Better light a candle than curse the darkness Monthly e-Magazine ISSN 2319-4049 BE AWARE, ALWAYS, EVERYWHERE Volume 7, Issue 09, September 2014 IN FOCUS IS HINDU OUR NATIONAL ?IDENTITY Contents Guard your Tongue 03 Editorial Board Great Quality of Believers 23 Publisher Bihar Anjuman BaKhabar Sakina fought polio and poverty Editorial Board Asrarul Haque, Seraj Akram, Mohd. Allam, Ms Farhat Shakeel and Jahanzeb Mashhadi to win Bronze in CWG 11
[email protected] People of Serdot 21 “The editors and publishers are not respon - sible for the views of writers, and their views do not reflect our policy or ideology in any Tips to Maintain Good Company way. We however reserve the right to edit any material submitted for publication, on 20 account of public policy, or for reasons of clarity and space. – From Publishers.” Pic - tures have been taken from available public sources. The Jews Declare War on Ger - many 17 Is Hindu our National Identity 09 Together we can change our society. Join Bihar Anjuman Hanuman Garhi was given six write to bighas of land in Ayodhya during
[email protected] form a chapter in your city or country the reign of Akbar 24 Dubai Abu Dhabi Chennai Bangalore Delhi Jeddah Patna Riyadh Muscat Shariat Part 6 13 Aligarh Jubail Qatar Kolkata Hyderabad Toronto Recipe for a Successful Marriage Muzaffarpur Ranchi Gaya 31 Dammam/Kh California Chicago obar 2 Bakhabar : September 2014 Guard your Tongue I By Mirza Ehteshamuddin Ahmed I tween his two jaw-bones and what is between his two legs (i.e.