Manufacturer Codes Listing
Manufacturer Codes Listing Code Manufacturer Name AAG At-A-Glance AAM Aladdin Systems - Academic AAN Aaron Rents AAP All About Paper AAR AARCO Products AAT Andover Advanced Technologies, Inc. ABA Absolute Battery ABC ABCO Office Furniture, Inc. ABD A.B. Dick ABE Able Cable ABF Adams Business Forms, Inc. ABI American Business Information ABL Amber Lee Co. ABN ABN Amro ABP Abisco Products ABS A.B.S. ABU Abus Lock Co. ABX Artbin, Div. of Flambeau Products ACA Acer America Corp. ACC ACCO USA ACD ALMA ACE Ace Fastener Co. ACF Accufax ACG ABC Compounding Co., Inc. ACH Attachmate Corp. ACI ACI Action Communications ACL ACL, Inc. ACM Acme United Corp. ACN Acorn Office Products ACO Amco Corp. ACP Acroprint Time Recorder Co. ACR Acura ACS ACS Wireless, Inc. ACT Advance Cartridge Technology ACU ACI US, Inc. ACV Active Voice ADA Adaptive Micro Systems, Inc. ADB Adobe ADE Adecco ADI ADI Systems, Inc. ADJ Adjustable Shelving Products ADK ADC Kentrox ADL Adler-Royal ADM Adams Mfg. ADN Addonicks Technologies ADO Adesso Manufacturer Codes Listing Page 1 The Systems House October 2001 Code Manufacturer Name ADP Adaptec MDP Latin America ADR Andrew's Office Products ADS Advanced Digital System ADT Addtron Technology Co., Ltd. ADV Advantage AEC AEC Software AEL Andrea Electronics` AEP AMREP AER Aero Shield AES Advanced Electronic Support Products AET Aetna Coating, Inc. AFC AF CLeaning Products AFI Arbuckle Foods Int'l AFP Affiliated Paper Co. AGB Art Guild Binders, Inc. AGE Agency Plus AGF Agfa Software AGI Accel Graphics, Inc. AGL Angola Wire Products AGO Allegro AIC Amherst-Merritt Int'l.
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