THE SAN FRANCISCO CALE, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1913. 8 IT'S HIGH COST OF WIFE SUCCUMBS; Is DYING SPRING VALLEY Indoor Picnic Planned MUSICAL COMEDY EDUCATION NOW WAR TIME HUSBAND Soon Will Be a Church Affair Stanford Leads in New Idea by Woman Stricken Afieit Doubling in PLEASES CROWD Male Is Sent to Oak- IS ACCUSED OF Young women who will assist at big indoor picnic tonight. JOY TO REGULARS Tuition Law Department land Hospital jj Catchy Songs and Merry Scenery in "Andre Chenier" BERKELEY, Feb. 3.~Whlle Mr* Offering at UNIVERSITY, Appreciated Equally With SHARP PRACTICE Dialogue STANFORD Feb. 3.? dead at her home, Fannie Brown lies With the beginning of next semester the Singing Derby street, awaiting burial to- Alcazar the tuition for Stanford law students 2820 morrow, her husband, Charles Alexan- Report on City Purchase will be doubled. This was action taken der Brown, a promoter, is sick at Fab- by the university of at Published in Papers Dif- Sings in board trustees F. Stars in Lam- iola hospital. Oakland, and not ex- Chorus Dances and its last meeting upon recommen- Nicoletti the pected to live. Mrs. Brown was strick- fers From Copies Fur- dation of the faculty of the law de- Company's Pro- Fashion Sprightly and bardi en a few days after her husband was partment. nished Supervisors Pleasing duction sent to the hospital, dying last even- The new ruling will call for a tuition ing. The couple have lived here fqr fee of $4 a unit for law courses, with 10 years, coming from New York. ANTHONY a maximum charge of $50 each semes- "Andre Chenie,r-" one of the two ? , TRANSIT TO FAIR WALTER next f>f the Oakland Skat ter. great by Giordano, Thf! tournament Evelyn Vaugtian glad last week. registered Umberto verein will tat* placp Runda.r afternoon at 2 was Students now in the uni- club, 4JI TO BE CONSIDERED The of versity which is founded on incidents in the o'clock at tlio headquarters of tbc She is "gladder" this. mists who matriculated prior to May, Twelfth street. 1910, life of poet during: "The Dawn of a Tomorrow" rose on j will be exempt from the increase the distinguished the Alca- in the fees. tbe French, revolution, was p:v?sented "The Talk of New York." and at the Valencia last night by Extension of Geary Road if theater zar company went on a lark. What KING MENELIK DEAD; Lambardfs Pacific coast grand opera Into Market Street Is Pro- they do play "The Third Degree" next company. A fair size audience ex- i How to Make |j week?or whenever it is that they will GRANDSON NEW RULER pressed Us appreciation of the artists' Better Cough Syrup than if be unlikely indifference efforts with enthusiastic applause. vided For permitted by Agostini I to put on Klein play?they are Monarch Who«c End Man>- Time* Has in the role of Chenier B You Can Buy / the evoked of appearance in musical comedy folk this week and Been Reported I\u03bc Succeeded by memories his production a out- the came part in 1902, when the opera Supervisors Giannini and Murphy the is like vacation I.ldj presented A Family Supply* Sarins f3 and U ing for them. "Whatever you may be Prince Jeansu was in this country for the ID exception yesterday during extraordinary m Fully n took the led to believe by the make believe LONDON, Feb. Z.?King Menelik of first time. The close at- meeting of the board of supervisors to talent regular mttsical comedy com- tention to detail in the utage settings, of Abyssinia is dead, according to* a dis- however, won report panies, they are really. at work. It as much praise from cer- < ortain statements in the of the patch here quarters Ecrjm you tney are eating received from Addis-Abeba tain in the audience as the A full pint of cough syrup?-as much Spring Valley purchase negotiations mjty \o that in cafes, visiting the r