Itatreina the past and all the present and all the COMMERCIAL REVIEW. Cut. Diary nt a TaMlmlat. Kansa Philosophy. newly-foun- d HsttMNHIHHHHItt91 NATURE OF GOD. future. We can contrive and invent on 7cnng Mr. Dingle tells me that he The following are from a There is usually something the mat- THE small is extremely fond of the poetry of dictionary for a scale, but think of a wisdom that General Sir pessimists: ter with a man who carries a woman's conld a of Trade Conditions. Walter Scott," remarked Wirrtergreen Angel DYSPEPSIA contrive universe. Think a One's futnre wife. watch. wed not t sndnred a day looter If roa ass Dr. Talmsge Expectations of the Day wisdom thnt can learn nothing new, a wis- New York (Special). R. G. Dun & to Tenterhook. Ring When made of iron, it is used Some women would rather listen to dom that nothing can surprise, all the Co.'s weekly of says: "Yes, I know: but he carries his to chain when of When That Which Is Only Dimly scenes review trade prisoners; made gold, a story about a spell of sickness than facta, and occurrences of all time "The labor situation in many parts of fondness too far." replied the laMer. it gives, under the name of wedlock, read a novel. Seen Will Be Fully Revealed. to come aa plainly before it as tbourh "In what way?" they had already transpired. He could the country is still seriously unsettled liberty to young persons. It is always easier for a busy man to have and constitutes a reason lor' hesitation "Well, he's a chicken fancier, as per- Year A period of twelve months in find for work than it is for Cvldeoce of Divine Power-Oo- J't Infinite Lave built all the material universe into etxra time one world and swung it, a glorious mean, in some industries, discouraging new haps you know." the case of a man and six months in a loafer. Hit Nslors Never Cbssfes. through immensity, but behold Hie wis- operations which satisfactory conditions "Well?" the case of a woman. Be bold enough to say, "I don't ICopTTlrht dom in dividing up the grandeurs into in- would otherwise stimulate. But quick "And he has named his best egg pro- ApathyThe strength of the weaker know." And if you can screw ltui.i worlds, rolling your 1). numerable splendors on all decision is be expected in some of ducer The Last Minstrel." sex. courage up to it, add, "And I don't Wasttinotow, C In thin discourse sides, diversity, in- to Dr. Tnltnage amplitude, majesty, "Queer same for a hen." Apprenticeship All one's life. raises high expectation of finity. Worlds, worlds, moving in com- these labor controversies, and in the care." the day when thnt which ia now oniy plete anining meantime trade is encouraged by re- "Ishould articulate! But that's Din- Balloon-rTh- e trolley car of the fu- It is an indication that a woman re- dimly seen order, with complete ra- gle exactly. will be fully revealed; text, diance. Mightiest telescope on one hind ports of a satisfactory condition of win- Gave his hen that name ture. gards you as a very dear friend when Job isvi, 14: "Lo, theae are part of Hia r.nd most powerful microscope on ter wheat over portion of the so that he could have the lay of The Barbary The home ef the barrel or- she stops cut glass for ways. But hotv a ttia a large getting out her little portion ia heard other, discovering in the plan of Cod not - crop Last Minstrel every morning for break-favt,- " gan and of slang. you: of Kim? Hut the thunder of Hia power country. As 1or spring- wheat the one imperfection. was put in under very favorable condi- Shepherdess A term applied to those who can understand?" v7il.; The Cabin. The leaat Uni- writers onetimes depreciatj tvt tions and there have been few unsatis- rustic maidens wham the kings of for- understood being In the thunder and say is Clutching her child to her bosom, verse ia Ood. Blasphemous would any it the ligntjing that factory reports. Kdueattoa that Prove Its Value. mer days were se fond of marrying. ie alnl es, but I an aurj Cd thinks well ol Elixa looked out despairingly upon the ApriaL tonic A pcinr for attempt by painting or aeulpture - 9-- As an offset to some of the talk nera- - Boa A. hairy serpent, which women atomey-- lo the tbundor, or He would not make ao "Railroad earnings for May, per flw. kidnr, M1 dtaoritora. resent Him. Kfryptian hieroglyphs sionally heard in all try revive by wearing rushing waters. It rarM-Ttr- ali J mm. tried much of cent, in excess of and per communities along to it round their AMtlfir.T ! to suggest Him by figure it, and ell up and dwn the Biulc igoo, 23.2 "What am I to do?" she moaned, 4im. CkraU tl Hi putting the of He uses tho give cent, irkig, reflect continued ac- the line of President Schwab's remarks necks. HraM!a llMrtfaar aloh msj' , an eye upon a sword, implying God thunder to emphaeis. It over a wringing her hands. "The sheriff has that was the thunder shook whoa whea the executive head of the United Nurse Polite synonym for a hired aflV aeoa and rule, but how imperfect the sug- that tinai tivity in the country, while at New York attached our last cake of ice." la lh moat t tha law was given. was wire 86.8 States Steel Corporation expressed his domestic scourge. eawMor m of tha naturalWtrmlnaral waters; sooat gestion! When we apeak of ia al- It tbiud:i bank clearings gain for the week W saa. Him it Phi.s-tine- s opinion Was there no escape? eonTamant in tak; moat most alwaya in a language that the Lord disco.nUted tus per cent, over igoo and sg.l per cent, that boys had a better chance Chance Woman's favorite accom- conm ro our. iigurative. He at Eben-ete- Were she and her innocent offspring bku ia "Light" or "Dayspring From on High," over l8gg, with gains at the leading cit- of business success iri life if they did plice. Tha rawnlna la anM hr Job pictures the war horsa r.t k".ving a not to feed the ten count 'em ten fierce all rirUaTVtBta Bill Asak or He ia a "High Tower" or the "Foun- outside New York of 27.1 per cent, go to college, too much prominence Marriage A holocaust transformed of Living neck clothed with thunder, tt. John in ies can givea into a bloodhounds yonder? Aw traria mark oolEtfCf IMaM tain Water." Hia splendor ia an rpocalyptic vision again over and per cent, over 1809. hardly be to the fact that sacrament. ao great and agr.iu 1900 27.5 CRAB that no man can ace Him and beard tho The of manipulation every member f the graduating class History (French) Pharamond was ORCHARD WATER CO.. R. When ihpnlog-ian- a thuncer. thur.der. whi.i "The cessation is live. the group of great is now well of the Case School of Applied Science the first King of France. Some histo- assembled in quite explained by the elec- torn contributed to a decline of 2.1 per tlMMIMMMMIMMMIMi Westminster .Abbey tricians, was tho overpowering has a good position offered him, while rians insist that he never existed, but for the purpose of making a evHtem of re- mystery of cent, in brcadstuffs. ligious belief, the ancients, and. slant ing among those in graie. there are more places offered than there all claim that his son Clodion succeed- they hmt of all wanted an mysteries. exclaimed: "Efforts to secure advances answer to the question, "Who ia God?" JoJ Lo, then are by exaggerated reports of damage to are seniors to fill them. ed him. No parta of Ilia wavs. But hovr a Por- t No AGENTS w"? one desired to answer- Hair? undertake tho - place to tion is heard of ? at tl-- the growing crop have given A Trlfl. Knral. Brohard Look ing of that overmastering question. They I thiier out- Katnral DlaadTantngei. Sash and of ia toner vhj can understand?" more rational statements, and the The finally concluded to give the task to the , "Taking into consideration the things baker's dozen of Washingtonians Co, nlr-- look is generally conceded to be full of Brohard Boor Holder youngest man in the assembly, who hap- all sy3t:r.s of thcoiogr try who spent the holidays at a country , was falling out very ti a Sharp has had to contend against, I "My hair ArtW work ararrwriara can earn big moTunn tell us what is omnipotence ijat is, promise. Speculative, operations for svlw m pened to be Kev. George Gillespie. Ho think his success as a lawyer has been house down in Virginia are still laugh- fast and I waa greatly alarmed. I bt atttjr demand for our roods), Btropia consented to undertsko on the condi- Goi'.'s capacity to lj every whera u; t.ia decline, however, far from aggres- ing Jib look, with print, terms, etc., fVre for lc atamp it art remarkable." at the little adventure of one of lot poata. TftlK llliQfiAKII ., tion that they would first unite with him smni time. "Where is God?" said a sive, the severe losses of the short in- their a then tried Ayer'a Hair Vigor and hrath-- n philosopher to a Cliristiaj m:.'j. "Why, what did he ever have to con- number, fashionable young mar- SlmtlMOa"PliUa4clvUat Pau in prayer for divine direction. He began terest thus far this season making trad- my hair atopped falling 1 : once." The Christian answered. "Let rale v.iu tend against?" ried woman who has ways her grand- his prayer by saying, "O God, Thou art a ne ers extremely cautious. Abundant pro- WILLS PILLS BIGGEST OFFER EVER NUDE. spirit, infinite, eternal und unchangeable where 1.3 ii tot?" The child had it right "Everything. He came of a wealthy mother would turn in her grave if she Mrs. G. A. McVay, Alexandria, O. w aaV.ed many duction in the United States does not knew about. She For only 10 w win mo1 to sny P. O. 1. in Thy being, wisdom, power, holiness, ien, horr Cods are there, family. He never touches tea or Urmm, 10 Amy!' he necessarily mean weak prices, for Eu- didn't have to work his 0ntnttiniiit of th hMt mNllcln oa justice, gosduess and truth." That first and i.nscrcd, "Unc." "How do you way through college. He never studied coffee, but now and then she takes a mrth, and put you on tu trak how to muse M oat. know that?" he was a:l:ed again. Ho an- ropean crops are falling below expecta- right st your homo. all to sentence of Gillespie's prayer was unani- by (he light of a pine torch, never had cigarette after dinner, and. as every- The trouble is your hair fv AMrms Thv mously adopted by the assembly as the swered, "T?Mra is enly room for one, for tions, and foreign purchases continue body knows, smoking is a horrid thing K. B. Will Hftdlrln Cnmnnar, 3 Kllza. Ho lills earth and to drive a dray, never walked six miles , beat definition of God. But, after all. it heaven." An author heavy, Atlantic exports for the week, while one may does not have life enough. IKitlariiaaa U H.hin.-lsa- says if a man were in to school, and wasn't compelled to bor- dri.ik gallons of the At., II. C. was only a partial success, and alter that set highest flour included, amounting to 4.520.144 'strongest coffee heavens ho would not be any nearer row his books. He had every possible and still be an example 1 ."omptly. Save everything that language can do when the bushels, against 2,855.261 last year. Pa- for Act your irtW DISCOTKBT! itaat ewencj of Cod than if he were the the young. The lsdy drove to the NlMrf put to the utmost etrain and all we can in good gains, facility, and yet he has done well from ml anS anrwl waist see of God in real- centra cf tho earth. I believe it. If this cific exports also show infinitesimal village near one day, and hair. Feed it with Ayer's DROPSYli ma boom of fcastiaioaia. aad 10 Sara' knMlaaaaS the natural world and the very start." a. aa. ize of God in the providential world we divine escenco does not reach ail places, reaching 854,515 bushels, against 591.015 with several friends went into the drug a. a. assa'etoas.Baa iuum. are forced to cry out with Job in rny text: what use in our prayer, for prayers are a jxar ago. Including exports at Du-hu- h Tha Madorn Father's Mlslaka. store 3nd ssked for a package cf cigar- Hair Vigor. If the gray a "Lo, these are parta of Hia ways. But being offered to God on the other aid? and Portland, Me., the total out- ettes. Use so 1 ."Well, my son, done the best I CURE. how little a portion of Him ia heard.' of tin earth r.s as here, and O ward movement for the week, exclusive I've The man behind the hairs are beginning to CERTAIN! s t-- first-clas- counter handed here t- ke supplies,-tior- s could give you a s educa- But the thunder of Hia power who cau mm. t3 there and - of ports, 5.646,597 bush- to out a brand, which arc offered of miles Canadian was tion, and now you can go out into the dark and heavy, and show, Ayer's Hair Vigor "The understand?" thousands els, against 3,838,364 last year." strong as stogies. eianr that made West ratal Ikasaaa' Archbishop Ti'loUon and Dr. Diek and s.xirt. Ubiquity! No on. haj it but God. world feeling that you are fully equip- TABASCO. Timothy Dwight and Jonathau And an alarm to wickedness, an Bradstreet's says: "Failures in the ' "Oh, I don't want those," said the will restore color every MclLHENNY'S Edwards ped for the battle of existence. lady, something of the pant end the mightiest theologiaas everywhere present Lord, and what a United States for the week number I ought to feci grateful to "I want exceedingly TO AOTRItTISK 1.1 help! God 163, "Father. mild something time. SI.M s Mils. All rnrlrts. of this young century have discoursed rhen wo need against 144 last .week and 184 in yen, but I I have just learned for ladies." IT PAYS Tills fAPKK. upon power en ths throne and God with the kneeling cannot. The man behind B M U 15. the of God, the nttributo of this week a year ago." that by sending me to college you have the counter looked omnipotence. And wo have all seen dem- child raying Lis evening prayer at Ms very much grieved. If your druggist cannot snnply yon, lap. God above you, God be- robbed me of fonr years of my life onstration of God's almightinetts. It might mother's LATEST QUOTATIONS. "We haven't any like that," he said, send us one dollar aud we will express l'i'i."i.Thomp$OB,$ Eya Walii neath you, God right of you, God four years which I might have profit- you a He sure glT nama have been far out at sea when in an on the regretfully. "We don't them. bottle. sod tb equinoctial gale God showed what. Ha on the left of you, Wod within you. No ably spent in learning the only thing keep of your neareet express onlce. Address, You sec, all the ladies around here C. AVER CO., Lowell, Mass. could do with the waters. It might have p.'.nthei: !', for that teaches that all Flour. Best Patent, $4.5084.75; High worth knowing, how to chase and cap- that J. been in lhin;s ore God, but Jehovah possesses all smokes smokes pipes." an August thunderstorm in tho Grade Extra, $4.0034.25; Minnesota ture the elusive dullar." UUMtS WHtMfc ALL fclbfc (AILS. mountains when Ood Ho things, as our souls possess our bodies. TJ3 3 shoved what bakers, $2.9033.15. Bananas purple tilib ImJ Best Coutfh byrup. Tatttea Good. Uao could do the lightnings. Tt might God at the diameter ond circumference with leaves and seedless Sflll FJ wraesTlptlon Bsl. PI1 In tlm ft. v drntrglMn. with ted, A Friend In Troubte. have ", OUALLo l(.illon ()ii.r.nt(- -i f in of everything, as close to you as the food Whest. New York, No. 2, 8ta fruit been introduced into British v MARDP.M have len South America wnen God i Write for nrlra JKHHE showed what He could do with the earth- you put to your lips, as the coat you put 82jic; Philadelphia, No. 2, red, 76)4.1 is a iininue letter frrvn a Rill- - conservatories. toniiiidu S us B Cbules St .Biliimobi. Ma. quakes, ft might have been among tho upon your back, as the sunlight that 77!4c; Baltimore, 75378c. ville citizen to one of his best (riends: Alps when God allowed what He cculd sniucs in your face. Appreciation of that, Corn. New York. No. 2, 484c; Phil- "Dear Bill It is rumored here that do with the avalanches. Our cheek was if through Jesus Christ, the atoning Sa- adelphia. No. 2, 46Vj347c; Baltimore, I've got two wives. Now, Bill, you're blanched, our breath stopped, our pulses viour, wo are right with God, ought to give us c serenity, a tranquillity, that No. 2, 46347c. single man, anu 1 nave diwd)3 smkju an fluttered, our whole being was terrorized, 2, Phila- friend in time of trouble. Can we had seen only nothing could upset. Would it make us Oats. New York, No. 33c; your but nn instancs of of off be- - strength. was power, gloomy? No, for God is the God of joy delphia No. 2 white, 34a35c; Balti- you take one 'em my hands What the of ti rf'rtip? .Slip's a thnt storm compared with the power end will augment our haopinecs. more, No. 2 white, 33!a34c. lau frila hnlt nn which holds all the oceans? What waa We havo all been painfully reminded in Rye. New York, No. 2, 61c; Phila- rood housekeeper, and if you'll jest say own we bo u. 1 T'ti ...... t - . 1, 1 A T the power that shook the hills compared our experiences that cannot in delphia, No. 2, 60c; Baltimore, No. 2 11C WIJ1U A II UdJ lift till 1 with tho power that swings the earth two places nt the same time, and yet hers orsake me, Bill. I'm your old friend,llll thought God be 58a59c. through nil the centuries and for 6000 cones the that can in all Hay. The market is easy. We nd I'm in trouble. Are you willin'?" years, and in a formative incompletn places nt the same time. Midler, the as- UVJ end No. 1 timothy, $i6.ooai6.5o; shape for hundreds of thousands of years? tronomer, went on with his explorations quote: of he concluded No. 2 timothy, $15.50; No. 3 timo.hy. PcTFiiT-- Dvi produces the font-- t LbL What ia that power that sustains our the heavens until that the Alcyone, one of was the $14.50815.00. and brightest colors or any known dye world compared with the power which star the l'lciadcs, .tuff. Bold by all druggist, rolla through immensity the centre of the universe, and it was a fixed Green Fruits and Vegetables. On- entire solar world, A LUXURY WITHIN THE REACH ALL. system and all tho constellations and gal- and all tho other worlds revolved ions, spring, per 100 bunches, 5oa6oc; There are 4000 tons of atone in the py- OF axies and the universe? Tho mightiest around that world, and some think that per $1.4031.50; ramids of Cheopa. could be built heaven and God's throne is do, new, Bermuda, crate, It for intellect of man would give away if for a that world is r2D,0UO,00O , there and there reside tne nations of the do Egyptran, per sack, $2.00. Aspara- i moment there came upon it the full ap- gus, Eastern Shore, Maryland, per Aot, "WHEN PRESSING YOUR preciation of what omnipotence is. What blessed. But He is no more there thnn He Some Men aro too lazy to even stand in SUIT." you and I sea and hear of divine strength ia here. Indeed Alcyone has been found primes, $1.2531.50. Cabbage, Charles- their own light. are only "parts of His wavs. But how to be. in motion, and it alto ia revolving ton and North Carolina, per crate. 60s PRESSED little a portion ia heard of Him! But the around some great centre. But no place 65c; do, Norfolk, per bbl. 5oa6sc. Cel- Arc Yon I'slns; Allen's root-Eas- e ? While. VOu Whrn preiting your suit with the favorite lady, uujer-etand?- has yet God is thunder of His power who caa " been found where not ery, Florida, per crate, $i.5oa2.oo. Ap- It Is the only cure for 8wollen, Smarting, Tht ffirl that you think you desire lor a wile present by power. Omnipres - In our sustaining ples, $2.0034.25. Green peas, Anne fired. Aching. Hot, Sweating- Feet, Corns Choose a place that is quiet, secluded and shady. ence! tuny appreciates rvot e, We try to satisi'y ourselves with saying: who it: i; Arundel, per bushel, 8oa8sc; do do. imt Bnniom. Ak for Allen's Foot-Ea- a Roasting For that's an important transaction in life. is law not you. "It natural that controls things. Eastern Shore Maryland, 8oa85c. Let- oomler to be shaken into tho shoes. Cures Remember, though tha may bs charming; and Gravitation is at work; centripetal and native, Khile yon walk. At all Druggi-t- s and Bhos eentrifuual forcea resnond to each other." sometimes we hear Him in the voice o tuce, per bushel box, aoaJ5C 2ae. Sample sent pretty, itorei, I nE. Address, we (ace But what is natural law? It ia only God's the storm that jars the Adirondacks. But String beans, Savannah, per basket, alien S. Olmsted, Loltoy, N. Y. Of most enchanting, of figure most neat. way of doing things. At every point in we cannot swim across this ocean. The green 75C3$i.oo; do do, Savannah, pci positively Should she not ba well trained it would ba a the universe it is God's direct and con- finite cannot measure tho infinite. We basket, wax, 75ca$i.oo. Strawberries, Massachusetts uses more postage stamps great pity hartnon-ikc- s capita of population any lady-lov- tinuous power that controls and feel as Job did after finding God in the per quart, 246c. per than other do not allow That you and your e ever should meet. and sustains. power gold ana tne silver ol Asia, State in the Cnion. That withdrawn mines mines Potatoes. We quote: White, Mary- t one cys-te- tfuyipg, is a vein silver ami the use of instant would make the planetary "There for the land and Pennsylvania, prime, per bus, In choosing a wife, my dear fellow, jilace gold where fine FITS permanently eured. X fits or nervous-- s the best trick and nil the worldx which astronomy a for the they it." 75a8oc; do, New York prime, per Is, reveals one universal wreck, bereft hemis- The nature of God never changes, and bus, after first day's nse of Dr. Kllns's Great Ek. first, to consider her womanly gifts, pheres, dismantled sunsets, dead constel- from all eternitv that holv Dassion slowed 8oa8sc; do, Michigan and Ohio, per bus Nerve Restorer, ti trial bottle and troatfse frt Egg Mixtures, Her household acquirements attainments do- lations, debris of worlds. What power it in the Infinite, and I think He was throw- 75a8oc; do, new, S3vannsh, per bbl, No Dr. B. H. Kum, Ltd., Ml A rch St., fulls,, Pa. mestic must be keeps the internal fires, of ing out worlds into space and inhabiting 1, $3.0033.50; Charleston, per bbl, No Glue, The sensible mind that all women uplifts. that Dunvccan, tha famous seat of the Mae-lend- our world imprisoned, only here and there them nnd more worlds for the application 1, $ Yams, choice, bright ia said to be the oldest inhabited Chemicals, Does she know how to cook? Is the able and spurting from a Cotopaxi or a 8trombo!i of that love. He may not have told the North Carolina, per bbl, $1.2531.50. active? Ho it:d private house in Scotland. or from a Vesuvius, putting Pompeii and other worlds what for this world. Beans and pes. New York marrow, or similar Watch our next advertisement. a Does she use LION COFFEE the of Herculaneum into sepulcher, but the as He has not told us what He did for purest for choice hand picked, $2.5032.55; Black-ey- e Mrs. Wiailow's Soothing Syrup for children brands? most part the internal fires chained in .them. 1 think the love of God was dcm substances. peas, per bushel, choice, $i.75ai.8o; teething, soften tha gums, reduces inflamma- Just try a package of If to, then she surely will make home attractive. their rages of rock and century after .cen- onstrated in mightier worlds before our tion, allays pain, cures wind colic. 25o a bottle. tury unable to break the chain or burst little world was fitted up for human resi- Black peas, per bushel, choice, $1,701 LION And pleasant for you with her own loving harnlt. open the door! What power to keep thj dence. Will a man owning 50,000 acres of I.75. Green pe3S, per bushel, $1.25 IT...... L. ! V..r.,. w. V...-- - - LION COFFEE component parta of the nir in right land put all the cultivation on a half Nesrby white beans, per bushel, $1.50 sting iu its tail. COFFEE LION COFFEE,' you know, has ns coating or o that all around the world the acre? Will God make a million worlds 2.00. and you will understand glaring, may on one is an the nations breathe in health, the frosts and nut His chief auecliun small Butter. Creamei, 19a 20c; factory, Fiso's Curs for Consumption is an infallible In millions of hornet it its purity known and the uni- planet? Are the other worlds and larger mcdieiuiaforcoughsand heats hindered from working I4ai5c; imitation creamery, colds. X.W. Sahoel, absolutely reason of its popularity. Consumers sre always its quality praising. versal demolition! Power, aa Isaiah says, worlds standing vacant, uninhabited, 14317c; Ocean Grove, K. J., Feb. 17, 1900. "to take up the isles as a very little while this little world is crowded with State dairy, 17a 18c. Pure Coffee. A flavor and fragrance entirely itt own. thing" Ceylon and Borneo and Hawaii Ho, it takes a universe of tgg- Mate and Pennsylvania, 13a Ia baseball aa in cookery the best batter LION COFFEE Sold in pound packages, outwardly bearing as though they were pebbles; power to worlds to express the love of God. And iyic; Southern, nai2c; estern stor- - takes the cake. LION on wrapper, and gift-lis- t inside; weigh the "winiintains in scales" and the there are .other ransoms and other rescues age, 13c. is now used in millions If for your future content you are caring S. K. Coburn, Mgr. Clarlo Scott, writes of "hihs in balances" Tenerife and the Cor- and other redemptions, aa there may be Provisions. Bulk shoulders, 8a8c; LION COFFEE you'll surely commend to your dilleras. To move a rock we must have other millenniums and other resurrection do "I find Hall's Catarrh Curn u. valuable re- homes. bridel short ribs, 94c; do clear sides, oloc; medy." DrnggicU sell it. Too. lever and screw and great Machinery, but mornings and judgment days than thoss bacon rib sides, do God moves the world with nothing a of our world. But in the apace of six 10c; clear sides, but loj-ic- ; Poverty may disgrace, word; power to create feet by five was comprised the mightiest bacon shoulders, oc. Fat backs, be no but it's worlds and power mighty uncomfortable. LION to destroy them, aa from the observatories evidenco of God's love that any world 8J4c. Sugar cured breasts, njc; sugai In every package of COFFEE you will find a fully illustrated and descriptive list. No housekeeper, iu again and again they have been seen red ever saw or ever will see. Compressed on cured shoulders, 9c. Hams Small, fact, no woman, man, boy or girl will fail to find in the list some article which will contribute to their happiness, with flame, then pale with ashes and then two planks joined together es a cress. nJ4c; large, 11c; smoked skinned For Btllsaraess, Torpid Liver, Indigestion, Sick Headache, comfort and convenience, and which they may have by simply cutting out a certain scattered. mere was enough agony there concefr I2j-jc- ; number of Lion Heads from hams, picaic hams, S4c. Lard. Crab Orchard Water is a specific. What is that newer to us? asks some tratcd, if distributed, to nut whole na Best refined, pure, in tierces, glic; in the wrappers of our one pound sealed packages (which is the only form in which this excellent coffee is sold). one. It is everything to us. With Him tions into torture. That God allowed the WOOLSON own tubs, g'jc per lb. Mess pork, per bbl, University has voted to do away SPICH CO.. TOLEDO. OHIO. on our side, the reconciled God, the sym- assassination of Hia hnn for tho res Eunday pathetic God. the omnipotent God, wo cue of our world ia all the evidence needed $16.00. with tha afternoon sermons. may defy all human and aatanie antagon- that Ho loved the world. Go ahead, O Hides. G reen salted, 6c; Southern, isms, and when we are shut in by obsta- chnrch of Godl Go ahead, O world, and 6!4c; green, 6c; dry flint. 13c; dry salt- cles we can say, as did one of Frobisher's tell as well as you can whst the love of ed, lie; dry calf, ioc; dry glue, 6j4c. men God , when the sailor was describing how but know beforehand that Faul Bull hides, per lb, green, 5J4a6c Goat- was was i, he their ship surrounded by icebergs in ribt when said, "It passeth skins, Caliskins, green salted, the Arctic sea. "The ice waa strong, but knowledge." Let other poets take up 6oa8oc. Sheepskins, God was stronger than the ice." And, the story of God's love where William ta75c Spring whatever opposition we may have, onr (.owner and Isaao Watts and Charles lambskins, 30340c. God is mightier than the opposition. All Wesley and Horatius Bonar left it, and Live Poultry. Market is steady at right with God, wo may have the courage let other painters improve upon tho "Sis-tin-e the following quotations: Hens, 10c; Piles While You of general on Madonna" Cured the dying the battlefield. and the "Adoration of the old roosters, each, 25330c; chick- Sleep Magi'' spring He asked' to be turned, and when they and tha "Crucifixion" as Eophael ens, i6a22c. Ducks, 739c. Spring said, "Which way we turn you?" he and Titian aud Claude and Correggio pre- - shall ducks, 15316c. Geese, apiece, 30345c. said. "Turn my (are toward the enemy." cuvcu mem. uie ucrman pulpit or- You are costive, and nature Is under a constant strain to relieve the condition. . This causes a rush of blood to the rectum, and before Whit a challenge that was uttered by the ator take up the tkemo of God'a lova old missionary lyro, "If God be for us, whero Frederick Tholuek left it, let Ital- Live Stock. long congested romps appear. Itching, painful, bleeding. Then you have piles. There are many kinds and many cures, but piles are not cura- who can be us?" of HI ian pulpit take it up where Gavozsi left against Think it, Ea.-- ble unless you assist nature In removing the cause. CASCARETS make effort easy, God ia the only being in the universe who let French pulpit orator take up the Liberty, Pa. Cattle steady; ex- regulate and soften the stools, relieving the tension, and themo tra, $5.ooa6.oo; has power to do as He pleases, i All hu- ; where Bourdelous left It, let tha prime, $5.7035.80. Hogs giving nature a chance to use her healing power. Piles, hemorrhoids, fistula, and other rectal troubles yield to the treatment, and CascaroU man ungeliv forces have Swiss imlpit orator take up the theme Prime heavy hogs, $6.ooa6.02 V, ; and environments. me- quickly and surely remove them forever. There are things they cannot do, heights where Merle d'Aubigne loft it, let the diums. $6.00; roughs, $4.0085.50. Sheer Don't be persuaded to experiment with anything they cannot scrle, depths they cannot Knglish pulpit take it up where George else! Wbilclicld left it, Wethers, $4.1534.25; choice yesrlings, fathom. let tho Scotch pulpit $5.0035.15. Veal calvw, We get .some little idea of the divine take it up where Vt. Candliah left It, let $5.506x0. Chicago, l-- f' e- power when we how it buries the tup vveisn puipic case ic up wnere uinst-ma- s III. Cattle Choice steers Cy f . "I tafltred (he wartatr- of 63 so r$l r elsunuaeel with proiradtaa pUeo Aton Evans left it. and let the American Steady; good 'T of brcmcnl proudest cities fend nations. Ancient to prime steers, $5.5036.10; ' . not XX Memphis puipit isao up wnere jircniDaia Alex- poor vfV jr X bf ooDntnaMoa wins wbtah I waa taunted tor it has ground up until many of it to medium, f4.50a5.40; cows. $2 75 Jr twenty years. I ran aeraea yonr CAHOA P tJL ander and Dr. Kirk and Matthew Simp- itJl : its ruins aro uo larger than your thumb 3475; heifers. $2.8035.15; bulls, $2,803 VV jf Jf f l'h HOT " tM town of NsweU, la., and do C'Ji nail, son left it. But the world will never ap- T, T v 1 I Ve--dv and you can hardly hud a souvenir 4.M: calves stradv. t i cmi m Ia y I 111I new found aayUilog to equal tbeo. w, 2t large enough to remind you of your visit. preciate fully the love of God until they Vj f 111 I am entirely tree Iroca ptlea d. reel like a CJ i I Mixed and butchers' $5.7085.97; ',; j): S KBi--a. Z . i'lre city of Tyro i under the sea which near front His own lipa the outburst ol rough ?5 f Ji lit..I w' Z nray, .0535.75; light, f i I I 'of hsbsi.' MIUMHafH.,aaSIOMjtCJLj. la, Jk washes the shore on which are only a itxr pit lUHJliSs ".u svcimsuijg sutcuon. $56Sa5.9a 5 I V V II f crumbling pillars left. Sodom and Go- J J morrah are covered by waters so death LABOR AND INDUSTRY that not Babylon fish can ive in them. PROMINENT PEOPLE.. and .Nineveh are so blotted out of exist- We have thirty flag factories. ence that not one uninjured shaft of their Uncle Sam owns ancient splendor remains. Nothing but Portugal' King Is an artist of much 102,115 mules. ability. Paper wood is as hard as wood. omnipotence could have put them dawn Paper and put them under. Trie antediluvian Mr. Wu. the Chinese Ambassador, water trnint are a success. world waa able to send to tho postdilu- la writing a book. Texas has seventeen clerks' unions. vian world only one ship, with a very Peekskill, N. Y., painters now earn small passenger list. Omnipotence first Secretary Long returned from Col- rolled the, seas over the laud and then orado SprlugH, Col., where be has Houston, Texas, carpenters now get told them to go baok to their usual chan- been visiting tils duugbtera. . $3 per day. nels as livers anu lakes and oceans. At nt Itooscvelt will go to Labor Council Omnipotent command the waters pounc- 'Frisco consists of 64 ing upon their prey and at Omnipotent Colorado Springs, Col., in August for unions. AND quarto-centenni- j BEST FOR BOWELS LIVER. command slinking back into their appro- the celebration. Our metallic products this year arc , priate places. By such rehearsal we try Senator Hanna has been appointed valuer at $?7.2i8.o34. to arouse our of whsjt omnju-fenc- e Ji appreciation n colonel on the staff of Commander-in-Chie- f The bread eater of the world require I) THIS IS v fru-- is, and our reverence ia excited, RiiBaaeur.of the Grand Army. more than 2,300,000,000 bushels of wheat and our adoration ia intensified, but after Thomas Nelson Page, the American every twelve months. 1 all wa find ourselves at the foot of a consumes more wine ,fCECl ' .25c. 50c mountain we cannot climb, hovering over author, has been named for member- France than O VaMilH, a depth we cannot fathom, at the rim of ship in the Astronomical Society of Germany, the United States and the circumference we cannot compass, and France, United Kingdom pot together. . , We feel like first going down on our knees The West Hosiery Mill workers, la and then like flat upon our faces A meeting between the Czar of Rus- Plymouth, Pa., secured an increase-- f THE TABLET DRUGGISTS Ger- we exclaim: "Lo, theae are parts of sia and the Kniperor William of tt, -- - 30 cents per day without a strike. caAW'r'-ryiieTiwat-bii..w.- n --..., , - t w 'His ways. But how little a is) many la believed to been ar- w-- k"'vTaAirTa, err, m aaUl'- -a tts " I I portion hare The American Federation of Musi- I -- , f m Its SMk i, m. i; ra t a - u.nt.w It U evee knts ' f heard of But the thunder , 4 SMilv. M-, -.' wn 1, .. ' I , ' Him? of Bis ranged. ' . V . I power cians is steadily gaining members, and I ! ,Hsivhi.t,Hi, s- -n fWl mrm . sarlwt mmlml. Ui,r.lftaWn r : mm4 who can understand?" Governor Aycock T f - . . 1 i ,.. m sOlwf - mirm mmw m mm mr mm r ' ' ' and United States m m I Ho who have put together it sew has 100 competent professionals r mmm 1 rear . at a, t wt,mm r ir,, i . all those sys- ' . te ' t -- I ' fmr-- Be ve, i . , - . i v, Kw w.l. r- - a ' Senator Simmons have received the its rolls. t , It. r r baa, -- a ' tems of theology havo diseourned also on tm ,! O 4 e. i k v 1 jm l mm m 9 w m tamrmx v t degree of LL.D, from Trinity College, ) ..--- ealvs 4i 1 Miout the wisdum of God. Think of a wis- At Evansville the tinners were on ZZ-J- ia ' ' dom which can know the end from the Durham, N. O. strike for. three days for an advance UJiaiSsJU, L' ,v begiuniuf, knowa cen- ' that the thirtieth Brigadier-Gener- al Frederick I). Grant from I7fj to 25 cents an hour and a re-- tury mji well aa the first century. We can baa r giuiw will only been granted an extension of duotiea ia ftonrr from nine to eight. what happen, but it is a ffcfc I w lucas. Think of uiiiid hold all leave nntll Beptenibor next with The won IVike a that can ueruilisloa to go abroad.