Mathematics People, Volume 45, Number 9
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people.qxp 8/12/98 8:51 AM Page 1173 Mathematics People PARK (University of Arizona) Cornell University; SETH S. NSF Graduate Fellowships PATINKIN (Indiana University, Bloomington) Princeton Uni- Announced versity; JACOB ANDREW RASMUSSEN (Princeton University) Har- vard University; LAWRENCE PIERCE ROBERTS (Washington Uni- The National Science Foundation has announced awards versity) University of California, Berkeley; JESSICA ANN in its Graduate Fellowship Program for fiscal year 1998. SHEPHERD (University of Utah) Princeton University; SUDHEER This program provides support for students pursuing doc- POORNACHANDRA SHUKLA (University of Maryland, College toral study in all areas of science and engineering. Listed Park) University of Chicago; JOHN DAVID STOREY (North Car- below are the names of the 1998 awardees in the math- olina State University) North Carolina State University; HUA ematical sciences, followed by their undergraduate insti- TANG (Harvard University) Stanford University; CHRISTOPHER tutions (in parentheses) and the institutions where they plan RYAN VINROOT (North Carolina State University) Massachu- to pursue graduate work. setts Institute of Technology; RONALD ALLEN WALKER (Uni- AARON FRANCIS ARCHER (Harvey Mudd College) Cornell versity of Richmond) Princeton University; BENJAMIN CHARLES University; ERIC BAIR (Utah State University) Stanford Uni- WALTER (Rice University) Massachusetts Institute of Tech- versity; JEREMY DAVID LIPSITZ BEM (Cornell University) Uni- nology; DAVID BRIAN WALTON (Brigham Young University) versity of California, Berkeley; DANIEL KALMAN BISS (Harvard University of Arizona; STEPHEN SOONG WANG (Harvard Uni- University) Massachusetts Institute of Technology; KARIANE versity) Princeton University; LEAH JEANNINE WELTY (Univer- CALTA (Williams College) Harvard University; AMY ELLEN sity of Chicago) Washington University; and ALEKSEY ZINGER MAINVILLE COHN (Harvard University) Massachusetts Institute (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Massachusetts In- of Technology; MOON DUCHIN (Harvard University) Cornell stitute of Technology. University; PAUL JOSEPH ELLIS (Princeton University) Harvard Editor’s note: The institutions of graduate study listed University; TAMAR FRIEDMANN (Princeton University) Prince- here are from the students’ original applications. In some ton University; SAMUEL GRUSHEVSKY (Harvard University) Har- cases students will have switched institutions by the time vard University; TIVON ELAN JACOBSON (University of Ari- the fellowship tenure begins. zona) Cornell University; DAVID YEN JAO (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Massachusetts Institute of Tech- —NSF announcement nology; CHRISTOPHER DAVID JERIS (University of Chicago) Har- vard University; RAMESH OM JOHARI (Harvard University) Massachusetts Institute of Technology; NICHOLAS ANTHONY NSF Minority Graduate LOEHR (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University) Massachusetts Institute of Technology; BRIAN OLIVEIRA LU- Fellowships Announced CENA (Harvard University) Brown University; LOUIS ARI MER- LIN (Yale University) Stanford University; ANDREW M. NEITZKE The National Science Foundation has announced awards (Princeton University) Harvard University; TREVOR HOWARD in its Minority Graduate Fellowship Program for fiscal year OCTOBER 1998 NOTICES OF THE AMS 1173 people.qxp 8/12/98 8:51 AM Page 1174 Mathematics People 1998. This program provides support for students who are from the Technion (Israel Institute of Technology) and the members of minority groups and who are pursuing doc- Israel Prize in Economics. toral study in science and engineering. Listed below are the Aumann has written four books and dozens of scien- names of the 1998 awardees in the mathematical sciences, tific publications, has founded and edited leading scien- followed by their undergraduate institutions (in paren- tific publications, and has organized some of the earliest theses) and the institutions where they plan to pursue conferences in game theory and economics. graduate work. DUANE DAVID GILYOT (Rice University) Uni- The Nemmers Prizes, initiated in 1994, were made pos- versity of California, Berkeley; MONICA THERESA GREENWOOD sible by bequests from the late Erwin P. Nemmers, a for- (St. Bonaventure University) University of Maryland, Col- mer member of the Northwestern University faculty, and lege Park; SHARON ANN LOZANO (University of Texas, Austin) his brother, the late Frederic E. Nemmers, both of Mil- University of Texas, Austin; FRANCISCO RAMON RIOS (Califor- waukee, Wisconsin. The 1998 selection committees were nia State University, San Bernardino) University of California, composed of faculty members from the University of Cal- Berkeley; JORGE FEDERICO RODRIGUEZ (Massachusetts Institute ifornia at Berkeley, Harvard University, Massachusetts In- of Technology) University of California, San Diego; and stitute of Technology, Yale University, and Northwestern NIKKI LATRINA WILLIAMS (Spelman College) Rice University. University. Editor’s Note: The institutions of graduate study listed here are from the students’ original applications. In some —Northwestern University announcement cases students will have switched institutions by the time the fellowship tenure begins. Erdo˝s Awards Presented —NSF announcement The Paul Erdo˝s National Awards of the World Federation of National Mathematics Competitions (WFNMC) for 1998 have been presented to MARK SAUL of Bronxville High School Aumann Awarded Nemmers in Bronxville, New York; AGNIS ANDJANS of Latvia; and WOLF- Prize in Economics GANG ENGEL of Germany. Saul is an associate editor of the Notices. Northwestern University has awarded its 1997-98 Erwin The Erdo˝s Award was established to recognize contri- Plein Nemmers Prize in economics to ROBERT J. AUMANN, a butions by mathematicians who have played a significant mathematical economist and professor of mathematics role in developing mathematical challenges at the national and economics at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. level and who have been a stimulus for enriching math- The Nemmers Prizes, awarded for work of lasting sig- ematics learning. nificance in economics and mathematics, are given every The World Federation of National Mathematics Compe- other year to scholars who display “outstanding achieve- titions is an organization of national mathematics com- ment in their discipline as demonstrated by major contri- petitions affiliated as a special interest group of the In- butions to new knowledge or the development of signifi- ternational Commission for Mathematical Instruction (ICMI). cant new modes of analysis.” The prizes each carry a Its purpose is to provide a focal point for those interested $100,000 stipend. in and concerned with conducting national mathematics In connection with the award, Aumann will spend a pe- competitions to stimulate mathematics learning. riod of residence at Northwestern University, during which The Erdo˝s Awards were presented at the international he will present a public lecture and will interact with stu- conference of the WFNMC, held in July in ZhongShan, dents and members of the faculty. China. Aumann has taught at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem since 1956. He has been one of the leaders in —from the WFNMC revolutionizing economics and other social sciences by expanding their analysis to issues of strategies, coalitions and information. His contributions include substantial dis- Boltzmann Prize to Widom coveries about large competitive markets and games with and Lieb a continuum of players, the development of the general model of coalitional games, and the first studies of dynamic The 1998 Boltzmann Prize has been awarded to BENJAMIN strategic interaction with differential information. He WIDOM of Cornell University and ELLIOTT LIEB of Princeton founded the subject of interactive epistemology and es- University. tablished the logical foundation of rational correlated be- Widom was cited “for his illuminating studies of the sta- havior. tistical mechanics of fluids and fluid mixtures and their in- Aumann received his bachelor of science degree from terfacial properties, especially his clear and general for- the City College of New York and his master’s and doctoral mulations of scaling hypotheses for the equation of state degrees from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. and surface tensions of fluids near critical points.” Lieb was He is a past president of the Israel Mathematics Union. He cited “for his outstanding mathematical investigations of has received the Harvey Prize in Science and Technology fundamental problems in classical and quantum statisti- 1174 NOTICES OF THE AMS VOLUME 45, NUMBER 9 people.qxp 8/12/98 8:51 AM Page 1175 Mathematics People cal physics, including exact solutions of a wide range of B. H. Neumann Awards Given models with important applications.” The Boltzmann Prize is given every three years by the The B. H. Neumann Awards for 1998 have been awarded Commission on Statistical Physics in the name of the In- by the Board of the Australian Mathematics Trust to DAVID ternational Union of Pure and Applied Physics. C. HUNT, University of New South Wales; NATHAN HOFFMAN, retired from the Western Australian Department of Edu- —Elaine Kehoe cation and Edith Cowan University, and HANS LAUSCH, Monash University. The awards, named for Bernhard H. Neumann, are pre- sented each year to mathematicians who have made im- Lieb Awarded Onsager Medal portant contributions over many years to the enrichment of mathematics learning in Australia and its region. ELLIOTT LIEB