Wellington · History IProgramme for Shopping Week, 1938.1 t ·· Group WELLINGTON AND DISTRICT CHAMBER OF TRADE

President R. J. Milbourne Vice-President F. R. Burton Chairman of Executive J. Simpson Vice-Chairman J. Hall Hon. Treasurer E. C. Ball Hon. Secretary R. Gwynne Assistant Hon. Secretary R. F. Wh iteway

EXECUTIVE COMMlTTEE. Manufacturers' Section : R. E. Nutt (Court Works, Ltd.) G. M. Elliott (J. Sankey & Sons, Ltd,) J. L. Sturrock (Sindair Iron Co., Ltd.) G. F. H. Beard (C. & W. Walker, Ltd.)

Traders' __ Section: F. E. Hunt E. R. East (Edward Turner & Son, Ltd.) S. J. Green (W. H. Smith & Son) S. R. Latham W. E. Steventon

Illuminations. During the whole of Shopping Week the Parish Church and the Lych Gate will be illuminated ; Special Lighting in Market Square; Shops and Streets will be Decorated. Page T Precast Concrete Cow Stalls. Fence Posts. Well Linings. Pipes. Glazed Wall Panels. Shop Fronts.

JOHNSTON BROTHER S (Contractors) L T D. Doseley Quarries, SALOP

Chippings. Tarmacadam. Road Stone of every kind

L ay your Paths with '' NIMPACTACOTE'' No Special Appliances

Please send Post Card for Particulars

Page 2 FOREWORD by Patrick Howling, F.C.I.S. (General Secretary of the National Chamber of Trade).

A Shopping Week is a sign of enterprise. The idea and the plans for carrying it out show that the traders of Wellington and District realise that the good\\ ill existing between them and their customers is well worth culti,·ating. By their displays, the Yalue of their goods, and the services they render, the t raders desire to deepen among all classes of the residents the consciousness that their varied requirements can be supplied by shopping at home. Those "ho ha,·e the good fortune to li,·e in the beautiful and historic district and to enjoy its amenities will hardly need to be reminded that, in a large pro portion, the cost of maintaining these falls upon the local traders. From this standpoint the busi­ ness community of Wellington can reasonably claim the fullest local support so that they may continue their businesses on high standards. One of the most difficult of present-day problems is how to preserYe the smaller towns of the country in the face of the rapid changes which are taking place. One way of doing this is by supponing their industry and trade, for upon these acti' ities almost cyerything of a material character depends. I am very glad to learn that the Chamber of Trade is ex­ periencing a period of greater interest and activity ; and the organising of the Shopping Week, for which its members ha\e made themseh·es responsible, is one more indication that WeUington can justly claim that it unites the traditions of its splendid past with the true note of modem progress.

Support the Shopping Week and spend your money in Wellington.

Page 3 The Chemists Our Reputation is your Guarantee.

A few of our TIME-TESTED lines :

Pinoline Inhalant 1/3 ~per bot. Pleasant and Effective.

Lung Healer 1/3 &. 2/3 Safe andJSpeedy Remedy for all Bronchial.

Pink Emulsion 1/3 &. 2/3 For t he Chest and Lungs. Local Honey lOd. !-lb., 1/6 lb. This Season's "Sunshine" Vitamised Cod Liver Oil and Malt - 1/2 lb., 2/- 2-lb.

All National Health Insurance Prescriptions Dispensed. -- Dispensed by Fully-Qualified Chemists. --

WELLINGTON, New St. & Market Sq. (Tel. 55) IRON-BRIDOE (Tel. 53) HADLEV (Tel. 9314) (Tel. 53) (Tel. 54)

P age 4 R. J. MILBOURNE,

Manaaina Director and Chairman of C. & W. Walker, Ltd.: Director and Chalrmon of Messrs. S. Cutler & Sons, Ltd. ; Ferro-Concrete Construction Co., Ltd.; O.y.Gasholders. Limited. Director of Wellinaton (Salop) Gas. Co. ; Bilston Gas·liaht & Coke Co .. Ltd.

With the continued gro'' th of Wellington and the adjoining district. the making of new roads, and the erection of a large num­ ber of new houses, there is consequently an increasing and growing demand for commodities of all kinds. which the tradesmen of Wellington are prepared and ready to supply. In order to bring these commodities to the notice of the public, the Chamber of Trade has organised a special Shopping Week, in accordance with the details given in the accompa n)ring progamme.

This ,·enture wiU prove beyond doubt that the tradesmen of Wellington recognise that an essential condition in an effort to im­ pro,·e the trade of the district is, that they must be an enterprising body, exercising foresight, striving to create new records, and aiming to keep these enterprises strong, virile, and progressive.

The buyer who extends a visit to Wellington so as to include an inspection of all the shops in the town, as well as the one he or she has specially in mind, will not only widen their horizon, but become more "au fait " with the latest fashions and other market­ able goods of e\•ery description, while at the same time they will introduce a thrill into the prosaic task of shopping.

Page 5. . . San key Products

HOLLOW-WARE (Sphinx Brand) of every description-Tinned, J apanned, Galvanised and in Stainless SteeL

STAINLESS STEEL SINKS of all sizes and description.

STEEL WHEELBARROWS (Sphinx Brand), with or without Rubber Tyres.

METAL TRIM (for Building Trade)-Steel Doors, Door Frames, Window Linings, Skirtings, etc.




JOSEPH SANKEY & SONS, !LTD. BILSTON WELLINGTON Staffordshire. . Phone ill61 8ilston. Phone 500 Wellinaton.

Page 6 Although I cannot pretend to pose as an authority or expert in retail distribution, I cp.n visualise the Wellington Shopping Week as something more than a town where shopping is made easy for the buyers, but I view it as a meeting place where hosts of people will derive extreme pleasure from the shop window exhibits.

The shop windows, counters, and shol''rooms will display the latest and most attractive goods obtainable, which will illustrate conclusively that the public can depend more and more upon local establishments for meeting their needs, and that they can rely upon receiving from every member of the Wellington Chamber of Trade excellent goods and courteous service in the widest sense of these terms. In conclusion I wish the members of the Wellington Chamber of Tr;Lde every possible success, and I feel sure that any. business transactions the public may have with them will be c.arried out with a courtesy and charm entirely praiseworthy. Wellington, Salop, R. J. MILBOURNE 31st October, 1938. President of the Chamber.

0 U R Customers are You're always sure of a welcome nt satisfied with the The Clifton quality and service we give. A CHEQUE FOR HALF-A-GUINEA Buy your Fruit, Flowers and Vegetables from us Each day during Shopping Week the Manager of the during Shopping Week, Clifton (Mr. Basil M. Kay) We can satisfy you. will present a cheque for half-a-guinea to the first per­ son over 16 years of age who stops him anywhere in the town or district between 12 A. L. Boyle, and 2 p.m. and can produce a half admission ticket for 18 Market Square, the previous evening's per­ Wellington formance, and has a copy of the Clifton monthly pro­ gramme for December.

Experts in Artistic If it'.s Enter tainment­ Floral Designs.- i t's the Clifton.

Page 7 A Special Opportunity

will be given during Shopping Week to see t b l.s Handsome --New--

~Yeotpoin t' W ashing Machine

at the Electricity Showrooms, Walker Street, Wellington.

Working detnonstrations will be given fre­ quently during the ·week, and you are . pecially invited to call in and -;ce for yourself how 'vith thi. efficient 1nachine you can do a full ·week's wa8h, including cost of heating 'vater, soap, etc., for less than 6d.

A luxury laundry-always ready for use I

Page 8 Hon. Secretary

o f

the Chamber~


The Wellington and District Chamber of Trp.de was formed as the outcome of a Public Meet ing held on the 12th October, 192& It was then decided that the objects of the Chamber should be:- To promote the friendly relations of its Members. To discuss and take action upon matters affecting the interests of its Members, Local or Parliamentary. To co-operate with similar Associations in all questions of common interest. To foster the development of the Town and District from an Agricultural, Jndust rial and Residential point of view, and To promote generally the best interests of the Town and Community. Since 1926 the effort has been to advance those aims. There was a period when the Cba mber did not function so actively as could be desired, but following a letter recently issued on lines suggested by our Chairman, Mr. James Simpson, there has been considerable activity and increase of membership. Only by full co-operation amongst the Traders of the Town and District can the objects set out above be achieved, and in

Page 9 Our Business : To provide you with . reliable, Efficient and Economical .servants in the form of GAS and COKE

Our Oas Tariffs: For Industrial Purposes (Heat Treatment, etc.), from 4.33d. per therm (I /7! per I,000 c.ft.) For Commercial Purposes (Hotels, Cafes, Heating, Fish Frying, etc.) from 6d. per therm (213 per 1,000 c.ft.) For Domestic Purposes (Lighting, Water Heating, Cooking and Room Warming) on Two Part Tariff from 4d. per therm (1.6 per 1,000 c.ft.)

Our Name: The Wellington (Salop) Cas Co.


Our Teleph one No. : 17

Page 10 writing this note for the Shopping Week Programme, I take the opportunity of appealing to all Traders to become Members.

That "Unity is strength" is just as applicable to this Chamber as to any other organization. The subjects discussed from time to time arc full of interest and importance and the Trader has only to ;lttend the Meetings to. appreciate that it is always the endeavour to promote the welfare of the Town and District, and the interests of the Members.

We arc affiliated to the National Chamber of Trade, and de­ rive great assistance from the activities 11nd operations of that Association. I shall welcome intim11tion from Traders, who at present are not Members, of their willingness to join and in this way enable Shopping Week to mark a considerable advance in Membership.

R. GWYNNE, Wellington, Salop, Hon. Secretary. 4th f\ovembcr, 1938.

FOR Smart Clothing, For Optical Treatme11t Reliable Underwear, a11d Correct Glasses Stylish Shirts, Ties, when necessary, cons11lt Hats and Caps. Honest Value. VISIT Mr. Lawrence Shinn P.B.O.A. Norman dellyman COp~l~a l mic ~ pttiolill, (Late T. Gralnaer), The Noted Clothier EAGL E HousE, and Outfitter--- T HE SQUARE, W E L L I NGTON. 4 NEW STREET, Tot 144. WELLINGTON.

Page 11 South Staffordshire PERMANENT Building Society

Princess Street Wolverhampton

Tax free interest to Investors:- Fully- Paid Monthly or Weekly Deposit £5 Shares Subscriptions 2! 3 3! per cent. per cent. per cent.

Equivalent to:- £3/9/0% £4/2/9% £4j 16t6% gross at current Income Tax Rate.

Mortgage Interest 4t per cent. Convenient Repayment Scales.

APPLY TO DISTRiCT AGENT: G. H. Bond, Market Square, Wellington, or to the Head Office for full particulars

Page 12 Col. J. Baldwin-Webb, T.D., D.L., Member of Parliament for The Wrekin Division.

I welcome the opportunity of sending a mess.age to the Trade and Industry of Wellington and District on the occasion of the Shopping Week organised by your local Chamber of Trade. First let me congratulate the organisers and those who are co-operating, on their energy and initiative which will, I feel sure, have a bene­ ficial err ect on trade and employment in the district.

Wellington is an import~nt industrial and agricultural centre,. which, with its variety of farming and its he;1vy and light indus­ tries, reproduces in miniature the industrial and economic picture of . In an age when the tendency is towards large scale planning, there is a danger lest the importance of the sm;1ller and more local economic units be overlooked. Therefore in my view the Shopping Week which opens on December 4th is rendering a very necessary service, and one worthy of the support of all those of us who feel a special responsibility for the industrial welfare of the area. From my personal kno\dedge and my assoctatton with the district I can pay tribute to the progress which has been achieved during the past three or four years. Energy and initi,ativc, com­ bined with adaptability and skill in manufacture, have established a high reputation for Shropshire industry, which will, I am con-

Page 13. GWYNNE'S 5 Crown Street Wellington

Ladies' & Children's Outfitters

A fternoon and Evening Wear of Distinction.

Gloves Mil lin ery Hosiery Macks Knitwear Un derwear

We have a Choice Selection of Christmas Oifts.

Quality, Value and Personal Service assured.

Grand Theatre, Wellington

We are pleased to announce that we have secured for our patrons the output for 1939 of METRO-GOLDWYN-MA YER pictures (British and American)

With the following stars --

Norma Shearer , J eanette Macdonald, Nelson Eddy, Spencer Tracy, Mickey Rooney, Clark Oable, Myrna Loy, Rober t Taylor, h\aureen O'Sullivan, Wall ace Beery, Robert Oonat, etc.

In a Host of Lion-Roaring Attractaons!

Page 14 vinced, go forward with steady optimism and determination to meet and adapt itself to conditions as they arise and to put this part of England on a level with any other.

~ I I feel sure that the shopping public, on whom ultimately the success of the week depends, may be relied on to support you to the full, knowing that in so doing they arc actively and practi­ cally contributing to the li,·elihood and happiness of our own people.

Christmas Gifts which contribute to local employment are surely doubly blessed. Now that the shadow of war has been removed, we can welcome the approach of the festi\'al season with its traditional emphasis on Peace and Goodwill both at home and abroad. No difficulties, national or international, are insoluble, if the determination exists to solve them. Your Shopping Week is a guarantee that this district will be readr and able to take part in the greater general prosperity which I am confident lies ahead. J. BALDWIN-WEBB.

Make Shopping Week A Real Shopping Week by a visit to------WANFORD FIFIELD For an ins pection and purchase of ) OUr GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. Quality The Best. P rlces The Lowes t. Personal attention assured all customers. All your r equirem ents . , , and s atisfaction guarantec:,d. 12 Duke Street. Wellington

P ag e 15 Do you want to sell it? If so, sell it through the "Classified" Col umns of "The Chronicle." 1 Insertion- 3 lnsertions­ 1d. per word ld. per word

Send your advertisen1ent to-day to the Advertising Manager.

Display Advertisem en t Rates on Applica tion.

J. T. COTTON, IRONMONGER 23 New St., Wellington

For Best Vt~lue i1l :

Tools and Cutlery Household Requisites Brushes Sporting Ammunition Aluminium Ware Oil Heaters All General Ironmongery.

Puo:-1: 445.

Page 16 P. W. POTTS,

Chairman ofWellingtol)

Urban District Council.

Ladies and Gentlemen, It gi,·es me very great pleasure, as Chairman of the Urban District Council, to write this for eword in the official programme of Wellington Shopping Week, and send on its W;J.y, what we all sincerely hope will be, a ,·ery happy, useful and successful event in the Social find Trading life of our Town.

Wellington has long been recognised as the Shopping Centre for mid-Shropshire, and, through its splendid train and bus ser­ vices, is very accessible to places over a very wide area.

During the past 30 years its trading possibilities have been fully recognised, as is borne out by the many new businesses es­ tablished in our midst.

Its attractiveness as a residential area -will readily bQ recog­ nised by the large increase in the assessable value of its property, demonstrating both the increasing size and quality of new property erected.

Page 17 F. R. BURTON, M.P.S. CHEMIST, I 3 New Street, Wellington.

PHONE 291. Departments : ~I Pharmaceutical, Surgical, Toilet Photographic.

Large and Varied Stocks 1.'n all Departments. . .

Ask for anything you may expect to get from your chemist


Page 18 Shopping \Yeek "ill provide a two-fold challenge. Firstly, to the Traders to show, by choice, and price of the goods they offer, that they can adequately satisf)• the needs and tastes of the shop­ ping public. Secondly, to the public, to show the reason why it is at all necessary that so much of their money should be spent outside our Town It ,\iU also provide-as this programme reveals-many inter­ esting and enjoyable events nnd wmpetitions, and it is earnestly hoped the public ''ill enter cnthu siastically into its spirit, and so n1ake it one o£ the outstanding c\·ents of the year.

To those outside the immediate Yicinity of our Town, I cor­ dially cxlcnd a warm invitation to pay us a risit during this Shop· ping Week, for I feel confident that what you then sec will make you a rrgular \isitor to our Town. I am sure I pm 'oicing the opinion of all my Fdlow Coun­ cillors in wishing \Yellington Shop ping \\'eek every success.


Bring your Furnishing Problems to H. W. REESE

The Pract ical House Furnisher 71 NEW STREET, • Wellington • Three-Piece, Dining and Bedroom Suites made in Wellington to your exact requirements. Curtains, Pelmets, loose Covers and Carpets fitted by Experts. A large stock of Slumberland and Somnus Mattresses and Bedding always available for your inspect'on.

l'UOSE 36q. that maintains Its FULL value and gives you an INCOME at the same t ime.

3° I0 TAX FREE PAID-UP SHARES in the WOLVERHAMPTON & DISTRICT Permanent BUILDING SOCIETY return an income equal to £4!2/9% per annum where to-day's standard rate of income tax is borne by the investor. They never depreciate In value They can be taken up in unrts of £.5 to a maximum sum of £.4995 without transfer fees, brokers' charges or stamp duties, and can likewise be withdrawn in full or in part, at short notice, without any expense. INTEREST IS PAID HALF-YEARLY on June 30 and Dec. 31st. Interest being calculated on daily balances, no loss of income IS sustained if withdrawal is required at an intermediate date. A sound and satisfying Investment!

Aoply fJr the Investmeut rro'lpectu' from our \Yellinllton A~:e~t: .Mr. s. R. LATHA"1., Sunningdale, Holy head Rd., Wellington or "1.essrs. BARBER « SON, Church Street, Wellington

OR Send this COUPON to-day to :- THI WOLVERHAMPTON & DISTRICT PE:RMANENT BUILDING SOCIETY '1 1 LICHFIELD STREET. WOLVERHAMPTON (OPP. G.P.O.) I'ltas•und me a copy of 11011r bo.:1k "ll?IV TO 1.\'1 EST ::>CCCES:>Jot:LLY." NAME ______·------ADDRES~ ------W .S.W.P.------Chairman of the Chamber : J. SIMPSON or Maw & Co., Ltd., Benthall Potteries.

Treasurer of the Chamber:


Manager of Barclays Bank, Ltd., Wellington.

Page 2t Take care of Large Selection of your feet Christmas Cards • and Annuals For all foot complaints consult Dr. Scholl's Tobaccos aud district agent for all Cigarettes in fancy packings foot comfort appliances • Potts Bros., T. & E. Austin 8 Walker Street, Newsagents, Wellington. W ELLINGTON and Phone 315. HADLEY.

You wl.lll. bave to b1my some gifts for you.r frfeadls Why not now ? We have a fine Selection­ Useful, Novel and Inexpensive.

Everything in Fancy Leather Goods Handbags- newest designs The latest In Travelling Requisites Dartboards, Darts, Games, etc.


Page 22 c;-ttlDf\Ei't~s CQtJtPE ..rr·rtOi'l

A Competition for Children attending the Schools of Wellington & District. For the BEST ESSAYS of not less than I00 words.

SUBJECTS : Class 1-'' Which window I like best, and why l "

Class 2-" Should I shop in my own town, and why?'~

Class I open to : (a) Children under 12 years of age. (b) Children 12 to 15 years of age. Class 2: Children 12 to 15 years of age.

1st a11d 2nd Prizes j,, each Class.

Judges: W. ~l. Gordon, Esq., Wrekin College, \Vellington. P. D. Fee-Smith, Esq., Old Hall School .,

All Essays to be sent to Mr. R. Gwynne, Walker Street, Wellington, not later than December 12th,

MUSIC, MAESTRO, PLEASE. All Latest Dance Numbers, Songs from the Films. Community Song Books and Classical Music always in Stock. Drum Outfits, Piano-Accordions, Ukelele Banjos, Mouth Organs, etc. Largest Selection of Gramophone R~cords in Wellington. A11d don't forget to see the •• Minipiat1o ··at FIELD'S, The Music Depot - Station Road - Wellington, Salop-

Page 23' ALL CLOSE WORK, reading and sewing, imposes a strain on the eyes, if they are in any way defective. Make Sure that your eyes are perfect and capable of doing their work with a happy smile.

Have them examined by our expert refractionist * e. W. Karvey 7 CROWN STREET, WELLINGTON

P.1ge 24 'lVII 100'1'1 SPO~r~rtf'IG

Your Programme b e a rs a number on the c ove r which m ay brine y ou luck------

Duri11g , hoppin,q ~Veek a numbe1· o/ ~ho11s in Wellington ·will displ(fy in thei1· windows some m·ticle bea1·­ iny a numbe·r A ny pe1·Mn possessiug cc programme bearing the co1'respon­ diny number, will. on presenting same at that ]JCcrticular shop, be au•arrhd the a1·ticle as a f ree gijt at the end of the 111cek.

The numbers will be placed on the articles before open­ ing of the shops on Thursday, 8th December, but will be especially labelled during the early part of the week.

~ Inspect the windows early and find the gifts. Buy a Programme.

After Wednesday, 7th December seek the ~ifts again, and compare the numb ers with that on your programme. If they are the same enter the shop and record your claim.

Page 25 Knowles


MILLINERY, FURS, and all ladies' .. ready-to-wear goods. ..

Always Showing Something New. * Never without a good stock of all-black and black-and-white for mourning Mourning orders promptly and carefully attended to. * The shop for good sheets, quilts, down quilts, blankets, table cloths, towels, pillow cases and all house­ goods Dress materials and curtain materials. Best Possible Value and always Plenty of Choice. 21 Hew Street, WellingtoJ~. 'IVIi'IDO'I'I D f\ESS Ii'l G COt11PE.. rr·riOI I

JUDGES : Ronald Beck. Esq. (Shrewsbury). F. E. Hewitt , Esq. ,.


No Entrance Fees. No restrictions to the number of Windows entered. -- Prizes in each Class.

t st-£21 0/0. Znd- £1/10/0. lrd- £1/0/0.

The Prizes will be awarded ot£ points as follows: Artistic Effect 25 Points Cleanliness 25 , Selling Display - 25 , Originality 25 ,

All Windows to be completed and ready fo r inspection by I 0 a. m. on W ednesday, December 7th. An Entry Form will be fo~nd on Page 29 and must be completed and sent to Mr. R. Gwynne, Walker Street, W ellington, not later than 30th November, 1938.

Page 27 Electrical Gifts

Now is the time to give early cons idera­ tion to the Xmas Gift problem. This prob­ lem is easily solved if you give Electrical Gifts. An Electrical appliance will give last­ ing pleasure, and its regular use over many years will be a con­ stant reminder of your thoughtfulness. There are many suggestions for sensible gifts at the -Electricity Showrooms, Walker Street, Welliogton

Wen Mid~nds Jt. Electricity Authority

Page 28 Wellington and District Chamber of Trade.

Entry Form --for-- Window Dressing Competition.


(1) T he Judges' decision will be final (2) For the information of t he public, each Competing Window will be supplied with a Special Window Star, showing m which section the Window is competing. (3) All Windows competing must be dressed by members of the Firm or Staff. No professional Window Dressers allowed. ( 4) All Windows entered for eo m petition must be a vailable fo r judging by 10 a.m., Wednesday, December 7th. (5) No Window to be eligible for two prizes. (6) Judging of Windows will be performed by two outside in­ dependent Judges.

I (or We) wish to enter Class 1.- Things to Wear ...... Window(s)

Class 2.-Things to Eat and Orink ...... Window(s)

Class 3.- Things to Use ...... Window(s) I (or We) agree to abide by the abo'tle Rules.

Signed ......

Address...... This Form must be sent in by Wednesday, November 30th, to Mr. R. Gwynne, Walker Street, Wellington, Shropshire.

Page 29 OUR BUSINESS is making GOOD CLOTHES for Ladies and Gentlemen. Your appearance and comfort are studied, and you will find you Clothes look smarter ar.d Jast longer when made by us. We also 8ell the best In Oentlemeo's Outflttlng. FOR THE CHRISTMAS GIVING we shall be showing all the nice things you will want to give this year. \Ve look forward t o your visit. w. E. STEVENTON, Ladles' and Oentlemen's Tailor a nd Outfitter, 7 Church Street, Wellington T ELEPHONE 218.


Dog Foods and Medicines, ;r Poultry and Pigeon Foods, Garden Fertilizers, etc.


THE CHAMBER OF TRADE wi 11 present to The First Baby Boy - £1 and The First Baby Girl - £1 born within the Urban Area after midnight on Saturday, Dec. 3rd.

A Doctor's or Midwife's Certificate must be sent with application.

SHOP E4\BE.Y :i'OB ~M·& & Choose your gift in comfort from o1w la1·ge, well-chosen stock.-­ DISTINOTIVE DESIGNS ia Engagement and Wedding Rings, Signet Rings, Ladies' Wristlet W atche~, New Fob Watches, G ent's Wristlet Watches, Pocket W atches. Parker Pens. Ronson Lighters, Electric Clocks, "Olde Hall " Staybrlte Steel, Stuart Crystal. Fancy S e 1"e lle ry. SCOTT'S, Market Square, WELLINGTON.

Page 31 ''VALUE for MONEY'' is the slogan of Wellington Traders

This also applies to the ~V tllington ~ otu·nnl and

the certified net paid sales of which are 43,394 copies of each issue.

Whatever you want, advertise that "want" In the "Journal."

Specimen Copy and Scale of Charges sent on application to the Publ ishers : " Wellington Journal and Shrewsbury News," Wellington, Shropshire.

Page 32 SI-IOPPif'IG QUEEf'l

The Shopping Queen will be chosen by popular vote at the Clifton Cinema on Wednesday, November 30th, Thursday December Ist, and Friday, December 2nd, under the direction of Mr. H. D. Westley and a Committee of Local Ladies.

All candidates for the position of Shopping Queen are requested to attend at the Cinema by 8 p.m. on t he above dates.

~- ~ro-wvn. ~ Son.


New St. Garage, Wellington. Phone 343. AI!!O Dale End Uarage, I ron Hrids;:e. Phone 45.

Page 33 P. PIERCE





Page 34 Sunday, December 4th.

in the Parish Church

at J J a.m.

The Service will be conducted by t he Rev. J. Hayes.

The above Service will be attended by Members of the Urban District and Rural District Councils, The Chamber of Trade, Representatives of Societies and Organisations of the Town.


Ladies' Outfitter.


46 King Street, Wellington


Page 35 YOU GET AGOOD .. DEAL" FROM 'The Freeholders· This is not just a phrase. lt epitomi­ ses the policy of this old established Building Society-a policy that the officials and staff will be found to interpret both in the spirit and m the letter.

Investment Interest up to 3t% (Tax Free). House Purchase Loans Granted at 4!%.

ASSETS £2,178,598. RESERVES £94,574. The Wolverhampton Freeholders' Permanent Building Society

Wo!t•frlutmpum's OLDEST and J. ~RGEST Butldmg Socuty.

Established 1849 1 QUEEN SQUARE IT elephone 21526

ManaJ:'or & Secretary :-A. BRO"~KSBANK PEARCY, F.C.C.S.

Local A~cnts: Cooper & Green, 35 Church St., Wellington (T el. 356).

Page 36 Monday, December 5th. At the Clifton Cinema at I p.m. : The Official Opening of Shopping W eek By COL. J. BALDWIN-WEBB, M.P., Supported by- R. J, Milbourne, Esq., President of t he Chamber of Trade, and Major E. R. H. Herbert, C.B.E., followed by The Crowning of the Shopping Week Queen By MRS. R. GWYNNE. The Shopping Week Queen will visit the Cottage Hospital and the Institution immediately after the ceremony.

in the BATHS HALL.

M.C.-Mr. Shuker. Commencing 7-30 p.m.


1st Ladies' & Gent's - £I. 2nd - 10,'-. 3rd ., - 5/-. Tickets - - 1/- each Page 37 JACKSONS, LTD.

Specialists in


for Ladies and Gentlemen

Also Gent's Raincoats

Branches in all Large Towns. Local Branch : 3 CHURCH STREET ----WELLINGTON----

Page 38 Tuesday, December 6th. t1IESSE"IGEf\ BOYS~ CYCLE f\f\CE

Prizes 10,'·, Sf-, 2f6.

This is not a race for the first one to reach the winning post. The race is based on the " Highway Code " and " Safety First." Judging will take place at various points of route. Start at 3 p.m. from the Square. ROUTE: Church Street, Plough Road, King Street, Victoria Street, New Street, Bell Street, Crown Street, Square. Competitors will have to deliver two or three messages on route, and points will be deducted for various offences.

Entries to Mr. R. Gwynne, Walker Street, Wellington, not later than Wednesday, November 30th.

T. & W. WHITTI NGH AM Grocers and - - 11 IProvi sion Dealers ~ MARKET STREET, WELLINGTON Quality Right. Prices Rig ht

Page 39 Travel by Midland~~ Red'' Bus to the Wellington Shopping Week

Frequent Daily Services* from , Iron-Bridge, Madeley, Dawley, Horsehay, Newport, Donnington, Trench, Hadley, St. Georges, , Ketley. • Thursday & Saturday *Services Cold Hatton, Ellerdine, , Sha wbury, , Brocton.

For Times, see Local Timetable to be obtained from all Con­ ductors or at our Local Office, Queen Street, Wellln&toa. Price, 1d. Phone, Wellington 239. 0. C. Power ( Traffic Manager).

Page 40 Tuesday, December 6th. =

Y.M.C.A. DEBATING SOCIETY In the Wret.kin~ "Hiib" Court, \\'ellinitoD, oo the --pre-cnb- evening of TuesdAy, Decem· ber 6th, 1938, at 7.30 MOCK TRIAL : precisely. Action for Breach of P romise of Marriage. Written by R. N tley-Jones. Produced by T. R. Stevent n. Cast: Judge ... Rt. Hon. Sir Tantalus Sheep- skin, P.C. S. R. Latham Clerk of court Mr. Purtinghame-Swareham F. Drake Nyc Counsel Mr. Spindle Crossgraln, K.C. R. E Nutt Mr. Waxwell Worples (for Plaintiff) R. Astley-Jone!l .1\\ r. Phoney Spellbound, K.C. W. E. Laud .1\tr. Tellem Bonebead (for De- fendant) Jdwal Roberts Plaintiff htiss Verity Flaring-Tickle Miss Flfl Cooper-Edmonds Plaintiff's MJss Vera Twining Miss K. Weaver Witnesses Mr. Hezekiah Harty H. Raymond Carver Mr. Tom Peepwell (Private Enquiry Agent) ... T. R. Steventon Mr.Qodfrey Sharpe (of Sharpe, Sharper and Sha rpes t ­ Plaintiff's Solicitors) J. E. Slmpson Daniel Dumbel (Jrd Pantry Boy) Arthur L. Hyde Defendant Captain the Hon. Adolphus Drattem s. B. Hole Defendant 's Mr. Timothy Waytey H. Dayus Witnesses Revd. S amuel Coffin, B.A. J , E. Rlchards Mr. Rufus Tarmac W. J, .1\t artln Mr. J enkyn Horns woggle (of Hornswoggle, Hornsw og­ gle & Spiffington - Defen­ dant's Solicitor!!) Tom Smith High Sheriff Mr. Alderman Bench , O.B E. P. W. Pott.s Usher Mr. Benjamln Cryor w. Oodrldge Judge's Clerk ... Mr. W llliam Penman R. H. Stewart Police Constable P.C. 99 (J, Llghtfoot) T. Q. Evan.s News Reporter!! " Dally Rattle " H. W. Smith " Dally Squeak " .. . H. Breeze " Daily Scream" .. . D. Duffett jury : FOREMAN: Mr. lvor Verdict- E. a. March; and Miss Bally, Miss E. a. Rlley, Mrs. Nye, K. C. Edwards, B. Reed, Jas. Simp.son, s. T. areen, H. W. Reese, C. Allbutt, 0. L. Boyle, and F. J, Cave.

Page 41 10 CROWN STREET 10

You will say " it's worth it," if you do your Xmas 11 Shopping at 11 HAYWARD'S Tobacco, Cigars, Cigar­ ettes, Pipes, Pouches, etc. Packed in Xmas Pack­ ings. Xmas Cards, Books and Special Publications, etc.


Wellington's Leading Hairdressers, Tobacconists and Fancy Goods Speci­ alists are now showing a fu ll range of Xmas Gifts for ladies and gentlemen .

(W" Book your Christm as H airdressi ng A ppoint m ent w i t h us. Tel ephone 27'J.

PeriJUI,nent Waving from 15/6. Market Sq., Wellington

• To deal at Richards' means a good deal to you.

Page 42 Wednesday, December 7th. SI-lOP 'IVIi'IDO'IV DISPLJ.\Y Judging of Shop Windows entered for the above Competition wi 11 commence at 10 a.m. Judges : Ronald Beck, Esq. (Shrewsbury) ; F. E. Hewitt, Esq. ,

Traders are requested to have their windows ready in good time. See pages 27 and 29.

Chamber of Trade Gf\J.\i'ID DJ.\i'lCE in the Palais de Danse, New Street, W ellington.

9 p.m. to 2 a.m. Fred Lawton and His Band.

Prizes will be presented by the ShoPf>it~g Week Queett.

Tickets 3,'6 each.

Dance and Novelty Competitions. Refreshments.

Page 43 Established 1870

Ask for ..



The Brewery, Market Street, Wellington Shropshire.

Phone 47. Telegrams : Wrekin Brewery, Wellington.

Page 44 Thursday, December 8th. - S_.tOPPtf'IG DJ.\Y

To-day has been set aside as a Special Shopping Day -all other attractions are cut out to leave you free to shop. Will you help to make this the record DAY for turnover for the year? The Traders are ready for you, their windows will interest you, but remem- ber, they are also ready to serve you inside-Go in and buy-Their slogan for to-day is, "VALUE FOR MONEY "-Let you r's be :

''Wellington is calling me, I must Buy.''

Page 45 For Better RAD 10 with

Come to the Specialists

T E. W. JONES (ELEOTRIOAL), LTD. 19 New Street. Wellington. Branches at Newport nnd Dawles. Telephone 167.

Page 46 Friday, December 9th.

GRAND BQ){I~IG ~rou J\~t f\t1t e~t ~r in the Baths Hall,

C ommen cing at 8 p.m. Doors open 7-30 p.m.

Refer ee: Mr. Sld E llls of Hull. Tim ekeeper : Mr . Artb ur Evao s. M.C.: M r. Harry Lewls. Mat chmaker : Mr. Frank Hoh:roft. Medlc:al Officers Or. H. W. B"mbrldge & Or. O. W. Thomps oo.


S RouNDS. Che.llenge Return. HERBIE PAY NE v. B OXER W I LKES (Madeley) (Stafford)

8 RouNDS. Challenge Return of Orleton Fete Toarnamenli. BILL EVANS v . BERT EDWAR DS (lron-Bridae) (Oakenaates)

6 RouNDS. PEROY RIOHARDS v . PEROY KEDWARD (Madeley) (Strettonia Club)

6 RoUNDS. TED TART v. JIM LEWIS (lron-Bridae) (Strettonia Club)

4 RouNDS. BERT RUSHTON v. JIM OARROL (lron·Bridae) (Strettonia Club)

Ringside Seats, 3{6. Reserved Seats, 2/·· Unreserved, 1/·. Seats may be booked and tickets obtained from Mr. Hall, Harveys', Opticians, Crown St., Wellington. 9-1 ; 2-6-30.

Page 47 Selected hops, finest barley, yeast and sugar make this fine flavoured beer

Mitehells £ Butlen '~ornlllonm !kM,

THERE'S AN "M (B.. HOUSE QUITE NEAR TO YOU Saturday, December 10th.

This is the last day of Shopping Week.

Do not be too late to do that little extra bit of shopping you made up your mind to do. Remember-The success of Shopping Week depends largely on you .

Great Football Match: W ellington Town v. Rhyl . The Shopping Week Queen will kick-off at 2-30 p.m. The Shopping Week Queen, wit h escort, will drive from Market Square, Wellington, at 2 p.m., led by Sankey's Cast le Works Band.

Sankey's Castle Works Band will play in the Square, Wellington, during the Evening.

Grand Finale Dance in the Palais de Danse 8 p.m. to 11 -45 p.m. Organised by Mr. & Mrs. W. Boffey, Tickets One Shilling each. Excellent Band. Competitions, ~efresh ments ,

Page 49 DRINK WREKIN MINERAL WATERS Made from Distilled Artesian Well Water.

Speciality-Grape Fruit Squash.

Syphons of Soda, Potass, Seltzer, Lithia, Lemonade and Ginger Ale. Bottlers of Guinness' Stout, Bass and Worthington; also Wrekin Mild, Old, Pale and Nut Brown Ales

Devon, Norfolk and Hereford Ciders. Wine and Spirit Importers and Merchants. !

Wrekin Works - Wellington

Telephone 73 W ellitzgt01~ and Drew & Co., King Street, Telephone 167 Oswestry

Proprietors 0. O. MURPHY & SONS, LTO.

Page 50

J1nbex to ~bberttsers.

Page Page Austin T . & E. ... 22 Potts Bros. 22 Barber & Son Inside back cover Pierce P. ... 34 Richard Brittain Ltd. Out­ Reese H. W. 19 side back cover Richa rds B. ... 42 Bates & Hunt .. . 4 Roberts Miss Edith . . . 35 Burton F . R. 18 Roberts (Sadlers) ... 22 Brown's Car Hire 33 Sankey J. & Sons, Ltd. 6 Boyle A. L. & Co 7 South Staffordshire Building Clifton Cinema 7 Society ... 12 Cotton J. T . ... 16 Shinn Lawrence 11 Field's Music Depot 23 Shrewsbury Chronicle 16 Fifield ... 15 Steventon W . E . ... 30 Gwynne 14 The House of Scott ... 31 Hayward P . T. 42 Turner E. & Sons, Ltd. 30 Harvey's, Opticians 24 Wellington Gas Co ... 10 Hotpoint Washing Machine 8 Wellington Journal & Jacksons Ltd. 38 Shrewsbury f\cws 32 E. \V. )ones, Ltd. 46 West Midland Electric 28 Jellyman N. 11 Whittingham T . & W. 39 Johnston Bros. (Contractors) Wolverhampton & District Ltd. 2 Permanent Building Soc. 20 Knowles Harold . . . 26 Wolverhampton Frceholders Midland Red Bus Co. Ltd. 40 Permanent Building Soc. 36 McClures Inside front cover W rekin Brewery Co. Ltd. 44 l\1itchcll & Butlers, Ltd. 48 Wright W . I. (Tan Bank l\1qrphy 0. D. & Sons ... 50 Cinema) 14

Please show your appreciation of advertisers by interesting yourself in their goods.