A collection of games for conducting warm up activities and event skill training Australian Little Athletics

Great Ideas for GroupLAANSW ASAP Games Level 3

A Collection of Games for Conducting Warm Up Activities and Event Skill Training

This resource has been created by Darren Wensor on behalf of Australian Little Athletics. Graphic design by Nicole Duffey. Cover photo courtesy of Stephen Chu.

This resource is not intended to be a definitive analysis about conducting warm up activities and events skill training and professional advice should be taken before any course of action is pursued. The authors and publishers are not responsible for the results of any action on the basis of information in this publication nor for any error or omission in or from it.

Copyright LAANSW Inc. 2007 JUMP START: Great ideas for group games Great Ideas for Group Games


MAKE IT FUN! These three words contain possibly the most important piece of advice that can be given to aLAANSW coach or ASAP teacher Level conducting3 athletics training for young people.

Unfortunately, traditional athletics skill teaching is often associated with short bursts of activity and long waiting periods - a great way to de- motivate young people! Don't expect children to have the same attitude to training as an adult - they rarely will. It is generally very difficult for children to motivate themselves to perform practice unless there is an immediate or very short term "reward".

One reward that coaches can offer is fun, and the answer is games. While traditional drills have the goal of improvement, games have an outcome that is more tangible and appealing to the young athlete. In initiating skill practices with a game element, you are organising activities that will motivate and improve.

This booklet features an extensive collection of athletics games, many original and never before published. It has been designed for the teacher or grass roots coach teaching athletics to groups of young people.

Some of the games have been designed to inject an element of fun into an otherwise boring and repetitive activity; others have been designed so that group situations can be better managed by keeping large groups active and / or entertained; yet others have been designed to inherently highlight elements of a skill to be learnt. Regardless, all of the games have been tried and tested out in the field. They do work.

Next time you are conducting a session for a group of young athletes, at its conclusion, ask them what they most enjoyed. Don't be surprised if they answer: "The games". JUMP START: Great ideas for group games Group Warm Up Activities

The following activities are all suitable to be used as introductory warm up games for groups of up to thirty players. They are easy to organise and explain, and require minimal equipment. They are ideal for ensuring an enjoyable start to a session.

Some tips: -

• Ensure that playing areas are large enoughLAANSW to allow ASAP players Level 3 to move about freely and reduce the possibilities of collisions.

• For some of the "tag" games, ensure that there are sufficient "taggers" selected to make the game interesting, however not too many so that the game is confusing.

• When conducting a "tag" game, ensure that the taggers are easily identified, eg. wearing a colour band, carrying a ribbon, etc.

• Avoid using "elimination games" (ie. games in which players are eliminated or "go out") as introductory warm up games. Using elimination games defeat the purpose of the warm up. JUMP START: Great Ideas for group games Turn Over The Hats

General body warm up; agility.

Ground markers.

Two teams. Ground markers scattered in designated playing area, half of them turned upside down. LAANSW ASAP Level 3

On "Go!" Team A moves around the playing area attempting to turn as many markers as possible the right way up; at the same time Team B attempts to turn as many markers as possible upside down. After playing for a designated time, stop the game and count the number of markers the correct way up, compared to the number of markers upside down, to find the winning team.

• Ensure a large enough playing area to reduce the chance of collisions. • Widely spaced markers inside the playing area will also reduce the chance of collisions. JUMP START: Great ideas for group games Bean Bag Bungle

General body warm up; body awareness.

Ground markers, bean bags, whistle.

Create a square playing area with ground markers. Scatter bean bags around the playing area - one for each player. Players stand with their foot on their bean bags.LAANSW ASAP Level 3

Players leave their bean bag on the ground and move randomly within the playing area performing an action selected by the leader. Eg. skipping, hopping, jumping, etc. When the leader blows the whistle, the players must quickly find a different bean bag and put their foot on it. Repeat. Each time the players must find a different bean bag.

ALTERNATIVE: After blowing the whistle, the leader calls out a body part eg. elbow, knee, etc, and the players respond by touching a bean bag with this part of their body. Change the body part called each time. LAANSW ASAP Level 3 LAANSW ASAP General body warm up. General Ground markers. Players randomly scattered playing area with markers. Create a square within playing area. within the playing area, performing an The players move about randomly eg., skipping, hopping, jumping, etc. The action selected by the leader, and calls out a number. The players are leader then blows the whistle of this size, ie., if the leader calls "3", required to quickly form groups three. players must form groups of The Numbers Game Numbers The Change the action that the players are to perform each time.

JUMP START: Great Ideas for group games JUMP START: Great ideas for group games LAANSW ASAP Level 3 LAANSW ASAP Regularly change the exercise to be performed. General body warm up. General Ground markers. markers. Players randomly playing area with ground Create a square more "taggers". playing area. Select one or scatter within the game of tag, however players can be This is played as a traditional if they are performing an exercise selected "immune" from being tagged the spot. by the leader, eg. running on Aerobic Immunity Tag Immunity Aerobic LAANSW ASAP Level 3 LAANSW ASAP General body warm up; agility body warm up; General Ground markers. markers. Players randomly playing area with ground Create a square is selected as "frost"; the playing area. One player scatter within as "thaw". another is selected and tag as many players as possible. Any The role of "frost" is to chase must "freeze" on the spot on which player who is tagged by "frost" of "thaw" is to run about and tag the they were tagged. The role by "frost" , thus releasing them back players who have been "frozen" by "frost", then "thaw" must remain into the game. If "thaw" is tagged by the leader, eg. 10 seconds. Play the "frozen" for a time specified or until "frost" has "frozen" all other game for a certain time period players. Frost Thaw and

JUMP START: Great Ideas for group games JUMP START: Great ideas for group games LAANSW ASAP Level 3 LAANSW ASAP General body warm up. General Ground markers. markers. Players randomly playing area with ground Create a square more "taggers". playing area. Select one or scatter within the game of tag, however all players This game is played as a traditional on a part of their body selected by the must play with their hand placed knee" or "one hand on your elbow". leader, eg. " one hand on your Players tagged become new "taggers". French Tag LAANSW ASAP Level 3 LAANSW ASAP General body warm up; agility body warm up; General Ground markers. markers. Players randomly playing area with ground Create a square more "taggers". playing area. Select one or scatter within the game of tag, however a tagged This game is played as a traditional on the body part on which they were player must play with one hand tagged. Hospital Tag Hospital

JUMP START: Great Ideas for group games JUMP START: Great ideas for group games LAANSW ASAP Level 3 LAANSW ASAP General body warm up, balance. body warm up, General Ground markers. markers. Players randomly playing area with ground Create a square more "taggers". playing area. Select one or scatter within the game of tag, however players are This game is played as a traditional if they are standing on one leg, reaching immune from being tagged leg, and touching their nose with this with one arm under their other hand. Ostrich Tag Ostrich JUMP START: Great Ideas for group games Optional Tag

General body warm up; agility.

Ground markers.

Divide a square playing area into two halves. Select one tagger for each half of the playing area. Other players scatter within the playing area. LAANSW ASAP Level 3

Taggers must remain in their half of the playing area. Other players may run anywhere within the playing area. If tagged, a player becomes the new tagger in the half of the playing area in which they were tagged. JUMP START: Great ideas for group games LAANSW ASAP Level 3 LAANSW ASAP General body warm up. General Ground markers. Select one or more playing area with ground markers. Create a square "taggers". players. If a player is tagged, they join Taggers attempt to tag other the links of a chain. Once a "chain" hands with their tagger, forming chain is split into two and the game consists of four people, the time or until all players are part of a continues. Play for a designated chain. Chain Tag Chain LAANSW ASAP Level 3 LAANSW ASAP General body warm up. General Ground markers. Select one or more playing area with ground markers. Create a square "taggers". players. If a player is tagged, they must Taggers attempt to tag other and arms extended out to the side (a stand still with their feet apart by another player crawling under "scarecrow"). They can be released from being tagged if they are in the their legs. A player is immune legs. process of crawling under a "scarecrow's" Scarecrow Tag Scarecrow

JUMP START: Great Ideas for group games JUMP START: Great ideas for group games LAANSW ASAP Level 3 LAANSW ASAP General body warm up. General Ground markers. Select one or more playing area with ground markers. Create a square "taggers". a player must go to "prison" - a During this game, if "tagged", field - if tagged. They can be released designated area of the playing game, if touched by another player. from prison and back into the Release Tag Release Prison LAANSW ASAP Level 3 LAANSW ASAP General body warm up. General whistle. Ground markers, markers. Players spread out playing area with ground Create a square around the perimeter. of the area, all moving in the same Players jog around the outside leader's whistle = perform an exercise direction. One blow of the 3 sit ups); two blows of the whistle = selected by the leader (eg. selected by the leader (eg. 3 tuck jumps); perform a different exercise = change running direction. Play for three blows of the whistle also skip, hop, etc. around playing area. designated time. Players may Whistle Command Whistle

JUMP START: Great Ideas for group games JUMP START: Great ideas for group games LAANSW ASAP Level 3 LAANSW ASAP General body warm up. General player. ribbons - at least one for each Ground markers, Players wear one or playing area with ground markers. Create a square of shorts) and spread out ribbons tucked into back more "tails" (ie. area. within the playing playing area, attempting to take other Players move about inside the their own. Players may only take one of player's tails, while protecting Players cannot protect their own tails by another player's tails at a time. holding them. Catch the Tail the Catch LAANSW ASAP Level 3 LAANSW ASAP General body warm up. General Ground markers. ground markers. Form two square playing area with Create a large playing area. Choose one or on opposite corners of the "gates", marked area. Players scatter inside the playing more taggers. they must run out the closest "gate" If a player is tagged by a tagger, back in the gate on the opposite and re-enter the game by running game for designated time. corner of the playing area. Play Out The Gate The Out

JUMP START: Great Ideas for group games JUMP START: Great ideas for group games Command

General body warm up.

Ground markers.

Create a square playing area with ground markers. Players scatter within the playing area. LAANSW ASAP Level 3

This game is based on the traditional game of "shipwreck" however relates to athletics. The leader gives various commands and the players must quickly respond within the playing area. Commands and the required actions can include:

"Front Straight" Players run to one side of the playing area. "Back Straight" As above. "Start Line" As above. "Finish Line" As above. "On Your Marks" Players assume an "on your marks" position. "Warm Up" Players perform a stretching exercise. "Personal Best" Players jump up and down. JUMP START: Great ideas for group games

Individual/Partner/Small Group Warm Up Activities

The following activities are ideal to use during a warm up, just following the introductory group game. They requireLAANSW minimal ASAP equipment Level 3 and are quick to organise and explain. No only are they fun and challenging, they assist in the development of basic strength, balance and agility, and • require pair and group co-operation to be successful.

Some tips: -

In all partner and small group activities, emphasise safety and playing • sensibly. State that it is a person's responsibility to ensure their partner's safety by avoiding over-aggressive or over-enthusiastic behaviour in some activites.

In an activity requiring the use of strength or body weight against a partner, attempt to match pairs with similar height and body weight. JUMP START: Great Ideas for group games Wrist Wrestle

Upper body warm up; upper body strength.


Pairs facing each other. Person A holds up their hands in front of them; Person B takes hold of PersonLAANSW A's wrists. ASAP Level 3

On the command "Ready . . . Go!"; Person A must attempt to tag Person B's shoulders while Person B attempts to prevent this. A blow from the leader's whistle signals the end of the activity. Swap roles.

This game should only be played in short bursts. • Ask participants to remove watches, bracelets, etc. • Players are not permitted to break each other's grip. • Emphasise safety and playing sensibly. • Players should be roughly matched by size and weight. JUMP START: Great ideas for group games General body warm up, strength, balance. body warm up, General 3-6 players. One hoop for every hoop placed on the ground, players form a circle around a Groups of 3-6 by linking hands. must avoid stepping on or in the hoop Keeping hands linked, players players to do so. Players are allowed to while attempting to cause other gentle pushing and dragging actions. move around the hoop and use Poison Hoop Poison Emphasise safety and sensible play. JUMP START: Great Ideas for group games Hoop Jump

General body warm up; improve vertical jumping ability.

One hoop for each pair.

Form pairs. Person A holds a hoop out at arm's length just above the ground level. Person B stands LAANSWnext to the ASAP hoop. Level 3

Person B attempts to jump into, then out of the hoop. Person A slightly raises the hoop with each successive jump. After a few repetitions, swap roles.

• The hoop should not be raised beyond a player's jumping ability and should go no higher than knee height. • The player holding the hoop is strictly not allowed to move the hoop as their partner is jumping. JUMP START: Great ideas for group games Co-ordination, balance, strength. balance, Co-ordination, Nil. within playing area. Players scattered arms folded. On a signal from Players sit on the ground cross-legged, stand up while keeping their arms folded. the leader, they attempt to Repeat. No Hands Stand Hands No JUMP START: Great Ideas for group games Back to Back Stand

Strength, co-ordination, balance.


Players in pairs scattered around the playing area. Pairs sit on the ground, back to back, with armsLAANSW linked. ASAP Level 3

On the signal from the leader, each pair attempts to stand up without using their hands, and keeping their arms linked.

• Players should be roughly matched by size and weight. ALTERNATIVE: • The above may be attempted with pairs beginning in a sitting position, facing each other, with hands linked. • Attempt in groups of 3-6. JUMP START: Great ideas for group games Back to Back Push


Ground markers.

In pairs, players sit on the ground, back to back, with arms linked.


Keeping their backside in contact with the ground, players attempt to push backwards against their partner and move them towards a designated point.

• Players should be roughly matched by size and weight. • Emphasise safety and playing sensibly. JUMP START: Great Ideas for group games Partner Push

Warm up, strength, balance.

Ground markers.

In pairs, players face each other in two lines, their hands on their partner's shoulders and legs braced.LAANSW ASAP Level 3

On command, they attempt to gently push each other backwards towards a designated point.

• Players should be roughly matched by size and weight. • Emphasise safety and playing sensibly. • Warn the players not to suddenly step away from the activity, causing their partner to fall. ALTERNATIVE: • Pairs may also push shoulder to shoulder. JUMP START: Great ideas for group games Partner Tug of War

Warm up, strength, balance.

Ground markers.

In pairs, players face each other in two lines, gripping each other's wrists, legs braced. LAANSW ASAP Level 3

On command, each player attempts to gently pull their partner back towards a designated point.

• Players should be roughly matched by size and weight. • Players must be warned not to suddenly let go of their partner's wrists, causing them to fall. • Emphasise safety and playing sensibly. JUMP START: Great Ideas for group games Group Sit Up

Warm up, strength, group co-operation.


Players sit in one straight line, side by side, arms linked, all facing in the same direction. LAANSW ASAP Level 3

On command, and all together, the group must attempt to perform a sit up, keeping their arms linked. This can be repeated a number of times to the leader's commands of "Up . . . down . . . up . . . down" etc. JUMP START: Great ideas for group games Partner Unbalance

Warm up, strength, balance.


In pairs, players face each other, balancing on one leg, the palm of their hand placed against their partner's palm. LAANSW ASAP Level 3

On command, players attempt to unbalance each other by using gentle pushing movements. Players may hop side to side or forwards and backwards while doing this.

• Emphasise safety and playing sensibly. JUMP START: Great Ideas for group games CircleStage Slap 2

Warm up, agility. Lesson Plans Nil.

• Running - Lesson 1 - Lesson 2 - Lesson 3 Players in pairs, scattered in the playing area.

• Jumping - LessonLAANSW 1 ASAP Level 3 - Lesson 2

Person A stands still with their hand held up, palm facing outwards. • Throwing - Lesson 1 Person B must gently slap Person A's hand and then run a circle around - Lesson 2 them before they slap the hand again and run back around in the opposite direction. Repeat for a pre-determined number of repetitions that players attempt to complete as quickly as possible. Reverse roles.

35 JUMP START: Great ideas for group games Partner Tag and Run

Warm up, agility.

Ground markers.

In pairs, players face each other along two lines in the centre of the playing area. Ensure that there is sufficient space between pairs. All players stand with oneLAANSW hand up ASAPin front Level of them,3 their palm facing their partner.

On command, Persons A tags Person B's hand, turns and runs to the boundary of the playing area (approx. 10 - 15m) then returns again to tag Person B's hand, who does the same. Continue for a predetermined number of repetitions. May be a competition between pairs. JUMP START: Great Ideas for group games Odd One Out

Warm up, agility.


In groups of four, three players link hands, forming a circle. The other player remains outside the circle.LAANSW ASAP Level 3

On command, the player outside the circle must attempt to tag a predetermined player in the circle. The players in the circle try to prevent this from happening by moving around while keeping hands linked, and protecting the selected player. Running,Stage , 3 Relay and Race WalkingLesson Plans Games

There is more to practicing for the track events than simply performing repetitions of the• skillsRunning involved. Make- Lesson your 1 teaching of the track events fun, exciting and interesting by using- Lesson the following 2 games.

- Lesson 3 Great ideas for group games Some tips:- - Lesson 4 LAANSW ASAP Level 3 • During all hurdle• games,Jumping ensure that- Lesson players 1 hurdle obstacles from the correct direction. - Lesson 2

• Ensure that the• hurdlesThrowing used are the- Lesson correct 1 height for the relevant age group. - Lesson 2

• With all running games, allow enough space between runners to reduce the chance of collisions.

• Never use a wall or fence as a boundary.

• The ideal distance for young people to run fast during running and relay games is from 5m to 30m. Distances of up to 50m can be introduced as they advance in age and ability. JUMP START: Great Ideas for group games GAMES FOR SPRINTING Crows and Cranes

Develop running, acceleration and starting technique.

Ground markers.

Players line up in two opposing teams, facing away from each other. One team is named the "Crows",LAANSW the other ASAP is namedLevel 3 the "Cranes".

Standing at the head of both lines, the leader calls "On your marks . . . Set . . ." and then either "Crows" or "Cranes". The team whose name that the leader calls must race to a designated line. The other team must freeze in the "set" position. The teams then return to their original starting positions to play again. Various starting positions such as sitting, and lying in a prone position may be used in order to introduce more of an emphasis on agility. JUMP START: Great ideas for group games Dominoes

Develop running, acceleration and starting skills.

Ground markers.

Players arrange themselves in a straight line, all facing in the same direction towards a designated "finish line". LAANSW ASAP Level 3

Standing at the head of the line, the leader calls "On your marks . . . Set . . ." but does not call "Go!". Instead, they tap the player closest to them on the elbow or shoulder as a signal for this player to begin running to the finish line. Each player is then not allowed to begin running until the player immediately before them in line has done so. This creates a domino effect. The game can be made competitive by asking players to attempt to pass the person who started immediately before them. JUMP START: Great Ideas for group games World Record

Speed and acceleration development.

Stopwatch, whistle.

Players line up at the start of a 100m track. LAANSW ASAP Level 3

On command, the players run as fast as they can down a 100m track. At the time that the starting command is given, the leader activates the stopwatch. When the time on the stopwatch reaches the current men's or women's world record, the leader blows their whistle. At this signal, the players note how far down the track they would be in comparison to the current world record holder. This activity can be done for most track events.

• Ask the players NOT to suddenly pull up on the whistle as this may lead to injury. JUMP START: Great ideas for group games Circle Chase

Running development.


Players form a large circle, facing in an anti-clockwise direction. Each is given a number "1" or "2" or "3". LAANSW ASAP Level 3

The leader calls "On your marks . . . Set . . . " and then one of the above numbers. Players of this number must sprint around the outside of the circle and back to their place again. Players attempt to be the first back to their place.

2 1 3 3

1 2

2 1 3 1 2 3

• Ask the players to only overtake other runners by passing them on their outside. • Players not running MUST NOT interfere with the runners as they go by. • Players must all run in the same direction around the outside of the circle. JUMP START: Great Ideas for group games Handicap Sprints

Running development.

Ground markers, ribbons, stopwatch.

Players to line up on a straight track, each holding a ribbon.

One at a time, or in groups, players sprint as far as they can down the track in a certain time. Eg. Ten seconds. When the time on the stopwatch reaches the designated time, the leader blows their whistle. At this signal, all runners immediately drop their ribbon, marking the spot they reached. After a short recovery, the groups then race back over this distance to the starting line.

ALTERNATIVE: Leaving their ribbons on the ground, players walk back to the starting line, then attempt to run further the next time (ie. past their ribbon). A team element can be introduced by forming teams and having each consecutive player begin from the point where the previous player dropped the ribbon. See how far the team can get down the track. JUMP START: Great ideas for group games Touch and Go

Acceleration development.

Ground markers.

Players form pairs and face each other 20-30 metres apart. LAANSW ASAP Level 3

Person A jogs towards Person B. On reaching a predetermined marker a few metres in front of Person B, Person A must pivot and sprint back past where they started. At the same time, Person B must chase them and attempt to pass Person A before they get back to the starting line.

B A JUMP START: Great Ideas for group games GAMES FOR HURDLING Jump the Obstacle Relay

Hurdling development.

Ground markers, low obstacles, relay batons.

Traditional shuttle relay formation with one or more obstacles on the track in front of the teams. LAANSW ASAP Level 3

Conducted as per a traditional shuttle relay, players must hurdle or leap over the obstacle/s that are placed between the two teams. Obstacles can be placed at correct hurdle distances, to encourage a three-stride rhythm, or at random spacing. JUMP START: Great ideas for group games Hurdle Shuttle Relay

Hurdling development.

Ground markers, hurdles.

Traditional shuttle relay formation, however each team occupies two lanes. Each team has a LAANSWflat and a ASAP hurdle Level track. 3

Conducted in a similar way to a shuttle relay, each player must run once over the hurdles and once on the flat track. JUMP START: Great Ideas for group games GAMES FOR ENDURANCE RUNNING Beat the 4 Minute Mile

Running development.

Ground markers, relay batons.

Players are placed at various points around a track or oval. The first runner carries a baton. LAANSW ASAP Level 3

The first runner caries the baton, passes it to the next player and so on. The group attempts to beat the 4 minute mile (ie. run one mile/1.6km in 4 minutes or less) or an appropriate time barrier. JUMP START: Great ideas for group games Follow the Leader Relay

Running development.

Ground markers.

Teams of up to six players line up behind the middle of three markers on a playing area. LAANSW ASAP Level 3

The player at the rear of the line begins by running past the team, around the bottom marker and to the front of the team. This player now leads the entire team around course again. On returning to the middle marker, it is then the turn of the player who is now at the rear of the line to run the course by themselves, then followed by the team. The relay continues until all players in the team have done this.

This relay may be done as a competition between teams or as a race against the clock. JUMP START: Great Ideas for group games Continuous Relay

Running development.

Ground markers, relay batons.

Mark out a square, rectangular or circular running course with ground markers. Players form pairs. BothLAANSW begin ASAP at the Level same 3 point of the course. Person A carries the relay baton.

On "Go", Person A runs around the outside of the course to a point half way around on the other side. Person B runs across the middle of the course and meets Person A, where they exchange the baton. Person B then continues around the rest of the course to meet Person A back where they started and once again exchange the baton. This relay can continue for a designated number of circuits, or a predetermined time.

Baton Exchange

Baton Exchange JUMP START: Great ideas for group games Roll the Dice

Running development.

Ground markers, six-sided dice.

Set up a running course of 40m - 100m. LAANSW ASAP Level 3

Players roll the dice in turn, the resulting number on the dice determining how many runs around the circuit each group of players must do. This game can be played for a predetermined number of dice rolls, laps or time period. JUMP START: Great Ideas for group games Breakaway

Running development, race tactics.

Ground markers.

Set up a running circuit of at least 60m (Distance to depend on ability of the group). Players line up atLAANSW a starting ASAP point. Level 3

On command, players run around the circuit in a group for the first four laps. The last lap is a race to the finish line. JUMP START: Great ideas for group games Short Course Run

Running development.

Ground markers.

Set up a running circuit of 40m to 100m. LAANSW ASAP Level 3

Ask players to run one lap per their age. Alternatively, ask them to run one minute for each year of their age.

8 years = 8 laps 9 years = 9 laps 10 years = 10 laps etc. JUMP START: Great Ideas for group games Pick Up Run

Running development.

Ground markers.

Set up a running course with stations. Each player begins on a different station. LAANSW ASAP Level 3

On "Go", the first player runs to the second station and "picks up" this player who joins them in running to the third station and picking up the third player, and so on, until all players are running as a group. Each player then progressively drops off as they reach their station again, and rests there until they are again picked up by the group as it continues around the course. Play for a designated time or number of circuits.


2 4

5 1


52 JUMP START: Great ideas for group games Grand Prix Run

Running development.

Ground markers, stop watch.

Set up a "Grand Prix" running course with ground markers. The length of the circuit will depend on the player's ability. LAANSW ASAP Level 3

(a) All players run through the course as quickly as possible. Time each player and rank them. (b) Set all players up behind a starting line on the circuit as per a grand prix motor race (ie. On a grid in order of time / ranking). On command, the players then run a race consisting of a predetermined number of laps of the circuit. JUMP START: Great Ideas for group games GAMES FOR RELAY RUNNING Fast Baton

Relay baton passing development.

Ground markers, one relay baton per team.

Divide the group into even teams. Players line up behind a ground marker in their teams. They standLAANSW in single ASAP file, Level arm's 3 length apart. The person at the rear of the line is given a relay baton.

On "Go", players pass the relay baton down the line as quickly as possible, using non-visual exchanges. When the first person receives the baton, they must quickly raise it above their head, signaling that they have finished. The first team to do this is the winner.

• Disqualify teams for incorrect passing technique, visual passes, etc. • When the baton reaches the first person and all teams have finished, simply ask the players to turn and face the other direction, so that the front person is now at the end of the line with the baton. Repeat the game. ALTERNATIVE: Players attempt this game while running on the spot. JUMP START: Great ideas for group games Baton Vs Runner

Relay baton passing development.

Ground markers, one relay baton per team.

Divide the group into teams of at least six players. Players line up behind a ground marker, arm's length apart, in their teams. The last player in each line is selectedLAANSW as ASAP the "runner" Level 3 and is instructed to stand at a marker an appropriate distance behind the team (eg. 10 metres). The player who is now last in line begins with the baton.

On "Go", the team passes the relay baton down the line to the front person as quickly as possible, using non-visual exchanges. At the same time, the "runner" sprints past the team and to the front of the line in an effort to beat the baton to this point.


• Ensure that the teams are spaced widely enough apart from the other teams to ensure a safe running corridor for the runner. • The more runners in each team, the further the runner should have to run. Organize this distance so that the time it takes the runner to reach the front of the line is similar to the time it takes the baton to reach this point. ALTERNATIVE: Play this game so that the runner has to attempt to be in position at the front of the line to receive the baton when it gets there. JUMP START: Great Ideas for group games Relay Zone Chase

Development of running fast through the changeover zone.

Ground markers.

Set up a twenty metre relay changeover zone and a ten metre acceleration zone using ground markers. In pairs, the players decide who will be the incoming and outgoingLAANSW runners. ASAP The Level incoming 3 runner stands 20m beyond the start of the acceleration zone. The outgoing runner stands just inside the acceleration zone looking back over their shoulder. A check mark is placed about six metres behind the start of the acceleration zone.

On "Go", the incoming runner sprints towards the outgoing runner. As soon as the incoming runner reaches the check mark, the outgoing runner must turn and sprint as fast as possible towards the end of the 20m changeover zone. The incoming runner aims to tag the outgoing runner before they reach the end of the changeover zone. The outgoing runner aims to reach the end of the zone and "safety" without being tagged.

Acceleration zone Checkmark Changeover 6m

20m 10m 20m

• Emphasize that the incoming runner must lightly tag their partner on the shoulder not push them, if they catch up to them. • The game does not require an athletics track or even an oval, to play. The changeover zone may simply be set up on a square playing area. If the area does not permit the various measurements recommended, simply adjust. JUMP START: Great ideas for group games Relay Zone Racing

Development of running fast through the changeover zone.

Ground markers, relay batons.

Set up a twenty metre relay changeover zone and a ten metre acceleration zone using ground markers. In pairs, the players decide who will be the incoming andLAANSW outgoing ASAP runners, Level 3 and set up check marks accordingly. The outgoing runners can stand anywhere inside the acceleration zone (as per a ), however all incoming runners must begin running from the same line 20m behind the acceleration line. Each incoming runner carries a baton.

The aim of this game is for each pair to attempt to be the first to carry the baton past the end of the 20m changeover zone. On "Go", all incoming runners sprint towards the outgoing runners in an attempt to make a fast, smooth baton exchange in the 20m changeover zone. The outgoing runner, on receiving the baton, sprints to the end of the changeover zone, carrying the baton.

Pairs are disqualified for illegal baton exchanges. JUMP START: Great Ideas for group games Relay World Record

Development of running fast through the changeover zone.

Ground markers, relay batons, stop watch.

Set up a twenty metre relay changeover zone and a ten metre acceleration zone using ground markers. In pairs, the players decide who will be the incoming and outgoingLAANSW runners, ASAP Leveland 3set up check marks accordingly.

Pairs compete for the group or "world" record for being the fastest at passing the baton through the 20m change over zone. The leader uses a stopwatch to time the movement of the baton through the zone. The timing should be started as the runner with the baton enters the 20m zone, and stopped when the outgoing runner leaves the zone. The pair with the fastest time holds the "world record".

Only one pair can usually be timed at once. Have other pairs ready to go as soon as the previous pair has finished. ALTERNATIVELY: Organise multiple timers so that more than one pair can run at once. JUMP START: Great ideas for group games GAMES FOR RACE WALKING Bean Bag Balance Relay

Develop walking posture.

Ground markers, bean bags.

Set up a 25m shuttle relay course with ground markers. Place an additional marker at each end, one metre before each change over. Divide the group into teams.LAANSW Each ASAP team Level splits 3 into two, with each going to opposite ends of the course.

Players participate in the relay carrying bean bags on their head. The bean bags may not be touched until the final metre before the change over, and during the change over itself. The first team to finish is the winner.

25 metres

Impose a short time penalty during which a player must stop and stand still (eg. 5 seconds) if the bean bag falls off, or it they touch it during the relay. Jumping Games Traditionally taught, the jumping events are often associated with brief bursts of activity and long periods of waiting, particularly in a large group or class situation. Using games assists in greatly reducing waiting periods or can make the waiting periods more enjoyable by involving the entire group or class in the game, whether they are the current jumper or not. Some of these games could be combined so that the group or class is involved in a tabloid or circuit, with one of the activities leader - directed. LAANSW ASAP Level 3 Some tips:- • During all jumping games, always use a jumping signal. ie. Participants are not allowed to jump or commence a run in until you have given them the appropriate signal.

• If using a jumping sand pit, ensure that the pit is well dug and clear of all foreign objects. Keep a rake handy so that the pit can be regularly raked during the game.

• Ensure that the take off areas for all horizontal and vertical jumps are firm, even and not slippery.

• Avoid long lines. For the horizontal jumps with big groups, send smaller groups only to line up on the runway. The rest of the group can be kept under supervision next to the pit, or participate in other activities.

• For all games requiring mats, ensure that the mats are of appropriate thickness for the technique being used, provide a large enough landing area, present no gaps, and preferably are held together by straps and a cover.

• For all high jump games requiring bar clearance and landing mats, mark a preferred take off area on the ground that will ensure the participants will land safely on the mats. Encourage beginner jumpers to abort attempts that do not bring them into this take off area.

• Do not request a beginner to perform an actual high jump, whether in a game situation or not, until they have received adequate lead up skill instruction.

• It should be noted that the high jump games dealt with encourage the use of the scissors technique. This technique is the basis for future high jump development and the introduction of the "Fosbury Flop" technique. However, introduction of the Fosbury technique at too early a stage is dangerous and can lead to technique faults that will later be difficult to correct. JUMP START: Great Ideas for group games GAMES FOR HIGH JUMP Scissors Jump Relay

Development of scissors jumping action.

Ground markers, low obstacle / skipping ropes.

Make a large figure of 8 on the ground with markers. Place a low obstacle (or two skipping ropes) that can easily be scissored at the intersection of the figure 8. PlayersLAANSW line ASAP up at Levelthe top 3 of the figure 8.

Each player covers the figure 8 circuit, scissor jumping over the obstacle in the middle, before tagging the next runner.

Players will need to use both left and right legs as their take off legs for this activity. ALTERNATIVE: This may be played as a follow-the-leader type activity, where up to six players go through at once, as long as meaures are taken to avoid collisions in the middle. JUMP START: Great ideas for group games High Jump Pointscore

Scissors action development, emphasizing correct take off, flight and landing.

High jump landing mats, uprights and flexi bar.

Players lined up preparing to jump on their preferred side. LAANSW ASAP Level 3

Players attempt to scissors high jump over the flexi bar and onto the mats to score points awarded by the leader. The point score is: Correct take off foot = 1 point Upright landing = 1 point Clear bar = 1 point

Players keep their individual total, or may add their points to a progressive team score. JUMP START: Great Ideas for group games Escape from the Space Monsters

General high jump development.

High jump landing mats, uprights and flexi bar, ground markers.

Set up all high jump equipment. Divide the group into two teams. Denote each team by a colour. Behind the mats, place two rows of ground markers - one colour LAANSWfor each ASAPteam Level- so 3that there is enough markers for each player in both teams.

Explain to the group that they have all been captured by space monsters and are being held in the space monster prison. The only way of escape is to high jump over an electrified fence (high jump flexi bar). If a player clears the bar, they have escaped and must stand next to the first of their team's row of markers behind the mat. Should another person from the same team escape, the first player must move along one marker to allow the new "escapee" to stand next to the first marker. This continues until all players from a team have escaped. If a player touches the bar while jumping, they have set off an alarm and alerted the space monsters, and have therefore not escaped. This person must return to the end of the line and attempt to clear the bar again when it is again their turn. In addition, the person standing next to the first marker behind the mat has not yet got far enough away, and has also been recaptured, and must jump again. All remaining escapees must then move back one marker. The aim of the game is to be the first team to have all players safely out of prison.

Escapees Escapees

Teams JUMP START: Great ideas for group games High Jump Challenge

General high jump development.

High jump landing mats, uprights and flexi bar, coloured tape, result sheet.

Mark high jump uprights with three standard heights eg. 1m, 1.10m, 1.20m. Organise the groupLAANSW into ASAPtwo teams. Level 3 One team will jump in turn while the other team helps to officiate and record.

This is a team competition during which players attempt to score points by clearing one of the standard heights. Eg. 1.00m = 5 points, 1.10m = 10 points, 1.20m = 20 points. Before jumping, each player nominates the height that they wish to attempt and the bar is moved accordingly. If they clear the bar, their team receives the relevant points. No points are recorded for a miss. Players may have as many turns as they like during their team's allocated time period eg. 2 mins / 3 mins / 4 mins etc for each team. Teams then change roles.




The game can be played with all players using full run ups, 3 step approaches only, scissors only, standing jumps only, etc. LAANSW ASAP Level 3 LAANSW ASAP Players must control the landing so that they can remain

GAMES FOR LONG & & TRIPLE GAMES LONG FOR Develop landing skills and control. landing skills and Develop ground markers. pit, hoops / skipping ropes, sand or skipping ropes). Players the sand (or lay down hoops Mark targets in (Ensure that the pit is wide along the side of the pit. line up in groups safe landings). enough to allow to land in the target from a standing On command, players attempt approach. jump, or a walking or running Target Jump Target ALTERNATIVE: the players balanced within the target until given a signal to leave. Ask to "stick" the landing as in gymnastics.

JUMP START: Great Ideas for group games JUMP START: Great ideas for group games LAANSW ASAP Level 3 LAANSW ASAP In addition to asking players to clap, ask them to, when

As part of a standing, walking or running jump, players attempt a loud As part of a standing, walking in the air. The leader can award points for clap above their heads whilst the quality of the clap. Encourage use of arms when jumping. use of arms Encourage ground markers. Long jump pit, or on the run way. along the side of the pit in groups, Players lined up ALTERNATIVE: feet. This landing, make hand prints in the sand just in front of their An additional encourages bending legs and leaning forward on landing. in the hand challenge requires each successive player to land their hands prints left by the previous player. Jump and Clap and Jump LAANSW ASAP Level 3 LAANSW ASAP Mark a widening river in the sand. Players proceed to

"river" drawn in the sand or marked with skipping ropes. "river" drawn in the sand or marked Using a standing or walking jump, players attempt to jump across a General jumping development. General (skipping ropes). Long jump pit, pit. in groups along the side of the Players line up Jump the River the Jump points further along the river as they succeed. ALTERNATIVE:

JUMP START: Great Ideas for group games JUMP START: Great ideas for group games LAANSW ASAP Level 3 LAANSW ASAP Encourage height of jump. Encourage ropes (snake). high jump flexi bar or skipping Long jump pit, and an assistant loosely on the runway. The leader Players lined up area at a sensible height just beyond the take off holding "the snake" off the ground. in and jump over the snake. The snake In turn, players attempt to run by the leader. can be held still or "wiggled" Poisonous Snake Poisonous 4 3 2 1 LAANSW ASAP Level 3 LAANSW ASAP General jumping development. General pit, ground markers. Long jump sand spaced, along the edge ground markers, evenly Place various coloured Players line up on the runway. of the sand pit. next to the ground markers. Further Players score points by landing more points. Eg. First marker = 1 point, jumps lead to progressively so on. Players can compete in teams and second marker = 2 points and add up team scores. Aggregate Jumps Aggregate

JUMP START: Great Ideas for group games JUMP START: Great ideas for group games LAANSW ASAP Level 3 LAANSW ASAP Groups attempt to beat the current men's or women's world records Groups attempt to beat the add all of the group's jumps together to with their aggregate jumps. (ie. record a total distance). General jumping development. General measuring tape. Long jump pit, runway. groups and line up on the Players form small World Jumping Records Jumping World 3 2 1 LAANSW ASAP Level 3 LAANSW ASAP General jumping development. General pit, ground markers. Long jump sand up behind this marker on the jump run up. Players line Mark a 10 m long in three even zones. The is in the long jump pit marked runway. Landing metre from the take off area. A ground first zone begins about one beyond the end of the last zone. marker is placed three metres of the 10m run up. The first player runs, The players line up at the start marker at the end of the pit, and tags the jumps, lands, runs around the according to the zone landed in. See how next player. Each jump scores score in a pre-determined time limit. Eg. 5 many points the players can minutes. Zone Long Jump Relay Jump Long Zone

JUMP START: Great Ideas for group games JUMP START: Great ideas for group games Throwing Games The use of games while practicing for the throwing events can greatly enhance a young person's motivation towards the activity. Some throwing games can also introduce an element of accuracy, which can assist the development of correct technique.

Some tips:-

• During all throwing games, safety must be of paramount importance. LAANSW ASAP Level 3 • Arrange individuals and teams so that there is no chance of any player being hit by an implement. This will mean taking into consideration the distance between throwers / groups and the direction in which they are throwing. Never allow players to throw towards another individual.

• Always have a "throwing signal". This means that no player is permitted to throw an implement until you give the signal.

• Always have a "retrieval signal". This means that no player may retrieve an implement until you have given your signal.

• Implements should be carried and not thrown or rolled back.

• DO NOT allow participants to use rotational discus throws unless they are throwing from a discus cage or net.

• In all team games, attempt to keep teams to five players or less. Otherwise players will become bored waiting for a turn.

• With simple adaptation, a number of the games in this section can be used for one or both of the other throwing events dealt with. JUMP START: Great Ideas for group games GAMES FOR Shot Put Bowls

Standing throw accuracy.

One shot per player, small ball per group as kitty, ground markers.

Divide players into groups of no more than six. Roll the "kitty" out in front of the group to a challengingLAANSW but ASAPachievable Level distance.3

This game is played as per the traditional game of bowls, however players put shots in an attempt to land them closest to the kitty. The winner, after each round, is the player who has landed the shot closest to the kitty. Players put the shots from behind a ground marker.

Allow only one player to put the shot at a time. JUMP START: Great ideas for group games Aggregate Throws

Standing shot put development.

Ground markers, one shot per group.

Players line up in their groups behind a ground marker. Ensure a safe spacing between the groups.LAANSW ASAP Level 3

In their teams, players take turns at putting shots for maximum distance. The team's ground marker is then moved to the spot on which the previous throw landed. The following player then puts from this spot. The group advance forward with each successive put. See which group can reach a predetermined spot first, or after each player has had a throw, see which team has advanced the furthest.

• Ensure that as teams advance, no group is placed in a spot where they are in danger of being hit by a shot. ALTERNATIVE: See how many throws it takes groups to surpass the current men's or women's world records. JUMP START: Great Ideas for group games Over the River

Standing shot put development.

Ground markers, shots, skipping ropes.

Construct a "river" with skipping ropes. The river should be narrow at one end and wider at the other.LAANSW Players ASAP stand Level on 3one side of the river, beginning at the narrow end.

Players begin by putting shots at the narrow end of the river, then gradually advancing to wider parts of the river as they are successful at reaching the other bank. JUMP START: Great ideas for group games Shot Put Archery

Shot put accuracy.

Ground markers, shots, skipping ropes.

Construct an "archery target" on the ground with skipping ropes. Players stand at a challengingLAANSW but ASAP achievable Level 3 distance from the target.

Players take turns in putting the shots in an attempt to score points by hitting the target.

1 2 3 JUMP START: Great Ideas for group games Minefield

Shot put development.

Ground markers, shots, hoops.

Players line up in pairs or groups of no more than four behind ground markers. Scatter numerous hoopsLAANSW (mines) ASAP in Levelfront 3 of the players. Place special targets just beyond the "minefield".

Players attempt to put the shots for maximum distance and accuracy to score points. Scores are as follows: Hit mine = no point Land in minefield = 1 point Over minefield = 2 points Hit target = 3 points

Targets JUMP START: Great ideas for group games GAMES FOR DISCUS Discus Golf

Discus control.

Ground markers, hoops, at least one discus for every four players.

Players stand behind ground markers. Place hoops on the ground a challenging but achievableLAANSW distance ASAP away Level from 3 the players.

On command, players must attempt to roll or underarm toss their discus into their designated hoop.

• ALTERNATIVE: Construct a nine (or more) hole "golf course" with hoops. Players attempt to move around the course by rolling their discus into the hoops. Players can keep score. 1 roll = 1 stroke. JUMP START: Great Ideas for group games Discus Skittles

Discus release control.

Discus, plastic skittles (or similar), ground markers.

Set up skittles a challenging but achievable distance from the players who stand behind ground markers.LAANSW ASAP Level 3

Players roll the discus at the skittles, attempting to knock down as many as possible to score points. JUMP START: Great ideas for group games Discus Quoits

Development of an accurate slinging action.

Ground markers, hoops, cricket stumps (or similar eg. witches hat).

Players stand behind ground markers with hoops. Place one cricket stump in the ground 10mLAANSW - 20m ASAPin front Level of each3 ground marker.

On command, players sling hoops in a discus action in an attempt to land them over the group's cricket stump and score points.

Stump JUMP START: Great Ideas for group games Train Tracks

Discus release control.

Ground markers, discus, (skipping ropes).

For each group of players, create a set of "train tracks". This can be done by utilising the lane markingsLAANSW on ASAPa grass Level track, 3 laying out skipping ropes end to end, or using ground markers to distinguish two lines. The tracks should be at least 10 metres long and roughly 1.2m wide. The players gather at one end of the train tracks, each possessing a ground marker.

When it is their turn, a player attempts to roll a discus as far along the train track as possible. At the point it leaves the tracks, the player places their ground marker. The aim of the game is to attempt to roll the discus further along the tracks with each successive turn. JUMP START: Great ideas for group games Climb the Ladder

Discus release control.

One ground marker for each person and 1 ground marker per group, 6 hoops per group, one discus per group.

Construct a "ladder" beginning one metre in front of each group by placing six hoops in line,LAANSW flat on the ASAP ground. Level 3

On command, the first player attempts to toss the discus underarm and land it on the full, on its edge, in the first hoop. If they are successful, they move their marker up next to the second hoop in line. When it is time for their next turn, they attempt to land the discus in the second hoop, and so on until they have reached the last hoop (top of the ladder). Should their discus at any time miss the hoop at which they are aiming for, they must continue to attempt to land their discus in this hoop, with each successive turn, until it is achieved.

• Players must hit the targets in order ie, first hoop, then second hoop, then third etc. JUMP START: Great Ideas for group games Around the Clock

Discus release control.

Ground markers, 12 hoops per group, 1 discus per group.

Construct a "clock" with hoops (see diagram below). Players to stand behind ground markers a challengingLAANSW but ASAP achievable Level 3 distance away from the hoops.

On command, players must attempt to toss a discus and land it in the hoops in number order. The first player or team to get "around the clock" is the winner.

12 11 1

10 2

9 3

8 4

7 5 6

• To reduce the time factor, less hoops can be used. JUMP START: Great ideas for group games Discus Croquet

Discus release control.

Discus per player or small group, small hurdles (or similar).

Construct a "croquet" course with small hurdles or other appropriate objects. LAANSW ASAP Level 3

Players move around the course by rolling a discus under the hurdles. Players keep score. 1 roll = 1 hit. JUMP START: Great Ideas for group games Discus Football

General discus throwing development.

Discus per person or small group, Australian rules, Rugby or Soccer goals.

Players stand behind ground markers at a challenging but achievable distance from the goals beingLAANSW used. ASAP Level 3

On command, players attempt to score "goals" by throwing discus over or through the goals being used. JUMP START: Great ideas for group games Roll the Discus Relay

Discus release control.

Ground markers, one discus per team.

Players lined up in teams behind ground markers, facing a line 10m - 20m away. LAANSW ASAP Level 3

On "Go", the first player in each team rolls a discus toward the line and chases it. When it passes the line, they gather it and run back with it to the next player. If the discus does not pass the line, they must take it back to the start and roll it again. Alternatively, the leader may ask them to roll the discus again from where it stopped. The game is over once all players have had a turn.

• If using multiple teams, ensure that there is enough spacing between the teams to avoid interference. JUMP START: Great Ideas for group games Discus Cricket

Discus release control, general discus throwing development.

At least one discus per team, ground markers, cricket stumps (or similar).

Divide the group into an even number of teams. Select one team in each game to begin as the "batting"LAANSW team ASAPand one Level as 3 the "bowling" team. The batting team goes to their designated area, as does the bowling team.

Two teams compete against each other. The "batting" team scores "runs" by taking turns throwing a discus to land in a designated area. The "bowling" team takes turns to roll a discus at a wicket to dismiss batters. Play until a predetermined number of wickets have been taken, then swap roles.

4 3 2 1

Batters 4 3 2 1


• No "batter" or "bowler" may have two consecutive throws or rolls. • Even when wickets are taken by the bowling team, batters are not out of the game. They continue taking turns as normal. JUMP START: Great ideas for group games GAMES FOR JAVELIN Bombing Bean Bags

Develop overarm throwing ability.

As many small bean bags as possible, ground markers, basketball/ volleyball.

Create a playing area 10m long. In the middle of the playing area, place a basketball/volleyball. Divide the group into two teams. Each team stands at opposite endsLAANSW of the ASAP playing Level area.3 Divide the bean bags between the two teams.

On "Go" players begin to throw the bean bags at the ball in an attempt to knock it towards the other team's end. Play until the ball crosses one end of the playing area or for a predetermined time, eg. 60 seconds. The team who knocks the ball over the other team's line is a winner. Alternatively if the ball has not crossed a line at the end of the time period, the winner is the team that has knocked the ball the furthest towards their opponent's line.

• Do not allow players to retrieve bean bags from inside the playing area while the game is in progress. Wait until bean bags have run out, stop the game, and allow players to retrieve the bean bags. • If the ball is knocked out of bounds over a side line, stop the game and place the ball back into the centre of the playing area in line with the spot it went out. • Empasise good overarm throwing technique. JUMP START: Great ideas for group games References

Changing Kids' Games Morris, G. & Stiehl, J., 1989, Human Kinetics

Coaching Young Athletes BAF National Coaches, 1996, British Athletic Federation LAANSW ASAP Level 3

Fitness Fun Foster, E., et al, 1992, Human Kinetics

Great Games For Young People Gustafson, M., et al, 1991, Human Kinetics

Orientation to Coaching Handbook Australian Track & Field Coaches Association, 2000 (Second Revision), AT&FCA

Total Training For Young Champions Bompa, T. PhD, 2000, Human Kinetics