Mersen Urd 2020
URD 2020 Universal Registration Document MERSEN Universal Registration Document page 1 Group Profile 3 2 Corporate governance report 17 3 Management Report 75 4 Social responsibility and sustainable development 101 5 Information about the share capital and share ownership 147 6 Consolidated financial statements 165 7 Parent company financial statements 225 8 Additional information & glossaries 253 This document is a free translation into English for convenience purposes only of the French URD fi led with the Autorité des Marchés Financiers on March 15, 2021. URD 2020 | MERSEN 1 2 MERSEN | URD 2020 1 GROUP PROFILE 2020: AN UNPRECEDENTED YEAR 5 2020 KEY FIGURES 6 GROUP B USINESS M ODEL 8 VISION, MISSION AND VALUES 10 URD 2020 | MERSEN 3 GROUP PROFILE 1 4 MERSEN | URD 2020 GROUP PROFILE 2020: an unprecedented year 1 2020: AN UNPRECEDENTED YEAR After several years of growth, the Covid-19 pandemic hit the The additional direct costs caused by Covid-19 (purchase of global economy hard in 2020, with many countries introducing masks, cleaning costs, exceptional transportation, etc.) were travel restrictions, lockdown measures and quarantines to slow recorded but were for the most part offset by decreased spending the spread of the pandemic. These restrictions began in January as a result of slower business activity (especially reduced travel and February in China and then reached Europe in early March expenses). and America at the end of March. All in all, the Group demonstrated its resilience and ability to adapt Although some countries eased their lockdowns after the fi rst its expenditure, delivering operating margin of 8.1% of sales.
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