Dr Edward Bach was already an established physician and bacteriologist in the 1920’s when he developed his flower remedies. He had already been working with and contributed to the discovery of Bowel Nosodes, working with John Patterson and his wife Elizabeth. As homeopath, he believed that illness was caused by disharmony between body and mind and that the resulting negative leads to physical disease. From this standpoint Dr Bach believed that illness could have multiple causes connected with the state of mind of the patient.

Ultimately, Dr Bach identified 38 basic negative states of mind through his research for which he found corresponding flowers that counterbalanced those thought patterns. In other words, the flowers he selected contained a positive vibration unique to that flora, which could cancel out the negative vibration of an unbalanced thought pattern.

The flower remedies are prepared using a similar method to homeopathic remedies, from mother tincture through to various dilutions. Unlike homeopathic remedies, however, they do not come in different potencies.


Just like Hahnemann, Dr Bach believed that there are no diseases, just sick people. Sickness begins with a disharmony, a disturbance in our electromagnetic fields and eventually physical symptoms follow. Thanks to recent progress in Quantum Physics, it is now pretty much widely accepted that everything in nature has an electromagnetic field around it. Traditionally, this is called “aura”, which was always dismissed as “woo-woo”. Now that it’s called “electro-magnetic field” it sounds much more “scientific” and legit...Anyway, back to Bach flower remedies. Dr Bach came to the conclusion that every disease starts on the energy level and if we can change or re-tune our energy frequency, everything else follows. Remember, he started off as medical doctor and then worked as homeopath and he finally discovered that certain plants have a higher frequency than others and can help re-calibrate our frequency and bring us back to a healthy state. Their action is even more subtle than homeopathic remedies, they act on the patient’s energy field only.


Bach flower therapy is not founded on the principle of "like cures like."

The remedies work by conveying information corresponding to the "positive" mental- emotional state, and the healing reaction occurs via attunement to that state.

The tuning fork (attunement) is a helpful conceptual metaphor to describe this process.

In Bach flower therapy, there is no concept of minimum dose and careful dosing is not required. In fact, frequent dosing is recommended.

In acutes, clients are instructed to take the remedies multiple times a day, as often as needed. In chronic cases, the standard recommended dosage from a dosing bottle is 4 drops, 4 times a day, plus more if needed.

Administration is typically oral but topical application is allowed and considered beneficial and equivalent to oral.

In Bach flower therapy, no antidoting agents are recognized.

Remedies may be taken with, near, or in food and drink.

Many practitioners recommend keeping remedies away from high heat and non-native EMFs.

Although Edward Bach spent much time in botanical study and observation of plants, his discovery of the remedies was primarily an intuitive process. Bach's experience was non- linear, emotional, and empathic.

Bach's were later confirmed in clinical practice.

Bach flower remedies cannot produce symptoms in healthy subjects.

Accidental provings are not possible.

In Bach flower therapy, remedy selection is generally done based on materia medica knowledge. Although repertories exist, they are not considered essential nor are they typically used by practitioners for prescribing.

Incorrect remedy selection cannot lead to suppression or proving symptoms.

Multiple remedies can be prescribed at one time (generally up to 6 or 7).

Remedies are typically not blinded. Client education is encouraged.

Placebo is not used.


That was my question too! Homeopathy already covers pretty much any symptoms under the sun and it is gentle and effective. I used to be pretty snobbish about Bach remedies, then I had a case where this lady was getting better on homeopathic remedies but still had problems falling asleep, she had all these “thoughts going round and round” and I couldn’t think of anything: I didn’t want to disrupt the remedy that she was taking at the time, as it was working really well on the physical level, so I decided to go into Bach remedy territory and I advised White Chestnut. The result was amazing: she started sleeping like a baby again! So that showed me that Bach remedies can be a great support to treatment, without affecting any other modality.

Bach remedies are more suited to self-prescribers for many reasons in my opinions:

-there are only 38 Bach remedies, compared to the thousands of homeopathic remedies that can be overwhelming!

-Bach remedies are even safer than homeopathic remedies: there is no aggravation, no proving and no physical effect.

-Bach remedies can be mixed and matched

-Bach remedies can be taken along other homeopathic remedies and taken as often as needed, which makes them perfect to self-prescribe.


While flower remedies are not as powerful as homeopathic remedies, I found that they can complement and support homeopathic treatment beautifully, particularly during detox or in-between remedies. There are a total of 38 flower remedies identified by Dr Bach, but I have chosen less than half that I have found very useful for autism symptoms.

When to give flower remedies?

Not to begin with. Every case is different, however, when you have a case of severe autism where the most obvious issues are physical and relate to gut dysbiosis, it is important to deal with that first by gently removing toxins. Once the physical level is stable, it can be beneficial to introduce flower remedies alongside regular remedies. Agrimony – The Honesty flower-Generally speaking, this remedy helps face up to one’s problems. In the blocked state, Agrimony avoids unpleasantness at any cost and these are people who will go to great lengths to avoid confrontation or conflict. People who need this remedy are always putting up a happy front, they do not want others to see they are in pain, very Nat Mur.

In children with autism or Asperger’s the child has conflicting thoughts that are hard to express or even understand. It is especially useful for teenagers. Increases Communication Skills, Flight From Reality, Mental Torment, Denial of Problems, Has to Avoid Conflict & Pain, Will Retreat By Withdrawing

Beech – The Tolerance flower-In general, this remedy is for those who are hyper-critical, with very rigid and dogmatic beliefs that clash with those around them. In children with autism it shows in Intolerances of all kinds, Sensitivities, Allergies, Inability to Make Allowances, Has Many Aversions & Dislikes, Picky Eating, Complaining, Whining, Meticulous, Judgmental of Self & Others, Rebellion, Problems with Authority, Defiant. Kids who need a strict routine and things done in a certain way.

Chestnut Bud – The Learning Flower-Generally speaking, this remedy helps you step out of a vicious circle of repeating the same mistake without learning from experience. Like those who always pick the same kind of partner, who is completely unsuitable and will hurt them but they can’t help themselves. Learning Disabilities, Repeats Mistakes, Unaware, Poor Observation, Distracted, Poor Concentration, Careless, Absentmindedness, Inability to make Progress, Developmentally Behind, Only Attentive to What Interests Them

Clematis – The Reality flower-very similar mental picture to Cannabis or Opium. Very dreamy and creative mind, very imaginative. These people are much more sensitive to psychotropic drugs than most. Applied to autism, we see someone who lives in Fantasy, Daydreamers, Withdrawn, Inattentive, Distracted, Absent Minded, Drowsy, Accident Prone, Dwells on Future, Introverted, Eccentric, Indifferent, Fainting, Spacey, Procrastination

Crab Apple-The Cleansing flower-very Arsenicum-like: perfectionist, fear of germs and disease, censorious. In children with autism and asperger’s we see pathological fear of dirt and sticky things but also great support during detox, to help eliminate residual toxins.

Heather – The Identity flower-self centred and so chatty! These people really need attention. Talkative, Interrupts, Poor Ability to Listen to Others, Dominates or Hi-Jacks Conversations, Always Brings Conversation Back to Own Interests & Obsessions, Uncomfortably Invades the Personal Space of Others, Poor Ability to Understand Social Cues & / or Listener Boredom, Self-Centered, Compares Their Worth to Others, Inferiority Complex, Unable or Fear of Being Alone (Even if Unsocial), Need for Recognition, Attention Seeking

Impatiens – The Time flower-the clue is in the name. Inability to Wait, Restless, Irritability, Nervousness, Impulsive, Intolerance, Quick to Anger or Tantrum but Settles Quickly, Fidgety, Twitching or Ticks, Lacks Concentration, Likes Speed, Hyperactive, Always on the Go, Sleeps Little, Unable to Be Still, Like Motor Left On, Constant Stimming

Rock Rose –The Liberation flower- this is the main component of RR. It is about extreme anxiety and chronic fear, like a permanent Aconite state. In autistic children we have Inappropriate Reactions, Maniacal laughter, Hysteria, Screaming, Dramatic, Over-Reactions, Terror, Panic Attacks, Extreme Stress, Phobias, Shock, Paranoia, Any Kind of Fight or Flight Response

Rock Water – The Flexibility flower-for those who see the world in black or white tones. Very spiritual, but dogmatic, the preacher in the corner of the street shouting at passers by that they are all sinners and must abandon their wicked ways. In autistic children we see Need For Sameness, Rigid, Perfectionists, Stubborn, Unyielding, Inability to “Go With The Flow”, Overly Serious, Dogmatic Customs & Rituals, Overly Picky, Physical Stiffness, Toe Walking

Scleranthus – The Confidence flower-Hesitancy, Indecisiveness, Back & Forth Arguing or Mental Deliberations, Mood Swings, Erratic, Unstable, Distracted, Bouncing From One Thing to Another in Speech or Action, You Might See Them Spend Hours Opening & Closing a Drawer or Moving a Toy Car Back & Forth over and over again all the while studying it intently, Vertigo, Motion Sickness, Imbalances and Ups & Downs of All Types (Bi-Polar, Blood Sugar, Thyroid, Energy Levels, Left vs Right Brain Difficulties, Body Temperature etc.)

Walnut – The Resolution Flower-in general this remedy helps to birth new states or transition more easily, for example in times of biological change, like puberty or menopause. With autism, the main symptoms are: Unable to Adapt, Difficulties Transitioning, Stressed By Changes, Easily Influenced, Naïve, Gullible, Childlike, Lacking Self-Assertiveness, Sensitive to all Outside Stimulus & Influences Sound, Sights, Textures, People, Foods, Places, Invasive Organisms, Toxins, Environment etc.

Water Violet – The Communication Flower -Prefers Solitude, Private, Loner Type, Withdrawn, Observers, Introverted, Unapproachable, Social Outcasts, Appears Distant or Cold, Aloof, Bizarre, Atypical, Proud, Independent, Self-Reliant, Boastful (When Talkative or Social), Mental More Than Social or Emotional, Inability to Ask For or Seek Help, Rebellion

White Chestnut – The Thought flower-Obsessive Thoughts and Behaviors, Lack of Focus and Concentration, Overactive Minds, Things Get Stuck in Their Head, Repetitive Speech (Echolalia) and Movements (Rocking, Flapping & Other Stimming), Extreme Fixations, Need for Sameness, Watching or Doing Things Over & Over, Insomnia

Willow – The Destiny flower- Tantrums, Sulking, Stingy, Isolated, Destructive of Self & Things, Moody, Hostile, Angry, Self Pity, Bitterness; Holds Grudges, Keeps Scores, Inability to Accept Responsibility, Quick to Complain, Draws Others Into Negativity, Blames Others, Oppositional

Don’t forget about mothers!

Raising a child with autism is challenging, I am not breaking any news here. Sometimes during case taking, it is obvious that the mother needs help: we can see the tiredness, the stress, the fast speech. It is almost instinctive to ask the mother:”Are you ok? Do you need any support for yourself?” Often the mother brushes the offer off, because her priority is her child. The idea is that, once the child is “fine”, everything will be good again. As always, mothers tend to put themselves last, I have done this myself. One way to get around this, is simply to suggest a few drops of a flower remedy. This will give some relief, enough to notice the difference and see that if you feel good, you can do more to support your own family! You can do this even without doing a full consultation. After seeing the effect, the mother will see the value of looking after herself and will ask for a consultation too.

Common flower remedies for stressed out mothers

Agrimony: This is my remedy or at least one major one for me. The person who is always outwardly cheerful, everything’s great, chilled and Zen and “such a strong woman!”.

Inside it’s a different story. However, airing your troubles in public is not the done thing and, besides, it is much more comfortable to change the subject than asking for help. This can lead to “secret habits” like comfort eating late at night, hitting the cooking sherry or even simply cry alone in a corner when no one else is around. Not healthy.

White Chestnut: the obsessive worrier. We all worry about our kids future, how will he cope without me, what if I died, you know the train of thought…When this becomes the dominant thought, it can stop you from sleeping at night, your mind cannot switch off. This remedy helps with that.

Oak: I gave this to the mother of one of my patients recently. Oak is similar to Aurum or Lycopodium. The main theme is the sense of duty. No matter how tired you are, you need to keep going because people rely on you, you made a commitment and you will literally run yourself ragged in order to keep your promise. The worst thing that can happen to you is that people might think you a “flake” for giving up. This remedy helps you realise that you have a personal life too and you need a healthy balance.

Olive: sheer exhaustion. Mental and physical. Simple as that, when you get to the end of your tether.

Mustard: for grief. The shock of a diagnosis can take a long time to digest. Very simply put, it is a state of depression: crying often, feeling like there is no hope, apathy.