Selenium Central on the Crown of the Continent Teck Resources has stepped up to the selenium plate in a robust way committing over one billion dollars to the mitigation of impacts from this potentially toxic metal in British Columbia's watershed. Meanwhile in , the Alberta Energy Regulator continues to deny not only historic impacts, but has frankly refused to investigate new release events. One investigation the regulator did attend to as a result of my personal efforts prior to the creation of the, Crowsnest Journal was the release of coal and other substances from the east flank of Grassy Mountain in 2015. I discussed the obvious disparity between the AER's report and my investigation with Riversdale Resources/Benga Mining in late 2017; later that week, the firm's lead environmental contact left the firm. RR/BM has refused further comment on the matter citing privacy concerns. The Fernie Free Press reports on the new commitments by Teck, "Teck’s water treatment facility on track for 2020 completion":…/tecks-water-treatment-facili…/ Previous reports from the CNJ on the pictured release events are found here, "Ineffective Oversight from the Alberta Energy Regulator": "Selenium, What's the Big Deal?" a collection of articles posted to the CNJ provides background and understanding on the issue: The headwaters of the are the water tower for and points beyond. The protection of this resource is simply paramount. Both bull trout (expatriated from the upper Crowsnest River in the 1950's) and westslope cutthroat trout are listed as, "Threatened" in the drainage as a result of ongoing resource extraction and recreational impacts; powerful federal legislation now protects both species and demands recovery actions. Given the cost of yet unproven mitigation measures on the B.C. side of the divide, one must question the wisdom and cost-benefit analysis of the firms currently proposing the redevelopment of a met-coal industry on the Alberta side of the Continental Divide. One must also question the ethic and competency of the AER to provide effective oversight provincially if water is to take its rightful place at the top of the priority list. -KT -Teck Resources: https: // -Riversdale Resources: -Atrum Coal: -Montem Resources:

2015 Release Event Gold Creek Point of Entry

2017 Blairmore Creek Release Event at Confluence with Crowsnest River

2018 McGillivray Creek Release Event at McGillivray Creek Crowsnest River Confluence