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1-22-1998 Eastern Progress - 22 Jan 1998 Eastern Kentucky University

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Staying on the slopes ► Sports ► WEATHER TODAY Accent Hi: 49 Low: 37 Despite some recent WSfviE Conditions: Rain deaths, skiing continues Men's and women's bas- mt 43, clouoy * :**:)'*}' to be a popular winter ketball teams play week- : 42, partly ctouoV •■'** . attraction/I end games in AC/M •0N:36.doudr^ •%••%*••• ^ EasteriilVogress -1 nlucky u> ► Alcohol on campus Group wants HELP WANTED The presidential search committee has selected four tlnaiiti to fill the tougher position that will open in July, moving one step closer to finding an answer to penalties the university's Mgrgnrt want ad — Eastern's next preildent. SEEKING SEEKING SEEKING SEEKING Substance abuse committee EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT looking at fines, classes Philip W. Conn Wimam FuNcerson Robert Kustra BY JACMTA FELOMAH, CHARLES LEWS AND TM Mourmi

Ben Smiddy spent one December night doing what a lot of college students do. He spent the night drink- ing. But Smiddy also did something a lot of students never do. He spent the night in jail. Smiddy had been drinking at a friend's apartment Position: President Position: B Position: Dec. 12. He came back to his dorm room in Keene Hall, ■ ■ and around 11:45 p.m. he heard some commotion out- of Dickinson State Henderson State Lieutenant governor of side his room. University, 1985 - pre- University, 1988 - pre- Colorado, 1994 - present Illinois, 1990 - present A girl, Courtney Poer, was passed out in the hall and sent sent ■ Jobs held: Taught at B Experience: some residents were trying to get her downstairs to ■ Experience: Taught B Experience: Taught Chairman of the Illinois check her out. Smiddy said. Board of Education, He volunteered to help take Poer back to her room at University of at the University of University Fresno, senior in Combs Hall, but when they got to the lobby of her Missouri, vice presi- Arkansas at Montteeilo vice president of member of the Illinois dorm, they weren't allowed to take her up to her room. American Association of House of Smiddy, an 18-year-old freshman, was arrested and dent of Morehead and University of Central Arkansas. Was Representatives, mem- charged with alcohol intoxication and disorderly con- University. Worked at Universities, vice presi- ber of Illinois State duct. director of governmen- the Kentucky dent of PhMps Senate Besides spending the night in jail, he also had to pay Legislative Research tal relations at a $100 fine. University, president of B Education: And it was the fine that Smiddy said is going to curb Commission. University of Central Graduated from his drinking "a whole lot" ■ Education: Arkansas from 1982- pressoent or Benedictine College. That's what I got from the police, but the campus 86. hasn't punished me yet," Smiddy said. Graduated from Berea Metfopoatan state Also studied at Right now, the university is trying to decide how to College. Also studied ■ Education: Graduated College, acting presi- Southern Illinois at the University of from Southern State dent of Western State University. Earned a See Alcohol/Page AS Tennessee, and for a University. Studied doctorate In political year and a half In political science at science for the ►Mandatory meal plan Europe. Earned doctor- University of North from WMero Jewell University of Illinois. ate In public adminis- Texas. Earned a doctor- B "I've bean in public tration from University ate In political science Temple University and lire, In an elected pool- Proposal of Southern California. from Southern Illinois earned a doctorate In tkm, for the past 20 B "When you see a University. conaiiuistations from years and... much university like that B "I think one thrust rmcrsgan state as I enjoyed what I put on hold (Eastern) you wish to for me, one effort I University. In the public service, promote K ... much of would try to make Is B Fuskerson's goal for think it was time to Funderburk appoints committee move on." what I would want to that Eastern Kentucky Eastern would be "to ensure that students to review food service problems do Is to continue what University's story is told." and faculty are working BY CHARLES LEW la already happening." together to bring the News writer The mandatory meal plan proposal drafted by food ser- vice director Greg Hopkins and announced last week, has been has been placed on hold pending further discussion Finalists offer range of backgrounds, qualifications and consideration. and narrowed the field down. In January, Doug Whitlock, executive BY JACWTA FELMIAN the search committee invited eight semi- << This was the best assistant to tile president, was News editor tnainti to off-campus interviews, and from committee proce- selected to head an 11-member there the final four were chosen. task force that will study Eastern's The search committee has nar- Readers react rowed the number of Eastern's Joseph Schwendeman, a member of the dure I have ever ■ food service and make any rec- presidential hopefuls down to search committee representing retired to mandatory ommendations by May 1. he said. four finalists. Eastern community, said choosing the been Involved with. meal plan propos- The task force is made up of finalists was a difficult job. Richard Freed, faculty and student members, to Philip Conn, Charles al. Faga A* Dunn. William Fulkerson and Robert There were a lot of good people that search committee ensure a wide representation. applied." Schwendeman said. In addition to looking at the Kustra are the four remaining candidates in ■ Student worker the running to become Eastern's next pres- Philip Conn is president of Dickerson proposed board plan, the task ident State University in North Dakota. College. His wile. Donna, is from Madison force will be looking at the entire "This was the best committee procedure He said he applied for the position at County- Her parents still live here. He lived almost fired for food service program at Eastern, I have ever been involved with... We came Eastern because he respected its 'strong in Kentucky for about 18 years, in Berea, commenting he said. up with four people who we think were out- mission.'' and what H is doing for higher Frankfort, Louisville and Morehead. about food ear- In a letter to the vice president standing candidates," said Richard Freed, a education in this area. "ft would feel very much like I was work- vice on TV news. of student affairs. Jim Harmon, search committee member representing "It (Eastern) has made higher education ing in my home area," he said. president of Residence Hall the Board of Regents. possible for a broad range of people in that Conn said he feels like having children Association (RHA), said that he The final four candidates were chosen area," he said. that are college-age helps him relate to was concerned by the lack of stu- from a pool of 83 applicants. The search Conn has Kentucky and Madison dent participation in discussing and drafting the board committee reviewed all the applications County ties He graduated from Berea SMI plan proposal. "Eastern's food service has come under scrutiny by students recently concerning the price and quality of the food, and the service at the counters. Food services also incurred a loss of over $160,000 in the last year. laf

See Food/Page A4 ► Inside Council reviews discrepancies in state's remedial classes Accent B1 Activities B5 BY ALYSSA BRAMLAQE Northern Kentucky has to pop a 20. the council. "Many policy decisions Establishing policy should come by the next policy meeting in Arts B3 Managing editor Eastern had 566 students that are made need to be addressed ACT enrolled in remedial English class- at the next policy meeting." November where a study of mini- Classifieds A4 If you scored 18 on the es for fall 1997 and 1,321 students in CPE is carrying out a directive mum admissions requirements will Perspective A2. 3 breakdown math portion of your ACT. you remedial math classes, said Jack from the 1997 Kentucky General also be presented. Protilee B4 The scores state universities just avoided Math 095 at Eastern. Culross, dean for undergraduate Assembly which told the council to "It is one thing to propose a stan- Sports B6-8 But that score could land you in dard and another thing to actually What's On Tap B2 require to bypass remedial edu- studies. "review the policies of higher edu- implement how the scores and tests cation classes a remedial math course at Western. The CPE presented statistics on cation institutions for identification That disparity has sparked a and placement of students in reme- will be used." Sugarman said. "It School Math English study of the definition of college- remedial education at state univer- may take awhile to come up with sities and colleges at its Jan. 12 dial and developmental courses and statistics on the policy." level work by the Council on make a recommendation for_ estab- I I J Postsecondary Education. The pre- meeting. Kentucky had 44 percent The council is also looking at. of its first-time freshmen enroll in lishing a statewide standard." 2 among other things, where the liminary indication is that "one insti- House Joint Resolution 6 was a Eastern is spending $2.2 mil- tution's remedial student may very one or more remedial classes in fall remedial education should take lion to avoid a computer cat- likely be another institution's fully 1995. Nationwide the trend is 29 byproduct of the special session place — in the university setting or percent, according to the council's which changed the structure of astrophe with the millenni- prepared student" in community colleges. um arrives/as The scores required before a study. higher education in the state. "Council will deal with the ques- "We've fulfilled half of that. WKU student can take college-level "The council responded to the tion of where is the proper point of CLASS PATTERN English are just as erratic. While an findings of the report, but did not Council has reworked the policies." access," Sugarman said. "The Source: Council on take action at this time," said Roger Sugarman said, "but it hasn't done Postsecondary Education Eastern student needs to score a 16 TRF on the English section to be placed Sugarman, associate director for the second part in establishing poli- See Remedial/Page A4 Tim MoHette/Progress in English 101, a student at research and accountability with cy."

> - f Perspective

► Editorials

Without some much-needed reworking, food service is not ready to support a mandatory meal plan he food service why Eastern is losing money. proposal. Right now, students, However, the revenue increased by If food service could be l\ proposal to make The mandatory meal plan pro- administrators and staff are debat- only 20.6 percent. It makes sense improved, even overhauled, then *\ meal plans manda- posal itself, however, posed more ing the pros and cons of the manda- that, if students were satisfied with perhaps a mandatory meal plan is tory for freshmen met questions than answers. For exam- tory meal plan, but those people will their board plan, both participation something that could be considered ith quick opposition ple: not have to face the out-of-pocket and revenue would increase concur- at a later date — but definitely not from students and cam- ■ Right now, Eastern is one of consequences of such a new policy. rently, but that isn't the case. now. pus leaders, and only three state institutions without ■ With students now voicing The bottom line — find out why No one wants food service oper- deservedly so. a meal plan pushing student costs their concerns about the quality and people aren't eating what food ser- ating in the red, as they were last Although something up. When the university loses that cost of food service outlets, what vice offers, then set up a plan for year. But forcing students to pay for does need to be done about food edge, and an extra $400 per semes- will happen when the administra- remedying the problems students what they're not satisfied with is not service's losing money, forcing the ter is added to the cost of attending tion forces students to eat food they say are keeping them from eating in only silly, it's bad business. funds out of students' pockets is Eastern, the "steal" of an education are dissatisfied with or face losing a the cafeterias or campus grill. The administration should focus wrong. that Eastern is now considered may substantial sum of money each That's why the new committee is on turning food service into some- Now that a committee has been be a thing of the past semester? a good idea and why the mandatory thing students can enjoy, or at least set up to review how to remedy the ■ The people this plan affects the ■ The proposal mentions that board plan proposal is one of the live with. Then, and only then, will problems with food service, per- most — next year's freshmen — participation in board plans haps answers will be produced for worst changes the university could the fiscal situation improve. have no say in the outcome of the increased by 27 percent this year. make at this point The customer is always right.

► Letters ► Campus Comments: Mandatory Meal Plan Last week, the Progress asked its readers to respond to the proposed mandatory board plan. Here are some insights from your fellow students. KEITH JONES Propsal ridiculous $400 in food service options. it is a great school with a lot of I think the introduction of a In my opinion, I don't think this options for everyone. I don't think that's really mandatory food plan is ridicu- is a good idea. fair. If people don't want lous. I realize that food services College tuition is expensive Amy Hall to eat on the board plan, I think It's good, I think here at Eastern are losing as it is. and I think a $400 money, but the students should increase would be a serious Forcing freshman to why should they be they should pass it because not have to make up for that blow to the number of students spend $400 'one of the forced to? Then they their (freshmen) parents feel loss. Not only do we have to live who enroll. A lot of students they're eating healthier. on campus until we are 21, but pick EKU because of the fact worst Ideas' have to plan their sched- now they are trying to suck even that it isn't as expensive as some ule around the board more money out of the students. of the other schools. However, The idea that freshmen would have to invest $400 a semester is Hometown: plan. Privatization would be when one could attend either ■ Eastern's best route in my opin- the University of Kentucky or one of the worst ideas the uni- Walton Erlanger ion. Students would be more EKU for roughly the same price, versity has come up with in eager to stay on campus and use which one do you think they many years. Why should stu- History education Undeclared the facilities here, if they were would choose? I know I would dents have to pay for the mis- Yeer Sophomore » Year: Freshman chains that students recognized. have chosen UK I think if such management of the school's food service? It appears that >y A mandatory board plan will a plan is passed the make students want to be a part enrollment will drop seriously. food service is trying to cover of this campus even less ... not Besides the fact of tuition get- itself from poor food and over- to mention the fact that most of ting seriously expensive, a lot of charging the students here at Eastern's students are not on- people don't even use the food Eastern Kentucky University. campus students. What about services on campus. I know that I If freshmen are required to these commuters? Will they too rarely do. put the money in the account, I don't think that's it Tt's cheaper to buy food be required to purchase this? I I would rather eat off of cam- that means the food service off campus. I think its think this proposal is one of pus. You'll have to admit the food would not lose money, but at right. You should have Eastern's most ridiculous yet. prices aren't competitive. what cost to the students and your own choice. That's ridiculous to make them I don't think it would be just to their parents? (freshmen) buy it when Joshua Dugan charge students for something Right now it seems every the way it should be... that they may not even want to semester that something goes You come to college to food off campus is cheaper. use. up around here and the services live on your own, to I think it should be their I don't know everything about go down. By requiring the the Hometown* Hometown: choice. Mandatory plan should this plan, and I'm certainly not money it means the food ser- Cave City live by your owe n Hyden be thrown out' beating it in the ground. vices would not have to improve Major I just picked up a campus However, from the view I see. I itself but continue to go down as Music merchan- Psychology newspaper, and I couldn't miss think this proposal should be it has each semester. dising Year: Junior the headline "Mandatory board thrown out or at least given Year: Sophomore plan proposed" This article some serious consideration. I'd JJ states that a plan was proposed hate to see Eastern take a huge David G. White to require freshmen to purchase loss with such a plan. Right now.

"* * "* "* V ' "» ■» -V---. _L. —^ emMBMMI The Eastern Progress, Thursday, January 22.1998 Perspective A3 Silly '80s vernacular made sense in its day Slang from past generations made you were saying. the '90s. Let's be honest, no one said the And who could forget when being "bad" Beatles were "the bomb," or called Elvis "the was so good. Good-looking guys were "bad," shit." for interesting conversations These are words that are acceptable to say words that are collecting dust in your mental pretty girls were "bad." Heck, even fast cars There are some people were "bad." now, but in a few years, we'll look back and who are politely quiet. They library. You know, the kind of talk you hear cringe. Like almost all slang terms before don't speak until spoken to, they in bad '80s films. You might hear someone say, "Like, how's don't talk loudly and they would never dream Words that, at one time, you used daily, your new boyfriend?" And her reply would them, these words will die. Some of the "90s of interrupting anyone else. but now wouldn't be caught dead saying. most definitely be "Oh, he is like so bad." terms are already in the grave. Nobody says But that's not me. Take the word "like" for example. A few That's some pretty awesome dialogue "word to your mother" anymore. No, I'm a talker. years back it was very vogue to insert a "like" going on there. Still, there are those few slang words that A big-time talker. I love the sound of my here and a "like" there whenever talking. It But if being bad was good, what did people have followed us through the years. Not a day JACINTA FELDMAN call something that was actually bad? They goes by that I don't hear people refer to My Turn own voice, and I'm not embarrassed to show was actually useful. If you didn't have any- it off. I've always been like that. And although thing to say or didn't know much about what called it "gnarly." things as "cool" or "awesome." wmmmmmmmmmmm These are two words that everybody from Fetdman is a my fascination with the spoken word hasn't you were talking about, no one would notice. But the '80s were definitely not the only changed, my use of it definitely has. They would be way too busy trying to deci- decade with its own set of words. the baby boomer to Generation X-er can sophomore from I am talking about slang. All those groovy pher your code to be able to understand what There are a few words found exclusively in understand. Louisville.

Teens and their 'zines: SA president urges restraint How would you like to pay a $650 fine for being caught in the possession and/or consump- Girls want more than makeup tion of alcohol? If actions speak louder than words, then the I remember when I was a freshman run- had. All that mattered was I was getting my student's answer must be YES. Some university ning to the mailbox periodically to grab magazine at regular intervals and they were officials believe that alcohol abuse is getting my Teen Magazine. I was obsessed with dishing out all the dirt that was possible, worse on our campus. Why wouldn't they after getting my monthly dose of beauty tips, and I ate it up. reading about incidents like the one described last romantic advice and fashion do's and Now a new magazine geared toward week in "Student hospitalized after drinking"? don'ts. teen-age girls is promising something differ- Proposals are currently being drafted to stiffen the At the time, I saw nothing ent from the typical gossip, sanctions for being found in possession of and/or wrong with devoting my life fashion and beauty maga- consumption of alcohol or being drunk and disor- to the pursuit of beauty and It didn't zine. derly. These sanctions would include hefty fines fashion, not to mention the matter to me Teen People says it will against students who are found guilty. pursuit of guys who would offer more stories on celebri- If students continue to drink in the residence never pursue me back. that the peo- ties and subjects that affect halls, vandalize our campus, and carry out acts of Now I realize that most teens. violence while under the influence, we will see of what I was reading did ple writing all That would be nice to see these stiffer alcohol sanctions in the near future. not even apply to my life, of this sage and it's a noble effort if the To avoid these types of sanctions we must remind nor would it ever apply. editors follow through with ourselves and our friends to drink responsibly. I did not have the advice were it. The first issue included ■ Remember if you choose to drink, drink in same basic biology that stories about eating disor- moderation. the girls in the maga- more than ders, hazing and other trau- ■ Use some form of a designated driver system zine had, therefore I twice my age. matic teen issues. (taxi, sober friend, etc.) could not use the I would have liked to have ■ Don't vandalize our campus. It's also our seen substantial pieces like home. beauty tips that they this when I was into teen magazines. As the students of Eastern Kentucky University were giving me. I do think that some magazines should we must unite to combat alcohol abuse on our My body did not look like be frivolous and not make me think, but I campus. Too often EKU is referred to as the their bodies, so I couldn't take think that fluff pieces can be balanced with "party" school. We have many other programs and their fashion advice, either. issues of importance quite easily. This mix activities that deserve the'community's attention Let's not even mention the can even make for a very interesting read*. besides the downtown scene. I'll admit, I too have gobs of advice the magazine The editors of Teen People have a long gone downtown, but I choose to drink responsi- gave about getting that one- road ahead of them. Will teen readers enjoy bly. Please join me in speaking out against alcohol of-a-kind guy. Most of the tips the topics presented or will they simply abuse; in doing so the life you save might be your fell way short of anything ever possible of revert to their usual magazines with stories own. a 14-year-old girl. about boys and makeup? But I didn't care. It didn't matter to me Only time will tell what readers will do Michael J. Lynch that the people writing all of this sage advice and only time will say if the editors can stick Student Association president were more than twice my age. to their formula and offer something more It didn't matter that they hadn't experi- than embarrassing tales of teen hormones enced being a teen-ager in the '90s, like I run awry.

►To Our Readers ►How to reach us The Eastern Progress ne: (606) 622-1881 I E-Mail: progfessOacs.eku.edu I Fax:(606)622-2354 COLONEL'S CINEMA encourages readers to write letters to the editor on topics To report a now* story or To suggest a photo or order a of interest to the university Showing New Releases On community. News reprint Jacinta Feldman, 622-1872 Letters should be typed, Brian Simms, 622-1578 CHANNEL 40 double-spaced and limited to Features 250 words. Gwenda Bond, 622-1872 To subscribe 5:30 PM TILL ?? If a letter has excessive Subscriptions are available by mail at a Activities spelling, grammar and punc- cost of $1 per issue; $20 per semester.or SUNDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY AND FRIDAY tuation errors, the editor DenaTackett, 622-1882 $38 per year payable in advance. reserves the right to urge Arts&Entertainment (Movies are shown consecutively) the writer to make revisions. Michael Roy, 622-1882 Unsigned letters, carbon To submit a column Thurs « January 22 Fri * January 30 2)Addicted To Love (I 40) 4)JerryMaguire(2:l5) copies, photocopies and let- Sports "Your Turn" columns should be mailed to l)Con Air (1:55) I (Murder At 1600(1:46) 3)Contact(2:30) Shane Walters, 622-1882 Mon « February 16 ters with illegible signatures The Eastern Progress, 117 Donovan 2)Dante's Peak (1:52) 2)Grosse Pointe Blank 4)My Best Friend's 1 Conspiracy Theory will not be accepted. To place an ad Annex, Eastern Kentucky University, The Progress reserves (1:47) 3)Face/OiT(2:18) Wedding (1:45) (2:15) Display Richmond, Ky. 40475. 3)Blues Brothers (2:13) 4)Murder At 1600(1:46) the right not to publish let- Sun » February 8 2)NothingToLose ters that are judged to be Lee Potter, 622-1489 The deadline is noon Monday prior to 4)Con Air (1:55) SUB « February 1 libelous or in poor taste. publication on Thursday. Columns will be I (Chasing Amy (1:45) (1:37) Letters should be Classified/Subscriptions printed in accordance with available Fri; January 23 l)Addicted To Love (1:40) 2)MalcolmX(3:21) 3 )Jerry Maguire (2:15) addressed to the newspaper Son|a Knight, 622-1881 space. I )Grosse Pointe Blank 2)Contact(2:30) 3)Rosewood(2:20) 4)Conspiracy Theory and should contain the (1:47) 3)My Best Friend's 4)Chasing Amy (1:45) (2:15) writer's signature, address 2)Blues Brothers (2:13) Wedding (1:45) Mop • February 9 Tues • February |7 and phone number. Letters 3)Con Air (1:55) 4(Addicted To Love (1:40) for publication will be veri- l)MalcolmX(3:21) 1 (Nothing To Lose Richmond/ 4)Grosse Pointe Blank fied. The Progress also gives Where to find us EKU Campus Mon « February 2 2)Rosewood(2:20) (1:37) its readers an opportunity to ► The Eastern Progress Is located lust off (1:47) l)Contact(2:30) 3)Chasing Amy (1:45) 2)Jerry Maguire (2:15) voice more detailed opinions Lancaster Avenue In the Donovan Annex on the Sun ; January 25 2)My Best Friend's in a column called "Your west side of Alumni Coliseum. 4)MalcolmX(3:21) 3 Conspiracy Theory l)Dante's Peak (1:52) Wedding (1:45) Turn." Tues • February 10 (2:15) 2)Face/Off(2:18) 3 (Addicted To Love (1:40) Those interested in writ- l)Rosewood(2:20) 4)Nothing To Lose 4)Contact(2:30) ing for this column should 3 )Murder At 1600(1:46) 2)Chasing Amy (1:45) (1:37) contact the editor prior to 4)Dante's Peak (1:52) submitting the article. Tues • February 3 3)MalcolmX(3:21) Wed « February 18 Letters and columns Mon * January 26 l)My Best Friend's 4)Rosewood(2:20) 1 (Jerry Maguire (2:15) l)Face/Off(2:18) should be mailed to The Wedding (1:45) Wed* February II 2 Conspiracy Theory Eastern Progress, 117 2)Murder At 1600(1:46) 2)Addicted To Love (1:40) 1 phasing Amy (1:45) (2:15) Donovan Annex, Eastern 3)Dante's Peak (1:52) 3)Contact(2:30) Kentucky University, 2)MalcolmX(3:21) 3)Nothing To Lose Kentucky Slat* 4)Face/Off(2:l8) 4)My Best Friend's (1:37) Richmond, Ky. 40475. PollcaPoal 3)Rosewood(2:20) Letters and columns may Tues * January 27 Wedding (1:45) 4)Chasing Amy (1:45) 4)Jerry Maguire (2:15) also be submitted by e-mail at progress@acs. eku.edu. l)Murder At 1600(1:46) Wed • February 4 Thurs • February 12 Thurs » February 19 2)Dante's Peak (1:52) 1 )Addicted To Love (1:40) l)MalcolmX(3:21) 1 Conspiracy Theory 3)Face/Off(2:18) 2)Contact(2:30) 2)Rosewood(2:20) (2:15) 4)Murder At 1600(1:46) 3)My Best Friend's 3)Chasing Amy (1:45) 2 (Nothing To Lose Wed » January 28 Wedding (1:45) 4)MalcolmX(3:21) (1:37) 4)Addicted To Love (1:40) 3(Jerry Maguire (2:15) l)Dante's Peak (1:52) Fri » February |3 2)Face/Off(2:18) Thurs « February 5 4Conspiracy Theory 117 Donovan Annex, Eastern Kentucky University,, chmond, Ky. 40475 l)Rosewood(2:20) (2:15) 3 )Murder At 1600(1:46) l)Contact(2:30) 2)Chasing Amy (1:45) Tun Mollette I Editor 4)Dante's Peak (1:52) 2)My Best Friend's Fri » February 20 Alyssa Bramlage I Managing editor 3)MalcolmX(3£l) Thurs « January 29 Wedding (1:45) 1 (Nothing To Lose Doug Rapp I Copy editor 4)Rosewood(2:20) l)Face/Off(2:18) 3)Addicted To Love (1:40) (1:37) Greg Parr I Staff artist Sun * February IS 2)Murder At 1600(1:46) 4)Contact(2:30) 2)Jerry Maguire (2:15) The Eastern Progress (ISSN 1081-8324) is a member of tising should be reported to Adviser/General Manager, Dr. 1 )Jerry Maguire (2:15) 3 Conspiracy Theory the Associated Collegiate Press, Kentucky Intercollegiate Elizabeth Fraas. 3)Dante's Peak (1:52) Fri» February 6 2)Conspiracy Theory (2:15) Press Association and College Newspaper Business & Opinions expressed herein are those of student editors or 4)Face/Off(2:18) 1) My Best Friend's (2:15) Advertising Managers, Inc. The Progress is published every other signed writers and do not necessarily represent the 3)Nothing To Lose (1:37) 4(Nothing To Lose Thursday during the school year, with the exception of vaca- views of the university. Student editors also decide the Wedding (1:45) tion and examination periods. Any false or misleading adver- news and informational content. SPONSORED BY UNIVERSITY CENTER BOARD RESIDENCE HALL ASSOCIATION AND STUDENT ASSOCIATION A4 NeWS The Eastern Progress, Thursday, January 22.1998 President: Finalists will visit in February p* Progress Classifieds From the front Colorado. expect to be a president that main- Have the summer of your life at a Spring Brssk Panama City Beach, Fulkerson said he could bring "a tained that," he said. HELP WANTED. "SUMMIT Luxury Condos, next to students on a college campus better. BCCEPTTONAL 3UMB1 OPPORTU- prestigious coed stespaway camp in the "We're up to our eyeballs in col- lot of experience, a lot of energy and He said he and his wife would beautiful Pocono Mountains of Spinnaker Odt>, Owner Discount Rates, lege life ... we know how today's col- some humor," to Eastern if he got like to move to Kentucky. NITY - Camp Wayne. NE PA (3 (404)356-9637 There is a charm about the hr*7NYC) - Sport* oriented. Pennsylvania, 2 M2 hours from NYC. lege students think," he said. the position as president He said he We're seeking counselors who can would "take a look at what's going south that I think we northerners Cfrjnaabr/S^nrinlati lor al Land/Water —ACT NOW! Last chance to reserve Charles Dunn is the president of Sports inc. Tsnnis, Camping, teach all Team & Individual Sports, Henderson State University in on," the campus before he would appreciate," Kustra said. your spot for SPRING BREAK! GROUP Kustra has been involved in poli- Climbing/Ropas, Mountain Biking, Tennis, Gymnastics, rforseback Riding, Arkansas. make any kind of changes. DISCOUNTS for 6 or more. Call The decision to apply at Eastern tics for the past 20 years. He said the Rockatry. Rollar Hockey, Mt. Biking. Theatre. Tech Theatre. He was a first generation college Circus, Magic, Arts & Crafts, Pioneering, Leisure lours for South Padre, Cancun. student in his family when he gradu- came from wanting to be back on a main reason he was ready to get out Sailing/Walerskiing, A & C, Drama, campus, Fulkerson said. of public office is because of the Climbing Tower. Water Sports, Music, Jamaica and Florida 1 -800638-8203 / ated from Southern Arkansas — Radio, Video. Campus Interviews www.leisuretours.com then called Southern State He said he would be ready to increase in money it takes to run a Wednesday. Feb. 11. 1996. Please cal Dance, Science, or Computers. We also move to Kentucky if he got the posi- campaign over the past years. 1 888 737-9296 or 516-883-3067. seek theatre directors. Great salaries University — in 1967. JAMAICA SHUTTLE Sprtng Brssk, 7 tion. He said he has moved all over The finalists are coming to cam- Leave your name, phone number and and perks. Plenty of free time. He said he became interested in pus in February to met the faculty, nts. Cincinnati from $487 ea. 10 years Eastern because he liked the "spirit" the country, and his wife and he maing address. Internships available for many majors. he saw here. enjoy being parts of different cul- staff and students. Freed said there On-campus interviews on 2/11. Call experience, all taxes included. FREE will be ample opportunity for all ReggaeJAM Spring Break info 24 hrs "In my opinion, education is a lot tures. Area Raps - Individuals with good Island Lake at 800-869-6083 for a Robert Kustra is the lieutenant groups on campus to met with them. dai/. Operators 9 arn.-6pm more than numbers on a page or sta- schooltommunity contacts to place and brochure and appfcatton. governor of Illinois and the chair of The final decision of who will be (SOOJ'U REGGAE or (800) 873-4423. tistics. It's what goes on inside the supervise an exchange student for $825 the Illinois Board of Higher Eastern's next president lies in the e-mail: [email protected] classroom," Dunn said. 1-800-964^678. Help! Need someone to coach me In He said one thing he would bring Education. liands of the Board of Regents. testnfng Windows 96. $10.00 per hour. He said it was Eastern's strong Freed said he feels all the finalists to Eastern is more student involve- Cal 624-9173. BEST HOTELS, LOWEST PRICES. emphasis on liberal arts that drew are good candidates for the position. Looking for a Bve-ki parson to help ALL SPRWGBREAK locations Cancun, ment in the university. They were intelligent and ener- with house chores: Cooking, shopping, They (students) think outside him to applying for the presidency. Jamaba, from $399, Florida from $89, "I think if s impressive when a larg- getic and they matched the criteria cMdcare. Wi provide room, board, and Child cars provider needed for two the box," he said. "Students aren't well," he said. "What we were look- smal children. MWF 8 am. -11 am., Texas, Mazatlan, Bahamas. Register limited by our background." er public university doesn't forget the stipend. Should require approximately" 20 your group or be our Campus Rep. importance of liberal arts," he said. ing for was a good fit; that is some- ru/wk attention. Send resume to: 207 near campus. Feb. 16 through May 8. William Fulkerson is the presi- 800-327-6013. www.icpt.com dent of State Colleges in Colorado, , "I have an excellent relationship one we would be happy with and we Pne Vatoy Dr.. Berea, KY40403. References required. 925-2006. with the students, and I would really felt would be happy here." which includes four campuses in •"Spring Brsak '98 Gst Going!!! EARN $79041,500/WEEK. Raise al NANNY/HOUSEKEEPER. 230 p.m. - Cancun, Jamaica Bahamas, * Florida the money your student group needs by 6:15 p.m., 3 to 4 dayafWk. Must be aval Group Discounts a Free Drink Parties! sponsoring a VBA Fundralaer on your able M Th. F. $tVhr, no nightsAveekends, Sell 5 ft go freel Book now!!! Food: RHA offers help in gathering student input campus. No investment & very ittte time spring break off Must be dependable. Serious inquiries only. Cal Erin at 626- Vrsa/MC/Disc/Amex 1-800-234-7007 From the front semester, including taking guests to account plan known as the Colonel needed. There's no obligation, so why http^/w w—Hisssswwrnsrtoi W com the meals. Card. Under this plan the student not cal for hbrmatfon today. Cal 1-800- 0392 after 630 p.m. and Mr. Hopkins estimated a loss of The Pool Deck plan offers 150 would be required to deposit money 323-8454x95. the same proportion this year," the meals per semester and also allows in an Eastern food service account Delivery Drivers! Earn extra $ fast! LMe FOR RENT... letter stated. which can be drawn upon at any of TYPING/DATA ENTRY - S5-S10 per Caesars now hiring delivery drivers. One, two and three bedroom apart- unlimited entry to the dining facility ments and town houses. Cal Hager The proposed board plan called during each meal. The Stateroom the dining facilities on campus or at hour depending on typing speed and Hourly wage plus cash commission paid Rentals at 6236482. for mandatory participation by all plan allows a student to eat 10 meals the bookstore. accuracy. Minimum speed 45wpm. Job dairy + tips! Flexible schedules. Apply freshmen living on campus. Under each week. "Mr. Hopkins could have promot- description: Entering student names and today 539 Mahaffey Dr. Location. the proposal, they would be required The Lounge plan allows the selec- ed his proposal through the PRIDE addresses from nomination forms sub- AVAILABLE NOW! Furnished bedroom to deposit at least $400 per semester tion of 14 of the 19 meals served Committee or Council on Student $l,000's WEEKLY! Stufl envelopes at /private home. Cable television and into one of seven meal plans. The mitted by teachers, counselors and/or each week. The Master's Quarters Affairs where student leaders could professors. Part-time or ful-time, morn- home for $2.00 each plus bonuses. phone. Non-smoker. References and highest priced plan being $1,130 for plan allows one to have all 19 of the have shared input on the proposal Work F/T or P/T. Make $800+ weekly, lease. 60&624-1478. 19 or more meals a week. 19 meals served each week. and recommended changes," ings, afternoons, evenings, weekdays The program under which the six and/or weekends. Flexible schedules, guaranteed I Free supplies. No experi- The last of the sue basic plans is Harmon said in his letter. ence necessary. For details, send one MSCELLANEOUS... basic plans are structured is called the Captain's table plan which Harmon said RHA would like to work up to 40 hours per week. Create your own schedule according to your stamp to: N-90. 12021 WHshire Blvd.. SEIZED CARS from $175. Porsches. "Club Eastern." includes an extra entree at each of help in gathering information, student Cadillacs. Chevys, BMWs, Corvettes. The Promenade Deck plan offers availability. Apply in person at 2570 Suite 552, Los Angeles, CA 90025. the 19 meals. input, or any other services needed in Also Jeeps, 4 WD's. Your Area. Tol Free 75 meals pre-purchased for con- The seventh option is the debit the revision of the proposal. Palumbo Dr., Lexington, Monday to sumption any time during each Friday 830 am. - 430 p.m. Now hiring darks, part-time or fuMme. 1 -800-218-9000 Ext. A-15058 for current day shift and second shift available istings. REGISTRATION STAFF ■ $5-$8 per Apply in person. Dairy Mart, 229 N. Remedial: Teaching methods play big role hour. Job description: To register stu- Second St.. 946 Commercial Dr Frss Cash Grsnts! College. dents in the Academy by processing Scholarships. Business. Medical bills. beginning math courses than those their nominations and applications TRAVEL. Never Repay. Tbl Free 1-800-218-9000 community college question will be and transition to college. "It ExtG-7077. answered in the policy on minimum depended on the teacher. Some who did not. Mornings, afternoons, evenings, week- Spring Break Bahamas Party Cruise! days and/or weekends Rexfote sched- 6 Days $279! Includes Meats, Parties & admissions requirements." taught good techniques and skills "My math class helped me, and GOVT FORECLOSED homes from But it's not a question of where that I still use. Developmental comp I'm in (Math) 105 now," said ule. Work up to 40 hours per week. Taxesl Great Beaches & Nightlife! Create your own schedule according to Leaves from South Florida! pennies on $1. Delinquent Tax, Repo's the classes are taught but how, was a waste, but maybe it was the Bridgette Abner, 18, a freshman REO-S Your Area Toll Free (1) 800-218- most students say. teacher." from Walton who took developmen- your availability. Apply in person at 2570 sprirxjbreaktravel.com 1-800678-6386 "Some classes helped me," said The CPE study published statis- tal algebra and developmental read- Palumbo Dr., Lexington, Monday 9000 Ext. H-7077 for current listings. Cindy Bowman, 18, a freshman tics indicating that students who ing last semester. "It refreshed me through Friday 830 am. - 430 p.m. Cancun ft Jamaica Spring Brssk from Williamsburg who took devel- took remedial math classes had a because some people haven't taken Specials! 7 Nights Air & Hotel $459! Buy a computer $45/month. First opmental composition, pre-algi-bra higher pass rate in college-level it for a while." PROOFREADING • $5-$8 per hour. Save $150 on Food, Drinks I Panama Computer Solutions, for al your comput- Each person is paid according to an Oty $139, South Beach $129! er needs & accessories. 910 Redhouse incentive program. Job description: spnrgbreaktravel.com 1-800678-6386 Rd72nd Street. 626-1161. Rentals aval- Compare nomination forms from teach- able. nrnmum ers and professors with a computer print- Florida Spring Break! Panama City! CatfCUtf tomtom out tor accuracy of speling and correct Room with kitchen $1391 Florida's new FEMALE ROOMMATE NEEDED, three address. Part-time or fuMme, mornings, Hotspot - South Beach $1291 Bars open bedroom house, 7 miles from EKU near J FLORIDA S i)ania»ca erm ton afternoons, weekdays andtor weekends. until 5 am J Cocoa Beach - Hifcm $179! 1-75 and 25, no pets, no smoking Cal Ftexble schedules Work up to 40 hours spnrxjbreaktravel.com 1 -800678-6386 624-2502 Maria —^SPRINCBREAK per weak. Create your own schedule according to your availability. Prefer 2 SPRING BREAK! Panama City. BIRTHDAYS. FROM $149 PER WEEK' flSrM* torn ton years of colage Apply in person at 2570 Daytona Beach, Florida. Best Happy Belated Birthday Brandon and CAMPUS WlTPS: SCLL B AND OO FHCC! Palumbo Dr., Lexington, Monday Oceanfront Hotels/Condos. Lowest Susan. Love, Sonja and Don RT5TP through Friday 830 am. - 530 p.m Prices Guaranteed! 1-888-7504SUN. PANAMA Happy Belated Birthday Ai. Love, Lee " H -A 1 FREE DRAFT BEEP ALL WEEK LONG " EVENT MARKETING 2 OUTDOOR HEATED POOLS • I INDOOR HEATED POOL Student Marketing Manager Hi'CE PEACH FRONT HOT TUB LAZY RIVER RIDE • SUITES UP TO 10 PERSONS 1-800-234-7007 Pro Performance Marketing needs a reliable, professional, SAIl BOATS • TIKI BEACH BAR JET SKIS • PARASAILS outgoing, goal oriented event manager to manage and execute promotions for univcristy sponsored marketing program. HOME OF THE WORLDS LONGEST KEC PARTY" Come see our * Excellent pay CALL FOR INFO: 1-800-874-8828 Virtual Progress • All expense paid training conference Be the first to come down to www sandpiper-beacon com 'rati s pei person) * For "98 school year /irat gear and answer the www.eku.edu/Progress • Nationwide program question correctly. Call Julie at LocaMd on III* control FkM and Mala. 1-800-897-0486 What was the name of the for more information and to first Super Bowl? fthedule an interview. last week's answer: April 1912 I a«i week's winner Wayne Howard PROMOTIONS (One win per customer, per semester.) CHURCH DIRECTORY St. Thomas Lutheran University Church of First Presbyterian Church Church Christ 200 S. Third St. (PCUSA) 330 W. Main St. 1285 Barnes Mill Rd. 626-0223 Sun. Bible class 623-5323 or 623-5239 Sun. A LITTLE EDGY L 623-7254 9:30 a.m., Sun. Worship School 10 a.m. Worship 11 Sun. School 9:30 a.m. 10:20 a.m., 6 p.m. Wed. a.m. Wed. Dinner 6 p.m. Worship 10:45 Worship and Bible class (no charge) Coffee got you a little edgy.' It might seem like a 7 p.m. great way to get energy but it's packed with caffeine, Trinity Presbyterian Unitarian Universalist Church (PCA) 128 S Rosedale Baptist Church Fellowship 209 St. George sugar, and tons of uthsautuff yuu probably don't Keeneland Dr. 624-8910 411 Westover Ave 623-1771 St. 626-5055 Sun. Service & want in your body. General Nutrition Center has Sun. Worship 9:50 a.m., Sun. Sunday School 9 a.m. Church School 10:30 a.m. herbal energy products like Optibolic" Energel with School 11 a.m. Worship Sun. 10:15 a.m., 7 p.m. Wed. Prayer Service 7 First United Methodist Siberia Rinsing for a natural way to get real energy Trinity Missionary Baptist p.m. Church 401 W. Main St. you need without all the Junk you don't. Church 2300 Lexington Rd. 623-3580 Sun. 8:30 a.m., So next time you need a real pick-up, don't go for 624-9436 Sun. 9:45 a.m., 11 Westside Christian Church 10:50 a.m. a.m., 6 p.m. Wed. Youth or the )oe. Try ONCs Optiboiic* Energel instead and 1432 Fairlane Dr. 623-0382 Prayer 7 p.m. Sun. 9:45 a.m., take the edge off. 10:45 a.m.,6 p.m. Lighthouse Worship Center 219 Moberly Ave. 623-3246 First Baptist Church Sun. 10 a.m., 350 W. Main at Lancaster 11 a.m., 6 p.m. Ave. 623-4028 Worship POWEItBAR! Tues. 7 p.m. Thurs. 7 p.m. Sun. 8:30 a.m., 11 a.m., With any $10.00 or more purchase receive one free PowerBar. 6:30 p.m., Wed. 6:30 p.m. I Episcopal Church of Our Sun. School 9:40 a.m. I Coupon #2846. Offer expires March 31st, 1998 Saviour 2323 Lexington Rd S.U.B.S 8 p.m. at the I GNC k. 623-1226 Sun. 8:30 a.m., 11 BSU Center a.m. Sun. School 9:30 a.m. White Oak Pond Lexington Road Church of Christian Church Cod 2336 Lexington Rd. (Disciples of Christ) 624-8323 Sun. School 10 1238 Barnes Mill Rd 623- a.m.. Sun. Worship 11 a.m., 6515 Sun. Worship 10 6 p.m., Family Training a.m. Coffee Fellowship For the GNC nearest you, call 1 -800-47 7-4GNC Hour, Wed. 7 p.m. Sun. 11 a.m. Sun. School 11:15 a.m. iais, II

** The Eastern Progress, Thursday, January 22, 1998 J\eWS A5 Finding an answer to the computer problem coming in the year taSBe538SSGHa?»» Let the real you come out Shed extra pounds the sale way.

STORIES BY CHARLES LEWIS News writer Eastern budgets Be Prepared Millennium Bug* could cause $2.2 million to Here's how to check your machine for a year 2000 $30 billion in national maintenance deal with bug problem. Eastern has a $2.2 million solution Where will you be, and what will be destroyed in error by computers to the "Millennium 2000 bug" on its you be doing on Jan. 1,2000? that think they are outdated. Active computer systems. Well, if the so called "Millennium bank accounts could be seen as "dor- Eastern has over 3.000 computers Bug" is not fixed on millions of com- mant" and transferred to state con- in use at about 40 different locations. puters now in use by hundreds of trol. It is estimated that it will take about For IBM compatibles, thousands of businesses, govern- Interest charges on consumer $2.2 million to debug and or update ■ At the DOS prompt, ment agencies and orga- credit accounts could be 4 SOUTH PADRE ISLAND these computers. nizations around the If the prob- miscalculated, resulting It will cost about $450,000 to fix change the date to world, you may want to in astronomical errors on PANAMA CITY BEACH the physical plant's computer system, December 31, 1999 and stop the clock or the ball lem is not finance charges. DAYTONA BEACH and take about 18 months, according the time to 11:59 p.m. from falling on New fixed before Automatic mortgage pay- to The Year 2000 Report" ■ Turn your computer off Year's Eve. ments and other con- Center* STEAMBOAT JS It will cost about $1.7 million to fix for a couple minutes, then You may be stuck Jan. 1, sumer transactions could 630 Big HU1 Ave. Suite #3 the financial applications, student restart it. between floors in an ele- fail. Clearing and settle- Richmond. KY «0*1l'iBKr"CMW information computer systems and When you restart, if the vator since many of 2000, finan- ment of all types of finan- 1.800-SUNCHASE3 ■ (606) 623-4400 * TOLL f«D mrOtMATKH » tXSIfVA-nOMJ 4 the voice response system, which will them are controlled by cial transactions could upgrade the Colonel Connection. computer thinks the year cial records ww-.uiKhil* X em is either 1980 or 1984, microprocessor date come to an abrupt halt. The Year 2000 Committee, chips. You may be fight- could be In addition to these chaired by John L Flanagan, began you have a problem. ing with your credit card potential financial cata- working on the problem in spring ■ To fix the situation, company for billing you destroyed strophes, other things Club Eastern Attracts 1996. download the file with 99 years of interest used in our everyday "We have the capacity and the will in error by year2000.zip on the Or you may be trying lives could also be affect- Record Numbers to make our system Year 2000 com- Internet at pliant," Flanagan said. to recover from the computers ed. All of the nation's http://www.rightime.com. shock when your tele- blood has expiration Students are enrolling in the Club Eastern program in record number* - a high of The committee submitted its 780 last semester! - and II looks like the trend will continue. Students cite report to the Networking Strategies ■ Follow the file's instruc- phone company charges that think dates later than 1900 — you for a 53-million- the date many computers convience, variety, and low coat aa their main conaideraUona in choosing Club and Technical Issues Subcommittee tions contained in its text they are Eastern as their on-campus dining plan. (NSTI), chaired by Vance file and the problem minute phone call, will assume to be present Wisenbaker, dean of social and which could happen if Many of nation's fire Since last year, enrollment has increased twenty-seven percent, making Club should be fixed. outdated. alarm boxes also have behavioral sciences, for review and ■ If you still have a prob- you make a call at 11:59 Eastern the fastest-growing market segment for the Division of Food Services. recommendations. p.m. to a time zone date chips that, if not Increased sales mean a bigger budget, and will help ensure that costs remain as The NSTI recommendations were lem, contact your already in the year 2000. fixed by January 2000, will be ring- low as possible and that food quality will remain at the consistently high level approved by the University machine's manufacturer. Back in the '60s and 70s, when ing and ringing. Food Services has achieved and maintained over the years. Information Technology Committee the computer whizzes were pro- Rep. Steven Horn, R-Calif. and chairman of the House Carrie Spurlin joined Club Eastern this semester when she started attending (U1TC). chaired by Virginia gramming and writing software for Eastern and Is satisfied with her decision. "Club Eastern offers so many choices -1 FaDcenberg. then new wonder machines that Subcommittee on government man- can go back for more so I never leave hungry." The Year 2000 Report identifies would make our lives better and eas- agement, estimates that the cost to nine major online systems that are ier, they tried to save valuable space fix the U.S. government computer Dan Lodge la thinking about kilning Club Eastern next semester. "I enjoy eating mission critical, and unless updated by using only two digits to represent systems to be $30 billion. the food and it'a all you can eat. I don't have to do dishes and I don't have to fix by Jan. 1,2000, will cease to function. the years instead of four. They decid- The Internal Revenue Service anything." These systems are used to perform ed to forget the first two digits and alone announced recently that it the accounting, bursar, payroll, stu- "We're pleased to see more students making use of our facilities and services." said You're OK If, just use the last two digits — so, 98 needs at least $129 million to debug dent academics (admissions, registra- represents 1998 and £9 represents its computers. The Gartner Group, a Creg Hopkins, Director of Food Services. "We work really hard to provide quality, tion, transcripts), student financial ■ You're a Mac user w nutritious meals, and I fad that Club Eastern offers an unbeatable value in 1999,etc. o Connecticut-based consulting firm, quantity - every meal Is all-you-can-eat - as well aa in variety. If you haven't tried assistance and student loans. ■ Your computer is an When the year 2000 comes, these Some of the problems unique to has estimated that fixing the prob- the food in Martin Mall, Quackers on the Pond, or Top Floor Southside. I think you IBM compatible made by software programs will think if s the lem in all the world's computer sys- ought to so youII at least know what you're missing. I guarantee you will be Eastern's computer systems are expi- a major manufacturer ration dates on credit cards, interest year 1900. This becomes a problem tems could cost as much as $600 bil- surprised and pleased by our offerings. And we've been focusing on providing lion. really friendly, helpful servers to create a comfortable atmosphere Its a unique charged by loan management, btpiv after Jan 1, 1997 if a software program that reaches ning and ending dates of academic ■ You're using Windows conclusions based on dates is not A survey conducted by Cap dining experience." terms, class schedule conflicts that 95 or Windows NT fixed to handle four-digit years. Gemini America, found that only 33 percent of the nation's largest corpo- Club Eastern is geared up for the spring semester. The staff » already working on use a time and date conflict search, If the problem is not fixed before ways to further improve service and there are always new additions to the menu. charges for overdue library books Jan. 1, 2000, financial records could rations have a detailed plan in place The hope b that by focusing on quality food and quality service. Club Eastern will and files that are cataloged by date. to deal with the problem. continue to grow and increase its capabilities in all areas.

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A6 NeWS The Eastern Progress, Thursday. January 22. 1998 •w. City hall State budget provides moves $20 million for Get uowt feat deal to* to new Main new building

Street location BY CHARLES LPWS Assistant news editor BY KRYSTAL ROARK Gov. Patton announced Tuesday Staff writer in his address to the General Rtekwoitd Jewelftd Don't go looking for city govern- Assembly that his two-year budget Cfo£*l and, Ate%£ing feutetruf, ment in the historic stone building gives $20 million to Eastern for the that housed it for 100 years on Main construction of a new classroom- vty&tatA, &ilue>t and atntvt aifi^. Street office building. Instead walk one block east The tentative location for the Richmond's City Hall moved in Brian Smms/Progress "student services/office building" 620 Eastern Bypass University Shopping Center December from 351 Main St. to its will be where O'Donnell and new address. 239 Main St.. located City manager Ed Worley (right) discussed land expansion with city com- Ellendale halls are now. The two above the National City Bank. buildings will be c523-05>c50 City HaD had previously occupied missioner Kay Cosby Jones (left). torn down to a 100-year-old building that did not City Commission will still meet make room for H's some- meet the mechanical needs of those ing. but wiD become more dispersed the new building, after the basement renovation has every first and third Tuesday of each who worked there and the public. Its month. The meetings will be held in said Russell thing new quarters are also more accessi- been completed. These rooms Enzie, vice presi- include the general offices of the city the Fiscal Court room in the Madison that's ble for disabled persons. County Courthouse until the commis- dent for academic The new building is far more effi- government such as administration, affairs. needed cient for the city and fully meets legislation, finance and personnel. sion chambers, located on the second "This would here so American Disabled Act require- Mayor Ann Durham said she is floor of the new building, become be an ideal loca- ments," said city manager Ed Worley. very pleased with the new facility and available after National City Bank tion because new we can A year's planning went into City feels that it is going to be a more moves. students and visi- put all Hall's permanent move, which includ- work-productive environment City Hall keeps the same office tors will be able Home Cooking the ser- ed the renovation of the top floor of The old City Hall is being convert- hours which are 8 am. to noon and 1 to turn off of Full Line Buffet National City Bank and the current ed into a district court facility. The p.m. to 5 p.m. Lancaster Avenue vices Into $ renovation of the basement projected completion date will be Monday through Friday. The and come 95 January 1999, and the total renovation phone number is (606) 623-1000. one area. 1 meat 3 vegetables 4 City Hall offices occupy the top straight to it," $ 95 floor of the National City Bank build- cost will be an estimated $3 million. Enzie said. Vegetable plate 3'" The new build- Hanly ing will be a one- Funderburk, and short orders stop, in-and-out Student says job threatened after TV interview processing and president welcoming cen- L Richmond Mall probably be upsetting," BrewerTsaid. 99 ^ ■ ——— BY JACINTH FELOMAH The meal plan would require all ter. It will house freshmen living on campus to pur- Hopkins, who proposed the registration, admissions, records, News editor chase at least a $400-a-semester mandatory meal plan, said he could housing, financial aid, billings and A student employee of food ser- board plan, or deposit $400 into a not comment on the specific case collections, career development, Money vices said his job was threatened Colonel Card debit account. because employment records are transcripts and have a welcoming after he made a comment about the Brewer, who works as part of the confidential, but said he would not lounge where students and parents doesn't proposed mandatory board plan to a clean-up crew for Martin Hall fire a student for expressing himself. can relax and view videos about the Lexington television station. "I think on a college campus part university, said Enzie. Cafeteria, said when he came back of what we are trying to teach peo- Freshman William Brewer said to work Monday, his name had been He said just because the grow on he was at Powell Building Friday, ple is freedoms," Hopkins said. Governor sat aside money in his removed from the work sheet Smith-Jones said Brewer was budget doesn't mean it's guaran- when Channel 27 was looking for a Brewer said food service director freshman to interview about the pro- never fired, and if his name was left teed; it must still go through the full trees, posed board plan. Greg Hopkins and Martin Hall off the work sheet, it was an acci- legislative process. Approval should Brewer said he told Channel 27 Cafeteria Manager Bonnie Smith- dental mistake. come by April, and construction will you the food at Eastern is good, but just Jones had removed his name from take about two and a half to three too expensive, and the proposed the work sheet She said when employees are years. plan would not be beneficial to the Although he was working fired they are notified by either a let- President Funderburk said he know! students. Wednesday. Brewer said he is wor- ter or told in person. was happy to see it in the budget. First time donors: "I simply stated that the plan was ried that he will lose his job soon. "We don't try to oppress any stu- "It's something thaf s needed here $151st donation pretty bad for students like me on Tm pretty sure in the next week dent's freedom of speech ... it's so we can put all the services into financial aid, who can't afford col- or two I'll probably be fired for against everything we teach," she one area," he said. $25 2nd donation lege as it is." he said. something so ridiculous that it'll said. Not in same week Previous donors: 1970 Bena Road $151st donation Ralph's 4 mile* south of GRINDER'. THE BEST OVEN-HOT SUB EVER! $20 2nd donation in the same week. Richmond Hours: MWF 9-4:30 TR 10-6 New & Used Tires 62*1426 You WILL NOT get AIDS by donating. • ARIZONA JACK'S 3 Good Used Tires $20 a piece • GIANT If PIZZAS Sera-Tec Biologicals • OftAND CANYON CMU Mounting ax\d 3a\ance Free • DaATTKEa Limited Partnership New Tires Sun.Sp.m. • 17 CHEAT HOT SANDWICHES 292 S. 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The Eastern Progress, Thursday, January 22,1998 jNeWS A 7 Appearing every Thursday Eastern Kentucky University presents I TH Spring 1998 Directed

"You'll laugh. You'll After 76 years we're still a You'll fall in love." classic, all-time favorite. Romance, -Fred "The lirger" King action, documentaries, comedy, drama, and news...we've got a little something for everybody. And it all snce the Eastern gress begins at for the first time!" - The EKU Colonel EDITOR MANAGING EDITOR Tim Mollette Alyssa Bramlage Progress Tim is a senior journalism Alyssa is a junior journalism major from Paintsville. major from Fort Wright. 117 Donovan Annex He has worked for the She plans on working as a phone 622-1881 fax 622-2354 Progress three and one half copy editor or a reporter in cs.eku.edu years (gasp!) and lives for this area after graduation luring graduation in May. w

I ■ NEWS EDITOR ACCE EDITOR EDITOR ACTIVITIES EDITOR SPORTS EDITOR PHOTO EDITOR Jacinta Fe I din an Gwen Bond gel Roy Dena Tackett Shane Walters Brian Simms iacinta is a sophomore |Our- Gwencin is a ior journal- Michael 1 enior |ournal- Dena is ,i freshman journal Shane is a freshman Brian is a senior journalism hsm ma|or from Louisville ism ma|or from nville. Her ism major Winchester. ism major from Virgie As to journalism major from maj^r from Louisville He m ready to do something quote of the wee - It didn't He has uck in the being in her first year I'm Ml Sterling. He said it is plans to become a Sports erent and I think this is n like a good but it Arts Editor ince the glad I had thi e to Start an honor being sports Information Director after g to be a very exciting did seem like a o ■ ina dawn of (or out so early A lot of people editor, even though I am graduating from EKU opportunity opportun "South P don't get that opportunity." only a lowly freshman Also Starring

COPY EDITOR ASST. NEWS EDITOR ASST. SPORTS El STAFF ARTIST STAFF ARTIST Doug Rapp Charles Lewis Daniel Reinhai Greg Parr James Carroll Doug is a junior English Charles is a senior journal- lei is a Sophomore | BA in art and James is a majoring in Unajor trapped in Richmond. ism major from Canton. nalism major from - no el 10 EKU to work graphic design. His personal "I plan on keeping up with Ohio. Charles's goal is to uerque, NM. "N< on a teaching degree I love interests interests include *"ie Progress zero-tolerance keep the students and Mexi • State. My favorite! ; ind I hope that this animation and illustration I policy for mistakes faculty well informed Kentu things are the Derby shows in some of the work I believe this position will pro- this semester basketball." •or the Progress vide valuable techniques. roduced by

AD MANAGER AD REPRESENTATIVE AD REPRESENTATIVE AD REPR ■NTATIVE AD DESIGN BUSINESS SECRETARY Laa Potter Lindsay Scherr Lisa Smith Sonja Knight i is a senior physical edu- Lindsay is a junior public Lisa is a senior organization- Jill is a junior en i writing omore graphic Sonja is a native of i major from Lebanon, relations major from al communication major major wh from major from Gross-Umstadt Germany i also a member of the Louisville When she isn't from Irvmgton Besides Louisville. In i time ter Unlike every She is responsible for classi- I Club and Eta Sigma busy working, she spends working for the Progress, she writ 'and is a taffer. she never fieds, billing and ad records, Gamma. her time holding an office she is also the Student lOlKsTau. personal or busi- payroll, commissions pay- for Chi Omega. Association Vice President. Is at the office! ment and expenditures 99 paper e year! A8 NCWS The Eastern Progress, Thursday. January 22.1998 Alcohol: Accessibility to alcohol a key From th# front lar amounts for the first fine would be conduct the Richmond community, including Rite-Aid Welcomes AllEKU Students determined later. Last semester, there were a total its allowing students under 21 into punish students like Smkkty who are The second offense would cany a of 277 alcohol offense cases on cam- bars. That*s the fact the report ekes caught drinking on campus. stiffer fine and eight hours university pus. Not all cases were found guilty, as an important part of reducing In response to the alcohol-related service. Penalties increase until the Bohannon said under-age consumption among problems of the past months, the sub- fourth offense when a $650 fine and The number of offenses were up Eastern students. We have stance abuse committee has put eviction from university housing by 43 cases over the total from the "It creates a very unique prob- RITE together recommendations for become possibilities. Further offens- fall of 1996. lem," Rk» said. "It makes it easy for all your changing university sanctions for es would carry possible expulsion as Presently, if students are found violations of state law to occur." alcohol misuse. handled by the student disciplinary guilty of drinking on campus, a disci- The problem of allowing under- pharmacy According to the university stu- council. plinary record is generated for them, age drinkers into bars was discussed AID dent handbook, both possession of Rice said students, members of Bohannon said at the Alcohol Issues Committee needs. alcohol and alcohol intoxication are SAC and others pointed out that to be Harry Moberly , the director of meeting Tuesday. punishable by the university. First effective, a monetary fine is needed judicial affairs is making some recom- The only way you are going to offenses usually result in probation If s important that these recom- mendations to SAC to bring tougher have any impact is to change the ordi- 623-5811 pharmacy 623-5812 which can include loss of open house mendations not come across as puni- punishments to students found guilty nances downtown and make the privileges. The second offense tive,'' she said They're meant to cre- of alcohol use on campus, Bohannon drinking age as 21," said Tom requires an evaluation and counsel- ate a safe, fair learning environment said. Lindquist, director of public safety. Carriage G*f Shopping Cmmff ing. Each offense following the sec- for all students." Moberly is proposing incorporat- How the university can address Mon.-Thurs. 9 a.m.-9 p.m. • Fri.-Sat 9a.m.-10p.m. • Sun. Noon-6 p.m. ond carries stiffer penalties, up to AD SACs sanctions recommenda- ing educational sanctions into the that problem is soil being discussed, expulsion. tions carry educational components, punishments, Bohannon said. These but communication with the The new recommendations from which Rice called "one of our most would include one to two hour risk Richmond community will be an the substance abuse committee important pieces," assessment classes for students important part (SAC) outline in more detail the SACs list of recommendations found guilty of alcohol use on cam- In addition, changing student per- penalties that would be associated include many ideas that were con- pus. ceptions is important Rtce pointed to with alcohol use on campus. tained in a proposal from judicial The use of fines is also being the fact that many students believe [ReGIS] Part of the reason for the new affairs. looked into through Moberly's pro- going to bars in downtown Richmond sanctions proposal was SAC felt the Students go in front of judicial posal, Bohannon said with the purpose of getting drunk Is university's penalties were not as affairs whenever there is a campus "At this point in time we're not fin- expected by peers. However, effective as they could be, said police report filed about them A stu- ing for alcohol possession. This could research done by the department of Michalle Rice, chair of the commit- dent can either plead guilty to the be another way to sanction students," health education shows that 60 per- 20% OFF tee. charges or they can have a hearing. Bohannon said. cent of students on campus don't SACs recommendations call for "It works like a court system," said The SAC report also identifies drink with the purpose of getting Hair Cuts some of the same sanctions now in Betsy Bohannon, administrative three components of alcohol on cam- drunk. place, including written reprimand assistant at the the judicial affairs. pus that need to be addressed — If s that kind of discrepancy that and social probation. The proposal, There are 21 offenses that a stu- accessibility, student perceptions and needs to be addressed, Rice said. on Thursday however, also includes unannounced dent could be held accountable for at clarifying the university's expecta- "Our goal is to prevent alcohol- room inspections during probation, judicial affairs. Two of those offenses tions for an alcohol-free environment related deaths, alcohol-related Expires 1 31 98 _ . _ , mandatory alcohol education and a are alcohol related; possession or Rice said accessibility is one of the injuries, alcohol-related emotional /~0/l r\r\m Mon.-Sat. 9 a.m. 9 p.m. monetary fine on the first offense of consumption of alcohol on university most complicated parts because it problems, alcohol-related assaults," OZ4 UUOD Sunday 12:30 p.m,6 p.m. alcohol possession. Rice said the dol- property and drunk and disorderly includes Eastern's interaction with she said Walk-ins welcome Richmond Mall «*2 $E Sia&^ Suite 4 630 Big Hill Avenue 624-0198 6 Red Roses with * ^95 6 Carnations in Paper g Cash and carry with valid EKU ID expires 1129198.

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WIDE WORLD Winter sports remain popular way to have fun .when the weather outside is frightful t is winter — the season of skiing, snowboarding, seems to fly in the face of skiing's efforts to snowboarding and all other sports be a controlled artform. that involve strapping something Snowboarding has been around for less than 30 years, and on your feet and sliding down a seems to attract a much younger crowd which focuses on moutain. speed and daring jumps. Winter sports have become Snowboarding is as much a child of surfing as it is of ski- increasingly popular over the last ing, and as such, has created a circle of devotees who live a decade. lifestyle based around snowboarding. Snowskiing tops the list as the Not all snowboarders live in the woods, start their own- most popular of all winter sports, clothing companies and "get radical," however. with some 15 million people lin- Most ski resorts, including the ones listed elsewhere on ing up to hit the slopes every this page, offer snowboard rentals and lessons for everyone year in North America. from children to fathers. The recent skiing deaths of Beginners at skiing, snowboarding or any other winter Michael Kennedy and Sonny sport shouldn't be put off by concerns about cost or not Bono have spurred debate knowing exactly what to do. over how dangerous the sport Equipment and coaching is nesseccary for any kind of win- really is. ter sport But someone just starting out doesn't need to When skiing began, howev- spend a lot of extra money. er, it wasn't even a sport Most rental shops are fully stocked with af fordably priced Over 4,500 years ago, skis equipment Skis, boots, poles, snowboards, bibbs, gloves, were tools used only for hunt- jackets and anything else a beginner could possibly need are ing and traveling, according to available in all resort equipment shops. the Winter Sports Foundation So when you go skiing, all you need to bring website. is your nerve. *^5 Skiing did not develop into a sport until the early 1700s in the Telemark area of Norway. Norwegians invented the Telemark and Christiana turns to help control their speed on down- hill descents in the first known Before leaving home, dress for skiing in loose-fitting, skiing competitions. water-proof garments and bring an extra set of dry The technique of skiing most clothes. familiar to us today didn't evolve Know the total amount of tickets needed — for the . until the early 1900s, when a boot was lift, ski rental snowboard rental and lessons. mounted on the ski and attached at the Prevent injuries with exercise before you go skiing. toe and heel, giving us the modern ski Aerobics and swimming are best and enabling the Alpine technique to Always ski in pairs, never alone. emerge. Most important of all: Never attempt an expert slope.' Both the Norwegian turns and the Alpine ski were developed to help control speed while going downhill. The younger and hipper cousin of skiing, Celebrity deaths bring skiing injuries into focus

Its been eight years since Cara 4 iMartin Luther King The outcry in support of helmet laws for McGohon decided to brave a skiers that followed the deaths of Kennedy Black Diamond at Paoli Peaks. Day Is our biggest and Bono seems to have died down. Skiers consider a Black Diamond run to However, almost 1 million people out of be an extremely difficult slope. Before a weekend of the the more than 15 million who ski in North Black Diamond are two different easier year. And there America will be injured this year, accord- hills — green being the easist and blue ing to the website of Polly Ryan Memorial being intermediate hills. were just as many Hospital in Richmond, Va. That translates While on a class trip as a high school to roughly one in every 15 skiers getting freshman, McGohon started down the hill people last week- injured on the slopes. Whtr* to thinking she was in control. end as every other Chris Samsil, an employee from Paoli Soon she was on her back instead of her Peaks Ski Resort in Paoli, Ind . said that feet sliding full speed straight toward a PaoUPeaka.Paoa.Ind. (812) the deaths of two celebrities haven't fence. caused a decline in business. "I was probably a little over- Chris Samsil Paoli offers one-hour group ski clinics for $12; one-hour snowboard clinics for $15. Paoli They still keep coming," Samsil said. confident"McGohon said. employee, Paoli Peaks «.«, Samsil said from every indication this has separate 9f>minute dinks for women and children for $18 each. One-hour private The accident left McGohon with a black skiing lessons are $35. Paoli emptoys 115 instructors. past weekend, the popularity of skiing has eye and two teeth knocked out Concern about the safety of skiing is at not been affected by the accidents. On Jan. 30, McGohon, now a senior at Snowshoe Mountain Ski Resor^LSnowshoe, West Vs. (304-572-5252) an all-time high due to the recent deaths of "Martin Luther King Day is our biggest Eastern and president of the Baptist Sonny Bono and Michael Kennedy. weekend of die year." said Samsil. "And Student Union, will return to the slopes Snowshoe offers a variety of dimes and private coaching cessions. Beginners can head Kennedy died on New Year's Eve while there were just as many people last week- for the first time since that accident She playing "ski football" with members of his end as every other year." to the learning lanes. These lanes are open Monday through Friday from 9 to 11a.m. and says she is excited to get back out and ski from 1 to 3 p.m. at a cost of $5 for one run and $7 for two runs. A video analysis will cost family. Bono died on Jan. 5 while on a ski- again. ing trip with his family. Both died from $20 for two runs. During these runs the instructors win videotape you so you can watch "But obviously, I'm a little nervous about what you are doing wrong or right sod learn from that Other sessions include private injuries caused by slamming into a tree. getting back on skis," McGohon said. The deaths of such prominent and expe- coaching lessons that last for 90 minutes and are lor up to five people. Snowshoe McGohon was lucky, she suffered a few rienced skiers have raised many questions Mountain also offers 9T>inlnu»e specialty clinics for four to seven people. These chases minor injuries but certainly nothing life- cost $25 per person and reqidre reservations. about whether safety measures should be threatening. put in place to protect people on Many people are not so lucky. the slopes.

STORIES BY JENNY BUNCH ILLUSTRATION BY TIM MOLLETTE B2 Thursday, January 22, 1998 The Eastern Progress Movies

Tap World SO- 1:15. 330. 520. 736, 0:46 Z R 720.930 Hard (tain A" 120.330. 5.40. 730.10 00 Super Bowl time. Party hardy. Half M»* R ~ 130. 3:25. 5:25. 730,030 Tha Postman I11:00.436. US PROGRESS TODAY ■aftMi R - 130.4:48,720.036 Taante PO-111230.430,030 A Super Bowl party, spon- TUESDAY Star KM POT 1236. 3 05. 5:10 sored by the division of food ser- WM] Trw Doff R 130.3:18. S30. 730. vices will be at 4:30 p.m. in the top 1036 floor of Powell. The Student Brass Quintet Movtaa bag*. at 4:30 pm on Friday 01/23 will perform at 8 p.m. in Gifford ■nd Monday -Thuraday 01/1*©1». M Theatre. It is open to the public. olhar tlmaa good tor Saturday A Sunday The Colonel Baseball team 01/24-01/28. -Wop or will be selling bags of oranges to the faculty. To order a bag, call 2128 for more information. WEDNESDAY Bring this coupon to A faculty music recital with CHECK Michael Ballard will be at 8 p.m. in The All "A" Classic win start "iogo ufa Gifford Theatre. It is open to the at 8 a.m. in Alumni Coliseum and EXCHANGE *. dtvtaonirfTra of Thf Addad Ibudi,Tbudi, / * public. will run through Feb. 1. WrdaVartatyof: and receive • LooneyTune A Hispanic film series will •Btan'Bans FRIDAY start at 6:30 p.m. in Crabbe • Stuffed Animals Library Room 108. $5 OFF • Candy your next transaction. • Mugs A German lunch table will Campus-wide room changes Minimum $100 transaction. • Qourmet Cocoa end. If you want to transfer to a dif- One per visit. • Ibffdgift Sets . meet at 11:45 a.m. in Powell Cafeteria. ferent room, go to the housing Some restrictions apply. office in Jones 106. Mention this ad and get - Photo submitted University free delivery on campus. The deadline for Intramural Shopping Center Add your own Spice Basketball sign-up is 4 p.m. Those (Near Social Security Office) 623-0453 226 N. Second St. interested need to go to the intra- UPCOMING ' SUll not tired of the Spice Girls? Well, murals office in Begley 202. 623-1199 When now you can go see them on the big For those who are seeking a Friday screen. "Spiceworld," a poor man's (or major, you can enroll in Career girl's) ripoff of the Beatles' classic "A Hard A pep rally for the men's Where and women's basketball team will Counseling while spots are open. Good Day's Night," is now upon us. The Spices, Call 1303 for information. * At a theater those singing tarts from England, follow in be at 7 p.m. in Alumni Coliseum. NOW OPEN near you the glorious footsteps of Elvis and Luck Madonna by moving into a realm they The sign up for the Schick Cost should have avoided. SUNDAY Super Hoops is 4 p.m., Feb. 3. at Men & Depends on Unless you want to read more about the the intramural programs office in theater Begley 202. Fine Coffees Spice Girls, you need to send in your The Unitarian Universalist Ladies and Food announcements. This way, you will not Fellowship will meet at 10:30 am. ever see the Spices again in the Tap sec- at 209 St George St The speaker Get ready to "walk this way" Gourmet tion. We are using the Spices as a crass as Aerosmith lands at 7:30 p.m., Colonel marketing tool, just like the people who put them together, to is Eastern historian of cosmology Cappuccinos get your attention. Bruce MacClaren. Feb. 2 in Rupp Arena. Tickets are Basketball Send your announcements and your suggestions for best available through TfcketMaster at Hot Chocolate 606-281-6644. pick to 117 Donovan Annex or call 622-1872. We'll be there for A faculty violin recital with Specialty Soups and you. William Goodwin will be at 8 p.m. Madison in Gifford Theatre. It is open to the The "South Park" valentine Sandwiches public. special arrives in February. Kalian Soda and Hawaiian lot 152 N. Madison Ave. 623-9720 Richmond MaJ Food Court

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Michael Roy, editor The Eastern Progress Thursday, January 22,1998 B3-

in pop culture 1960: Michael Huichence, the late lead singer of INXS, was born on this day. Arts

Best of 9 7 Student quintet makes music its way The year in music moved from Hanson to Marilyn Manson, Spice Girls to Lilith Fair, Madonna as BY MICHAEL ROY throughout the concert Evita to Paul McCartney as Sir Arts editor The band was put together after Paul. Beyond trjat, music seemed Music lovers can now attend a several brass students decided to worse than last year. Still, there brassy affair thanks to the Student play, Howe said. were some good albums out Brass Quintet "We had thought it would be there. The quintet is performing at 8 really neat," Howe said. "It's a great p.m. Tuesday in Gifford Theatre. kind of music to play." 1. The Verve "Urban Hymns." The show is free and open to the Howe, a sophomore from One song that public. Crittenden, started playing in high stands out The quintet is made up of instru- school. She admits to getting ner- from last year mental music major Denver Dill vous, but not as much as she did in was and general music major Phil high school. "Bittersweet Johnson on trumpets, instrumental Howe also became interested in Symphony," music major Kristi Howe on playing due to her love of classical the Verve's French horn, instrumental music music. And that part of her would stunning open- major Brian Foltz be "missing" if she wasn't playing. ing track from on trombone and Foltz, a fresh- their latest instrumental man from album. This music major Stlldent Brass Quintet E r I a n g e r , British group Chris Combest When: 8 p.m. Tuesday became inter- made a stun- on tuba. ested in playing Richard Ashcroft ning comeback Among the Where: Gifford Theatre thanks to this showed Verve this after regroup- musical pieces brother. year. ing. It even performed will be "I have an stands above Bernard older brother Oasis' "Be Fiztgerald's "Ballad," "Six Studies and he was in band," Foltz said. Hare Now" as a prime example in English Folksong" by Ralph Foltz hopes to alternate perform- frqm '97 that British rock is the Vaughan Williams, and works by ing with a possible teaching job. Brian Simms/Progress only outlet for originality still left. such different composers as Alec "I have had really great experi- ences with music," Foltz said. The Student Brass Quintet (from left Kristi Howe, Brian Foltz, Chris Combest, Phil Johnson and Denver Dill) Wilder, Luigi Cherubini, Giovanni rehearse for its upcoming performance. The group has been performing ever since forming in spring 1997. 2. Sarah McLachlan Gabrieli and Lee Pollack. The quintet formed in spring "Surfacing." This album was In addition, the quintet will be 1997, with Combest Dill and Howe The quintet has performed "a lit- sophomore from Berea. In the end, the thing is about the aptly titled, as McLachlan sur- joined by Chrissy Martin and Elsa the founding members, along with tie under a dozen" shows Combest Combest also admits to getting music and entertaining the audi- faced with the Lilith Fair and the Walls on piano during perfor- two other students, who have since said. nervous. But that actually helps ence. bast album of the year. A stunning mances of "Ballad" and Wilder's graduated. Foltz and Johnson are Combest said he stumbled on to him. "They have a good time," collection of songs that run the "Effie Suite." the newest members. music "by chance." That is the fun part," Combest Combest said, gamut of emotions, One of the Also, some of the band mem- They're great," Combest said of "I just happened to gain interest said. It helps "the pleasure of play- For more information about this most powerful albums by a female bers will play different instruments the new members. through college," said Combest, a ing," as Combest explained it show and others, call 622-3266. artist. 3. The Cardigans "First Band on the Moon." Before pop was ruined by three fresh-faced Express "Omen" kids and a group of talent- New Adventures in Hi-Fi less Spices, this Swedish band yourself scored a hit with "Lovefool." The The rest of the album is just as poppy Extended Player mini album carries as much music punch as long-play records Progress is and fun. looking for Ah, the EP. The neglected acoustic trash and lame-o working class." gent dork type of way. Contact your people to 4. Veruca Salt "Eight Arms to middle son of the music Aerosmith covers. The EP buys local Polvo dealer for a fix. review films, Hold You." Bratty power pop rock family, the EP lacks the swift some time while the band tries to 2. The Grifters: Eureka EP. music, books surfaced this year but no one was mule kick of a single live up to its reputation. Take four guys from Memphis 4. Pavement: Watery, domestic. — anything buying. This album, the second and doesn't have the You may not have heard with huge record collections, put Although Pavement are proba- related to the frsm the "Seether" girls was the couch-bound of any of these bands, but them in a garage and watch them bly better known for "Crooked arts communi- bast, with loud guitars, wacky endurance of a full- bear with me, you're in col- sweat out seven songs in 22 min- Rain, Crooked Rain," this four-song ty. This can include lyrics and a tendency to steal past length record. lege to learn new stuff. utes. This one's all over the map, EP soothes the eardrums like aural CARTMAN rock licks even more than Oasis. Bands release EPs These are my favorite EPs but in a good way. Outdated Pez. Suave and sarcastic, this is the reviews from Baetcmk* (The "seether is Louise" part from for different reasons. If for the'90s (so far). effects, controlled chaos, slinky perfect gift for someone who has the new "Volcano Girls" was a sly twist on they've got four or five grooves. Great for confusing everything. Pearl Jam ' John Lennon's "walrus was Paul" songs they want to get 1. Archer of Loaf: Vs. the friends. It's even titled after my favorite record to the latest flick with bit from "Glass Onion.) out, but don't want to greatest of all time. beer. Julia Roberts. You can .also water them down with With a near-perfect 3. Polvo: Celebrate the new submit a column and get your ' 5. The Rolling Stones filler songs, they scratchy sound, this North dark age' 5. Idaho: The Forbidden EP. mug in the paper, like "Bridges to Babylon." Several release an EP. Some Carolina foursome drags Mind-bending. These self- Drink one bottle of Nyquil. Cartman. The column would DOUGRAPP Swim underwater for 20 minutes. have to be in Monday at 8 a.m. rock vets made comebacks, but bands use the EP as a My Turn the listener through five trained blokes, also from North only the Stones rose above the stall tactic, especially if cuts of vitriol and comes out Carolina, create music in four Not literally, mind you, but that's prior to publication. For ranks. Mick Jagger's vocals and their previous album ^^™ swinging like a champ. dimensions. Healthier than Sonic what Idaho sounds like. Jeff reviews, you can review a new Keith Richards' heavy guitar work, was huge. The most famous exam- These guys should be rolling in the Youth (who they once opened for), Martin's voice sounds so hopeless, album or movie one week after help the band retain its "greatest ple of this was Guns n' Roses dough instead of geeks like Polvo smashes any preconceived you wonder if hell make it through release. Call 622-1872 for more rock 'n' roll band in the world" title. "Lies" EP. It was basically one Chumbawamba. "Revenge/instant ideas about what two guitars can the EP without blowing his head information. —Michael Roy song, "Patience," and the rest was satisfaction/sweet success for the do, and not in a noodly, self-indul- off. Sweet dreams, sleep tight * THINK ROMANCE! •/ Valentine's Day Design at Gift Ideas Had MONO c an Overwhelming urge A THINK GREEK! 11 \ «**> Crests • Lettering Recently? THINK BASKETBALL! Sick of being sick? This will make you feel better! Sports Designs • Team Lettering If you've had mono in the Yk Personalize For lor 100 Plus! ^W last 30 days, you could get When you think of embroidery, $50 ^or donating plasma. THINK Call 624-9815 £>toneworth /Shirt Co. Inc. or stop by Richmond Mall Porter Plaza 292 South Mon. - Sat. 10 a.m. - 9 p.m. Sun. 1 p.m. - 6 p.m. 623-6852 SERA-TEC BIOLOGICALS Second St Three ways to beat the high EPPJ Lady Colonels cost of college. 1. The Montgomery Cl Bill 8. Student loan repayment 3. Part-time li The Army Reserve Alternate Training Program is a smart way to pay for college. First, if you qualify, the Mont- gomery GI Bill can provide you with up to 87,124 for current college ex- penses or approved vo/tech training. Saturd : 00 pm Second, if you have—or obtain—a qualified student loan not in default, Don't lose you may get it paid off at the rate of 15% per year or 8500. whichever is greater, up to a maximum of $10,000. Selected military skills can double that your precious maximum. Third, you can earn part-time money in college, and here's how it Middl tate works: One summer you take Basic parking place. Training, and the next summer you receive skill training at an Army school. You'll earn over $1,500 for Mond 7:30 pm Basic and even more for skill training. Then you'll attend monthly meetings «SUB at an Army Reserve unit near your college, usually one weekend a month plus two weeks a year. You'll be paid NlXtMin't Homo Gamo: Athletic Ticket Office over $107 a weekend to start. It's WE DELIVER Middle Tennessee St 126 Alumni Coliseum worth thinking about. Give us a call: Thur., Jan. 22 @ 7:30 pm (606)622-2122 623-1270 Tannassae Tech Students free with valid ID Sat, Jan. 24 @ 4:15 MALI TOUCANS!? 624-9241 ARMY On the corner of Second & Water St. * 4— B4 Thursday, January 22, 1998 The Eastern Progress Profiles NNp Center Formerly Madison County Crisis Pregnancy Center Fan seeking a new 'Breed' of spirit 624-3942 BY DEN* TACKETT If no answer, call 1-800-822-5842 Lisa Activities editor Regular Hours More and more, the Bluegrass Tuesday and Wednesday, Breedlove state is becoming the "Big Blue" 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. Founder of the Spirit state. In this sea of UK blue and and by appointment Team white, one woman has fought to keep Eastern's pride afloat. ^l^g^aneJ*ichmondJC\^(K7^ As the daughter of a little Breedlove came to league football and basketball rife coach, Lisa Breedlove learned the Eastern and, commitment to sports she brought to Eastern with her in 1995. noticed no one was This same love of sports spurred her to create the Spirit : cheering on the Team, a pep club for Eastern ath- letics, in January 1997. ^sports teams. She "My first semester here at Eastern I went to the games and started the Spirit was disappointed in the lack of stu- dent attendance," said Breedlove, r Team to do some- a senior organizational speech Brian Simms/Progress communication major. After talking to athletes who did not understand why they were not get- thing about it While working the desk at ting support from students, Breedlove started the Spirit Team. O'Donnell Hall, Breedlove talked to some of the football players who ties such as the singles' auction the support they need and have wondered why their peers didn't each year. fun doing it. support them. The Spirit Team has come a When asked about the students graph With this in mind, Breedlove long way toward boosting school supporting UK instead of Eastern, went to the division of student spirit, but the effort is far from development with the hopes of Breedlove explained that she grew Out of This World Hoi—town over. up watching UK sports, and that establishing a pep club for "People complain about the I Nicholasville Eastern's athletes. In order to she sees no reason why people lack of things to do on campus, but can't support both teams. Student Specials! form the club, she had to write a the games are free," said - Organizational speech com- constitution and set of by-laws and Breedlove's fascination with round up 15 people saying they Breedlove. "I was at a women's sports won't end with college. "I munications game last week and there were • lO for $25* Y*ar would join the club if it existed. less than 60 students there. That's love football," she said."Someday I Senior And so the Spirit Team was would like to be a sports marketer born. sad." I Aapkatkm*: Breedlove says fan support is for an NFL team." ~ To increase Spirit Team The club, has hosted several Breedlove does not regret the spirit-raising events open to every- looking up with the women's team Month Unlimited - membership and continue one on campus. participating in the NCAA time and energy she has given to holding events to support Last semester's Homecoming Tournament last year and the foot- the men and women in maroon. . athletics. bonfire was the first in almost a ball team winning the OVC She has worn the school colors 2\ DW you know? decade. Championship this year. with pride. ^$39.99 2 She hadn't even heard of "Over 100 people showed up and Breedlove said college was all In doing so, she has shown the - Eastern until 1995. it was a lot of fun," Breedlove said. about having fun and that's exactly students of Eastern that UK is not The group also sponsors activi- what they do. They give the teams the only sports team in Kentucky. Huge line of tanning Products! Coming Soon: Neptune Nails! We arc your link to campus news and events. Call 623-7473 Pick us up every Thursday. for our out of this world, cool atmosphere! I astern Progress 620 Eastern Bypass (>22 I SKI Located next to Movie Warehouse and Mail Boxes Etc. I LYNN


Copies Fast & Close to Campusif Located in the Shopper's Village near Super One Foods LYNN ■■■■"■*■■ ■•"'"r-V-',.if4«- ■ i ■'■■ "V-.;'•■> * rngmmmmmmmmmmmmmm DenatacKen.^ The Eastern Progress Thursday. January 22,1998 JD J Activities

All but Packers at pre-Bowl party Food service hosts Super Bowl party tonight for Club Eastern members

BY DENA TACKETT Activities editor

Everyone knows there are essentials one needs to host a Super Bowl party. You must have chips, pizza, good friends and of course, good football. Or do you? The division of food services is having a Super Bowl party from Greg Parr/Progress 4:30 to 7 p.m. tonight in the Top Floor South Side in the Powell of such Super Bowl favorites as buf- Casino and Mardi Gras. Building for Club Eastern members falo wings, waffle fries, pretzels, According to Greg Hopkins, and guests. subs, pizza, chili and more. director of food services. Club But why so early? After the dinner, there will be a Eastern is the most cost-effective "We decided to do a Super Bowl trivia game about previous Super food plan offered by the division of party before Super Bowl XXXII to Bowls and National Football League food services. In the plan, there are ensure added Club Eastern mem- teams. The winner will be rewarded six membership levels, each provid- three pizzas and a 24-pack of Coca ing a different number of meals per ber participation," said Bonnie Cola from food services as a start-up week. Smith-Jones, manager of the Martin kit for his or her own Super Bowl More than 400 students take Hall cafeteria. "It will be more like a party. advantage of the all-you-can-eat buf- warm-up Super Bowl party." The party is one of five special fet-style meals served daily in In the absence of Green Bay, dinners held each semester for numerous dining quarters, he said. Denver and the famous half-time Club Eastern members and guests. "We offer these special dinners show, Smith-Jones said there will Each dinner has a theme with spe- as a chance for us to say thanks to be party foods and games. cialty foods. Previous themes Club Eastern members for choos- The menu for the party consists include Kentucky Derby, Riverboat ing us," Hopkins said.

Hannah Risner/Progress From BOOGIE-WOOGIE Open arms to SCUBA DIVING Ronald Scott Spears (left), spoke with Tim Moore, assistant coach of the track/cross country team, after the commemoration service for Martin Luther King Jr. Tuesday. "I love America. I love this world, I love people, Community education classes offer something for everyone all shapes, colors," said Spears, who was the guest speaker at the service. Spears graduated from Eastern in want to become more musically '94 and is now an attorney in Medina, Ohio. "Remember the Dream" was an effort of the multicultural student grams, instructs and co-instructs a BYDENA TACKETT variety of computer classes that inclined. services to celebrate the life of the civil rights leader who was assassinated in 1968. Activities editor are to be offered. Classes in woodcarving, basket If all those required classes "It's a great thing Eastern does weaving and glass etching are seem to be getting you down, then for the community," Jones said. offered for those who want to the division of special programs "We get a lot of elderly people and expand their creative abilities. Spirit Team hosts pep rally Friday has the cure for what ails you with people from the community who Recreation classes are sched- over 100 community education want to further their education uled in sports such as golf, tennis, classes this spring. without having to study." swimming and scuba diving for all BY DENA TACKETT the audience against six basketball the basketball goals in Alumni ages and skill levels. A variety of Coliseum. The Couch is sponsored Classes range from boogie-woo- For those who are not very Activities editor team members. Everyone who par- computer literate, there is dance courses, including social ticipates in the contest will receive by the Hershey Corporation and gie blues to sign language. MISSING: School spirit. Last Melissa Muiruri, a senior work- "Introduction to the PC for the and line dancing and clogging, are a T-shirt, and the winner will Redi-Mart. also offered. seen departing in droves from cam- "We want students on campus ing toward a bachelor's degree in Scared and Nervous." For the com- pus dressed in Big Blue. If found, receive a free meal from Fazoli's. art, will be teaching "Learn to Sign puter savvy, classes are offered on The division of special pro- return to Alumni Coliseum wearing Those who show their pride to have fun and support the creating and designing web pages. grams is also interested in new teams," said Lisa Breedlove, presi- I and II" in March. Muiruri is deaf maroon and white. Rewards offered. through art can bring in a sheet and uses American Sign Language Classes such as "Start Your community education classes and The Spirit Team is hosting an banner to be judged by the Spirit dent and founder of the Spirit Own Business" and "ACT Test instructors for future semesters. Team. The winning banner will be as her primary means of communi- "The classes began in the early old-fashioned pep rally at 7 p.m. Team. cation. Prep" are designed for those who tomorrow in Alumni Coliseum for displayed at the rest of the games The Spirit Team also sponsored The cost and number of meet- want to develop professional skills. '80s as part of Eastern's mission to the men's and women's basketball this season. the Homecoming bonfire last ings of each class varies. Classes For those who seek personal provide outreach programs to the teams. A group cheer competition will semester and holds a singles' auc- advancement there is The Dating people of Richmond," said Lynn begin in late January and run Dee Garrett, community education They are scheduled to play a also be held. The crowd will judge tion once a year. through May. with many meeting Dilemma," "Meditation and Self- doubleheader with Tennessee which organization delivers the "The sirigles' auction raised only once and some for several Hypnosis," a variety of foreign lan- coordinator. best cheer, and it will have its guage classes and a course on time Preregistration is required for all Tech starting at 4:15 p.m. $185 last year and that money went weeks. Prices range from $10 to classes. Eligible university employ- Saturday with the men's game. name on a spirit award which will towards publicity and materials for $185 per meeting. management. be hung in the Student Association For students who prefer more ees may use their semester scholar- The cheerleaders, the dance events like the pep rally," Most classes are held in the ships for registration fees. Catalogs team and WXII, the campus office and will also receive a free Perkins Building and are taught by "hands-on" classes there are Breedlove said. numerous do-it-yourself and arts are available with a list of courses radio station, will be entertaining pizza party. Dues for the Spirit Team are $5, local professionals and craftspeo- At the pep rally, two lucky fans and crafts courses available. offered. Call the division of special at the rally. and anyone is welcome to join. For ple, while some are instructed by programs at 622-1228 or go by the Several contests and spirit will win tickets for four to sit on the "How to Play Blues and Boogie- more information, contact Lisa members of the university's staff. Woogie Piano" and "Instant Piano office in Room 226 of Perkins competitions are also scheduled. "Couch" during either the men's or Rande Jones, technology spe- Building for more information. women's game. The Couch is an Breedlove at 622-5324. for Hopelessly Busy People" are There will be a three-point cialist at the division of special pro- classes designed for those who shootout featuring six members of actual couch situated behind one of

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We arc news ami events. Pick us T\ ThursdaN all over campus! I astern Progress 622 ISXI Kf) Thivvtov JMM^W 92 " The Eastern Progress Shane Waters, adWor Sports ass Destruction

► Progr—sMVP M Morehead Charlotte deconstructs Sizemore Eastern's first half lead Basketball Forward BY SHANE WALTERS Sports editor The cold winter breeze swirled its body-chilling winds all around ItWft Ellis T. Johnson arena, as the Morehead State University Eagles upset the Eastern Kentucky Sizemore, a 5-foot-11 freshman Colonels 86-85 at Morehead from Hazard, avaraged 13.0 ppg Saturday night. last week as she helped the Lady Despite leading the Eagles by 23 Colonels to wins over Austin Peay points at one segment during the (8562). Murray State (69-55) and first half. Eastern fell short of a vic- Morehead State (87-70). tory with poor ball handling and an Sizemore's career-high 20 points excessive amount of fouls in the led the team at Morehead State second half. and she also recorded three Eastern Kentucky head coach rebounds, five assists and a steal. Scott Perry was very disappointed Sizemore was named OVC Rookie with the Colonels overall perfor- of the Week. mance and inability to play two full halves. "WHenever we lose a basketball ► Sports briefs game, nobody plays a great game, in my opinion," Perry said. "We have yet to get a full 40 minutes Eastern defensive together in a victory or defeat; this has always been my concern with back named first this team. Well play one half, but team NCAA Division not both halves and until we learn how to do that, all the games will I-AA AD-American be tight. It's embarrassing. It's inexcusable. This is the most disap- Eastern Kentucky University pointed and angry I have been this senior defensive back Chris year," Perry replied. Guyton has been named first Eastern started the game with a team NCAA Division I-AA All strong offensive attack from the American by the Walter Camp point of the opening tip. The Football Foundation. Colonels put 21 points on the score- Guyton, 6-foot-3, 192 pounds board to lead Morehead State 21-10 of Thomasville, Ga. was a first- early in the half. team 1997 Eastern kept a decent lead All-OVC throughout the entire first half, Brian Simms/Progress selection as shooting 38 percent behind the three-point arch and an impressive Junior Marty Thomas struggles with a Morehead opponent tor possesion of the ball, while junior forward Jared Carpenter (33) and junior guard Chris he finished Fitzgerald (12) await the referees whistle. Thomas and Shane Cames both led the Colonels with 17 points in the losing effort. second on 10 forlO at the free-throw line. The the team in Colonels also scored 16 points off tackles and turnovers, to lead MSU 48-30 at halftime. Here a foul, there a foul, everywhere around the court foul-foul assists with Shane Cames led the pack for 93 hits. Eastern by contributing 13 points The whistling sound of the going past the Foul. can someone get that feeling of Guyton also and four rebounds. referee's mighty weapon limit of making At times, though, it seemed actually being in the game when totaled three Head coach Kyle Macy of rang in and out of every ear the loud obnox- as if the whistles were blown by a referee's whistle is blown intercep- ious noise rep- Guyton was a Morehead State, led the Eagles on at Morehead State's Ellis T. a strange unknown force, caused every other play? How can the tions, 12 pass a scoring spree during the second Johnson arena Saturday as resenting a by a reaction, due to the temper- players compose themselves deflections, four-year starter half. Eastern's men's basketball team foul. at Eastern. ature, according to the align- after playing a contest of fouls three tackles MSU cut and slashed their way took on the Eagles. During the Foul. ment of the planets, etc. on top of fouls in that crucial for loss, for back into a winning position by course of the Colonels' 86-85 loss, Foul. Whatever the cause, the audi- minute during the last seconds recovered thriving off Eastern's inconsistent a total of 66 shots were taken by Basketball is an aggressive ence came to see a basketball of a game? fumbles, a sack and a caused second half. With a three point shot the Colonels and Eagles at the Foul. fumble in helping lead Eastern to from guard Brandon Davenport, free-throw line. sport, at times. game; the players came to play a basketball game. Foul. an undefeated 7-0 OVC champi- Morehead made the mark 53-64 at Foul. SHANE WALTERS PL*^-^ onship and 84 overall record. 10:41. Foul. Sk*Hrm Watchdog mg certain pen- Foul. o Let the players play, let the Eastern fell into a shooting The referees were engulfed in mmmmmmm^mmm ods of the con- Foul. spectators watch in enjoyment slump as the Eagles scored 10 the competition to the point where test, a foul was Spectators go to a sporting and give the whistles a rest from Eastern may play fouls were just commonplace. The committed by either a Eastern event to be entertained, along all the unknown forces causing See Basketball/Page B7 second half was literally a foul-a- player or a Morehead player. with being drawn into the com- them to blow. The game is then a University of rama with the referees' whistles Foul. petition before their eyes. How game. Kentucky during 1998-99 season ► Women's Basketball Local news media are report- ing that an agreement between Eastern Kentucky Untversuy and UK may bring forth a EKU vs. Lady Colonels defeat archrival Morehead UK football match-up in the 1998- Senior 99 season. According to Head BY DAMEL REJNHAHT Forward Assistant sports editor Roberts with 15 points and Maria "Charlotte really probably Coach Roy Kidd, the possibilty is Lisa Pace, Gearhart with 13 points and four played her best ball game," Inman now in the works. Athletics The women's basketball team assists. Eastern held the Lady said. Eastern struggled early trail- Director, Dr. Robert Baugh dashes for 1L^ 2x~ - ■ the ball bounced back from its disappoint- Racers to only 19 first-half points ing for much of the first half until seemed to be extremely excited ing over-the-break performance and forced 31 turnovers. Roberts' three-point jumper closed about the possibility of the con- during a match-up with two impressive conference In Saturday's away game, which the gap to 24-22. On Eastern's next, test, if all goes well. wins over Murray and Morehead looked more like a Colonel football possession, Shannon Browning with game than a Lady Colonel basket- Morehead this week. took a pass from Sizemore and; The wins moved the Lady ball game. Eastern outslugged knocked down another three to ► Schedule State Morehead 87-70. Saturday. Colonels up to third place in the give Eastern its first lead since Ohio Valley Conference. The scrappy Lady Colonels (10- early in the game. Sizemonj then Against the Lady Racers at 5,6-2) caused 26 turnovers and held drained Eastern's third three in a M«n« Basketball Morehead (4-11,1-7) under 40 per- (4-11, 3-5 OVC) Brian home Jan. 14, coach Larry Joe row, and her team never trailed cent shooting for the game. again. eeStasM Inman's squad shot better than 50 Freshman Charlotte Sizemore percent and cruised to an easy 69- led Eastern's offensive attack with a vs. Middle Tennessee (3-12.1-8) ■ 56 victory. career high 20 points on 8-11 shoot- See Woman/Page B7 7:30 p.m.. tonight Alumni The offense was led by Chrissy Coliseum ing while dishing out four assists. ► Football

Women's Basketball (104, 5-2 OVC) Kidd announces two mid-year transfers to 1998 squad BY Smut WAITERS defense, including both ends, so Sports editor in Costa Mesa, Calif. sacks, as a red-shirt freshman for belt Anthony's experience and talent "I feel like the young man has the Wildcats in Bill Curry's last sea- Kidd and his football recruiters va. Tennessee Tech (3-12,1-9) Eastern Kentucky football coach will help there. And then at quarter- the ability to win some football son. Watson was honored with are looking for four more defensive 2.-00 p.m.. Saturday. Alumni Roy Kidd will have two new individ- back, we would like to have avail- games," Kidd said about Collins. "I Kentucky's Outstanding Defensive backs, two wide receivers, and one Coliseum uals on the sidelines at the start of able a little more experience than watched a lot of video on him. I Scout Team Player Award in 1995 line backer. the 1998 football season. what we have coming back because liked the way he threw the football. and was named Most Improved Eastern finished the 97' season vs. Middle Tennessee (3-12.1-9) Kidd announced two mid-year of our tough early season schedule He can come in here and possibly Defensive Lineman in 1996 for UK. as undefeated OVC champions in 7:30 p.m.. Monday. Alumni transfers, Chad Collins and which includes games with Central challenge Waylon Chapman for the "With the loss of seven starters, I compiling an 8-4 record. Eastern Coliseum Anthony Watson, to help the Florida, Western Kentucky and quarter back position." thought he would fit in the position finished the year ranked 15th in Colonels on both the offensive and Middle Tennessee (among Watson, a 6-foot-3, 250-pound of defensive back very well," Kidd both The Sports Network and the defensive sides of the field. Eastern's first four contests)." defensive end, has been with the replied about Watson. ESPN/USA Today polls and panic "Both these guys fill gaps where Collins, a 6-foot-l, 190-pound University of Kentucky football Watson picked Eastern over ipated in the NCAA Division I-AA we need immediate help," Kidd quarterback comes to Eastern from team since 1995. Tulane and will still have two years playoffs the 17th time in the 20- U.S. Air Invitational. Friday and Orange Coast Community College Watson had 21 tackles and five year history of the I-AA playoffs. Saturday. Johnson City, Term. said. "We lost seven starters on of eligibility remaining under his mmm

le Eastern Progress, Thursday, January 22,1998 SpOrtS B7

Basketball: Morehead controlled second half

From Pag* B6 game, Macy called a time out. in the towel and played up to the unanswered points to pull within Moreheaa took advantage of the last buzzer." one with 9:03 on the clock. With turnover by Addie, with Webb Marty Thomas and Carnes led the score at 63-64, MSU forward shooting a three pointer with 49 the way in scoring for the Colonels Aaron Knight added two points seconds left on the clock to put the with 17 each. from the free-throw line to put the Eagles ahead by one, and to end Knight led the charge for Eagles ahead for the first time dur- the contest with a 86-85 victory for Morehead with 22 points, three ing the entire contest at 6664. Morehead. assists, one block and two steals. Eastern gained its composure, Macy was extremely pleased Eastern was a mere 34.8 percent and led the Eagles 84-80 with 1:59 with the performance of his Eagles on the floor during the second half, on the clock. Morehead connected during the second half, especially compared to the Eagles 53.3 per- with the basket on a steal by with the team's press and fast- cent and 34 points off turnovers Knight, to put the Eagles to within break abilities. made by the Colonels. "We want to go up and down the The game flourished with an two. enormous amount of fouls that also Forward Jeremy Webb connect- floor," Macy said. "We want to contributed to MSU's victory. ed on one of two free throws to put press and fast break. We want to Eastern shot 32 free throws while Morehead to within one bucket to get the players where they can use Morehead shot 34, for a total of 66 tie. The Eagles gained possession that athletic ability and showcase free throws attempted in the game. of the ball by a turnover committed it. The key for us during the game The loss dropped Eastern to 4-11 by Eric Addie of Eastern. was just the fact we were proud the overall and 3-5 in the Ohio Valley With 1:06 left to play in the team stepped up and never threw Conference. Women: Lady Colonels on three game streak I COLD... From Pag* B6 points and capped off by Roberts' Five players scored in double steal and easy layup giving Eastern figures, and freshman Candice "From top to bottom our depth a 57-44 lead. Finley came off the bench con- was the difference," Inman said. Lady Eagles coach Laura Litter tributing 11 points and nine "We rose to the occasion each time called a timeout, but it was too late rebounds. they would make a run." Coach Inman's team will try to The Lady Colonels came out as the Lady Colonels built a lead build on its three-game win streak blazing in the second half going on which proved insurmountable.' this Saturday when it hosts a 16-9 run in the first five minutes. The whole team played togeth- Tennessee Tech (11-5, 5-2) and Try our Back to The run was led by Sizemore's nine er and played with their heart," Monday when Middle Tennessee Sizemore said. State (8-7,4-3) comes to town. YOUR SPRING BREAK DISCOUNT VACATION School specials: The Dayton* Welcome Cenfet $1.00 11 \ M ill llli I hi I ■ 1: ml << i V ! 1 1 * Beers ; \ III Hi ,k l'mi\ ( aril" • 6 oz. Swedish * • a » 1 1 1 NO ONE CAN BEAT OUR PRICES! 152N.M*dl*onAv*. 623-9720 Beauty oil for $32.00 • 5 oz. Butter for "Kentucky's Most ""Off Bcu. $22.00 Unique Gift Shoppe" • Discounted prices i Exclusive to Richmond arc the Candleberry Candles ^^^ZIMC U* *&* ■ 1998 Boyd's Bears, Hares, folk stones, Dolls tones arriving daily on all other products ■ Dickins, New England, Christmas in the City, Snowvillage, North Pole and Alpine villages, Snowbabies and Snowbunnies from Dept. 56 i Flower arrangements, swags, and wreaths designed especially for you • Try our HEX bed with And of course. Beanie Babies 6400 watts of tanning Last Week Up to 75% off Selected Christmas merchandise power Mon - Sat 9 a.m.- 8 p.m. Sun 12:30 p.m.- 6 p.m. 139 Keeneland Dr. 624-0025 • Coming soon. Richmond's only face TONIGHT! tanner ICE COLD PITCHERS OF COORS LIGHT ONLY anama $2 7 p.m. -10 p.m. ims 626-8937 o'Kiki'iFim— - ry Long Island Teas a.p. to 9 pan., 7 days a week. Open late to serve $4 all your tanning needs! quart all night Located at 201 Water Street (across the street from Subway) Grill & B» Walking distance from EKU! Main Street B8Si sday, Januaryry22. 22,1998 Williams W A S paving e clip and bring this coupon Exp 2 22 98 . >.ounl road to s w.isli. i s .mix " St" i IIKWI until ■>""" success CREAT TANNING n\n hoi II MM i \i i IWMM.MION BY Dm PREKOPA Contributing writer One of the reasons junior col- lege star Mark Williams came to Eastern was because he could bring his family cheering section with him. As the 6-foot-4-inch, 190-pound junior guard from Dayton, Ohio, New Bulbs! runs onto the court at Alumni Coliseum, his family leads the cheering. Pink Flamingo "My mother, father and my sue I ;iini(lr\ & Tanning < <>• older brothers really inspired me to play basketball,'' Williams said. 6211 ISiu Mill \M. • 623-0076 "One of the reasons I came to EKU in ,, m in I, in Mud s.ii„ Hi .i.iii I" p.m. Sun is because it's not too far away from home, so they can see me play. It's a good feeling to hear them cheer." And lately, the Williamses have had a lot to cheer about Williams is riding a hot streak in January, averaging 21.7 points per game and leading the Colonels in scoring. He had 23 points against Southeast Missouri and Austin IriPftJOJlfc Peay. His career high as a Colonel <8> was 27 points against Eastern Illinois Jan. 3 with five-of-eight three-pointers. Large Williams leads the team in total points scored with 227 this season. Defensively, Mark is averaging 3.1 rebounds per game, and he has 1 Topping 20 steals to his credit this year. "I never thought I would play only this good," he said. "I knew that I would do good, but I guess the practice helped." Williams joined Eastern's team last fall as an early signee. He transferred from Sinclair Community College in Dayton, Brian Simms/Progress where he averaged 20.4 points, 5.5 Mark Williams, a transfer from Sinclair Community College in Dayton, leads the Colonels in total scoring with 227 $6.99 rebounds and 3.3 assists per game. points this season and also leads the way in points per game with 21.7. "I'm satisfied here at EKU," he said. "Here I get a chance to play, always a dream. Williams doesn't er, coach — it doesn't matter. I though, that Williams' game isn't and if we stay focused, we can go deny that he has the NBA on his would just like to do something perfect Campus Delivery Only mind. far this year." with sports." "As a starting guard, he needs The slow start for the Colonels "It's really a dream for every- First-year coach Scott Perry has to improve on his ball handling. at 4-10 this season has not damp- body. It all depends really on how a lot of respect for William* Defense is important for every ened his spirits and his optimism hard you work," Williams said. "He is one of the guys that we player, so he, of course, needs to 624-2828 for their success next year. "With Sports has had a major impact have that can create his own give a good effort defensively," the new people we have coming so far in Williams' life, and he offense," Perry said. "We need his Perry said. next year, we can be even better." hopes that it will in the future when presence on the floor. He is some- "He has made an improvement Williams said. he's out on his own. one who is willing to take the big in his commitment to this team. He EKU Bypass For any basketball player the "1 would like to do something in shot at the end of the game." still needs some growing, and he National Basketball Association is sports," he said. "Player, broadcast- Even coach Perry admits, has a good team to grow with."

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