Kelly Puckett | 320 pages | 02 Aug 2016 | DC Comics | 9781401263522 | English | United States Batgirl Vol 2 | DC Database | Fandom

Ze was de opvolger van als Batgirl. Later nam ze andere alter-ego 's op, zoals en Orphan. Haar debuutoptreden was in vol. Ze werd bedacht door Kelley Puckett en . In de verhaallijn Batman: No Man's Landis hermetisch afgesloten en een niemandsland verklaard nadat een aardbeving van 7. Om de orde te bewaren zet Oracle Cassandra in als een van haar agenten. Nadat ze haarzelf bewijst door Commissaris Gordons leven te redden, krijgt ze het Batgirl kostuum met goedkeuring van zowel Batman als Oracle. Ze kan in de verhaallijn niet praten of lezen, en kan alleen communiceren door gebaren en tekeningen. Batman graaft in haar verleden, en ontdekt dat ze was ontvoerd en opgevoed door de huurmoordenaar David Caindie het doel voor ogen had om van haar het perfecte wapen te maken door haar lichaamstaal te leren. Maar toen de achtjarige Cassandra een zakenman vermoordde, "las" ze zijn gevoelens, en vervuld door spijt vluchtte ze van haar vader. In kreeg Cassandra haar eigen Batgirl stripserie. Hierin leert ze praten nadat een telepaat haar had geholpen. Ze kan nu praten en denken, maar hierdoor is haar vermogen om mensen hun lichaamstaal te Batgirl Cassandra Cain: Vol 2 en hun bewegingen te voorspellen kwijt. Aangezien ze deze kracht altijd al had gehad en nog nooit had gevochten zonder, ziet ze zichzelf als onbekwaam om misdaad te bevechten. Ze komt erachter dat een beruchte vechtsporter genaamd mensen kan lezen zoals zij dat ook kon, en vraagt de vrouw of ze het haar opnieuw wil aanleren. Shiva stemt Batgirl Cassandra Cain: Vol 2, op voorwaarde dat de twee een jaar later een gevecht tot de dood zullen hebben. Cassandra accepteert. In het jaar traint ze obsessief om de moordenares te verslaan. Batgirl Cassandra Cain: Vol 2 het grote gevecht is van korte duur, als Shiva haar al in enkele minuten verslaat en doodt. Shiva realiseert zich dat Cassandra een doodswens heeft, en herstart het meisje's hart, zodat ze een echt gevecht kunnen hebben. In de opvolgende strijd, verslaat Batgirl Shiva, maar vermoordt haar niet. Niet Batgirl Cassandra Cain: Vol 2 later ontdekt Cass dat niet slechts haar adoptievader is, zoals ze altijd had geloofd, maar haar biologische vader. Onthutst door dit nieuws, Batgirl Cassandra Cain: Vol 2 ze zich af te vragen wie haar echte moeder is. Het is onthuld dat dit Lady Shiva is. Hierna nam ze voor een tijdje afstand van haar mantel om de League of Assassins te leiden. Haar serie stopte op dit punt. In vol. weet haar los te krijgen van de controle van de schurk, en ze verslaat hem. Later gaat Batgirl Cassandra Cain: Vol 2 bij de Outsidersop Batmans advies. In schreef Adam Beechen een nieuwe solo-serie met Cassandra in de hoofdrol. Hierin nam ze het onder andere op tegen David Cain en . Aan het eind van de serie wordt ze door geadopteerd als zijn dochter. In de Batgirl serie van verscheen ze in het begin. Ontgoocheld door de dood van haar adoptievader in Final Crisisgeeft ze haar mantel over aan haar goede vriendin Stephanie Brownen verlaat Gotham. Nadat Batman terug is gekeerd, komt Tim naar haar toe. Hij probeert haar over te halen om terug te komen naar Gotham, maar ze weigert. Uiteindelijk geeft hij haar haar oude kostuum Batgirl Cassandra Cain: Vol 2, hopend dat ze dan toch tegen misdaad zal vechten terwijl ze het Bat- symbool Batgirl Cassandra Cain: Vol 2. Ze volgt zijn advies op, en sluit zich aan bij Batman Incorporated als een agent uit Hong Kong. In de miniserie Batman: Gates of Gothamsmokkelt een schurk genaamd the Architect bommen vanuit Hong Kong naar Gotham, en vernietigd drie bruggen ermee. Cassandra voelt zich schuldig omdat ze de explosieven niet had kunnen tegenhouden, en keert terug naar Gotham om samen met Red RobinDick Grayson nu Batman en de nieuwste Robin de Architect te stoppen. Nadat ze hem hebben verslagen, besluit Cass om in Gotham te blijven, in plaats van terug te gaan naar China. Dit speelt zich af in een mogelijke toekomst, vijf jaar van het heden. Haar vader, David Cain, is een personage genaamd "Orphan", die Cassandra in het geheim opvoedt en haar ertoe Batgirl Cassandra Cain: Vol 2 om niet te spreken, maar te "luisteren" naar lichaamsbewegingen en met dodelijke precisie daarop te reageren. Ze was oorspronkelijk een "cadeau" voor de schurk waar Cain voor werkte, genaamd "Mother", maar Mother wilde haar niet hebben, en verbood Cain om ooit nog iets achter haar rug om te doen. Cassandra vluchtte, en met de hulp van de Robins, Stephanie en de jonge heldin Harper Rowproberen ze Mothers kinderhandelpraktijken te stoppen. Het blijkt dat Cassandra op jonge leeftijd Harpers ouders heeft vermoord. Uiteindelijk vergeeft Harper haar, en Mother wordt verslagen nadat Cain zichzelf opoffert om haar te doden. Cassandra neemt zijn naam op om misdaad te bevechten. Ze is de beste vechter van het team. Cassandra heeft net als de rest van de Bat-familie geen superkrachten, maar ze heeft al vanaf haar geboorte zeer intensieve training gekregen van haar vader, en andere leden van de League of Assassins, zoals en Merlyn. Omdat lichaamstaal haar eerste communicatiemiddel was, is ze in staat minuscule veranderingen op te merken in uitdrukkingen, ademhaling, spierbewegingen, posities en zwaartepunten van haar tegenstanders te lezen, en hierdoor haar hun aanvallen te voorspellen. Het is mogelijk dat deze vaardigheid slechts gedeeltelijk resultaat is van haar opvoeding en dat ze er genetische aanleg voor heeft, aangezien Lady Shiva, Cassandra's moeder, de enige andere vechtsporter in het DC universum is die dit ook kan. Cassandra toont ook buitengewone weerstand tegen pijn. Bij meerdere gelegenheden is laten zien dat ze "een kogelwond kan krijgen zonder te knipperen", dankzij haar training die ze ontving als een kind. Uit Wikipedia, de vrije encyclopedie. Cassandra Cain. Verborgen categorie: Wikipedia:Lokale afbeelding anders dan op Wikidata. Naamruimten Artikel Overleg. Weergaven Lezen Bewerken Brontekst bewerken Geschiedenis. Gebruikersportaal Snelcursus Hulp en contact Donaties. Links naar deze pagina Verwante wijzigingen Bestand uploaden Speciale pagina's Permanente koppeling Paginagegevens Deze pagina citeren Wikidata-item. Kelley Puckett Damion Scott. Persoonlijke informatie. Zie de bewerkingsgeschiedenis aldaar. Vijanden :. Cassandra Cain - Wikipedia JavaScript must be enabled to use this site. Please enable JavaScript in your browser and refresh the page. We are shipping all orders on time, but please expect possible delays in transit. The post office and other shippers are Batgirl Cassandra Cain: Vol 2 and some shipments may experience significant delays. Some international orders have seen delays as large as weeks. Auction in progress, bid now! Weekly Auction ends Monday October 26! This item is not in stock. If you use the "Add to want list" tab to add this issue to your want list, we will email you when it becomes available. Volume 1 - 1st printing. Written by Kelley Puckett and . Art and cover by Damion Scott and Robert Campanella. Cassandra Cain is back! Trained from childhood by a notorious assassin, Batgirl has the ability to sense her opponents' moves before they happen. But when an attempt to "fix" Batgirl's inability to speak robs her of this sixth sense, she must train with original Batgirl Barbara Gordon to regain her former prowess and live up to Batman's expectations. Softcover, pages, full color. Volume 2 - 1st printing. Written by Kelley Puckett and . Then, can Batgirl stop a young boy's father from making a lethal mistake? And just who are the mysterious agents that are after our heroine? Volume 3 - 1st printing. Cover by Damion Scott and Robert Campanella. Then, can Batgirl stop the father of a young boy from making a lethal mistake? Date This week Batgirl Cassandra Cain: Vol 2 week Past month 2 months 3 months 6 months 1 year 2 years Pre Pre Pre Pre Pre s s s s s s Search Advanced. Issue ST. Published Jan by DC. Available Stock Add to want list This item is not in stock. Published Jul by DC. Read Batgirl Cassandra Cain: Vol 2 little about our history. Batgirl - Batgirl -

Duke Thomas. Cassandra Cain also known as Cassandra Wayne is a fictional appearing in American comic books published by DC Comicscommonly in association with the superhero Batman. Cassandra's origin story presents her as the daughter of assassins David Cain and Lady Shiva. She was deprived of speech and human contact during her childhood as conditioning to become the world's greatest assassin. Cassandra was the first Batgirl to star in her own ongoing Batgirl series, an Asian character who was replaced as Batgirl by Stephanie Brown in a storyline. She returned in latewhere she was shown working as an anonymous agent of Batman in Hong Kong before adopting the new moniker of Black Bat. Cassandra Cain first appeared in Batman Julywritten by Kelley Puckett and penciled by Damion Scott who are generally credited with her invention. InCassandra became the first Batgirl to be featured in an eponymous ongoing comic book series. During the " War Games " story arc inBatman relies heavily on Cassandra to help control the violence of the gang war in . Cassandra took on the role of a villain by becoming the head of the League of Assassins following the "" jump, as established in Robin July In Teen Titans vol. Cassandra reappears later in the Robin series. Cassandra next appears on the roster of Titans East once again wearing the Batgirl costume. In OctoberDC announced that Cassandra would be taking up the Batgirl identity as a member of the in the upcoming Batman and the Outsiders to be written by Chuck Dixonwhich appears to, or is hoped to, begin resolving the controversy. Beechen himself said that the story would resolve the questions over Cassandra's behavior and will be a setup for new Batgirl adventures. InCassandra passes the Batgirl identity to Stephanie Brown. After Bruce Wayne returnsit is revealed that Cassandra's disillusionment was a ruse, and that she had willingly handed over her Batgirl mantle to Stephanie because she was acting under her mentor's orders, and she Batgirl Cassandra Cain: Vol 2 now working as a codename-less . Inin 's Batman Inc. Cassandra's birth and childhood are revealed in the Batgirl series. David Cain had sought a perfect bodyguard for Ra's al Ghul. He found a potential mother when he saw Sandra Wu-San fighting her sister Carolyn in a martial arts tournament. Believing that Sandra was holding back for Carolyn, Cain murdered Carolyn and lured Sandra into a trap, sparing her life in exchange for giving birth to his child and leaving that child for him to raise. She agreed. After the birth of Cassandra, Sandra set out to become Lady Shiva. Cain trained Cassandra from birth how to be an assassin. She was not taught to read or write; instead, reading body language was her only language. She was able to read people's movements and Batgirl Cassandra Cain: Vol 2 what they were going to do. When she was eight, Cain took her to kill a businessman. As the man died, she read what he was feeling, realized what she had done, and ran away from her father. After that, her activities are, so far, Batgirl Cassandra Cain: Vol 2 mystery, until she Batgirl Cassandra Cain: Vol 2 appears during the "No Man's Land" story arc. During the " No Man's Land " storyline, after Gotham was leveled by an earthquake and isolated, Cassandra Cain saves Commissioner Gordon 's life and gains Bruce Wayne 's approval, and, eventually, becomes the new Batgirl. Her father, David Cain, sends a video of Cassandra's first murder to Bruce Wayne Batman attempting to disrupt her status. However, Wayne continues to accept Cassandra after she takes several bullets to save the life of a hired assassin, proving her devotion to protecting human life. Barbara says she prefers to live alone but since Cassandra is never home and doesn't talk, it is just like living alone. A telepath "rewires" Cassandra's brain so that she can think with words and use language, but these abilities come at some cost to her ability to read people's body language. Worried, Bruce Wayne takes away her costume and begins training her in defensive skills. Cassandra soon discovers that the assassin Lady Shiva can read people like she used Batgirl Cassandra Cain: Vol 2 be able to and asks Shiva to reteach her. As Cassandra would rather be "perfect for a year" instead of "mediocre for a lifetime", she accepts the offer. Shiva then restarts her heart, realizing Cassandra had a death wish, so that they can have a real fight. In the subsequent fight, Cassandra beats Shiva Batgirl Cassandra Cain: Vol 2 does not kill her. Though not known for her private life, Cassandra does have a one-time romance with Conner Kent after meeting him on a cruise ship. There, Deathstroke takes on a contract from the to kill Batgirl and decides to let his daughter, Rose the current Ravagerdo the job instead. Cassandra beats Rose by playing on her emotions to leave her open for a critical strike, Batgirl Cassandra Cain: Vol 2 Deathstroke no choice but to get her medical attention. During this time, Cassandra starts developing a friendship with Brenda, the woman who owns the local coffee shop, and even a very short-lived relationship with a boy named Zero. Cassandra also goes undercover for Batman, as Kasumiin Batgirl Cassandra Cain: Vol 2 Eliteworking under Sister Superior to track and eliminate metahuman threats to the population. She works with 's old fellow Justice League members Green and the Flashand forms a bond with Coldcastwho is the first Leaguer to whom she reveals her identity. Although he is subsequently accused of murder, she and the rest of the team soon realize that he has been manipulated by renegade Elite member Menageriewho was himself being manipulated by the spirit of Manchester Black as he tried to drive his Batgirl Cassandra Cain: Vol 2 to destroy London. As the JLA falls, the Elite, united by the spirit of the deceased Manitou Ravenfree Vera and vanquish Black, although the team disbands after this last mission. Cassandra gathers evidence that indicates that Shiva could be her mother, and seeks her out to confirm this, rejoining the League of Assassins. In the Batgirl Cassandra Cain: Vol 2 confrontation, Cassandra is mortally wounded by her "adoptive brother", the Mad Dogwhile heroically saving one of the students under her leadership. Shiva revives Cassandra in a Lazarus Pitthen answers Cassandra's questions about her parentage. When Cassandra asked Shiva whether she was still killing, whether she would ever stop, Shiva says she was, and responds, "It's why I had you", so Cassandra agrees to fight her to the death once more. After a closely matched battle, Cassandra manages to break Shiva's neck, paralyzing her. She appears ready to place Shiva in the Lazarus Pit, but Shiva pleads with her not to do so. Instead, Cassandra impales Shiva on a hook hanging over the pit, apparently killing her. Cassandra then abandons the identity of Batgirl and returns to her life as a wanderer. Robin captures David Cain and brings him to the League of Assassins as ransom to free Cassandra, only Batgirl Cassandra Cain: Vol 2 find that Cassandra is the new leader. Cassandra produces a gun and tells him to shoot Cain and join her league. Upon his refusal, she shoots Cain herself. Tim and Cassandra engage in a fight which ends when the platform they are fighting on explodes. By the time Tim comes back to the original location, Cassandra and Cain are gone and the ninjas' necks Batgirl Cassandra Cain: Vol 2 been snapped. Tim had secretly recorded the conversation, clearing his name, but branding Cassandra as a murderer at the same time. Cassandra next surfaces when she is hired by Dark to kill and attempts to do so by kidnapping Supergirl's friend, . Supergirl arrives at the League's Tibetan headquarters to confront Cassandra, where they fight. Cassandra uses swords that emit red sun energy which strips away Supergirl's powers. However, as Cassandra prepares to kill her, Supergirl mysteriously extrudes crystals from her body which injure Cassandra. Later, Cassandra approaches Dodge, a wannabe superhero with teleportation powers, wanting him to steal a drug that gives humans metahuman strength in exchange for money. Cassandra with an ally plans to use the drug to create an army. She also makes another appearance where she murders the businessman Batgirl Cassandra Cain: Vol 2 was producing that drug, who Robin has previously unsuccessfully attempted to bring to justice. Cassandra is left behind while Batman, Robin, and leave for their year-long trip and Harvey Dent is charged with protecting Gotham instead of her. Deathstroke approaches Cassandra and preys on her desire for a loving father as well as her feelings of abandonment. Apparently, Deathstroke manages to inject Cassandra with drugs, from a distance, that warped her mind allowing for him to manipulate her to his liking. Having gained control of his daughter, Deathstroke recruits her into Titans Eastwhere she resumes the role and costume of Batgirl. As a member of Titans East, she has a rematch with the Ravager and a brief confrontation with Robin, after which Robin injects Cassandra with a counter-serum prepared in case Deathstroke regains control of his daughterand she is apparently freed from Deathstroke's control and vows to kill Deathstroke to revenge herself. However, some time later, when she is working with the Teen Batgirl Cassandra Cain: Vol 2, comments that she is more in control of herself now. Batgirl attempts to kill Deathstroke, but is stopped and knocked unconscious by Nightwing, who demands that Deathstroke the courts. However, Deathstroke escapes from the Titans with the help of Inertiaand after the battle is over, Batgirl and Duela Dent both vanish without a word. Cassandra retakes the Batgirl mantle to join the Outsiders at Batman's request. Batman also offers membership to , who is furious to learn that the former leader of the League of Assassins is on the team as well. While on a mission, Green Arrow and Batgirl battle one another and end up gaining an unusual sort of respect for each other. The team as a whole begins to slowly accept Batgirl into their ranks after she frees all of them from the Chinese military. After the loss of their leader in the " Batman R. Cassandra, believing that Batman brought her onto the team for just such a contingency, takes command of the group. Together, they undertake a search for the Batman. She uses the 's computer to locate them but is attacked by Nightwing, who Batgirl Cassandra Cain: Vol 2 she cannot be trusted. Robin and Batman give her the benefit of the doubt. Due to her research, Cassandra learns that Batgirl Cassandra Cain: Vol 2 Cain and Deathstroke started up a school training Cassandra's "sisters". When Cassandra hears that the school's purpose was to Batgirl Cassandra Cain: Vol 2 the meta-hero community", she believes Oracle is about to be assassinated and rushes to her base of operations. She locates her father on a rooftop and engages in a one-on-one fight, eventually sending him over a ledge. When he loses his grip, she tries to save him but fails; he falls to another part Batgirl Cassandra Cain: Vol 2 the rooftop. Batman, who had followed her, accepts her into the family again and says he will adopt her and make her his daughter. However, after Bruce Wayne's apparent death, Cassandra, apparently disillusioned, passes the cowl to her close friend, Stephanie Brownthen she leaves Gotham. After Bruce Wayne returnsit is revealed that Batgirl Cassandra Cain: Vol 2 disillusionment was a ruse, and that she has willingly handed over her Batgirl mantle to Stephanie because she was acting under her mentor's orders in the event of his death or Batgirl Cassandra Cain: Vol 2, and gone undercover, using Tim Drake as a regular contact. He attempts to persuade Cassandra to return to Gotham now that things have returned to normal, but she refuses, saying that Stephanie needs the Batgirl role more than she does. Just before departing, Tim gives Cassandra a copy of her old costume and tells her that if she chooses to stay and fight crime in Hong Kong, he Batgirl Cassandra Cain: Vol 2 she will do it while wearing a Bat-symbol. Cassandra takes Tim up on his offer, and joined up with Bruce's new group, now wearing a heavily modified costume that uses her original outfit as a base. She Batgirl Cassandra Cain: Vol 2 uses the name of Black Batand among other activities brings down a heroin-smuggling operation in Hong Kong. After a new named the Architect destroys three Gotham bridges with the help of explosives smuggled from Hong Kong, resulting in the deaths of dozens of civilians, Cassandra, feeling guilty over her failure to stop the explosives from leaving China, returns to Gotham and partners with Red Batgirl Cassandra Cain: Vol 2, Dick Graysonand Damian Wayne the newest Robin to bring the Architect to justice. Despite Damian's hostility toward her, Cassandra ultimately Batgirl Cassandra Cain: Vol 2 his life after pulling him out of the club mere seconds before it is destroyed by a bomb.