MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF MOGGERHANGER PARISH COUNCIL HELD ON WEDNESDAY 17TH JULY 2019 IN THE VILLAGE HALL. Present: Councillors Carter, Aldridge, Schofield , Smith (Chairman) Central Beds Councillor Firth, the Clerk and 3 members of the public. 1) Apologies for absence. 2) Declaration of Interest. 3) Minutes of the meeting held on 15th May 2019, having previously been circulated were proposed as a true record of the meeting by Mrs Cater seconded by Mr Aldridge and agreed. 4) Residents questions. Update on the setting up of the defibrillator in the village. Town and Parish Council Conference information. 5) Planning and Highway reports. The Clerk reported on the meeting held to give information on the proposed Dual carriage way for the A428 from Caxton Gibbet to the Black Cat Roundabout. All the information could be seen on the website or from the Clerk. Closure of St Johns Road 10th August from 12.30 t0 22.30 with a one-way restriction. The bus shelter and the seats around the village have been refurbished. A litter pick was being organized in the village by Ms Simmons. Planning application s for: Moggerhanger Methodist Church with variation to 2 conditions of planning permission in 2018. ie First floor widow re position and reposition of entrance. 40 Road…demolition of part of existing brick barn and construction of single storey extension. A new application for land to the south of Road for 36 dwellings. A public meeting has been arranged by the council to discuss this application on The 31st July in the Village Hall at 7pm A traffic survey will be carried out by members of the council; a report will be available that evening. 7)Playing field report • The Annual ROSPA report has been received and is now being considered. • A request to hold a Private Family Party on 27th July has been given permission. • An agreement has been made with a football club for the season. The Pavilion will be refurbished by the club. They will play 9 games in Moggerhanger of an 18-game season. The goal posts are in place, Mr Smith had repaired the mower once again, he will continue to cut the area of the path. • The toilets have been left with mud on the floor, the lights left on and water not turned off properly. There is still a dog fouling problem. A report will be placed in the magazine. 8) Central Beds Report. Feedback is being by the council on High Street shops and services. There is an online survey for Sandy and . Local Plan..Moggerhanger has 40 dwellings on A603. The inspector sought answers to 4 questions: 1. boundary definition re ownership constraints 2. Safety access 3. Effect upon character of the village 4. Designated heritage assets. Information was sought on the Ivel Valley Parish Forum proposals for the sharing of Vehicle Activated Signs. 106 monies had certain categories for claims. 9) Finance. Payments and Receipts. Playsafety Inspection £82.20 M Zwetsloot grasscutting £1165.00 Andy Muskett Ltd maint lights. £157.44 P Doyle Auditor £150.00 Mr Single general repairs £240.00 HMRC Tax £ 187.72 Link a Ride donation £100.00 Clerk sal/admin/exps £880.20 E ON Power £198.77 £203.33 £131.22 Mrs Schofield proposed the payments be made, this was agreed. Receipt. VAT Refund £904.73 The Clerk proposed that the council now continue to replace the lighting to LED as the money is available, this was agreed. The Internal Audit Report for 2018/2019 had been received, Mr Doyle will be invited to the next meeting. 10) Correspondence and Information. Letter from Link a Ride giving information how the service was run, and seeking a donation. The council agreed to donate £100. Monthly Newsletter form the Police and Crime Commissioner. A copy of the A428 Black Cat to Caxton Gibbet Improvements. Notification of AGM of BATPC for 17th October 2019 at 7pm in the Cople Village Hall. The date for the Town and Parish Council Conference 16th July 2019 the evening prior to the Paris Council Meeting. Nobody was available to attend. The meeting closed. The next meeting will be held on 17th September 2019.