Darkness in the Watchtower Quotations from the publications of Jehovah’s Witnesses and other relevant works

“Us vs. Them” Mentality

It was also discerned in the 1920’s that there are two opposing organizations—Jehovah’s and Satan’s. The fight is on between them, and we will be on the winning side only if we keep in step with Jehovah’s organization. The Watchtower, January 15, 2001 – page 19, par. 9.

It is the satanic ‘’ breathed by the world today, the spirit, or general mental inclination, that characterizes his whole wicked system of things, the satanic thinking that permeates every aspect of life outside Jehovah’s organization. So in pouring out his bowl upon the air, the seventh angel expresses God’s wrath against Satan, his organization, and everything that motivates mankind to support Satan in defying Jehovah’s sovereignty. Revelation – Its Grand Climax at Hand (rev. 2006) p. 233-4.

The Occult is of Satan

Certainly you—a true servant of Jehovah—must shun such practices. You can be sure that God never uses or the occult to reveal his will or to exercise his power. Instead, as Amos 3:7 assures us, Jehovah ‘reveals his confidential matter to his servants the prophets.’ Moreover, dabbling in the occult can bring one under the influence and control of the leader of the demons, Satan, who is a liar and whose strategy is to deceive people. He and his minions are out to harm, having always been cruel, even killing people. (Job 1:7- 19; 2:7; Mark 5:5) Understandably, Micah condemned and sorceries when he urged us to walk with the true God. Live With Jehovah’s Day in Mind (2006) p. 109.

Fear of the Demonic

The attack by wicked spirit forces can take many forms. From actual cases, we know there may be physical attack, as well as mental attack. There may be a bodily blow, a slap in the face, a throwing of one to the ground (Mark 9:17, 18), bodily illness and pain, doctors being unable to find a cause. (Luke 11:14; Mark 1:26; 9:25; Matt. 12:22) …One may be disturbed while trying to sleep, due to the prevalence of abnormal noises in the house. There may be a tugging of bed covers, a shaking of the bed, an apparition such as a face or a pair of vicious eyes. Often a “voice” is heard that harasses and terrorizes. The voice usually suggests or commands a certain course of action, which, if followed, can lead to spiritual collapse, violence, insanity or suicide. The Watchtower, December 15, 1966, p.740

One under demon attack should calmly, not in hysteria, investigate his house and household articles. In some few cases the house may be the cause of trouble and the best thing to do is move out. Some demons delight in haunting a place. The Watchtower, December 15, 1966, p.742

But if a house has a clean history, instead of moving out, investigate objects in the house. If you at one time practiced black magic, or other form of spiritism, did you burn up all articles relating to demonism upon learning of God’s truth? The Watchtower, December 15, 1966, p.742

Have you accepted any gifts from relatives or persons who dabble in spiritism? Any kind of article from such a person can cause trouble. In some actual cases it has been a radio, a sewing machine, a pair of shoes, jewelry, a “good luck” charm, a bathrobe, a blanket, a book. One woman had her bed tipped up at night when she tried to sleep on a mattress given her by her Spiritualist mother. A young woman had a fever of 106 degrees when wearing a garment given her by a Spiritualist…Another Christian woman kept a handbag given Darkness in the Watchtower page 2 her by an aunt who was a fortune-teller…Sometimes keeping a letter from a spiritistic relative has brought trouble. Some persons have reported gaining relief by burning letters from relatives who dabble in spiritism. The Watchtower, December 15, 1966, p.742

The Watchtower Symbol

In and some traditions of and Neopaganism, the four cardinal points are believed to have spiritual guardians called Watchtowers... Often believed to represent the four elements, the Watchtowers are invoked during ritual to cast the . Wikipedia, “Watchtower (magic)” 9/6/08

In many Wicca and Witchcraft systems the Watchtowers are evocational symbols of spiritual beings known as the Watchers or the Grigori. Wikipedia, “Watchtower (magic)” 9/6/08

The Grigori are a group of fallen angels told of in Biblical apocrypha who mated with mortal women, giving rise to a race of hybrids known as the Nephilim, who are described as giants in Genesis 6:4. Also known as "Watchers" (from Greek egrēgoroí (ἐγρήγοροι)), the Grigori appear in the books of Enoch and Jubilees. Wikipedia, “Grigori” 9/6/08

The inspired Scriptures tell us that sometime before the great Flood of Noah’s day, certain angels began to take an unusual interest in the women on earth. These unions were unnatural, and they produced hybrid offspring known as Nephilim…Ever since the wicked angels lost “their original position,” they have been the demon companions of Satan and have served his evil interests. The Watchtower, March 15, 2007, pp. 26-7

The Winged Sun-Disk

Emblematic of the element of air, this consists of a circle or solar-type disk enclosed by a pair of wings. In ritual magic it is suspended over the in an easterly direction and used when invoking the protection and co-operation of the sylphs. Practical Egyptian Magic by Murray Hope, p. 107.

The winged sun is a symbol (sometimes known as Behedeti, a name of) associated with divinity, royalty and power in the Ancient Near East…In early Egyptian religion, the symbol Behedeti represented Horus of Edfu. Wikipedia, “Winged Sun” 9/6/08

The winged sun disk is one of the oldest religious symbols on earth, and invariably a solar symbol. The Assyrian winged disk represents the sun God Shamash; the Egyptian figure, the sun God Re. About.com, “Winged Disk” 9/6/08


The size of the nose, as also the size of the eyes, is not without significance. The small-nosed man cannot have a judicial mind, whatever his other excellencies may be. And a man whose nose upturns can no more be expected to administer justice than a pug dog can be expected to act as a shepherd. The Golden Age, January 19, 1921 p. 224.

Man's head is shaped differently; therefore he can think of subjects about which the lower animals cannot think... A man with a head of a given shape cannot think with the same breadth of mind as a man with a better shaped head -- a man who is less fallen. Some have lost more, others less, of the original perfection, of the original intelligence, given man in his creation. Darkness in the Watchtower page 3

Watchtower Reprints Jan 15, 1915 p.5611.

New Light: “Some false beliefs have been removed, such as phrenology—the study of ‘character traits’ by feeling bumps on the head. The shape of the skull is not determined by the shape of the cerebrum, nor is it possible to assign ‘character traits’ to specific areas of the brain.” The Watchtower – July 15, 1978, p. 17


No nation has ever claimed the invention of the Zodiac, though doubtless they would have been glad to have the honor had they invented it … The higher critics of today, though denying the inspiration of the scriptures, admit that there is a close and strange agreement between the Bible and the Zodiac…If then, we find the divine plan written in these constellations, realizing that men could not have written a Plan that they did not even understand, it would be only reasonable to ascribe its origin to God … Indeed, the same Bible which points to the Great Pyramid, points also to the heavens as declaring the wonderful Plan of Salvation. 1914 International Bible Students Souvenir Convention Report, p252.

Our solar system of planets is also found to be revolving together around some other great center … the group Pleiades. And the reasonable suggestion has been made that the center may be in the heavens, the highest heaven, the throne of God. Zion’s Watch Tower, May 15, 1895, p121. The constellation of the seven stars forming the Pleiades appears to be the crowning center around which the known systems of the planets revolve even as our sun's planets obey the sun and travel in their respective orbits. It has been suggested, and with much weight, that one of the stars of that group is the dwelling-place of Jehovah and the place of the highest heavens; that it is the place to which the inspired writer referred when he said: "Hear thou from thy dwellingplace, even from heaven" (2 Chron. 6:21); and that it is the place to which Job referred when under inspiration he wrote: "Canst thou bind the sweet influences of Pleiades, or loose the bands of Orion?"-Job 38: 31. The constellation of the Pleiades is a small one compared with others which scientific instruments disclose to the wondering eyes of man. But the greatness in size of other stars or planets is small when compared with the Pleiades in importance, because the Pleiades is the place of the eternal throne of God. Reconciliation (1928) p. 14.

New Light: “By maneuvering events to make certain predictions come true, Satan and the demons have captured the attention of millions. The simple truth is that astrology is one of ‘the machinations of the Devil,’ which he uses to control and influence people to serve his purpose. Thus, it is hardly surprising that the Bible exhorts Christians to ‘stand firm’ against Satan’s clever devices—which include astrology.” Awake! November 8, 2000, p. 27.


The Testimony of God's Stone Witness and Prophet, the Great Pyramid in Egypt" ...the Great Pyramid... seems in a remarkable manner to teach, in harmony with all the prophets, an outline of the plan of God, past, present, and future... Thy Kingdom Come (Studies in the Scriptures vol. 3) 1891 (1903 edition), p.313.

So, then, if we measure backward down the "First Ascending Passage" to its junction with the "Entrance Passage," we shall have a fixed date to mark upon the downward passage. This measure is 1542 inches, and indicates the year B.C. 1542, as the date at that point. Then measuring down the "Entrance Passage" from that point, to find the distance to the entrance of the "Pit," representing the great trouble and destruction with which this age is to close, when evil will be overthrown from power, we find it to be 3416 inches, symbolizing 3416 years from the above date, B.C. 1542. This calculation shows AD. 1874 as marking the Darkness in the Watchtower page 4 beginning of the period of trouble; for 1542 years B.C. plus 1874 years AD. equals 3416 years. Thus the Pyramid witnesses that the close of 1874 was the chronological beginning of the time of trouble such as was not since there was a nation -- no, nor ever shall be afterward. And thus it will be noted that this "Witness" fully corroborates the Bible testimony on this subject... Thy Kingdom Come (copyright 1891) (1904 edition — Millennial Dawn, vol. 3) p.342.

So, then, if we measure backward down the "First Ascending Passage" to its junction with the "Entrance Passage," we shall have a fixed date to mark upon the downward passage. This measure is 1542 inches, and indicates the year B.C. 1542, as the date at that point. Then measuring down the "Entrance Passage" from that point, to find the distance to the entrance of the "Pit," representing the great trouble and destruction with which this age is to close, when evil will be overthrown from power, we find it to be 3457 inches, symbolizing 3457 years from the above date, B.C. 1542. This calculation shows AD. 1915 as marking the beginning of the period of trouble; for 1542 years B.C. plus 1915 years AD. equals 3457 years. Thus the Pyramid witnesses that the close of 1914 will be the beginning of the time of trouble such as was not since there was a nation -- no, nor ever shall be afterward. And thus it will be noted that this "Witness" fully corroborates the' Bible testimony on this subject... Thy Kingdom Come (copyright 1891) (1910 edition -- Studies in the Scriptures, vol. 3) p.342.

New Light: “If the pyramid is not mentioned in the Bible, then following its teachings is being led by vain philosophy and false science and not following after Christ… the great pyramid of Gizeh, as well as the other pyramids thereabout, also the sphinx, were built by the rulers of Egypt and under the directions of Satan the Devil... Then Satan put his knowledge in dead stone, which may be called Satan's Bible, and not God's stone witness...” The Watchtower, November 15, 1928 pp. 341-344.


The actual burning or destruction by is done by the officers of the Lord that are invisible to human eyes, that is, the cherubim, seraphim and angels ; but it seems clear that the cherubim have charge over fire or that which destroys. These invisible ones the Lord uses to put in the hands of his “faithful servant” class, that is, the man clothed with linen, the fiery message from his Word, or judgments written, and which is to be used as directed. The resolutions adopted by conventions of God’s anointed people, booklets, magazines, and books published by them, contain the message of God’s truth and are from the Lord Jehovah and provided by him through Christ Jesus and his under-officers…The interpretation of prophecy, therefore, is not from man, but is from the Lord; and the Lord causes events to come to pass in fulfillment of the prophecy in due time. Vindication I, (1931) p. 120.

Without a doubt the Lord uses his angels to cause the truth to be published in The Watchtower... Certainly God guides his covenant people by using the holy angels to convey his message to them. The Watchtower, February 1, 1935, p. 41.

Certain duties and kingdom interests have been committed by the Lord to his angels, which include the transmission of information to God's anointed people on the earth for their aid and comfort. Even though we cannot understand how the angels transmit this information, we know that they do it. Preparation, (1933) pp. 36, 37.

New Light: “Those who make up the one true Christian organization today do not have angelic revelations or divine inspiration. But they do have the inspired Holy Scriptures, which contain revelations of God’s thinking and will.” Jehovah’s Witnesses – Proclaimers of God’s Kingdom (1993) p. 708.

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The Current Position: “The spiritistic practice of ‘talking with the dead’ is actually a fraudulent deception that can put people in contact with the demons (angels that became selfish rebels against God) and often leads to a person’s hearing unwanted voices and being harassed by those wicked spirits.” Reasoning From the Scriptures (rev. 1989) p. 386


This verse (Revelation 8:3) shows that, though Pastor Russell has passed beyond the veil, he is still managing every feature of the harvest work. We hold that he supervises, by the Lord's arrangement, the work yet to be done. The Finished Mystery (1917) pp. 144, 256

Hence our dear Pastor, now in glory, is without doubt, manifesting a keen interest in the harvest work, and is permitted by the Lord to exercise some strong influence thereupon. Watchtower Reprints, November 1, 1917 p. 6161.

New Light: “No one of the temple company would be so foolish as to conclude that some brother (or brethren) at one time amongst them, and who has died and gone to heaven, is now instructing the saints on earth and directing them as to their work.” Jehovah (1934) p. 191.

But despite that “new light”:

It is fitting, then, that one of the 24 elders, representing anointed ones already in heaven, should stir John's thinking. (Revelation 7:13, 14a) Yes, that elder could locate the answer and give it to John. This suggests that resurrected ones of the 24-elders group may be involved in the communicating of divine truths today. Revelation - Its Grand climax At Hand! (rev. 2006) p. 125.

Johannes Greber

The task was not simple. Many contradictions between what appears in the ancient scrolls and the New Testament, as we have grown to know it, arose and were the subject of his constant prayers for guidance — prayers that were answered, and the discrepancies clarified to him, by God's Spirit World. At times he was given the correct answers in large illuminated letters and words passing before his eyes. Other times he was given the correct answers during prayer meetings. His wife, a medium of God's Spiritworld was often instrumental in conveying the correct answers from God's Messengers to Pastor Greber. Foreword, The New Testament – a New Translation by Johannes Greber, 1937 (1980 printing). (Not a Watchtower publication).

Why, in recent years, has The Watchtower not made use of the translation by the former Catholic priest, Johannes Greber? This translation was used occasionally in support of renderings of Matthew 27:52, 53 and John 1:1, as given in the New World Translation and other authoritative Bible versions. But as indicated in a foreword to the 1980 edition of The New Testament by Johannes Greber, this translator relied on “God’s Spirit World” to clarify for him how he should translate difficult passages. It is stated: “His wife, a medium of God’s Spiritworld was often instrumental in conveying the correct answers from God’s Messengers to Pastor Greber.” The Watchtower has deemed it improper to make use of a translation that has such a close rapport with spiritism. (Deuteronomy 18:10-12) The scholarship that forms the basis for the rendering of the above-cited texts in the New World Translation is sound and for this reason does not depend at all on Greber’s translation for authority. Nothing is lost, therefore, by ceasing to use his New Testament. The Watchtower, April 1, 1983 p. 31. Darkness in the Watchtower page 6

Says Johannes Greber in the introduction of his translation of The New Testament, copyrighted in 1937: “I myself was a Catholic priest, and until I was forty-eight years old had never as much as believed in the possibility of communicating with the world of God’s spirits. The day came, however, when I involuntarily took my first step toward such communication, and experienced things that shook me to the depths of my soul. “My experiences are related in a book that has appeared in both German and English and bears the title, Communication with the Spirit-World: Its Laws and Its Purpose.” … In the Foreword of his aforementioned book ex-priest Greber says: “The most significant spiritualistic book is the Bible.” Under this impression Greber endeavors to make his New Testament translation read very spiritualistic. The Watchtower, February 15, 1956, p. 110-111.

For Further Research:

The Watchtower and Astrology http://www.watchtowerinformationservice.org/astrologyim.htm

Watchtower Society's Occult Association http://www.jwfiles.com/occult.htm

Numerous articles on the Watchtower, the Occult and Pseudo-science http://www.premier1.net/~raines/articles.html

Also see the book: Jehovah’s Witnesses and the Hour of Darkness, by Darek Barefoot. Presents evidence of occult influence within the Watchtower Society, as evidenced by subliminal pictures within its publications. This may seem trivial, but can affect JW’s deeply, as they are taught on the one hand to fear the occult, but on the other hand, to revere highly Watchtower publications as being from God.

Dispel the Darkness Ministries Thomas McGovern 1418 Macopin Road, West Milford, NJ 07480 Phone: 973-697-5029 Fax: 973-697-3356 www.dispelthedarkness.org E-Mail: [email protected]