Is Instructor Fired; Case to Be Started
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g^^^ggjggayv^-f S3*: «Ea*eaaB£%?^igag3®^L...- —?rr,7. •v.'.rA-*"V'''_gL':'?\"r_ ••-...' VOJTS '•"• WIS^fifeY „ '~ _ CRuiisPoU nt Council and Class Council Candidate* LOBS— vies- SECBBTAJtT SC •ATTV* By sc Al Friedman Martin Dawson Al Bader To enable the Student Council Dtak Ooldburg; *ai Schonbexger laeonard niches: ^deterrn 1 ne «tiin>irt xr arttnn tfn -•^-•J^IiygWjbaj _SL -A-2-:. problems both within and with artniav SK. Stan Pfeingold Abraham Bart Ben Stein Sid Fox •Joe Cohen Vincent Capraro A3 election, the first under the out the college, a comprehensive Andy GrJU • Dave Kntes William Jack jmrvey of such. queries will be Norman Schtessberg- number of Candida *fPWJ?» JHk ffistributed tomorrow together Harry~z>aix>wtts Vie Grossman Harrlet^Mark rmr wtfl vtefogais dasgandSto> Urfta the election ballot, ^ T Mel GUns» Stan Marcos Carl Click Sidney Schelnbenr Joseph Scbidder Jerry Sehoenholts dent Council Questions pertaining to the Srnie Wlehlnsky. Wortnta Kara Jerry °8usaman Two Student Oouncfl repieseli* Us _todent Council, CaubavU-Books, .Stale-" norfman Walter Btlaky Boaiyn, JUpahits tatlves war he r*»9iTftn ±**F* *»frffh Elections, Literature Ban, School 8tan Junes Honey Marks Robert Bach JUstaa Nahmlaa class, althoughr^embers of the Meyer Sternum Kate Sloan Al QoldXarb Rose gnmhanaar publications, Bapp-Cbndert and John- ravine Harry aenar <fl n vote for onJ the School Iiundhroom, are to be Al IfaraxaUes Sylvia Sehwalbera; ^*^ y ««.-.^*w*-- Harold Marcus candHlate wltb the largest mmr-^ WWE« nc Mbrty CoKen Jack *--nf»"frrtin Lee Tsaacaon ttay Coaretx- Hilda Meyaraon, berrpi^^Dt«rwlirT» The poll is an experiment. If Seymour OeUer Geoiaje 1 Wat Tadar- Amy fleamou —- a year: Oiadya Arthur Golden ~ it ia sucionnful, It will be con- Bob Pfeffer Lou Selcal Harry Taste will be chosen- in a runnrfT tmued in the future, It is a aforty Spitz Bob Oroasbaanv tween tlie second anil third culmination or a year's work by XJTTKK SOn. Zrvuic_GftabinakX- J&ay Knrshan Doris Malbln Place contestants and will serve Bobert Geller Murray Cohen Hanxy iievy many differai^ pepp^* *™* rep- Martin <?Kl_d«_J»a»B only one term. Since t&ff ffafi- s i< t • > • V> - •§ • T _-- T« fli.fn"" r itf fill, dentrnopimon on matters vital to IVatalto Rotb BDBOO* every class exeept^the student welfare. LOWEK-SOPH. Jack Brown Paul Goodniant ^.-j upper senior will be allowed to Herbert Toiiayr fd^nny Ganser PeaaeOa Bothariberg vote. Dean Feldman's approval of MckJeL X^erenthal Selma. Markovtts CIs Worby ' - the .questions is necessary and Norman Osbln •Jack Shelton I»elr-Qo«lburg, present vloe- the committee ;hopes>to get his Audiey GTeenherv Baine FQene --— of the _i Brody Harold Flakelsteln refi- Judy ~ Cbaatd About thirty que Meyer Siegel Irr Saltan Wleder by fflnrlalr Korman, be asked, and in most orientation the student will be given a choice of three answers. Results of the lunchroom ques is Instructor Fired; tion will form the basis for a lower '42 president, and Marttn poll to be taken next term cov- Dawson, upper junior represex*-'- • l aspects of the lunch- Case to be Started Tfee Joint Committee for for The poiT committee has issued institute a test suit in an attempt to nullify last week's Ail Bader, former SC delegate, a call for people willing to help an af.fnospliere saturated wilt compete with Lenny Dichek, tabulate the results. All per action Of the Bnarri r>f PTiprf^i- gHn^tinn Wtlfrh ttlXflM"Pff upper '43 pre*«dftnt. sons interested should see John vacant the position of Davkl t3egatway; an Rngii«h \s>*u*Yu>y> to inain&yxL Xevine. The poll was designed at Townsend Harris, it was announced Friday. High SchoolTown con-. TannenbaumJL +^ , -fo _^r th e secretarr> tne ^mainly by "Sd<A" Shatzrin and JL_.I'---- • , - *** fourteen Student Jerry Broidy. Mr. Geldway, who refused to sign a waiver of ininiunity _ Council delegate posts, there when called before the Bapp- = —— attended by recent conferencQrdwaye will be 46 students* running. Coudert Committee, thus became Tead, Joseph McGoIdrick, and Upper Senior candidates Board Hires, the first teacher to lose his day Shor, Resnick Reuben Lazarus to determine Vincent Qapraro, Dave Entes, the fate of Harris, adjourned William Rosenberg, Al Schwartsv session position as a result of Re-elected Sock Shatzkin and Jack Shor. Fires "Clerk the investigation. Dr. Lewis without having altered the sit- Ruby Fuchs, Carl Qllck, NfFrnvr Jack Shor and Fred on. r : Ciaire Neikind, who* was hired Balamuth was dropped from his Kafe, Sid Kate, Sidney ft '" "^' three weeks^i^go^as "arSI^OCns ^evening session job after being * ^Howeverrthe publicity contin tjcrg, Jerry Schoenhblte year^cicrk in the registrar's of charged with betug a~comnmn-—editor^and bustoess manager of ues on a smaller scale and is~ (Cemtlnumd on Pan* Wn^, fice at City College, was dis- ist^ but he retained his day ses- ~"~"~ ntissed yesterday after an inves sion position-— Fourteen others Ticker Association. circles. Another conference win Statistical tigation by college officials of have ben suspended, pending In renaming the two to of- be held in a few days at which ber activities as a~member of trials. flce, the Association voted both time two members, of the BHE, tbe American Student.Union. Charles H. Tuttle, chairman two faculty members, and Pres Miss Neikind, administrative sincere thanks and appreciation Featuring an article by of the board's administrative ident Marshall of the Board of ard Lang and Richard Majee of_ secretary of the New York dis committee, declared that the ac for what they termed "excellent gdqcatlon witt discuss the* pc«- the United States D trict of the student union until tion was taken under section 903 work during the past term.** sible transfer of the high school two months ago, was appointed^ of War- on "The Um> _ _^... to of the City Charter, which pro Re-establishing^ a precedent from the Jurisdiction of the BHE the cleryg—ppgition from a vides automatic dismissal for tics in National Defense Plan~ broken two yeais ago due to the to^supervWQK of "the Board ntng^ the Statistical Journal U ZT^ city employees who refuse to of Education schedaled^to appear Q>e- H&ter- te~^?~^^S-S! <5f=«ol==-sign waivers of Immunity— "" lack of funds, the Association This transfer implies the re- par$_ofiJhis:week.'"'" -^=^::." .•" Her appointment was ap- <*~ -JUL I—•—"^~* - •»-*• Three additional memoers of voted to award bronze keys for moval^oT t.hw school from its The magazine, aside from con oved _by Dr. Harry Nr-WHght, meritorious service to The Ticker present location, a change in the "acting president of the college, Uht^ facility, who have been sus taining Civil Service questions* pended on charges of commun to Eugene Boyo, Jane Popper legal status of the faculty, but win include "Home Statistical *ad the Board of Higher Educa essentially no changes in the tion's administrative committee ism, filed their answers with the and Irv Shulbank. Boyo, for Problems in Public Opinion Sanr-" curriculum and school organi pling" by Paul Perry of the CW-" for the college. board, denying the charges. The mer sports editor, and Miss Pop instructors were Dr. Balamuth, zation. lup Institute of Public Opinion I>r. Wright said yesterday that Dr. Morris U. Cohen, and Jack per, former managing editor, are Another possible course of ac and "Practical Application of oer dismissal was based on "in D. Foner. t — graduating this- term, while tion, according to. John Flynn, the Binomial Theorem" by Hen- formation that she will not be EfoCft d^lar^1 »>a* tha'i»hargM Shulbank-resigned as news ed-~ secretary of the—Joint . "Save ry Puppa of the College fac- acceptable as a permanent mem- Harris" organizations, is a tax were "an interference with aca itor to take up his duties as ed ulty. <*r of the staff." He said the demic freedom ^in violation' of payer's Suit to restore the budget formation came from Paul the educational law" and that itor of The Lexicon. cut. This action is being con U-Book €oniiiiitte«3 Mee4a Windels, counsel to the Rapp- they constitute "the establish Ira Zippert, former copy edi sidered by the Parent-Teachers Thurs. To Consider Stnba ^^dert Committee. tor, was promoted to the news and Alumni Associations, who The ment of a political test for Thelftnewly appoirfted U-Book tv original appointment and teachers and infringe upon the have retained counsel to inves the subsequent dismissal notices editorship, and Albert Margolies tigate the situation. committee will meet Thursday ~ ^ freedom of opinion. and assem was appointed acting; copy editor at 12 in The Ticker afflce, room' *H1 be mwnmM to a full meet- bly. ^ of the board Monday night to fill the vacancies thus cre SC To Accept Application* *2fg%_~7c . ^ ~ —'"• aXL K^ll S>a al dh— . ^m -11 • •• h rt'sftl" aT*a>^r^^a» ated, TV^^uwer couege^ 695 Pars: PSL To Elect War FoF<arr SendinSfA»lin^g fw*..*!***Committer^ tioOrg^nfe»tionn stubs ms nexoesirmg-Tedut$ te^i*r^^: Avenue. Dr^Wrlght jaaid he ex- A motion to award keys to (\npTint1irmrf fnr mnrnhnrghtp _Bfrnk nrr rrqiifistcwl to uuml li to uuiiukl ihe Gilbert Arm, former managing on 931 standing committeea of delegatJ-»-^-*-e- t*-o th^ e meetin>. g or Mis editor of The Ticker,.now-at tne student Council must be^ ITW Adier, Bene Brhtten, Carl - s WeJkmd, a graduate of Xeague — Youth 1 Agntnfft War, witt elect a dele- tending the evening session, and submitted to EH Sehonberger, de Pass, or T-nw * Seigal, chaijr- secretary of the council, this Big Barman, former news man, before Thursday.