Galphay Village Institute: Registered Charity Number 1101342 Winter 2018

Published four times a year straight to your inbox and on the community website As the decorations are put away, the snow arrives

Read all about the events and happenings in and around Galphay Village this Winter

In This Edition Dates For The Diary - Recent Events • Village Quiz & Supper @ The Pub - In And Around The Village Wed 28th Feb @ 7.30pm, Hosted by Doug Metcalf - Down On The Farms • A Murder Mystery Evening @ The Pub - Village People Sat 24th March—more details to follow - Forthcoming Events - News From The Pub • Bootleggers @ The GVI - Regular Features Saturday 31st March, GVI @ 7.30pm [email protected] Gillian Wiggle

As many of you are slowly finding out, Gillian Wiggle the Landlady of our pub, the Galphay Inn, sadly passed away over the weekend. It was a great shock to all of us. Details of Gillian's funeral will be made available in the pub and on the village website. Chris Duke has kindly offered a few words and photographs below.

We are all very sad over the passing of Gillian at the young age of 49 following a short illness. Gillian came to Galphay almost six years ago and breathed life into the Galphay Inn, turning it into a true local pub with an excellent reputation for food. Gillian started running pubs after training in hospitality, becoming the youngest landlady in when she took over the Spotted Cow in Malton, North . Gillian also ran the Henry Jenkins in once again turning it into a popular local venue. From there Gillian joined Harrogate Borough Council before returning to her true vocation at the Galphay Inn. In the last couple of years Gillian also fostered young children again making a positive difference to their lives and experiences. Gillian leaves two daughters, Emma and Zoe and three grandchildren, Edward, Oliver and Benjamin. Our thoughts and sympathy are with them and the remainder of her family. [email protected] Recent Events Since Our Last Issue

On Saturday 18th November the village held its annual Galphay Xmas Market and this has now become one of our main events and we hope it continues to grow and thrive.

Around 15 stall holders displayed a fantastic array of crafts , gifts, books and local produce. Visitors were treated to a mouth watering (and waist expanding) selection of cakes and treats, to be washed down by non stop teas, coffees and mulled wine from the pop up café within the village hall. As usual the market would not have happened without stall holders and indeed the hard work and dedication of Petra Oldeman and Kim Lafford who coordinate the event. Of course, no event runs smoothly without the immense help provided by the team of volunteers guided by Jeri Hughes.

At the risk of forgetting anyone, a ‘thank you to all’ is in order and you all know who you are. [email protected] Recent Events Since Our Last Issue

Badapple Theatre Presented : The Elves and the Carpenter

The village held it’s Christmas family play on Sunday 10th December up at the village hall. Badapple Theatre specialise in putting on shows in villages all over the country. We have welcomed them in the past with their production of ‘The Thankful Village’ The Elves & The Carpenter was very cleverly put together and the children that attended thoroughly enjoyed the show. Local illnesses led to 10 cancellations on the day which was unfortunate, especially as attendance was not quite as high as we had hoped, even though the 3 local schools all handed out promotional show flyers to parents. We are hopeful of putting on another Badapple play later this year so watch this space for details…….. [email protected] In And Around The Village

It has been decided to purchase via the GVI (and commuted sums) a nice wooden picnic table for the village green and two wooden benches, once for the green and one for the village hall. These will take a week or so to order and deliver, hopefully ready for the arrival of spring.

We are also going to be purchasing via commuted sums a new set of larger and more sturdy goal posts and two basketball hoops for up at the village hall.

Commuted sums are funds paid by a developer to the council when a development reaches a certain size. Prior to 2015, most extensive development works to a single property were made to pay commuted sums. Now it is only developments of more than 5 properties that need pay.

Commuted sums need to be spent on specific areas of the village (tennis court, village green, pinfold) and can't be transferred to other areas of the village. There are also time limits on spending them. [email protected] In And Around The Village

Very little annoys villagers more than seeing bags of dog muck strewn around our local countryside, hung in trees, on fences or thrown into a hedge back.

Equally it is disheartening when un-bagged dog muck is found on the village greens or village verges. There is a general consensus of opinion that dog mess when out and about in the countryside can be left to wash away. Anything deposited by ones dog on a footpath in a field simply needs the ‘stick and flick’ action. A couple of small inoffensive signs have been laminated and placed on gates around our local footpaths reminding all dog owners to take any plastic bags home with them or move muck directly off a footpath.

We have organized this years village litter pick for Sunday 4th March and meeting at the bus shelter for 11.00am if anyone would like to join in. It is appreciated last year saw less rubbish than normal and we were almost oversubscribed with helpful litter pickers (thank you again) This year there has been more rubbish thrown than normal and the verges / hedges do need cleaning up before the new green growth starts. No one can possibly understand why anyone would want to throw their rubbish out of a car window in such pretty countryside. Some people really don’t care and continue to do so. We’d all love to catch them in the act.

The Council will be writing to all villagers over the coming weeks as a gentle reminder of what can or cannot be put into the black re-cycling boxes. The council believe there is an assumption by home owners that any plastic can be recycled and this is not the case. With the well documented recent Blue Planet 2 highlighting plastic waste, it won’t do any harm to remind ourselves what can be recycled. [email protected] Village People

The paint world will be getting a little duller, not due to the introduction of a new shade of ‘Elephants Breath Grey’, but due to the impending retirement of one of its biggest characters, Paddy Lafford. When he unloosens his tie for the last time and hangs up the lanyard at the end of March, taking early retirement, Paddy will have worked in the paint industry for 46 years, 28 years with his current employer (PPG, Kalon / Sigma Kalon). That is an amazing feat for a man who purports to be in his early 50’s Having started work at T & R Williamson in the sales office in 1972, in July 1974 Paddy went to work for Macphersons Paints in Bury, Lancashire as a trainee salesman and worked his way up to regional manager for the midlands. He joined PPG in March 1990 and since September 2000 has been the Sales Director. This job role may come as a surprise to many of you who had quite understandably assumed that Paddy was PPG’s inhouse golf professional given all the golfing conferences he manages to attend, masquerading as ‘work’ Indeed, Paddy hopes to give more of his free time to the golf course now as well as supporting his new favourite football team, the mighty Harrogate Town. We wish Paddy all the best in his retirement and look forward to seeing more of him around the village.

After becoming a Scuba Seal during 2017, Hattie Robinson has recently completed her Master Scuba Seal course and is now embarking on her final training to become a Qualified Open Water Scuba Diver… the age of 10!! A fantastic feat by anyone's standards. 10 years old is the minimum age anyone can progress to the main qualification, however very few people progress this early due to confidence. Hattie is something of a water baby and we wish her well and good luck with this course. [email protected] In And Around The Village Continued

Galphay Village Institute Committee AGM Tuesday 20th March @ 7.30pm Village Hall

This year we are hoping to change how the GVI is viewed within the village and indeed how it is managed, and by whom. We really do implore as many of you as possible to attend and air your views . There is now an accepted belief in the village that the GVI or Galphay Village Institute, using its full name, is something of the past. Reminiscent of the Village Green Society and WI, viewed through sepia-toned glasses and no longer as relevant in 2018 and the era of streaming online entertainment or social media. That is not to say the hall in anyway should or will fall into disrepair. We have a fantastic asset in our village hall and one we should all be proud of. However, we have to realign our priorities when looking at how the hall is used and what it is used for and how much time is spent trying to put on ‘old fashioned village events’ when there is possibly little call for them, in Galphay at least….. For the past 2 years under the management of the current committee, a definite focus has been on the wider village and not just events in the village hall, the Open Gardens are testament to this. It has been suggested it might be apt to rename the committee the ‘Galphay Village Group’ to remove any attachments to the old Village Institute Committee. You may agree or disagree….. There are villagers who will happily explain they have no intention of attending events in the hall. There are other villagers who tell the committee that we don’t do enough to put on events in the hall. Let us know which camp you sit in, share and air your views and lets see if we can’t improve this year on the hard work that has gone in over the past 2 years. At the time of publication we can confirm that Chairman’s position will be vacant after the AGM and we also currently have one committee place vacant.

Credit to Angela Mundy for the excellent drawing of the village hall [email protected] Down On The Farms

Home Grange Farm—Barry & Elaine

Lambing started in early January with the Suffolk and Texel ewes. Everything is going well so far, apart from a couple of ewes who initially liked both twins, then quickly had a change of heart, hence a couple of pet lambs. The recent scanning of our mule and Herdwick ewes, together with a couple of Suffolk shearlings and a Texel who were not in lamb when scanned in November, revealed that all 19 ewes are in lamb, starting early April. Our cows have recently passed their 4 yearly routine TB test which was carried out by The Yorkshire Vet himself Julian Norton who has now joined our veterinary practice in Boroughbridge. All 5 cows are also pregnant, with calving due to start May/June time.

Gold Coin Farm—Robert & Christine

Things have been relatively quiet down on the farm since the last newsletter. The black & white bull calves are reducing in number but the continentals calves are on the increase as planned. The sheep which have been grazing over winter have returned to back their holdings ready for lambing, which gives the land chance to rest, let the grass grow and hopefully have a good silage crop in May / June time with plenty of grass for the young stock to turn out on to. We had our last remaining suckler cow calve which was the oldest one in the herd she has given birth to an Aberdeen Angus heifer calf as seen in the photo. But to cap that we had the next generation of the Weatherhead’s – Matthew Joseph Robert Weatherhead born on the 16th February at 11.42pm weighing in at 9lb 10oz (ouch) well done Michelle & Stuart. Baby and parents all doing well [email protected] Forthcoming Events

‘Five Go Fundraising’ are holding an event at the Village Hall on Saturday 31st March—The Bootleggers. The Bootleggers who are an acoustic two man band performing toe tapping, foot stomping covers of artists such as Rag'n'Bone Man, Johnny Cash, Rolling Stones, Guns n Roses and LOTS more! Tickets will be £10 prepaid or £12 on the door. There will be a bar. Five Go Fundraising are a local group raising funds for several charities and helped out by our own Janet Baines. Please contact Janet Baines on [email protected] or 01765 522067 to book tickets. Anyone who has any old towels, blankets, dog coats, toys, dishes (anything dog related really ) Five Go Fundraising are collecting for numerous struggling Rescues both home and abroad, if anyone would like to donate.

A Pub Quiz is being hosted by Doug Metcalfe in the Galphay Inn at 7.30pm on Wednesday 28th February with proceeds being split between the GVI and the Galphay Inn. £4 per person including Pie & Peas Supper. To book please call the Galphay Inn on 01765 650002 Forthcoming Events

Advertised on behalf of Graham Philips [email protected] Regular Events

Friendship Lunches @ The Galphay Inn

The last Wednesday of every month : 12 Noon


Coffee Morning @ The Galphay Inn

Last Friday of the month 11am

Pilates Class @ The Village Hall Thursday’s at 7.00pm Please contact Paula Drury on 07944 338138 to book or [email protected] [email protected] News From The Pub

Our regular feature letting you know what’s been going on and what’s coming up at The Galphay Inn.

The Galphay Inn beautifully lit up by the The Galphay Inn way back when it was village Xmas Tree which was kindly known as the Brewers Arms donated by Tom Ramsden and Andy Mason from

We have just launched a new website. and whilst still undergoing upgrades will be the web contact for all that’s going on at the pub. Every Thursday night is our “Steak Night” offer. We have improved this to £30.00 a couple to include a bottle of our house wine. So that two steaks and trimmings and a bottle of our excellent house wine for £30.00!! • Valentines week goes from Wednesday 14th February to Saturday 17th February with a gorgeous and romantic menu! Lots of sharing dishes. Booking essential. • Mothers Day Sunday 11th March . Booking essential! • Saturday 24th March A Murder Mystery Evening in aid of MacMillan's. More details to follow!! Booking essential. • Easter weekend March 30th to Monday 2nd April . Our new menu launches early February with lots of exciting new dishes and offers!! Lastly, we are looking for experienced staff to work within our pub mainly at weekends. Excellent rates of pay and other benefits. Must have experience and be 18 plus. [email protected] Regular Features

Ask Archie…….

Our furry friend is back with his interesting take on life, love, money, cats, politics, biscuits, barking and village life. If you have anything you’d like to ask Archie you can contact him via on [email protected] Don’t expect the response from Archie to be helpful or ‘politically correct’ ...he is only a shaggy dog after all.

Archie is having a brief ‘paws’ for a week or two, however promises to return with his cheeky advice when he is feeling a little more up to it.

Only Joking…….

A Yorkshireman goes to a goldsmiths and asks, "Can tha mek us a gold statue o'me whippet?" The goldsmith says he can, then asks: "Do you want it 18 carat?" The man replies :"Nay lad, chewin' a bone'll do fine."

Mamma Mia…………….a classic ABBA song or a Yorkshire child telling his mum he's arrived?

What do you call a sarcastic cowboy from Barnsley? ….. Tex Piss

A man from Barnsley goes to the vet. The vet says “I hear you’ve got a problem with your cat?” “Aye” the man replies “Is it a Tom?” the vet asks. “No”, the man says, “I brought it wi’ me”

Did You Know…...?

There is enough bed space in Yorkshire's 3,150 hotels to sleep every person in a sold-out Wembley stadium.

At 3.4km long, the walls around York are the longest city walls in England .

The Yorkshire Dales is home to Britain's highest pub, the Tan Hill Inn, at a heady 1,732 feet above sea level.

Sheffield's Meadowhall is one of Europe's largest shopping & leisure complexes, with 25 million visitors a year. [email protected]

Your Views—Your Village

The idea of the Village Newsletter is to give everyone in the village a summary of what has been happening and what is coming up next. The Newsletter is not written on behalf of the GVI, The Pub or the Parish Council, it is written by the village and for the village as a community. We would love to hear your views, ideas, requests and even complaints. Whether you’d like to hold an event in the village hall or pub or have an issue in and around the village that you would like someone to address, please just ask [email protected]

Your Contacts

Galphay Village Hall Committee:

Ben Robinson (Chairman) Bob Mundy (Secretary) Peter Norrie (Treasurer) Petra Oldeman - Doug Metcalf - Mal Smart - Chris Duke

Contact via : [email protected]

Parish Councilors:

Ben Robinson Contact on : 07766 525507 or [email protected]

Robert Weatherhead Contact on : 07974 695774 or [email protected]

The Galphay Inn:

Chris Duke or Jane Oland Contact on : 01765 650002 or [email protected]

Winter Newsletter Due Out February 2018 [email protected]