BOSTON BRUINS HEAD COACH BRUCE CASSIDY On the third line… Yeah, I thought they had a good weekend. Obviously, got a goal. Helps when you’re young. That’s what you’ve done most of your – previously before here you’re used to getting on the scoresheet, so you get frustrated if you don’t. So, they got rewarded. It was a good goal. They did it the right way, started in d-zone, they played it, they won a puck, got it behind their d, won a foot race and got it to the front of the net, so it wasn’t lucky. It wasn’t a fluke. It was the right way to do things, and they got rewarded for it. So, hopefully that reminds them how they need to play. Then after that a few more pucks find them. They win some pucks down low. They’re attacking the net. I thought our fourth line was outstanding too, the [Sean] Kuraly line, so you get your bottom six really chipping in and that’s what it’s going to take for us to win on a consistent basis, and I think we’re aware of that. Our top line is good. Our second line’s coming around. The power play generally produces, but at the end of the day you need balanced scoring to do it every night, and we’re starting to see that the last three games I think we’ve been much better in that area.

On if the fourth line earned their goal tonight… Yeah, they did. I think they had some other looks around d the net that certainly could’ve gone in. Sean [Kuraly] hit a post I think even late by winning a battle and using his speed, size to get to the net, so yeah it was a fortunate break for us, but again we made the right decision. Their d were up, we played behind them, and it works out for us. In that sense, you like to see them get rewarded in making good decisions, and again come out of d-zone where we won a puck, defended a two-on- one very well in front more, something we were having trouble with on the west coast trip. Good to see them, again, I sound like I’m repeating myself but they’ve worked hard. So, at some point you do need to show up on the scoresheet. It bothers everybody, and they were able to do it.

On Jeremy Lauzon’s goal… Yeah, he works hard. He’s got good instincts to get up the ice. I think he’s played well here. There’s some areas below the goal line in our end where he has to learn what’s available, how to move the puck, how to protect it, but that’s just experience I think. No matter what level he’s at, that’s a work in progress. But the rest of his game, that’s just physicality, his willingness to get up the ice, close gaps, kill penalties, he’s been pretty good for us. I’m happy for him. He’s a likeable kid, so good for him. You only get your first NHL goal once, and some guys don’t get it. So, nice for him to get it at home, and I think it turns out to be the game-winner.

On Jakob Forsbacka Karlsson potentially winning the third-line center spot now versus at the beginning of the season… Maybe just time. Maybe just expectations for us were high. I would guess that six weeks or whatever it is that he’s been down there after a full year, I would guess he’s hungry to be here and stay. It’s kind of, what the second go-around say? He had a quick indoctrination here against Washington a couple years ago, one game, and then goes down there and doesn’t play a lot with the big club and then preseason doesn’t work out. So, I think at some point the switch has to go off, okay this is what I need to do, and I think he’s doing what we’re asking him to do, and he’s

playing to his strengths. He’s still got a ways to go, puck battles could be better, but I like the progress I’ve seen out of him. He seems to be a much more engaged player and that’s all we’re asking: be engaged every night. We’ll walk you through the rest, and hopefully you’re good enough to stay here. That’ll be on him eventually.

On if going 3-1 during this homestand is a success… I think so. I think 4-0 would be what we strive for, didn’t happen. Vancouver game, I look at it – listen, it was 2-1 for us. We had the lead in the second period. It got away from us late in the second period, and obviously it got ugly there, so certainly we were in the game. It looked like a debacle, but at the end of the day we were in it and had a chance to win it. Good win against . And Vegas, I don’t care what their record is they’re a hard team to play against, and they’re a good hockey club. I thought the Dallas game we played more to our style, and I think that got us going a little bit. So yeah, it was a good week.

On Jaroslav Halak… Well, we’ve seen it from day one. We knew he was a good . I couldn’t sit here and say he’d be leading the league in save percentage, goals against, or whatever he is, first or second. We knew he’d be solid. He’s certainly exceeded expectations, and it’s what required right now. He’s getting lots of starts, guys are confident in front of him, we’re starting to understand how he is. There’s a lot of – he stops a lot of pucks. There’s pucks laying there that we’ve got to clear, so we’re starting to get that. Hey, converge the slot, get it out of there, get going, so how he plays the puck we’re reading off better each game. I’m happy for him. He’s a hard-working guy, and he’s had good success in this league, and it’s required for him right now, and he’s giving it to us. Just keep on going, Jaro.

On how Jeremy Lauzon’s game in juniors translates to the NHL… I don’t think he’ll be the offensive guy that he was in juniors, but you see him – he’ll get up the ice, like every game, he’s in a position to shoot a puck, and he wants to handle the puck hard. He does have a good, hard shot. It’s generally on net. It’s one thing I’ve noticed in practice – a little surprised how hard he does shoot it, so I imagine he’ll be that guy that gets some goals in this league. I don’t see him as a playmaking, Torey Krug, [Matt] Grzelcyk-type puck-mover on the power play, but certainly a guy that, hey, who knows, someday with his shot and his instincts could be there, but 5-on-5, I think he’ll get up the ice and contribute a little bit with his shot, and he’s got the willingness to get up there. He’s not nervous, he’s not afraid, he’s not overthinking it. He wants to be involved in the offense, so I project some offense, but I mean, he’s got to stay here full-time, beat guys out of a job, and I think that the way he does that is as more of a hard, all- around player. He can really help our penalty kill the way he gets on people and closes, so that comes first, but the offense will be a bonus, and if he can tie it all together, then good for him. But I think we knew that when he was picked, that there would be some of that there, just you never really know until guys turn pro.

On if he’ll be on the upcoming road trip… He should be on this trip. Brandon [Carlo], I assume, is day-to-day. We’ll have a better update next time when we reconvene. We can talk about it, but I don’t think it’s long-term. Charlie [McAvoy] is skating, [Urho] Vaakanainen is skating, Kevan Miller is skating. Kevan Miller will

not play in the start of the trip, I know. Charlie and Vak, kind of, as they progress, so my guess is he would be on.

On Steven Kampfer on the penalties… You know, the one the other night, the guy touched off his stick. I think he was in a good position. He just stuck out his rear, and if maybe he just takes a step to get into him with his shoulder, he’s probably okay as long as he’s moving, so maybe the extra step, even the other night, just pivot and open up and skate beside him, and they let you get tangled, you know it’s not as obvious, but you’ve got to be moving or you’re going to get those interference calls. They kind of nail you if you get stuck or static, so I guess for those ones, he should be pivoting more or opening up and trying to ride the guy out of space instead of deliberately walling him off.

BOSTON BRUINS DEFENSEMAN JEREMY LAUZON On seeing the open net… Yeah, I saw that it was open so I just shot.

On what it means to him to be able to contribute to the team… I think a lot for sure. My goal is to stay here as long as I can, and I thought I played hard defensively and [had] something to contribute and do my part.

On what he was thinking as the puck was moving up the ice… I was trying to… I saw an opening on the rush, so I took it. [Sean] Kuraly had a lot of speed too, and he just chipped it and I saw that I was going to beat the two defensemen so I just continued straight and got a good bounce right on my stick and the open net so I just finished it.

On whether he was surprised that the puck landed on his stick… Yeah, a little bit. At the beginning I was just going for the puck and it just bounced right on my stick, so yeah.

On what that felt like and hearing the crowd screaming for him… I think it’s a good feeling for sure. It’s something that you’re looking for all your life playing in the NHL, and when you’re younger I think you’re… you imagine scoring your first goal and being able to accomplish that is something big and I’m pretty happy about it.

On whether it was how he imagined it… I don’t know. I don’t remember how I imagined it when I was younger, but you know, it’s… for sure it’s a pretty special feeling.

On having good numbers in Junior for a defenseman and how he pictures his career tracking… I think my biggest strength is my compete. In Junior I was good with the puck and making plays for sure. I see myself as a two-way defenseman, a little bit like [Mattias] Ekholm back in Nashville. I try to look at how he plays and try to emulate his type of play. He’s hard defensively and contributes offensively, so I think I want to be that kind of player, but for me it’s always going to be play hard defensively and don’t get beat.

On having experience on both the power play and penalty kill… Yeah, for sure. I think Junior is a step, and when you turn pro it’s a complete other game. You just try to find your way and find your way in the NHL and keep that spot.

On who handed him the puck tonight after the game… [David] Pastrnak.

On what he’ll do with the puck…

I think I’m probably going to frame it back home. For now I still live at my parents’, so they’re probably going to keep it for now.

BOSTON BRUINS DEFENSEMAN JOHN MOORE On how he feels the team did tonight… I think we did well. It was not going to be an easy game and we knew that. I think really it helps to score early, obviously, and get emotionally attached to this game. Back to backs are tough, but, you know, they’re handicapped as well having played last night. So, all in all, I was really happy with how we played.

On his turnover… Yeah, I was… their forward took a good route on me and forced me to my backhand, which is not where I want to be, and I thought I recovered, but they made a good play.

On his thoughts of taking the momentum from these past two games forward… Yeah, playing at home you want to make sure you’re leaving your mark and kind of laid a negative against Vancouver, but beat two good teams and we want to carry that onto the road.

BOSTON BRUINS GOALTENDER JAROSLAV HALAK On power plays and the first period… Yeah, early on we gave them too many opportunities on power play, and you know, they got some momentum going their way, but, we were able to come out strong and kill all of them and get a goal. So, you know that’s what good teams do and that’s what we did tonight and I think we, like I said, the first period was kind of a little slower, but I think the second and third we played much better and I think we deserved to win tonight.

On his energy in the second half… Oh, I felt fine. I got a great sleep, so why not.

On goalies playing back to back games… You know I think that it’s different when you play at home and when you have to travel, kind of. Getting to the hotel at 2 or 3 a.m., in the morning, you know, you still go home, you still sleep in your bed, and same routine; so, you know it didn’t make any difference to me tonight. We didn’t skate this morning, we just have a video, and you know, so.

On his teammates helping him last night and rolling into the game tonight … I think it helped everybody. We knew we had to play better after the Vancouver game and you know, yesterday, Toronto, they have a good team. They traveled in and they tried to win in the first period and we were able to just kind of get out of the period and, like you said, to control our second and third and we played a great game. And then tonight we did the same thing.

BOSTON BRUINS FORWARD ANDERS BJORK On how getting results from hard work feels… A little bit. It was nice to get out in front, on the board. It was a big goal for us. It was one of our objectives to have a good start. I think, it felt nice to contribute to that. I think like we played pretty solid throughout the whole game. You know, there is always areas where you can clean up a little bit.

A couple passes by me and stuff I want to improve upon and be sure of. Yeah I think it was a good game. One that we definitely want to build off. I think we can be satisfied with that.

On putting into practice what he is working on in his game… Yeah, I mean it is – definitely repetition helps. I think when you do something right, you get good confidence from that. I think I try to do that and I try to build and incorporate other things into my game. I think a lot of it is your mental preparation and focus too. You got to take things you learn in the video and, even like in the pre-scout of another team, you want to look at areas where you can get up some opportunity. I know guys like Bergy are great. They see something in the pre-scout that they can sort of have in the back of their mind when the situation pops up, they go for it. So, I think it’s something us young guys are trying to learn.

On where he is with Jakob Forsbacka Karlsson and the third line… I know he has been great. It’s tough coming back. You feel like you have got a lot of eyes on your first couple games but he’s been really good, solid defensively and moving the puck well and hard on the puck. So, I think he has been good. I think we are starting to build some chemistry, which is nice.

On if he feels his line is onto something… Yeah, a little bit. I think it starts with us play hard and you know. Especially attacking on the fore- check. I think JFK plays so well defensively and so does Heino [Danton Heinen] too. I think we have been solid there and, obviously we can improve a little bit but that’s helped our transition game which has helped us get in on the forecheck and that’s where we’ve created opportunity just by attacking and screening hard. I think, yeah it’s been good. Hopefully we can continue that.

On how he likes the passes and space… Yeah those are great, I think. Especially when I have played with Heino, I’ve seen how good he is with that and you know his placement on those chips are good and he tells me keep my feet moving and keep skating the same speed and maybe even pick it up so I can pick that puck up. Yeah, it is something we are working on doing every night.

BOSTON BRUINS FORWARD DANTON HEINEN On how he felt playing with Jakob Forsbacka Karlsson and Anders Bjork… Yeah, I thought it felt pretty good tonight. I mean, you know, trying to improve every game. I thought tonight was a little better than last night, and yeah so hopefully we can keep it going.

On playing more assertively the last couple of games… Yeah, I felt a little better lately. Just trying to tell myself to keep my feet moving and, you know, get on the forecheck and win my battles, so I feel like if I’m doing those things we’re helping the team.

On using passes and space to get separation and make things happen with Bjork… Yeah, for sure. He can fly, so yeah, just a couple times it’s just what I’m trying to do is just get the space for him, just get onto and he’s usually going to beat the guy, so yeah, it’s nice having a guy like that on your line.

On what kind of lift this line can bring to the team when it’s clicking… Yeah, I think… I think we need to be a line like that, that can, you know, chip in offensively when needed. Obviously that top line is the majority of our scoring, and they’ve been great and they were great tonight again, but you know, when they’re not there we need to be reliable and chip in every once in a while, so yeah.

On getting back to back wins…

Yeah for sure it’s nice, you know, especially before a road trip. Get a couple at home and then hopefully have a little momentum going on the road and hopefully have a good trip.

On himself and JFK taking time in the AHL to work on their skills and what that was like for him… Yeah, no I mean it’s a good learning experience down there. It’s not an easy league by any means. It’s, you know, it’s a grind every night as well, so it’s definitely, you know, it teaches you, you know, or it gives you time to work on the little things that I guess, you know, try to become a pro and do all the little things every day. So yeah, I needed a little more time, and you know, maybe he needed a little more time, but he’s done well when he’s up and he looks good.

On being the experienced guy on his line… Yeah, I don’t know if I would call myself that, but yeah no it’s fun. It’s a younger line, and you know we want to be a line that he [Bruce Cassidy] trusts, and I think we’re trying to focus on, you know, being good in our own end and being good with the details so that he can trust us in different situations, so yeah no it’s fun.

BOSTON BRUINS FORWARD SEAN KURALY On getting on the score sheet... Yeah, it’s definitely nice. I think that’s really what you’re working for – is to help the team and put something on the board, so to get a good break there and I think if we keep doing the right things I think we’ll continue to get them. I think we’re getting closer as a line and I thought we had some good chances tonight and played well and yeah, it’s going to take a ton of chances and that’s what we want to do and once we get one I think we’ll feel a little better about ourselves and keep going.

On playing a lot of minutes with this week’s schedule... Yeah, it’s also important for us to play hard versus their hard lines and big lines, and they had a big line today that we wanted to definitely show that we were up to the task and that we can play physical too if they wanted to and skate too. So, that’s what our role was tonight and I think we did, for the most part, a pretty good job.

On his assist on Jeremy Lauzon’s goal... Yeah, yeah it was. I don’t think I can say that I did it purpose, but I don’t know, only I know that, so [laughs]. Yeah, it was good. It’s just getting the puck behind their D and we do that a lot of times but it doesn’t usually end up in a goal right away, but I think it’s just the right mentality to have.

On if he was surprised that Malcolm Subban came out of the net to field the puck... I don’t know; I tried to put it in a spot where personally I didn’t want him to come out, like, I was dumping it hoping it would be away from him and then it was probably a little closer than I anticipated to Subby [Malcolm Subban] and then he kind of got caught in between and lucky for us it was an open net.

On if he was looking for the ricochet on that play... Yeah, yeah. I mean, were trying to get the puck deep and not have him play it, so you can put it on him and hope for a little rebound and rimming it sometimes is – I was coming up the middle of the ice so it was hard to rim it coming up the middle of the ice.

On what David Backes has brought to the fourth line... I think he just brings a level of calmness and just maturity to the line where you just feel a little more comfortable out there and someone who’s obviously been around and yeah, when he’s out there and he makes plays with the puck and is smart, makes smart plays, and it’s just nice to have someone like that on the line.

VEGAS GOLDEN KNIGHTS HEAD COACH GERARD GALLANT On his overall thoughts and the team’s struggles on this road trip… Yeah, no, tough road trip, like you said. I thought we played a couple good games, but tonight wasn’t one of them. We took too many penalties, spent too much time in the box, and you’re not going to beat a team like Boston when you do that.

On his message to the team… Well, we’ll talk about it. We’ve got a practice tomorrow afternoon, then we’ve got a day after the next day to get ready for a big game at home on Wednesday, so we’ll get ready to play and get back home and try and get back at our game and try and get some wins here.

On breaking up the first line… I just tried something different tonight, that’s all. Things weren’t going good, so we just wanted to try something different and see how it works.

On if it’s at a point in the season where he needs to try new things… Well, if you’re not winning, you’ve got to try things, so that’s what a coach’s job is supposed to be, so you try and get a little spark.

On if Boston got its first-period goals by outworking them… Well, the second goal was – I mean, I wouldn’t say outworking us, but maybe one of the goals they outworked us a little bit, beat us a little bit, but that’s the effect Boston had on our team, so just not enough fire. We’ve got to have a little more fire in our game, a little more energy out there. Like I said, we played okay, but not good enough.

On how to keep the team positive while holding them accountable… Well, you’ve got to be positive. You’ve got to come to work the next day and get ready to play again. Like I said, we’re not happy right now. It’s a group effort, and it’s not like it’s one player, one line, it’s the whole bunch of it, so we’ve got to get better.

VEGAS GOLDEN KNIGHTS GOALTENDER MALCOLM SUBBAN On if he had any emotions coming back to Boston… Yeah, I spent a lot of my life in this organization, so you know, definitely a bit of emotion coming back here, but didn’t get the result we wanted today, but we’ll get back to work tomorrow.

On his team’s performance… It’s tough. We got into some penalty trouble there with the 5-on-3s, but you know, it happens sometimes. Just got to try to stay out of the box next time, but yeah, like I said, we’ll get back to work tomorrow.

On what the team needs to do to reset… You know, we’ve got practice tomorrow, so just going to get back and work on stuff and I’m not too sure what the coaches have in mind, but we’re going to get back to work tomorrow and try and correct our mistakes.

On the second goal… Yeah, I just thought it was going to come back, you know, closer to the net. Obviously, it didn’t, so I misread that.

On if he recovered after that goal… I don’t think I, you know, broke down or anything. I just think it was a misread. It happens. You just forget about it and keep playing.

VEGAS GOLDEN KNIGHTS FORWARD CODY EAKIN On the early opportunities… Yeah, few ones early. We weren’t able to capitalize and couldn’t fight our way back.

On the reason for the lack of consistency… Not sure yet, just trying to work out the kinks. It’s something that’s got to come from within the room. Hasn’t been our strongest suit.

On the difficult road trip… We had enough chances in the last few games to make it a positive road trip, and we kind of just found a way to give them away, so like I said, it’s got to come internally, and there’s some work to be done.
