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ORIGINAL ARTICLE Left Planum Temporale Volume Reduction in

Jun Soo Kwon, MD, PhD; Robert W. McCarley, MD; Yoshio Hirayasu, MD, PhD; Jane E. Anderson, PhD; Iris A. Fischer, BA; Ron Kikinis, MD; Ferenc A. Jolesz, MD; Martha E. Shenton, PhD

Background: The planum temporale, located on the pos- patients compared with normal controls. Schizophrenic terior and superior surface of the , is a patients showed a reversal of the left greater than right region thought to be a biological substrate of and planum temporale asymmetry found in normal con- possibly implicated in the pathophysiology of schizophre- trols. Heschl’s (primary ) showed nia. To investigate further the role of planum temporale no differences between the left and right sides in either abnormalities in schizophrenia, we measured gray matter group. Of note, the Suspiciousness/Persecution sub- volume underlying the planum temporale from high spa- scale score of the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale tial resolution magnetic resonance imaging techniques. was associated with reduced left planum temporale vol- ume in schizophrenic patients. Methods: Sixteen male patients with chronic schizo- phrenia and 16 control subjects were matched for age, Conclusions: Patients with schizophrenia have reduced sex, handedness, and parental socioeconomic status. Mag- left planum temporale gray matter and a reversal of pla- netic resonance imaging images were obtained from a num temporale asymmetry, which may underlie an im- 1.5-T magnet. pairment in language processing and symptoms of suspi- ciousness or persecution characteristic of schizophrenia. Results: Gray matter volume was significantly reduced in the left planum temporale (28.2%) in schizophrenic Arch Gen Psychiatry. 1999;56:142-148

HE PLANUM temporale (PT) perior temporal gyrus (STG) and medial is located on the postero- temporal lobe.10-12 Additionally, left ante- superior surface of the tem- rior STG volume reduction has been re- poral lobe. This brain re- ported to correlate with auditory halluci- gion is of particular interest nations,10 while left posterior STG volume because it evinces the most left-right asym- reduction has been reported to correlate T 11 metry in the (leftϾright in with severity of thought disorder. This two thirds of all ).1-3 The left PT is STG volume reduction in schizophrenic within Wernicke’s area, which is critical patients has been confirmed by several in- for language and speech production.4 vestigators.13-15 From the Clinical Neuroscience Moreover, left PT is linked to handed- Because posterior STG includes both Division, Laboratory of ness and, among musicians, to perfect PT and Heschl’s gyrus (HG) (primary au- Neuroscience, Department of pitch perception.5-7 Of note, PT asymme- ditory cortex adjacent to PT), it would be Psychiatry, Brockton Veterans Affairs Medical Center and try is apparent by the 29th to 31st weeks important to determine whether the PT Harvard Medical School, of gestation, and thus abnormalities in this and/or HG are abnormal in schizophrenia. Boston, Mass (Drs Kwon, brain region may suggest a disruption of There has been 1 postmortem study of PT McCarley, Hirayasu, Anderson, neurodevelopmental processes involved in that reported reduced cortical volume un- and Shenton and Ms Fischer); hemispheric lateralization.8 Finally, phy- der the PT in schizophrenia as compared and the Surgical Planning logenetically, PT asymmetry first ap- with controls.16 More recently, there have Laboratory, MRI Division, pears in higher nonhuman primates (chim- been 2 magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) Brigham and Women’s panzees) and increases in the human brain, studies that reported no differences in PT Hospital, Department of suggesting a possible link with the evolu- volumes between patients with schizophre- Radiology, Harvard Medical tion of language.9 nia and controls.17,18 Other investigators School, Boston (Drs Kikinis and Jolesz). Dr Kwon is now The PT is also of interest to schizo- measuring PT area, however, reported a re- affiliated with the Department phrenia research because patients with versal of the left greater than right PT asym- 19,20 of Psychiatry, Seoul National schizophrenia have brain abnormalities metry found in normal controls. Oth- University Medical College, that are more pronounced on the left side ers have not reported abnormalities in PT Seoul, Korea. and include abnormalities in the su- asymmetry in schizophrenia.21-24


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SUBJECTS AND METHODS Data were formatted in the coronal plane and analyzed as 124 coronal 1.5-mm-thick slices. This protocol was used for delineating and measuring the PT and HG SUBJECTS because the coronal plane offers excellent visualization of PT, including direct assessment of the full depth of Subjects were from a new sample and did not include any the sylvian fossa.38 To assess the whole-brain volume, we subjects from our earlier study.11 The patient sample con- obtained MRI images in an axial series of contiguous sisted of 16 right-handed male schizophrenic patients double-echo images (proton density and T2 weight). The (aged 20-55 years) from the Brockton Veterans Affairs imaging parameters for this protocol were as follows: Medical Center, Brockton, Mass. All patients met DSM-IV time to repeat, 3000 milliseconds; echo time, 30 and 80 criteria for schizophrenia based on both the Structured milliseconds; 24-cm field of view; and an interleaved Clinical Interview31 and on information from psychiatric acquisition with 3-mm slice thickness. Voxel dimensions records. Exclusion criteria included a history of neuro- were 0.9375 ϫ 0.9375 ϫ 3 mm. logic illness or major head trauma, electroconvulsive The axial double-echo images were used as the therapy, or alcohol and drug abuse within the past 5 years input for the semiautomated segmentation procedure to or alcohol or drug dependence ever. All patients were measure total intracranial content (ICC). To reduce receiving neuroleptic medication, with a mean daily dose flow-related artifacts and to obtain low arterial signal equivalent to 443 ± 263 mg of chlorpromazine. The intensity, gradient moment nulling and presaturation of patients’ mean ± SD age was 45.1 ± 6.5 years, their mean a slab inferior to the head were performed in both axial age at symptom onset was 21.8 ± 2.6 years (range, 18-26 and coronal acquisitions. An anisotropic diffusion filter years), and their mean duration of illness was 23.3 ± 6.5 was used to reduce noise prior to processing each set of years (range, 15-36 years). scans.39 A normal comparison group included 16 age-, handedness-, and sex-matched subjects who were DEFINITION OF HG AND PT recruited through a newspaper advertisement. These sub- jects were screened to exclude neurologic and psychiatric To measure the volume of PT, we first specified the anatomi- illness as well as alcohol abuse in themselves or in their cal landmarks for HG, since the posterior boundary of HG first-degree relatives. Their mean age was 42.6 ± 8.0 years, forms the anterior border of PT. It is well known that there which was not different from that of the patients. There is more than 1 transverse gyrus on the right side of the brain were also no statistically significant differences between in most individuals.25,26 Multiple gyri on the right could, there- the 2 groups in parental socioeconomic status (normal fore, introduce a systemic bias toward finding relatively greater controls, 2.3 ± 0.9; patients, 2.9 ± 1.2). However, socio- PT volume on the left. Thus if the transverse gyri were ex- economic status of the patients (4.4 ± 0.6) was signifi- cluded on the right, the size of PT would be smaller on the cantly lower (PϽ.001) than that of controls (1.9 ± 1.0). right. Additionally, several anatomical variations compli- Scores on the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale–Revised cate the identification and delineation of HG. Most have used (WAIS-R)32 Information subscale were 11.7 ± 1.9 in con- the criteria of Steinmetz et al,40 which were originally de- trols and 10.3 ± 2.0 in patients (P = .06). All subjects rived from the Pfeiffer criteria,25 to define and delineate HG were right-handed and gave written informed consent and PT. Methodological considerations and anatomical varia- prior to study participation. tions of PT and HG measurement have also been exten- sively studied by Barta et al.30 In the present study, we used CLINICAL EVALUATIONS criteria similar to those of Barta et al for delineating HG and PT. Accordingly, we defined the HG as commencing from a The Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS),33 the point at the posterior margin of the insula next to the end of Scale for the Assessment of Positive Symptoms (SAPS),34 an opercular branch of the , transversing the and the Scale for the Assessment of Negative Symptoms entire breadth of the superior aspect of the temporal lobe an- (SANS)35 were administered to patients. All subjects were terolateral, and terminating in the lateral border of STG. tested with the Information subscale of the WAIS-R. In ad- To delineate HG on MRI scans, we first used axial im- dition, socioeconomic status and parental socioeconomic ages to manually outline HG. Axial images were used be- status were measured using the Hollingshead 2-factor in- cause they most clearly showed HG. The marks made on the dex of socioeconomic status.36 axial outlines, once reformatted, helped to accurately pin- point the location of HG on the coronal images. Next, the MRI IMAGE ACQUISITION AND PROCESSING most posterior image with a mark was found in the coronal series. If a gyral pattern was present in the marked area, the Magnetic resonance imaging scans were obtained for all region of interest (ROI) was drawn. Drawing then contin- subjects using a 1.5-T system located at Brigham and ued to the most anterior slice with a mark. If no gyrus was Women’s Hospital, Boston. The scanning and image seen (just flat gray matter), the coronal images were exam- methods are described in detail elsewhere.11,37 Briefly, a ined anteriorly until a gyrus appeared. Only the cusp of the spoiled gradient-recalled acquisition in steady-state lateral edge was included as Heschl’s reached the lat- imaging sequence was used to obtain contiguous images. eral border of STG. The cusp was defined as the edge of gray Imaging parameters were as follows: time to repeat, 35 matter of HG up to the level of the white matter, ie, the roof milliseconds; echo time, 5 milliseconds; 1 repetition; 45° of the white matter of STG was the inferior boundary of the nutation angle; 24-cm field of view; 1.0 excitations; and cusp. At this point, drawings were made straight across the matrix, 256 ϫ 256 (192 phase-encoding steps) ϫ 124. Voxel dimensions were 0.9375 ϫ 0.9375 ϫ 1.5 mm. Continued on next page


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on the left in about one third,25,26 and the fact that the size of PT depends on whether the secondary gyrus of gray matter to draw the boundary of the white mat- Heschl is included. Moreover, some investigators con- ter. Finally, ROIs were checked on sagittal images to 27,28 confirm the accuracy of the HG boundaries. sider the second gyrus to be HG, while others con- sider the most anterior transverse gyrus to be HG and The PT was measured after HG. On coronal 3,29 images, the area lateral to the HG was considered the more posterior transverse gyrus to be part of PT. the PT. The anterior boundary of PT was the poste- Thus, clear and uniform anatomical criteria for the bound- rior border of HG. The lateral border of PT was aries are needed for comparison of studies (see Barta et defined as the superolateral margin of the STG. The al30 for a thoughtful review). cutting cusp in the lateral border was the edge of Second, most studies report the length or area of PT the gray matter of PT up to the level of the white or HG. However, these linear measures are difficult to matter, which was the same process used for HG perform and may be somewhat inaccurate because the definitions. On the coronal images, gray matter vol- PT is not flat but rather curved and crenelated. Thus, in ume was measured beneath the PT up to the end of the sylvian fissure. The ascending ramus of the syl- light of the potential difficulties of measurement and defi- vian fissure was then followed. Thus, our definition nition of PT area or length, we decided instead to mea- of the PT included the PT proper and parietal sure the volume of gray matter under the PT and HG as extension. Figure 1 shows the ROIs of PT and HG a more reliable measure. We report a study of PT wherein in coronal, sagittal, and axial slices as well as a we measured the volume of gray matter under the PT from 3-dimensional reconstruction of the temporal lobes high spatial resolution MRI scans (1.5-mm slices) in a that clearly depicts both the PT and HG. new sample of schizophrenic patients and in a normal Interrater reliability was computed for the control group. ROIs by 3 independent raters (J.S.K., Y.H., and I.A.F.) who were blind to group membership. Ten cases were randomly selected for interrater reliabil- RESULTS ity. An intraclass correlation coefficient was used to compute interrater reliability based on the 3 raters: 0.92 (left HG), 0.90 (right HG), 0.93 (left PT), and VOLUME OF THE PT AND HG 0.91 (right PT). The 2-factor ANCOVA revealed a significant interac- STATISTICAL ANALYSES tion of group ϫ side ϫ region (F1,30=8.64, P=.006). Fol- low-up 2-factor ANCOVA showed that there was a sig- We used a mixed-model analysis of covariance nificant main effect for group (F1,28=4.71, P=.04) and side (ANCOVA) with 3 factors: 1 between-subjects fac- (F1,30=9.68, P=.004) for PT. There was also a significant tor (group [patients and controls]) and 2 within- group ϫ side interaction (F =15.64, PϽ.001), indicat- subjects factors (side [left and right] and region [HG 1,30 and PT]). Follow-up analysis included a 2-factor ing that schizophrenic patients had smaller left PT than (group and side) ANCOVA for each region (HG and controls (PϽ.001 with Bonferroni correction). How- PT) and post hoc Bonferroni tests for individual re- ever, right PT was not different between groups (PϾ0.1 gions with left and right separately. Age and total ICC with Bonferroni correction). For HG, there were no main were used as covariates for the analysis. For the rela- effects for group (F1,28=1.14, P=.30), side (F1,30=1.19, tive volume, ICC was used to control for differences P=.28), or group ϫ side interaction (F1,30=0.02, P=.88). in head size by computing relative percent volume The volumes of PT and HG are presented in Table 1, for specific ROIs: ie, relative ROI volume=(ROI vol- where the patients have a 28.2% left PT volume reduc- ϫ ume/ICC volume) 100. In addition, an asymme- tion. Figure 2 shows the scatterplot of PT for both schizo- try coefficient (AC) was calculated by using the for- phrenic patients and controls. mula (R − L)/0.5 ϫ (R+L), where R and L were the PT or HG volumes on the left and right sides, respec- tively. Subjects were classified as leftward asymme- ASYMMETRY COEFFICIENT OF PT AND HG try (ACϽ −0.05), symmetry ( −0.05ϽACϽ0.05), or rightward asymmetry (ACϾ0.05) according to Gala- An analysis of variance examining the effects of group and burda et al.41 The ␹2 test was used to compare the dis- region on asymmetry in the patients vs controls showed a tribution of asymmetry. Exploratory analyses of the significant main effect for group (F1,28=11.59, P=.02) and relationship between volume of the PT and psycho- for group ϫ region interaction (F1,30=5.35, P=.03). Post hoc pathology scales were evaluated using Spearman r cor- Bonferroni tests showed that schizophrenic patients had a relation coefficients. Data are presented as mean ± reversal of the left greater than right PT asymmetry nor- Յ SD unless otherwise indicated. P .05 was accepted mally found in controls (controls, −0.353; patients, 0.025, as the level of significance. P=.03). When the subjects were classified as leftward asym- metry, symmetry, and rightward asymmetry, the distribu- tion of asymmetry coefficients was significantly different 2 between schizophrenic patients and normal controls (␹ 2 Such inconsistencies in the literature are likely due test=14.56, PϽ.001) (Table 2). Schizophrenic patients to both differences in the definition of the border of PT/HG showed more rightward asymmetry as compared with nor- and to different methods of measurement. First, the defi- mal controls. However, HG showed no significant differ- nitional difficulties include the fact that there is more than ence for asymmetry coefficients between groups (con- 1 transverse gyrus on the right in most individuals and trols, −0.71; patients, −0.48; P=.84).


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Figure 1. Delineation of the planum temporale and Heschl’s gyrus regions of interest in (A) coronal, (B) sagittal, and (C) axial images. Heschl’s gyrus is indicated by black arrows and the planum temporale by white arrows. D, Three-dimensional reconstruction of temporal lobes showing the outlines of the planum temporale (white arrows) and of Heschl’s gyrus (black arrows).

CORRELATIONS BETWEEN PT VOLUME with chronic schizophrenia compared with normal con- AND PSYCHOPATHOLOGY trols (28.2% left PT volume reduction). Schizophrenic patients also showed a reversal of the left greater than In an exploratory analysis, there were no significant cor- right PT asymmetry found in normal controls. These find- relations between left PT volume reduction and scores ings suggest that an abnormal left PT may be an impor- on the PANSS Total, General, Negative, or Positive scales. tant anomaly in schizophrenia that is associated with im- There were also no correlations between left PT volume pairments in language processing and such symptoms as reduction and SAPS and SANS scores. However, among suspiciousness or persecution, which are characteristic the subscales, the score on the Suspiciousness/ of schizophrenia. Persecution subscale of the PANSS was correlated with Although PT was not measured in our earlier study,11 left PT absolute volume (Spearman r = −0.499, PϽ.05) the present data are consistent with the earlier study’s find- and showed a trend for correlation with left PT relative ings of left-lateralized volume reduction in posterior STG volume (Spearman r = −0.455, P = .08). gray matter, since this region is coextensive with much of the PT. The postmortem study by Falkai et al16 used COMMENT methods to measure PT volume that most closely re- semble those in the current study. Their findings are also To our knowledge, this is the first MRI study to report similar to ours in that they reported a 20% volume reduc- reduced gray matter volume underlying PT in patients tion in left PT in male patients with schizophrenia, whereas


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on the right side, there was a trend toward an increase in surface area and volume measures in their study. In the volume. In addition, these investigators reported asym- Maudsley family study,18 investigators also found no PT metry coefficients for PT volume and anterior-posterior volume asymmetry in schizophrenic patients or in their diameter that were significantly different between pa- relatives compared with normal controls. The mean vol- tients and controls. The smaller absolute gray matter vol- ume of PT was 2.58 to 3.12 mL in the Johns Hopkins umes reported by Falkai et al for both controls and schizo- study, while it was 4.7 to 6.2 mL in the Maudsley study. phrenic subjects, however, may stem at least in part from These PT volumes are larger than those reported in our their use of older subjects and/or in part from the ab- study. Possible explanations for volume difference come sence of normal in vivo vascular volume in the postmor- from the methods used to define PT. In the current study, tem brain. We also note that, in the report by Falkai et al, to define the posterior boundary of PT, we included gray the asymmetry coefficient for PT area was not different be- matter of PT up to and including the most posterior as- tween groups. However, this may be due to the presence cending ramus of sylvian fissure where the PT was still of an area measurement vs our volume measurement. delineable. This posterior criterion for PT was the same Recently, there have been 2 MRI studies from the as in the postmortem study by Falkai et al. In the stud- Johns Hopkins (Baltimore, Md) group and 1 from the ies by Barta et al17 and Frangou et al,18 the posterior bound- Maudsley Hospital (United Kingdom) group that inves- ary of PT was instead defined as the point of upward an- tigated PT volume in patients with schizophrenia. In the gulation of the posterior ascending ramus of sylvian fissure first study, investigators reported an absence of the nor- (horizontal ramus). If the ascending ramus was not steeply mal asymmetry for PT surface area in 14 patients with angled, this could have been a source of variation, as the schizophrenia and 14 controls.20 This group of patients, authors themselves discussed. Another possible expla- along with 14 new patients and 18 new controls, were nation for the volume difference might be the different the subjects of a second, more extended study.17 In the samples used; ie, the subjects in our study were all male, latter study, investigators measured surface area as well whereas the previous 2 studies included both men and as gray matter volume of PT. Patients with schizophre- women. Of note, women have been reported to show a nia showed no differences in the gray matter volume of less consistent pattern of PT asymmetry compared with left or right PT compared with normal controls, al- men.42 Thus, sex may be an important factor in assess- though patients showed an absence of normal asymme- ing the PT and may actually account for some of the in- try of PT surface area, depicted by a larger right PT area consistent findings reported in the literature. and somewhat smaller left PT area compared with nor- Although it is well known that the PT is larger in mal controls. Thus, there were no correlations between the left hemisphere than in the right, little has been reported on HG in this regard. Musiek and Reeves43 reported an asymmetrical length of HG (leftϾright) in Table 1. Volumes of Gray Matter Under Planum Temporal (PT) and Heschls’ Gyrus (HG) for Controls and Schizophrenic Patients* 5

Absolute Volume, mL Relative Volume, % 4 PT Left Patients 1.91 ± 0.50† 0.12 ± 0.03† 3 Controls 2.66 ± 0.44 0.17 ± 0.03 Right Patients 2.00 ± 0.58 0.13 ± 0.04 Volume, mL Volume, 2 Controls 1.92 ± 0.60 0.12 ± 0.04 HG Left 1 Patients 1.79 ± 0.50 0.12 ± 0.03 Controls 1.70 ± 0.52 0.11 ± 0.03 Right 0 Patients 1.72 ± 0.52 0.11 ± 0.03 Patients Controls Patients Controls Controls 1.60 ± 0.49 0.10 ± 0.03 Left Right

*Values are presented as mean ± SD. Figure 2. Left and right volumes of the planum temporale for controls and †PϽ.001 compared with controls. patients with schizophrenia. Horizontal lines indicate means.

Table 2. Asymmetry Coefficients of Planum Temporale in Schizophrenic Patients and Controls

No. (%) Asymmetric Coefficient (AC)* Leftward (AC Ͻ−0.05) Symmetric (−0.05Ͻ AC Ͻ0.05) Rightward (AC Ͼ0.05)† Controls −0.35 ± 0.32 13 (81.3) 3 (18.8) . . . Patients 0.02 ± 0.31 5 (31.3) 1 (6.3) 10 (62.5)

2 *Mean ± SD. ␹ 2 = 14.56, PϽ.001. †Ellipses indicate not applicable.


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normal subjects in their postmortem study. But others involve the PT as an anatomical substrate, including reported no asymmetry between right and left HG and P-30051 and mismatch negativity.52 no difference in asymmetry between patients with schizo- phrenia and controls on MRI images.17,20,23 Only 1 group44 Accepted for publication September 22, 1998. using MRI reported that left HG volume was greater than This study was supported, in part, by grants K02 MH- right in normal controls as well as in patients with para- 01110-04 and R29 MH-50747-04 (Dr Shenton) and R01 noid schizophrenia. This group also reported that, while MH40799 (Dr McCarley) from the National Institute of Men- male schizophrenic patients had smaller HG than the male tal Health, Rockville, Md, and by a Medical Research Ser- comparison group, female patients had slightly larger HG vice Schizophrenia Center grant through the Department than the female comparison group. Volume abnormali- of Veterans Affairs, Washington, DC (Dr McCarley). ties of HG should therefore be further clarified in terms Corresponding author: Martha E. Shenton, PhD, of sex and subtypes of schizophrenia. Department of Psychiatry (116A), Veterans Affairs Medi- Pearlson et al45 suggested that the heteromodal as- cal Center of Brockton/West Roxbury, Harvard Medical sociation cortex might be a primary site of anatomical School, 940 Belmont St, Brockton, MA 02401 (e-mail: abnormalities in schizophrenia. The heteromodal asso- [email protected]). ciation cortex is a highly organized and interconnected neocortical system that includes the PT, the dorsolat- REFERENCES eral , and the . In the light of this hypothesis, our finding that HG did not 1. Geschwind N, Levitsky W. Human brain: left-right asymmetries in temporal speech differ between groups is consonant with other reports be- region. Science. 1968;161:186-187. cause HG is unimodal sensory cortex, rather than het- 2. Flechsig P. 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