The White House High Street Southwick PO17 6EB Tel: 023 9237 7568

Dear Friends

As most of you will know Southwick Church held the funeral service on 17th September for Edwina Williams. She was our oldest and longest serving member of the congregation and we will all miss her greatly. Even though she was just short of her 101st birthday her singing voice was still strong and her faith as devote as ever. You will find elsewhere in this magazine a shortened version of the tribute given at her funeral by one of her grandsons Glyn Thomas. I would now like to pay tribute to Sandy Taylor who, due to business commitments, retired recently as advertising representative for the parish magazine. She spent many years working tirelessly in raising revenue, on our behalf, to keep the magazine solvent. So, thank you very much indeed, Sandy, from us all. I would also like to thank Pauline Bailey for volunteering to take this very important job on, as well as continuing as editor. Please do support our advertisers because without their generous support this magazine would not be printed or delivered to your door. I extend an invitation to you all, from the members of the congregations of Southwick and , to our Christmas services that you can find listed below. I also invite all children to the annual Christingle service on Sunday 5th December at 4pm and the Crib service also held at 4pm on Christmas Eve, both held in Southwick Church. Please bring your parents and grandparents to both services; I am sure that they will enjoy themselves as well. There will also be refreshments after both services. In case any of you do not know, the Czech Church established Christingle in 1747 as a symbol of Christ’s light and love. In 1968 The Children’s Society introduced it to the Church of and it is now one of the most popular family services in the Church calendar. Last year over 500,000 children in over 6,000 venues raised £1.2 million to support vulnerable children around the country, and had fun doing it. One project that was supported was in Rochdale, where workers provide services to help anti-


social behaviour and in the West Midlands they help destitute children and families in the most extreme circumstances providing them with basics like food, warm clothes and nappies for babies. In a speech recently the Archbishop of Canterbury reminded us that Jesus was a vulnerable infant, born in poverty and laid in a manger, which is the Christmas message. He commends us to attend Christingle services, ‘as a way of encouraging us all to worship together, responding to Jesus’ message of love and care for the young and the marginalised.’ I look forward to welcoming you to one of our services of rejoicing over the Christmas season.

Best wishes Bob Green

Sunday Services

Southwick Boarhunt

0830 Holy Communion 0930 Parish Eucharist

1045 Parish Eucharist (1st, 3rd and 5th Sundays only)

1000 Holy Communion first Thursday in the month at Southwick

1830 Sunday Service at Methodist Chapel Trampers Lane.

Parish Register


22nd August Vanessa Thomson – Tooke St James Southwick

5th September Wilfred George Seymour Campbell St Nicholas Boarhunt


Burial of Ashes

1st August Barbara Marion Pengelly St Nicholas Boarhunt


17th September Edwina Williams St James Southwick Followed by Burial at Boarhunt

Special Events

14th November 1050hrs Remembrance Sunday St James Southwick

5th December 1600hrs Christingle Service St James Southwick

12th December 1800hrs Carol Service & Readings St Nicholas Boarhunt

14th December 1830hrs Carol Singing Southwick Village

16th December 1830hrs Carol Singing Norton Close & Castle Road

19th December 1800hrs Carol Service & Readings St James Southwick

Christmas Eve 1600hrs Crib Service St James Southwick

Christmas Eve 2330hrs Midnight Mass St James Southwick 2330hrs Midnight Mass St Nicholas Boarhunt

Christmas Day 0830hrs Holy Communion St James Southwick 1045hrs Family Eucharist St James Southwick

3 Southwick and Parish Council Clerk: Eddie Mason 19 Okemont Close, West End, Southampton SO18 3PP Telephone: 023 8046 3228 e-mail: [email protected]

This month there is less to report due to not having a meeting in August. The most significant item to report is the Parish Website which was launched on 4th August and is intended to provide the community with information about what goes on in the Parish.

You can access the website by typing the following URL into your browser The site is easy to navigate and holds all the relevant information about the Village Council, including Councillors, Meetings, Minutes, and a diary of events. It also contains inter-action pages where you can contact the Council and ask questions to which the Council will reply.

There is also a blog page where the Council will notify you about projects or items that it is looking to implement on your behalf and it gives you the opportunity to contribute by putting forward your opinion on the shape that the changes should take. At present there is only one item on the blog and that is from the Chair of the Parish Council, Jim Watson, who is undertaking a review of the Playing Field and Children’s Play Area and is asking what form of improvements the Council should be making. Please feel free to make your views known.

Other items of interest brought up at the meeting are: Councillor Cooper reported that there had been a marked reduction in crime throughout the whole of the area of approximately 5%, which is mainly due to a reduction in antisocial behaviour. He also said that there will be a major reduction in the Constabulary’s budget so we need to focus our attention on how we want our area policed and what our priorities should be.

Councillor Cooper also reported that because of the financial situation the Mobile Libraries are under review with a threat of closing the service, to avoid this it is being investigated as to what other services they can be included in the libraries so as to make them financially viable.


This month the County Council is taking delivery of some 5,000 grit bins which will be distributed across the County, some of which will be delivered to Southwick.

Finally the County Council has now been handed the responsibility for the bus pass services and they are attempting to create a single service.

If you have any views on the items listed above please feel free to put them on to the village website.

Memories – Xmas 1949

This photograph was recently given to Rev Bob Green by Mrs Woods. Do you recognise any faces here? This photo was taken at a Christmas Party in the Manor Hall, Southwick in 1949. To name a few – Mrs Morley, Mrs Ferguson, Rene Williams, Elizabeth Gilbert, Mrs Woods, Phyllis Carter, Valerie Thomas (Crook), Win Goodall, Susan Goodall, Phyllis Faithfull, Diane Faithfull, Ann Faithfull, Margaret Faithfull.


Southwick Social & Sports Association

Over 600 adults and children enjoyed this year’s Flower Show on August 7th, which was a bright day with a short spell of rain – but not the deluge we suffered last year, thank goodness!

Officially opened by Group Captain Mark Sexton, Southwick Park’s Station Commander, with Mrs Sexton presenting the prizes, it was a busy show with lots to keep everyone occupied. In the Southwick Recreation Ground arena there was an enthralling Birds of Prey display, lively American Clog dancing, children’s races and a Tug-of-War competition. Many volunteers turned out to ‘man’ the Association’s stalls, Service Personnel from Southwick Park helped to set up and clear away, various charities attended, the Church sponsored a bouncy castle for the children, the military provided a forensic demonstration and there were various other interesting sideshows.

The Flower Show itself – staged in the D-Day Memorial Hall – received more than 250 entries. Like many flower shows, the entries to classes have changed; this year the domestic, photography and handicraft sections had more entries than usual – with the handicraft classes especially being more individual and many older children entering the photography classes.

The Association would like to thank everyone who helped at the Show, those who donated equipment and prizes and those who came along to support the event. This year’s Show raised £1,700. How these funds are used will be decided at the Association’s AGM in March 2011.

On the August Bank Holiday Monday we held our Over 60s Tea. We are sure those who attended would like to join in our special thanks to Chef Joe Virgo, a resident of the village. Joe produced a splendid meal for over 60 members. The Cascade Ladies Harmony Singers entertained; managing to involve members in a sing-along, followed by local DJ, Tony Frances.

6 To round off the event Southwick Village Stores donated cup cakes for everyone to take home and enjoy.

Members enjoying their splendid tea

Our latest event, a Country and Western Line Dance, was held in late September. Cowboys and girls turned out in force and Allen, from Lee on Solent Line Dance Group, managed to get most people up on the floor to learn the steps to various dances. There were a few collisions; but that was all part of the fun. An event that lots of members would like to see repeated.

Elaine Todd and Gary Dann – best dressed Cowboy & girl

7 Future events include: Halloween Party – Saturday October 30th Seasonal Quiz – Saturday November 13th Xmas Fayre – Saturday November 27th

In January school age children residing in Southwick Village will have the opportunity to be treated to an outing the pantomime at the Kings Theatre, Southsea. Watch out for the posted to be sited in December.

For information on the Association’s activities, for both members and non- members, or to join the SS&SA, please contact: Rose Kenyon (Chairperson) on 023 9237 0426 or: Carol Watson (Secretary) on 023 9238 4069


Save The Children

Coffee Morning

D-Day Memorial Hall, Southwick Saturday 20th November 2010 10am – 12noon

Tea, coffee, mince pies Raffle, Bottle stall Xmas goods for sale Toiletries

All donations gratefully received 023 9237 9520

Admission £1 – includes tea/coffee



26th September 1909 – 25th August 2010

Edwina was born on 26th September 1909 at 57 Flint Terrace, Southwick. She was the youngest of five girls and one boy. Sadly another brother Edward and sister Cathleen died in their early childhood years. Edwina was born two months after her father died of TB. She attended Southwick School and recalled when her brother Bert was allowed to leave school at the age of 12 as he had become the man of the house.

As a teenager she met Leslie Crook, who she later married. For a short time they lived in Newtown, until Leslie became seriously ill and died suddenly at only 27. One year earlier, in 1937, Edwina and Leslie were blessed with a daughter, Valerie. Edwina brought her home to Southwick and took a job at Hayling Island Golf Course to support them. She remained there for 3 years, coming home for her daughter to start Southwick School. She then started work at the Golden Lion, run at that time by Mr & Mrs Major. Here Edwina met both Eisenhower and Montgommery as they planned the D-Day Invasion.

It was also at the Golden Lion that Edwina met her second husband, Charles, and went to live at 10 Castle Road. In 1946 she took on the role of

9 cook at Southwick School, retiring as Head Cook in 1954. She later became a school governor and watched many of the children she had fed, grow up and become parents themselves.

Edwina also had a theatrical side and joined The Haymakers, with whom she enjoyed performing in pantomimes. A real performer, she just loved the thrill of the stage. Edwina also enjoyed her Saturday night village bingo, but before leaving for the hall she would wait to hear if Pompey had won and was so upset if they hadn’t.

Edwina later became a Parish Councillor and joined the Women’s Institute and the Church Choir.

In 2000, as the oldest villager born in Southwick, Edwina and Harry Goodall had the honour of unveiling the new village clock which can be seen outside Southwick Stores.

Sundays were always very special days for Edwina. She loved nothing more than to attend church in the morning. She so enjoyed her faith, it being such a huge, fulfilling and exciting part of her life and one she so enjoyed sharing with others. Her faith in God, her love of family and of the Church and the many friends that she found there all helped to make her life wonderful.

When asked about her long life of over 100 years and what was the secret she would reply ‘Hard work, the love of my family and my Faith in God’. It was this faith that gave Edwina the strength and courage in her final days.

* * * * * * * * * * *

BOARHUNT PARISH COUNCIL 7 Chapel Road, , Hampshire, SO32 2QA Tel: 01489 891321 Email: [email protected]

It was brought to the attention of the Parish Council in July, and again in September, that there appears to be an ongoing problem of horses being

10 ridden on the pavements through Boarhunt. The council wish to remind horse owners that it is illegal to ride on the pavements. There have been reports of horse droppings also left on the pavements which, as well as being unsightly, is also a health and safety issue to the many residents that wish to walk safely along the pavements. The Parish Council ask all horse owners to ride on the road for the safety of all residents.

Another ongoing problem is the parking of cars and vans on the pavements. Please can residents remind visitors and tradesmen that it is dangerous and causes problems for pedestrians. There are a number of residents who use wheelchairs and also parents and grandparents with pushchairs that are unable to get past some of the cars and vans parked blocking their way. The Parish Council do ask all residents of Boarhunt to be considerate of pedestrians and also avoid blocking driveways.

A new parish website will shortly be up and running. The Clerk was waiting for Hampshire County Council to finalise the work and hand it over.

The Parish Council had met with the Social Club and Boarhunt Memorial Hall Committee in July. The new Trustees were now on board and it was hoped that progress could be made now towards the restoration of the existing hall.

* * * * * * * * * * *


What could have been dismay at our July meeting turned out to be a great afternoon when Pat Matthews stepped in following the late cancellation from our booked speaker. Pat gave a most interesting talk, with slides, about her visit to Iran in May, her friendship is appreciated by us all.

We learned that Jonathon Newman, the new local “bobby”, assumes his post in August and we hope someone from his office will visit us one day.


Yvonne invited us to hold our August meeting at her home, it was a real garden party, the weather was kind and everyone enjoyed themselves.

September brought the 90th birthday of John Clough, our former secretary – it was good he was able to join us for the happy occasion.

We hope to see everyone at the Macmillan fund raising event in Southwick on 16th October.

We will soon start to collect gifts for the Christmas children’s appeal so that the shoe boxes are ready for collection at the November meeting.

Claire and Mich gave us a delightful afternoon with their talk and artefacts from the Mary Rose, we had looked forward to the visit for a long time and weren’t disappointed.

Newcomers are welcome to join us at any of our meetings.



Club/Organisation/Facility Contact Name Telephone No

Boarhunt Memorial Hall Planning Committee Tiggy Ayoub 01329 834813

Boarhunt Parish Council Elizabeth Billingham 01489 901321

Boarhunt Sunshine Hour Club Shirley Edmondson 023 9232 7667

Boarhunt WI June Mullen 01329 237488

Church Warden, St James Antony Baines-Walker 023 9226 3280

Church Warden, St Nicholas Paul Harbord 01329 282055

D-Day Memorial Hall (bookings) Pauline Bailey 023 9237 0860 [email protected]

North Boarhunt Social Club Mike Fortun 01329 832470

South East Hants Young Farmers Club David Norrish 07759 713 070

Priory Club Adrienne Bridger 023 9221 0418

Southwick Lions Warren Bailey 07894 198 264

Southwick Luncheon Club Carol Watson 023 9238 4069

Southwick & Widley Parish Council Eddie Mason 023 8046 3228

Southwick Social & Sports Association Rosemary Kenyon 023 9237 0426


Spare Part Players Pauline Bailey 023 9237 9520

The Rowans Hospice Eileen Jayne-Wood 07940 805 431

Vol Driver Scheme Gerry Norris 023 9221 9259

Wickham Surgery Receptionist 01329 833121

If your organisation is not listed here, or details have changed, please contact the editor or your co-ordinator with information for inclusion in future issues

The next issue of the newsletter will be distributed in December. Please send all items for inclusion by 15th November to the co-ordinators:

Southwick News to: Mrs Jean Houghton 23 West Street Southwick Tel: 023 9237 7075

Boarhunt News to: Mrs Alison Cottrell ‘Clayside’ Trampers Lane North Boarhunt PO17 6BX Tel: 01329 833 863

Advertisement enquiries to: Pauline Bailey 32 West Street Southwick PO17 6EA Tel: 023 9237 9520 Email: [email protected]

Editor Pauline Bailey


BOARHUNT WI Trampers Lane, 1st Wednesday of the Month, 2pm

Programme and Speakers 20th October Hampshire WI Autumn Council Meeting, The Anvil, Basingstoke. Speakers: Eve Pollard OBE and Jonathan Willcocks 26th October South Downe Valley group Autumn meeting. Blendworth Church Hall 2pm. Speaker: Nick Thomas, script writer. 3rd November AGM. Boarhunt WI 58th birthday 25th November Our own WI group skittles held at Nelsons Bar, Melville Road, Southsea. 7pm 1st December Christmas Party 7th December South Downe Valley group Carol Service at Catherington Church, Catherington

Reports 28th July Our annual summer outing this year was to Camden Lock, London’s most popular open air market with stores from Vintage to alternative fashion. Different cultures of food brings together a various bustling market. Some members went for a trip on the Camden Canal. A good turnout for this outing which was enjoyed by all. 4th August Our annual garden party, hosted and held at our President, June Mullen’s garden. An excellent turnout thoroughly enjoyed by all despite a torrential downpour at about 3pm. At least we had the marquees to shelter in. A Bring and Buy stall brought in money for this year’s chosen charity. A competition was held to wear an outfit from a charity shop. Carol Bender was 1st with Celia Shorthouse 2nd. A summer’s tea of sandwiches, cakes, scones – with cream and jam – was provided by the committee. A big thank you to our men helpers, John Mullen, John Sweetland and Ken Scrivens. What would we do without them!! 1st September Harvest lunch. Again a good turnout by members. Lunch was provided by the committee, accompanied by Bucks Fizz!! Everyone got together catching up on the latest news. The meeting was rounded up with one of June Mullen’s jokes. 8th September South Downe Valley group skittles, held this time at Mead End, . We are very pleased to say well done to our girls. A win with a score of 121 points, Padnell Park was second with a score of 109,

15 also 2 of our members managed to get the top scores of the evening match. This was Sandra Edney with 28 and Sylvia Ferne with 23. The semi finals will take place next March.

WI Book Club Meet last Tuesday of every month at a members house Book reports in next issue of magazine

Trampers Walking Group 21st July Walk and picnic at West Wittering – again we were lucky with the weather, although a bit of a chill wind to go swimming but some of us paddled. 18th August A walk at Bishops Waltham through the village and out to the north. A meandering walk through beautiful countryside. Again luck with the weather, windy but sunny. Next walks 20th October This walk will have to be changed as our WI group will attend the Autumn Council meeting at Basingstoke on this day. 17th November Stanstead Grounds

Our group meets on the 1st Wednesday of every month and the walking group on the 3rd Wednesday of each month. Please do come along and join us. Visitors are always most welcome.

Contact Number: 01329 231 488


Registered Charity No. 299731



2011 Hospice Diaries and Calendars are now available from Boarhunt and Southwick Churches. These make excellent Christmas Gifts! Please see Church Verger - Edwina Johnson at Boarhunt and Liv George at Southwick.

A full list of the Trading merchandise is available at back of Church. If you wish to order any item please pass your requests to either Verger or contact telephone numbers below.

All your purchases will help the hospice and its staff to continue their valuable work for those with life-threatening illnesses, living in Portsmouth and South East Hampshire. Thank you for your support

 023 9238 2433 / 023 9237 0647 / 07940 805431

17 Oberammergau Trip

Portsdown Travel’s fund raising trips for The Rowans Hospice are always good value for money and our journey to Oberammergau was a well organised and enjoyable visit to the Austrian Tyrol. We had a week centred on the small town of Fieberbrunn, from where we toured the area including some of the beautiful Austrian lakes and country, visiting Salzburg and Innsbruck, with the final night in Oberammergau. The Passion Play dates back to a vow made to God by the villagers in 1633, that in return for being saved from the plague, every ten years they would perform a play to remember the death and resurrection of Christ. Each decade, the village takes a fresh look at the passion story. This time, it tells of how Jesus the Jew addressed a world dominated by Rome, troubled by social contrasts which were caused by oppression and exploitation. People longed for freedom from foreign rule, oppressive taxation and slavery; they yearned for a messiah who would bring them peace and justice. Jesus announced a new view of human nature; God loves everyone alike; the love for our neighbour is the measure of God’s love. But this itinerant preacher was rocking the boat of the establishment. Rome wanted it stopped and Governor Pilot demanded that the Sanhedrin had to sort it out. The play gives a powerful message of the gospel. It does not hold back on the gruesome story of the crucifixion but ends with hope in the resurrection of Christ. The power of the music the drama of Jesus’ story, with tableaux linking him to the Old Testament, gives a powerful message of hope. It rejuvenates ones pilgrimage of faith and is highly recommended. The organisers expect half a million visitors this year. It is a serious challenge for the village of Oberammergau, population 5000, half of whom are involved in the production, with the remainder providing accommodation and services for the 5000 visitors who stay for a day and a night for each performance. For future Portsdown Travel tours in support of The Rowans Hospice, please send stamped addressed envelope to: Orchard Cottage, 34 West Street, Southwick, Hampshire, PO17 6EA Tel: 023 9238 2433 /01329 232915 or email [email protected]. David & Sue Roger-Jones