Trail Highlights General Information Location Map

Trail Ethics Exit 8 Exit 10 Please don’t cut across switchbacks or pioneer new trails. Forest I - 90 Crow Peak Service Office Extreme Weather Four Way Trail Clear sunny days can quickly turn into Stop Sign Exit 12 St. afternoon thunderstorms. Start trips Utah

early in the day and carry raingear. 214 Spearfish Trail Number 64 Stop Stream and Spring Water Light Do not drink it! Each trail user should carry at least one quart of water. Difficult

Fire Safety In accordance with the Fire Protection District regulations and state law, open fires are Crow Peak prohibited throughout the forest. Trail Motors and Machines North This trail is not maintained for the use of motorized vehicle traffic. M O Northern Hills Ranger District TRAIL COURTESY R 2014 North Main Street O E Crow Peak is a key landmark in the N S Spearfish, SD 57783 D P N U YIELD Northern Black Hills. The name “Crow A I (605) 642-4622 B TO L L N Peak” is an English translation of the I E C T F Sioux name for the peak, “Paha A A Supervisor’s Office N IV Expect and O Karitukateyapi,” which means “the hill D R 1019 North 5th Street P respect R where the Crows were killed.” The Custer, SD 57730 name stems from a battle between other users. M K H (605) 673-9200 AC ILL Sioux and Crow Indians in which the A BL S Sioux were victorious. Enjoy the National Forest, but please T TREAD LIGHTLY and DON’T LITTER. I O NATIONAL FOREST N

The Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in its programs on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, and marital or family status. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) Persons with disabilities who require alternative means for communication of program information (Braille, large print, audiotape, etc.) Should contact USDA’s TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TDD). BlackBlack HillsHills To file a complaint of program discrimination, write USDA Director, Office of Civil Rights, Room 326-W, Whitten Building, 14th and Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20250-9410, or call (202) 720-5964 (voice and TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. 0 0 4 6 400 4 0 Crow Peak 500



8 Trail 4 4800 0

4 L 6 0 M 00 0 4

Difficult o 0 t

0 o 2 n

4 k Elevation: 4,200 to 5,760 feet . o u F 200 S 5 t

Moderate p r

0 0

80 0 e Length: 3.2 mile trail to Crow Peak Summit 4 2


a 4

0 r

0 f 0.5 mile spur trail to Beaver Ridge 50 m i s

44 h 00

4800 00 214 C Difficulty: Difficult 5 52 4 0


0 0 B B

0 4 6 4 u o 0 e

4 0 a Location: From Spearfish take FSR 214 for t t r w

Crow Peak e 5 6 approximately 7 miles southwest of Spearfish to 0


0 P the trailhead. 0 0 0 42 6

4 T T e 5 20 H H 0 a C Crow Peak is a dominant landmark because M k

0 r t

0 o

of its geological makeup. Billions of years 0 n 5 0

0 o

4 . 4 s 0 k ago, this area was covered by an ocean. 0

8 u 4 0 Layers of sediment were deposited on the 0 P

4 P 4 m e ocean floor, eventually hardening to form r o e a l

v o k

a e m limestone and other sedimentary rock layers. e g B id 0 0 R

8 i S 4 M t

Underground molten rock called magma p t


0 n

0 l pushed the sedimentary layers upward 6 a 4 . h o 0 c r 0 l f h forming hills. During the uplifting, crevasses 48 u 4600 i c s o G l h within the limestone hills filled with magma. s u k

n G i

g s

These flows of magma, called intrusions, ig i g 0 H n 0 g cooled to form igneous rock. 6 i 4 r 0

5000 0 g

8 G C 0 4 P 80 L

4 e r i e a o The limestone and other sedimentary rock t t k w l a erodes at a faster rate than the harder e igneous rock. As the oceans receded, the s t T P e overlying sedimentary rock eroded, exposing 5 e

0 r 0 0 a 0 0 r

8 k the igneous intrusions. Crow Peak and other 4 y 5 0 peaks you can see from the Crow Peak 0 D

0 M

summit, such as , Spearfish Mtn., e t e n and Terry Peak, were formed in this manner. r . Erosion of this igneous rock and the C 228 T T R i sedimentary rock surrounding these peaks Trail County Road o H H Trailhead t a MAP c d continues to shape the landscape of the k 439 N e Northern Black Hills. Creek Forest Service Road Scale - 2”=1 mile l LEGEND