Jaime Johnson, LaTisha Gietzen, Tasha Niemi and Christine Kennedy THE IRON RANGE: THE TIMES THEY ARE A-CHANGIN’…

A control room view at a modern plant.

Welcome to ’s Most Innovative Industrial Region

hen you hear the term “Iron Range,” turers and companies seeking excellent problem you might think of an old industry that’s solvers. W fading into history. The foundation of the Iron Range is, of course, But in northeastern Minnesota, the opposite is iron. The Iron Range serves an inland steel market occurring, thanks to an impressive use of the world’s that can’t be easily penetrated by seaborne ore. It leading technologies and engineering, along with an also boasts a well-developed, mature supply chain unstoppable work ethic, dedicated support indus- infrastructure incorporating rail, ships, vendors and 2 Introduction tries and heart. This is mining country. But unlike power plants that’s 150-plus years in the making. some other places in the United States, the folks here Though the Range mining industry has always 3 The Modern Mine have not only found a way to survive, but to lead— bounced back from downturns in the steel market— and to begin growing the proud industry once again. many triggered by underpriced steel imports—eco- Take iron mining itself. You might picture nomic diversification remains a focus. 7 Mining’s Support blackened men wielding shovels and pickaxes with Economic development partners throughout Industry lantern-crowned helmets. But those days are long northeastern Minnesota are working to create new gone; modern mining is a highly efficient high- growth from new, innovative products rooted in the tech industry, requiring the services of hundreds of region’s natural resources, in manufacturing, fabrica- 8 Women on the engineers, environmental specialists, geologists and tion, and in customer service. Iron Range high-skilled, tech-savvy equipment operators. In But the economic value of natural resources is not fact, mining professionals are some of the best-paid limited to how they can be converted into products. 11 Manufacturing workers in the state. The Iron Range’s lakes, woods and recreational trails What’s more, northeastern Minnesota’s work- remain hugely popular weekend and summer vaca- on the Range force has been getting younger in recent years, as tion spots for outdoors enthusiasts from across the engineers and other specialists see new opportuni- state and nation. 12 Answering ties here—not only in mining, but in manufacturing, Natural resources will undoubtedly remain a the Call education and other fields. The number of 25- to key within northeastern Minnesota’s economy for 34-year-olds working in northeastern Minnesota decades to come. The resilient iron mining industry other than Duluth has increased 12 percent in the along with the addition of copper-nickel mining 13 Talent Pipeline COVER PHOTOGRAPH BY PAUL PLUSKWIK past two decades. Today, more than 50 percent of will remain an important economic driver for the people working in the mining industry are under 45. region. Indeed, taconite, timber and tourism have 14 Hidden Gems Many are regional natives who want to live in one traditionally formed “the three Ts” of northeastern of the most beautiful regions of the state, known for Minnesota’s economy. And now a fourth, technol- its clear lakes, thick forests and outdoor recreational ogy, has taken root. opportunities that offer a highly sought-after quality Technology in mining, at regional manufacturers, of life. in education, health care, and at customer service While the mining industry has become much centers connected to the world, are driving the Iron more technical over the years, the Iron Range still Range economy into the future. treasures a blue-collar sensibility that focuses on Here’s an invitation to reacquaint yourself with practical solutions and working with one’s hands. one of the most beautiful, diverse parts of the state— A maker culture, if you will, that attracts manufac- that might well surprise you.

2 THE IRON RANGE JUNE 2017 The Modern Mine Minnesota mining is much more brain than brawn these days. And top minds are working on the industry’s next iterations.

he mining industry has been work ethic that’s been handed down an Iron Range native. The steel the part of Minnesota’s economy through generations who have lived East Chicago mill produces is used T almost as long as the state has and thrived through the boom-and- primarily by U.S. auto and appliance been in existence. Minnesota became a bust cycles of the industry. manufacturers. state in 1858, and mining began on the Today, all six Iron Range iron mines Vermilion Range in 1885. are operating. It’s another sign of CLIFFS NATURAL RESOURCES One hundred and thirty-two years this industry’s remarkable durability. ADVANCES NEW TECHNOLOGIES later, the industry that has contributed Meanwhile, the region is advancing new Among the largest mining companies billions to Minnesota’s economy and mining projects to boost the Iron Range on the Range and one of the most helped the United States win two world and state economy and produce higher- durable is Cleveland-based Cliffs Natural wars is still going strong. value products. Here’s a look at some of Resources. Cliffs has been mining on the While annual pellet produc- the notable contributions coming from Iron Range since 1902 and in the iron tion on Minnesota’s Mesabi Iron Range the Range mining industry. ore business for 170 years. It’s coming accounts for only 2 percent of the world’s off a strong year, posting a $199 million total iron production, “we are a key ARCELORMITTAL SUPPLIES profit. That reflects in large part the- im component in the economic viability of LARGEST BLAST FURNACE provement of the domestic steel industry the state,” says Kelsey Johnson, president Iron ore pellets produced at the taconite and Cliffs’ cost-efficiency measures. of the Duluth-based Iron Mining As- plants have distinct “formulas.” Take the Lourenco Goncalves, Cliffs’ chairman, sociation of Minnesota, a trade group Virginia mine and production facility president and CEO, says that in 2015, comprising six iron mines and 175 owned and operated by Luxembourg- his company eliminated nonproductive, vendor members. “And Minnesota is the based steel producer ArcelorMittal. The unprofitable assets, “cutting costs to the top iron producer in North America.” plant, which employs 357, produces 2.8 bone, thus creating the basis for a much What’s more, mining industry em- million tons of pellets annually. All go to better year in 2016.” ployees are some of the highest-paid one customer: ArcelorMittal’s No. 7 blast Cliffs is also celebrating its $65 million in the state. The industry’s high-paying furnace at its East Chicago, Ind., steel investment to produce a new custom- jobs paired with the Iron Range’s mill. It’s the largest blast furnace in the ized pellet at its United Taconite plant beautiful landscape and quality of life Western Hemisphere. in Forbes, Minn. Construction began in continue to attract exceptional talent “Our pellet is custom-designed for August and is slated for completion this to the area. Mine workers are often de- that furnace,” says Jonathan Holmes, spring. Once complete, UTAC will pro- scribed as resilient, with a deep-rooted ArcelorMittal’s regional manager and Continued on page 4

Today’s mines offer highly technical employment opportunities.


duce a “superflux” pellet for Cliffs’ largest processing further concentrates the iron customer, ArcelorMittal. This project is to 90 to 95 percent. part of Cliffs’ strategy to shift production NRRI is also “developing our ability from its idled Empire Mine in ’s to make what’s called a DR-grade iron Upper Peninsula, which has depleted its oxide pellet,” says Kangas. A DR-grade iron ore reserves. pellet needs to have less silica and “I’m very optimistic about the future additives, such as limestone, than blast- of Cliffs,” Goncalves says. “It’s a very furnace-grade iron ore pellets. good business. On the other hand, it’s a Fueled by $2.6 million from the Min- business that is very self-contained. We nesota Legislature in 2016, the NRRI are not in Minnesota to export our ore is developing the “next generation” of to the world. We are in Minnesota to mining technology, including an iron- supply the domestic steel industry. And reduction simulator to help develop the domestic steel industry is not really higher-value iron ore products that uti- THE RANGE growing. So you have to be the best-in- lize Minnesota ore. NRRI plans to have a class in order to be successful.” simulator in operation next year. INDUSTRY BY So how has the company sustained But bringing new investments such success for 170 years? “We have always as a DRI plant to the Mesabi Iron Range THE NUMBERS been ahead of the curve in terms of tech- won’t be cheap. “We’re probably talking nology and how to utilize the resources on the order of $100 million or more in that are on the ground,” Goncalves says. capital investment for existing taconite To help maintain that legacy, Cliffs is plants to make DRI-grade pellets, and Minnesota’s iron mining industry pursuing a new product to serve a new another $750 million or so to build a directly employs more than market. “And that is what needs to be new DRI plant,” Kangas says. done in order to support a future in this 3,700 business for another 100 years.” MINNESOTA POWER: A ‘POWER That product is called hot briquet- PLAYER’ TO INDUSTRY people ted iron (HBI). It’s a compacted form of Another advantage that the mining direct reduced iron (DRI), which is pro- industry has on the Range is a 24/7, as of early 2017. duced by a process that allows the iron to reliable source of electric power from be used in electric arc furnaces. a longtime local partner. That energy Goncalves is hopeful that HBI source is Minnesota Power, the largest The state’s mining professionals have some can be produced on the Iron Range, unit of Duluth-based ALLETE Inc., an of the best-paying jobs in the state, with and Cliffs is currently evaluating energy company with regulated utilities some miners capable of earning annual potential locations for the plant. The and energy infrastructure and related salaries (benefits included) of company is also the first to produce services businesses. With a $3 billion- $ commercial-scale quantities of direct- plus market capitalization, ALLETE is 100,000. reduced-grade iron ore pellets at its one of the larger public companies in Northshore Mining pellet plant in the state. Silver Bay. These pellets have been As ALLETE chairman, president Has a more than successfully tested by a customer, and CEO Alan Hodnik knows, iron opening new opportunities for Cliffs mining and pellet processing are $ and its iron ore plants in Minnesota. heavy-duty energy users. For these 3 billion customers, Minnesota Power provides annual impact on the Minnesota economy. NRRI RESEARCHING what Hodnik, himself a native Ranger, HIGHER-VALUE PRODUCTS describes as customized contracting The Duluth-based Natural Resources Re- designed to provide competitive pricing search Institute (NRRI) is another entity and encourage usage during lower-peak Supports approximately exploring the production of a higher- periods. “The idea is that northeastern value taconite-based product, namely Minnesota remains healthy if [the min- 11,200 taconite-based DRI. ing businesses] remain healthy,” Hodnik indirect jobs throughout Minnesota. According to Kevin Kangas, site says. manager for the NRRI’s Coleraine labs, ALLETE has been actively pursuing the DRI process removes the oxygen that development of renewables. “We’re a big is in standard taconite pellets. The result believer in a cleaner, more sustainable Sources: Iron Mining Association of Minnesota, Minne- is a much higher-purity iron. Taconite energy future here in northeast Minne- sota Department of Natural Resources, Minnesota De- partment of Employment and Economic Development pellets are 60 to 65 percent iron; DRI Continued on page 6

4 THE IRON RANGE JUNE 2017 Cliffs Natural Resources’ Northshore mine in Babbitt extracts taconite that’s shipped by rail to its pellet plant in Silver Bay.

THE MINES OF THE MESABI The six Iron Range taconite plants have an annual production capacity of approximately 44.2 million tons of iron ore pellets. Iron ore pellets produced on Minnesota’s Iron Range are the primary ingredient used to make steel. The steel made from Iron Range iron ore pellets is used to build cars, trucks, appliances, bridges, pipe, wind turbines and other steel products. Each year, more steel is recycled in North America than plastic, paper, glass and aluminum combined.


ArcelorMittal Hibbing Northshore United U.S. Steel– U.S. Steel– Minorca Taconite Mining Taconite Keetac Minntac

LOCATION Virginia Hibbing Babbitt (mine); Eveleth (mine); Keewatin Mountain Iron Silver Bay Forbes (pellet plant) (pellet plant)

OWNER ArcelorMittal ArcelorMittal, Cliffs Cliffs Natural Cliffs Natural U.S. Steel U.S. Steel Natural Resources, Resources Resources U.S. Steel

NUMBER OF 357 731 549 490 326 1,323 EMPLOYEES

ANNUAL IRON 2.8 8.0 6.0 5.4 6.0 16.0 ORE PELLET million million million million million million CAPACITY tons tons tons tons tons tons


sota,” Hodnik says. Currently, 30 percent nonferrous mining in the state. The U.S. ore body, Ongaro acknowledges. “With of the energy it supplies customers is import dependent on these important iron ore, you move three tons of rock comes from renewables, including wind metals, he notes. “These are materials for every ton of product. With base and power, hydro energy and solar. that are important to our economy.” precious metals, you’re going to move 90 But clean energy, Hodnik notes, re- There’s worldwide interest in the region percent of the material. Some might be quires “clean minerals.” ALLETE’s North as a source of such metals. Companies only 1 percent metals.” That means more Dakota wind farm contains more than that Ongaro says are looking at the Dulu- concentrating, flotation and hydrometal- 1,000 tons of copper, says Hodnik. Roof- th Complex and other parts of Northern lurgical processing—all in ways that meet top solar “is even more copper-intensive Minnesota include St. Paul-based Twin state and federal guidelines. per megawatt hour than wind,” he says. Metals Minnesota LLC, as well as global Still, Ongaro says, with all the expenses, “I believe the needed minerals could mining firms Rio Tinto Group, based “companies are willing to invest, even with come from northeastern Minnesota.” in London, AngloGold Ashanti (South cyclical metal prices. They believe they can Despite the ebbs and flows of iron Africa) and Antofagasta PLC (Chile). make a profit.” PolyMet thinks it can do demand, the Iron Range remains an Furthest along in developing a nonfer- so. “Since the discovery of these metals in important economic player in the state. rous mining project is St. Paul-based this ore body many decades ago, the tech- And that importance could very well PolyMet Mining Inc., which has been nology has advanced to the point where grow in the future. “I think a lot of working to open a copper and nickel we can do select separation of these metals people in the state think the mining mining project centered in Hoyt Lakes, in the processing of the ore,” Cherry says. industry is yesterday’s news,” Hodnik rehabilitating and placing back into That makes this more economically fea- says. “But mineral mining is very much service a former taconite operation. sible to extract the metals. Environmental alive and well. It has a chance to take “We’ve made a lot of progress recently,” water management and monitoring on it to the next level. It has a chance to PolyMet president and CEO Jon Cherry the treatment side “has also advanced to make Minnesota a clean mining state says. The state has completed and vali- the point where we can now ensure that and a clean energy state.” dated the comprehensive final Environ- the mining is done in an environmentally mental Impact Statement. Early this year, responsible manner,” Cherry adds. PRODUCING METALS IN the U.S. Forest Service issued its final From an environmental standpoint, AN ENVIRONMENTALLY Record of Decision on the land exchange, THE PROJECT the chief concern about nonferrous RESPONSIBLE MANNER authorizing the land exchange to go HAS THE mining is the potential for water-quality Several new minerals and metals proj- forward. “That was a big step for us,” he POTENTIAL FOR issues. The lengthy environmental re- ects that would bring good-paying jobs says. The company has submitted all of its view performed by state and federal and economic growth to the region are major air, water and permit applications 360 DIRECT agencies affirms that the company’s poised to take shape within northeast- to the state and is currently responding to AND OVER water management and treatment plans ern Minnesota. The , requests for clarifications and questions 600 INDIRECT will maintain water quality within the the bedrock formation that makes the agencies have as they review and strict state and federal guidelines. To up most of the of prepare draft permits for public review. JOBS. prove the company’s water treatment northeastern Minnesota, holds what It’s been a long process, and there’s capability, PolyMet developed a pilot geologists believe is 4 billion tons of still more work to be done. But the reverse-osmosis plant to show it would precious metals. “We have an oppor- company is getting closer to getting the work. tunity in Minnesota to bring modern, project permitted, financed and built. With PolyMet hoping to establish the environmentally responsible copper, PolyMet’s NorthMet project is estimated first copper-nickel mine in Minnesota, nickel and precious-metal mining to to annually produce 72 million pounds “we understand the responsibility that has the state,” says Frank Ongaro, execu- of copper, 15.4 million pounds of nickel, been put on us to do it right—to develop tive director of Duluth-based Mining 720,000 pounds of cobalt and 106,000 it in a very responsible manner,” Cherry Minnesota, a trade group representing troy ounces of precious metals. says. The project has the potential for 360 state companies interested in pursuing Project development has been slow direct and over 600 indirect jobs, and the nonferrous (non-iron) mining. and arduous for a number of reasons. infrastructure and the skills it needs to Ongaro believes the timing is right for The Duluth Complex is a lower-grade tap are already here. “You really couldn’t pick a better place to build a new mine,” PolyMet Mining hopes to open a copper-nickel mining operation at this former taconite Cherry says. facility in Hoyt Lakes—a potential new direction for the region’s industry.

6 THE IRON RANGE JUNE 2017 Joy Global’s Virginia facility keeps mining equipment running on the —and at other mines in the U.S. and overseas.

Mining’s Support Industry Vendors have the products and the expertise to keep the mines moving.

ron Range mining companies rely on a wide do a lot with construction in the metro area Barr’s Hibbing office has been able to extend variety of local vendors, including suppliers where there is no mining.” its knowledge of processing, raw-materials han- Iof heavy equipment and outside engineering Success at RMS has come from “the people dling, conveyors, piping and pumping across specialists. And the expertise that these support we have here and the product lines,” says the world. “We’ve done work for the potash in- companies have developed through their work Anderson. “Our technicians can do it all, but it’s dustry, and gold and silver mining,” Vespa says. on the Mesabi Range has translated to expan- not like the old days when all you needed was a “The skills we have here are easily transferable sion into geographical markets both nationally trouble light and a monkey wrench. Now, you to other industries.” and globally. need to have mechanical and computer skills.” Jeff Jamar is another Hibbing native, and One example is the Virginia branch of Mil- With a highly skilled, well-trained workforce while he now works in the Twin Cities area, waukee-based Joy Global Inc., a mining equip- and the potential for new forms of mining to the company he co-owns, Jasper Engineering ment and services company. Joy Global has had begin, Anderson says, “We’re very high on the & Equipment Co., still calls Hibbing home. a presence on the Iron Range for more than 20 future of northern Minnesota. Mining is going Founded in 1958, Jasper is a manufacturer’s years. Its 82,000-square-foot Virginia facility to be here for a long time, and RMS is excited to rep, distributor and service company for built in 2013, which employs 65, provides sales be a part of the future.” processing equipment, control valves and in- and service for Joy Global brands, notably the Another well-diversified business is the strumentation for a wide variety of industries. P&H surface mining equipment line. Hibbing office of -based Barr Its chief products include mining pumps The Virginia facility also supplies and Engineering Co. Founded 50 years ago, Barr’s from Weir Minerals, a Scottish company, and services equipment to an Iowa underground Iron Range office employs about 70. In -ad industrial instrumentation from Germany- gypsum mine, and to Michigan for both surface dition to working for Iron Range mines, it based Siemens. and underground mining. Joy Global also offers provides mechanical, electrical, structural, Founded to serve the iron mining industry, equipment rebuild services for its customers, civil, environmental and process engineering, Jasper has extended its heavy industry expertise giving them the option to quickly switch out and engineering support services to a number to other businesses, including cereal makers and worn components with rebuilt ones. of industries in the United States, and manufacturing plants, food and dairy proces- “That minimizes the downtime and maintains South America. sors, oil and gas operations, and even medical the uptime for the mine,” says John Ward, Joy’s “Mining is a big part of what we do,” says device manufacturing. It expanded to the Twin Virginia general manager. Components rebuilt Joe Vespa, the office’s branch coordinator and Cities in 1988, and it now operates in Iowa and in Virginia are then shipped to other customers, a company vice president and senior electrical Nebraska, the Dakotas, Montana, some as far away as Brazil and Australia. engineer. “But we also work for the fuels in- and Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. Now employ- Road Machinery & Supplies Co. (RMS) in dustry, power companies and manufacturers.” ing 43, Jasper still derives about half of its busi- Virginia is a 91-year-old supplier of construc- A few years ago, Barr’s Hibbing staff helped en- ness from iron mining work. tion, mining and forestry equipment. It’s one of gineer a new oil refinery in North Dakota—the And while the company’s work often takes it the largest Komatsu truck and hydraulic shovel first new refinery in the U.S. since the 1970s. elsewhere, its Iron Range roots are still deeply distributors and support facilities in North “It was a pretty big project for us,” Vespa says. embedded in its DNA. “Growing up on the America. It also sells and services Atlas Copco Barr’s experience is in demand in South Range, a lot of us ended up going to engineer- rotary drills. America. “Right now, they’re at a point where ing school,” Jamar says. “Unlike other parts of “Besides mining, we’ve really become in- the Iron Range was at 50-plus years ago,” the state, engineering is a focus of people on the volved in road construction, crushing and quar- Vespa says. “They had been processing rich ore Range. That’s because the mines require techni- rying,” says Jon Anderson, RMS vice president. primarily. Now, as they need to process other cal abilities. Many of the best jobs in northern “We’re in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, sources of iron, we’re helping provide concep- Minnesota come from engineering and the Iowa, northern Wisconsin and Minnesota, and tual engineering.” technical side of things.”


Women on the Iron Range These female engineers and scientists have changed the face of the iron mining industry.

ining engineer LaTisha Gietzen remembers going down to the State Capitol in St. Paul in her first days as a mining industry lobbyist. One of the older male legislators asked her, M “You really don’t work in the mines, do you?” Well, yes. Gietzen has been a miner since 1997. And as a woman miner, she’s far from unique. Women have been working in Minnesota’s mines, in various capacities, for decades. When the men went off to fight the two world wars, women picked up shovels and worked in the mines until the men came home. Today, women hold key technical and management roles in mining. They operate mine equipment, perform plant maintenance and engineer technological advancements that protect the environment. While there’s been a national focus on engaging women in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) fields, the Iron Range has already made great strides in that direction. One of the organizations helping northeastern Minnesota women enter STEM fields is Iron Range Engineering (IRE), a program that provides opportunities for college students to work on STEM projects at local businesses, giving them real-world experience while they pursue a degree. IRE director Christine Kennedy, who worked as a mining engineer herself before taking her current position, notes that nationwide, about 15 percent of those working in STEM fields are women. Currently, the participants in her program are about 25 percent female. “In the next few years, we’re going to be graduating our first 50-50 group,” Kennedy says. “And that’s fantastic.” It’s also a fantastic thing for the region’s talent pool for engineers. “We have an impending talent shortage,” says Julie Marinucci, senior project engineer at Duluth engineering firm Short Elliot Hendrickson and president of the Range Engineering Council, a volunteer group that supports and promotes STEM programs for elementary and high school students across the Iron Range. “We think the best success from a retention standpoint is to develop our own talent.” Here are four women who are working as engineers and scientists in the mining field and are encouraging other young women to become engineers and scientists themselves.

LaTisha Gietzen Director of Public and Community Affairs, PolyMet Mining

Hibbing native LaTisha Gietzen is a fourth-generation Iron Range miner. Given her family heritage, it’s no surprise that after earning her civil engineering degree from the University of North Dakota in 1997, she joined National Steel, a pellet producer in Keewatin later acquired by U.S. Steel Corp.

8 THE IRON RANGE JUNE 2017 Christine Kennedy Director, Iron Range Engineering

As a kid growing up near Bemidji, Like some Christine Kennedy loved mixing up people, Kennedy’s household chemicals to see what image of mining would happen. Her love of science was “pickaxes led her to earn an associate degree and shovels.” As in engineering at Itasca Community she learned that College in Grand Rapids. In 2009, she mining requires became one of the first students in innovative the Iron Range Engineering program engineering (IRE), which gives undergrads the skills, she got opportunity to take on STEM-related hooked. In projects and earn credits toward a iron mining bachelor’s degree. production “you As an IRE student, Kennedy worked are producing on a project for United Taconite in something November. (She’s also working on Forbes, Minn. Her work involved specific and useful,” she says. a master’s degree in engineering engineering, designing, and prototyping United Taconite hired her in management at the University of a filter wash system for disc filters, which 2011; her job duties included Minnesota Duluth.) are used to remove water from the slurry project management, mechanical Kennedy says that she sometimes that the mining process generates. Unlike and structural engineering, and misses the intensity and “firefighting” filter bags, which would get plugged, re- crew supervision. When Ron Ulseth of engineering work. But she loves sulting in downtime while the bags were stepped down as IRE director, providing Iron Range students changed, the wash system was designed to Kennedy left United Taconite and opportunities in mining that she work while the system was running. took the IRE position this past herself has experienced.

She was hired as an environmental company’s public, government and engineer, helping make sure the plant’s media relations efforts. Though that operation met all air and water means she’s no longer working as an regulations. Gietzen soon became the engineer per se, she notes, “it’s been department’s manager. When she was incredibly helpful to have a technical “THE MINING INDUSTRY HAS hired, not only was she the only woman background when you’re conveying GIVEN US THE OPPORTUNITY TO department manager, but she was much technical information.” younger than most of her colleagues. Gietzen’s husband is also an RAISE—WE HOPE!—A FIFTH Still, Gietzen says, being a woman engineer (though he’s not a native GENERATION OF MINERS.” at that time “wasn’t really a big issue.” Iron Ranger). Engineering “has given It’s even less so now. “If you look at the us the ability to go anywhere in the — LaTisha Gietzen, PolyMet Mining workforce today, there are a lot more world. But what’s most important to women and a lot more young people,” me and my family is the ability to stay Gietzen says. “That’s been an amazing here on the Range. And the mining transition over the last 10 years or so.” industry has given us the opportunity In 2007, Gietzen joined PolyMet to raise—we hope!—a fifth generation to direct the nonferrous mining of miners.”


Jaime Johnson Environmental Manager, ArcelorMittal Minorca

As environmental manager for excited about the opportunity to come Luxembourg-based steelmaker back to her hometown and enjoy the ArcelorMittal’s Minorca mine, a job she’s region’s outdoor activities. held for 10 years, Jaime Johnson oversees “The number of women in the mining the environmental performance of the industry continues to grow, and I’m facility. She also implements and moni- fortunate to work with a number of tors strategies to minimize the plant’s talented women (and men) at Minorca,” environmental impact, ensuring the says Johnson. “Having diversity within facility’s compliance with environmental any industry is an advantage, as unique regulations. It makes for busy days, but it points of view and experiences contrib- allows Johnson to live in the area where ute to growth and innovation.” she grew up. “It’s seeing the work come Johnson recently earned a master’s together that is rewarding,” says Johnson. degree in environmental planning and After graduating with a bachelor’s management, building upon the knowl- degree in environmental studies from edge and expertise required for her role. the University of Minnesota Duluth, she “There are so many aspects of my job I worked as an assistant start-up coordi- enjoy,” she says of her work at Minorca. nator in Augusta, Ga., for a company “Each day is different, offering new chal- that designed and built drinking water lenges and successes. I continue to learn systems. While she learned a lot, she was something new every day.”

Tasha Niemi Environmental Representative, Hibbing Taconite

For Tasha Niemi, managing Hibbing Taconite, an iron ore pellet production Taconite’s air quality and environmental facility owned jointly by Luxembourg- outputs offers a way to help people. “I based steelmaker ArcelorMittal, really do want to make sure that our envi- Cleveland-based iron merchant Cliffs ronment is good for future generations,” Natural Resources Inc. and Pittsburgh- she says. “I don’t want to worry about the based U.S. Steel. air my kids are breathing or the water Niemi’s background as an educa- they’re drinking.” tor with a passion for protecting the A Wisconsin native, Niemi didn’t environment is serving her well at plan to enter the mining industry after Hibbing Taconite, where training is earning a bachelor’s degree in mineral a key component of the operation’s conservation from Northern Michigan environmental program. In addition University in Marquette. Her first impulse to managing permitting and projects was to manage fisheries, but due to a lack for Hibbing Taconite, Niemi’s job is to of available positions in the field, Niemi educate employees about the proper instead moved to Nevada to work in en- environmental protocols that apply to vironmental education for AmeriCorps, their roles at the facility. “Each em- and later was employed as an environ- ployee has a responsibility to preserve mental engineer for a Nevada gold mine. this beautiful region, so this is my way When her family wanted to return to of having a positive influence on our the Midwest, she decided she wanted to environment by providing the tools stay in the mining industry. That meant that ultimately help the industry that moving to northeastern Minnesota. I’m working for,” says Niemi. “I love Four years ago, she was hired at Hibbing that about my job.”

10 THE IRON RANGE JUNE 2017 Manufacturing on the Range Jaime Johnson A dependable workforce anchors numerous manufacturers that sell nationally and globally. Environmental Manager, ArcelorMittal Minorca t’s not surprising that a region known The company now has 125 employees, for people with an outstanding work compared to 46 when Allison and his Iethic is also home to successful partners bought it in 2003. Minnesota manufacturing businesses. Twist Drill also purchased an Illinois Virginia-based steel fabrication company, Triumph Twist Drill, and shop TRITEC of Minnesota Inc. is one moved its operations to the Iron Range. example. Company president Mitch The key to Minnesota Twist Drill’s Robertson founded TRITEC 21 years steady growth, Allison says, is its ago and describes his client base as skilled, experienced craftsmen. “Prob- “any company that mines any kind of ably 30 to 40 percent of our employees aggregate out of the earth.” Primary have been with the company 20 to 30- clients are iron mining companies on plus years,” he says. And, “our turnover the Iron Range and in the Upper Pen- rate is very low.” insula of Michigan, for which TRITEC Low turnover is something Iron fabricates a variety of specialty process Range companies tend to see among and production-based products, such highly skilled workers, Allison says. as 240-ton truck boxes, pelletizing and “People are loyal if the company treats crushing machinery and large-scale air them well,” he adds. “And that’s huge emission stacks. for our business, because we have an Ten years ago, 75 percent of TRITEC’s incredibly long learning curve on our business was in the mining sector. Now, equipment. High turnover would make it’s 35 percent. it very tough for us to meet targets and In 2005, TRITEC added a second capacities. I think it’s a tribute to the Iron location in Bismarck, N.D., where it Range work ethic.” builds equipment for the power industry. Another Iron Range manufacturer TRITEC also manufactures and ships that has experienced significant expan- products to international markets, nota- sion is Hibbing-based DMR Electronics Minnesota Twist Drill is one of just four drill-bit makers in the U.S.— bly Canada. Inc. Founded in the late 1980s, DMR and its made-in-America products are increasingly in demand. The sheer variety of products that started as a remanufacturer of engine TRITEC produces is a testament to the components for buses and mining skills of its Iron Range workforce. “The trucks. In time, it began remanufactur- have been extremely successful at our level of talent on the blue-collar side is ing electronic engine components for location at proving our competence with very remarkable,” Robertson says. “The a variety of vehicles. “It was a privately high-quality results, with a favorable cost work ethic is stellar.” Robertson believes held mom-and-pop organization,” DMR structure,” says Rhode. that the economic future of the Range operations manager David Rhode says. DMR also produces custom compo- “is going to be relative to the amount of In 2007, DMR was acquired by nents for New Flyer buses, for instance, mining and manufacturing that goes on Detroit-based Detroit Diesel Remanu- and has worked on electronic controls “THE LEVEL OF in America.” facturing LLC, now a unit of Germany- for trains. Rhode says that other potential A made-in-the-USA ethos is key to based automaker Daimler AG. Today, TALENT ON THE customers outside of the Daimler family the success of Minnesota Twist Drill, a DMR specializes in electronics manufac- BLUE-COLLAR of companies have expressed interest in Chisholm-based manufacturer of drill turing for the Detroit Diesel series of en- tapping DMR’s electronics expertise. bits—one of only four such manufactur- gines. About 95 percent of its business is SIDE IS VERY The company has the room to add ers left in the country. The company’s vertically integrated within the Daimler REMARKABLE.” new business. In 2014, DMR moved products are sold through distributors. family, which includes Mercedes-Benz, into a new 60,000-square-foot custom- Most of its bits are used in manufactur- the Smart line of two-seat vehicles and — Mitch designed facility with help from the ing, repair, tooling companies and larger truck brands Freightliner and Western Robertson, Chisholm-Hibbing Airport Authority industrial firms involved in fields such Star. TRITEC and State of Minnesota economic de- as aerospace. And Minnesota Twist When DMR was acquired, it had velopment entities. The support allowed Drill employees are busy. The company fewer than 50 employees. It now has DMR to stay on the Range, says Rhode. makes 85,000 drill bits a day, and 2017 115, and its revenues have grown more Rhode says Daimler is shifting more started off quite well, says Scott Allison, than 14-fold over the past decade. work to DMR because of the local president and CEO. Most of its employee base is local. “We support.


Answering the Call The Iron Range’s customer engagement center industry continues to grow—and to serve.

f you’ve called the customer service Starting with 25 employees, An- According to Penny Erchul, BCBS’ line for Delta Air Lines, Blue Cross them’s Gilbert call center now employs director of service delivery at the IBlue Shield of Minnesota, or Delta about 300. Its staff handles customer Virginia and Aurora call centers, there Dental, chances are you’ve talked to an service, broker and sales support “WE are several advantages to operating Iron Ranger exuding an aura of Min- services, business renewal, claims sup- EXPERIENCE those centers on the Iron Range. “We nesota Nice. port and appeals services. Employees experience lower levels of attrition, and LOWER LEVELS Two decades ago, Iron Range handle calls from dental groups rang- a lot of tenure,” she says. “That reduces economic development entities ing from two to more than 100,000 OF ATTRITION, the costs associated with hiring.” In developed a strategy to diversify the members. This team has had a first-call AND A LOT addition, she praises her employees’ Range’s industrial base by attracting resolution rate of more than 97 percent high-performance work. customer service centers and high-end for the past four years. OF TENURE.” BCBS is partnering with Mesabi back office facilities to northeastern Gilbert also is home to Anthem’s Range College in Virginia to look at — Penny Erchul, Minnesota. The strategy brought three Broker and Small Group Sales Sup- ways to recruit from some of the col- BCBS of Twin Cities companies attracted not port Services team, which works with Minnesota lege’s programs. Last year, the health only by strong financial support, but insurance brokers and small dental insurer added more than 100 new em- also a hard-working, loyal and depend- groups throughout the country. When ployees at its northeastern Minnesota able employee base. The three chief the team’s director, Renae Krmpotich, facilities. customer service operations on the moved from Eagan to Gilbert 12 years Iron Range have grown steadily over ago, she managed a staff of 12. She now the years, and now provide more than oversees 52. Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota has two call centers in the region 1,200 jobs with good pay and benefits. Until last year, Krmpotich’s team that handle member calls and process claims. The centers provide non- The first such center was estab- focused its sales and support work mining job opportunities to 470—100 of whom were added last year. lished in 1996 in Chisholm by North- solely on Anthem’s dental plans. “Our west Airlines, which Delta Air Lines customer retention rate is outstand- acquired in 2010. With employment ing,” she says. “Last year, it was over now at about 500, Delta’s Iron Range 89 percent.” That caught the attention Customer Engagement Center along of Anthem’s management. In 2016, Highway 169 handles more than Anthem asked the Gilbert team to 14 million calls annually, and was assist with calls and broker support for awarded the prestigious J.D. Power the company’s life, vision and disability certification for top-quality service for insurance in addition to its dental three consecutive years from 2014 to business. 2016. It’s a highly experienced crew, as The center recently underwent well as a successful one. Many of Krm- a major renovation, transforming potich’s staff have been working for her the 40,000-square-foot space into a for at least seven years. “We’re finding modern, state-of-the art customer a lot of talent among people who grew engagement facility. “The new design up here—who moved away, started a supports Delta’s collaborative style of family, graduated from college, and leadership and training, while promot- now are gravitating back to where they ing its family-culture atmosphere,” says grew up,” she says. “When we have an Christa Khalileh, the center’s director. opening, we’re getting resumes from all The renovation signaled that Delta is over the place. It’s fabulous for us.” on the Iron Range to stay. Another insurer, Eagan-based Blue In 2000, Eagan-based dental benefit Cross Blue Shield (BCBS) of Minneso- management company DeCare Dental ta, has had a presence on the Range for LLC opened a customer service center 15 years. It operates two call centers in Gilbert for members of Minnesota’s in the region (Virginia and Aurora) largest dental plans. DeCare now is a to process claims and handle BCBS’ wholly owned subsidiary of Indianap- Medicare and Medicaid member olis-based health benefits company calls. Together they employ about 470 Anthem Inc. people.

12 THE IRON RANGE JUNE 2017 Applied Learning Institute students work on a project at Nashwauk-Keewatin High School.

Talent Pipeline Range schools and colleges have combined forces to develop the next generation of talent—in mining and in other fields.

innesota’s Iron Range has Engineering has taken off in a big ship with Minnesota State Universi- are considering which classes to long had a reputation for way at NHED. Launched in 2011 ty, Mankato and Minneapolis-based take in college. Her organization Moutstanding schools. The as an offshoot of a highly success- Fairview Health Services to provide also helps connect young people region’s historic commitment to ful two-year engineering program Iron Range students opportunities with regional internships. “We’re education dates to the early 1900s, at Itasca Community College in to earn bachelor’s, master’s and continuously making the connec- when tens of thousands of im- Grand Rapids, Iron Range Engi- Ph.D. degrees in nursing through tions between the students, the migrants, many of whom couldn’t neering (IRE) is a four-year degree primarily online programs. professions and the companies in speak English, came to work in iron program accredited through Min- Last year, Hibbing Community the region,” says Marinucci, who ore mines, seeking a better life. nesota State University, Mankato, College unveiled a new Healthcare is particularly interested in getting Today, Iron Range K-12 schools and located at Mesabi Range Col- Simulation Center, which simulates young women interested in STEM. and colleges are national leaders in lege’s Virginia campus. hospital, clinic and home-care units One of the Range Engineer- implementing innovative, collabora- According to IRE executive with the use of “high-fidelity” man- ing Council’s biggest programs tive programs designed to meet the director Christine Kennedy, the nequins. The simulator includes two is the annual Iron Range STEM needs of industry and train a new program arose because “what fully equipped clinic rooms and a Showcase. This one-day program generation of high-tech workers. engineering educators are produc- homecare room. brings together about 2,000 fifth- Applied Learning Institute (ALI) ing isn’t exactly what industry is and sixth-grade students. The is a prime example. ALI offers looking for anymore.” IRE students, DEVELOPING YOUNG TALENT International Wolf Center, the technical education programming she says, learn their technical skills Aiding the colleges in their efforts Minnesota Department of Natural to more than 1,300 11th- and 12th- “by doing a real-world project.” to encourage youth considering Resources and other partners make grade students in 20 northeastern Students earn college credit while employment and education options presentations and talk about various Minnesota school districts, for helping the businesses they work is the Range Engineering Council. STEM-related career possibilities. which the students earn college for. The program has more than 100 Organized in 2014, this nonprofit The showcase offers a hands-on credit. ALI also ensures that high students enrolled. connects regional engineers with approach intended to “spark excite- schools have state-of-the-art Most of IRE’s graduates find regional schools to promote aware- ment in STEM and STEM careers,” technical equipment. Its programs jobs on the Range, says Kennedy, ness and encourage participation Marinucci says. “ladder” into technical programs though some have gotten jobs out in STEM careers. The engineers Another council-driven at Northeast Higher Education of state (one graduate has been volunteer their time both inside and program is Engineering, Cool!, District (NHED) community and hired at Amazon.com). A few oth- outside the classroom “to develop an after-school program for technical colleges in Ely, Grand ers are attending graduate school. the talent pipeline for technical sixth-graders. The regionwide Rapids, Hibbing, International IRE also encourages its students’ careers,” council president Julie program brings in engineers who Falls, and Virginia-Eveleth. Over entrepreneurial impulses. “We Marinucci says. The organization teach principles of engineering its 10 years, ALI has created a pipe- have had multiple patents come works with schools across the Iron and science that are related to the line of technically driven students from that,” Kennedy says. IRE Range as well as in Duluth, reaching industries they work in. Regional to NHED colleges “because they recently launched its first spinoff, thousands of students. companies provide funding and were able to get a taste of it while the Iron Range Makerspace in According to Marinucci, the encourage employees to volun- in high school,” says Bill Maki, Hibbing. She hopes that it’s just the members of the Range Engineer- teer. Minnesota Power engineers, NHED president. first of many IRE-born startups ing Council encourage students “to for instance, offer “courses” on that can inspire entrepreneurs to learn about the diverse technical electric circuits; Cliffs Natural EXPANDING OPTIONS launch businesses of their own in career paths that exist in their own Resources engineers and scien- Because many of today’s college the region. backyards. We have an impending tists present segments on mining students work full-time jobs or are A master’s degree engineering talent shortage,” Marinucci says. and geology. returning in midcareer for retrain- program in collaboration with the “We thought the best success from The Duluth-based Iron Mining ing, NHED has become more University of Minnesota Duluth is a retention standpoint is to develop Association of Minnesota, which flexible in its delivery of education also available. “We’re able to serve our own talent.” One of the council’s also teaches youngsters about the and training. NHED has responded our region, and students are able chief goals is “a continuous develop- mining industry, is working with by expanding its online learning to stay on the Iron Range and get a ment of regional talent to serve the Education Minnesota to produce offerings. Each of the colleges has bachelor’s of science in engineering technical industries in our area.” an education piece called Taconite what Maki describes as a robust and a master’s degree in Virginia, if The organization’s focus is Rocks!, designed to teach young telepresence. This allows the best they wish,” Maki says. students in the fifth through 12th people about the importance of the programs and faculty to be shared In the growing health care field, grades, though it also works with industry and to consider careers in across several colleges. NHED has established a partner- post-high school individuals who mining and related fields.


The Mesabi Trail: An Open-Air Museum for Cyclists

ccording to legend, a sleeping giant Whether you prefer the facts or you would When completed, it will stretch more than 155 rests beneath the ridges of the Mesabi rather imagine a sleeping giant, both lend fur- miles to Ely and connect 28 communities—mak- A Iron Range. In fact, the Iron Range ther intrigue to the lore that Mesabi is Magic. ing it one of the longest trails in the United States. holds the secret of the Continental Divide One of the best ways to discover the magic Traveling at a slower pace by bicycle allows within its mountainous terrain. The Laurentian is bicycling the Mesabi Trail. The trail opened time to enjoy and discover the towns that built Divide is a three-way watershed at the Hill of in 2005 and connects the towns across the Iron America with the ore hewn from the rich, red Three Waters near Hibbing. Range, from Grand Rapids to north of Biwabik. earth. It’s like touring an outdoor, open-air

14 THE IRON RANGE JUNE 2017 museum of mining, blended with Euro-inspired sota Discovery Center museum, ride an iconic past-ee, this mouth-watering meat pie is foods and cultures that are still vibrant today: trolley, or tour a working mine. Cycle past stuffed with potatoes and root vegetables in a One part spice and two parts soul. history, such as Hockey Town Eveleth—home pastry crust.) Be surprised by Jamaican food Discover the jaw-dropping view at the Hull of the U.S. Hockey Hall of Fame Museum and in Gilbert or enjoy organic fare at Virginia’s Rust Mine View, called the “Grand Canyon of America’s largest hockey stick and puck. Natural Harvest Food Coop between Silver the North.” Take a selfie outside the child- Along the Mesabi trail, the richness of the and Bailey lakes. hood home of music legend , and local culture is further evident in its cuisine— History, culture, food and a fun, year-round then visit the library that displays Bob Dylan the 100-year-old Italian Sunrise Bakery or destination: When you hit the Mesabi Trail, you memorabilia. Take a break from bicycling to authentic pasta at Valentini’s. A hearty “pasty” never know what you’ll find around the next explore mining history at the 660-acre Minne- can be found nearly everywhere. (Pronounced corner. Mesabi is Magic.

THE IRON RANGE JUNE 2017 15 Minnesota’s Iron Range is a center of excellence for workforce development, global service, manufacturing, customer service and value-added natural resources growth. Here on the Range, the quality of life is remarkable.


170 YEARS OF MINING 1847-2017