WATERTOWN 1974 Town Reports
WATERTOWN 1974 Town Reports RECEl MAK 12 197b KA y �ATERTOWN PU LlC Llts OME OF THE PROVINCIAL CONGRESS IN 1775. F · �st Parish Church, Watertown. 'Thi• Drdwinq ,how• " plan cfihc old Mcclinq -l-iou>c a• lwa>wkn Id u,cd a> a place of Worship,-fl.D· l&3b· It >toed in what � now a llurial Ground on 1hc corner of Mount -l!ubum and Common .Slrecb It wa> built in ihc ye•r-t,55: enlarged in· 1819 Md demolished 111· 133"·when" new c:hurch waobuilt clscwhcre. -Herein were held 1he meclinq• of 1he .Second ""d • PLAN·OP-<iALLEll'i· Ll.1.llr Third Provjncn,I Conqr�c• ·,n 1115 and here abo, the fir.:.t <ired- and <icncrdl (curl- ""-' orqanizcd,oo Julyt9,lj15. u,\, J..... , �Cffll) )(;4�«. "'1h1 Q i:- t, wi.�..,.. llu .. j �=°"' .,,l Jo,1 e 5...,.1 P1e,c.c ."'. (h.vlu 1 b'"'I, .....,,. i"lwd C�u tt:t ttrfollc.n ....,.,"'Y l�:i�,t Jo�ph (rofh 1(,,, Wc»on .Mole•'The name• herein qi,m arc tho�c. of pc.r�n!. who arc now known to hove. been Pew -Holder.>or io N>Yc Md !>iltinq• • 11!>!10 lo \e.!I{, • · PliAN·OF·GROVND·F.lJOOR · .lok J r .. �. 1.. e ... :r ·1886· WATERTOWN FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY II I II IIIIII II 1111111111111111� 1111111111111�1 I� II� 1111 �1111 3 4868 00591 0229 ANNUAL REPORT of the TOWN OFFICEIRS of WATERTOWN, MASS. for 1974 WATERTOW� STATIONERS & PRINTERS Watertown, Massachusetts DIRECTORY of OFFICIALS Watertown 1974 2 WATERT OWN, MASS ACHUSETTS.
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