(Kf- PROFESSOR VALI'EAU'd CELEBRATED until uew banks chue out the coiu|with their paper issues bclir 4 from with uidse, «> C mi UATlON a toll widow »io Lexington,w Ciowell, dsjs Boslou, WANTiU-By So iad) A I 1/ I'i'WtM U A 1 L'S.5 I vi SPECIFIC PILL for the radical cure of gouorrbea, gleet We the official returns of the banks in the muter. uudrratauda ditM making, itay making, and all ktada of AUU1 1UA OAUXjO. A SEMEN i and all now mMMPpurt Schr with mdse, to ne edle work haa no o to unpleasant discharges 'romtho urefha, ii the Rorhamheau, Oivett, 3 days from Boston, Jeetion go into the rouutry and mm A If mil «i» n rwimjm an use to N KIIH.M ATION WANT Kl)3_TL-'t the r pi ,rra of itlfn Nit-11 AHRIAOK.Lord hjr. de; M Paris,"speaks hospital 7ni842 1843 Schr Splendid, Crowell, 3 days from Boston, with mdse, J Clinton Abbot Ml,, J-ilia Tnrnbu'l Ml L* I'tcdfinM. and VI * terms : I have used these Pills for a Her. 'owcalnp New Jarary, on the eeeuing ofte.ideuce,hr I UtflDAY, W»i|>-r, in i, "(tantiemes, following f-'r' ... ,7th Hvi|,hi,|» To eonc'ud- with liHiSD , Specie. Cir. Speeie. April, two boya, aged from thirteen t' fourteen yeara.one At in the aale rooms, ierble time with' ut a instance of failure, consiand Massachusetts 9.509 102 7,11.817 Schr Benj. Bigelow, Bearse, 3 days from Boston, with mdse, ||() med 'IX o'clock, VTMk It WHITEHEAD.(iw'f ther Whitehead, Mr single 8,019,9.6 2-82 3»0 to order. ritephru Aug aiua Lyon, ia o' a light a'oall Eitrn Sale of Valuable Furniture of all desertions. This Placle; Mw,r,l after having tried every remedy known for these diseases, N.Y., (,1 ne evra, red fare, and rathsr alendar make:completionhad on when he i»f the peat fornitu'r D ivtoii, Mm Kiuloek ; Loolia, Vln« an 1 after an 1 have no Schr Fairfield, Bnrr, 3 days from with mdse, to P. mt >a'e will comprise an imm'Dtcassortment Haloid experience of twenty-five years, Salem, away klne mixed Keu'ucky jrau paotaloona and rounda rf all nod draenptiona, from uumeroui famines re Boies, M cts; hesitation in be best lor Main**. 1.685.920 1H7 fit;I I iiwmi ii'.nn JFarnham.boiut, coarae and Aletander liar qualities Pit, cu; Oallery, 12% cU. Doors open st 7; pronouncing them to the remedy New ahoea, atrawlnt. The other, moving, fcr. There ia scarcely anything tn the honae keeping performance* romarnFr at Is't 7. or at known to the medical Jersey, 1,177.663 661,777 1,131.342 410 842 Herald Marina Correspondence. ision. dark completion, auii r ther atont baill; had on when he line but will be found in thi ss'e. pait gonorrhea gleet, present Ohio.889,267 rnt <11 A I'll AM profession."Maryland, 119,9 3 1,1.6,048 381,126 Orrici or thk Khoiik Islawdk«.) away Kentucky jean panttloona. (dark initrd). da-k Wh DNE DAY, I' 11K AT.tlh, l,160,k30 I,2i9,786 1.242,397 1,917,437 April 29, IMS. kr ten roundab lit, and dark overcoat. Their in'entton, it ia At in the aale h* COURT OK The New York of Medicine and Pharmacy, Newport, »u 10X o'clock, rooma, M5,\7P*Y AN performed, College Sa'auiiah, <116.436 311, 41 2 8J .5 9 180 0 70 Arr 21th, Southerner, (jibba, Kail Km r for Charleston; In- ppoaed, ia to g i to a»a> All peraoua are lorbid Imbuing or The superior aale of all kinds of household furniture, which o NR..Arthur Mton Motion. Qa'rn Aum having obtained the for those Pills from their "vonh Carolina, 962,197 361,1 8 1,496.041 til 206 ndence. do lor Y Ni'keraon, en under the ol tke law, could Nn BImiioo After which will recipe otrer ilep, Stewart, tI>; Moiiomoy, pleryin*them, penalty Auv.penon not he arratg'd in time for Tuesday. The cirpeta, ru'e, Mi ^n'onhim inventor about six months since, have sold celebratedVirginia, 7,713,300 2,462,11. 6,393,612 2,181,341 Dcnpia for Jo; Robert Watren lor Philadel- 01 covering Iiirin Will please send them to t luries L. oil in the IW.rfom y .r Albany THURSDAY. they ouuiaiu, 4,003,I* i 2 7 87 Slil k9th. Previous to 8 a Mo- a?9 M*r LYON Pi ices of Ailinim '.t)rr«j Circle 'A e over the old treatment, the 296,231 1,216,237 4,696 m.Soudierner, Independence, OBADIAH Piano Fortes. At II e'tl<>ck. «' the wire room of Mr Third Tim Second Ml advantages they possess Aleoama, 1,338 007 1,861,.07 210,000 210 000 uomuy, Robt Morria, i 138 Tentr» between 7 27; Pit 12%; O-tHerv 12% noli. Doon n|«n are of notice, vix : Their effect is certain, Indiana, 414 Eicel, Nancy Kiuley. N KOKMA iTn W A N'l KD.or W M. MlLLEW, Iste of street, White and Walker streets,R'>ckett, before 7.curtain rise* at n\ loch % worthy following 2,960 1,127,118 1,732,118 799,047 ' Hie who lor i-rooil hand and new rosewood and mahogany piaao»aInable 7% rcciaclv to . General Krroril. left via contain ne or any medicine calculated 1IIUI7H, 1,296. *49 . Img, Scotland, tint place, Livetpoil, mercury, 196,314 aome to . p" they to follow F*«t ..The pai krt ('had- N ew Vorli, in S9 per dozen boxes. Circ. Specie. SHir Hfmt Pratt. Kairfowl, from New York, at Liver iffalip. a29 lw*ec (At thrir Store No lilt BoMidway. (inline Hall.) HIUH VMAN.9<|uire Jellyboy, Nickitsou ; IC.tty ' and 97 86 26 5'3 368 pool Ainil 3. i. porta.Ou the lOih Ut 50, ton SI, at mid- x a wo V Tadcaster Mih Taylor. By order oi the College of Medicine Pharmacy, 1811, 70,766, March, >uk8e WANTED.Wanted, reapecia'ble yount WKl)"E'DA , 3d May, at 10}^o'clock. 1842, 21944 197 night, during t heavy .-ale from SW. the mainmaat lie-d waa i * man to take care o' a child nod do One Willi Cabinet f ,j r~ I ii« UiKin will be opened at 7, end tea minora a Nassau st. N. Y. W. 8. 11IC1IAUD.SON, Agent 5.,891.416 airtick In sewing. Superh uruuutc, Cutlery auil Earthenware. commence at half-paw 1813, 39,903,777 23.646,329 lightning, who h deacend-d the mainmaat, aud tore gooil referencea inay a, ply ai ihia office. a2Bm of elegant Fr'nch nud half Kreucli tofaa; asnrhleConsistingand 7, rent eeenina. off four feet of the rumb.nga. Two teamen were aevtrely mahogany top waahsfanda; pailor rrclrera; "ASKTUCA" ittumci'tf*. OF SHERMAN'S CAMPHOR Kedactiou 1811 to 1843 30,862,409 2,897.029 atuuned by the ahoek. \ TOTII E.To those who seek health and comfort, full French three-quarterssnd (K7-THE CELEBRITY Brio Hoark Arr at Boa- L bmeil with com" mahogany chairs; splendid wardrobes aud bank The MODEL OK THK CITV OF PARIS, covering an is not to the United States. Dr. ( d.) Malher, (late Hichardaon) luiury.Price redn ed.Old Established cases; dressing bureas with and wilhnnt marble top; marble area Lozenges, confined Here ia a deeieascof $26,000,006 in the currency, mostly tou from Neweaalle. the 4th lat (5 1(1, dh Baths. 25 atreet. of K9 feet, ALL IN CARVED WOOD, indnd n* of the called h'.ng report.Ou April, Vapor Cortland! .vleC'tedtop centre tab es; oitomaua; divara; ladies' work tables-. plain I bridge and in that raat Schroghenburgh King's Hospital, Curacoa, of the west 8nd all of the of broken Ion 3 2 42, heavy waather md i|uallv, the atrap of the main Mrs. C A It KOI L, in accordance with the r mgeocies of the hair every street, tee, building city, the our and told him that from he south, nearly paper aheet his mahogany ban an) mitf superior French mahogany result ot Risleeu ycara labor, and t tccatcd with ssch upon agent there, youth block raund the a 11 e wav and atruck Capt. H. ou tirlies rednced the price of h"r baths and solicits a cnutinn kedstvds; eleiraut card, tea aud breakfast tables; rosewood tli-ii been to violent and and liquidated which consequently cannot again the he id, and knoeki (I lion under ance of the pationaite of the in and fidelity any person who h*s been in Pari* canremarkablepoint had subject protiacted headaches, banks, overboard.the veatel being Faculty particular the and soft tables; superior i>ory ;ha»d!e cast steel knivesrents*ami out the home in had resorted to double reefed topaailaii wis IiuiiJ to aave linn. lie iu general. Coldi sore of the puhi very which lie livee. and frequently powerful medicines to emit their paper currency. It is now very evident that iin|>oatitale ihroals, swelling glands, forts; bltck and while dinner alio toilet sets. MrWINCHKLL. in a dozen different character*. as Outrage on Amkhiuan Seamen at Ponce. PR..Kxtract rheuniariair, stifiuess of the ague an1 he air. are are allay them. He, from curiosity, he was pleased to say, a on joiula. ferer, These articles all made of the beet materials, and will Mr the beautiful Ballad such state of affairs cannot continue. The specie of a letter:."Ou r about the nighi of ihe 20th March, two of imimediately relieve'1. Partible baths sent to any part of the be sold to Ihp bidder Mis* HHK.MMaN, Sioger, was induced to try the aamphor lozenges, which removed the arew cit of highest positively ADELAIDE PHILLIPS, the best Dtnsenso its America, the Atlantic border must flow west. II we allow that the Agate's desert, ti frotn her, taking with them the beat y Urnoltlyu ()p-u Irnm six in the mo'niDg till n>ne Csfaloynes ready on the morning of sale. ml 3t*is r all headache nearly instantaneously- The . 1 have tnadu in to recover but o'i locli at oue f DOO, from New Fonndland. approbation inpiiiies order the boat, uight Sulphur Baths require hour's uolice nwmvimoiiuo'oJy,'a ntni r. - I io of the brad of the medical department in that island and currency of 1641 was redundant in the States above without eff. ct; the CoiHnl, I .vvever. iiiforma me lie ahall in- ak!) Str [fi'TION NOTICK.Removal aud Bale.CAR I KS A , leet Inug, and a* large M the has led to an enormous form our government of _J CO will remore their auction and sales room on body of a man its vicinity, demand for the article, still the now in the Atlantic cities is the matter, and hopea thereby to get it, -p S FIHOHEL, has removed Irom 79 Water s'reet to 31 private The Mrlodi'n Uilvatnc Gold and in all classes unbounded satisfaction. yet specie enumerated,aaalao to recover the liberty of the meu, who have been taken J* ill-1st May, to the Urge store 316 Broadway, (» thic hall, Silver Plating! Albino affording Incases Liberty street alio 3l*ec where w II have their lirat k ancv I)1 ix R| .wing and yiM.DOO curiosities. Lady. insufficient to the vorikium. and |iut ou board a Spauiah inau ef wur, ior the purpoae, I have . they large a*l« of elegant lu-niture visiters of sea sickness, or for removing the nausea arising with supply and on Day admitted vinn- evening free. Admission to no doubt, of relaiuing them, hi they were ahort of men. Their cntlerv, Wednesday, 3d May. at half past 10 o'clock Muaeum and enteitaiiimema many persons in riding, they stand unrivalled. The age It may be useful hereto compare thp position of the mines are James Allen aud Jeaae Merrill." a29 3l*tsr 2S reuta.children half price. ot miracles is sai 1 to be past. If we were led to doubt the banks of New York State, the Bank of France, and the vw. H NCAIiK'S NKW YOIIK nUIKlfl would bofrom the of cares Wlinlcmeri. By KKkNKLIN, Auctioner. matter.it nnmber wrought by Whitton of ami FURNITURE.The rnblic are respectfnlly Broadway nopotite the City Hall. Sherman's worm Parents should not in currency of England at three periods, reducing the whole Rodman, Jr. (or New Bedford, from Pacific, Mr H. lozenges. delay leal from Tahiti 109 d.tya. wiih 3000 bh nnu Player. | 106 Nassau street, N. Y; and 3 Ledger Buildings, Circ S/irite. Money d.i'e, (| rohably about laai of Jan) St Peter, Cotter, of and from 8IGNOR BLITZ, the great VI igirian and knxlisli 000 6 Ccut NB. Oct 4, for Patch«*»nu ire ren »este«l tn rill ai d Vi-ntri'oquiat. Paula, 1^3.097,111 26,1)10 per clean, well, eiamine. Mi«s OROVU".H. the mnch admired Drnarmr. Philadelphia.Bank of France, 43.781 131 39,732.964 4 Huskies, who irtn ued in the Eagle SAMUfcl. WAi'EHBUBV, Vaster beat Bauks of New " rol4i*ria 60 Bwninn corr.fr < >" IJ nrf»l. RATTLER, the Ethiopian Dancer in Amenrt. THE PARISIAN MIXTURE York, .4,159 993 1 471,694 6a7 Spoken, Taney Glass Blowing. 00^ ALTERATIVE! Jonuuiy 18(3 Sheffield, A'lr n, hence for Liverpool, April 2fi, lat Ion 02 NOTICE.Mns« IVhm, Afternoon entertainments on Saturday at J o'clock. for the safe and radical cure of the and English Banks, 1(( !l23 OilO 54 2 (,er cent 4J. AUCTION 4tr.. A. LKVY will sell. in 1 admitleo Day primary 665,100 " 50; a.ime time, a new the Liverpool, Eldiidge, Carnations,Pmka.RhcilndJendoas,m>di; the tame evenma free of charge. viaiter* foiMs of and for the bad effects Bauk of (Trance, <3 31I7,5S0 42,937,501 3 hence for thesupposed m iming nt 11 o'clock, at No. 151 Broadway, mi invoice 01 fine Performances in the Lectors syphilis, eradicating secondaryBanks of New 5 " Liveroool.hy Wellington, »t thia port. BEACON Itooin to enmmcuce at 8 ofmercury from tha system, is now the only remedy used York, 12,031,871 3,477,076 Alfred, ul N York, April 5, off Tuakar.by the Meinphia, at COURSE-TROTTING. Plants, just received Iroin England 1 hey e insist of Mois a,at thia port, every their system, suffering pains joints, States diminished. The abundance of in jo* Marsh, of Ambov. Philadelphia lor Atlakanas. Anril 25. 01ier $100, miIi.$100 ear It, h. ft two mile heal*. under the middle. variety. GRAND FAREWELL sore throat, Stc., should avail themselves of this money England 93 No.!} Sweepitaket (or all li irsrs never won .» Also, of Alantl iis which will be sold speedily has one Ill 20, Ion 73 ^U.bv the Grecian, at lhi» poit. havin} ptirie, a.i'inii*ity Seedlings. CONCERT. alterative. Sold in large boxes at $-1 eash; small been great cause of the flow of specie to this > V.lie de hence for lat h $100 each. li. ft two mile heats, in harueta. by saityi'o, in qu tsititie- to suit bu'evees, tielivt rahle from the powerful Lyon, 8'odJiril, Havre, April 26, 39, 3. larm on Firaf Violmiit 'othe of do $1 cases half a am! Ion 69 15.by the Henrietta, at this port. No. Hweeptak'-fin horse* ever haaiiiit trotted f ir money; Long I daml. G\ d»n Aeedi, lie. nil 2t*cc I'QIONOR NAGEL, King Sweden, each; containing dosen, $5, carefully may prevent any sudden demand lor its returncountry,to Si ib. each, h two in and ..f Pieanini, h»» the honor toanorn Ce 'o the sent to all of the Union. l'e»rl, (Br) 10 daya from Pieton for Ut $100 ft, inile h-ata, haruesa BINET Ft' RN1PURE.The are pupil parts that Bermuda, April 25, 35, No 4. for uevrr public rcspecTfuily citizen* ni New Vork and hit f ietida, that belore lor quarter. The steady currency of France, however, ion 68.by the Donglaaa, atllhis p rt Sweepstakes ho-ses havinif trotted for money, C« that the su seriber intents nl mformedon leaving W S. .. selling RICHARDSON, Agent. from h $ 01 each, h It, wo mile heats, tinder the radillr, suction, Eurotiehe intend* to give a New York of Medicine and 97 ie already checking the flow,and exchanges are at a Norman, Shackleford, N Yoik for Wilmington, NC. 231 5 Tne«dsy,llie 9ihol May. hit entire stock ol Cabinet Kurn ture, GRAND FAREWELL CONCERT College Pharmacy, point April, lit 37, Ion 34 32. No Swrenlakei for liorsri never having won a purse ht nig ol hit own manufacture. and is warranted o' best m street. which er Sub mile beit ATI HE APOl LO ROOM, Nassau indicates that Mexican dollars will soon be in Scotim, NOrlean* for Liverpool, April 16, lat 31 3, Ion 78.by $30, $IO*ea«h,li ft., heats, end workmanship. Persons wishing to purchase will pleaseiterials On FRIDAY the at Holmes wagon with driver, -o weigh 300 pontids. 3iu5,towagis; irl riiinine EVENING. May ith. Fellowship, Hole. . Ball for themselves, for Havre. The English currency is in a precariousdemand Nil B Sweepstakes for all horses not over fire yeirs old thia He will be axutrd by the fdlowtug artiata : . {K7- PROFESSOR VELPEAU'S CELEBRATED Foreign Porta. b JA9. B OARRKT*ON. fti...Ml»S. KDWaHI) LODER. Pills are to cure all cases of condition, and should one of thase sudden reverses to «p ring, Sub $100 each, It., two mile heats, in hainese. ml tt*ec 46 Beekinau sireet. guaranteed gonorrhoea, gleet, The nbov- slakes toc'ose on the 1st of 9 o'clock (\ MR DEMSTe'.K the famr'te Billad S tiger. or the urethra in a shorter which it is Liverpool, 4.Arr North Pole. Apalnchicola: Reso- m May, by V M any unpleasant discharge]from subject overtake it, the effect upon this marke1 April ., at K SMITH'S, 31 Park How. R. Tl M. to preaide at the Piano. at lu'oni, Mobi e; Hannibal, Savannih; Liverpool, and Bi«hiw, Osuil TO LET. IN BROOKLYN.Homes No A ml oilier artiata li time, and s ler than any remedy present known. Since would bo latal'in addition to the drain for western sircula' NOrl'ana. Sid Hannibal. United The rernlar pnrsea will he given in Mae. a30 't*ec II anil 31 whp will be further announced their introduction into this the New York and Liverpool, Stutra, Diana, Tillarv street, suitabh for genteel I unities By suggestion of in toy of Rigour Nagel'* frienda, he haa country by tion. Alabama, New Orleans; Clyde, Nalehez; T'zaide. A, new with three lots of Ina of to of Medicine and more than a thousand f Thayer, 1ARTIN St COUPA, Guitar Manufaeturers, No. 385 i-'.Til The house, ground, in Pea l at, price lickcta to :># cent#, be h«d at the Musicreduceu Pharmucy College Boston; Oceantu, Bourne, hailesion; Ma y 8t Sunn, Gr-ce, lv » Broadway, np >tairs, hare constantly on hand a large djoiuirut t'B church, eonie-of Willoughliy and Pearl streets, St'-rea, nud at 'he dour on the evening »f toe Concert. liexes have been sold, and the defies a Apalnchicola; Mersey, Oil- i College single and Sarah Hamilton, Montreal; Symmetry. an: of Oni'ars, manufactured Irom the beat materialsasrxmentof h my four rooms on thetfirst Ho-r, wuh maib'e mantles nnn To cmtn-n c at 8 ^'cl ck aJOS'r of failure to be shown. instance #1 pin, Anne, St John, NB; Dean, Moffii. VeraCitiz; (u lienor tone and perlect in every respect. sliding doors, and :o every r-specr snitsh e and conveniently nrrled, Maiy, Turner, Belize, Hon. Art a Professor Velpeau, the celebrated discoverer of this spe^ 5'h.Arr Elizabeth, NO.learn. Martin St Coupa, having made several improvements in the sed for venterl la «e cr am,11 family. arra' EFir CONCERT--M'. John A. Kvle respectfully cific, after an experience of twenty years in the On the 7th March, 1843, by the Hcv. Dr. Varela, at the Marion, Charlea-on; Orbit, and Brit.nnia, Mobile; m.lnuDcturing branch are enabled to offer their lastruineut* .The dwrliinp pails of two rf the houies in Linden Row. BEinfirms hia friend* aid the public ttiat he W'll glVe ham hospitals Themia, Ebro, Kathleen, Florence, and Auritt > of Paris, asserts that these are the that Transfiguration Church ii this city, Gabiukl H. Le Henry Bliss, Hargrave. |o'wer th many otherestahlishineni in the city. harnlsnuiely finished wiih marble mant es, folding do irs, Sac Concert a the A p In Hootna, on Monday evening. pills only remedy NOrle»ns; A'exander, Leeda, Savann ih; lime, Kelly, St John, belore their will it to their ol three rooms at May the 1811. 1 h* ei has been known never to fail in a cure. Sold in Qras, from Amsterdam, Holland, to Sarah Ann Whisht, NB. Put Miracle, for Strangers making purchases find Apartments $52 per year. 8th, following A'tis haye kindly effecting from bach, Elliot, Quebec, having been on advantage to call and examine their assortment which is the BToRe.S.No. I Linden how,junction of Fulton and Wil their aesista"ce,v z..Mra. Kdwatd l.othr, M a. vo'utiterredHorn, boxes of one hundred at $1, at the Maryland. 3* shore; Oce.inua, for Charleston, anil Alabima, for NcwOrlcana Ui in l sts, now as a a Mia* pills F.nt for Idg, Kuaiia, and gent the United States. ag'.iby ccenp ed Bakery, having fine atent M»ry Taylor, (front the Olympic Theatre, by Principal office and consulting rooms of the College Orleans. Gilliat, Shakt|>eare, Henderson, New N. B..The Guitars are warranted to stand any change of oven; or would be a good stand for a fanev store of any kind. of W. Mitchell. E>t|.) Mr*. W.-ilenhopev, t ni il ofpermissionMr H. 97 Nassau New York. cli mate. No 2. A stand fur a Oiods Tiinm, Mtsara Alp ri, S , street, tiled. 6lh.Arr Aoulachicola; T good Dry Store, which is much T'-nm, Kotsnwaki, King. W. 8. RICHARDSON. Agent. Conrtenay, Tbot Cone, Miercken, Hold wholesale and retail at 385 Broadway, (up stairs.) No W'ire l ill the urn bhhrhood. Marka, Kntier. Maaautr and Kyle. Part cot* a in fu'ure On of Mrs. and Hiberuia, Buiuiint, Charleston; Thetis, do; Preiident, l.e co with the store below. N. 4. heer o- as w ementa. at Sunday morning, April 30th, consumption, liance, end Letitia nnecrion mosie Has upird a bard Me store. A good Ticket* Fifty Cenra.ro be htd the prnicpaladvert! Jaiik Eliza, wife of David Sherwood, in the 37th year of Asia, Hever, Mobile; Rosalama, Buckley, Mr. J. B. Coupa continues to give lessons on the Guitar as ihoemek. r W til' do well a> this stand. attentivetpu'ic a'orea. and at Mr Kyle'* residence. el k'orayih atr-e-t. Savannah. Shi Charlotte, Quebec. ui ual. a2 lm*r Th- above hoi es and stores will it*, v *» ku * xvara nil. nil her be let to good tenants at UIHALL for the Sea on.The aoh age. 7h.Km for Idg, Maria. Quebec; Oatend, Britliretown, do; very low rents. ply to VA GARDEN.Open The friends and' acquaintances, and those of her Howard, Mi'ls, Ssraunah. Cld Roahesler, N.-w A| acribcr hega to inf r jt the public that thia avorite pi ice of Sunday, April 30.0 P M. Woodhouse, WATCHES, DIAMONDS, &e. SAMUEL WILLOUOHBY. resort will open lor ill- aeaaorr on Sunday evrui-g. Aunl 30'h. Theodore, Joseph, Edward and Jsims Mount, brothersare York; Pamclia, Canad i Gertrude, aud Adelaide, Quebec. Sid ri ml 2t*m Fa'ton st earner J st The news from later, no material tmattend her funeral Empire, Swssev, Charleston. j'HK Subscriber having retired from the late firm of Gel* iy , Brooklyn. Kit the better ai cmr.m elation of the natrons of the estahlsh Europe,Ave days gives requested from No. 60 Crosby st, J L *ton, Ladd tk Co. has commenced business at the corner ii lid to ont 1 c»nf» admission near l oiDorv. April 7. Knt NYork . Sti.uni illKENHOUSK PLANTS.H. ejt, k'»p improper person*, X change. The manufacturing districts enjoyed an Spring st, on Tuesday afternoon, the 3J inst. at half outwards, Quebec, Hehsrd, D( B ond and Wall streets opposite the Custom House, for tne PON mlorins Ins friends and will he charged hd Sundiyevrni for which refreshments 4 without farther Cld Si Oeo-ge. R>e. Cork and N York; Mtramichi. Boya, and 'e of fine th- public M.LEYENOKialAgeuerellv, that wil' be gs, further a past o'clock, invitation. 3 Hesonrce, Watches, Diamonds and Gentlemen's Jewelry,at ad^lie h ia made ar-ang-meDts with Messrs. O. S. Maun Ik 'urnished. Otner event gi admission free. business, although advices, confirmingimprovingOn |,rives, Quebec ,. ices in accordance with the nines. Public patronage iolt.it"! Sunday morning, 80th, Ezsa S. Connor, in Bantry 0 ., No. 331 B ondwav,coiner of iu their gratefully had caused a decline of in April Bav.no oate.Desdemona,Child, from NewO.leans All Diamond bought of the subscriber will be AnthoDy street, a 9 I w ec large crop, | Cotton. The the 45th year of his for Liverpool, put in with part of cargo thrown overboard. Jeweiry talis r om. u I stairs. I r the pu p ise ofdkpom and private BRADFORD JONE8 age. ., by him after deducting 7 per cent; tnereby offeringrearehased of at >te "II of In- ting money market no The relatives and Inends of the family are requested Quebec, April 22.Arr Wm Kowe, Portsmouth; Pleiades, l0 priv site, large and estenuve surplusdi;posing presented change. not vet purchasers an opportu tity io convert their diamonds into vsrie v of fJreenhouse Plants, wh'ch Were r-isrd at his well SINGINU. to attend his funeral, without further invitation, from his hoarded. ,n at any tim- i the The following official notice has been made:. Bkrmuds, 82.In Ann for oney they may please. ki own cstahliiliineutat Yorkville 91) h street 3d venue. For 1,1\AADAM SUTTON, having arranged to ctorn to Italy late residence corner of Hudson and Spring streets, on April port, Denman, Howe, fine Duplex, Lever aud Lenoir Watches, which lie cm voi t, rud thii'tv and beginning of August, purpose! receiving pupils uutil that Treasust ready; Falcon, just arr. An American unknown,Baltimore,and cr beauty growth laige aisortment, thr y in Department, April26,1843. 3, at half 4 o'clock. and warrant a*good time keepers.alto,Gold Chain,re>mni"udw ill be f< II 11,11 tunc,in give finishing lessons tin- Italian, Ft uch, and English ok Tuesday, May past a fore and aftschr of fioin both and passed by an v o'.h ert raised in this vieinitv. of Notice Redemption ok Treasury Notes..Notice Hampden, Bangor,with lumber, p,mcil C ites. Watch Keys, Sic Tlit h«ee not been and w style Singing Her method is thaipursued \ Bordogni and bound in y forced ill retain their buds and tlis first masters tiie and is hereby given that this Department is ready to redeem Silver Porks, Spoous, and Tea Seta, of the newest patterns, s as well as plants possibly cr nun i s u cnnrtaully receiving dcseriptions ship Mcllvcen, Francs Philadelphia, sld days before; Ariel, for do, 4 days before a20 lm is*m s, uip.9, sc., rfmovea gold aud silver watches, of the newest direct from the the thirtieth day of June next Tomel, IJenj Tomes, James Aldrii h, Jos Kenworthy, James L U S brie Chipola, Lieu: Gardiner, sailed Slit March for Mo- . f^MEFfrom No. 115 to No. % Maiden Lane. opposite tidf, styles, Hquire,lady and three children, Mm fiv.* doois above Pcatl ftreet. The first fitted ut» for manufacturers, in England, France, aud Switzerland, he is Any notes that may be offered under this notice at the Kemick, Henry zambique. TOOLS.TOOLS.TOOLS. . vmyig enabled to offer a larger issoi and at much less at of the United States in the of New Thos Kvershed, Kichd F.de.215 in the steerage. Evershed, tine calf-aewed Boots at THREE DOLLARS Tinretailing tinrnt, prices, Depositories City York, Litkrpool.Shio Sainl Hicks.James I, Bchiefliu, Bev Mr Homo Forin. I LBKRTSON'S, Conger's, Hortou'sand Gifford't lotts lor h-oti .in