Contact: Simon Palmer Tel:

Date: 07/10/2011

DH - DD(2011)810

Item reference: 1128th DH meeting (November-December 2011)

Communication from the applicant in the case of Tänase (Moldovan group) against (.Application No. 62954/00) and reply of the government.

Information made available under Rules 9.2 and 9.3 of the Rules of the Committee of Ministers for the supervision of the execution of judgments and of the terms of friendly settlements.

Référence du point : 1128e réunion DH (novembre-décembre 2011)

Communication du requérant dans l'affaire Tänase (groupe Moldovan) contre Roumanie (Requête n° 62954/00) et réponse du gouvernement.

Informations mises à disposition en vertu des Règles 9.2 et 9.3 des Règles du Comité des Ministres pour la surveillance de l’exécution des arrêts et des termes des règlements amiables (anglais uniquement).

In the application of Article 21 b of the rules of procedure of the Committee of Ministers, it is understood that distribution of documents at the request of a Representative shall be under the sole responsibility of the said Representative, without prejudice to the legal or political position of the Committee of Ministers (CM/Del/Dec(2001 )772/1.4). / Dans le cadre de (application de l'article 21 b du Règlement intérieur du Comité des Ministres, il est entendu que la distribution de documents à la demande d'un représentant se fait sous la seule responsabilité dudit représentant, sans préjuger de la position juridique ou politique du Comité des Ministres CM/Del/Dec(2001 )772/1.4). d g - h l

• 5 SEP. 2011


Mrs G. Mayer Head o f the Department for the Execution o f Judgments o f the European Court o f Human Rights Council o f Europe STRASBOURG


ECHR-LEO.OR 2 September 2011 BB/sb

Application no. 62954/00 Tänase and O thers v. Rom ania

Dear Madam.

Please find enclosed a letter from the applicants concerning the execution of the judgement o f the Court in the above-mentioned case.

Yours faithfully, For the Registrar

Bianca Boji-Tahvanainen Legal Secretary

ADRESSE I ADDRESS T I + 3 3 (0)3 8 8 41 2 0 18 C O U N C IL O F EUROPE I CONSEIL DE L'EUROPE F I + 3 3 (0)3 8 8 41 2 7 3 0 67075 STRASBOURG Cedex, Fronce www.echr.coe.inl To: European Court of Human Rights-Strasbourg, France Cc: Mr. Santiago Quesada, Section Registrar

From: Emilian Niculae 45 GRENOBLE. Apt. 308, M3C- 1C4, Toronto, Ontario, Canada Tel: 00 1 416-668-7891 E-mail: [email protected] August 20. 2011


Dear Mr. President

My name is Emilian Niculae, Romanian citizen, and Rroma by nationality, victim and legal representative in the case „Tanase and others vs Romania", file nr. 62954/00, with Judgement given by EHRC on May 26, 2009.

Legal representative for:

1. Tanase Elena and Tanase Trandafira-heirs o f Tanase Vasile 2.loana Constantin heir o f Lucian Nicolae 3. Mariana Catalan and Mariana Tanase- heirs of-Catalan Stefan 4. Nicolae Alexandru 5. Florea Claudia 6. Dumitru Jupiter and Niculae lonut -heirs of Mitea larca, 7. Gheorghe Staicu 8. Emilian Niculae 9. Dumitru Argintaru , heir of Dumitru Botonica By this letter WE would like SUBMIT OUR NEW COMPLAIN AGAINST ROMANIA. and to inform you about the ABUSE OF non-implication of ROMANIAN AUTFIORITIES in implementing the decision of the ECHR, on helping the ROMA VICTIMS OF Bolintin Deal, and according to EFIRC Judgement fro m M ay 26, 2009, file 62954/00.

Short reminder of the events:

On April 7, 1991, entire Rroma traditional community, from Bolintin Deal, Romania, was violently abused, all Roma people were expelled from the locality, from that day, to date, no one has come back to live in Bolintin Deal, there were burned down 26 Roma houses, and all this because of a murder committed by a Roma person, which killed a young Romanian man, event which determine the local people and local authorities, to punish violently and burning a entire Rroma traditional community.

The entire Roma traditional community become victims of a Romanian pogrom „ only for" the guilt that „we were" Rroma people. A „entire community" of Rroma ethnicity, and only because we were ethnically Rroma", same like the criminal, which was arrested few hours later after „his murder", was persecuted by people and Romanian authorities.

I would like to mention that not other people from our community (than the murderer) participated in that tragic incident. But only for being Rroma, hundreds of people suffer till date, only because high level of the Romanian racisms, against Rroma people, phenomenon of racism against Roma minority, and which is tolerated in Romania by Romanian authorities.

For a better observation of the case, please see the file nr. 62954/00, which was at the European Court, from September 1989 till 2009.

By this new letter, I, Emilian Niculae, representative for the victims; I bring to your attention the fact that „again" in a very flagrant way „our rights" are violated and not recognised by Romanian authorities, rights which were recognized by European Court on May 26, 2009, by the Judgement made in our case.

As result o f the new abuse of the Romanian Government, against the Rroma victims of Bolintin Deal, WHICH IS IGNORING US AND ALSO THE DECISION OF THE EUROPEAN COURT, Decision made on this case, on may 26, 2009: WE ARE INFORMING YOU, THAT:

Romanian Government is violating again in a flagrant and abusive way, without any respect for the victims of the case, and for the international institution who made the Judgement on the case, for the fundamental charter of Human Rights, and also for Council of Europe and European Court of Human Rights, which give the decision on the case on May 26, 2009.

Romanian Government was violating our rights, before to be brought the case to the European Court, starting with 1991 till 1998, when the Romanian justice refuse to give to our community a proper and legal justice. But also is violating our rights as Romanian citizens, even after the European Court made clear in the JUDGEMENT from May 26, 2009, that „we been victims of the Romanian justice system",that our constitutional and social rights, which were violated; our rights to private life, our rights to propriety, our rights to personal and community safety, etc .....

Romania as state, is continuing and continuing, to ignore the fact that the Roma victims and not only the victims, but all Romanian Roma, are citizens (according to the Romanian Constitution), with full rights, and not second hand citizen, as Romanian authorities is treating us.

Special in our case, Romanian authorities, is ignoring the fact that WE NEED RE­ INTEGRATION AND SOCIAL RE-INSERCTION, LEGAL ADMINISTRATIVE AND SOCIAL INVOLVMENT, LEGAL ADVIZE ON FORMING A NEW COMMUNITY, according to our traditional values.

The lack and interest of a strongly implication of the Romanian Government, in the reconstruction of our houses, in the reconstruction or rebuilding our traditional Roma community, which was destroyed with the help of Romanian police and military troops, which did nothing to stop the mob to burn our proprieties and to stop our expulsion from the village of Bolintin Deal-on April 1991.

I strongly believe that was a controlled genocide against my people (taking into consideration all the violent event against Roma communities from all over the country), a genocide of modern times. I

On that violentevents against our community, also our human dignity was badly affected- by the long time we been waiting the justice on our case- and now by the Judgement of EHRC from May 26, 2009, which is not assumed by Romania as Romania assumed and promise.

We been waiting, after the Judgement of the European Court-for public apology from the Romanian Government, we been expecting recognition of our non­ implication in the murder from 1991.

Did not happened, and this it shows clear, that even Romania assumed to respect the condition or EHRC, Romania is not interested to respect and solve the obligation that Romania assumed in the front of European Court.

For the facts that:

Romania is not respecting the obligation assumed in front of the European Court of Human Rights, strictly in our case, case which was Judged by EHCR, on May 26, 2009: I, Emilian Niculae and Tanase Elena-heir of Tanase Vasile, loana Constantin- heir of Lucian Nicolae, Mariana Catalan heir of-Catalan Stefan, Nicolae Alexandru, Florea Claudia, Dumitru Jupiter -heir o f Mitea larca, Gheorghe Staicu:

We strongly request damages from Romanian Government. The damages we ask from Romanian Government and the Institution as; Ministry of Exterior, ministry of Minorities, National Agency of Roma, institutions which did not involve on the case for/to „solving and building the programs" which Romania assumed in front of European Court, by the Judgement of the Court from May 26. 2009. By this letter, WE the victims mentioned above on this complain, we ask, the European Human Rights Court-Strasbourg: to re-open case the file/case nr. 62954/ 00, as a result of no-implication of the Romanian Government, as a result of no-respecting their obligation assumed in the Judgement, as a result of no­ realization of any of the obligation that Romania assumed in the Unilateral Declaration, by which Romania force the Court, and force us to accept the Unilateral Declaration and the settlement on the case, case which was on the European Court, more than 10 years.

I am mentioning that: I wasn't contacted, till this date, me or my family, or the victims from this letter and which I am representing on this complain, we wasn't contacted or informed about a possible prog ram/project, in the matter of integration, in the matter of building or re-building houses for our families, we have not been contacted, by Romanian agent or representative of the Government, to be requested to be integrated in any of the programs, that Romania promise and assumed to realize according to the Unilateral Declaration and Judgement of the European Court.

I have no knowledge about any program or project, I have not been informed about a possible „start up" of a program/project regarding Bolitin Deal, for Roma victims.

I am mentioning that:

I have been informing the Court, through my lawyers, before to be made the Judgement, that our community is not anymore living in the village of Bolintin Deal; and the court didn't take into consideration our information.

I have informing the Court, about the precarious condition we lived for more than 18 years, ands also about the fact that in Romania is not possible to build a house with 20-30 000 Euro's, as we received ( in 2009) after the Court make the Judgement.

But, we „the victims" have been hoping that the Romanian authorities will take measures to help us, and giving us land, rebuild new houses, for us and our families, for the houses we lost in the violent events of 1991; We have been hoping that finally will be recognised our un-guilt by re-building a new Roma community for us, because we were hoping that our life will re-start after 20 years of deprivation of normal life.

Unfortunately we did not receive any chance to rebuild our community, we did not receive a reintegration program, education program, no social integration plan (please see the obligation that Romania assumed)

And even the amount of the money, resulted after EHRC Judgement, it was insignificant, but for which „we been obliged to accept it”, according to the Judgement, the Roma victims couldn't build new houses. But the Roma victims, from this case, were expecting that the Romanian Government will provide help and also, land to build new houses,we been hoping for this, because in Romania „now " it is difficult to bay land for being so expensive ( and special at the time was made the judgement).

Once with the conditions and obligations that Romania assumed, we the victims, we hoped that our life, the life of our families and special the life of our kids, will be changed, we hoped that our life will return to normal, we hoped that we will get back our lost and affected dignity and pride. We hoped that Romanian Government will recognize our sufferings, and will do more for us, to make us to forget the long period of sufferings.

We really been hoping that: -we will get the chance to have access to our parents graves, to take care of our families funeral places which are in Bolintin Deal, and which are demages for not being allowed to cry to our parents grave. -the authorities will help the „victims" that have not "still" no identity cards, or to make the changes of the new domicile in their ID-s, to have a chance to change it, for/to can send their children to school, and to have access to health insurance and social assistance. Unfortunately Romania did nothing to respect the people that suffer more than 18 years, the victims of the Romanian Racism, the people which almost lose their case in European Court, because the violent event from 1991, happened before Romania sign the membership with CoE and European Court-1994. I am asking rhetorically myself, how is possible that the "so many" cases from communist time 25 years before our event, when communist authorities confiscated houses from owners, had the chance to receive „admissibility" from the European Court, but our case it was ..only 'partial admitted by the Court, and the explanation - because the events happened prior 4 years earlier Romania sign the Convention of Human Rights.

For this reason the Roma, victims of Romanian racism, they receive not enough money, but even less than they expect to rebuild their poor families' life; but also, by the decision made by the Court, and now by the lack of interest of Romanian Government, our human dignity was less measured even by the European Court.

I mention once more: that even though I was a victim and a legal representative in the case, with the decision o f EHRC nr. 62945/00, given by European Court with unilateral decision, and even Romanian Government assumed to respect the decision and the conditions of EHRC, according to my knowledge, I was not contacted, me, or my lawyers, by any Romanian Government authority, or any other representative, with the intention to propose me or us, a help, a project a program, or something which is in regard with our case, something in connection with the obligation that Romania assumed in the Judgement from May 26, 2009, in our case.

Exhibit 1: this are the obligations that Romania assumed to respect and develop.

(highlighted, are my comments)

3. The Government undertake to issue appropriate instructions and to adopt all necessary measures to ensure that the individual rights guaranteed by Articles 3, 6, 8, 13, and 14 of the Convention and Article 1 of Protocol No. 1 to the Convention are respected in the future. The Government undertake to adopt the following general measures: -enhancing the educational programs for preventing and fighting discrimination against Roma within the school curricula in Bolintin Deal, County; -why the programs o f the government w ill be on Bolintin Deal?...there are no more the Roma victims living - drawing up programs for public information and for removing the stereotypes, prejudices and practices towards the Roma community in the Giurgiu public institutions competent for the Bolintin Deal community; -this programs in regard with the victims o f Bolintin Deal case, are without sens, because no one of the victims are NOT living in Bolintin and not even in - initiating programmes o f legal education together with the members o f the Roma communities; - supporting positive changes in the public opinion o f the Bolintin Deal community concerning Roma, on the basis o f tolerance and the principle o f social solidarity; -Romanian authorities didn’t try to contact and/or to involve any o f the victims, in the programs, if there is any .... - stimulating Roma participation in the economic, social, educational, cultural and political life of the local community in Giurgiu County, by promoting mutual assistance and community development projects; - Romanian authorities did nothing from all they promise, not economical, not social, not educational stimulation, in our broken community.... -implementing programs to rehabilitate housing and the environment in the community; -not any program for rehabilitation of housing and environment had started by the Romanian authorities in our community ...... - identifying, preventing and actively solving conflicts likely to generate family, community or inter-ethnic violence. -still in Romania is violence and discrimination against Rroma people Furthermore, the Government undertake to prevent similar problems arising in the future by carrying out adequate and effective investigations and by adopting social, economic, educational and political policies in the future to improve the conditions of the Roma community, in accordance with the existing strategy of the Government in this respect. In particular, they shall undertake general measures as required by the specific needs of the Bolintin Deal community in order to facilitate the general settlement o f the case, also taking into account the steps which have already been taken with this aim. Our Mention 1: Romania did nothing from what was promising to do, did not create any form of integration of persons or community, did not allocate any funds for 2010, with direct intention to start the programs that Romania assumed in front of European Court, fo r our case.

Our Mention 2:

It is not first case and situation, when Romanian Government, is not respecting the obligations assumed to respect in from of International Courts, Romania did not respect also the obligations in other cases similar to ours: see the case of „Moldovan and others vs Romania"; see the case „Kalanyos and other vs Romania"; see the case „ Gergely vs Romania, etc in all this cases, even though Romania promise or assumed to rehabilitate, to develop, to rebuild, to develop educational programs, to rebuild houses, or to promote at national level program anti-discrimination, Romania didn't finish fo r real the obligations assumed.

According to my knowledge, Romania didn't start to implement in „Tanase and others vs Romania" any of the obligation assumed, did not took contact with the victims, did not inform us about a possible program of re-building or relocate or housing the victims.

If there is development or housing program, in other communities which are not connected with our case, I strongly recommend, and I hope, that the Court will not consider it, as our program.

The Government, I repeat, did not brought to my attention or other families, about a special program/program of development with regard to the Decision on the case „Tanase and others vs Romania".

We did not been informed if there is a Budget for 2011-2012, for this case, or directed special for a rehabilitation strategy of our community and families.

As a legal representative and a victim on the case, I was not informed, me or my lawyers, about any of the obligation that Romania assumed to develop.

-in this matter, I Emilian Niculae and others, which also empower me, we strongly are requesting from European Human Rights Court, to re-open the case „Tanase and others vs Romania", case nr. 62945/00; as a result of violating the Judgement Decision from May 26, 2009.

Also taking into consideration that Romania is not at first situation when is ignoring a European Court Decision (see Moldovan and other vs Romania), when is not respecting the obligation it takes/assumed in front of European Court, and also did not respect in many others decisions regarding Roma.

- because Romania did not respect the obligation assumed in our case, and did not implement the obligation assumed in front of the European Court of Human Rights.

We strongly ask the European Court; to re-open the case, as a result of the fact, that Romania trough Romanian Government, prove once more, also in our case, same as already did before in other cases, proving lack of interest, ignoring the persons affected by violence and racist events in Romanian society, even on the high level of Romanian politic, including the racist declaration of Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Cioroianu and Baconschi, and of the President of Romania, Traian Basescu, which make racist comments in official situation, about the possibility of moving Roma in the desert of Egypt, about native Roma criminal physiology, and our ethnic origin as tiffs'.

We are not expecting that Romania, will rebuild or houses, our community, so in this matter:

We ask damages from Romania, for not respecting what assumed to respect and implement.

The damages we ask, is as follow:

1, Emilian Niculae, I am asking damages in amount of 150 000 (one hundred fifty thousand) Euro's

2.Tanase Elena and Tanase Trandafira-heirs o f Tanase Vasile, is asking 100 000 (one hundred thousand) Euro's 3.loana Constantin and Stefan Doina-heirs of Lucian Nicolae,ask fo r 100 000 Euro 4.Mariano Catalan &Mariana Tanase heirs of-Catalan Stefan, ask fo r 100 000 Euro 5. Nicolae Alexandru,ask fo r 100 000 Euro G.FIorea Claudia, ask fo r 100 000 Euro 7.Dumitru Jupiter and Gheorghe Dumitru-heirs of Mitea larca,ask fo r 100 000 Euro, fo r each 8.Gheorghe Staicu, isasking 100 000 Euro 9.Dumitru Argintaru, heir of Dumitru Botonica, ask fo r 100 000 Euro

As a result of not respecting the obligation that Romania assumed and didn't implement, I, Emilian Niculae, representative for the above victims, I strongly ask you, to re-open the case for a new Judgement, at a Emergency regime.

W ith respect and consideration.

Thank you in advance

Emilian Niculae

45 GRENOBLE. Apt. 308, M3C 1C4, Toronto, Ontario, Canada Tel: 00 1 647-859-0511 E-mail: [email protected]

P.S. Please don’t hesitate to contact me, and send me confirmation (on w riting) o f receiving this claim and the registration number. MMyjflU KUUIVIAINIfc „ H ä m in is t è r e des Affaires Etrangères Agent du Gouvernement auprès de la Cour Européenne des Droits de l'Homme

M rae Geneviève Majyer Chef de Ser\ ice Service de l’Exécution des Arrêts d ; la Cour Européenne des Droits de l’Homjme

Bucarest, le 21 septembre 2p 11

LI/ 116R/AO/.#2

M adam e,

Veuillez trouver ci-jointe la réponse formulée par le Gouvernement quantla . lettre soumise par M. Emilian Niculae pour ce qui est de l’exécutionle s mesures générales dans l’affaire Tänase et autres c. Roumanie, inclue dan le groupe d’affaires Moldovan et autres c. Roumanie (n°s 1 et 2), qui nous aété transmise par votre lettre du 9 septembre 2011.

A cette occasion, le Gouvernement réaffirme son entière disponibilité de coopération avec le Service de l’Exécution.

Veuillez agréer, Madame Mayer, l’expression de ma considération distinguée

iN e a DG -HL ùVçrnemi mt

2 1 SEP. 2011

SERVICE DE L'EXECUl ION DES ARRÊTA DE I / _ ^DH Vu la lettre soumise par M. Emilian Niculae concernant des aspects liés ^ l'exécution des mesures générales dans l’affaire Tänase et a utre s c. Roum ar ie, inclue dans le groupe d’affairesMoldovan et autres c. Roumanie (nos 1 et 2), le Gouvernement aimerait formuler certaines clarifications et précisions.

Tout d’abord, il est à noter que M. Niculae, en son nom et en qualité de représentant des 9 personnes, requérants ou successeurs des requérants da ns l’affaire Tänase et autres c. Roumanie, a soumis une nouvelle demande adressée à l’instance européenne, transmise par la Cour au Service le l’Exécution des Arrêts de la Cour. Il est à constater que M. Niculae a invoqaé les mêmes aspects qui avaient été déjà analysés et tranchés par la Cour dans sa décision rendue le 26 mai 2009. 1

De plus, celui-ci se réfère à plusieurs reprises dans sa lettre aux événemerts déroulés en 1991 et à leurs conséquences sur la communauté des RonS, alléguant que le Gouvernement roumain méconnaisse de nouveau les drots des 24 Roms, victimes desdits incidents.

En réponse, le Gouvernement aimerait réitérer qu’à la suite du conflit de 19?1, les familles de Roms de la commune de Bolintin Deal affectées par les événements ont quitté de manière définitive la localité.De plus,tous las Roms préjudiciés ont aliéné leurs immeubles et ont déménagé da is d’autres localités ou pays.

Par conséquent, dans la période de temps écoulée entre les événements le 1991 et jusqu’à présent, aucune famille de Roms de celles affectées p*r lesdits événements n’est revenue dans la localité et n’a manifesté l’intention d’acheter des terrains y situés.Il est à souligner queles R o i ts ont agi de leur propre gré, aucune pression ou interdiction d’aucune nature n'étant exercée sur eux.

A 1 appui de ces constats, le Gouvernement rappelle les conclusions de la Coür dans sa decision rendue le 26 mai 2009, conformément auxquelles: uIn so J i r as the applicants complain about an alleged unwillingness of the authorities to secure their property rights and their return to the village the Court points c ut th a t nothing in the case file indicates that the authorities would hinder the applicants’ return to their village. The Court also notes that some \>f the applicants have in fact already sold their lands.

Lastly, in the absence of any evidence of threats and intimidation tJof te applicants by the Government, it can but acknowledge the efforts of te tl authorities to settle the situation at the national level and takes this as an indication that the Agency for the Roma is taking an active part n the projects aimed at the Roma communities, in accordance with its m a n d ate. ” (paragraphes 27 et 28 de la décision)

D’ailleurs, le Gouvernement a présenté et a insisté sur ces aspects d’ui e manière détaillée dans le bilan/plan d’action soumis le 15 juin 2011, ain&i que dans le bilan/plan d’action révisé transmis le 9 septembre 2011. e e e Sur ce point, il est a noter que.l’évaluation de l’expert local pour les Ron :S, elle aussi une personne d’ethnie Rom, a été effectuée sur le lieu in septembre 20X1, contenant un miroir exact et actualisé de la situation le la communauté des Roms de Bolintin Deal.

Or, M. Niculae habite à Canada et n’est jamais revenu à Bolintin Ddal après les événements du 1991. D’ailleurs, aucune des personnes dans le nom desquelles la lettre a été signée n’a jamais retourné dans cette lo calité.

En outre, conformément aux informations transmises par les autorités, a present, la population d’origine Rom de la commune est pleineme i t intégrée dans la vie socio-économique de celle-ci.

D'ailleurs, aucun aspect infractionnel de nature ethnique n’a été enregistré après les événements de 1991 et jusqu’à présent.

La communauté Rom habite dans le centre du village de Bolintin De; 1, très proche de toutes les institutions locales fondamentalesl’hôpital, : Ile dispensaire médical, la mairie, l'école générale, la police, la poste, le maref les magasins centraux.

Entre les représentants des autorités publiques locales et départementales,y compris l’expert local pour les problèmes des Roms et les membres d,.o;s communautés Rom et Non-Rom il existe et fonctionne une relation de partenariat, de collaboration, fondée sur confiance et respect mutu< 1 L’expert local a établi une relation permanente de communication avec la communauté Rom et avec les institutions locales. Conformément à l’évaluation réalisée par l’Expert local, les Roms habitent t n harmonie avec les autres membres de la communauté, sont des gens tranquilles, travaillants, reconnus pour leur travail, notamment dans le domaine des constructions.

En même temps, les autorités locales et départementales déploient des efforts soutenus afin d’améliorer l’intégration des Roms dans le marché de travail bt 1 accès de ceux-ci aux services d’éducation, de santé et sociaux. L’expert local pour les problèmes des Roms déroule une activité intense < it fructueuse, accomplissant pleinement son rôle d’informatio i, d’encouragement, de médiatisation, de médiation et de conseil. Au vu de ces aspects, il est constaterà que les autorités roumaines ont pr s les mesures nécessaires et adéquates à tous les niveaux afin de réalis« r l’intégration de la communauté des Roms de Bolintin Deal et que es mesures mises en œuvre répondent pleinement aux engagements pris par l'Etat roumain. A la lumière des informations et évaluations présentées parle Gouvernement dans ses deux bilans et plans d’action soumis jusq li’à présent, ainsi que vu les précisions et clarifications ci-dessus, il à es constater que les allégations comprises dans la lettre soumis parM. Niculae sont dépourvus de tout fondement, ayant un caract re manifestement mal-fondé.