Sept 2012 THE MAGAZINE OF THE HORWICH & TEAM CHURCHES Price 50p THE SUN SHINES ON PARTY in the 2! Once again, this year, we were blessed with the most glorious weather for our second Party in the Park - a day of hot sunshine and blue skies - a single day, sandwiched between days of rain and grey clouds! What an answer In this edition to prayer! The day started early

Page two with the arrival of the Make Jesus Known team who set up the stage Directory Page three and sound equipment. Many willing volunteers from St. and allowed the children (and Clergybit adults!) to spray water everywhere, A Test of Time Elizabeth’s, Life Church and the other churches across the Team the benefits of which included a Page four volunteer’s car having a thorough Summer Camp in Romania organised the setting up of the other shelters, gazebos, wash (although only Petition Response from the back!) and the barbeque and an arts & Simply Christianity is back! many hot children Page five crafts area. All were fed & watered with sausage and having a cool shower! Lost Farms of Brinscall The free b-b-q and hot Horwich Rotarians at work bacon sandwiches and copious mugs of tea and dogs kept everyone Page six well fed supplemented A trip into the Cotswolds coffee from some more by chips and drinks OCC at ‘behind the scenes’ helpers sold by the Brazley The Day family have arrived! in the kitchen! Community Centre Committee in Page seven Alongside the bouncy castles the Centre itself. Invitation cards From the Registers and human table football, a fire were given out welcoming people Any Old Iron engine, complete with gorgeous to join church members for coffee Page eight firemen, the local police, St and cake in Costa to discover more Good News for Urban Outreach John’s ambulance, a rodeo and, about us. By 4 pm it was just the The Australian Voices Choir of course, the crucial ice cream van took their places prior to MJK team and the volunteers, still ‘on duty’ left to clear up the another huge turn out of the local community to enjoy the warmth of equipment and litter, this year with the sun, the music and the the added interest of trying to tow/ drag/push the MJK van out of entertainment. The Bishop of , the soggy, muddy grass where it was quite stuck for a while! Chris Edmondson, joined us, as did MP All were rewarded by a Julie Hilling. wonderful potato pie supper before making their way home October Issue The firemen for a well earned evening rest. Deadline - Sept 16th attached a fire hose Publication Date - Sept 30th to the nearby hydrant


his example. We should not be CLERGYBIT doing it for personal gain or for fame or for money but to bring by Kim Lafferty honour to the name of Jesus. We can only do this with God’s help, GOING FOR GOLD runners run, but only one gets He is our Coach! We hear from 1 Corinthians 9: 24-27 the prize?” And yet that didn’t Him when we read His word. And stop them from running or we talk to Him when we pray. Olympic fever was all over the jumping or swimming or...... to When we do these things we are place last month. “Team GB” was the best of their ability, they all building our relationship with our shouted and chanted in many wanted that prize. In our Coach. This is what helps us to venues up and down the country. Christian life we need to be like “run with perseverance the race As a matter of fact, the Team GB them. We need to “run in such a marked out for us, fixing our eyes competitors said just how important way as to get the prize.” on Jesus, the pioneer and the support of the crowd was to How do we do that? Once again perfecter of faith.” Look to Jesus them. Because of that support they Paul tells us – “Everyone who and follow him. Let us live for Him. were spurred onto bigger and competes in the games goes into What is our prize? The end of better achievements. As we strict training.” It is impossible to the passage in 1 Corinthians tells watched, we saw hopes and just turn up on the day of the us, “we do it to get a crown that will dreams, tears and event and win if you haven’t put last forever.” The outcome of this disappointments. It was the in any effort, any training. race does not lie in how fast we run culmination of a lifetime of training. Now we all understand what or in coming first but in completing They were all striving for the training for the Olympics would the course. Everlasting life is our ultimate Olympic prize, the prize be like – lots of effort and hard prize and we can look forward to which says you are the best in the work but what about our training? sharing eternity with Jesus. world, the Gold medal. There is We also need to put lots of effort Hopefully, one day, we will join only one gold medal for each final, and work into being one thing, with Paul and say - “I no more, no less. Just like the being like Jesus! He already ran have fought the good fight, I have

Apostle Paul once said: “Do you this race and he won. We are finished the race, I have not know that in a race all the running in his footsteps, following kept the faith.”

A TEST OF TIME. THE BIBLE FROM MYTH TO HISTORY A book review by Shirley Turton I am not a 'high- The author, David Rohl has It presents the most remarkable brow reader' of made a discovery, which understanding of the Bible since theology, I need challenges the modern sceptical archaeologists first began to books, which view of Old Testament history. recover the wonders of ancient are fairly easy to His revolutionary theory times. comprehend. So demonstrates that archaeologists Aged forty-eight, David holds a it was with fear have been looking in the right University College degree and trepidation, places for evidence of the in Egyptology and Ancient History, that I asked Israelites — but in completely the and has excavated at Kadesh-on- Neil, to buy me this book for my wrong time. the-Orontes with the expedition of birthday. Coming from, the The New Chronology the Institute of Archaeology. He is household of the Archbishop of developed in A Test of Time currently the Archaeology York's daughter, I felt it was well reveals the true historical setting Correspondent for the Express recommended. After 6 weeks, I of the biblical epics, providing newspaper, Chairman of the have just finished the body of it, astonishing archaeological Institute for the Study of only the appendixes to go. evidence for the existence of the Interdisciplinary Sciences and I can do no better than to quote Old Testament's most charismatic President of the Sussex from the book: personalities. For the first time Egyptology Society. “Little conclusive evidence for an the lives of Joseph, Moses, So if you, like me, have wondered historical Old Testament has come Joshua, Saul, David and why no archaeological evidence to light in two centuries of Solomon are examined from an has been found, this book is for archaeological endeavour. Ever historical perspective, as David you. I did find it useful to put since excavations in the Lands of Rohl explores their cities, palaces bookmarks in to denote the tables the Bible began at the beginning of and tombs. The book unveils of Pharaohs and chronological the last century, biblical scholars such archaeological wonders as charts, and helpful to refer to them have been systematically stripping the desecrated statue of Joseph to follow the plot. But what he says out elements of the narratives — in his `coat of many colours', the certainly makes good sense and I the stories of Joseph, Moses, Israelite city of bondage in Egypt look forward to reading his next two Joshua, Saul, David and Solomon (including graphic evidence of the books – Legend and From Eden to — and consigning them to the plagues), and letters from King Exile. realms of myth and folklore”. Saul. 2

FUN in ROMANIA - SUMMER CAMP 2012 Camp. We loved the site by Judith Whalley immediately, five chalets, warm and friendly with everything we rooms, the needed and more. This included smallest was a swings, see-saw, climbing frame, container, all table tennis table, basketball ring spotlessly clean etc., wonderful walks each day and tidy. From and a herd of beautiful goats all these humble wearing bells passing our home homes came At the end of June I once again twice each day as they went to these delightful, got very excited as I was able to and fro from the upper pastures. respectful children who looked out travel to the NW of Romania to They were accompanied by their for each other in a way we would give 30 truly needy youngsters the man and four dogs, three very be proud of in our own children. time of their little lives. These good ones and one, a teenager, I don’t know who had the best children were selected by our who didn’t seem to have a clue time, them or me! partners in Romania and when we what to do!! All great fun. met them the day before Camp Each day, after breakfast, we they really weren’t too sure what sang lots of songs, had a story, we were off to do. made beautiful things and played The plan was to take them way games. Three lovely ladies from up into the Carpathian Mountains the children’s came to to a Christian Centre for a Summer cook for us and spoil us with tasty but suitable meals. What a time we had. On our return the children were very anxious that we should meet their mum and dad and see their homes. The largest had just two

Last month we included an article on the Church of ’s response to the government’s consultation on same sex marriage. There is another chance to join This response to the signing of the this 5-week course in an informal petition was received... and relaxed atmosphere with plenty of chance for questions and Dear marriage supporter, The C4M campaign rolls on. The discussion. Great for anyone When Spain redefined marriage petition continues to grow daily, wanting to explore and deepen the Spanish Government rewrote and it will remain open. We will their understanding of what birth certificates, removing the not rest nor will we waver in our Christianity is about. It’s also words “father” and “mother” and defence of marriage. suitable as preparation for those replacing them with “progenitor A” Our campaign will continue into considering Confirmation. On and “progenitor B”. the months and years ahead. Wednesday evenings at 7.45pm in On Father’s Day weekend, The Home Office’s consultation St. Catherine’s Church, Richmond adverts were placed on 13 on redefining marriage has now Street, Horwich, from 12th Sept. websites wishing Britain “Happy closed. Thanks to all of you who Contact Michael Behrend Progenitor A’s Day”, and asking: sent a response. It looks like it (697162) to book your place. All “what will they change next?” could be the largest response in are welcome to join us – come It’s no joke. Those calling for British Government history. along to try it out. marriage to be redefined have Please continue to stand with us, already said the words “husband and together we can keep the and wife” should be stripped out of true meaning of marriage. matrimonial law. Yours sincerely, Words matter because truth Colin Hart matters. You and 550,000 others Campaign Director want to keep the true meaning of Coalition for Marriage marriage. More and more people join in the campaign every day.


‘LOST FARMS of BRINSCALL MOORS’ by Richard Fairclough Earlier this year a book of this these moors. This involved many title was published, which tells the months of gathering information story of the lives of hill locally and also paying several farmers who carved out a living for visits to the Lancashire and themselves on a relatively small Cumbria Record Offices. He has area of hills, known as Brinscall made extensive use of a Moors. fascinating journal written a Its author is David Clayton, an remarkable lady called Elizabeth eminent local historian and a Jane Dixon, an occupant of admirably in bringing this story to member of Rivington Church. Marsden’s Farm. Over some two life. His admiration and respect for David has, for many years, been a years, David has managed to find these hill-folk shines out through all resident of Brinscall near , the family details of all farms its pages and it provides a valuable a small village tucked away at the which existed. It is a remarkable and fascinating insight into a lost foot of some hills known as fact that within an area of some way of life. It is an outstanding Brinscall Moors. As a keen walker five square miles, no less than piece of research, related in a lively of these moors, David’s curiosity forty eight farms were there and appealing style and includes was aroused to solve the mystery ‘waiting to be found’ to use his many nostalgic photographs. David of the many ruined remains of words. has given many talks to various th stone – built homes scattered over On Sunday, 8 April this story groups already and is always this area. Who were the people was featured on the BBC willing to visit others. He also leads who once occupied this landscape, programme, ‘Country File.’ I group walks on Brinscall Moors. If so bleak in wild weather, yet so thought that the BBC really you require further information on beautiful in milder conditions? Why captured the romance of this way these he can be contacted on Tele. had they lived there? And why do of life and with the help of 01254 830529 or on e-mail these former homes exist only as interviews with the author and [email protected] abandoned, desolate ruins? some other Brinscall residents, For lovers of local history, this As a historian, David knew that successfully related the fate of book is must and can be obtained the answers to these questions this once vibrant community that at most local book suppliers or could be found by talking to local is no more. directly from David. people, whose ancestors farmed In his book, David succeeds HORWICH ROTARIANS CLEAN UP SPARROW PARK Some time ago in a report on therefore decided to Our photograph shows Horwich town centre, Bolton take some direct President of Rotary, Council recommended that action. They set to Brian Gittins, Mike Sparrow Park, a small area of land painting the old lamp Shuttleworth and Peter originally formed in 1890 at the post, clearing up litter, Fletcher having a rest bottom of Brownlow Road, should cutting the grass, from their work. The next be renovated. Recently it has improving hard job is to paint the continued to deteriorate with landscaping. Passers- benches and the railings. rubbish, and neglect. Having met by asked if they were Horwich Rotary’s next with Horwich Councillors in on ‘Community Pay project is their Beer January to discuss possible Back’. No we’re just Festival 6th – 9th ventures that Rotarians from Rotarians - ordinary September at Horwich Horwich Rotary could be involved people trying to make a RMI on Chorley New in, no one could find out who difference said Rotary Secretary Road to raise funds for local and owned Sparrow Park. Rotarians David Griffiths. international charities. CELEBRATIONS & CONGRATULATIONS If you, yourself have, or know of anyone else who has, a special celebration coming up which you or they, would like announced in the magazine, please email the editor for inclusion, by the deadline date (on page 1): [email protected]. Thank you.



After weeks of planning, Saturday The village was buzzing with life This Cotswold town is situated on 4 August arrived and 33 other like as we walked down to the River the River Avon with its many boats minded people joined me on the Windrush. There was to be a plying up and down the river but annual church outing from St duck race later in the afternoon the main reason for calling here Catherine’s. We had a mix of where one of my party would lose was for a meal stop but some congregations; people from Holy her duck in a tragic drowning people did find time to have a quick Trinity, St Elizabeth’s, St accident !! People were sat by look around the town. Katharine’s , people from All too soon it was time to board Blackrod, Adlington and as the coach and leave Evesham and well as people from St Catherine’s. the Cotswolds after a lovely day. This year I had decided upon a trip Most of the day was fine with just a down to the Cotswolds visiting couple of heavy showers in Bourton-on-the-Water and Bourton but everyone enjoyed Evesham. We set off from Horwich themselves doing exactly what they eagerly looking forward to what the wanted. We arrived home at day had in store for us. We 9.30pm rather tired but with travelled on the M61, M60 and everybody thanking me and saying M62 before joining the M6 which how much they had enjoyed the was quite quiet for a Saturday. We the river having their picnics; day and also they all appeared to took the M6 toll road and came to a children and dogs were jumping be asking the same question - rest at a service station. There in and out of the river’s cool “Where are we going next year?” were up to six coaches on the water. Once we arrived Time to put my thinking cap on!! park and all their passengers were everybody went their separate Ian Winnard in the services!! After a short ways; the list of things to see and break we continued our journey do in Bourton is endless – around Birmingham and followed Birdland, the Model Village, the the signs for Warwick and Stratford motor museum, St Lawrence’s -upon-Avon before dropping onto Church to name just a few and the Fosse Way going through there is always the shops for that some lovely Cotswold towns last minute souvenir of your visit!! namely Moreton-in-the-Marsh and Before we knew it it was time to Stow-on-the-Wold before arriving head back to the coach and at Bourton-on-the-Water. continue our journey to Evesham.

OPERATION THE DAY FAMILY CHRISTMAS CHILD DOWN UNDER AT TESCO The Day Family have arrived safely in New Zealand, and are Tesco at Middlebrook have invited us to display our Shoeboxes, living at 6 Inverary Ave, Epsom, presents for needy children around the world, on Friday 28th and Auckland 1023, New Zealand. Saturday 29th of September between 10am and 6pm. (Yes, it really is Martyn’s new e-mail address is: that time of year again!!) Our plan is to show what is good for each of the [email protected] and the 6 categories of boxes, boys/girls aged 2-4, 5-9, 10-14. So many people phone number 00649 948 7427 say, especially for teenagers, they don't know what to put in so come and (from the UK) – please pray for see us and have a chat. them as they settle in! We will have new instruction leaflets and do hope as many people as The family have already been possible will make a Shoebox present this year or donate appropriate very busy as Martyn begins to find things for a box that we can make up. his feet in his new role, the boys Our thanks to those of you already covering boxes, knitting hats, gloves start their new schools and Honor and puppets. Do keep up the good work please. makes enquiries about work for Our churches, the Resource Centre and Tesco will receive your boxes herself. Hopefully, in next month’s from the beginning of November ready to be checked and packed on that magazine, they will have had time waggon on December 1st. For more information contact Judith Whalley to send us an update of their on 691698. Hope to see you at Tesco! progress and some photos. 5

From the Registers BAPTISMS We welcome to the family of the Church: July 1 Tristen Robert Ashworth July 15 Riley Peter Haves-Jones July 15 Jordan Alexander Reggie Jones July 15 Nathan Samuel Peter Jones July 22 Olivia May Lea July 22 Rhys Samuel Brown July 22 Ollie Christopher Hart August 5 Lucas Thomas Halliwell August 5 Adam James Halliwell August 5 Beatrice Foy August 5 Iris Foy August 12 Raphael Crankshaw August 12 Clare Penny August 12 Ben Van Oudenaarde August 12 Allanah Haslem August 12 Talytha Haslem

WEDDINGS We wish joy and happiness to: June 29 Nathan John Watson and Tracey Mulligan July 14 Liam Graham Butler and Shelley Anne Hailwood July 27 Andrew Wyatt and Tracey Challands August 2 Thomas Smith and Loree Duncan August 11 Geoffrey Jones and Charlotte Yates August 18 Peter Ward and Katie Warburton

FUNERALS We offer love and sympathy to the relatives and friends of: June 28 Edith Duckworth, Hazelbrook Christian Nursing Home, Horwich June 29 John Richard Lomax, Tredgold Street, Horwich July 16 Tom Hampson, Stocks Park Drive, Horwich July 17 Albert ‘Barrie’ Kemp, Foxholes, Horwich July 19 Jeanette Townsend, Lever Park Avenue, Horwich July 20 Ruth Burns, Vale House, Horwich July 23 John Mather Barrett, July 23 Rudolph ‘Ralph’ Waning, Ash Grove, Horwich July 26 Ronald ‘Ronnie’ Watson, Claypool Road, Horwich July 27 Kevan William Cummings, Knowsley Grove, Horwich August 8 Geert ‘George’ Stryker, Farnworth Care Home (late of Horwich) August 13 Florrie ‘Flo’ Barratt, Vale House Care Home (late of Horwich) August 13 Judith , Melbourne Grove, Horwich (at Rivington Chapel) August 15 Norman Ratcliffe, Chester Place, Adlington August 17 (baby) Oscar Sean Brandwood, Wilson Fold Avenue, Lostock August 23 Monica Patricia Kolebuk, Langstone Close, Horwich

ANY OLD IRON! J. Dickinson and Sons (Horwich) Ltd. generously donated a skip to Holy Trinity Church to fill with scrap metal which they then sold to raise funds towards the Roof Appeal. £336 was raised. Thank you to everyone who contributed their unwanted metal and to those who helped to load the skip.


who then give them out to people who fit the criteria e.g. had benefit GOOD stopped or are paying off debts. They have been in operation now NEWS! for 10 months. Once again WinterWatch is very Dave Bagley says that what has grateful for all the schools and been achieved at Urban Outreach churches that kindly give their over the past 22 years in the harvest food, and for their areas of rough-sleeping, on-street generosity and partnership with prostitution, children going WinterWatch. Without their help Dave Bagley of Urban Outreach, missing from home, exploitation they would not be able to feed all Winterwatch and their other and offending would not have the poor and needy people that projects, completed a year as been possible without the church. they do. Please pray that this Mayor’s chaplain in May. Dave In the Restore Centre food Harvest time they will be inspired received an award for services to hampers are now provided to support us especially as we are the community of Bolton - the Pride through a project called giving out even more food through of Bolton - first of its kind in the STOREHOUSE, a joint venture STOREHOUSE. town and followed Amir Khan. His with The Bridge Church in Now they are seeking to take this has been a busy time seeking to Bradford Street Bolton. At present pilot project to the wider church meet the ever growing demand for they are giving out around 60 and see if together a food system services to vulnerable people hampers every Monday to can be developed that covers the across the town. Individually we families and single people who whole borough. There is a meeting th will all struggle to do this, but as a either collect food from the at 10am on 6 September at the Church united with a common Restore Centre or they can Bridge Church to see how the vision we can. His prayer request deliver to those who are unable to churches could work together. If is that the Church will look at what collect the hampers for you would like to go please ring can be done together, facing the themselves. More than 50 David Griffiths on future challenges as a united body agencies and organisations in 01204 and as a result see great things and around Bolton are supplied 469621. happen. with STOREHOUSE vouchers ‘THE AUSTRALIAN VOICES’ CHOIR On Thursday, 13th September, latest electronic technology, this world famous choir will give a contrasts most successfully with concert in St. Catherine’s Church their beautiful rendition of the Republic of Ireland until the end of starting at 7 pm. more traditional sacred music November. ‘The Australian Voices’ choir was repertoire by composers such as It is a great privilege to welcome formed in 1993 with young singers Bach, Mozart, Tchaikovsky, a choir of such reputation and chosen from all over Australia. Rachmaninov and many others. standing in the world. Their mission is ‘to commission, You can sample snippets of their Don’t miss this opportunity perform, record and promote the offerings on line music of Australian composers to www.theaustralianvoices,com to hear these brilliant young the highest international artistic ‘The Australian Voices’ choir singers. standard.’ has toured much of the world Admission charges are: This Gold Medal winning choir several times and this Adults £15 Concessions £12 loves to surprise audiences around performance in St Catherine’s Students £6. Bookings can be the world with its ‘vocal acrobatics.’ follows a series of concerts they made on line or by ringing 020 Directed by Gordon Hamilton, their are presenting at the Edinburgh 3286 6786 and then picking them recent hits include ‘The Facebook Fringe Festival. This concert tour up on the door prior to the concert. Song,’ ‘Tra$h Ma$h’ and ‘We continues at numerous venues in Richard Fairclough. Apologise.’ This music, utilising the the and the

With thanks to Easiprint, Crown Lane, Horwich for printing this magazine.