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12 Established 1961 Sports Sunday, May 6, 2018 Kiprop’s doping failure hits Kenya’s cradle of athletics Kenya’s most decorated athletes, could face a four-year ban ELDORET: The residents of Eldoret and Iten, consid- Kenya Executive Committee, defended the local gov- ered Kenya’s home of distance running, are hurting fol- erning body, saying Kenyans must accept that the lowing official confirmation that former Olympic and country has a doping problem. world 1,500 metres champion Asbel Kiprop has tested “Let us accept that there is a problem and agree on positive for the banned blood-booster EPO. how to tackle it. Blame game won’t help. Kenyans are The Athletics Integrity Unit (AIU), an independent still in denial yet this doping thing is festering,” he said. body handling doping matters on behalf of the sport’s “Athletes are not children. They are responsible for governing IAAF, earlier on Friday confirmed media what goes in their bodies. AK only sensitises and edu- reports that the 28-year-old three-time world champi- cates them on doping matters. They take full responsi- on over 1,500m had failed a dope test. bility for their actions,” he added. The case is now with an International Association of Athletics Federations’ disciplinary tribunal and the 28- KIPROP’S ALLEGATIONS year-old Kiprop, one of Kenya’s most decorated ath- Kiprop alleged that testers extorted money from letes, could face a four-year ban. There was a sombre him, an allegation the AIU did not address. He also mood on the Eldoret claimed that the testers streets among the local might have interfered people and in Iten, with his sample.
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