Bartlett Park Landscape Masterplan

Contents Page

1. Introduction 1

1.2 Site Location and Context 2

2. Site Assessment 3 - 4

2.1 Summary of Key Opportunities 5 - 6

2.2 Summary of Key Constraints 7 - 8

3. Design Principles for the Masterplan 9

4. Masterplan 10

5. Summary of the Design Proposals 11 - 12

6. Sketch Visualisations 13 - 24

7. Inspirational Schemes 25 - 26 1 Introduction

The Borough of Tower Hamlets has commissioned Ringway Jacobs to produce a masterplan for the improvement of Bartlett Park.

The early stages of this commission have identified numerous opportunities and the initial ideas have culminated in the development of an outline plan. The aim is to use this plan to gather feedback and comments from the community so that the proposals can be further developed into a resolved masterplan which can be adopted for a phased programme of redevelopment.

1 1.2 Site Location and Context

The site is located approximately one mile north of the London docklands in the heart of Poplar. It sits between Upper North Street, Stainby Road and Lindfield Street. The Cut canal runs along its northern boundary.

It is a large area of flat open space, with features limited to scattered mature trees and overgrown shrubbery. Historically nineteenth century terraced housing filled the area. This was lost as a result of war damage but some evidence of former street layout can be found within the fabric of the park. Late twentieth century residential development and a large Victorian church are located within a central position and are surrounded by a high boundary wall. Key Park boundary It is recognised that the site has huge potential for a much improved Pedestrian access amenity value. At present the site offers few recreational opportunities routes into park and these tend to be limited to weekend football, dog walking and informal family play. The nearest play area is isolated from the park, located within an area of hard standing, adjacent to the south eastern boundary.

The site is surrounded on all sides by newly built, high density residential development. The increasing population and improved quality of the surrounding built form, add to the need for a high quality open space that can offer more opportunities for improved recreation. The removal of a large residential block that was formerly located on Cottall Street between the park and the canal now offers the opportunity to reunite these two areas of open space, to create a dynamic waterfront with a special quality.

The unique location offers dramatic views of the docklands skyline and provides the site with a strong sense of place. This along with the rejuvenation of the surrounding architecture emphasises the need for a strong design with a contemporary character. © Crown Copyright and database rights 2012 Ordnance Survey, London Borough of Tower Hamlets 100019288 2 Cotall Street

Park boundary Arcadia Street Bartlett Close Bartlett

Stainsby Road

Northumbria Street

Augusta Street

Upper North Street

Lindfield Street

3 2.0 Site Assessment Restricted access at some pedestrian gates A careful analysis of the site has been carried out, including the physical, social and historic context. The purpose of this analysis was to develop an understanding of the existing site conditions and respond to these to create a sustainable and innovative design solution which will address the needs of the whole community.

This is an important park, located in an area with high population density. It is well situated for access by local residents and by those living beyond the immediate vicinity, as there are excellent links to Boundary fence public transport, both via bus, with stops immediately adjacent to the restricts access at the park, local DLR stations and safe cycling routes. In addition there are south east corner good links into the park for pedestrians from adjacent areas of green space.

It is recognised that the improvement of this park is essential to local residents with limited access to outdoor space. As a result of the initial site assessment certain key constraints and opportunities have been identified.

Unrestricted access points 4 Cotall Street

Park boundary Arcadia Street

Northumbria Street

Upper North Street

Stainsby Road

Augusta Street

Lindfield Street

5 2.1 Summary Of Key Opportunities Harness views of the Docklands development • Scale This is a large area of open space which offers huge opportunity for use by the large and diverse community which it serves. The design proposals should be of a strong character and suitable scale.

• Good Access Access to the site from areas outside the immidiate vacininity is extremely good. Langdon Park DLR station is approximately five minutes walk to the east of the site. Upper North Street has bus Improve the connection stops adjacent to the park. The canal tow path forms an increasingly between important pedestrian and cycle route. New Barclays cycle hire stands and Bartlett Park have recently been installed along Lindfield Street.

• Unique Views Unique views of provide the site with a strong sense of place.

• Waterfront The demolition of the Cotall Street housing block has opened the park to the canal. Whilst the proposed new development will partially close off this link, there is sufficient space to maintain a strong physical connection, to create an open and inviting space with access limited to pedestrians and cyclists.

• History The site has a rich history. The location of Bartlett Close and Arcadia Street reflect the location of two of the former pre war terraced streets which stood here. Evidence of this former street layout can also be seen elsewhere on site. Limehouse Cut provides another strong link with the past. • Modern Architecture Dominant peripheral building styles are very contemporary with crisp Modern architecture clean lines. This presents the opportunity to adopt an equally modern provides opportunities for approach to the landscape scheme. contemporary landscape 6 Cotall Street

(Indicative site boundary)

Arcadia Street Bartlett Close Bartlett

Stainsby Road

Northumbria Street Augusta Street

Upper North Street

Lindfield Street

7 2.2 Summary Of Key Constraints Isolated playground located between Augusta Street and Upper North Street • Upper North Street presently isolates the play area from the park. The play area is housed within a locked area which is surrounded on all sides by busy roads. This facility has limited access periods.

• Poor circulation between the park and areas of adjacent open space.

• Inappropriate locations of poor quality, illegible entrances, with restricted access for disabled users.

• Poorly maintained visually intrusive boundary fence. Unrestricted Poor quality changing facilities access to vehicles by open double gate along southern boundary.

• Inappropriate location of existing footpaths which bear no relation to natural desire lines.

• The park is generally under utilised due to lack of facilities.

• Aging prefabricated changing facilities and poor quality football pitches.

• Established uses of football and dog exercising can conflict with other users groups such as families and children.

• Monotonous, flat, windswept topography with limited existing Restricted pedestrian access degraded shrub planting and isolated groups of damaged mature trees. between Bartlett Close and former public house • There is currently no connection with the adjacent canal.

• Open space is interrupted by the central residential buildings with high brick boundary walls which present a strong visual barrier.

• Poorly defined hidden space between the end of Bartlett Close and the former public house encourages anti-social behaviour at night.

8 3. Design Principles For The Masterplan

The outline masterplan proposals have been designed around the following principles:

1. To create a modern park with a distinct character and scale suitable to an open space in this location.

2. To improve security by creating greater visibility and encouraging increased visitor numbers.

3. Improvement of existing features and creation of new, inovative facilities which can be enjoyed by the whole community.

4. Improve connectivity between Limehouse Cut and Bartlett Park.

5. Develop a sustainable approach to development and improve ecological diversification.

6. Enhance the connection to existing green framework adjacent to the site.

9 N 1 Area to be included and integrated within the wider park. Masterplan design principles extended over road and into this space to remove division Key currently created by Upper North Street. Contemporary lighting columns, improved surface treatment and modern approach to planting will enhance Modern Vertical Fencing driver awareness, heighten park user experience and create a gateway into the park along Upper North Street. Low Concrete Wall 8 2 Large sculpture and seating at entrance. Large Earth Mounds 3 Low wall with bunding as alternative boundary edge. Large swathes of Meadow colourful planting throughout park provides visual interest and biodiversity. 4 Outdoor Gym Equipment Northumbria Street realigned to improve north south pedestrian circulation. Parking to be included within the realignment proposals. Entrance Feature 9 5 Locally distinctive entrance features and alternative surface treatment used Bus Stop to emphasise the change in driver/pedestrian hierarchy within the park. 11 6 10 Picture Frames Several large picture frames will be placed around the park as sculptural features. These will capture views and emphasise the special character of this Masterplan Boundary space.

Upper North Street 7 Traffic calming for improved pedestrian access from adjacent green spaces.

8 Primary access point from north. Bridge improvements include creating a modern terraced seating area to make use of the views along Limehouse Cut 12 and reconnect the surrounding landscape and community with the canal. Cotall Street 9 Improved access and surfacing to connect the canal and park. Steps and ramps to allow access by all. Open space to allow waterside activities to take DEVELOPMENT 7 place. 19-A 10 Proposed performance space and meeting area overlooking canal and park.

11 Gardens, picnic and additional bike racks. 6 12 13 Brabazon Street Play area suitable for a range of ages.

13 Large earth mounds with concrete seats create informal viewing platforms adjacent to football pitches for improved spectator experience.

14 Football changing facility, built into landform with entrance located on west side to allow for surveillance from overlooking properties.

15 Arcadia Street Ellesmere Street Play area suitable for a range of ages. Possible relocation of play equipment from existing adventure play area.

16 Contemporary boundary treatment to include vertical post fencing over 5 boundary wall in vacinity of football pitches.

17 Peripheral circuit provides an informal exercise trail with outdoor gym equipment provided at random points along the route. 4 Bartlett Close 18-A Upper North Street layout option A - Northumbria Street Alternative road layout option upgrade existing road alignment. 14 18-A 18-B Upper North Street layout option B - completely realign road.

19-A Poplar HARCA/East Thames proposed development. Indicative footprint for proposed 3 Augusta Street residential developments, including waterside centre and café on the ground floor. Proposed developments are not part of the landscape Masterplan. 19-B 15 19-B Poplar HARCA/East Thames proposed 2 development. Indicative footprint for proposed residential developments. Proposed 17 developments are not part of the landscape Masterplan.

DEVELOPMENT 1 16 Lindfield Street 18-B Project Bartlett Park Masterplan

Drawing Title Masterplan for Consultation

Scale 1:500 @ A0

Produced by Landscape and Urban Design Team - Maidstone

Drawing Status Discussion Drawing Only This drawing is not be used in whole or part other than for the intended purpose and project as defined on this drawing.

Drawing Number B1254471/LE/MD/11-Rev A

10 5. Summary Of The Design Proposals

Entrances • Creation of three distinct entrances at key access points into the park from the north, south east and south west corners.

• The creation of secondary access points to link with existing pedestrian routes from the green network beyond the park.

• Remodelling the isolated play area between Augusta Street and Upper North Street to transform it into a fully integrated part of the park. Resurfacing and traffic calming of both highways.

• Open up and remodel the entrance to Northumbria Street. This together with the removal of the high fencing around the existing play area will improve visibility from adjacent properties and should reduce anti-social use of the area.

New Facilities • Diversify parkland facilities in order to maximise use by all community groups, including the distribution of a number of high quality play areas with unlimited access.

• Create high quality changing facilities and reconstruction of football pitches to correct standards.

Playful Landscape • Develop design details to reflect the history of the site.

• Create a playful landscape using oversized picture frames to harness the unique views available of the docklands towers.

11 Boundaries • Merge the park into its surroundings by blurring the boundaries and removing existing fences. Replace with more favourable contemporary boundary treatments to reduce visual intrusion.

• Create a network of footpaths which reflect natural desire lines across the site, connected to appropriate entrance points and which provide routes for informal exercise.

• Visual integration and softening of the boundary walls of Bartlett Close and Arcadia Street achieved by low maintenance planting.

Landscape • The quality of the space is to be improved by introducing undulating landform. The added function shall be the creation of seating for spectators of sport and other activities around the park.

• There are opportunities to improve planting and biodiversity on site and this will be considered and measured in line with realistic maintenance regimes.

Waterside Activities • Maximise the opportunities to link the park with the Limehouse Cut canal to develop a distinct and inviting area that will encourage waterside activity.


View from Augusta Street looking north west towards play area


Proposed main entrance from south east corner


Existing boundary fence in poor condition


Proposed boundary treatment

All existing fences to be replaced by low concrete walls, between 300mm - 500mm in height. In certain locations modern vertical fencing will be set on top of the wall.


Existing flat, wind swept, featureless open space


Proposed play areas

Proposed earth mounding will be used to create a more interesting and undulating parkland. Landform will provide enclosed space to house play areas and provide seating opportunities for supervising adults. In this way these areas will be anchored and better intergated within the surrounding park.


View from Upper North Street, looking south towards Canary Wharf


Creating a playful landscape

The unique views offered by this site will be harnessed by the playful use of bespoke frames located as landmark features around the park.


Bridge terrace with viewing frame to emphasise extensive views along the canal

Improved access to the canal by the creation of wide steps from the park boundary to the towpath.


View looking south across Limehouse Cut towards Bartlett Park


Imaginative lighting columns, improved surface treatment and modern approach to planting will enhance driver awareness, heighten park user experience and create a gateway into the park along Upper North Street.


View south towards Augusta Street, showing exitsing play area

24 7. Inspirational Schemes

Terraced Landform - Petuelpark, Munich Concrete Boundary Edge – Duncan Terrace, Islington, London

Boundary Wall with Planting - Petuelpark, Munich Impact Planting – M25, Surrey 25 Concrete Boundary Edge – Duncan Terrace, Islington, London Enclosed Play Space - Petuelpark, Munich Play Space – Hanbury Street Pocket Park, London

Impact Planting – M25, Surrey Traffic Amphitheatre - The High Line, New York Waterfront – Chatham Docks, Kent 26