March 20, 1982 FORIUNE MAGAZME ^APRODUCT OFIHEYEAR- MH/i MUSK TELEVISION Of the countless products and services introduced in 1981, FORTUNE masazine chose just 10 that deserved special attention. And one of them was MTV: Music Television. MTV was sinsled out for providing a unique and innovative contribution to the American marketplace. But more than FORTUNE has smiled on us. Now MTV is a full member of the music community All around the industry the impact has been dramatic— on record retailers, radio programming, concert promotion. According to FORTUNE, video music on cable is big news. We’re working to make it big business— for us, and for all our friends in music. MUSIC TELEVISION Warner Amex Satellite Enterta inmen! Company © 1982 WASEC VOLUME XLIII — NUMBER 43 — March 20, 1982 THE INTERNATIONAL MUSIC RECORD WEEKLY dSH BOX GEORGE ALBERT President and Publisher NICK ALBARANO Vice President EDITORML Sneak Preview ALAN SUTTON In this time of economic hardship, perhaps a scious effort to add new product and accessory Vice PrestdenI and Editor In Chief lesson can be drawn from the independent retailers lines. While the emphasis is still on pre-recorded J.B. CARMICLE Vice President and General Manager. East Coast —the mom-and-pop stores that represent what may music, there is also a strong commitment to ex- JIM SHARP be the industry’s closest contact with the mass of perimenting with other leisure-related products. Vice President. Nashville As gets tighter and tighter and Without the major resources of corporate or chain RICHARD IMAMURA consumers. money Managing Editor sales refuse to improve, many of the mom-and- headquarters to provide a cushion, the mom-and- MARK ALBERT pops have had to adjust their outlook on the industry pops have had to make do with imagination, in- Marketing Director to stay afloat.
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