International Cooperation in Horizon 2020 – ASIA

Function: Service Facility in support of International Cooperation in Research and Innovation ([email protected]; [email protected]) What does the International Service Facility do?

➢ Fostering international cooperation among NCPs in Europe and Partner Countries

➢ Networking opportunities and practical advice for your daily work as NCP • Webinars introducing you to International Cooperation in Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe • Webspace and links to relevant NCP information material and e-learning modules - • Newsflashes that will provide Partner Country NCPs with networking opportunities and practical advice for the daily work as a National Contact Point (NCP) within the Horizon 2020 and the future Horizon Europe Programmes in the upcoming 18 months. • Opportunities for Partner Country NCPs to connect with events of European NCP projects to share experiences



1. Horizon 2020: Open to the World 2. Participation and funding of international partner countries 3. Where to find calls with international participation? 4. Focus Asia – Data Participation in Horizon 2020 & Opportunities in the Work Programme 2020 5. Focus Asia – Work Programme 2020 “Food Security, Sustainable Agriculture and Forestry, Marine, Maritime and Inland Water Research and the Bioeconomy”: EU-China FAB Flagship initiative - SFS- 40-2020 - Healthy soils for healthy food production (China)

6. Focus Asia – Work Programme “Information and Communication Technologies” 2020: ICT-38-2020 Artificial intelligence for manufacturing (Japan).

7. Horizon Europe: Be aware, be prepared 8. Useful Links 9. Contacts

3 Speakers

APRE – Agency for the Promotion of European Research (Italy)

Mattia Ceracchi – APRE International Cooperation Team – Service Facility - [email protected] / [email protected]

Serena Borgna - H2020 National Contact Point “Food Security, Sustainable Agriculture and Forestry, Marine, Maritime and Inland Water Research and the Bioeconomy” – BioHorizon - [email protected]

Marta Calderaro - H2020 National Contact Point “Information and Communication Technologies” – Idealist2020 - [email protected]

4 1. Horizon 2020 – Open to the World

5 Horizon 2020 is Open to the World

• The EU Framework Programme for Research & Innovation • The biggest multinational programme of its kind with a budget of almost € 80 billion from 2014 to 2020 – be followed by Horizon Europe from 2021 to 27 • A central entry point and easy access to European research and innovation • Horizon 2020 welcomes researchers & institutions, public and private, from all over the world

6 INCO Strategy in Horizon 2020*

Objectives ➢ Strengthening the Union’s excellence and attractiveness in research and innovation and its economic and industrial competitiveness; ➢ Tackling global societal challenges; ➢ Supporting the Union’s external policies. The strategy differentiates between three country groupings: ➢ Industrialised and emerging economies (which will only receive funding under specific conditions); ➢ Enlargement and neighborhood countries (eligible for automatic funding); and ➢ Developing countries (eligible for automatic funding).

* _international_participation.pdf 7 2. Participation and Funding of international partner countries

8 Which international countries can participate?

As Open to the World approach states, in principal, all countries from the world can participate in H2020 projects.

Whether they can get funded via H2020 is, however, a different question!

9 II. Participation of International Partner Countries in H2020

10 How can Partner Countries participate in Horizon 2020?

There are two ways to participate

• Participation of individual researchers • Collaborative projects Researchers of all nationalities are Include at least 3 legal entities from 3 welcome to participate different countries of the EU or from Countries Associated to Horizon 2020

11 Where to find funds for individual research in Horizon 2020?

• The European Research Council (ERC) = Excellent Research • Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) = mobility of researchers and technical staff

Excellent Science

These opportunities are for researchers who want to work in Europe! 12 How to participate in a collaborative project?

• A legal entity from outside Europe can take part in collaborative projects of Horizon 2020 Excellent Science • The international partner can receive funding (!) Societal • The international partner can even coordinate a Challenges project Industrial Leadership

Remember! All proposals must meet certain minimum conditions: ✓3 participants from different EU member states or Associated Countries ✓ The international partner must come in addition to this minimum

13 II. Funding for International Partner Countries in H2020

14 Countries automatically eligible for funding in Horizon 2020

Legal entities established in following eligible: • EU member states, including outermost regions • Overseas Countries and Territories (OCT) linked to Member States • 16 Associated Countries ( • “Developing” countries listed in 19. General Annexes to H2020 Work Programme ( ga_en.pdf

15 Automatically funded: EU28 + associated countries

EU Countries

Associated countries Albania Armenia Bosnia & Herzegovina Faroe Islands Georgia Island Israel Macedonia (Jugoslaw Repulbic of ) Republic of Moldova Montenegro Norway Switzerland Serbia Tunesia Turkey Ukraine

16 NOT automatically eligible for H2020 funding

“Industrialised“ countries “Emerging“ economies • USA • Brazil • Canada • Japan • Russia • South Korea • India • Australia • China • New Zealand • Mexico • … • Other high-income countries (e.g. Monaco, Singapore)

17 Exceptional H2020 funding as beneficiary

• There is a bilateral agreement between that country and the EU

• Call for proposals clearly states that applicants based in such countries are eligible for funding

• Participation considered essential for carrying out the action

18 Countries with specific provisions to fund national institutions (as beneficiaries) in H2020 projects

Co-funding for most or all thematic areas: - China, Hong Kong & Macao, Republic of Korea, Mexico, Russia, Taiwan • Co-funding for selected thematic areas - E.g. Australia, India, Japan • Co-funding by a region - E.g. Brazil, Canada (Québec) • Countries without jointly agreed co-funding mechanism - New Zealand, USA

19 3. Where to find calls with international participation, practical examples and useful tools

20 Funding & Tenders Portal - European Commission

• The “funding & tender opportunities” is the single entry point for participants and experts in funding programmes and tenders managed by the European Commission and other EU bodies.

21 Funding & Tenders Portal - European Commission Horizon 2020

Filter by: • H2020 programme part • thematic focus area • Cross-cutting priorities → call topics pre-classified (flagged) by the European Commission relevant for: - e.g. “International Cooperation” → no call/topic data export feature! → not classified/flagged for specific third countries! → targeted group (regions, international initiatives/associations/networks, …) of or individual third countries may be explicitely specified respectively limited otherwise in general open to the world, e.g.: “In line with the strategy for EU international cooperation in research and innovation (COM(2012)497)” 22 Funding & Tenders Portal - European Commission Horizon 2020 – International Cooperation

23 Funding & Tenders Portal - European Commission Horizon 2020 – International Cooperation

• Find call topics (not necessarily flagged for international cooperation by the European Commission) for proposals adressing/targeting third countries by using „keywords“ and/or „free text search“: - China (China, East(ern) Asia(n), Third Countries, Emerging Economy(ies), Mission Innovation Countries, ...) - Japan (Japan, Asia, Industrializ(s)ed Countries, Developed Countries / Economies, High-Income Countries, Third Countries…)

24 2. Focus Asia – Data Participation in Horizon 2020 & Opportunities in the Work Programme 2020

25 II. Focus Asia – Data Participation in Horizon 2020

26 Third Country Participation Statistics From H2020 to HE Monitoring Flash (Feb 2019)

27 Third Country Participation Statistics From H2020 to HE Monitoring Flash (Feb 2019)

28 Third Country Participation Statistics From H2020 to HE Monitoring Flash (Feb 2019)

Non-associated third No of H2020 participations % of total H2020 H2020 investment % of total H2020 countries in signed grants by participations (EUR million) investment country of beneficiary United States 1147 1.11% 45.1 0.12%

China (People’s 362 0.35% 3.1 0.01% Republic of) Canada 240 0.23% 4.7 0.01%

Australia 215 0.21% 4.9 0.01%

South Africa 174 0.17% 27.5 0.07%

Brazil 162 0.16% 9.7 0.02%

Argentina 130 0.13% 5.3 0.01%

Japan 124 0.12% 2.8 0.01%

Russia 124 0.12% 3 0.01%

India 96 0.09% 2.4 0.01%

29 Third Country Participation Statistics From H2020 to HE Monitoring Flash (Feb 2019)

30 Participation Statistics - Horizon 2020 Dashboard Country profile – e.g. China – Key figures

31 Participation Statistics - Horizon 2020 Dashboard Country profile – e.g. China – Participation in H2020

32 II. Focus Asia – Opportunities in the Work Programme 2020

33 Work Programme 2020 – Overview (1)

H2020 Topic Country Deadline Notes Them

INFRAIA-02-2020: Integrating Activities for China, India, exceptional eligibility 17 Mar 2020 Starting Communities Japan, Korea, ecc. for EU funding IF INFRA

INFRAIA-03-2020: Pilot for a new model of China, India, exceptional eligibility 17 Mar 2020 Integrating Activities Japan, Korea, ecc. for EU funding IF

NMBP CE-BIOTEC-08-2020: New biotechnologies to Joint call - co- China 15 Apr 2020 remediate harmful contaminants funding

ICT-38-2020: Artificial intelligence for ICT Japan 16 Jan 2020 manufacturing

SC1-DTH-04-2020: International cooperation in co-funding Health Japan 22 Apr 2020 smart living environments for ageing people

SFS-40-2020: Healthy soils for healthy food 22 Jan 2020 1° Joint call - co- SC2 China production stage funding

LC-SC3-RES-3-2020: International Cooperation with USA and/or China on alternative renewable Energy China 01 Sep 2020 fuels from sunlight for energy, transport and chemical storage 34 Work Programme 2020 – Overview (2)

H2020 Topic Country Deadline Notes Them LC-SC3-NZE-5-2019-2020: Low carbon China, Mission 01 Sep WP Cross-cutting industrial production using CCUS Innovation Countries 2020 Activities Central Asian countries - LC-SC3-RES-34-2020: Demonstration of Kazakhstan, innovative and sustainable hydropower 01 Sep Kyrgyzstan, Energy solutions targeting unexplored small-scale 2020 Tajikistan, hydropower potential in Central Asia Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan LC-SC3-ES-12-2020: Integrated local energy 29 Jan systems (Energy islands): International India Co-funding 2020 cooperation with India LC-GV-09-2020: Setting up a common 21 Apr European research and innovation strategy Asian Countries 2020 for the future of road transport Transport LC--1-15-2020: Towards global 21 Apr environmental regulation of supersonic Japan, Russia 2020 aviation

35 Work Programme 2020 – Overview (3)

H2020 Topic Country Deadline Notes Them

MG-2-14-2020: The effects of automation on the 21 Apr 2020 transport labour force, future working conditions Japan and skills requirements

MG-3-6-2020: Towards sustainable urban air 21 Apr 2020 Dubai, Singapore mobility Transport DT-ART-05-2020: Efficient and safe connected and Japan, Korea, 21 Apr 2020 automated heavy-duty vehicles in real logistics Singapore operations

DT-ART-06-2020: Large-scale, cross-border Japan, Korea, 21 Apr 2020 demonstration of connected and highly Singapore automated driving functions for passenger cars

GOVERNANCE-20-2020: Centres/Networks of India 12 Mar 2020 European research and innovation

SC6 SU-GOVERNANCE-07-2020: The Common Foreign 12 Mar 2020 and Security Policy and the expanding scope of Third Countries the EU's external engagement

SU-DRS02-2018-2019-2020: Technologies for first Co- Security Japan, Korea 27 Aug 2020 responders 36 funding Webinar “International Research & Innovation Cooperation: 09 July 2019 Horizon 2020 and the world – Asia” 10.00 -11.00 am

Focus Asia – Work Programme 2020 “Food Security, Sustainable Agriculture and Forestry, Marine, Maritime and Inland Water Research and the Bioeconomy” EU-China FAB Flagship initiative & topic SFS-40-2020 - Healthy soils for healthy food production (China)”

Serena Borgna [email protected] on behalf of Biohorizon project

31/01/19 37 Who I am

SERENA BORGNA BIOHORIZON partner: WPL Trainings and Webinars EU Horizon 2020 – National Contact Point ▪Food security, sustainable agriculture and forestry, marine and maritime and inland water research and the bioeconomy ▪Nanotechnologies, Advanced Materials, Biotechnology and Advanced Manufacturing and Processing ▪ European Research Council ▪Head of Institutional department [email protected] ▪Project Manager, expert in innovation and international cooperation with India Via Cavour 71, Roma ▪Trainer 38 Content a. Overview of the Bioeconomy policies of interest for Asia: the EU-China FAB Flagship initiative . b. Figures about the International cooperation with Asia in the Societal Challenge 2 c. Overview of the topics and projects funded in Horizon 2020 flagged for IC with ASIA d. Opportunities in the last WP2020 and eligibility criteria e. Biohorizon- project – An NCPs network open to the world



Horizon 2020 Flagships on targeted activities for international cooperation

Regions of interest for SC2


42 Societal Challenge 2 FLAGSHIP 2018-2020

▪ All Atlantic Ocean Research Alliance Flagship ▪ EU-Africa Partnership on Food and Nutrition Security and Sustainable Agriculture (FNSSA) ▪ EU-China FAB Flagship initiative ▪ The Future of Seas and Oceans Flagship Initiative

31/01/19 43 ▪EU-Africa Partnership on Food and Nutrition Security and Sustainable Agriculture (FNSSA) ▪ EU-China FAB Flagship initiative

▪ The Future of Seas and Oceans Flagship Initiative ▪All Atlantic Ocean Research Alliance Flagship

31/01/19 44 EU CHINA FLAGSHIP FAB - Food, Agriculture and Biotechnology

The European Commission and the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences signed a letter of intent on research and innovation cooperation in food, agriculture and biotechnology (FAB) in November 2013. They agreed to work towards an ambitious strategic long-term partnership and launched the FAB 'flagship initiative'. Building on this agreement, the EU-China Task Force on FAB has developed specific common priorities that will promote substantial, coordinated and balanced research and innovation cooperation between the EU and China.

31/01/19 45 The China EU Food, Agriculture and Biotechnology (FAB) Task Force was established in 2011 under the framework of China-EU Joint Steering Committee on S&T Cooperation which was co-established by the MOST and DGRTD.


▪ Building an seamless connection and open dialogue pathway to enhance mutual understanding ▪ Coordinating experts from both sides in identifying priorities, jointly submitting the EU project proposals and conducting collaboration ▪ Providing background documentsf or high level coordinating bodies e.g.Joint Steering Committee on S&T Cooperation and hence to facilitate decision making process

31/01/19 46 China in Horizon 2020 - Statistics (Record date: 06/08/2018)

316 Participations in 144 Projects: - 143 in pillar “Excellent Science” 138 x Marie-Sklodowska-Curie Actions - 15 in pillar “Industrial Leadership” - 154 in pillar “Societal Challenges” 110 x Food security Rank Organisation Partici- 24 x Europe in a changing world pations 14 x Climate action 1 TSINGHUA UNIVERSITY 17 - 4 in pillar “Science with and for Society” 2 ZHEJIANG UNIVERSITY 13 EC contribution: 3,054 Mio. €


* based on Dashboard| EU Funding & Tenders Portal/April 2019

48 STATE OF PLAY – International cooperation in SC2 -H2020

Participant net EU contribution by country

31/01/19 49 STATE OF PLAY – International cooperation in SC2 -H2020

23.868.068,32 € EU 327 participations 52 third countries 91 grants signed contribution from third with at least one with third countries assigned third countries participation countries

253 institutions 72 topics with third AU BR CA CN HK JO participating (127 countries KR NZ PE RU without European TW participations funding) US

31/01/19 50 H2020 Participations 102

24 16 15 15

10 10 9 8 7 7 6 6 6 5 5 5













Viet Nam Viet


South South Africa

NewZealand United States United

31/01/19 51 H2020 Net EU Contribution € 4.000.000 € 3.500.000 € 3.000.000 € 2.500.000 € 2.000.000 € 1.500.000 € 1.000.000 € 500.000

€ 0

















Viet Nam Viet


CostaRica SouthAfrica

31/01/19 52 State of play – EU CHINA (SC2)

SC2 Total Topics Flagged for China – cooperation Call Budget Call nb Total FAB Nb topics Total nb Total nb CN EU cost of topics Budget participants participants CN Year M€ participants M€ 2014 351.5 45 56 5 170 14 2.1 2015 211.5 27 19 2 115 20 1.1 2016 340.5 43 19 2 71 29 8.0 2017 416.5 51 17 3 60 22 3.2 2018 403.54 34 5 1 na Na na

2019 466.6 28 13 2 na na TOTAL 2190.14 228 116 15 457 100 17


54 Foster functional Boost major innovations on Develop smart, connected ecosystems, sustainable Address climate change and land and at sea → new Make the transition towards a territories and value chains in food systems, and healthy resilience on land and sea products, value chains and circular bioeconomy

lifestyles markets rural and coastal areas 5 priorities 5

Manage our resources wisely to Understand, preserve and valorise Develop smarter, greener, circular

nourish people sustainably oceans rural economies 3 goals 3

Sustaina Rural Blue Circular Bioeconomy ble food Renaissa investment platform

security Growth nce 3 calls + + FI calls 3

Productive, healthy, resilient seas and Dynamic & innovative food and farming oceans Sustainable growth based on circularity De-risking investments in sectors and connectedness Sustainable aquatic resources for food innovative technologies fostering Resource & climate-smart eco-healthy and bio-based value chains Enhanced innovation systems industrial, rural and coastal food production and consumption development

Strong blue economy Strong & attractive rural areas Key impacts Key 31/01/19 55 Call Sustainable Food Security – SFS. CALL 2019 293 M€ From functional ecosystems to healthy food SFS-01-2018-2019-2020: Biodiversity in action: across farmland and the value chain Building capacities SFS-04-2019-2020: Integrated health approaches and alternatives to DT-SFS-26-2019: Food Cloud demonstrators pesticide use SFS-05-2018-2019-2020: New and emerging risks to plant health SFS-28-2018-2019-2020: Genetic resources and pre- breeding communities SFS-08-2018-2019: Improving animal welfare SFS-11-2018-2019: Anti-microbials and animal production SFS-30-2018-2019-2020: Agri-Aqua Labs SFS-12-2019: A vaccine against African swine fever SFS-31-2019: ERANETs in agri-food LC-SFS-17-2019: Alternative proteins for food and feed Environment and climate-smart food production and consumption Targeted international cooperation LC-SFS-19-2018-2019: Climate-smart and resilient farming LC-SFS-34-2019: Food Systems Africa LC-SFS-20-2019: European Joint Programme on agricultural soil SFS-35-2019-2020: Sustainable Intensification in Africa management SFS-37-2019: Integrated approaches to food safety controls SFS-23-2019: Integrated water management in small agricultural across the food chain catchments CE-SFS-39-2019: High-quality organic fertilisers from biogas CE-SFS-24-2019: Innovative and citizen-driven food system approaches in cities digestate

31/01/19 56 Targeted international cooperation topics (2018 -2020)

SFS-32-2018: Supporting microbiome Project Funded: MicrobiomeSupport coordination and the International Coor. AIT AUSTRIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Bioeconomy Forum (CSA) 4ys project 1x2,75M€ EU contribution: € 3 520 466,25 “Participation of relevant partners from TC organisations: University of Waterloo CA - Canada third countries and international UNIVERSITY OF WESTERN SYDNEY AU - Australia organisations is strongly encouraged” Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación Productiva AR - Argentina UNIVERSITY OF PRETORIA ZA - South Africa PONDICHERRY UNIVERSITY IN - India Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences CN - China UNIVERSIDADE ESTADUAL DE CAMPINAS BR - Brazil BATTELLE MEMORIAL INSTITUTE NON PROFIT CORPORATION US - United States New Zealand Forest Research Institute LTD NZ - New Zealand

57 EU-China FAB Flagship Initiative

SFS-38-2018: Highly efficient management of SUBMITTED PROPOSALS: 3 soil quality and land resources (RIA) !Still under evaluation! 1x(5M€+5M€ Cina)

SFS-37-2019: Integrated approaches to food CE-SFS-39-2019: High-quality organic safety controls across the agri-food chain fertilisers from biogas digestate (IA) (RIA) MAA 2x(4M€+4M€ Cina) 1x(5M€+5M€ Cina) SUBMITTED SUBMITTED PROPOSALS: PROPOSALS: 15 29

58 CO-FUNDING MECHANISM in SC 2 - Bioeconomy Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST)

H2020 Societal Challenge 2 - Food security, sustainable agriculture, marine and maritime research & the bioeconomy – topics where is foreseen a strong cooperation with Chinese organisations:

▪ SFS-37-2019: Integrated approaches to food safety controls across the agri-food chain (RIA) ▪ CE-SFS-39-2019: High-quality organic fertilisers from biogas digestate (IA) Current information available:

Contacts On 22° of Oct 18 the MOST published the second call for the 2018 proposals. CNY 50 MOST: Milion € for chinese –full based participants in areas of national strategic interest. Mr. Dai Qian, Email: [email protected] or Deadline: 10 december 2018 [email protected] China Science and Technology Exchange • MOST Centre (CSTEC) • Call Notice - unofficial English translation Mr. Xin Bingqing E-mail: [email protected] • Frequently Asked Questions on the Co-funding Mechanism Ms. Lin Xiyan Email: [email protected] • Call identifier – only for reference for the Chinese application Tel: European Commission clarifications (for SC2 topic 2019)

MOST 2019 call • The 2018 call of MOST is only for the H2020 calls of 2018. A dedicated MOST call for the H2020 Work Programme 2019 is published in 2019 (January ’19).. Evaluation process • The evaluation by MOST and EC is done in parallel with exchange of information and at this moment the timing of final evaluation is much closer than in the previous years. The project proposals are evaluated based on the criteria set up by MOST and EC respectively. Thus for the 2019 proposals should be submitted to both EC and MOST (in 2018 the EC deadline was in February, MOST call was closed in March). • At the end of the evaluation process the EC will grant agreement to the winning consortium and the expectation is that MOST will fund the Chinese partners. However, since there are specific rules MOST might support all, some or none of the Chinese partners. From practice, if not all partners are funded by MOST, we see that some of them are getting financial support from other funding streams (e.g. Chinese Academy of Sciences) or self-fund. Thus, indeed there is a risk that the project that will be selected under H2020 will only have funding from H2020 and the Chinese partners will not be successful. This scenario will not change the EC decision, however this will be a risk for the consortium. In those cases EC is helping and discussing with Chinese counterpart to see if other solutions are possible. EC encourages Chinese applicants to read the MOST call in detail as they are some specific rules to whom the funding is addressed. d. OPPORTUNITIES IN THE LAST WP2020 + FAQ + LESSONS LEARNT

* based on Dashboard| EU Funding & Tenders Portal

61 SFS-40-2020: Healthy soils for healthy food production

• Specific Challenge: The EU and China are facing similar challenges of increasing soils health and producing more high quality food for increasing population. At the same time soils are facing a lot of pressures from use of fertilizers (manure and mineral), historical management of soils and increasing land degradation. To achieve certain quality of food production management of soils at the farm level needs to incorporate techniques for soil remediation/soil quality restoration and balanced fertilizer application. For the long-term increase of soil quality land management techniques should adopt and enhance quality of soils. • The Commission considers that proposals requesting a contribution from the EU of up to EUR 5 million would allow this specific challenge to be addressed appropriately. Contributions for Chinese participants will come in addition and will be made available by China.

31/01/19 62 SFS-40-2020: Healthy soils for healthy food production

• Scope: The proposals shall analyse soil remediation strategies and assess sustainable use of fertilizers for agricultural production including social-economic and environmental aspects. The evaluation of tools and methods for increasing the quality of soils and of food produced is included in the scope. Proposals shall also address land degradation aspects and prevention of further degradation. They shall cover the evaluation of agricultural systems (e.g. organic farming, agro-ecology, agroforestry) and their suitability to achieve a good status of soils for sustainable food production. The proposals shall build on the past projects financed under the EU-China cooperation on soil. The proposals will fall under the concept of ‘multi- actor approach’. Proposals shall promote balanced research and innovation cooperation between the EU and China. China-based entities that will participate in joint projects with European partners under Horizon 2020 have also the possibility to apply for funding under the Chinese co-funding mechanism. • Expected Impact: (one of several) • .Enhance EU-China long-term cooperation in land use optimization for global food and environmental security.

31/01/19 63 EC/MOST evaluation and communciation

• The evaluation by MOST and EC is done in parallel with exchange of information and at this moment the timing of final evaluation is much closer than in the previous years. The project proposals are evaluated based on the criteria set up by MOST and EC respectively. • At the end of the evaluation process the EC will grant agreement to the winning consortium and the expectation is that MOST will fund the Chinese partners. However, since there are specific rules MOST might support all, some or none of the Chinese partners. From practice, if not all partners are funded by MOST, we see that some of them are getting financial support from other funding streams (e.g. Chinese Academy of Sciences) or self-fund. Thus, indeed there is a risk that the project that will be selected under H2020 will only have funding from H2020 and the Chinese partners will not be successful. This scenario will not change the EC decision, however this will be a risk for the consortium. In those cases EC is helping and discussing with Chinese counterpart to see if other solutions are possible. • We encourage Chinese applicants to read the MOST call in detail as they are some specific rules to whom the funding is addressed.

31/01/19 64 Lessons learned from implementation (from EC)

▪ Good communication is important: regular contact and use diverse communication channels (e.g Skype, Weechat, video-conferencing…) ▪ Especially for those receiving EU funding: need for assistance by coordinators to TC beneficiaries on the EU project management ▪ Bridging research-policy gaps: policy sessions in review meetings; joint conferences; success stories ▪ Keep beneficiary register up-to-date (e.g; if LEAR changes) + check validation (in case of adding new beneficiaries)

31/01/19 65 Lessons learned from implementation - EU-China cooperation

CLEAR ADDED VALUE ON BOTH SIDES FROM MUTUAL COOPERATION (E.G. JOINT PUBLICATIONS, SHARING OFRESULTS). However: ▪ More capacity building for Chinese applicants to contribute to project proposals ▪ Coordinated funding decision by the EU and MOST is needed ▪ Lack of knowledge by the EU partners of the amount of Chinese funding dedicated to joint projects ▪ Better institutional cooperation EU-China: ‘Project officer’ type of role at Ministry/Agency level in China could ease the coordination of EU-Chinese partners in joint projects


67 NCP & SC2 NCPs Network 68 Origins of the participants of all BioHorizon training activities (trainings, webinars, workshops).

34 active participation

31/01/19 69 One of the main objective of Biohorizon (WP2) is to strengthen the Bio- NCP network, providing for coherent and sustainable collaboration at transnational level. It aims also at improving the connection with ICPC and newcomer Bio- NCPs, and to promote the tools produced especially for them, namely the newsletter and the e-mentoring matrix. It was also important to find a way to bring more experienced Bio-NCPs together with less experienced ones.

31/01/19 70 Activities focused on third countries NCPs

E- mentoring service

• in order to ensure that a consistent level of NCP support is also provided outside of Europe. • Several activities took place during reporting period to improve the connection between the European core of the Bio-NCP network and ICPC and newcomer NCPs in order to optimise the exchange of communication between all involved and to seek to provide support to Bio-NCPs wherever needed

3. Missions – a Direct support. calling ICPC 2. Welcome letter - personalised approach NCPs in order to better starts communication, (Tunisia and Ukraine). BH understand their needs and introduces the BioHorizon helps to organise the event, to promote the BioHorizon project and its activities and defines content and provides tools describes tools available trainers and expertise.

31/01/19 71 Services open to third countries NCPs

Trainings (including Newsletters travel /Communication Webinars Workshops reimbursement for flow (including ICPC NCPs) social media)

Guideline for NCPS Brokerage event Advisory board BH Internal platform

31/01/19 72 Thank you for your attention

Serena Borgna BIOHORIZON partner APRE [email protected]

31/01/19 73 Ideal-ist

International &I Cooperation: Horizon 2020 and the world – Asia Webinar, July 9th, 2019

Marta Calderaro APRE Italy Relevant Cooperation initiatives in H2020 ICT

8 Joint Calls (Brazil, South Korea and Japan)

~5 International Cooperation flagged Topic Calls per Work Programme

~3 Asian countries highlighted as relevant for ICT collaboration opportunities (e.g. China, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan)

Open areas for collaboration: Mainly 5G, Nano- electronics, ESSs, Standardization but also IoT, Cloud Computing, generic IT solutions Numbers of the Asian Cooperation in ICT Cooperation opportunities in 2020

2 International Cooperation flagged Topic Calls per Work Programme • ICT-38-2020: Artificial intelligence for manufacturing • ICT-58-2020: International partnership building between European and African innovation hubs

Open areas for collaboration: • Artificial Intelligence • National and regional investments in digital innovation hubs EU-JAPAN previous Joint Calls

• EUJ-01-2014: Technologies combining big data, internet of things in the cloud • EUJ-02-2014: Optical communications • EUJ-03-2014: Access networks for densely located users • EUJ-04-2014: Experimentation and development on federated Japan - EU testbeds • EUJ-01-2016: 5G – Next Generation Communication Networks • EUJ-02-2016: IoT/Cloud/Big Data platforms in social application contexts • EUJ-03-2016: Experimental testbeds on Information-Centric Networking • EUJ-01-2018: Advanced technologies (Security/Cloud/IoT/BigData) for a hyper-connected society in the context of Smart City • EUJ-02-2018: 5G and beyond

CO-FUNDED MECHANISMS similar to South Korea Digitising European Industry

Overall, today's plans should mobilise up to EUR 50 billion of public and private investments in support of the digitisation of industry, of which

EUR 37 billion investment to boost digital innovation.

EUR 5.5 billion national and regional investments in digital innovation hubs.

EUR 6.3 billion for the first production lines of next-generation electronic components.

EUR 6.7 billion for the European Cloud Initiative. The fast evolution of the EU AI policy

8th April 2019 8th April Publicatio 2019 n of the 27th - AI HLG - COM 168 14th June 28th Ethics (2019) - 2018 Septembe Guidelines Building 25th April r 2018 for 2018 Launch of Trust in 10th April Council Trustworth Publicatio the EU AI Human- 2018 Meeting y Artificial n of the Alliance Centric Signature Competiti Intelligenc COM 137 Artificial of the veness – e (2018) – Intelligenc Declaratio Coordinat Artificial link e n of ed Action Intelligenc link Cooperati Plan on AI e for on in early Europe 2019 on AI link

Japanese interest in the field

Council for Social Principles of Human-centric AI, G20 Ministerial Meeting on Trade and Digital Feb 2019 Economy, June 2019

Social Principles of Human-Centric AI G20 AI Principles Why a Cooperation with Japan? Artificial intelligence for manufacturing

ICT-38-2020 Deadline: 16th Jan 2020

Specific Challenge: State-of-the-art AI technologies need to be integrated with advanced manufacturing technologies and systems in order to exploit their potential in manufacturing and process industry. AI systems cooperating with humans can improve production planning and execution, and can help to improve quality of products and processes. To widely deploy these technologies, specific attention has to be given to standardisation, synchronising EU and Member States activities, and to international collaboration. Impact: Increased synchronisation and cooperation on AI and related digital technologies in manufacturing, with higher global impact.

Proposals need to describe how the proposed work will contribute to the impact criteria above, provide metrics, the baseline and targets to measure impact.

Coordination and Support Action – 500 K Artificial intelligence for manufacturing ICT-38-2020 - Scope Support possible cooperation with Japan, in areas relevant for AI-driven innovation in manufacturing and digital industrial platforms.

Assess opportunities, and kick-off cooperation activities, by organising contacts between researchers and companies from EU and Japan working on AI applications for manufacturing

Encouraging the exchange of information on the respective research programmes and technological results

Foresee twinning with entities participating in projects funded by Japan

Exchange knowledge and experience, exploit synergies and develop recommendations for further sustainable cooperation and collaboration activities EU-Japan cooperation Relevant initiatives EU-Japan cooperation Support services

REPORT: ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE This report is targeted at EU companies seeking to supply AI- based products and solutions and want to understand in which direction the Japanese artificial intelligence industry is heading.

WEBINAR: UPDATE ON ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND AI APPLICATIONS IN JAPAN What are the opportunities for SMEs in Europe to cooperate with Japanese companies in introducing AI? Ideal-ist & International Cooperation

A Non-EU W Associated I D Countries E R

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Made up individuals with lots of experience to help you!

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We’re also on Youtube! The best place to benefit from H2020’s know-how, know-what, know-who and knowledge! Marta Calderaro APRE

[email protected] 6. Horizon Europe: Be aware, be prepared

97 Towards Horizon Europe – International Cooperation

➢ Horizon Europe – the 2021-2027 R&I Framework Programme ➢ The European Commission published its proposal in June 2018 ➢ Legislative process + Strategic Planning + Definition of the first Work Programmes (June 2018 – 2nd half 2020) ➢ Start of the Programme: 1 January 2021 ➢ To strengthen International Cooperation - To ensure effective tackling of global societal challenges; access to the world's best talents, expertise and resources; enhanced supply and demand of innovative solutions ➢ General opening for international participation ➢ Intensified targeted actions (flagship initiatives, joint calls, etc.)

98 HE - Possibile Associated Countries

HE to be open to association of the following third countries: a) European Free Trade Association (EFTA) members which are members of the European Economic Area (EEA); b) acceding countries, candidate countries and potential candidates; c) Countries covered by the European Neighbourhood Policy; d) NEW (Open door to UK) - Third countries and territories that fulfil all of the following criteria: ➢ a good capacity in science, technology and innovation; ➢ commitment to a rules-based open market economy, including fair and equitable dealing with intellectual property rights, backed by democratic institutions; ➢ active promotion of policies to improve the economic and social wellbeing of citizens

99 7. Useful links

100 Information Websites

• European Commission > Research and Innovation > International Cooperation - Strategy (incl. reports on the implementation of the strategy for international cooperation as well as country & regional cooperation roadmaps which includes Work Programme 2018-20 call topics explicitly encouraging cooperation with the respective country/region) - Countries (incl. S&T agreements and reviews & roadmaps for STI cooperation) (Algeria, Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Egypt, India, Japan, Jordan, Korea, Mexico, Morroco, New Zealand, Russia, South Africa, Tunisia, Ukraine, USA) - Regions (Africa, South East Asia, Central Asia, Eastern Partnership, Latin America and Caribbean, Mediterranean and Middle East, Gulf Countries, Western Balkans, Pacific)

• Participant Portal H2020 Online Manual

101 Information Documents

• Enhancing and focusing EU international cooperation in research and innovation: A strategic approach emode=none

• 3rd Report on the implementation of the Strategy for Intenational Cooperation and roadmaps

• Guidance note—Funding of applicants from non-EU countries & international organisations

102 Third Country Fact Sheets (incl. information on national H2020 co-funding mechanism)

• China • Hong Kong and Macao • Korea • Russia • Taiwan • India • Japan

103 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

• FAQ on the evaluation of international cooperation aspect of H2020 proposals

• FAQ on third countries tenders/opportunities/portal/screen/support/faq;categories=;programme=null;actions=;keyword=third%20countries

• FAQ on international participation tenders/opportunities/portal/screen/support/faq;categories=;programme=null;actions=;keyword=international%20participation

• FAQ on international cooperation tenders/opportunities/portal/screen/support/faq;categories=;programme=null;actions=;keyword=International%20cooperation

• FAQ on international organisations tenders/opportunities/portal/screen/support/faq;categories=;programme=null;actions=;keyword=international%20organisations

104 Past Events / Webinars

• 21/03/2019 - Webinar: International Cooperation in Horizon 2020 – the basics

• 15/04/2019 - Training: Advanced information on International Cooperation with specific focus on thematic areas of Horizon 2020

• 16/04/2019 - Meet and Exchange Workshop: International Cooperation in Horizon 2020 presentation/

• 16/05/2019 - Webinar: Legal & Financial rules on International Cooperation : how it works under Horizon 2020 + key recommendations for Horizon Europe -

105 7. Whom to contact?

106 • Horizon 2020 National Contact Points (→ choose country and function!) (NCPs are also established in many non-EU and non-associated countries / "third countries")

• Contact speakers

APRE – Agency for the Promotion of European Research

➢ Mattia Ceracchi – APRE International Cooperation Team – [email protected] ➢ Serena Borgna - H2020 National Contact Point “Food Security, Sustainable Agriculture and Forestry, Marine, Maritime and Inland Water Research and the Bioeconomy” – [email protected] ➢ Marta Calderaro - H2020 National Contact Point “Information and Communication Technologies” – [email protected]

107 8. Questions and answers

108 Join Now!

© European Union, 2018

The information and views set out in this presentation are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the official opinion of the European Union. Neither the European Union institutions and bodies nor any person acting on their behalf may be held responsible for the use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged. 109