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vol, XXXVI-NO. 4 CARTF1RET, N. J., FRIDAY, MAY 10, 1957 FRICI KOHT CENTS Suggestion Taxpayers' Gov-ahdMrs- Meyner mu 'Church Set Award Unit Names Attend Fete llere ium 2 In Put Tin Robert B, Mcyncr will be an OU(!h. honored uuest at a dinner and John Abiitrninico, chiurman. Of $2,000 Officers dance to be held June 2. at the annmiiUT I that a limited Parsonage St. Demetrius Community Cen- amount of tickets are now \U\A\ & Thermit ter sponsored by' the General HViiibble, He also .statrd that Haury is Seelctetl DemorcratlQ Organization. professional entertainment has Calvary BaptiMiH IV-u-nts Check to President; Twelve The novernor, in a letter- to hern obtained and Bill O'Hara Douglas Zenobia, president of Erect Structure (••u-men D'AIessio ami orchestra will furnish in Directors Chosen the organization stated that he the dinner and dance music. Chrome Section cMClFRET — At a ceremony will attend the affair and both The urn/rnl committee mem- CARTERET — An oi'itanlza- j , j | i,he Cartcret plant or he and Mrs. Meyner arc looking bers nip Oencvleve Frcy. Alys CARTERET—Rev, Joseph Ma- ;l tlonal meeting of the Carteret | forward to meeting the people ^', ,l'ft Thermit Corp Wpdne.s- Sheridan. Clnckie SpoHlzlni, tus, pastor of the Calvary Baptist Taxpayers' Association wa.s held | nrf- Carpet. Dolores Avery. Mivhcl Pusillo, Church, today Announced that the ,,,. ' m(>rnin!i. Carmen D'Allessio, at Fire Hall No. 2. The purpose j ",'•• -pinicr Street, Carteret, was Elmer E. Brown Is honorary Thomas COIIRIIIIIV Joseph Telc- church will cre»t a parsonage on of the meeting was to vote upon pOsky, John Sudla. Joe Buon- the lot r4"ccpMy acquired from the ; ,, (i with $2,000.. the maxl- chairman of the affair which ll( adoption of the constitution and will also honor the elected vi?o, and Thomas Deverin. borough*. ',.. ',,, r,L.,|, award by the company by-laws of the new organization, !"," I'inployc for suggestions The structure, a brick veneer, in and to elect Its board of directors ranch type buldllng. will DC ocelli ,.,l ni under the company's and officers. The constitution and pled by Homer Tricules, assistant , i ]on plan. Mr. D'Almlo is by-laws were adopted unami- Fitch St. to be One-way to Rev. Matus. ,!!..,• ,vr! ii storeroom clerk. • mously. i , jMT.srntatlon of the award Louis Moore u chairman of the A slate of twelve nominees for , , ' ,,i |e bv H. E. Martin, presi- Sundays, 6 A. M. Till Noonbunding committee which is conk- lt the positions of directors wns ,. • ,,| iho company, who offered ( posed of the following members: presented by the nominatinc com- CARTERET—BcRinnliiR Sun- noon tin- Reservists will be in Stephen Barkaszt. John Bcrgacs. .' ,.dilutions to Mr. D'Allessio. mittee, an delected. They are: Jo- day on every Sunday thereafter, chni^r. Douglas Brown, Rev. Matus .pas- ,, w Weber. New York, vice seph Hamadyk, Jr.. Prank Haury, Flteli Street will be a one-way tor, and Homer Trleules, assistant ,I,.I,I in charce of manufac- The one-way street plan was- Joseph Lamb, William Lawlor. Mrcct, entering from Perching pastor. • ;..: rxpinlned why trtt suRRes- i'eque;;tcd by Rev. Ladislaus Mrs. Ann McLeod, Harry Rapp, Avenue with exit at Leick The following men have made ,., A;I.^ a winner. George Pope, Petrlck. pastor of Sacred Heart John Scully. Frank Schuck. Mrs. Avenue. outstanding voluntary commit- ,.' ,',,,, IT of the local plant. Intro- Church. The request was made Elisabeth Simons, Joseph Szabo. The announcement was made ments in order to begin construc- ',',; Mr, Martin and Mr. Weber, to Police Commissioner John CiKT AMERICAN KI,A(1: Scene !,linws presentation of tlir American llae doiiatod and presented to Joseph Tucholski and Richard by Police Chief George Sheri- tion as soon as possible: James P. r '! I,,, is the prae-wlnnInK SUR- ('lib Scout 1',-ick lS. ) hy Mayor Kriward ,1. Dolan, Jr. Others in the picture are Eugene Carmichael, Townlcy. dan. This rule, he said, will be Hutnk'k, who directed the chief Webb. B a lint Chete and George ;,,ir scrap metal, from which! Mrs. Cnpeland, Charles Hall, Rev. (Charles Howard, (ietirfir Phillips, Mis. Spnlnzlno and Mrs. The Board of Directors ap- In effect from 6 A. M. until 12 to make the arrangements. White. ionium has been removed, isi Barbara Relfnrd. ppointed Mr. Haury, president; noon. The new arrangement is due The Sunday School will present ,(,i(l into a con6rete pit where Mr. Lamb, vice-president; Mr. From 6 A. M. to 8 A. M.. Fitch to the tact that there is con- its annual Mother's Day program picks It up to transfer It PICKS it up w> iransicr it ,, . (1 i ,, . , , /(i . «-, Townley, secretary and Mrs. Mc- Street will have trafife directed siderable traflic congestion as beginning at 10 A. M. this Sun- liilmfImiff pre«. Because the pit I iik XpfUlK l.iviMl (itizens' Committee I ini'/.li n\ I atp Leod. treasurer. by members of the police de- people travel to and from the day, Kenneth Adams, superintend- .-in•aiRht -sided, some of the ^U" ^tUUl!) 1/1VCI1 ^ ^ ^ U1UI lI1 <*l f ClC Elects. S Trusl(ipg In concluding the meeting. Mr.' partment. From 7:45 A. M. to church. ent, will preside. Each class of the ,;> always fell where the crane Haury rcltefed the Taxpayers' As- Sunday School will have its bWii •;',\ not reach It. Mr. D'Allesslo's'; An American Flag; cARTERET~ Trustees have For Mother's Day sociation's objectives as provided special part. ,;on was to rebuild the pit been elected by the newly in its constitution. "We are inter- At the 11 A. M. morning worship ..lopuiR sides part way down. vJ ' hppn pWtflri hv l Lukach is Head j Fund Drive Pushedservice, Pastor Joseph Matus will ' ized Carteret Citizens' Commit- CARTERET—A combined Eas- ested in the welfare of Carter- provided a drop-ofl and CARTERET — At a reiiular bring the sermon in keeping with mcetiriR of Cub Scout Pack No. \c for Good Government as fol- ter and Mother's Day program et and the Carteret taxpayers I,; the scrap as it was dumped the special-day. At the Happy ' 185. hold in the Columbus School,,lows: Thomas Abker, John Flcm- . t a at the Post Easter Our objective is to assist the gov- mi the crane could more vvas pi esen e Of Civil Defense I By First Aid SquadHour Service at 6:30 P, M. Mrs, an American flan was donated and, '"«• Francis Lamp, Michael Shu- i the Community, erning body of our town in carry- , ;.;v pick it up. The result is dinner ne d at Ruth Burris will continue her in- ' presented to the unit by Mayor' tello. James Farrell-and Joseph CentPr Sunday, by tne Sunday ing out their obligations as elec- The '• Carteret • approximately 20% more CARTERET - Former Council- i CARTERET structlon in the subject What We • EdwardJ Dolar. who cave a talk Synowiecki. .school pupils of St. Demetrius ted officials. We to not want to man James J. Lukach who has j First Aid Squad's annual appeal .,;> (;m be handled In a day. act Believe. This is a series of lessons i on scoulinK, and praised the unit , The group was organized far the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, with; merely in a " doR,"ca- bfcn llea(( of the Ci,rtiC1.ct civil: to the citizens, professional men, Plan Is Explained : based upon the fundamental doc- , for the proRMss which they had; purpose of actively participating' over 300 people attending. ThelP»«ity; hopefully, we will be able .DnfeIls c Coimcil fov SCVCral years, industries and orRanlzatlons is trlnes of the Christian faith. Tin: , to work harmoniously and sucsuc - •: <• plan was started a year mBde. A pack flag was also do-' In political and civic activities. Easter food was blessed by Revj. to work harmoniously and ;nas been rename,! chairman ofi i now in progress under the chair- 1 public is invited to attend. .: ,i half aao to encouraffe em- imtod and presented by the Park-: -—-— John Hundiak. The program was! cessfully with our public repre-ijhe unll al tne ,ast meetinB. He.manship of John J. DowliiiR, for- 15 Tonight the Calvary Teens wll! ' ••-to .submit ideas for improv- view Democratic Club's president preparcd by Mrs. Irene Hundiak, sentatives in the interests of t" isuccerds Louis Brown, who re-; mcr police captain. From all lndl- attend the evangelistic meeting; I •in' company's operations. It Mrs. Spolozlno. Free Chest X-Ray supervisor of the Sunday school, taxpayer. Our aim Is to promote lslRncd because of pressure ol othci-', cations. Squad members are ex- at the Perth Amboy High School. ,:: cfleet at all company loca-, Robert Schultz, District Repre- and Mrs. Kay Symchik. Andrew efficiency and economy in govern-1 business • pecting a banner year and the Mr, Jack Wlrtzen, director of the | :;. :ncludlnR four plants, two sentativc praised the unit for bc- Gorechlad, Jr., was the master Qf! ment. through the improvement | Ml. Lukai;h directed the air' best results in years. Word of Life Evangelistic Asso- in public services and the reduc- J ^ ^^ M ; which was i' • •,

j.^ t. TVv\j i i,1 to Hold 16th Holy Family PTA Board fill Act C.t'hlury Rile on Sunday Breakfast Sunday On Bids May If, CARTERET At Its'meetim- 1 CAHTERET — The regular I IKK r Tin' ci'ownlrii' Wednesday nlitht, the Board ,[ meetini.' of the Holy Family P.T.A. ( lii'.»«'d Vlrsln's statue, a Education received bids from sev wns held Wednesday cvenlnn at . .1: c'liEioui ceremony that era! companies for supplying Jani- he ."chool hall. tor equipment. A special meeting • I.I.K centuries, will LIP con- su ai, The »roup will receive Com- was set for May 15 when con- II .n-iv Sunday at Water's Son born to Mr and Mis Frank* Na*y, 31 KJi-el. at tlir munion In a body, Mother's Day tracts will be awarded. i.'i Perth Amboy, by 500 Elizabeth General Hospital. May it the B A. M. Mass.-All members A croup of teachers appeared •.- (if the Sodality of Mary. 3. Mrs. Nany is tin; former L)o- arc urppd to be at the church ,;t the meeting and chanted tii, i in the group will be 1 lores Woilkuvvski nt 7 45 A. M. A breakfast will 1)0.1 nl with discriminating ai-ain,- follow in the school hall, served 1 hum five parishes ill Ip-iicliers. especially those uii;, by the Holy Names Society of '' i!; ri-t area- St. Joseph, Uaujihli'i brim lo Mr mid Mis. many years of service. The chair- Jame.s M. iJiinnt'. 'MA HniiMiilpli the parish. :'s were hurlid by Mrs. Ermiiu, l-.iii,ily, St. Elizabeth, and Strci-I, ji. iin- Kllzabi'Ui Oiwrul The First Holy Communion (Ii Maitino and Mrs. Anna M;-. i IJeiM't. all of Carteret. and Hospiliil, May :) Mi.s. Dtinui- is chs will receive their first holy f'abe, both teachers who spoke ,>; i': i.>i jv. Port Rrudinii. the fciimn Jean Kosill. > Communion at the 8 A. M. Mass lenpth. Mrs. Elizabeth Simon •• .''.iinui'l C. Constance, dl- ! Sunday. May 19. followed by a >•• chool nurse claimed that she h:ui >•: ilie Amboy District So- Daui'htcr brn'n In Mr. ;i»d Mrs. communion breakfast given by REV. RAYMOND AN ABLE been dLiciimlnated against sine- il : .... LlliS dPVOtlotl Ol'ig- Vicloi I,.'Major. llilll Roosevelt the PT.A. and served by the she Joined the school system. '•i < ! I.I I he Franciscan Church Avenue at the Elizabeth Ocnernl First Grade mothers. OtJEST SPEAKER: Rev, Ray- Stephen Skiba, board presides 1 ('; MI- at Naple In the 16thHospital, May 4 The Eighth pradns Will be feted mond Anable, S..I.. Associate drrlnred ttuit the board had don, Li •!!•. It was approved and with n graduation party Klven by Professor of Philosophy at St. nothing unethical and thnt th,.;, TI ! !," by Pope Pius VII. Son bom to Mr. and Mr.i, Stan- the seventh (trades on Wednesday, Peter's College, will be gue«l was no Intentional dlscrlmin.,. •Tv • :imui)V at the Stadium, ley K Hn.iy.ko. 10 Oak Sllret, at Mny 29, at 2 P. M. speaker at the Mother-Daugh- lion against any teachers. the EM/iiiicth nn:i;iit,iil, hn ii i uiii'ii to the public, will Installation of officers will be ter • Communion Breakfmt of Mis. Catherine Hughes notlfi.ii Mny 5. Mrs. ilav.ko 1.1 the for- •'Ip111 :ii •! ui) P. M. and will con- held June 4, at 6 P. M. St. Joseph's Church, Sunday, the board she would .^nd Im nin- Lilliiin P. P'edlam.: «t i,: ., procession, the placing of The Eighth Grade mothers will May 13. In addition to his teaching career June 21 after r, Jueii.<•:• :.t the feet of our lady's be In charge of a balceless cake teaching he was engaged In re- years of service. Mrs. Kathenn, tiaiiKhtiT horn to Mr, and Mrs. treat work from 1950-53 and «tn.' l>v the Sodaliste, the r sale In June.. Hospitality for the Grohmann turned in bjer resign:.- Ralph Po-Aill ,l. i(ll Hoiist'vclt Ave- was Director or Christ the King •u\'i,n/ by Muss Veronica Tyllan, Installation will be in charge of t:on as a teacher, effective Jim Jbfrri "f ,'i.he Union Sodality, nue,, at the Kii/.iibetli General Retreat House at SyarviiRf, N. Y. Hospital, May ,v Mrs Powell is the kindergarten and First Grade 30. Mlas Mary Borick applied In «• in.i *ai of the act of conse- INSl'FCT PLANT: Officials of Metal and Thermit Cnrpnnitinn this week marie an inspection of Uw former Gertrude mothers, the position of school nurse, ami •Jtiii.ii :i liviiiR Rosary, and Ben- the C'artctet plant facilities. Shown from left t