resenting PNews for PA Presenters • Volume 14, Issue 2 Connecting the Arts and the Environment In this issue: Alloy’s Stirrings Premieres at • Membership News Frostburg State University • Conference Spotlight •PennPAT Update fter more than a year and The artists were faced with ques- a half of research, creative tions of how a and the artists visit the swamps to A residencies and scientiÞc music might emerge from Hurd's understand the wetland environ- exploration, Frostburg text, which was itself partly ment for themselves. Professor State University presented the inspired by western Maryland's Kevin Dodge of Garrett College's premiere of Stirrings by Pitts- Finzel Swamp and Cranesville Natural Resources/Wildlife burgh's Dance Alloy in April 2003. Bog. Does one employ a literal Technology program, and Dr. Commissioned by FSU and and visual depiction of the swamp Katia Engelhardt of the Universi- supported by a grant from Penn- that spatially and texturally com- ty of Maryland Center for sylvania Performing Arts on Tour municates the imagery found in Environmental Science - (PennPAT), Stirrings is a bold col- the text? Is it preferable to com- Appalachian Lab, guided the laboration linking artists from the municate a "feeling" rather than artists in their swampy research. diverse Þelds of creative writing, strict interpretation of text through dance, music, and the environ- movement? It was essential that Continued on page 3 ment.

The project draws inspiration from the book "Stirring the Mud: On Swamps, Bogs, and Human Imagination," a critically acclaimed collection of essays written by FSU professor and NEA Literature Fellowship recipi- ent, Dr. Barbara Hurd. To trans- late the beauty of Hurd's book to movement, FSU commissioned Dance Alloy and Alloy artistic director, Mark Taylor. Joining Hurd and Taylor on the artistic team were New York electronic composer Alice Shields, FSU the- atrical designers Richard Kagey and Conrad Maust, and lighting designer Barbara Thompson of Dance Alloy’s Gillian Beauchamp in "Stirrings" at Frostburg State University Dance Alloy. Photo by Sarah Higgins Membership News Presenting is a quarterly publication of PA Presenters. Contributions are welcome, contact the editor for submission guidelines. Regional Initiative PA Presenters is supported in part by a grant from the Council on the Arts, a by Hank Knerr, Director of Cultural Events Indiana University of PA state agency which is supported by the In a continuing effort to keep in touch updated everyone on upcoming National Endowment for the Arts. with our members, your board of activities including our spring confer- OFFICERS directors set out a plan to meet with ence, and encouraged feedback on President: Hank Knerr Director of Public as many members as possible. We ideas and suggestions. Events, Indiana University of Pennsylvania/The were able to schedule four regional Lively Arts, [email protected] meetings throughout the state in In Harrisburg, we had the added Vice President: Fran Egler Director of March and April. With the dedicated bonus of having our friends from the Programming, Cultural Trust, help from all our board members in Pennsylvania Council on the Arts, [email protected] getting out the word, we had the Philip Horn and Jim Woland, join us. Treasurer: Stephen Goff, ex-officio Retired, exciting opportunity to talk directly Both gave updates on PCA activities, Executive Director, Annenburg Center, Univer- with over 50 new and veteran mem- renewing their ongoing and commit- sity of Pennsylvania, [email protected] bers. ted support of PA Presenters and all Secretary: Doris Mack Interim Operations its members. Philip additionally Manager Weis Center for the Performing Arts, PA Presenters’ administrator, Cathy reported on international initiatives Bucknell University, [email protected] Little, and I were hosted by Larry and the strong support from the Gov- Stock at Butler County Community ernor’s ofÞce, evidenced by level BOARD OF DIRECTORS College, Ellen Finks at Kutztown grant funding to the PCA for the next Deb Baker Director of Events, Allegheny University, board member Mike Rose Þscal year despite broad budget cuts College, [email protected] at the Annenberg Center in Philadel- across the state. Steve Krempasky Vice President of Theatre phia, and board member Steve Operations, Whitaker Center for Science and Krempasky at the Whitaker Center in It was truly a pleasure to travel the the Arts Harrisburg. state for these meetings, seeing old Randall Presswood Director of Performing friends and many new faces. We are Arts Facilities, Bloomsburg University, The agenda was simple: talk and eat! blessed with a widely diverse and [email protected] Either before or after a relaxing lunch dedicated membership, and it has John Rhein Director of Cultural Affairs, West or reception, we sat down to discuss a been incredibly energizing to hear Chester University, [email protected] variety of items. We gave everyone a everyone’s ideas, comments, and pro- Micheal Rose Managing Director, University chance to tell others in their region jects at hand. I look forward to of Pennsylvania/Annenberg Center for the Arts, what they are doing, something we addressing the entire membership [email protected] rarely get to do at our ever-growing when we all meet in Philadelphia, Maureen Schallcross Executive Director, annual conference. We informed sharing information on the great Strand-Capitol Arts Center, attendees about ongoing activities of strides we have all made over the [email protected] the organization and the board, past year. See you in Philadelphia!

Administrator and Newsletter Editor: Catherine Little PennPAT Update P.0. Box 322, Emmaus, PA 18049 Phone: (610) 797-3042 Remaining 2003 Presenter Grant artist, however, they must submit a Fax: (610) 797-6596 Application Deadlines: separate application for each sepa- e-mail: [email protected] rately contracted engagement. Newsletter Design: Themes & Variations June 15, 2003: Bechtelsville, PA (610) 845-7408 For projects requesting $1,500 or less, Online applications must be submit- scheduled between September 1, 2003 ted by 5:00 p.m. on the deadline date. PA Presenters is a non-profit organization and August 31, 2004 In addition, all other application materials must be either postmarked founded in 1987. The mission of Presenting October 15, 2003: by the deadline date or hand-deliv- For projects scheduled between Feb- is to support the goals of the PA Presenters ered to the PennPAT ofÞce no later ruary 1, 2004 and August 31, 2005 by encouraging networking and information than 5:00 p.m. on the deadline date to exchange among members and highlighting Presenters may apply at more than be eligible. Late, incomplete, faxed or new trends for presenting organizations. one deadline for Fee-Support and e-mailed applications will not be con- New Directions grants. Presenters sidered. If you have any questions, may request funds for more than one please do not hesitate to contact us. 2 Dance Alloy’s Gillian Beauchamp Stirrings writing in "Stirrings" at FSU Continued from page 1 Photo by Sarah Higgins

Creative Field Trips through the seasons of spring, summer, fall Led by Dodge and Hurd, the artis- and winter, it outlines tic team and dancers took several the cycles of life and creative Þeld trips to the swamps decay that contribute in fall 2002, and spent time with to the rich, thick mud Engelhardt at the Appalachian governing the swamp. Laboratory. The participation of these scientists proved invaluable, Outreach Programs as the artists slowly grew familiar Offered 1000 community members attend- with the intricacies of sphagnum ed these programs. and mud and all things "swamp". To celebrate the four public per- Dodge even appears within Alice formances of Stirrings, Frostburg A Visually Stunning Dance Work Shields' Þnal music composition, State University offered a variety imitating the calls of swamp-birds, of outreach programs. Included Stirrings easily transcends the frogs and toads. among 12 residency activities boundaries of western Maryland, were workshops for schoolchild- and its presentation within other The result of this "bog-breaking" ren, master classes in music and venues is anticipated. Residency project is a visually stunning and dance, a scientiÞc forum on life in activities are easily tailored to suit distinctive dance work. Interpret- the wetlands, a lecture with Dr. the natural surroundings and ed by the gifted performers of Barbara Hurd, a body-mind environmental issues of a new Dance Alloy, and accompanied by centering workshop with Mark community. To bring Stirrings to Shields' dream-like composition, Taylor, an art exhibition of your community, contact Barbara Stirrings is an hour-long work Impressionist landscapes, perfor- Thompson (Dance Alloy) incorporating substantial mance from Chesapeake musician [email protected], or Susan segments of Hurd's text. Passing Tom Wisner, and opportunities to Manger (FSU) smanger@frost- meet the artistic team. In all, over Conference Spotlight APAP Arts Presenters Seminar at the Annenberg

The Annenberg Center for the Per- come together to better understand Participants will take part in group forming Arts will host the Associa- the fundamentals of presenting and discussions and problem solving tion of Performing Arts Presenters to network with colleagues from sessions using current case studies. annual Presenting the Performing across the country. Arts (The Basic) seminar, June 2-7, For more information please see 2003. The seminar will take place The course will be led by a team of the Association of Performing Arts on the University of Pennsylvania leading presenting professionals: Presenters website at campus in Philadelphia, PA. Susan Stockton of Penn State Uni- versity Center for the Performing "The Basic" provides a wonderful Arts; Anne Marie Martins, indepen- opportunity to gain the skills and dent consultant and former co- *PA Presenter members only know-how necessary to serve in an director of the International Music Please note that even if your executive capacity or to be a key Network; Keri Benell Mesropov, organization is not a current mem- staff member at a presenting orga- director of marketing and public ber of APAP, as a member of PA nization. Each year a wide range of relations for The Washington ; Presenters we have been told you participants from various types of and Kim Chan, vice president of can register for this seminar at the organizations and experience levels programs for Arts Presenters. member rate of $750, $200 off the non-member rate. 3 P.O. Box 322 Emmaus, PA 18049

Inside: “Stirrings” debuts at FSU

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