed distribution and abundance study is awaiting fund- Photo by Fred G. Andrews Giuliani's dune scarab beetle ing by the Service.

GPO 261-620 11 Pending Rulemakings The Service expects to issue rule- makings and notices of review on the BOX SCORE OF SPECIES LISTINGS subjects listed below during the next 90 days. The status or action being Number of Number of considered for each final and proposed Category Endangered Species Threatened Species rulemaking is given in parentheses. U.S. Foreign Total U.S. Foreign Total The decision on each final rulemak- ing will depend upon completion of the Mammals 33 227 260 3 18 21 analysis of comments received and/or Birds 67 144 211 3 3 Reptiles 11 47 58 10 new data made available, with the un- 10 Amphibians 5 9 14 2 2 derstanding that such analysis may Fishes 29 10 39 12 12 result in modification of the content or Snails 2 1 3 5 5 timing of the original proposal, or the Clams 23 2 25 rendering of a negative decision. Crustaceans 1 1 Insects 6 6 2 2 Pending Final Rulemakings Plants 15 15 2 2 Total 192 440 632 39 18 57 • 6 butterflies (C.H.) • Grizzly bear (C.H.) Number of species currently proposed: 156 animals • 13 crustaceans (E, T) 1,850 plants (approx.) • Black toad (T, C.H.) Number of Critical Habitats proposed: 72 • 2 zebras (T) Number of Critical Habitats listed: 32 • 12 Western snails (T) Number of Recovery Teams appointed: 64 • 2 big-eared bats (E) Number of Recovery Plans approved: 18 • 3 Ash Meadows plants (E) Number of Cooperative Agreements signed with States: 22 • 5 plants (E) August 31, 1978 • 6 San Francisco Bay Area plants (E, T) • Leatherback sea turtle (C.H.) • 2 North Carolina plants (E, T) • Coachella Valley fringe-toed lizard • 2 cacti In Colorado and Utah (E) (T, C.H.) • Dinosaur milk-vetch In Utah (E) • 7 Oregon freshwater fishes (E, T, C.H.) Northern States Bald Eagle • 2 Hawaiian cave (E, T, C.H.) • Valdlna Farms salamander and Isopod Recovery Team Appointed • Prairie milkweed (E) (E, C.H.) • Carter panlcgrass (E) • Light-footed clapper rail and California James Grier of North Dakota • Large-fruited bladderpod (E) least tern (C.H.) State University has been named Pending Proposed Rulemakings • Yellow-shouldered blackbird (C.H.) leader of the Northern States Bald • Virginia fishes (T, C.H.) Eagle Recovery Team. • 2 harvestmen (E, T) • Leopard (reclassification to T) Other members of the team ap- • 3 mussels (C.H.) • 4 Yaqui River fishes (E, C.H.) pointed in August include Francis J. • Rocky Mountain peregrine falcon popu- • Southeastern fishes (E, T, C.H.) lation (C.H.) Gramlich of Augusta (Maine), Jim • Green sea turtle (C.H.) Mattsson of Bemidji (Minnesota), • Colorado squawflsh (C.H.) • Gray bat (C.H.) and James Elder of Twin Cities • Unarmored threesplned stickleback • Columbian white-tailed deer (C.H.) and Sonoran pronghorn (C.H.) (Minnesota), all U.S. Fish and Wild- • Puerto Rlcan whip-poor-will (C.H.) • Warner sucker, Oregon (E, C.H.) life Service officials; John Mathisen • Laysan duck (C.H.) • 4 fishes in Kansas, Missouri, and Ar- of the U.S. Forest Service (Cass • Whip-scorpion (E, C.H.) kansas (T, C.H.) Lake, Minnesota); and Joel Kuss- • 2 plants (E) and 6 plants (C.H.) • Hawaiian tree snails (E, C.H.) man of the National Park Service • 20 Appendix I spp. Abbreviations: E=Endangered (Denver, Colorado). • Cui-ul (C.H.) T=Threatened • Bolson tortoise (E) C.H.^Critical Habitat

ENDANGERED SPECIES TECHNICAL BULLETIN POSTAGE AND FEES PAID U S DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Department of ttie Interior • U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service • Endangered Species Program. Wastiington, D.C. 20240 Int 423 September 1978, Vol. Ill, No. 9