Fostering entrepreneurial interest among youth who have not worked

Team Member: Dr. Kasmir, SE,MM (114640456) Nurul Hidayah,Msi,Ak,CA(195690168) Hidayatullah,SE.Ak.MSi (0326048402)

Field of Accounting Science UNIVERSITAS MERCU BUANA 2020



1. a. Title of Proposal HR : Fostering entrepreneurial interest Management among youth who have not worked b. Previous Research Title : 2. Team Leader a. Name : Dr. Kasmir, SE,MM b. NIDN : 0301056401 c. Functional Position : Associate Profesor d. Faculty/Study Programme : FEB/Management e. Mobile Numbers : +62 81310626265 f. E-mail Address : [email protected] 3. Team Members (lecturer) a. Number of Member : Lecture 1person b. Name/NIDN of Member I : Nurul Hidayah,Msi,Ak,CA(0307036901) c.Name/NIDN of Member II : Hidayatullah,SE.Ak.MSi (0326048402)

4. Team Member Student a. Number of Member : 2 b. Name of Student/NIM : Feri Andi/43218010033 c.Name of Student/NIM : Agnes Augustin/43218010074 5. Location of Activity a. Location/Activity Area : Darussalam city tourist mosque b. City/Province : Bogor/ West 6. Project Partner : Universiti Sains Malaysia 7. Output Produced : Interest in entrepreneurship 8. Duration : November 2020 – March 2021 9. Source of Expenditure a. Source from UMB : IDR 7.500.000 b. Sources from Partner (in kind) : IDR 3.000.000

Jakarta, November 5th, 2020 Signed By, Leader of Community Services Group, Team Leader,

Nurul Hidayah,Msi,Ak,CA Dr. Kasmir, SE.MM NIK: 195690168 NIK: 114640456 Approved By, Dean/Director, Head of Community Service Center

Dr Harnovinsah, MSi,Ak,CA Dr. Inge Hutagalung, M.Si NIK : 0302096002 NIK : 11359 0380



Validity Sheet...... ii Table of content...... iii Abstract ...... iv

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ...... 1 1.1. Situation Analysis ...... 1 1.2. Problems ...... 1


CHAPTER III IMPLEMENTATION METHOD ...... 4 3.1. Goals Of Targets...... 4 3.2. Purpose Of Activities ...... 4 3.3. Benefits Of Activities ...... 4 3.4. Framework For Troubleshooting ...... 5 3.5. Evaluation Design ...... 5

CHAPTER IV BUDGET AND ACTIVITY SCHEDULE...... 6 4.1. Budget from UMB ...... 6 4.2. Budget from Partner (in kind) ...... 6 4.3. Activities Schedule ...... 6


ATTACHMENTS......  biodata of team members



Here are quite a number of young people dropping out of school in Gunung Putri Bogor District and very unsettling for families. The majority of the school dropouts are not yet employed and some work as day laborers. The problem is for those who have not yet been able to disturb the peace of the family and the environment because it is still a burden on the family. They find it difficult to find work because the average education is the highest of the First Middle School graduates and do not yet have certain skills. Therefore, this young school dropout is our special concern together. They need to be given the provision of entrepreneurship, so they can be independent by opening their own businesses. The school dropout youth needs to be given motivation and basic entrepreneurship training, so they have the skills to try.

Keywords: Entreprenuership Programs



1.1 Situation Analysis

There are quite a lot of dropouts in and are spread throughout Indonesia. Many reasons cause these young people to drop out of school, for example due to the economic inability of the family to pay for their children to go to school. Other causes are the lack of motivation to learn from the youth themselves for school and the encouragement of some parents to send their children to school is still lacking. As a result, they do not want to go to school and those who have stopped stopped in the middle of the road. The presence of young people dropping out of school in villages in Indonesia is common with causes as explained above. The problem with youth dropping out of school also occurs in big cities in Indonesia. But the presence of young people dropping out of school in the capital, especially in west java, is very ironic. How is it that in the middle of an all-round and complete capital city there are still many young people who drop out of school. The fact is that there are still quite a lot of young people dropping out of school in West Java, especially in places where the objects of service will be made. The number of young people dropping out of school in West Java, especially Gunung putri district, Matraman Subdistrict is relatively large. The presence of those without work and without skills is a burden on the family and the burden on the surrounding community. Most of them have not worked and a small number work as day laborers. Even the presence of those who have not worked besides being a burden on the family can also disturb the peace of the environment. Even more ironic is that they have married young without having a permanent job. Actually for the issue of the cost of education the government has tried to socialize about free schools to the whole community in recent years, but for the previous generation they were too late because they were already out of school. They are not accepted to work in certain jobs because they do not have the minimum education and special skills needed in the world of work. Therefore they need to be given special handling so they have the skills to work.


One way to deal with school dropouts so they are not unemployed is to provide motivation to work independently. Then they are equipped with training to open a business independently. Work motivation needs to be provided so that they understand the importance of independent business, remembering the limitations they have. They will also be taught ways to open and manage their own businesses that will eventually be able to work on their own and can provide income for themselves and their families. More than that the peace of the community environment is also maintained. Motivation and training programs are provided to arouse young people to try. Then provide youth with theoretical materials and real application of entrepreneurship. Thus they are expected to be able to rise from unemployment to become job creation for themselves and also for others.

1.2 Partner’s Problem

The main problem is that there are still many school dropouts who are not yet employed. The main cause of young people dropping out of school is not working 1. do not have the education required by the world of work 2. do not have work skills 3. less motivated to work

Therefore they need to be motivated to work. Then entrepreneurship training needs to be given to be able to work independently.



2.1 Solution

The way out to uphold the dignity and dignity of young people dropping out of school is through; 1. Stimulate so that young people drop out of school are encouraged and want to be entrepreneurs 2. Equipping young people to drop out of school with entrepreneurial theories 3. Train young people through intensive entrepreneurship training 4. Turning out of school youth into independent entrepreneurs 5. Increase his income and family income 6. Able to open employment opportunities for others 7. Making young people drop out of school pioneering entrepreneurship in their area

2.2 Outcome Target

Performance No Output Type Indicator 1 Scientific publications in ISSN journals / proceedings1) None 2 Publication in the print / online / repository media of PT6) None 3 Increasing competitiveness (increasing quality, quantity, and None value added of goods, services, product diversification, or other resources)4) 4 Increasing the application of science and technology in None society (mechanization, IT, and management)4) 5 Improvement of community values (cultural, social, political, Existing security, peace, education, health)2) 6 Publication in international journals 1) None 7 Services, social engineering, methods or systems, products / None goods5) 8 New TTG innovation5) None 9 Intellectual property rights (Patents, Simple patents, None Copyrights, Trademarks, Trade secrets, Industrial Product Design, Plant Variety Protection, Protection of Integrated Circuit Topography Design)3) 10 Book with ISBN6) None



3.1. Goals Of Targets The target in this activity are young people dropping out of school, which are located not far from the Mercu Buana University campus. The implementation method used in this activity is in the form of training. young people dropping out of school were invited to the Mercu Buana University campus, The material to be provided is: 1. Introduction to Entreprenuership. 2. Motivating young people to drop out of school 3. Evaluation 3.2. Purpose Of Activities the purpose of this activity is to help young school dropouts become successful entrepreneurs

3.3. Benefits Of Activities The benefit of training given to out-of-school youth is that they are able to become independent youth. Then be able to become a prospective entrepreneur who can open job opportunities 3.4. Framework For Troubleshooting

The implementation of motivating and training for out-of-school youth is through entrepreneurship training with various examples of small and medium-sized businesses and encouraging their entrepreneurial spirit. Identifying the community environment where young people drop out of school are good about their family background and surrounding community, namely: a. family aspect family aspects include family background, family size, family education, origin and family income. b. environmental aspects aspects of the surrounding environment include the condition Implementation of motivational training and entrepreneurship training is carried out in the classroom and continued to the businesses that are of interest to the


participants. The goal is that they can see firsthand the actual entrepreneurial practices and are encouraged to become entrepreneurs.

3.5. Evaluation Design Training participants will be given an evaluation in the form of special tests at the end of the session in the form of material that has been given at the beginning of the session, namely entrepreneurial practice Participants are also given motivation to become entrepreneurs, so that they are ready to open a business after the training ends. .



4.1. Budget from UMB No. Component Proposed fee 1. Initial survey (Meeting, Supplies, Field IDR 1.425.000 Survey, Transportation 2. Implementation Preparation (Preparation of IDR 1.850.000 Preparatory Materials 3 Implementation (internet Consumption , Transportation, Participants, Certificates, IDR 3.600.000 Documentation, Banners, Honorarium Instructors) 4. Making Activity Report IDR 625.000 Amount IDR 7.500.000

4.2. Budget from Partner (inkind) No Component Proposed fee 1. Initial survey (Meeting, Supplies, Field - Survey, Transportation 2 Implementation Preparation (Preparation of IDR 1.000.000 Preparatory Materials 3 Implementation (Consumption, Transportation, IDR 1.500.000 Participants, Certificates, Documentation, Banners, Honorarium Instructors) 4 Making Activity Report IDR 500.000 Amount IDR 3.000.000

4.2. Activities Schedule

N0 Activities/Time Nov-Des Jan-Feb Mart- 2020 2021 2021 1 Submission of proposals & presentation XXXXX 2 Initial survey XXXX 3 Preparations for the Implementation XXXX 4 Implementation XXXX 5 Evaluation XXXX 6 Progress Report XXXX



Atmadja, Stanley S , Making The Giant Leap, : Gramedia 2010 Baron, Angela, Michael Amtsrong, Human Capital Management. Achieving Added Value Throuht People, USA : Kogan Page 2007 Churchill , Gilbert, Basic Marketing, Jakarta : Erlangga 2005 Colquitt, Jason, Jeffrey A Lepeni,Michael J Wesson, Organizational Behavior and Management, Singapore : MC Graw Hill 2009 Davison, Barbara, Enz Jaac Fitz, How to Measure Human Resources Management, Jakarta : Prenada 2011 Davidson Jeff, Change Management, Jakarta : Prenada 2010 Dessler, Gary, Human Resource Management, England : Pearson 2013 Djohan Robby , The Art of Turnaround, Jakarta : Aksara Krunia 2003 Dubrin, Adrew J, Leadership, Jakarta : Prenada 2010 Goni Roy, Playing to Win, Jakarta : Gramedia 2007 Healey Joe, Radical Trust, Jakarta : BIP 2010 Kasmir ¸ 2014, “Kewirausahaan” Jakarta : PT. RadjaGarfindo Marcelles Mulianta, The Power of Nothing, Jakarta : Luce Ardente Publiser, 2010 Noe, Hollenbeck,Gerhat, Wright, Fundamental of Human Resource Management , New RobbinS, Judge, Organizational Behavior, England : Pearson Education Limited 2013 Suprawito, Kepribadian TNI Angkatan Laut, Bandung : LPBP 2009 Sallis, Edward, Total Quality Management, in Education,Yogyakarta : IRCiSoD 2012 Yulk, Gary, Leadership in Organization, Singapore :Prentice Hall 2010 Waringin Tung Desem, Marketing Revolution, Jakarta : Gramedia 2014 Zeng Ming, Williamson, Ancaman Sang Naga, Jakarta : Gramedia 2008


ATTACHMENT Attachment 1.

A. Chairman's Identity 1 Full Name (with title) Dr. Kasmir, SE,MM

2 Gender Mal

3 Functional Associate Profesor

4 NIP / NIK / other ID 197580866

5 NIDN 0301056401

6 Place and date of birth Bukit Layang (Bangka) 1 Mei 1964

[email protected] dan 7 E-mail [email protected]

Telephone / Cellphone 9 Number 0813 10626365

Postgraduate at Mercu Buana University 10 Office address Jl. Menteng Raya Jakarta Pusat

11 Telephone / Fax Number -

12 Graduates Has Been Produced S-1 = 510 people; S-2 = 126 people; S-3 = 5 people

13 Subjects Affected 1. Strategic Human Resources

2. Human Resouerce Risearch

3. Financial Management

B. Educational background

1. Program D IV/S1 S2 S3 2. Nama PT Universitas Indonesia Universitas Jayabaya Universitas Negeri Jakarta

3. Bidang Ilmu Manajemen Manajemen Manajemen 4. Tahun Masuk 1988 1996 2008 5. Tahun Lulus 1992 1998 2011


6. Judul Strategi Pemasaran Analisis Turn Over di Pengaruh Budaya Skripsi/Tesis/Desertasi Produk Simpanan PT HM Sampurna Organisasi, Bank X Kepemimpinan dan Motivasi terhadap Kinerja di PT. Pelni

6. Nama Pembimbing Sri Manoso SE, MBA Prof. Dr. Darwis Gani Prof. Dr. Thamrin Dr. Laode Geo, MS Abdullah Prof. Dr. Thomas Suyatno

C. Pengalaman Riset Dalam 5 Tahun Terakhir

(Bukan Skripsi, Tesis maupun Disertasi)

No. Tahun Judul RISET Pendanaan Sumber* Jml (Juta Rp)




Dst. * Tuliskan sumber pendanaan baik dari skema RISET DIKTI maupun dari sumber lainnya.

A. Pengalaman Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat dalam 5 Tahun Terakhir No. Tahun Judul Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Pendanaan Sumber* Jml (Juta Rp) UMB dan Pelatihan Kewirausahaan Bagi Pemuda di 1 2106 Mandiri 4.5 Kecamatan Matraman Jakarta Timur UMB dan Pelatihan Motivasi Penanggulangan Kenakalan 2 2017 Mandiri 4.5 Remaja di Kecamatan MatramanJakarta Timur UMB dan Pelatihan upaya pencegahan penyalahgunaan 3 2017 Mandiri 4.5 narkoba di Kecamatan Matraman Jakarta Timur UMB dan Pelatihan pengelolaan keuangan usaha kecil di 4. 2019 Mandiri 4,5 kelurahan jatimurni

E. Publikasi Artikel Ilmiah Dalam Jurnal alam 5 Tahun Terakhir No. Tahun Judul Artikel Ilmiah Nama Jurnal Volume/ Nomor/Tahun Analisis kemiripan kareteristik Studia Akuntansi Vol.2, No.2 agustus 2014 4. 2014 pekerjaan bank dan lembaga keuangan dan Bisnis - ISSN 2337-6112 tahun


lainnya berdasarkan persepsi karyawan 2014 Pengaruh kepemimpinan dan budaya Vol.10, No.2 September organisasi terhadap kinerja 2012 - ISSN 1907-8432 5. 2015 MANAJERIAL

F. Pemakalah Seminar Ilmiah (Oral Presentation) dalam 5 Tahun Terakhir

No Nama Pertemuan Ilmiah / Judul Artikel Ilmiah Waktu dan Seminar Tempat 1 UMB 2 UUM

G. Karya Buku dalam 5 Tahun Terakhir

No Judul Buku Tahun Jumlah Penerbit

Halaman 1 Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia 2016 315 RadjaGrafindo Jakarta 2 Customer Service Excellent 2017 285 RadjaGrafindo Jakarta

H. Perolehan HKI dalam 5 – 10 Tahun Terakhir

No. Judul/Tema HKI Tahun Jenis Nomor P/ID

1 Manajemen sumber Daya Manusia 2017 BUKU 2 Customer Service Excellent 2017 BUKU

All data that I have entered and stated in this biodata are true and can be legally accounted for. If later it turns out to be found incompatibility with reality, I am able to accept sanctions. Thus this biodata was actually made by me to fulfill one of the requirements in submitting the Proposed Domestic Cooperation Research.

Jakarta, November 5th 2020 Proposer,

Dr. Kasmir, SE, MM.


A. Team Member 1 1 Nama Lengkap (dengan gelar) Nurul Hidayah, SE,Ak,MSi 2 Jenis Kelamin P 3 Jabatan Fungsional Lektor Kepala 4 NIP/NIK/Identitas lainnya 19569168 5 NIDN 0307036901 6 Tempat dan Tanggal Lahir Tegal, 7 Maret 1969 7 E-mail [email protected] 9 Nomor Telepon/HP 08118183900/081932229292 10 Alamat Kantor Jalan Meruya Selatan No.1, 11 Nomor Telepon/Faks 021 5840816/ 021 5871312 12 Mata Kuliah yg Diampu 1. Akuntansi Sektor Publik 2. Pengantar Akuntansi 3. Akuntansi Biaya

B. Riwayat Pendidikan S-1 S-2 Nama Perguruan Tinggi Univ. Sebelas Maret Univ. Trisakti Bidang Ilmu Akuntansi Akuntansi Tahun Masuk-Lulus 1987- 1994 2001-2005 Judul Skripsi/Tesis/Disertasi Analisis Perhitungan Harga Analisis Komparatif Pokok Produksi di Perusahaan Kinerja Saham LQ45 dan Tegel Tegal. JII dengan MVA dan KV. Nama Pembimbing/Promotor Drs. Joko Sularso, Ak Prof.Dr.Sofyan Safri Harahap, Alm.

C. Pengalaman Penelitian Dalam 5 Tahun Terakhir Pendanaan No Tahun Judul Penelitian Sumber Jumlah (juta Rp.) 1 2014 Pengaruh Set Kesempatan Investasi (IOS) dan Internal 4 Kepemilikan Manajerial Terhadap Nilai Perusahaan pada Perusahaan Properti dan Real Estat di Bursa Efek Indonesia “ 2 2016 Pengaruh Komposisi Board Diversity Dan Internal 3,5 Implementasi Corporate Governance Terhadap Nilai Perusahaan ( Studi Kasus : Perusahaan Properti Dan Real Estat Di Bursa Efek Indonesia)

3 2017 Pengaruh Intellectual Capital Terhadap Kinerja Internal 9 Keuangan Pada Klub Sepak Bola Liga Inggris

4 2017 Pengaruh Implementasi Pengendalian Internal Dan Internal 9 Budaya Organisasi Terhadap Kualitas Pelaporan Keuangan (Studi Pada Skpd Di Pemprov Dki Jakarta)

5 2018 Pengaruh Kompetensi Sdm Dan Internal 9 Penggunaan Teknologi Informasi Terhadap Efektivitas Implementasi Akuntansi Akrual (Survey Pada : Skpd Pemerintah Daerah Banten)


6 2018 Pengaruh Transparansi, Pemahaman Internal 9 Petunjuk Teknis Penggunaan Dana Bos Dan Pemeriksaan Laporan Dana Bos Terhadap Akuntabilitas ( Survey Pada Sekolah Dasar Negeri Di Jakarta Barat)

7 2018 Pengaruh Good Corporate Governance Internal 9 Dan Intelectual Capital Terhadap Kualitas Pelaporan Keuangan ( Studi Kasus Perusahaan Perbankan Di Bursa Efek Indonesia )

8 2019 Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Internal 9 Pengungkapan Sustainability Reporting

9 2019 Implementasi Good University Internal 9 Governance dan Intellectual Capital pada Universitas Studi kasus pada Universitas Mercu Buana Jakarta

10 2020 Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Internal 10 Keunggulan Kompetitif Perguruan Tinggi (Studi kasus pada Universitas Swasta di Jakarta)

11 2020 Pengaruh Modal Manusia Dan Internal 10 Penggunaan Tekhnologi Informasi Terhadap Keunggulan Kompetitif Berkelanjutan (Studi Kasus Pada Perbankan Syariah Di Jakarta )

D. Pengalaman Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat dalam 5 Tahun Terakhir Pendanaan No Tahun Judul Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Sumber Jml (juta Rp.) 1 2014 Pelatihan Penyusunan Laporan Keuangan Internal 3,5 Berbasis IFRS Pada Mata Pelajaran Akuntansi Bagi Guru-Guru Smk Di Wilayah Tangerang Selatan. 2 2015 Penyuluhan Kali Ciliwung Bersih, Indah Internal 3,5 Dan Sehat Di Sekitar Masyarakat Bantaran Kali Ciliwung Jakarta Utara Utara 3 2015- Pendampingan Pembangunan RPTRA di Internal 70 2016 kelurahan Pegadungan Kalideres Jakarta Barat 4 2016 Pelatihan Komputasi Dan Penggunaan Internal 3,5 Internet Dalam Menunjang Kegiatan Program RPTRA Untuk Pengelola RPTRA Dan Pkk Di Kecamatan Kalideres Jakarta Barat 5 2017 Sosialisasi Penggunaan, Internal 3,5


Pertanggungjawaban, Dan Pelaporan Keuangan Pengelolaan Dana Bos (Bantuan Operasional Sekolah) Sekolah Dasar Di Wilayah Kalideres Jakarta Barat

6 2017 Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Melalui Internal 3,5 Peningkatan Kewirausahaan Keluarga Dan Pengelolaan Keuangan Keluarga Yang Efektif Untuk Meningkatkan Taraf Hidup Masyarakat.

7 2017 Pelatihan Pengelolaan Keuangan internal 3,5 Keluarga Melalui Penyusunan Anggaran Rumah Tangga Yang Efektif Dan Efisien Untuk Meningkatkan Taraf Hidup Masyarakat Di Wilayah Kelurahan Cengkareng Barat

8 2018 Peningkatan Kewirausahaan Keluarga External (Prov 6 Dan Pengelolaan Keuangan Keluarga DKI Jakarta) Yang Efektif Melalui Pendidikan Keuangan Keluarga Untuk Meningkatkan Kesejahteraan Masyarakat 9 2018 PPM Hidroponik Program Citarum Internal 40 Harum, di desa Hibah PT 10 2019 Enhance Financial Literacy of The KLN dengan 7,5 Household (Household Community at USM Srengseng)

11 2019 Improvement of Communication Skill KLN dengan 7,5 for USM Millennials Accountant (Mahasiswa di UMB) 12 2019 Enhance Productivity of Housemaker KLN dengan 7,5 by E-Commerce (Warga di kelurahan USM Kembangan Utara) 13 2020 Pemberdayaan Perempuan Melalui KDN dengan 4 Kegiatan Pengolahan Bahan Bekas Univ Moestopo Menjadi Produk Bernilai Jual Beragama Di Kelurahan Srengseng

E. Publikasi Artikel Ilmiah Dalam Jurnal dalam 5 Tahun Terakhir No Judul Artikel Ilmiah Nama Jurnal Volume/ Nomor/Tahun 1 Pengaruh Dana Alokasi Umum, Dana Jurnal Akuntansi ISSN410-3591 Alokasi Khusus dan Pendapatan Asli ( Jan 2014) Univ. Daerah Terhadap Belanja Langsung di Tarumanagara Propinsi Jawa Tengah 2 The Effect Of Company Characteristic Internasional Journal ISSN 2289-1552


Toward Firm Value In The Property And Business, Economic and Real Estate Company In Indonesia Stock Law, Malaysia ( Dec 2014) Exchange 3 Pengaruh Struktur Kepemilikan Publik,Size Jurnal Quality, Universitas ISSN 2067 -0000 Perusahaan, Leverage, dan Net Profit Moestopo Beragama Marjin Terhadap Pengungkapan Laporan (April 2015) Keuangan Pada Kelompok Saham LQ 45 di BEI. 4 Pengaruh Invesment Opportunity Set (IOS) Jurnal Akuntansi ISSN 1410-3591 dan Kepemilikan Manajerial Terhadap Nilai Terakreditasi UnTar ( Perusahaan Pada Perusahaan Property dan September 2015) Real Estate Di Bursa Efek Indonesia. 5 The Influence of Board Diversity and European Journal of ISSN 2222-1905 Corporate Governance Implementation on Business and Management (Paper) ISSN the Corporate Value Case Study: Property ( 2222-2839 and Real Estate Companies Listed on Desember 2016) (Online) Vol.8, Indonesia Stock Exchange No.35, 6 The Influence of Intellectual Capital On Journal of Economic and (Online) Vol. 11 Financial Performance Management Perspective Issue 3 September 2017 ISSN 2523-5338 7 Influence of Human Resource Competence Research Journal of and Role of Culture on Accrual Accounting Financial Accounting ISSN 2222-2847 Implementation Effectiveness (Survey: (Paper) (Online)ISSN Work Unit of Local Government Area in Vol.9, No.2, 2018 2222-1697 Banten Province)

8 The Influence of Board Diversity and European Journal of Corporate Governance Implementation on Business and Management ISSN 2222-1905 the Corporate Value Case Study: Property Vol.8, No.35, 2016 (Paper) ISSN and Real Estate Companies Listed on 2222-2839 Indonesia Stock Exchange (Online)

9 Influence Of Human Resource Competence Research Journal of And Role Of Culture On Accrual Finance and Accounting ISSN 2222-1697 Accounting Implementation Effectiveness Vol.9, No.2, 2018 (Paper) ISSN (Survey: Work Unit Of Local Government 2222-2847 Area In Banten (Online) Province)

10 The Effect of Human Resource Competence Research Journal of and the Use of Information Technology on Finance and Accounting ISSN 2222-1697 the Effectiveness of Accrual Vol.9, No.10, 2018 (Paper) ISSN Accounting Implementation (Survey on: 2222-2847 Regional Work Unit of Banten, Indonesia) (Online)

11 The Islamic Banking, Asset Quality: Mediterranean Journal ISSN 2039-2117 “Does Financing Segmentation Matters” of (online) (Indonesia Evidence) Social Sciences ISSN 2039-9340 Vol 9 No 5 (print) September 2018

12 The Effect of Liquidity, Quality of European Journal of Productive Assets and Company Size on the Business and Management ISSN 2222-1905 Operational Risk Disclosure of Sharia Vol.10, No.18, 2018 (Paper) ISSN Commercial Bank (Study on Sharia 2222-2839 Banking in Indonesia) (Online)

13 E-Commerce to Improve Homemaker Amalee: Indonesian Vol 1 No 01/Jan Productivity (Woman Entrepeneur Journal of Community 2020/13-14


Empowerment at Meruya Research and Utara,Kembangan.District,West Enggagement Jakarta,Indonesia) https://ejournal.insuripooo article/view/166

F. Pemakalah Seminar Ilmiah (Oral Presentation) dalam 5 Tahun Terakhir No Nama Pertemuan Ilmiah / Judul Artikel Ilmiah Waktu dan Tempat Seminar 1 KLIBEL ( Internasional The Effect Of Company 29th to 30th Conference) Characteristic Toward Firm Value In November 2014 The Property And Real Estate Kuala Lumpur, Company In Indonesia Stock Malaysia Exchange 2 Seminar Nasional Univ. Role of Micro Small and Medium Purwokerto, 1 Jendral Soedirman Enterprises in Development of Nivember 2013 Indonesian Economy Through Tax (PP no 46 Tahun 2013) 3 KNABE ( Konferensi Pengaruh Dana Bagi Hasil, Dana Serang 27 Nasional Akuntansi, Bisnis Alokasi Umum, Produk Domestik November 2013 dan Ekonomi Regional Bruto, Kepadatan Penduduk, Dan Investasi Pemerintah Daerah Terhadap Pendapatan Asli Daerah Di Indonesia 4 Kuala Lumpur Internasional The Effect Of Company Kuala Lumpur, Conference Characteristic Toward Firm Value In Desember 2014 The Property And Real Estate Company In Indonesia Stock Exchange 5 Call for Paper APMAA . The Effect of Ownership Structure Bali, 26-29 Oktober And Net Income Toward Cash 2015 Devidend On LQ 45 Index Companies Listed In Indonesia Stock Exchange All data that I have entered and stated in this biodata are true and can be legally accounted for. If later it turns out to be found incompatibility with reality, I am able to accept sanctions. Thus this biodata was actually made by me to fulfill one of the requirements in submitting the Proposed Domestic Cooperation Research.

Jakarta, November 5th 2020

( Nurul Hidayah, MSi,AK)


A. Team Member 2

A. Identitas Diri Nama Lengkap (dengan gelar) Hidayatullah, SE., Ak., M.Ak, Ca Jenis Kelamin Laki-laki Jabatan Fungsional Asisten Ahli NIK 615840078 NIDN 0326048402 Tempat dan Tanggal Lahir Yogyakarta Alamat e-mail [email protected] Nomor HP 081314347990 Alamat Kantor Jl. Raya Meruya Selatan Meruya Jakarta Nomor Telepon/Faks 021- 5840816 Alamat Rumah Jl. Kebon Jeruk Raya No. 77 Mata Kuliah yang diampu 1. Manajemen Audit 2. Audit Internal 3.

B. Riwayat Pendidikan S-1 S-2 S-3 Nama PT Universitas Trisakti Universitas Trisakti Bidang Ilmu Akuntansi Magister Akuntansi Tahun Masuk Tahun Lulus 2007 2010 Judul Skripsi/

Tesis/Disertasi Pembim- bing/


All data that I have entered and stated in this biodata are true and can be legally accounted for. If later it turns out to be found incompatibility with reality, I am able to accept sanctions. Thus this biodata was actually made by me to fulfill one of the requirements in submitting the Proposed Domestic Cooperation Research.

Jakarta, November 5th 2020

( Hidayatullah, MSi,AK)