Budget Building Bill Mandates Bodycams

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Budget Building Bill Mandates Bodycams M 18CHIW VCN.T FINDNhv:^ ROADS $289 >99J,^:urj SUBSCRIBE NOW per mo. 36 Months CHCVROtJrr 1 to $2000^ (313)343-5578 nusi Purchase a 26125 VAN DYKE, CENTERLINE, Ml 48015 2014 (Just south of 696 on Van Dyke) for $12.50 OFF THE NEWSSTAND PRICE $25,995 I d©©©D 1B9SdM.36frtiaiXU]0Di*fiyMAiialLpliiacaalmlKlilitsM|rkrCi6Ml(i l*lMadlaBLa!ShSRSiesB»ferMhB#K4W5 Grosse Pointe VOL. 76, NO. 17,30 PAGES APRIL23,2015 ONE DOLLAR (DELIVERY 76C) One of Am erica’s great com m unity newspapers since 19i0 GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN Complete news coverage of all the Pointes School Prosecutor: record No charges University Liggett’s 3,200-meter relay team of, from left, Nick Brusilow, Andrew for officers Lohman, William Loner Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy and Mason Demsey, set a announced her office will not authorize charges school record with a against two police sergeants for conduct during an time of 8:39.5 in last arrest Jan. 12. weekend’s Grosse Pointe The two ACTION officers. Highland Park Sgt. North Invitational. For Ronald Dupuis and Grosse Pointe Park Sgt. James the story and complete Vogler were filmed during an arrest of a carjack­ sports coverage, see sec­ ing suspect in Detroit. The suspect fought being tion C. handcuffed and the officers’ actions led to an investigation by the Michigan State Police and the Wayne County Prosecutor’s Office. The suspect, Andrew Jackson, 51, of Detroit, faces several felony charges and a June 15 trial. Worthy said the conduct of the officers did not support criminal charges during a press confer­ ence Monday, April 20. “We take allegations of police misconduct very seriously and our investigations in these matters are thorough and take time,” Worthy said. “Our task in this case was made more difficult by the refusal of the alleged victim to cooperate with my office. Some of the actions of the law enforcement PHOTO COURTESY OF in this case, while disturbing and inexplicable, do LINDSEY BACHMAN not rise to the level of criminal charges.” R u m s budget building By Brad Lindberg SiaffWriter GROSSE POINTE EARMS — Councilman Louis Theros doesn’t want residents com­ plaining 30 years from now that the cur­ rent city council didn’t prepare for the fu­ ture. PHOTOS BY BRAD LINDBERG Hence, the Grosse Pointe Farms council focuses on the future as a means of Police body cameras are about the size of a deck of cards. They clip to an officer’s uniform and flip on, left, and improving the present. off, right, with a switch. “In the 13 years I’ve been (in office), we’ve not thought Just three or four years down the road,” said Theros, chairman of the finance committee. “We’ve done much Bill mandates bodycams more long-term thinking.” He credits multi-year budgeting, five- year capital improvement plans and sav­ By Brad Lindberg Pointes. ♦ reimbursement of cer­ eras in the bathroom?” ing money for emergencies as reasons the StaffWriter Banks co-sponsors the tain costs to local jurisdic­ upcoming fiscal year municipal budget is legislation, HB 4229, intro­ tions and Ongoing expense being built on a property tax rate that THE GROSSE POINTES — duced Feb. 24 by Rep. Rose ♦ policies prescribing Cost also is an issue. hasn’t changed in five years. Legislation regulating po­ Mary Robinson, D-Detroit, powers and duties of public Bodycams used by “We’ll still have the lowest operating lice body cameras is getting and referred to the employees. Grosse Pointe Farms police millage in the Grosse Pointes, a 14-mil a second showing in the Committee on Criminal Mandatory use allows Jumped in price the last rate,” Theros said. state House of Justice. exceptions during private two years from $150 to “The fund balance is extremely healthy,” Representatives. “This bill would add pro­ times, such as personal $899 each. said Councilman Lev Wood, a member of A bill introduced this ses­ tection for law enforce­ conversations, lunch and Don’t forget the cost of the finance committee. sion reprises one from last ment officers as well as bathroom breaks — a con­ cataloging, reviewing, stor­ “Roads, infrastructure, the water plant year. citizens,” Banks said. “It cern of City of Grosse ing and retrieving images and treatment facility are top-notch,” The main difference — also provides proof of what Pointe Officer Joe Adams. and audio. Theros said. and backers see this as happened, so it’s not an He’s worn a bodycam at “Where they kill you is Although the upcoming budget isn’t positive — is a conservative officer-versus-citizen situa­ work for 1 1/2 years, he data storage and every­ firm — the new fiscal year starts 2 1/2 Republican from an tion.” said. thing that comes with it,” months from now July 1 — a draft is Oakland County suburb The bill creates the Law “The Fraternal Order of said Mark Porter, an attor­ expected to closely represent the final introduced the original bill Enforcement Body-worn Police has been following it ney in private practice rep­ document. while the second feature is Camera Act. in Lansing,” said Adams, resenting police officers The proposed 2015-2016 general fund by a liberal Democrat from Provisions require: second vice president of through the FOP Labor budget totals $13,342,710, a 2.4 percent Detroit. ♦ law enforcement offi­ the statewide Order. “We’ve Council. increase over the present one. “It has bipartisan sup­ cers to wear and use body turned it around and said if He compared it to buying Property tax receipts totaling $9,684,140 port,” said Rep. Brian cameras, they want us to film every a cheap computer printer Banks, D-Harper Woods, ♦ agencies to retain im­ waking moment, OK, how See FARMS, page 4A representing the Grosse ages as evidence. about them carrying cam­ See BILL, page 3A Opinion............. 8A Community........ IB ^ ruiiiierP o i n t e r uio f A nn Rock H ealth............... 3B Obituaries.......... 6B Home: Grosse Pointe Park Joining Grosse Pointe War S ports............... 1C In te re s t Memorial as Vice President Schools............. 5C See story, page 4A for Institutional Advancement Classified ads . 8C 56525 10011 PHONE: (313) 882-6900 ♦ FAX; (313) 882-1585 ♦ MAIL: 21316 Mack, GPW ♦ ON THE WEB: grossepointenews.com ♦ E-MAIL; [email protected] {yea (!XIIf ail tid lliltlB I CARPET CLEANING GRATIOT STORE 586-791-0560 35950 GRATIOT AVE. • CLINTON TWP. ONLY ^29.95 MACOMB STORE g Per Room (2 Room Min.), must mention ad. B 586-226-2266 a 20201 HALL ROAD Appli.iiu (‘ \ Vidvil A bttw«en Romeo Piaiili I Card RR. (JU iitih N.../) i s < n u n i Prn SALES • SERVICE • PARTS I ROCHESTER STORE ‘ceratoRlon 800.722.8855 I 248-652-9700 SCRViCQS www.sargentappliance.coni 528 MAIN ST. • ROCHESTER Isn't that bcttei*' vvww.CentuiionServices.com GROSSE POINTE NEWS, APRIL 23, 2015 BUSIN ESS All that jazz P H O T O S B Y J O E W A R N E R Jazz great Kyle Eastwood entertained at the Dirty Dog Jazz Cafe Friday, April 17, and Saturday, April 18. Eastwood, son of actor Clint Eastwood, has entertained at the club in the past, which recently celebrated its seven- year anniversary in Grosse Pointe Farms. Business rules tighten By Brad Lindberg Dame, city manager. tion of Mack. Staff Writer Essentially verboten In addition to requiring are: pool halls, hookah a special use permit, the CITY OF GROSSE lounges, gaming estab­ owners and major inves­ POINTE — The next time lishments, pawn shops, tors must pass back­ Prince Harry prowls the adult bookstores and ground checks. Colonies playing strip movie houses, cabarets, Moreover, the busi­ pool, he’ll have to rack fortune telling, check nesses can’t locate within ’em up somewhere other cashing businesses, adult 1,000 feet of each other, than in this Puritanical motels and personal ser­ schools and churches, province. vice businesses, smoke even if the school or KillJoys on the City of shops, body art parlors place of worship is Grosse Pointe council and massage parlors. located outside the city. this week made it tough Such operations, “The primary tool we PHOTO COURTESY OF GROSSE POINTE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE to open the type of busi­ “when concentrated, can have is separation ness of which royal scan­ have a documented neg­ requirements to prevent dals are made. ative impact in terms of their concentration,” Savvy Chic Boutique Council members property values and Jackson said. adopted Ordinance 418 activities in the sur­ A ban is illegal, he Savvy Chic Boutique is a fashionable women’s store selling contemporary putting tight restrictions rounding area,” said added. clothing. It is located at 15005 Kercheval, Grosse Pointe Park. Attending ribbon on things shunned for John Jackson, executive cutting ceremonies last week are, from left, Grosse Pointe Chamber of “serious obJectionable vice president of Commerce Executive Director Jennifer Boettcher, Park City Councilman operational characteris­ McKenna Associates, the Robert Denner, Park Mayor Gregory Theokas, owner Lanna Young, Steve tics.” city’s planning consul­ Young, Evelyn and Alex Young and Park Councilwoman Laurie Arora. For City leaders intend to tant. more information, call (313) 466-3388. make it as onerous as The ordinance mimics Dine in possible, without impos­ those in other communi­ IR IS U "OWE ing an outright ban, for ties that withstood court certain types of busi­ challenges, Jackson said. GP this C Q P F E E O RIG IN AL nesses to locate in the “The courts have rec­ BAR" GRILL b a r April 24-May 2, 2015 community. ognized these uses can “This ordinance gov­ be treated differently,” Grill Open Daily Until lAM BURGER! 2 D inners for $34*95 week (Do0S not fncludo tax A gratutty) erns, limits and restricts, Jackson said.
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