.,.horns is a scattered hamlet 2! miles north-west. THW.A.ITE is a village Il miles west 'tlf Muker. Here Public Elementary School, Keld (mixed), for so children; i~ a Congregational chapel, erected in 1864 and seating average attendance, 28 ; Thomas Brooksbank, master 140 persons. A fai:f is held hero on October 2&th for sheep and lambs. MUKER. Fawcett Simon, farmer RAVENSEAT. Devey Thomas Valentin_e Guy Thomas, farmer, Greenses Raine Joseph, farmer Iveson J ames, butcher Gaskill Rev. Joseph Edward M.A. Whitehead Raper, farmer • (vicar), Vicarage Kilburn John, farmer Want K Peacock Ohr.istr. fanner, Skeugh head SATRO~. COMMERCIAL. Reynoldson Guy, coal agent Alderson John, farmer, Rukin Margaret (Mrs.), farmer AlderSQn Henry, farmer, Gillhead ho Alderson John William, farmer, Rash BIRKDALE. Clarkson Miss, Spring end Brunskill Christopher, farmer Alderson Christphr. frmr.Harkers ho Clarkson Barbara (Miss), farmer & Buxton John, farmer, Crow trees Alderson James, farmer, Stone house landownel' Calvert Sarah (Mrs.), Queen's Arms Alderson John, farmer, Hill top Guy Robert, farmer, Hill Top lodge P.H Alderson Joseph, farmer, Firs Mudd John, farmer Vevey Thomas Valentine L.R.C.P., Clarkson George, farmer, Pry house Sunter 'l'homas, farmer, Spring end L.R.C.S. & L.M.Edin. physician k Dinsdale J awes, farmer, Black howe Waggett Ralph, farmer surgeon & medical officer & public Kilburn William, farmer, Hoggarths vaccinator Muker district, Reeth • Kirkbride Thomas, farmer, Ellers umon Thornborough Robert, farmer EAST STONESD.iLE. Fawcett John Richard, farmer Guy John, farmer, Ushagap CALVERT'S HOUSE. Alderson Christopher, farmer Harker Nathan, farmer, Crackpot hall Guy Thomas, butter factor & carrier Hutchinson Willia.m Barker William, farmer Alton James, farmer, head Hunter John, farmer, Scar house Heseltine Ann (Mrs.), farmer WEST STO.XESD.iLE. Butchinson James, farmer, Rash Parker Francis, farmer Clarkson John, farmer Literary Institute (Christopher Raw, Whitfield Robert, farmer sec.; William Thomas Baw, treas) Peacock Matthew, farmer Metcalfe William, farmer IVELET. Scott Anthony, farmer, Frith Peacock Christopher (Mrs.), Farmers' Cherry Simon, gamekeeper to J. F. Scott John, farmer Arms P.H Gandy esq. lodge Scott RichardAlderson,farmer,Park ho Peacock John, farmer, Scar house Harrison Richard, farme? Peacock Ralph, farmer Hugill John, farmer THOR..'fS. Peacock William, grocer & draper Terry Thomas, farmer Pounder Thomas, farmer Alder son John, farmer Raw Christopher, shopkpr. & overseer KELD. Fawcett John Alderson, farmer,!.ygill Raw Thomas William, joiner A.tkinson Rev. Joseph (Congregatnl) Reynoldson John, gamekeeper to Raw William Thomas, farmer, Rash COMMERCJAI.• Capt. Lyell Rutter Ann (Mrs.), registrar of Alderson Mary (Mrs.), farmer Rukin John, farmer births & deaths Muker sub-district, Brooksbank Joseph, farmer Scott Simon, farmer Reeth union Hutchinson William Robinson, Cot Scott John, farmer Hole P.H Sunter Richard, farmer, Rampsholme Literary Institute (Thos. Taylor, sec) THW.A.ITE. Sunter Thomas, farmer, Spring end Metcalfe Thos. shopkeeper, Keld grn Tillison Samuel Want K., L.R.C.P. & S.Edin., Parrington James & Son, shoe Alderson Thomas, farmer L.R.F.P.S.Glas. physician & sur- makers, Bridge end Calvert Da.vid, Joiners' Arms P.H -geon, medical officer of health to Rukin James, fanner Calvert Simon, farmer, Moor close Reeth Rural District Council Wagget1 James, gamekeeper to J. F. Clarkson William, farmer Whiten Christopher, farmer, Rash Gandy esq Kea.rt.on George, farmer ANGRAM. OXNOP. . Kearton George, jun. farmer Alderson Wm. farmer, Skeugh head Calvert William, farmer Reynoldson Edwa.rd, farmer Ctarkson John, farmer Whitell John, farmer Scott George, grocer & carpenter MUBTON, or Morton, in the manor and constablewick The principal cereals prodqced are barley and oats. of Newburgh, formerly extra-parochial, is now a civil More land than heretofore has been devoted to the parish within the ecclesiastical parish of Hawnby- culture of wheat, but from the coldness of the situation cum-Old Byland. The parish. is 7 miles north-west the quality is inferior. The area is 1,754 acres; rate­ from Helmsley station on the Thirsk and Pickering abl~ value, £633; the population in 19II was 31. section of the North Eastern railway, and 8! north-east frc·m Thirsk, in the Thirsk and Malton division of the Letters arrive through York, via Helmsley, at 10.45 Riding, wapentake and petty sessional division of Bird­ a.m. Hawnby is the nearest money order & telegraph fOTth, Helmsley union and county court district. The office, about I mile distant soil is of a limy nature; subsoil, limastone and rock. The children of this place attend the school at Ha.wnby Moon George J.P. Murton grange Moon George J.P. farmer, see Medd Prest John Thomas, farmer (letters & Moon addressed Shaking uridgt-,HelmsleY) COMMERCIAL. Pennock John, farmer, Silverhill Prest John Thomas, farmer M-add &: Moon, cattle dealers & frmrs (letters addressed Hambleton, Thirsk) MURTON, see Osbaldwick. MUSCOATES, see Kirkdale. MYTON·UPON·SWALE is a. township, parish and to Miss Matthews, and there are others to the Rev. pleasant villtlge, 3 miles scmbh from BraJierton etation Ralph Oldham B.A. vicar, 1862-83, erected by his sister, of the Boroughbridge and Knaresborongh branch, and 5 and to the late Major Stapylton: in 1908 a porch was miles west from Alne etstion on the main line of the built by Mrs. V. M. Schomberg, of Seend House, Wilts, North Eastern railway, 3 miles east from Boroughbridge to her parents, Martin Bryan Stapylton .and Mary Jane, .and 7 south-west from Easingwold, in the Thirsk and his wife : the church was restored in t887 at a cost of Malton. division of the Rid:ing, Bulmer wapentake, petty £r,2oo, and refitted and reseated in oak at the expense sessional division of Bolma West. Easingwold union and of the late MajQr Stapylton, and affords 120 sittings. county court do:istrict, rural deanery of Easingwold, arch­ The register dates- from the year 1654. The living is a d~:mconry of Cleveland and diocese of York: it is situated vicarage, net yearly value £176, including Ic6 acres of at the confluence of the riven Sw"Ble and Ure, on the glebe, with residence, in the gift of the Archbishop of Wesli Riding border- of tha county. An iro:a bridge of York, and held since 1907 by the Rev. John Richard handsome design was erect-ed across the Swaie by the Bradshaw B. A., L. Th. of University College, Durham. \ate Major H. M. Stapylton in 1B7o, and ia open to the The tithe. amounting to [350, is impropriated. There is public on payment of a toll. The church of St. Mary, a small char.ity of ':aos. yearly and also the interest of £77 restored in I88o-8 and reopened 4th April, 1888, is an 15s. 6d. fox the education of 4 poor children. Near here, f>difice of stone in the Early Englis~ and Decorated in 13t9, an engagement, called "the White Battle," was t~tyles, consisting of chancel, nave and an embattled wsstern fought between a force of Scottish marauders under Sir tower with pinnacles containing 3 bells : the yeredos of Thomas (Randolph), 1st Earl of Moray, and Sir Jam!'s .carved oak was presented in 1904 by Miles John Douglas and an undisciplined host of about zo.ooo English, Stapylton esq. : the stained east window is a memorial collected together by William de Melt:on, Archbishop dl. 0