19/52 ………………………………………………………Signed ………………………..Dated AUDLEY RURAL PARISH COUNCIL

MINUTES OF THE FULL COUNCIL MEETING of the Parish Council held at Audley Pensioners Hall, Church Street Audley, Thursday 17th October 2019 at 7pm Present: Chair: Mr N Hayes Councillors: Rev Taylor, Mrs V Pearson, Ms A Borowski, Mrs C Richardson, Mr D Butler, Mr R Garlick, Mr D Jervis, Mr M Whitmore, Mr M Joynson, Mrs N Myatt, Mr R Moody, Mr C Cooper, Mr N Crisp Clerk – Mrs C Withington There were 5 members of the public present

1. Parish Awards 1. The Capewell Naylor Trophy for services to the environment - Mr Hayes presented the award to Cllr Proctor for his tireless efforts to help keep our Parish clean and tidy, both as a Borough Councillor and personally. Cllr Proctor thanked the Parish and felt privileged to follow many great names on the trophy who have walked miles litter picking etc for the benefit of all. 2. Elsie Kelsall Young Persons Award – Mr Hayes presented the award to Miss Ella Rae Baddeley, for her fantastic contribution made to the Parish Council while representing High School students. 3. R.W Edwards Community Award – Mr Hayes presented the award to the Audley Striders in recognition of their fantastic achievement to create a new running club in the Parish. The new club offers advice and guidance to people looking to take up running and is proving to be a great success. (NOTE this was presented part way through the meeting agenda but for the minutes has been included here) 2. To receive apologies – Mr R Kinnersley 3. To consider approving and signing minutes of the Parish Council meeting on 19th September 2019 – RESOLVED that these be signed as a true and accurate record. The Chair signed them at the meeting. 4. Declaration of Disclosable Pecuniary interest in any item on the agenda Interests were declared as follows: Mr Joynson – Institute (Item 21) Mr D Jervis – Wood Lane Cricket Club (payments) Mrs C Richardson – Buzy Bees Gardening Services (payments) 5. Public Participation: Cllr Proctor provided an update as the new Vice Chair on Audley LAP. It was noted that a meeting had been held to discuss the future of the LAP, following the withdrawal of the secretarial support from the Borough Council. Audley will focus on the following projects: • 2 x older persons events working with Sir Thomas Boughey Academy • Bi monthly litter picks, • Continued joint working with Aspire through bulky waste collection days (2 a year) • 2 x health events working with the Chair of the Patient Panel The meeting will also be moved to the library on a quarterly basis. All Parish Councillors are welcome to attend. 6. To receive an update from Audley LAP and Police / Parish Liaison Committee The above update was noted in relation to the LAP. The Police team are now back up to full strength following the return of the police officers who were on sick leave. No other update was available. 7. To consider a draft Budget 2020/21 – Appendix A - Grants programme - Christmas lights The Clerk circulated a draft budget to start the discussions. All are asked consider if there are any special projects not yet on the list, eg Highways


19/53 ………………………………………………………Signed ………………………..Dated maintenance (over and above the norm), Grants programme, off road car parking, Speed signs/posts etc. Christmas lights would remain as they are in Audley village only. All to bring forward suggestions to the next meeting. It was ALL also noted that the Section 136 funding stops next year, and the Council Tax Support Grant is also at risk of stopping in the future. This needs to be taken into consideration within future budgets. 8. Planning - To consider any planning applications received, including:- Various works to trees 24 Nantwich Road Audley Stoke On Trent ST7 8DH Ref. No: 19/00783/TCA – Conservation area/Delegated – RESOLVED to support the application. Two storey side extension 1 Gresley Way Newcastle Under Lyme Staffordshire ST7 8QR Ref. No: 19/00770/FUL – Village Env/Delegated – RESOLVED to support the application. Erection of an agricultural building Land Adjacent To The Cottage Mill End Lane Audley Newcastle Under Lyme Staffordshire Ref. No: 19/00728/AGR – Green Belt/Delegated – There was some concern that the property did not own the access strip to the property. RESOLVED to request that a condition is placed on the permission to stipulate that this is only for Agricultural use, and if the use changes then the building should be demolished. There was concern that there is a growing trend of individuals converting buildings like this into residential a few years down the line. Single storey front extension 93 Stephens Way Stoke On Trent Staffordshire ST7 8NL Ref. No: 19/00719/FUL - Village Env/Delegated – RESOLVED to support this. Update on the Joint Local Plan – if available – It was noted that discussions had now been started regarding Golf Corridor, and as a result of the emerging Joint Local Plan the Clerk was to meet with the new officer in charge at the Borough Council along with the Chair and Cllr Proctor to understand the timescale and implications of the forthcoming consultation. To note Town Council – Neighbourhood designation – Noted.

9. To consider whether to tender the Bus Service contract (prices remain the same as previous year) – RESOLVED to extend the contract with D&G for another year – April 2020 to March 2021 on the same terms and conditions. Clerk This was agreed due to the good service received with little or no complaints from users. They are also very responsive to requests. 10. To nominate representatives for the following, and any others as agreed: Audley Millennium Green Trust – After numerous discussions it was RESOLVED to nominate Mr M Whitmore, supported by Mrs C Richardson, Mrs N Myatt, and Clerk Mr N Crisp who would be mentored. Clerk to notify the Trust and clarify how many nominations are acceptable. 11. GDPR (standing item) Data breaches/Subject Access requests/Information Security – reminder of responsibilities – This was noted. • Use of County Council email (update from Chair if available) Clerk It was agreed to move across all personal emails to the County Council system. ALL Clerk to send over the Code of Conduct, and a draft Social Media Policy – this Next will be discussed for adoption at the next meeting. agenda 12. Playing Fields/Wildlife Areas inc: • To note Play Area Monthly Inspection for Oct and approval of any action required or taken under Delegated Authority – Graffiti removal at Halmer End, replacement swing seats, wire on lifebelt at Leddys, removal of overgrown trees at Leddys lifebelt. RESOLVED to note the Play Inspection report and the actions taken. Clerk A quote for a new sign for Alsagers Bank play area would be considered at the Next next meeting. Agenda RESOLVED to cut back the trees on the island around the sign at a cost of £40. Clerk RESOLVED to obtain quotes to move the lifebelts if considered necessary, Clerk rather than chopping down the trees and repositioning the one which faces out Next 53

19/54 ………………………………………………………Signed ………………………..Dated from the pond. This will be discussed at the next agenda. agenda • To note the update re Albert Street Play equipment consultation timetable (High School consultation now completed/Ravensmead Thurs 24th Oct) - This was noted. There was still no take up from Wood Lane Primary school. • To consider instructing the Borough Council to empty the 2 bins at Miles Clerk Green Play area- (£5 per week x 52 - £260 per bin) – RESOLVED to remove the non-standard bin on the play area at , to put a note on the Clerk existing bin asking the unauthorised person who is emptying it to contact the Clerk. Once this is resolved the Clerk will then appoint NBC to empty the bin at a cost of £5 per week x 52 weeks. 13. • To consider a quote re siding of Nantwich Road by overgrown parts only – RESOLVED to appoint Mr Hough to carry out the work up to £590 to Clerk side the pavement between Quarry Cottages and Peel Hollow. Clerk to seek approval from Highways to ensure this meets H&S needs. 14. Traffic Sub Group/Community Speedwatch – feedback from last meeting held 1. Hedges (GPC powers cut private hedges (overhanging) following reporting to Highways and owner’s permission) Next It was noted that the Chair had held a meeting with Mr Jervis and Cllr Proctor to agenda provide a list of landowners with dangerous/unsightly hedges which would be written to. This will be discussed on the next agenda. 2. Off road parking – Wood Lane – Mr D Jervis – Noted that this is now in hand after being forwarded to Aspire. 3. VAS – Victoria Place (3 months) – RESOLVED to move the sign after 3 Clerk months to Alsagers Bank for 3 months and then onto Ryehills. 4. Parking obstructions Station Road/Heathcote Road – Mr M Joynson Mr Joynson reported issues with cars parking across the pavement which has MJ/Traffi forced mobility scooters etc into the road to pass them. Mr Joynson to raise this c Sub at a future meeting of the Traffic Sub group. Consideration to be given to a post grp for a Vehicle activated sign for Wood Lane Primary school on the next agenda Next along with a request to the County Councillor Beech for “20 is Plenty” signs. agenda Clerk to circulate notices if available to Parish Councillors to put on vehicles. Clerk The Clerk also noted that she had applied for 1000 wheelie bin stickers for 30mph signs to be distributed by the Group to priority roads, as requested. 15. Standing item - CCTV – The Clerk noted that there had been footage captured of the individual who had set fire to the electrics at Road. The information and description had been passed to the police. A replacement hard drive was required and was being installed. It was noted that the Clerk is due to write to the surrounding properties at Halmer Clerk End to inform them about the CCTV installation. Mr Joynson to also liaise with MJ residents. 16. To seek legal advice regarding the former Audley and Hardingswood Educational Relief Charity and to resolve to close the bank account It was noted that this charity was wound up a number of years ago but a bank account was still in existence. In order to formally close this, 2 trustees need to sign a mandate. There is only one known trustee in Audley. As the charity is combined with Kidsgrove Town Council and also Staffordshire County Council, contact has been made with the two authorities. Clerk to report back to a future Next meeting regarding the next steps. agenda 17. To consider removal of ivy at Margaret’s Garden and the method RESOLVED to approve a quote to remove at the base through digging out up to Clerk a maximum of £100. 18. To consider seeking quotes for Leddys Field tree work phase 4 – RESOLVED that the Clerk instruct Mr James to seek quotes for phase 4 and to bring back to a future meeting. It was noted that this would had been delayed by Next 2 years and was required during the winter season up to March 2020 before agenda nesting birds. 54

19/55 ………………………………………………………Signed ………………………..Dated Mr Joynson assist with a bid through a sub group, not yet nominated, to seek bids to tidy up the paths etc. MJ ALL

It was agreed to review the future monthly maintenance programme of Leddys Field and tighten up areas where needed. Clerk to circulate the current Next programme for review. agenda 19. Wereton Road pavements – Mrs N Myatt RESOLVED that Mrs Myatt would report the condition of the pavements by the Clerk Chapel to Highways online, Clerk to circulate the links to all for other future NM reports. Clerk to forward the report number once completed to Cllr Beech for her assistance. 20. Remembrance Day Parade Sunday 10 November 2019 (road closures) - To approve appointment of First Responders to provide First Aid – RESOLVED to appoint the First Responders, costs are expected to be in the region of £120. Clerk - To approve a quote for lamp post poppies x 80 installation and to tie down the wreaths - RESOLVED to appoint Mr Hough to install the 80 Clerk poppies and remove after at a cost of up to £70 for each visit. Clerk to Clerk appoint Buzy Bees to tie down the wreaths and crosses at both sites up to a cost of £50. The Clerk noted that there had been some confusion between the Borough Council and Highways as to whom was to approve the road closures. This has now been sorted, via the Borough Council and was in hand. The Clerk reminded the Parish Council to ensure that all residents where possible know that this involves road closures for a period of time, so there will be no traffic movement in the areas. The information has been put in the noticeboards, website and Audley Community News facebook. It was agreed that the Clerk would write to the businesses in Church Street to inform them. Route as follows: AUDLEY Meet at Maddock Street, Audley at 10 a.m. to proceed along Wereton Road to Queen Street – down Meadowside Avenue – up Vernon Avenue – down Chester Road – to roundabout at Nantwich Road – up Nantwich Road (BAND TO JOIN PARADE AT PEAK PURSUITS) – along Church Street to the cenotaph adjacent Wilbrahams House (10.45 a.m.) ALSAGERS BANK Service in St.John’s at 10 a.m. with procession to the cenotaph on Church bend, Alsagers Bank at 10.45 a.m. 21. Request for Funding Halmer End CIC path £2k – Mr M Joynson Mr Joynson provided a brief history to the Halmer End CIC and its contribution to the health and wellbeing of the community. Mr Joynson left the meeting. A discussion was held about the situation. The Clerk reminded Parish Councillors of the many good causes in the Parish, and the numbers that had been turned down previously, and it was suggested that a grants programme would be the fairest way to proceed. It was RESOLVED that this is a community asset that adds value to the otherwise limited offer available, and that £2000 would be MJ approved, subject to bank statements and evidence of spend after the works Clerk had been completed to the path. Mr M Joynson returned to the room. 22. County Councillor Ann Beech update on Staffordshire County Council matters – The Clerk noted that a request to consider a weight restriction for Nantwich Road had been put on the Divisional Highway Programme.

23. Correspondence and circulars -To review other items received and consider for next agenda Refill of all Parish Grit Bins and to note the Highways policy regarding grit bin refills – This was noted. RESOLVED to ensure that all the Parish Council Clerk 55

19/56 ………………………………………………………Signed ………………………..Dated grit bins are refilled by Highways Ice busters programme and if not then the Clerk is to obtain a quote for the next agenda. Annual Remembrance Day Parade and Church Service in the Parish Church of St Giles on Sunday 10 November 2019 at 10.00am. (NBC) reply to Geoff Durham (25/10/19) SPCA executive nominations deadline 18th Oct (1 vacancy) – No additional nominations put forward. 24. To consider safeguarding issues when visiting parishioners (ID cards) – Mr C Cooper The Clerk noted that to safeguard parish councillors as well as the vulnerable, visits to homes should not occur without at least 2 parish councillors being present, in the event of a complaint. RESOLVED that quotes for ID badges would be sort. 25. Clerks Update – (Appendix B) – This was noted. 26. Councillor Reports Mr Garlick reported that the white rails are failing down. Clerk to chase up the Clerk job previously logged with Cllr Beech. Ms Borowski reported that a resident had asked that the speed limit be reduced Next to 30 mph along Park Lane. This would be considered on the next agenda. agenda Mr Cooper asked who was responsible for approving the badger cull in Clerk Staffordshire. Clerk to make enquiries. 27. To approve the schedule of payments (Appendix C) – RESOLVED to Clerk approve the payments in accordance with the attached schedule. To adopt the (revised) Model Financial regulations 2019 - Appendix D RESOLVED to adopt the revised Financial Regulations, which approved the use Clerk of personal debit/credit cards for items purchased on behalf of the Parish Council. 28. TO RESOLVE UNDER THE 1960 PUBLIC BODIES (ADMISSION TO MEETINGS ACT) TO EXCLUDE THE PRESS AND PUBLIC DUE TO THE CONFIDENTIAL NATURE OF THE MEETING TO BE DISCUSSED: Car Park leases – Butchers Arms – to consider the latest position with the lease The Clerk noted that the update received today stated that the lease was imminent after being reviewed by the Landlord’s legal representative. It was however noted that there may be an issue relating to the church car park, which may need consideration in the future. This will be brought to the meeting if the situation requires it to.

Meeting closed at 21.30


19/57 ………………………………………………………Signed ………………………..Dated Approved Payments Schedule – Oct 2019

TOTAL INVOICE Chq/Bacs TO WHOM PAID DETAILS INC VAT Bacs 109 Mrs C Withington Website domain renewal £15 plus host £11 15.00 Bacs 110 Mrs C Withington Postage Miles Green play area 14.64 Bacs 111 Mrs C Withington Salary Oct 1473.96 Bacs 112 Mrs C Withington Expenses Oct 134.60 Bacs 113 Staffordshire Pension scheme Pension Oct 604.87 Bacs 114 H M Revenues and Customs Tax and NI Oct 524.35

Bacs 115 Staffordshire Pension scheme Employer Pension shortfall (incorrect % used 24.6 not 23.4%) 140.04 Bacs 116 JS Sports Trophy engraving 27.00 Bacs 117 Mr Colclough Parish Cricket tournment Cup PAID 135.00 AM Play area cut x 1 (13), A/Bank Hend Mgarden strim x 1, Bacs 118 Mr S Hough new equp x 1, triangle 810.00 Bacs 119 Mr S Hough ON 43 Queen Street repair fence 170.00 Bacs 120 Mr S Hough ON 70 Leddys Bin 10/9, 16/9, 23/9, 1/10 80.00 Bacs 121 Mr S Hough ON 44 Repairs to fence H End 25.00 Bacs 122 Mr S Hough ON 42 Graffiti on Train H End 10.00 Bacs 123 Mr S Hough ON 26 Batteries VAS SID 19th Sept 25.00 Bacs 124 Mr S Hough ON 35 Painting Alsagers Bank 290.00 Bacs 125 Mr S Hough ON 45 Trip rail Alsager Rd 60.00 Bacs 126 Mr S Hough ON 41 Acco drain clean Alsager Rd 20.00 Bacs 127 Mr S Hough ON 22 Low risk play area jobs 1080.00 Bacs 128 Staffs County Council Butchers car park fees July Aug 68.40 Bacs 129 Staffs County Council Church car park fees July 68.40 Bacs 130 Staffs County Council Church car park fees Aug 45.60 Bacs 131 PME Maintenance Ltd Bunting removal 240.00 Bacs 132 EE Sept line rental 19.20 Bacs 133 Busy Bees Spraying cenotaph Halmer End 25.00 Bacs 134 EOn Repairs to CCTV Alsager Road post 211.30

Bacs 135 C Withington 100 x stamps (remem day) and bank mandate lloyds rec del 62.81 Bacs 136 D&G Bus Services Sept bus charges 2000.35 Bacs 137 C Withington Stamps Agenda and minutes 14.64 Monthly total 8395.16

Receipts 25.09.19 Kiki Allotment rent 4.00

Total transfer required to current account: £8400