A For the period beginning 07/01/2013 and ending 12/31/2013

B Check applicable box: ✔ Initial report Change of address Amended report Final report

1 Name of organization Employer identification number AFSCME SPECIAL ACCOUNT 91 - 2064198

2 Mailing address (P.O. box or number, street, and room or suite number) 1625 L Street NW

City or town, state, and ZIP code Washington, DC 20036 - 5687

3 E-mail address of organization: 4 Date organization was formed: [email protected] 08/01/1980

5a Name of custodian of records 5b Custodian's address Laura Reyes, Secretary-Treasurer 1625 L Street NW Washington, DC 20036 - 5687

6a Name of contact person 6b Contact person's address Charles Jurgonis 1625 L Street NW Washington, DC 20036 - 5687

7 Business address of organization (if different from mailing address shown above). Number, street, and room or suite number 1625 L Street NW

City or town, state, and ZIP code Washington, DC 20036 - 5687

8 Type of report (check only one box)

First quarterly report Monthly report for the month of: (due by April 15) (due by the 20th day following the month shown above, except the Second quarterly report December report, which is due by January 31) (due by July 15) Pre-election report (due by the 12th or 15th day before the election) Third quarterly report (1) Type of election: (due by October 15) (2) Date of election: ✔ Year-end report (3) For the state of: (due by January 31) Post-general election report (due by the 30th day after general election) Mid-year report (Non-election (1) Date of election: year only-due by July 31) (2) For the state of:

9 Total amount of reported contributions (total from all attached Schedules A) ...... 9. $ 5635721

10 Total amount of reported expenditures (total from all attached Schedules B)...... 10. $ 5295777

Laura Reyes 01/24/2014

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer AFSCME N/A 1625 L Street NW Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution Washington, DC 20036 - 5687 N/A $ 31000 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $ 8761459 08/30/2013

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer AFSCME N/A 1625 L Street NW Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution Washington, DC 20036 - 5687 N/A $ 68514 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $ 8761459 10/29/2013

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer AFSCME N/A 1625 L Street NW Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution Washington, DC 20036 - 5687 N/A $ 23442 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $ 8761459 07/08/2013

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer AFSCME N/A 1625 L Street NW Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution Washington, DC 20036 - 5687 N/A $ 629099 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $ 8761459 11/25/2013

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer Friends of Erin Genrich N/A 1625 L Street NW Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution Washington, DC 20036 - 5687 N/A $ 500 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $ 8761459 07/12/2013

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer AFSCME N/A 1625 L Street NW Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution Washington, DC 20036 - 5687 N/A $ 85903 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $ 8761459 10/07/2013

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer AFSCME N/A 1625 L Street NW Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution Washington, DC 20036 - 5687 N/A $ 116183 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $ 8761459 10/29/2013

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer AFSCME N/A 1625 L Street NW Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution Washington, DC 20036 - 5687 N/A $ 639065 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $ 8761459 10/18/2013

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer AFSCME N/A 1625 L Street NW Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution Washington, DC 20036 - 5687 N/A $ 320106 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $ 8761459 08/13/2013

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer AFSCME N/A 1625 L Street NW Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution Washington, DC 20036 - 5687 N/A $ 25807 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $ 8761459 10/29/2013

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer AFSCME N/A 1625 L Street NW Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution Washington, DC 20036 - 5687 N/A $ 442016 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $ 8761459 10/29/2013 Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer AFSCME N/A 1625 L Street NW Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution Washington, DC 20036 - 5687 N/A $ 119159 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $ 8761459 08/13/2013

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer AFSCME N/A 1625 L Street NW Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution Washington, DC 20036 - 5687 N/A $ 145210 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $ 8761459 07/01/2013

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer AFSCME N/A 1625 L Street NW Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution Washington, DC 20036 - 5687 N/A $ 548128 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $ 8761459 12/09/2013

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer AFSCME N/A 1625 L Street NW Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution Washington, DC 20036 - 5687 N/A $ 56066 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $ 8761459 11/04/2013

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer AFSCME N/A 1625 L Street NW Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution Washington, DC 20036 - 5687 N/A $ 358333 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $ 8761459 09/10/2013

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer AFSCME N/A 1625 L Street NW Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution Washington, DC 20036 - 5687 N/A $ 73631 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $ 8761459 08/13/2013

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer AFSCME N/A 1625 L Street NW Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution Washington, DC 20036 - 5687 N/A $ 176006 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $ 8761459 07/01/2013

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer AFSCME N/A 1625 L Street NW Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution Washington, DC 20036 - 5687 N/A $ 245598 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $ 8761459 10/28/2013

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer AFSCME N/A 1625 L Street NW Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution Washington, DC 20036 - 5687 N/A $ 16671 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $ 8761459 10/29/2013

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer AFSCME N/A 1625 L Street NW Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution Washington, DC 20036 - 5687 N/A $ 34792 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $ 8761459 07/10/2013

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer AFSCME N/A 1625 L Street NW Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution Washington, DC 20036 - 5687 N/A $ 5000 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $ 8761459 09/05/2013 Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer AFSCME N/A 1625 L Street NW Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution Washington, DC 20036 - 5687 N/A $ 71587 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $ 8761459 07/01/2013

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer AFSCME N/A 1625 L Street NW Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution Washington, DC 20036 - 5687 N/A $ 9634 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $ 8761459 11/27/2013

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer AFSCME N/A 1625 L Street NW Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution Washington, DC 20036 - 5687 N/A $ 20983 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $ 8761459 07/02/2013

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer AFSCME N/A 1625 L Street NW Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution Washington, DC 20036 - 5687 N/A $ 293343 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $ 8761459 10/07/2013

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer AFSCME N/A 1625 L Street NW Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution Washington, DC 20036 - 5687 N/A $ 161524 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $ 8761459 09/10/2013

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer AFSCME N/A 1625 L Street NW Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution Washington, DC 20036 - 5687 N/A $ 160668 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $ 8761459 10/07/2013

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer AFSCME N/A 1625 L Street NW Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution Washington, DC 20036 - 5687 N/A $ 347556 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $ 8761459 11/01/2013

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer AFSCME N/A 1625 L Street NW Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution Washington, DC 20036 - 5687 N/A $ 290915 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $ 8761459 11/01/2013

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer AFSCME N/A 1625 L Street NW Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution Washington, DC 20036 - 5687 N/A $ 119282 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $ 8761459 07/01/2013

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure EFO Donald Norcross for Senate N/A $ 1000 P.O. Box 1003 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Camden, NJ 08101 - N/A 10/22/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Friends of Tom Saunders N/A $ 500 P.O. Box 218 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Lewisville, IN 47352 - N/A 08/09/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure AFSCME General Account N/A $ 10000 1625 L Street NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20036 - 5687 N/A 10/09/2013

Purpose of expenditure InKind

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Friends of Roxanne Donnery N/A $ 2000 P.O. Box 449 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Fort Montgomery, NY 10922 - N/A 10/31/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Bonie Garcia for Senate 2014 N/A $ 8200 921 11th Street Suite 701 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Sacramento, CA 95814 - N/A 12/18/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Duke City Rising Measure Finance Committee N/A $ 25000 P.O. Box 27696 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Albuquerque, NM 87125 - N/A 09/27/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure We Can do Better Colorado N/A $ 100000 P.O. Box 2158 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure , CO 80201 - N/A 08/02/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Committee to Elect Edward Vigil N/A $ 500 254 Biel Place Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Fort Garland, CO 81133 - N/A 12/13/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure The Campaign Workshop N/A $ 5000 1120 20th Street, NW Suite 200 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20036 - N/A 09/06/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Committee to Elect Jim Calnon N/A $ 1000 108 Baily Avenue Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Plattsburgh, NY 12901 - N/A 10/24/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Re-Elect Reuban McDaniel N/A $ 2500 3206 Arden Road Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure , GA 30305 - N/A 10/15/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Friends of Robert Fairnholt N/A $ 500 P.O. Box 120423 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Newport News, VA 23612 - N/A 10/31/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Dana Hilliard for Mayor N/A $ 1000 11 Chabot Street Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Somersworth, NH 03878 - N/A 10/31/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Kansas Values Institute N/A $ 25000 P.O. Box 2124 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Topeka, KS 66601 - N/A 12/02/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Bob Hertzberg for Senate N/A $ 8200 1225 8th Street Suite 150 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Sacramento, CA 95814 - N/A 12/05/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Paul Rosenthal Majority Fund N/A $ 550 P.O. Box 371024 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Denver, CO 80238 - N/A 12/13/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Friends of Sharon Green Middleton N/A $ 2000 4800 Coyle Road, Unit 403 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Owings Mill, MD 21117 - N/A 10/31/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Re-Elect Mayor N/A $ 5000 P.O. Box 256 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Buffalo, NY 14201 - N/A 09/05/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Terry McAuliff for Governor N/A $ 100000 P.O. Box 13881 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Arlington, VA 22219 - N/A 10/18/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure AFSCME Florida Council 79 N/A $ 75000 3064 Hughland Oaks Terrace Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Tallahassee, FL 32301 - N/A 07/29/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Committee to Elect Cheri Jahn N/A $ 2000 3445 Wadsworth Blvd #3 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 - N/A 12/13/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure AFSCME General Account N/A $ 3841 1625 L Street NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20036 - 5687 N/A 10/31/2013

Purpose of expenditure InKind

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Friends of Roxanne Donnery N/A $ 3000 P.O. Box 449 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Ft. Montgomery, NY 10922 - N/A 10/04/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Maryland Democratic Party - Administrative Fund N/A $ 10000 33 West Street, Suite 200 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Annapolis, MD 21401 - N/A 08/14/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure AFSCME General Account N/A $ 2438 1625 L Street NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20036 - 5687 N/A 09/11/2013

Purpose of expenditure InKind

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Friends of Reed Heddleston N/A $ 500 4329 Wensley Ct Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Woodbridge, VA 22192 - N/A 10/31/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Santa Barbara County Democratic Central Committee N/A $ 34000 1127 11th Street Suite 242 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Sacramento, CA 95814 - N/A 12/05/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure AFSCME General Account N/A $ 1750 1625 L Street NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20036 - 5687 N/A 11/15/2013

Purpose of expenditure InKind

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Rudy Salas for Assembly 2014 N/A $ 8200 1225 8th Street Suite 150 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Sacramento, CA 95814 - N/A 12/05/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure AFSCME General Account N/A $ 51975 1625 L Street NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20036 - 5687 N/A 10/31/2013

Purpose of expenditure InKind

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure AFSCME General Account N/A $ 21574 1625 L Street NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20036 - 5687 N/A 08/13/2013

Purpose of expenditure InKind

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Mack-Sumner Communications N/A $ 15351 2001 N. Beauregard Street Suite 420 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Alexandria, VA 22311 - N/A 12/06/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Woman Vote! N/A $ 150000 1800 M Street, NW Suite 375 North Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20036 - N/A 11/20/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Committee to Re-Elect Jennifer Soldati N/A $ 1000 35 Pleasant Street Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Somersworth, NH 03878 - N/A 10/15/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Rhonda Fields for Colorado House N/A $ 1000 1196 Sable Blvd Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Aurora, CO 80011 - N/A 12/13/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Californians for Voter Turnout Educ & Registration N/A $ 46000 1127 11th Street Suite 242 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Sacramento, CA 95814 - N/A 12/06/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure House Majority PAC N/A $ 100000 700 13th Street, NW Suite 600 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20005 - N/A 10/08/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Tom Richards for Mayor N/A $ 3500 1150 University Avenue, Building 5 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Rochester, NY 14607 - N/A 08/27/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Democratic Lieutenant Governors Association N/A $ 25000 3928 Benton Street, NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20007 - N/A 07/12/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Tim Sbranti for Assembly N/A $ 8200 1100 O Street, Suite 200 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Sacramento, CA 95814 - N/A 11/20/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Gustavo Rivera for State Senate N/A $ 2500 220 Lafayette Street, 3rd Floor Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure New York, NY 10012 - N/A 12/02/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Friends of Noam Bramson N/A $ 5000 6 James Drive Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure New Rochelle, NY 10804 - N/A 10/31/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Steve Neal for Assembly 2014 N/A $ 8200 3605 Long Beach Blvd Suite 426 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Long Beach , CA 90807 - N/A 12/23/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Friends of David Fried N/A $ 2000 10 Demarest Road Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Chesnut Ridge, NY 10977 - N/A 10/31/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Anthony Rendon for Assembly 2014 N/A $ 8200 1225 8th Street Suite 150 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Sacramento , CA 95814 - N/A 12/30/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure San Mateo County Democratic Central Committee N/A $ 34000 1127 11th Street Suite 242 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Sacramento, CA 95814 - N/A 12/05/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Committee to Elect Adam Matkowsky N/A $ 500 13352 Franklin Street Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Thornton, CO 80241 - N/A 10/31/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure New Jersey Democratic State Committee N/A $ 1000 196 West State Street Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Trenton, NJ 08608 - N/A 10/09/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Mack-Sumner Communications N/A $ 2879 2001 N. Beauregard Street Suite 420 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Alexandria, VA 22311 - N/A 12/06/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure AFSCME General Account N/A $ 3030 1625 L Street NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20036 - 5687 N/A 09/11/2013

Purpose of expenditure InKind

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Friends of Kim Wallin N/A $ 2500 P.O. Box 4103 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Carson City, NV 89702 - N/A 12/23/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure AFSCME General Account N/A $ 12978 1625 L Street NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20036 - 5687 N/A 10/24/2013

Purpose of expenditure InKind

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Friends of Nina Turner N/A $ 12155 340 E. Fulton Street Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Columbus, OH 43215 - N/A 12/11/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Richard Bloom for Assembly 2014 N/A $ 8200 1225 8th Street Suite 150 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Sacramento, CA 95814 - N/A 12/30/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure AFSCME General Account N/A $ 6887 1625 L Street NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20036 - 5687 N/A 11/21/2013

Purpose of expenditure InKind

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure AFSMCE General Account N/A $ 3000 1625 L Street NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20036 - 5687 N/A 11/27/2013

Purpose of expenditure InKind

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Democratic Legislative Campaign N/A $ 500000 1401 K Street, NW Suite 201 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20005 - N/A 10/31/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure San Luis Obispo Cnty Democratic Central Committee N/A $ 34000 1127 11th Street Suite 242 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Sacramento, CA 95814 - N/A 12/05/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure AFSCME General Account N/A $ 8000 1625 L Street NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20036 - 5687 N/A 12/23/2013

Purpose of expenditure InKind Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Bernard Celestin for Council N/A $ 500 17991 E. Atlantic Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Aurora, CO 80013 - N/A 10/31/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Dianne Primevera for House District 33 N/A $ 2000 P.O. Box 840 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Broomfield , CO 80038 - N/A 12/13/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Friends of Randy Pascarella N/A $ 500 324 Dolan Drive Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Schenectady , NY 12306 - N/A 10/31/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure AFSCME New York District Council 1707 N/A $ 50000 420 West 45th Street Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure New York, NY 10036 - N/A 10/08/2013

Purpose of expenditure Grant

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Kim Humphrey for State Representative N/A $ 1000 305 E. Obannon Street Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Morganfield, KY 42437 - N/A 11/22/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Taryn Chilivis Bowam for Atlanta Board of Educ N/A $ 2500 P.O. Box 550724 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Atlanta, GA 30355 - N/A 10/15/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure AFSCME General Account N/A $ 3500 1625 L Street NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20036 - 5687 N/A 09/20/2013

Purpose of expenditure InKind

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Vote Steve Nawrocki for City Council N/A $ 500 1910 Court Street Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Pueblo , CO 81003 - N/A 10/31/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Diane Savino for New York N/A $ 2500 39 Broadway Suite 1740 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure New York, NY 10006 - N/A 12/02/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Fiana Ma for State Board of Equalization 2014 N/A $ 13600 2244 Ione Street Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Sacramento, CA 95864 - N/A 12/06/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure AFSCME General Account N/A $ 7853 1625 L Street NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20036 - 5687 N/A 10/24/2013

Purpose of expenditure InKind

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Ohio Democratic Party - Non Federal Account N/A $ 36466 340 E. Fulton Street Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Columbus, OH 43215 - N/A 12/24/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Lake Research Partners N/A $ 14026 1726 M Street, NW, Suite 1100 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20036 - N/A 08/27/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Elect Steven Lee N/A $ 1300 P.O. Box 11143 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Atlanta, GA 30310 - N/A 11/22/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure San Diego County Democratic Central Committee N/A $ 34000 1127 11th Street Suite 242 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Sacramento, CA 95814 - N/A 12/05/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Paul Davis for Governor N/A $ 2000 P.O. Box 2848 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Topeka, KS 66601 - N/A 10/31/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Committee to Elect Jason McEldowney N/A $ 500 10127 Telluride Street Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Commerce City, CO 80022 - N/A 10/31/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Reginald Jones-Sawyer for Assembly 2014 N/A $ 8200 1225 8th Street Suite 150 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Sacramento, CA 95814 - N/A 12/30/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Friends of Abinanti N/A $ 1000 P.O. Box 444 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Tarrytown, NY 10591 - N/A 07/17/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Friends of Peggy Chase N/A $ 1000 440 Ridgewood Drive Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Syracuse, NY 13206 - N/A 10/31/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Mendocino County Democratic Central Committee N/A $ 34000 5429 Madison Ave Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Sacramento, CA 95841 - N/A 12/05/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Eileen Filler-Corn for Delegate N/A $ 500 P.O. Box 523082 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Springfield, VA 22152 - N/A 10/31/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Kasim Reed for Mayor Inc N/A $ 2500 P.O. Box 312027 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Atlanta, GA 31131 - N/A 10/15/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Raul Bocanegra for Assembly 2012 N/A $ 8200 777 S. Figueroa Street Suite 4050 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Los Angelos, CA 90017 - 5864 N/A 12/23/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Dom Dagostino for Sheriff N/A $ 1000 324 Dolan Drive Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Schenectady, NY 12306 - N/A 10/24/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure AFSCME General Account N/A $ 2900 1625 L Street NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20036 - 5687 N/A 10/15/2013

Purpose of expenditure InKind

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Santa Clara County Democratic Central Committee N/A $ 25000 5940 College Avenue Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Oakland, CA 94618 - N/A 07/09/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Missouri Democratic State Committee N/A $ 10000 P.O. Box 719 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Jefferson City, MO 65102 - N/A 12/06/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure AFSCME General Account N/A $ 1750 1625 L Street NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20036 - 5687 N/A 10/09/2013

Purpose of expenditure InKind

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure AFSCME General Account N/A $ 12222 1625 L Street NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20036 - 5687 N/A 10/31/2013

Purpose of expenditure InKind Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure John Bell for Delegate N/A $ 500 43145 Valiant Drive Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure South Riding , VA 20152 - N/A 10/31/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Friends of Paul Kaiser N/A $ 500 3791 South Gibralyar Street Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Aurora, CO 80013 - N/A 10/31/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Friends of Phillip Fields N/A $ 500 24 Lorraine Avenue Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Schenectady, NY 12304 - N/A 10/15/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Friends of Max Tyler N/A $ 2000 755 Vista Lane Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Lakewood , CO 80214 - N/A 12/13/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Committee to Elect Ivory Young N/A $ 1500 P.O. Box 92182 NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Atlanta, GA 30314 - N/A 10/15/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure AFSCEM General Account N/A $ 14701 1625 L Street NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20036 - 5687 N/A 11/01/2013

Purpose of expenditure InKind

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Friends of James Skoufis N/A $ 1000 P.O. Box 63 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Highland Hills, NY 10930 - N/A 07/17/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Maggy Krell for Sacramento District Attorney 2014 N/A $ 2000 400 Capitol Mall Suite 1545 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Sacramento, CA 95814 - N/A 11/21/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure AFSCME General Account N/A $ 28497 1625 L Street NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20036 - 5687 N/A 10/01/2013

Purpose of expenditure InKind

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Joint Victory Fund 2013 N/A $ 10000 1710 E. Franklin Street Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Richmond, VA 23223 - N/A 10/23/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Sacramento County Democratic Central Committee N/A $ 34000 5429 Madison Ave Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Sacramento, CA 95841 - N/A 12/05/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Committee to Elect Kate Marshall N/A $ 2500 P.O. Box 40944 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Reno, NV 89504 - N/A 12/23/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure AFSCME General Account N/A $ 4040 1625 L Street NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20036 - 5687 N/A 10/24/2013

Purpose of expenditure InKind

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Committee to Re-Elect Jadie Carson N/A $ 500 11305 Paris Street Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Henderson, CO 80640 - N/A 10/31/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure AFSCME General Account N/A $ 16500 1625 L Street NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20036 - 5687 N/A 11/01/2013

Purpose of expenditure InKind

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Dicky Lee Hullinghorst Leadership Fund N/A $ 550 P.O. Box 88 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Niwot, CO 80544 - N/A 12/13/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Citizens to Elect Diane Mitsch Bush for CO HD 26 N/A $ 1000 P.O. Box 770535 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Steamboat Springs, CO 80477 - N/A 12/13/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Cythia Young for Malta N/A $ 800 9 Russell Street Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Ballston Spa, NY 12020 - N/A 10/31/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Atif Qarni for Delegate N/A $ 500 7614 Centerville Road Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Manassas, VA 20111 - N/A 10/31/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Re-Elect Rueben McDaniel N/A $ 1300 3206 Arden Road Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Atlanta, GA 30305 - N/A 11/22/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Mark Herring for Attorney General N/A $ 5000 P.O. Box 6201 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Leeburg, VA 20178 - N/A 10/31/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Committee to Elect Millie Hamner N/A $ 1000 P.O. Box 1304 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Frisco, CO 80443 - N/A 12/13/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Friends of N/A $ 1000 P.O. Box 8282 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Albany, NY 12208 - N/A 07/17/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Re-Elect Ken Cooley for Assembly 2014 N/A $ 8200 1225 8th Street Suite 150 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Sacramento, CA 95814 - N/A 12/05/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Friends of Aaron Watson N/A $ 2500 P.O. Box 8353 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Atlanta, GA 31106 - N/A 10/15/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Democratic Central Committee of Marin N/A $ 34000 5429 Madison Ave Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Sacramento, CA 95841 - N/A 12/05/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure The Campaign Workshop N/A $ 99800 1129 20th Street, NW, Suite 200 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20036 - N/A 08/29/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Stanislaus Cnty Democratic Central Committee-State N/A $ 34000 5429 Madison Ave Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Sacramento, CA 95841 - N/A 12/05/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Friends of Peter Martin N/A $ 800 P.O. Box 313 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Saratoga Springs, NY 12866 - N/A 10/31/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Democratic Party of Dona Ana County N/A $ 810 P.O. Box 16144 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Las Cruces, NM 88004 - 6144 N/A 08/20/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Mack Sumner Communications N/A $ 6900 2001 N. Beauregard Street Suite 420 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Alexandria, VA 22311 - N/A 10/31/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Support Perez for Senate 2013 N/A $ 20000 555 Capitol Mall, Suite 1425 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Sacramento, CA 95814 - N/A 07/10/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Humboldt County Democratic Central Committee N/A $ 34000 1127 11th Street Suite 242 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Sacramento, CA 95814 - N/A 12/05/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Committee to Elect Leroy Garcia N/A $ 500 137 Baylor Street Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Pueblo, CO 81005 - N/A 12/13/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Monty Mason for Delegate N/A $ 500 P.O. Box 232 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Williamsburg, VA 23187 - N/A 10/31/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Kathleen Murphy for Delegate N/A $ 500 P.O. Box 146 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure McLean , VA 22101 - N/A 10/31/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure AFSCME General Account N/A $ 7586 1625 L Street NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20036 - 5687 N/A 10/24/2013

Purpose of expenditure InKind

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Committee to Elect Tracy Kraft-Tharp N/A $ 2000 12083 West 84th Place Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Arvada, CO 80005 - N/A 12/13/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Democratic Party of Valencia County N/A $ 200 P.O. Box 2652 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Los Lumas, NM 87031 - N/A 10/22/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure AFSCME Maryland Council 3 N/A $ 90000 190 W. Ostend Street Suite 101 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Baltimore, MD 21230 - N/A 10/31/2013

Purpose of expenditure Grant Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure John Buckner for Colorado N/A $ 1000 P.O. Box 441732 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Aurora, CO 80044 - N/A 12/13/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure AFSCME General Account N/A $ 4410 1625 L Street NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20036 - 5687 N/A 11/15/2013

Purpose of expenditure InKind

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Neighbors for Safe and Clean Communities N/A $ 10000 2401 N. Central Avenue Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Phoenix, AZ 85004 - N/A 10/11/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Arizonas Fire Fighters N/A $ 40000 615 E. Columbus Avenue Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Phoenix, AZ 85012 - N/A 08/09/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Friends of Dan Benson N/A $ 3200 P.O. Box 8003 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Hamilton, NJ 08650 - N/A 10/09/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Comittee to Elect C.T. Martin N/A $ 1000 561 Payton Road, SW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Atlanta, GA 30311 - N/A 10/15/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Friends of Lori Cornell N/A $ 2000 535 Lakeview Avenue Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Jamestown, NY 14701 - N/A 10/31/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure AFSCME General Account N/A $ 1750 1625 L Street NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20036 - 5687 N/A 11/01/2013

Purpose of expenditure InKind

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure The Campaign Workshop N/A $ 31000 1120 20th Street, NW Suite 200 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20036 - N/A 09/05/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Democratic Attorneys General Association N/A $ 25000 1580 Lincoln Street, Suite 1125 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Denver, CO 80203 - N/A 08/20/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure WIN Minnesota Federal PAC N/A $ 40000 1600 University Avenue West Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure St. Paul , MN 55104 - N/A 10/04/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Susan Hippen for Delegate N/A $ 500 P.O. Box 64581 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Virginia Beach, VA 23467 - N/A 10/31/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure New Jersey Workers Voice N/A $ 10000 106 W. State Street Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Trenton, NJ 08608 - N/A 10/31/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Rich Gordon for State Assembly 2014 N/A $ 8200 1225 8th Street Suite 150 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Sacramento, CA 95814 - N/A 12/30/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Roger Hernandez for Assembly 2014 N/A $ 8200 1225 8th Street Suite 150 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Sacramento, CA 95814 - N/A 12/30/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure AFSCME General Account N/A $ 250 1625 L Street NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20036 - 5687 N/A 10/24/2013

Purpose of expenditure InKind

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Democratic Municipal Officials N/A $ 25000 1431 W. Fargo Avenue Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure , IL 60626 - N/A 08/09/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Randy Fischer Leadership Fund N/A $ 550 3007 Moore Lane Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Fort Collins, CO 80526 - N/A 12/13/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Joann Ginal for Colorado N/A $ 500 316 East Magnolia Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Fort Collins, CO 80524 - N/A 12/13/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Committee to Elect Cherylin Peniston N/A $ 500 10344 Meade Loop Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Westminster, CO 80031 - N/A 12/13/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Democratic Party of New Mexico N/A $ 5000 8214 2nd Street, NW Suite A Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Albuquerque, NM 87114 - N/A 12/30/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Dominick Moreno Political Committee (DOMPAC) N/A $ 550 5821 Tichy Blvd Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Commerce, CO 80022 - N/A 12/13/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Steck for Assembly N/A $ 1000 39 North Pearl Street Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Albany, NY 12207 - N/A 07/17/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Citizens for Carol Sinesi N/A $ 1000 123 Hanover Avenue Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Liverpool, NY 13088 - N/A 10/31/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure AFSCME General Account N/A $ 48507 1625 L Street NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20036 - 5687 N/A 11/01/2013

Purpose of expenditure InKind

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Jeanne Nicholson for Senate N/A $ 2000 2400 Golden Gate Canyon Road Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Black Hawk, CO 80422 - N/A 12/13/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Wrkg Families for a Better S.D. to Supp D. Alverez N/A $ 250000 3737 Camino Del Rio South Suite 403 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure San Diego, CA 92108 - N/A 12/23/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Holly J. Mitchell for Senate 2013 N/A $ 8200 10736 W. Jefferson Blvd, Suite 170 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Culver City, CA 90230 - N/A 08/14/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure New Yorkers for N/A $ 4950 32 Court Street, Suite 902 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Brooklyn, NY 11201 - N/A 10/24/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Dr. Shirley Weber for Assembly 2014 N/A $ 8200 1225 8th Street Suite 150 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Sacramento, CA 95814 - N/A 12/30/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Mack Sumner Communications N/A $ 30321 2001 N. Beauregard Street Suite 420 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Alexandria, VA 22311 - N/A 10/31/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure District 1 to Elect Ami Nawrocki N/A $ 500 1922 N. Grand Avenue Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Pueblo, CO 81003 - N/A 10/31/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Matt Ossenfort for Executive N/A $ 800 210 Linden Court Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Amsterdam, NY 12010 - N/A 10/31/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Das Williams for Assembly 2014 N/A $ 8200 1225 8th Street Suite 150 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Sacramento , CA 95814 - N/A 12/30/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Committee to Elect Ron Johnson N/A $ 4100 4988 Morewood Drive Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Dunkirk, NY 14048 - N/A 10/24/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Friends of Ed Zipprich N/A $ 250 P.O. Box 8254 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Red Bank, NJ 07701 - N/A 10/22/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Committee to Re-Elect Brenda J. Muhammad N/A $ 2500 1405 Woodland Avenue, SE Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Atlanta, GA 30316 - N/A 10/15/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Byron J. Wright Committee N/A $ 2750 78 Lott Street Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Brooklyn, NY 11226 - N/A 07/17/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Linda Greenstein for Senate N/A $ 3200 P.O. Box 492 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Plansboro, NJ 08536 - N/A 10/15/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Kern County Democratic Central Committee N/A $ 34000 1127 11th Street, Suite 242 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Sacramento, CA 95814 - N/A 07/09/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure American Working Families N/A $ 50000 107 South West Street Suite 527 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Alexandria, VA 22314 - N/A 10/18/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Jose Medina for Assembly 2014 N/A $ 8200 1225 8th Street Suite 150 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Sacramento, CA 95814 - N/A 12/05/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Al Muratsuchi for Assembly 2014 N/A $ 8200 1225 8th Street Suite 150 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Sacramento, CA 95814 - N/A 12/05/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Friends of Jack Flynn N/A $ 1000 68 Wood Terrace Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Albany, NY 12208 - N/A 11/01/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Robert Gordon for Senate N/A $ 3200 P.O. Box 14 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Fair Lawn, NJ 07410 - N/A 10/15/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Daniel Kagan for State Representative N/A $ 2000 P.O. Box 541 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Littleton, CO 80160 - N/A 12/13/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Maya Wheeler for Aurora N/A $ 500 P.O. Box 440362 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Aurora, CO 80044 - N/A 10/31/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Citizens for Lorene Dadey N/A $ 1000 112 West Yates Street Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure East Syracuse, NY 13057 - N/A 10/31/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Duke City Rising Measure Finance Committee N/A $ 50000 P.O. Box 27696 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Albuquerque, NM 87125 - N/A 10/29/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Jenise May for House District 30 N/A $ 1000 2246 Havana Street Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Aurora, CO 80010 - N/A 12/13/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Reggie Thomas for State Representive N/A $ 1000 P.O. Box 1705 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Lexington, KY 40588 - N/A 11/22/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Terry McAuliffe for Governor N/A $ 100000 P.O. Box 13881 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Arlington, VA 22219 - N/A 08/05/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure AFSCME General Account N/A $ 12454 1625 L Street NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20036 - 5687 N/A 09/20/2013

Purpose of expenditure InKind

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Friends of Kelly Kimbrough N/A $ 1000 P.O. Box 1116 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Albany, NY 12201 - N/A 11/01/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure AFSCME General Account N/A $ 10000 1625 L Street NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20036 - 5687 N/A 12/23/2013

Purpose of expenditure InKind

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Citizens for Joanne Yepsen N/A $ 800 11 Monkasha Square Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Saratoga Springs, NY 12866 - N/A 10/31/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Sebastian Ridley-Thomas for Assembly 2013 N/A $ 8200 1020 12th Street, #304 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Sacramento, CA 95814 - N/A 11/20/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Angela Williams Leadership Fund N/A $ 550 8406 E. 85th Avenue Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Denver, CO 80238 - N/A 12/13/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure National Conference of Democratic Mayors N/A $ 10000 1660 L Street, NW Suite 501 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20036 - N/A 11/21/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Battleground Texas N/A $ 100000 P.O. Box 780173 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure San Antonio, TX 78278 - N/A 09/10/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Eshe Collins Election Committee N/A $ 1300 P.O. Box 1411 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Atlanta, GA 30301 - N/A 11/22/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Virginia New Majority N/A $ 25000 P.O. Box 22304 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Alexandria, VA 22304 - N/A 08/01/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Mark Herring for Attorney General N/A $ 25000 P.O. Box 6201 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Leesburg, VA 20178 - N/A 12/06/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Friends of Noam Bramson N/A $ 5000 6 James Drive Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure New Rochelle, NY 10804 - N/A 10/04/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Barbara Buono for Governor N/A $ 3800 75 Woodbridge Avenue Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Netuchen, NJ 08840 - N/A 09/13/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure AFSCME New York Council 66 N/A $ 50000 3535 Buffalo Road, Unit #2 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Rochester, NY 14624 - N/A 08/30/2013

Purpose of expenditure Grant

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Committee to Elect Brittany Petterson N/A $ 2000 1718 South Cody Street Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Lakewood, CO 80232 - N/A 12/13/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Friends of Sue Ryden N/A $ 1000 16699 East Kentucky Avenue Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Aurora, CO 80017 - N/A 12/13/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Raul Bocanegra for Assembly 2014 N/A $ 8200 1225 8th Street Suite 150 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Sacramento, CA 95814 - N/A 12/30/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure AFSCME General Account N/A $ 15000 1625 L Street NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20036 - 5687 N/A 08/27/2013

Purpose of expenditure InKind Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Friends of Jonathan McGrady N/A $ 500 127 Mill Street Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Hillsville, VA 24343 - N/A 10/31/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Friends of Steve Otis N/A $ 1000 10 Roger Sherman Place Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Rye, NY 10580 - N/A 07/17/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure AFSCME New York Council 35 N/A $ 20000 2019 Seneca Street Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Buffalo, NY 14201 - N/A 09/13/2013

Purpose of expenditure Grant

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure AFSCME General Account N/A $ 30000 1625 L Street NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20036 - 5687 N/A 08/12/2013

Purpose of expenditure InKind

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Committee to Elect N/A $ 1500 P.O. Box 311459 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Atlanta, GA 31131 - N/A 10/15/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Friends of Bill Conrad N/A $ 2000 203 Belmont Street Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Tonawanda, NY 14223 - N/A 10/31/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Democratic Party of Santa Fe County N/A $ 500 1420 Cerrillos Road Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Santa Fe, NM 87505 - N/A 10/22/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure AFSCME General Account N/A $ 20539 1625 L Street NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20036 - 5687 N/A 08/13/2013

Purpose of expenditure InKind

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Committee to Elect Pete Lee N/A $ 2000 P.O. Box 63894 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Colorado Springs, CO 80962 - N/A 12/13/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Beth McCann Leadership PAC N/A $ 550 650 Detroit Street Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Denver, CO 80206 - N/A 12/13/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Schenectady County Democratic Committee N/A $ 1500 P.O. Box 9273 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Schenectady, NY 12309 - N/A 10/15/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Friends of Cathy Gatta N/A $ 500 P.O. Box 92 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Schenectady, NY 12301 - N/A 10/31/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Friends for Joe Salazar N/A $ 1000 2318 East 116th Avenue Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Thornton, CO 80233 - N/A 12/13/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure AFSCME General Account N/A $ 34118 1625 L Street NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20036 - 5687 N/A 08/27/2013

Purpose of expenditure InKind

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Workers Voice N/A $ 150000 815 16th Street, NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20006 - N/A 10/15/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Friends of Karen R. Toles N/A $ 2000 P.O. Box 7207 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Capitol Heights, MD 20791 - N/A 08/16/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Napa County Democratic Central Committee N/A $ 34000 1127 11th Street Suite 242 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Sacramento, CA 95814 - N/A 12/05/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Chrisanta Duran for Colorado Leadership Fund N/A $ 550 4956 Umatilla Street Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Denver, CO 80221 - N/A 12/13/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Democratic Party of Otero County N/A $ 300 618 Willow Lane Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Tularosa, NM 88352 - N/A 08/20/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Friends of Karen Johnson N/A $ 500 840 Cleveland Avenue Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Shenectady, NY 12306 - N/A 10/24/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Friends of Kathy Sheehan N/A $ 4200 P.O. Box 10326 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Albany , NY 12207 - N/A 08/27/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Delaware Democratic Party N/A $ 3000 P.O. Box 2065 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Wilmington, DE 19899 - N/A 10/24/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Santabarbara for Assembly N/A $ 1000 P.O. Box 709 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Schenectady, NY 12301 - N/A 07/17/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Re-Elect Mayor Bryon Brown N/A $ 1500 P.O. Box 256 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Buffalo, NY 14201 - N/A 07/17/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Wayne Deangelo for Assembly N/A $ 3200 105 Limewood Drive Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Hamilton, NJ 08690 - N/A 10/09/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Toledoans for Working Families N/A $ 75000 35 East Gay Street Suite 248 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Columbus, OH 43215 - N/A 10/23/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Tom DiNapoli 2014 N/A $ 10000 P.O. Box 1776 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mineola, NY 11501 - N/A 12/02/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Hilda Soils for Supervisor 2014 N/A $ 1500 1531 Purdue Avenue Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Los Angeles , CA 90025 - N/A 09/13/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Citizens for Andy Kerr N/A $ 2000 9206 W. Alemeda Avenue #142 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Lakewood, CO 80226 - N/A 12/13/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Linda Bryant for Delegate N/A $ 500 P.O. Box 2121 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Chesapeake, VA 23327 - N/A 10/31/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Mike Gatto for Assembly 2014 N/A $ 8200 1225 8th Street Suite 150 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Sacramento, CA 95814 - N/A 12/30/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Jonathan Singer for HD 11 N/A $ 500 2201 14th Avenue #5-307 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Longmont, CO 80501 - N/A 12/13/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Dave Young for Colorado N/A $ 2000 P.O. Box 58 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Greeley, CO 80632 - N/A 12/13/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Wrkg Families for a Better SD to Support D Alvarez N/A $ 100000 3737 Camino Del Rio South Suite 403 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure San Diego, CA 92108 - N/A 10/25/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure AFSCME General Account N/A $ 4328 1625 L Street NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20036 - 5687 N/A 11/21/2013

Purpose of expenditure InKind

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Working Families for a Better San Diego N/A $ 250000 3737 Camino Del Rio South Suite 403 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure San Diego, CA 92108 - N/A 09/26/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Ceasar C. Mitchell for Our Atlanta N/A $ 2500 925b Peachtree Street Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Atlanta, GA 30309 - N/A 10/15/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Mike Johnston for Senate N/A $ 1000 5405 E 33rd Avenue Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Denver, CO 80207 - N/A 12/13/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure People for Patty Milner for Pueblo City Schools N/A $ 500 2419 2nd Avenue Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Pueblo, CO 81003 - N/A 10/31/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Friends of Victor Pichardo N/A $ 1000 1910 Webster Avenue 2nd Floor Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Bronx, NY 10457 - N/A 12/02/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Friends of Maggie Mahoney N/A $ 1000 4585 Abbey Road Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Syracuse, NY 13215 - N/A 10/31/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure AFSCME General Account N/A $ 5454 1625 L Street NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20036 - 5687 N/A 09/20/2013

Purpose of expenditure InKind

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Committee to Elect Michael Julian Bond N/A $ 1000 1100 Spring Street Suite 360 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Atlanta, GA 30309 - N/A 10/15/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure AFSCME General Account N/A $ 15755 1625 L Street NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20036 - 5687 N/A 09/11/2013

Purpose of expenditure InKind

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure AFSCME General Account N/A $ 11648 1625 L Street NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20036 - 5687 N/A 12/05/2013

Purpose of expenditure InKind

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Committee to Elect Anita Lopez N/A $ 10000 1817 Madison Avenue Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Toledo, OH 43604 - N/A 08/20/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Jeff Van Drew for Senate N/A $ 3200 P.O. Box 941 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Cape May Court House, NJ 08210 - N/A 10/22/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Friends of Candice Lucas N/A $ 3300 30 Alcazar Street Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Rochester, NY 14621 - N/A 09/05/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Committee to Elect Mike Foote N/A $ 500 301 West Brome Avenue Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Lafayette, CO 80026 - N/A 12/13/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Jennifer Boysko for Delegate N/A $ 500 940 Locust Street Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Herndon, VA 20170 - N/A 10/31/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Friends of Kevin Parker N/A $ 2500 P.O. Box 02-1810 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Brooklyn, NY 11202 - N/A 12/02/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure AFSCME General Account N/A $ 61460 1625 L Street NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20036 - 5687 N/A 09/20/2013

Purpose of expenditure InKind

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Friends of Mary Daniel N/A $ 500 P.O. Box 798 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Berryville, VA 22611 - N/A 10/31/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure AFSCME General Account N/A $ 18222 1625 L Street NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20036 - 5687 N/A 11/01/2013

Purpose of expenditure InKind

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Del Northe County Democratic Central Committee N/A $ 34000 5429 Madison Ave Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Sacramento, CA 95841 - N/A 12/05/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Mack Sumner Communications N/A $ 28000 2001 N. Beauregard Street Suite 420 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Alexandria, VA 22311 - N/A 10/31/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Mack Summer Communications, LLC N/A $ 30000 2001 N. Beauregard Street Suite 420 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Alexandria, VA 22311 - N/A 09/05/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Los Angeles County Democratic Party N/A $ 34000 3550 Wilshire Blvd Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Los Angeles, CA 90010 - 2416 N/A 12/05/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Friends of Finn N/A $ 500 29 British American Blvd Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Lanham, NY 12110 - N/A 07/17/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Mike McLaclan for Colorado N/A $ 2000 P.O. Box 4063 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Durango, CO 81302 - N/A 12/13/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Kentucky Family Values N/A $ 20000 642 South Fourth Street Suite 300 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Louisville, KY 40202 - N/A 11/22/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure AFSCME General Account N/A $ 11804 1625 L Street NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20036 - 5687 N/A 11/21/2013

Purpose of expenditure InKind

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Citizens for Steve Lebsock N/A $ 1000 9620 Fred Drive Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Thornton, CO 80260 - N/A 12/13/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Rob Bonta for Assembly 2014 N/A $ 8200 1005 12th Street Suite H Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Sacramento, CA 95814 - N/A 12/23/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Lucia Guzman for Colorado N/A $ 1000 2090 Hooker Street Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Denver, CO 80211 - N/A 12/13/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Eric Busch for Ward One N/A $ 500 2246 Havana Street Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Aurora, CO 80044 - N/A 10/31/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Steve Fox for Assembly 2014 N/A $ 8200 1225 8th Street Suite 150 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Sacramento, CA 95814 - N/A 12/05/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure American Bridge 21st Century N/A $ 100000 700 13th Street, NW Suite 600 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20005 - N/A 12/23/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Mark Ferrandino Leadership Fund N/A $ 550 5821 Tichy Blvd Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Commerce City , CO 80022 - N/A 12/13/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure James Harder for Delegate N/A $ 500 P.O. Box 494 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Blacksburg, VA 24063 - N/A 10/31/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Friends of Mark Stone for Assembly 2014 N/A $ 8200 1225 8th Street Suite 150 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Sacramento, CA 95814 - N/A 12/30/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Friends of Ken Fortier N/A $ 1000 432 South Jensen Road Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Vestal , NY 13850 - N/A 10/04/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Friends of Rory Fluman N/A $ 500 127 Bruce Street Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Scotia, NY 12302 - N/A 10/24/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Steve Sweeney for Senate N/A $ 8200 300 North Marion Avenue Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Wenonah, NJ 08090 - N/A 11/01/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure AFSCME General Account N/A $ 8524 1625 L Street NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20036 - 5687 N/A 11/15/2013

Purpose of expenditure InKind

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Friends of Jimmy Gomez for Assembly 2014 N/A $ 8200 3605 Long Beach Blvd Suite 426 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Long Beach , CA 90807 - N/A 12/18/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Committee to Elect Larry Atencio N/A $ 500 1401 E. 4th Street Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Pueblo, CO 81001 - N/A 10/31/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Committee to Elect Jason Esteves N/A $ 1300 1332 Dupont Commons Circle, NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Atlanta, GA 30318 - N/A 11/22/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Richard Cabellos for Delegate N/A $ 500 P.O. Box 10089 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Manassas, VA 20108 - N/A 10/31/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure The Campaign Workshop N/A $ 150000 1129 20th Street, NW Suite 200 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20036 - N/A 10/10/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Elect Thomas Tony Exum N/A $ 2000 P.O. Box 1940 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Colorado Springs, CO 80901 - N/A 12/13/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure NCEC Services N/A $ 250000 820 1st Street, NE Suite 675 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20002 - N/A 10/24/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Klarissa Pena for City Council N/A $ 519 P.O. Box 12635 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Albuquerque, NM 87195 - N/A 10/22/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Friends of Joyce Shepard N/A $ 1000 P.O. Box 82072 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Atlanta, GA 30354 - N/A 10/15/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure American Working Families N/A $ 50000 107 South West Street Suite 527 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Alexandria, VA 22314 - N/A 10/28/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Funds for Jobs, Growth, & Security N/A $ 100000 700 13th Street, NW Suite 600 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20005 - N/A 10/10/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Friends of Ed FitzGerald N/A $ 12155 340 E. Fulton Street Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Columbus , OH 43215 - N/A 12/24/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Tom Torlakson for State Super of Public Instruc N/A $ 13600 1127 11th Street Suite 331 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Sacramento, CA 95814 - N/A 12/23/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Sharon Quirk - Silva for Assembly 2014 N/A $ 8200 1225 8th Street Suite 150 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Sacramento, CA 95814 - N/A 12/05/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Friends of N/A $ 3500 240 Waring Road Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Rochester, NY 14609 - N/A 10/24/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Friends of Courtney English N/A $ 2500 P.O. Box 79229 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Atlanta, GA 30357 - N/A 10/15/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure AFSCME MN PEOPLE Committee Council 5 PAC N/A $ 10000 300 Hardman Avenue South Suite 2 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure South St. Paul, MN 55075 - N/A 09/27/2013

Purpose of expenditure Grant

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Florida Democratic Party - Nonfederal Account N/A $ 10000 214 S. Bronough Street Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Tallahassee, FL 32301 - N/A 12/26/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure John Chiang for Treasurer 2014 N/A $ 13600 10250 Constellation Blvd Suite 270 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Los Angeles, CA 90067 - N/A 12/06/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure California Democratic Party N/A $ 34000 1401 21st Street, Suite 200 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Sacramento, CA 95811 - N/A 07/08/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Bob Andrzejczak for First District N/A $ 1500 P.O. 941 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Cape May Court House, NJ 08210 - N/A 10/22/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Friends of Cecilia Tkaczyk N/A $ 1000 6043 Schoharie Turnpike Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Delanson, NY 12053 - N/A 12/02/2013

Purpose of expenditure Contribution