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Draw Winners Draw Winners ‐ 2020/2021 Hunts ‐ Alaska Department of Fish & Game Reg year Hunt Selected? First Name Initial Last Name Suffix City State Zip 2020 DM772 Yes BRETT 78 CHUGIAK AK 99567 2020 DM424 Yes ERIC AARSETH ANCHORAGE AK 99504 2020 DM410 Yes DEREK A ABAD ANCHORAGE AK 99507 2020 DS140 Yes TOMMY D ABBAS JUNEAU AK 99801 2020 YC495 Yes LAINEY M ABBOTT KASILOF AK 99610 2020 DM766 Yes TIMOTHY ABBOTT NORTH POLE AK 99705 2020 YM412 Yes BENNJAMIN ABEL SOLDOTNA AK 99669‐7352 2020 DM540 Yes GREGORY S ABEL COVINGTON WA 98042‐7101 2020 DG474 Yes JOHN ABEL KILL DEVIL HILLS NC 27948 2020 DM446 Yes JONATHAN C ABNEY PALMER AK 99645 2020 DG339 Yes NICHOLAS P ABRAHAM KENAI AK 99611 2020 DM549 Yes NICHOLAS P ABRAHAM KENAI AK 99611 2020 DL030 Yes RYAN R ABRAHAM PERRY UT 84302 2020 DM402 Yes DAVID M ABRUZZINO EAGLE RIVER AK 99577‐0000 2020 DM783 Yes ANTHONY ABUTRAB FAIRBANKS AK 99708 2020 DM402 Yes PAULA J ACHENBACH ANCHORAGE AK 99522 2020 DM922 Yes GABRIEL J ACKER NORTH POLE AK 99705‐0000 2020 DM336 Yes DAN R ACKERWOLD VOLGA SD 57071‐6930 2020 DE706 Yes FERNANDO ACOSTA KODIAK AK 99615 2020 DC485 Yes MARVIN R ACQUISTAPACE FAIRBANKS AK 99712 2020 DE723 Yes JAMIE M ACTON ANCHORAGE AK 99502‐4211 2020 DM408 Yes TIMOTHY ADAMCZAK PALMER AK 99645 2020 DM820 Yes ALEX T ADAMS WASILLA AK 99623 2020 DM820 Yes ASHLEY ADAMS WASILLA AK 99623 2020 DM337 Yes BIJAY W ADAMS RATHDRUM ID 83858 2020 DM414 Yes BOBBIE J ADAMS BIG LAKE AK 99652‐0000 2020 DM428 Yes BRENDAN M ADAMS ANCHORAGE AK 99516 2020 DG479 Yes DANA L ADAMS JACKSON MI 49207 2020 DB263 Yes DANIEL G ADAMS ANCHORAGE AK 99516 2020 DM413 Yes FISCHER ADAMS PALMER AK 99645 2020 DM549 Yes JONATHON ADAMS HOMER AK 99603 2020 DM549 Yes JUSTIN S ADAMS HOMER AK 99603 2020 DS103 Yes KENNETH S ADAMS KODIAK AK 99615‐9425 2020 DG334 Yes KYNAN ADAMS ANCHORAGE AK 99502 2020 DC485 Yes LUKE E ADAMS SOLDOTNA AK 99669 2020 DM772 Yes MARK E ADAMS FORT WAINWRIGHT AK 99703 2020 DG474 Yes MATT M ADAMS PALMER AK 99645 2020 DM786 Yes MATTHEW B ADAMS NORTH POLE AK 99705 2020 DM768 Yes MICHAEL G ADAMS JUNEAU AK 99801 2020 DC485 Yes RAYMOND L ADAMS WILLOW AK 99688 2020 DC485 Yes RUSSELL ADAMS ANCHORAGE AK 99504 2020 DC485 Yes TOMAS ADAMS WASILLA AK 99654 2020 DB212 Yes TRAVIS S ADAMSON ANCHORAGE AK 99518 2020 DE321 Yes WADE L ADAMSON KLAWOCK AK 99925 2020 DM769 Yes MATTHEW J ADCOCK NORTH POLE AK 99705‐5682 2020 YC495 Yes JESSIE M ADCOX HOMER AK 99603‐9386 2020 DL028 Yes DAVID P ADDINGTON DECATUR TX 76234 2020 DM413 Yes BONITA ADERMAN PALMER AK 99645 2020 YC495 Yes BRADY J ADKINS ANCHORAGE AK 99516 2020 DC485 Yes JOEL ADKINS ANCHORAGE AK 99516 Draw Winners - 2020/2021 Hunts Alaska Department of Fish and Game Page 1 of 205 Draw Winners ‐ 2020/2021 Hunts ‐ Alaska Department of Fish & Game Reg year Hunt Selected? First Name Initial Last Name Suffix City State Zip 2020 DC827 Yes HEATHER K ADKISON CRAIG AK 99921 2020 DM549 Yes RYAN AFFLECK HOMER AK 99603 2020 DG358 Yes PETR D AFONIN HOMER AK 99603 2020 DL030 Yes HENRY U AGUILAR TUCSON AZ 85745 2020 DC485 Yes ROBERT H AHMASUK ANCHORAGE AK 99501 2020 DC485 Yes LUKE E AHO PALMER AK 99645 2020 DM402 Yes JAY AHRENHOLZ ANCHORAGE AK 99518 2020 DS240 Yes ANDREW AIELLO MALIBU CA 90265‐4242 2020 DC485 Yes TORREY W AIKEN EAGLE RIVER AK 99577 2020 DM769 Yes TORREY W AIKEN EAGLE RIVER AK 99577 2020 DE706 Yes MICHAEL AIVANO EAGLE RIVER AK 99577 2020 DG346 Yes MICHAEL AIVANO EAGLE RIVER AK 99577 2020 DE706 Yes OLGA AIVANO EAGLE RIVER AK 99577 2020 DG346 Yes OLGA AIVANO EAGLE RIVER AK 99577 2020 DM406 Yes RICHARD J AKERS EAGLE RIVER AK 99577 2020 DM549 Yes JOSEPH J ALBANESE HOMER AK 99603 2020 DE713 Yes TRAVIS ALBANESE WASILLA AK 99654 2020 DM769 Yes BRIAN ALBERT FAIRBANKS AK 99709 2020 DM402 Yes KATHERINE ALBERT PALMER AK 99645 2020 DC485 Yes KYLE M ALBERT ANCHORAGE AK 99515 2020 DE715 Yes JENNIFER L ALBERTSON PALMER AK 99645 2020 DI454 Yes LANDON ALBERTSON ANCHORAGE AK 99645 2020 DS140 Yes LANDON ALBERTSON ANCHORAGE AK 99645 2020 DE715 Yes LEO H ALBERTSON PALMER AK 99645‐8495 2020 YC495 Yes LEO H ALBERTSON PALMER AK 99645‐8495 2020 DM540 Yes ADAM ALBORN ANCHORAGE AK 99515 2020 YM541 Yes JACOB L ALBORN ANCHORAGE AK 99515 2020 DM540 Yes SARAH L ALBORN ANCHORAGE AK 99515 2020 DC485 Yes STEVEN ALCOCK WASILLA AK 99623 2020 DM414 Yes STEVEN ALCOCK WASILLA AK 99623 2020 DM406 Yes HAZEL L ALDRICH WASILLA AK 99654 2020 DC485 Yes CHAD E ALDRIDGE SOLDOTNA AK 99669 2020 DM837 Yes RONNIE L ALDRIDGE MAYFIELD KY 42066 2020 DE318 Yes AARON M ALEXANDER KETCHIKAN AK 99901 2020 DG006 Yes AARON M ALEXANDER KETCHIKAN AK 99901 2020 DC485 Yes GREGG ALEXANDER WASILLA AK 99687 2020 DM413 Yes JORDANNE S ALEXANDER WASILLA AK 99654 2020 DC485 Yes MADELIENE P ALEXANDER FAIRBANKS AK 99708 2020 DC485 Yes MARSHALL ALEXANDER ANCHORAGE AK 99503 2020 DS103 Yes MARSHALL ALEXANDER ANCHORAGE AK 99503 2020 DC485 Yes MONTANA ALEXANDER WASILLA AK 99654 2020 DC485 Yes VLADIMIR A ALEXEEV NORTH POLE AK 99705 2020 DS165 Yes VLADIMIR A ALEXEEV NORTH POLE AK 99705 2020 DM837 Yes ROBERT J ALEXEJUN WAUSAU WI 54401 2020 DS165 Yes IAN ALFORD KODIAK AK 99615 2020 DM660 Yes JESSE ALFORD NORTH POLE AK 99705 2020 DB225 Yes FRANK H ALIOTO KENAI AK 99611 2020 DM634 Yes MARY B ALISON FAIRBANKS AK 99708 2020 DC485 Yes BRYAN ALLAN ANCHORAGE AK 99516 2020 DG362 Yes BRYAN ALLAN ANCHORAGE AK 99516 Draw Winners - 2020/2021 Hunts Alaska Department of Fish and Game Page 2 of 205 Draw Winners ‐ 2020/2021 Hunts ‐ Alaska Department of Fish & Game Reg year Hunt Selected? First Name Initial Last Name Suffix City State Zip 2020 DC485 Yes JAQUELYN K ALLAN ANCHORAGE AK 99516 2020 DM772 Yes PAUL ALLAN FAIRBANKS AK 99712 2020 DM783 Yes DAVID J ALLARD NORTH POLE AK 99705 2020 DC485 Yes KIMBERLY ALLELY ANCHORAGE AK 99507 2020 DC485 Yes LINDA ALLELY ANCHORAGE AK 99507 2020 DO508 Yes BRIAN D ALLEN BLAINE MN 55449 2020 DC485 Yes CARLENE C ALLEN WASILLA AK 99687 2020 DM786 Yes CODY ALLEN FAIRBANKS AK 99712 2020 DE323 Yes CRAIG ALLEN HAINES AK 99827 2020 DE717 Yes DAVID B ALLEN KODIAK AK 99615 2020 DM413 Yes DAVID T ALLEN WASILLA AK 99687 2020 DC485 Yes FISHER M ALLEN SEWARD AK 99664 2020 YM541 Yes GABRIEL R ALLEN PALMER AK 99645 2020 YM541 Yes HOUSTON S ALLEN PALMER AK 99645 2020 DL028 Yes JAMES E ALLEN OAKLAND KY 42159‐9777 2020 DC485 Yes LANCE O ALLEN SEWARD AK 99664 2020 DE323 Yes LESLIE ALLEN VALDEZ AK 99686 2020 DC485 Yes LORI A ALLEN SEWARD AK 99664 2020 DB244 Yes MATTHEW ALLEN KETCHIKAN AK 99901 2020 DX003 Yes MATTHEW ALLEN KETCHIKAN AK 99901 2020 DC590 Yes MICHELLE ALLEN WASILLA AK 99687 2020 DG474 Yes NICHOLAS ALLEN KODIAK AK 99697 2020 DC485 Yes SHARON J ALLEN PALMER AK 99645 2020 DC827 Yes STACIE R ALLEN FAIRBANKS AK 99712 2020 DM922 Yes BRIAN ALLESCH EIELSON AFB AK 99702 2020 YC495 Yes KATELYN N ALLISON WASILLA AK 99654 2020 DC485 Yes SARAH N ALLISON WASILLA AK 99654 2020 DM403 Yes ANTHONY J ALLMAN WASILLA AK 99687 2020 DM549 Yes JASON ALLMENDINGER HOMER AK 99603 2020 DG890 Yes JAMES R ALTENBERGER WASILLA AK 99654‐6056 2020 DC590 Yes SCOTT ALTENBURG ANCHORAGE AK 99507 2020 DS103 Yes SCOTT ALTENBURG ANCHORAGE AK 99507 2020 DC485 Yes ROBERT ALVARADO EAGLE RIVER AK 99577 2020 DM325 Yes DEAN S ALVORD WASILLA AK 99623‐0000 2020 DC485 Yes JADEN D ALVSTAD WASILLA AK 99687 2020 DC485 Yes KETEVAN ALWERT KODIAK AK 99615‐0000 2020 DC485 Yes MARK ALWERT KODIAK AK 99615‐0000 2020 DG479 Yes MARK ALWERT KODIAK AK 99615‐0000 2020 DE706 Yes TIMOTHY J ALZHEIMER HOMER AK 99603 2020 DC485 Yes HUGUES AMAND WASILLA AK 99654 2020 DM413 Yes HUGUES AMAND WASILLA AK 99654 2020 DL029 Yes DARRYL AMASON FRANKLIN TN 37064 2020 DC001 Yes BRADLEY J AMATO WASILLA AK 99654 2020 DE706 Yes CALEB M AMBERG KODIAK AK 99615 2020 DC485 Yes ISAIAH H AMBERG COPPER CENTER AK 99573 2020 DE706 Yes MICHAEL F AMBERG KODIAK AK 99615 2020 DM403 Yes COREY AMBROSE SEATTLE WA 98105‐2413 2020 DB236 Yes GARY A AMBRUZ ANCHORAGE AK 99507‐0000 2020 DB214 Yes ROBERT G AMEEN WASILLA AK 99654 2020 DM766 Yes HANS AMEN OAKWOOD OH 45419 Draw Winners - 2020/2021 Hunts Alaska Department of Fish and Game Page 3 of 205 Draw Winners ‐ 2020/2021 Hunts ‐ Alaska Department of Fish & Game Reg year Hunt Selected? First Name Initial Last Name Suffix City State Zip 2020 DG361 Yes KNOX Z AMEND KENAI AK 99611 2020 DG361 Yes OLIVER J AMEND KENAI AK 99611 2020 DB293 Yes JOHN F AMERSON NINILCHIK AK 99639 2020 DB293 Yes MICHAEL J AMERSON NINILCHIK AK 99639 2020 DG360 Yes BROOKE A AMES SOLDOTNA AK 99669 2020 DG360 Yes GABLE A AMES SOLDOTNA AK 99669 2020 DC485 Yes RACHEL A AMES SOLDOTNA AK 99669 2020 DM337 Yes JAMES M AMTMANN GREEN BAY WI 54313‐7999 2020 DM337 Yes NATHAN J AMTMANN GREEN BAY WI 54313 2020 DE713 Yes DANIEL J AMUNDSEN NORTH POLE AK 99705 2020 DM410 Yes DAVID AMUNDSON WASILLA AK 99687 2020 DM922 Yes ELIJAH V ANACLETO PALMER AK 99645‐0000 2020 DE715 Yes ROBERT ANAYA KODIAK AK 99615 2020 DC485 Yes JEFFREY ANDERSEN ANCHORAGE AK 99503 2020 DC485 Yes AARON W ANDERSON CHUGIAK AK 99567‐5532 2020 DC485 Yes AMY C ANDERSON COOPER LANDING AK 99572 2020 DB257 Yes ANGELINA M ANDERSON ANCHORAGE AK 99507‐4935 2020 DM772 Yes ANN M ANDERSON WASILLA AK 99654 2020 DL028 Yes ARLAN W ANDERSON BEAUMONT CA 92223 2020 DC485 Yes BLAKE D ANDERSON ANCHORAGE AK 99516‐1928 2020 DG363 Yes BLAKE D ANDERSON ANCHORAGE AK 99516‐1928 2020 DG720 Yes BRIAN G ANDERSON WASILLA AK 99623‐0000 2020 DC485 Yes CAITLIN E ANDERSON CHUGIAK AK 99567‐5532 2020 DL027 Yes CHAD E ANDERSON OREM UT 84097 2020 DC485 Yes CHAD P ANDERSON KASILOF AK 99610 2020 DM789 Yes CHARLES D ANDERSON FAIRBANKS AK 99707 2020 DS180 Yes CHRISTOPHER D ANDERSON PALMER AK 99645 2020 DE721 Yes CODY R ANDERSON SALMON ID 83467 2020 DL028 Yes CORY ANDERSON MAGNA UT 84044 2020 DC590 Yes DARRIN J ANDERSON PALMER
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