April 2021 VOL. 3, NO. 4 Perrydale Homes Parents Club For Annual Heroes Auction Hallie Ford Museum PAGE 9 PAGE 10 PAGE 14 Page 2 SBJ.News: Salem Business Journal - The Local - Salem Magazine April 2021 All Aboard! Looking for something unique and different to do? Consider taking a cruise aboard the "Willamette Queen" Sternwheeler docked at Riverfront Park in downtown Salem. Enjoy the beauty along both sides of our Willamette River as well as the wide variety of birds and animals residing around it as well. Young and old alike have enjoyed the safe and relaxing ride aboard the "Queen" for 21 years now whether it was on one of our public lunch, excursion or dinner cruises or one of our Relive Oregon's Historical Past While Enjoying special event cruises. Elegant Dining and A Relaxing Leisurely Voyage Over the years, the "Willamette Queen" has memorable for all ages. Over the past 21 years we been the venue for over 300 weddings; havecarriednumerousschoolfield tripsforthousands most of which were officiated by the of local kids. In addition to taking a turn at Captain. Every holiday during the year the the helm, they have learned a lot about Oregon's vessel is decorated accordingly along with rich riverboat history over a 70 year period starting the appropriate food and music. Live music way back in 1850. Captain Richard has a video by local musicians is often offered as well. and flip chart presentation for school kids hat Company holiday parties are popular and is both informative and entertaining. should be booked in advance to guarantee Many of these kids have returned years after you get the date you desire. The "Queen" graduating sharing their memories of the first features a full bar service and a dance time they were aboard. Some have even gotten floor. We even have all equipment for a married on board because of those past experiences. Casino Party including poker, Texas Holdem, Captain Richard and Barbara are planning a Roulette, and Craps tables plus chips, cards slow retirement. September 29th The Willamette and casino decorations. In short, whatever Queen was joined with the historic Court Street event you have coming up for your family, Dairy Lunch, to be preserved by the Court Street friends or company employees we can Foundation. be your unique venue. As they have done with Salem's loved diner, the Seniors and youngsters alike enjoy foundation will carry on the legacy of this iconic the comfort and safety of the riverboat. riverboat reminding citizens and visitors alike of Anybody can visit the pilothouse during the role these riverboats played in both Oregon a cruise to take a turn at the helm, blow and Salem's early years. Salem became the city it the whistle and receive a beautiful Jr. is today due in great part because it was a major Captains Certificate with their name printed port of call for the 55 riverboats that traveled daily in calligraphy. up and down the Willamette River between A ride on the "Willamette Queen" is truly Portland and Eugene over a 70 year period.

POPULAT SBJ.NEWS PUBLISHER Bruce Taylor [email protected] GENERAL MANAGER Ben Punley [email protected] April 1: Public Policy Meeting CIRCULATION Chad P. Oxenford [email protected] April 2: Virtual Greeters Power Hour ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT Tim Knight April 9: Greeters Advisory Team MARKETING Meeting Jan Harris [email protected] Rob Conahey [email protected] April 16: Virtual Greeters Power Hour April 19: Past Presidents meeting Columnists & Editorial Contributors April 20: Chamber Business Mary Louise VanNatta Jolene Kelley Women Alex Rhoten Robert C. Cannon Kevin Cameron Michael O'Connor April 19: Virtual Greeters Power Hour Anthony Smith Lloyd Spangenberg Ray Sagner Harvey Gail Alex Casebeer Rebecca Maitland Andrea Foust Gerry Frank The Salem Area Chamber Patti Milne Keenan Emery of Commerce has Lisa Joyce Dick Hughes Angela LaBarbera Dave Sweeney composed a guide to Jennifer Martin Pamela Prosise reopening for Marion Emily Kerper Sue Karnosh County for members to Salem Business Journal™ is published monthly by the refer to. Salem Business Journal, P. O. Box 93, Salem, OR 97308, 503-365-9544. The opinions expressed in columns are those of the authors, and do not necessarily reflect those of View the Reopening Guide now at the Salem Business Journal or it's staff. ©2020 Salem Business Journal salemchamber.org/now/ covid-19-resources/ April 2021 Salem Metro Area • Population 400,408 Page 3 How COVID-19 and the Pandemic Have Changed Language By Mary Louise VanNatta

Language is always 8. Truthiness: Something that seems changing and true but isn’t backed up by evidence. evolving. Every time (Colbert Report) we have a new 9. Unconscious bias: Unconscious technology, product, prejudice against people of a certain or discovery we are race, gender, or group. adding words. The 10. Covidiot: People who won’t follow pandemic has changed the COVID rules much of how we see 11. Blursday: How to quarantine days the world and hence just run together added hundreds of words to our lives. 12. Maskhole: Merging of the words For fun, let’s look at some of the new “mask” and “asshole.” (people who words that we’ve discovered; the first won’t wear a mask) ten have been added to our “official 13: Sharent: Parents who overshare language” by the Oxford English about their children online. dictionary this year: 14: Amirite: Am I right? 15: Nothingburger: An event or 1. Adulting: The action of becoming something that didn’t turn out as or acting like an adult great as you’d hoped. 2. Awe walk: Taking a walk outside and making an effort to look at the While we’ve all been locked down I have things around you experienced some Lockstalgia 3. Contactless: Not having to (merging of "lockdown" and "nostalgia”) physically touch or interact with appreciating the simpler life of staying people home, While I’m anxious to return to my 4. Doomscrolling: Reading the news active life, I’m caution about a on social media and expecting it to be Twindemic where other viruses, like the bad – so much so that you become flu, might put us at risk. At the end of the obsessed with looking at updates 5. PPE: An abbreviation for personal day, I’m going to pour myself a protective equipment (added by Quarantini: (Merging of the words Merriam-Webster 4-2020) "quarantine" and "Martini") and try to 6. Quarenteen: A teenager during the avoid a Spendemic (The experience of COVID-19 pandemic excessive shopping while in (The 7. Thirsty: Having a need for experience of excessive shopping while in attention or approval quarantine). Amirite?

Mary Louise VanNatta, APR, CAE is CEO of VanNatta Public Relations. www.PRSalem.com Page 4 SBJ.News: Salem Business Journal - The Local - Salem Magazine April 2021

Our Mission Statement curriculum. Each youth is provided with A Christian organization compassionately an individualized service plan, and the serving youth and families, providing therapeutic foster homes work directly them counseling, mentoring, skill alongside Connections365 case managers, building and education services in a counselors, mentors, and other staff to safe environment, to support the implement each client’s plan. development of their hope and future. We currently have an opening in Connections 365 offers therapeutic Independence, Oregon: A 5 Bedroom foster care for youth referred through home that will have 2-Foster Children. various programs affiliated with the Candidates are screened, trained and Oregon Youth Authority, the Oregon supported toward supporting youth to Department of Human Services, and grow to develop into a productive citizen. the Clackamas County Juvenile For information please contact: Department. Therapeutic foster homes (also known 503-588-5647 x103 as “Proctor Homes”) provide a stable Further, Connections365’s Mental environment for youth to live and Health Unit is dedicated to serving youth receive services, with the goal of and families who find themselves in transitioning back into the community. need of counseling and case These homes provide a higher level of management services. These services care and supervision than “typical” include one-on-one individual counseling foster homes, due to the specialized and in-home and skills training support needs of the youth. as needed. A team of qualified and Connections365 provides all youth in licensed counselors is available to therapeutic foster care with counseling provide these services. Connections365 (individual, family, and group, as serves clients in Marion and Polk necessary), educational support, Counties who are covered by the Oregon vocational support, and skill building Health Plan.

500 LANCASTER DR. SE • SALEM 503- 339- 7195

WWW.FULLTHROTTLEAUTO500.COM April 2021 Salem Metro Area • Population 400,408 Page 5

EPIC Garage (EPIC-G) we are a non-profit work with their hands. Another aspect of restoring organization “Where Electric Propulsion & Internal these cars is, these young adults are preserving a Combustion Come to Life”. Our missions at EPIC-G piece of Americana, each car represents a particular is to educate and teach young adults the principals time and point in American history, they are a of how an internal combustion engines powers reflection of culture, style, and trends that are a todays cars, and electric propulsion that will power window into a specific generations world. the cars of tomorrow. We are also teaching the basic skills of restoration of classic American cars. We have started our first project which is a mid-level restoration of a 1969 Camaro, we have already Here at EPIC Garage we teach young adults how to acquired our second car for restoration which is a work with their hands, and not just their thumps on 1982 Collector’s Edition Corvette. Like most all small Android or IPhones. We explain how they can businesses we have started out in one of our attend automotive technology courses at a member’s garage. Please consider supporting the community college or trade school learning a life young adults of EPIC-G by making a donation. No skill in approximately two years that will enable one gets paid at EPIC-G, so 100 percent of your them to work in the automotive industry earning a donation will go to supporting the young adults and good solid wage, as opposed to attending a four year the restoration of each project. We are a non-profit institution, where the student ends up with a organization so any donation you make will be tax questionable degree and $150,000 dollars of debt deductible. Our Employer Identification Number they will be paying off for the next 15 years, if not (EIN) is 85-2086440. Your donation will give the longer. students a sound foundation to help start them on a possible career path that will teach them a skill that Even if our students don’t go into an automotive will help and aid them all throughout life’s journey career, at least they will have a greater mechanical as well as giving them an insight into the American understanding of how an engine functions in a car experience. We are genuinely grateful for you taking and can take pride in the fact that they can now the time to consider supporting these young adults. Page 6 SBJ.News: Salem Business Journal - The Local - Salem Magazine April 2021 Like Oil and Water – Handling Politics in the Boardroom By Harvey Gail, Spire Management

This last year, and now starting this year, our country has seen much political turmoil. We’ve had a divisive presidential election, social unrest, and the COVID-19 pandemic. As a result, people are on edge. These social dynamics trickle down into my world of nonprofit management. Groups of people run nonprofit organizations, boards of directors, and committees guide these organizations’ decisions. Boards will inevitably have members with differing political views. There’s always that one board member - everyone knows who it is – that can’t help but bring politics into the room. This can cause all kinds of problems that impact a board’s effectiveness. People shut down and don’t contribute, or they go on rants. Some board members may avoid board meetings or quit altogether. Tensions rise, and tempers flare. Over the last year, many nonprofit boards have felt compelled to take a stand on an issue. This can cause fierce debate that can get nonprofit boards way off track. What can be done to ensure the board meeting doesn’t spiral out of control? Do’s and Don’ts To understand who is taking the lead to ensure the board productively approaches these situations. In my view, it’s the board president’s job to set the stage for productive debate. It may also fall on the executive director, but regardless, someone should be in charge. Don’t set a policy that bans political talk entirely. This might work around the Thanksgiving table at a family gathering, but not so in a board meeting. To some people, that could be viewed as discriminatory. To someone whose views radically differ from your own, this could be viewed as taking a side and censorship on their part. To establish rules of engagement for how and when to talk to each other about potentially controversial topics. If a topic is brought up, learn to recognize a controversial comment. Call them out on the spot and inform them that nature's comments could be viewed as controversial. Don’t ban the discussion, just address the topic at the end of the meeting or in “new business.” Then, go back to the case on hand. It might seem obvious but have a written agenda and stick to it. Don’t allow a lot of idle chatter at the beginning of a board meeting. Get going as soon as it's feasible. Often the topic can move to a potentially controversial one. It’s fairly easy to do. Someone might say, “did you see the news last night…” and then their viewpoint becomes immediately obvious, and then the rest of the meeting is painted with that brush. Board presidents should start the discussion promptly to avoid this scenario. Don’t make assumptions about people's political opinions. On a board this happens when it is assumed everyone agrees with the loudest (or most compelling) person in the room. Just because someone stays quiet does not mean they agree with you. Another way to approach this is to review the legal duties of board members: 1. Duty of Care. This duty is very broad, requiring officers and directors to exercise ordinary and reasonable care in the performance of their duties, exhibiting honesty and good faith. Officers and directors must act in a manner they believe to be in the nonprofit's best interests, and with such care, including reasonable inquiry, as an ordinarily prudent person in a like position would use under similar circumstances. The key point here is acting in a manner that is in the best interests of the nonprofit. It is not in its best interest to create a divisive political climate on the board. It’s certainly not appropriate to make political statements or share your own opinions when you are representing them. 2. Duty of Loyalty. This is a duty of faithfulness to the nonprofit. This means that officers and directors must give undivided allegiance to the nonprofit when making decisions affecting the nonprofit. In other words, officers and directors cannot put personal interests above the interests of the nonprofit. Personal interests may include outside business, professional or financial interests, interests arising from involvement in other organizations, and family members' interests, among others. The key phrase here is “putting personal interests ahead of the nonprofit.” Substitute “political beliefs for ”personal interests, and you can see how that could be an issue. 3. Duty of Obedience. This duty requires officers and directors to act by the organization's articles of incorporation, bylaws, and other governing documents, as well as all applicable laws and regulations.Many organizations have specific bylaws or administrative rules that address how board members communicate to each other. Often these are there to create a climate that promotes inclusion and understanding of various opinions.So, in the end, remember why you're on the board in the first place. If you stay laser-focused on that shared mission, this tends to keep the politics out of it, leading toward a more effective and rewarding board experience. Harvey Gail is CEO of Spire Management, an association and nonprofit management company located in Salem, Oregon. SpireManagement.com April 2021 Salem Metro Area • Population 400,408 Page 7 Happy Wife, Happy Life?? Sondra Underberg, President/CEO Diabetes Support Services You’ve heard the have made on our attendees. Here are saying, happy wife, just two testimonials from students happy life, I’m sure. who completed the first 12-week What if you could have session: a happy doctor? “I have learned lots of good things to If you dread going in help me understand about diabetes and for an appointment how to take care of myself… I with your doctor am learning how to eat better, how to expecting to be check my blood, what to do when I feel reprimanded for the sick, how important it is to exercise lab reports, you are and take care of myself …I always probably ready to surprise him or her. thought it was just me, but it helps I am Diabetes Support Services implemented not the only one. I notified a free Diabetes Made Simple: Learn and my physician and she would refer Earn program some months clients” ago. The 12-week sessions have been so “I have learned to take my insulin. A1c successful in turning patients’ health has gone down. [Learned] how to deal around, doctors are not only with sugar intake. Blood pressure shocked, but giving us kudos and along with testing blood sugar. This has referring patients! been the most help especially of all the The learn part of the program is classes I’ve ever been to. obvious, however, we must say the My A1c has dropped. I have lost weight. approach is unique. Facilitated by I learned to use portion sizes…I LOVE instructors with more than 100 years’ THIS CLASS!” combined experience of living with It is exciting to witness the camaraderie diabetes, they relate. They share their that develops over the weeks. histories. They have compassion. Participants are encouraged to share The curriculum is presented through their personal experiences, tools they fine-tuned PowerPoint programs, have personally developed to make videos and films on every topic their lives easier (we’re learning imaginable to one who has somehow from them too), and ask questions with missed out or had forgotten what they no expectation of judgment. learned about what they need to do In case you missed this in the first to take power over their diagnoses. paragraph, the classes are free. No Although diabetes is a very serious registration is required just show up at disease, programs are enlightened with 1:00 every Tuesday at our headquarters humor to keep the students engaged. at 3886 Beverly Avenue NE, Suite I-21. Another cliché: laughter is the best You can’t miss our orange Diabetes medicine. Support Services signs. If you’d like What is the earn about? Our class more information call 503-585-1335. attendees earn items to keep their health on track. They are not only provided with kits with blood pressure cuffs, glucose testers and strips, log books, ID bracelets, and on and on, but also workbooks containing copies of the slides and handouts for future reference. They are taught how to use these items and record their numbers on a weekly basis. An A1c test is performed at both the beginning and end of the session so they can see the results of their efforts. By regular class attendance, they earn their supplies. Don’t take our word for the impact we Page 8 SBJ.News: Salem Business Journal - The Local - Salem Magazine April 2021 Focus on the Good What to Know as a Young Pro By Keenan J. Emery

In the next few months, we will read hundreds of articles about the terrible year of 2020. And why not? It was a terrible year. Do you remember the optimism of January 1, 2020? We prepared for the renaissance of the roaring twenties, a time of dance and romance, flappers and gangsters, bootleggers and balls, a roaring economy, and the unbridled hope and optimism that bubbles over like your first glass of New Year's champagne. But that dream shattered faster than our crystal ball predictions. Instead, we experienced the worst part of the 1920s. The great depression, businesses shuttering, economies crashing and crumbling, death, doubt, and despair. We lost Kobe Bean Bryant, Chadwick Boseman, and Alex Trebek. We lost friends and loved ones. Instead of the Great Gatsby, we received the Grapes of Wrath (for you literature aficionados). And yet, the optimist in me refuses to accept that it was all bad. Surely there is a lesson to take from this, right? I won’t let this article and this column be a message of regret and resentment. Let’s focus on the good. If I have learned anything from life, it is that difficulty and adversity (often) made me stronger, more resilient, and more equipped to handle challenges. There is something about facing an issue, battling it, and overcoming it that makes victory so much sweeter. In college, my car broke down to the point of no repair. I worked graveyard shifts at Shari’s from 11 p.m. to six a.m. and went to school during the day. I rode my second- hand bicycle (with no breaks) to the restaurant every night in the middle of winter. My lights were stolen, I was nearly by cars, I fell countless times, and I weathered rain and snow in the bitter hours of the morning. Was it hard? Yes. But the moment I saved up enough cash to purchase my first car, and saw that gorgeous chariot of speed resting in my driveway, I knew that the adversity, the struggle, was worth it. Is the pandemic significantly worse than my example? Obviously. The point is, we can come back stronger than before. Financially stronger, maybe not. But how did the pandemic change you? Will you be mentally tougher? What skills did you gain? Who helped you -- and who didn’t? Do you hold your loved ones closer? What matters to you? How blessed are you -- truly? To be a living, breathing human on planet earth? I think that’s pretty amazing. Let’s focus on the good.

Keenan J. Emery is an Account Manager at VanNatta PR, a public relations, event planning, and consulting firm in Salem, Oregon. PRSalem.com April 2021 Salem Metro Area • Population 400,408 Page 9 Hallie Ford Museum of Art Reopens February 25 with New Exhibitions and Works on View

The Hallie Ford Museum of Art will reopen to the Hallie Ford Museum of Art in 2017. As a special feature, the exhibition includes public on Thursday, February 25 with three new the world’s oldest coin, minted in the 6th century BCE in ancient Lydia on the exhibitions. Timed entry tickets will be required and southwest coast of modern-day Turkey. This exhibition is taking place in the Study can be purchased online at: Gallery through August 14. More information can be found at: www.willamette.edu/go/hfma. willamette.edu/go/gold-of-caliphs. With federal and state guidelines constantly evolving, the museum recommends visiting the website for the most current information Crow's Shadow Institute of the Arts Biennial" has and visitor guidelines. Hours of operation will be Tuesday through Saturday been organized by the Hallie Ford Museum of Art in partnership with the Crow’s Shadow Institute of the Arts from noon to 5 p.m. (CSIA), and curated by Rebecca Dobkins, anthropology New Exhibitions professor and curator of Native American art. This two-part exhibition features a selection of contemporary prints “Forgotten Stories: Northwest Public Art in the created by Native and non-Native artists at the Crow’s 1930s” represents the first major exhibition to feature an Shadow Institute of the Arts on the Umatilla Reservation in extensive overview of the largely “forgotten stories” of the northeastern Oregon. Founded by native painter and printmaker James Lavadour bounty and variety of work created in our region during the (Walla Walla) in 1992, CSIA seeks to create educational and professional economic hard times of the 1930s through nationally opportunities for native artists to utilize their art as a vehicle for economic supported art projects. The exhibition features development. The exhibition will take place in the Print Study Center with Part I approximately 72 artworks created in Oregon, Washington, scheduled through April 24 and Part II opening May 8 and continuing through Idaho, and Montana and includes paintings, murals, prints, August 14. More information can be found at: willamette.edu/go/csia-2021. drawings, photographs, and sculptures, as well as furniture created for Timberline Lodge. “Forgotten Stories” reintroduces a number of talented figures Virtual and Online Viewing Options whose names are now unknown, and also includes early work by prominent For those who are unable to visit the museum in person at this time, the museum figures like painter Morris Graves and photographer Minor White. This has created a a number of ways to experience the museum and to celebrate the exhibition in the Melvin Henderson-Rubio Gallery and the Maribeth Collins visual arts through a variety of virtual and online offerings that can be found at lobby continues through March 27. More information can be found at: willamette.edu/go/hfma-virtual21. The “Forgotten Stories” exhibition includes a willamette.edu/go/forgotten-stories. 360° virtual tour, a four-part lecture series and a four-part self-guided film series. More options can be found on the website. Be sure to check out special loans that can be found throughout the museum, “Gold of the Caliphs: Medieval Islamic Coins from the including Auguste Rodin’s “The Weeping Burgher (Andrieu d’ Andres)” which was Gary Leiser Collection of the Hallie Ford Museum of conceived in 1884-5 and cast in bronze in 1974, as well as special loans made Art” offers a fascinating glimpse into Islamic art, history, possible through the Art Bridges Foundation which include Barkley Hendricks’ politics, economics, and religious beliefs as reflected in “Brenda P” and John Frederick Kensett’s “Beacon Rock, Newport,” and more. medieval Islamic coins minted in locations from Spain through Director John Olbrantz says, “We are excited to finally be reopened after being Central Asia. The exhibition features approximately 75 coins closed for the last three months due to the coronavirus pandemic and look forward of the more than 500 Islamic coins that Leiser donated to the to seeing you in the galleries one day soon.” Page 10 SBJ.News: Salem Business Journal - The Local - Salem Magazine April 2021 Nation’s Largest Hero Savings Program Homes for Heroes Available To Local Heroes

Inspired by the tragic events of savings, which are easy ways for 9/11, Homes for Heroes was heroes to significant money started in Minneapolis, MN at on a home. When working with the beginning of 2002. In 2009 Homes for Heroes real estate and it grew to become a national mortgage specialists specifically, organization that has since heroes are able to receive helped over 41,000 heroes and significant savings when they given back over $67,000,000. buy, sell or refinance a home. Hero Rewards is our way to say Homes for Heroes’ mission is to “Thank You.” provide extraordinary savings to heroes who provide “We’re committed to giving back, extraordinary services to our serving and saying thank you to nation and its communities our local community heroes every day. Heroes include: because they do so much to make Firefighters, EMS, Law our great community what it is Enforcement, Military (active, today. They tirelessly serve and reserves and veterans), sacrifice for us so we feel it’s the Healthcare Professionals and right thing to do, and we’re Teachers. excited to be able to give back and say thank you,” says Denise Homes for Heroes is comprised Busch, local Homes for Heroes of affiliate real estate and real estate specialist in Salem mortgage specialists across the and surrounding areas. Go to country along with local and www.appreciatingheroes.com to national businesses committed get more information and sign to providing Hero Rewards® up. April 2021 Salem Metro Area • Population 400,408 Page 11 Mavericks League Announces Managers for 2021 Season

Daniel is not a stranger to Independent City Royals drafted him in the 19th round of League Baseball having played for the Sugar the 1980 amateur draft. He was 2-2 with 5 Land Skeeters of the Atlantic League of saves and a 1.90 ERA in 24 games for the 1980 in 2018, the Kansas City GCL Royals Blue, allowing only 30 hits in 52 T-Bones of the American Association League . He was third in the Gulf of Independent Baseball in 2019, and the Coast League in games pitched, 9th in ERA, Cleburne Railroaders of the American and tied for third in saves. Association in 2019. Daniel also coached at his Alma Mater, Oregon State University. In 1981, the right-hander was 9-6 with 8 saves and a 2.52 ERA in 52 games for the Tony Torcato was born in Woodland, Charleston Royals. He tied for second in the California, and was drafted in the 1st round, South Atlantic League in pitching out of Woodland High School, in the 1998 appearances, and tied for 7th in saves. The Draft by the San next year, Dave went 4-8 with 15 saves and a Francisco Giants. The left-handed hitting 1.79 ERA for the Fort Myers Royals. He tied outfielder was assigned to the Salem-Keizer for third in the Florida State League with 49 Volcanoes for the 1998 season appearing in games pitched and was third in saves. Wong 59 games, batting .291 with 3 homeruns, 2 led Royals minor leaguers in saves while triples and 15 doubles. placing 4th in games pitched. Wong was 5-3 In 1999, he was promoted to Bakersfield of with 7 saves and a 3.38 ERA in 50 games for the High-A California League where he again the 1983 Jacksonville Suns. He ended his batted .291 with 4 homeruns and 25 doubles. career by going 2-0 with 2 saves and a 3.52 2000 saw Tony playing at San Jose of the ERA for Fort Myers in 1984. Wong’s California League batting .324 with 7 cumulative minor league record was 22-19 homeruns, and 37 doubles before being with 37 saves a 2.53 ERA in 190 games. He promoted to AA Shreveport of the Texas allowed 250 hits and 154 walks in 327 1/3 IP League. In 2001, Tony was promoted to AAA while fanning 244. Fresno of the Pacific Coast League where he Wong was assistant coach at his alma mater batted .320. in 1985-1986 and at the University of Portland In 2002, after 130 games in Fresno where he in 1987-1988. He was MVP of the 1988 batted .290 with 13 homeruns and 23 doubles, National Baseball Congress World Series as a Tony made his major-league debut on July member of the Everett Merchants. From 26th with the San Francisco Giants as a 1991-2003, he was back at Willamette starting right fielder against the Los Angeles University as head coach, going 287-221-3 Dodgers and hit a single in his very first at-bat and setting the school win record. From off the Dodgers Hideo Nomo. Tony played 2006-2008, he was pitching coach of Oregon four seasons with the Giants with a career State University; his son Joey was an infielder batting average of .298. His last Major there in 2007-2008. Oregon State won the League game was April 21, 2005. 2006 College World Series and 2007 College World Series. Among Wong's were After becoming a free agent after the 2005 Kevin Gunderson, Jonah Nickerson and Jorge season, Tony started the 2006 season in the Reyes, two of whom were named the top Italian Baseball League with Grosseto, then player in a College World Series. signed with the Chicago White Sox, and was assigned to AAA Charlotte Knights. In 2007, The Mavericks League season will begin May he signed with the Seattle Mariners, and after 13th when the Portland Mavericks will play being released, played for the Independent the Salem-Keizer Volcanoes at Volcanoes League Long Beach Armada and Chico Stadium. For further information on the Outlaws. Mavericks League go to: Dave Wong was All-Conference as a college www.mavericksindependentleague.com or and was NAIA All-American as a call the Stadium at 503-390-2225. Ticket football defensive end at Willamette packages are currently on sale for all University in Salem, Oregon. The Kansas Mavericks League Page 12 SBJ.News: Salem Business Journal - The Local - Salem Magazine April 2021

Freedom Business Fellowship (FBF) exists to unite together business owners and community leaders to bring prosperity and change to our communities for generations to come. Their Mission Statement is: A fellowship of businesses networking together to encourage, equip, and empower each other and our communities.

The next meeting will be held at The River Church, 4675 Portland Road NE, Suite 190 in Salem on April 9, 2021, at 7:00 p.m. Dessert and refreshments will be available. To RSVP to this event, please visit: Lew Wootan www.therivernw/fbf. Lead Pastor April 2021 Salem Metro Area • Population 400,408 Page 13 Capitol Toyota, Capitol Subaru, and Capitol Chevrolet/Cadillac named the 2020 Automotive News “Best Dealerships To Work For” Employees know best when judging the Capitol Subaru finished #9 for Medium best place to work. Results from a Size Companies and #17 overall. confidential survey of employees earned Capitol Toyota finished #4 for Large Size all three Salem Capitol Auto Group Companies and #27 Overall. (CAG) dealerships, Toyota, Subaru, and Capitol Chevrolet/Cadillac finished #2 Chevrolet/Cadillac, recognition for for Large Size Companies and #9 overall. being among the best in North America. In addition, Capitol Auto Group received For the ninth year in a row, a CAG one of the four Philanthropic Awards dealership was recognized by given out for community work. Capitol Automotive News as one of the 100 Best has raised over $300,000 for charity in Dealerships to Work For. 2021. “We are so honored to be selected for For complete information about the Best this prestigious list,” said Scott Dealerships To Work For from Casebeer, Capitol Auto Group president. Automotive News, visit “Our employees are the heart and soul www.autonews.com/awards/best- of this company. Without their support dealerships-work. Capitol Toyota, and dedication to Capitol Auto, the Subaru, and Chevrolet/Cadillac Salem community, and their co-workers, dealerships are located off the Salem we would not be the company that we Parkway. www.capitolauto.com. 1-800- are today.” 888-1391. Page 14 SBJ.News: Salem Business Journal - The Local - Salem Magazine April 2021 Perrydale Parents Club Annual Auction May 7th 2021.

Perrydale Parents Club is a non-profit organization with the purpose of raising money to help support our small by mighty Perrydale School. Which is a small rural school south West of Amity. We have an Annual Auction coming up May 7th 2021. Due to Covid our Auction last year was canceled and at this time we will be having this auction online only. We are using an amazing platform that highlights our Donors with using their logo, contact information and website. Regardless if the donation is a gift certificate, item(s), baskets or cash donation, your business gets highlighted. This is a great opportunity to et your name out there and bring more business back to your business.

Please consider donating or contacting us directly at: [email protected]. We look forward to working with you and highlighting your business while being our small but mighty school as we navigate getting the kids back face to face now and next year.

Thank you so much for your consideration! April 2021 Salem Metro Area • Population 400,408 Page 15 Set Your Lawn up for Success in The Spring with Winter Fertilizer By Juan Ascension, Green Acres Landscape In Oregon, the winter your property will also look fuller. With healthier lawn in the spring. When you the numbers. The first number is for the season typically means that in mind, here are a few things to apply the fertilizer at the right time, it nitrogen (N) amount, the second is for grabbing the old umbrella consider when fertilizing: can feed and benefit the grass's root the phosphorus (P), and the third is for and preparing for a cold, Type of grass matters: system throughout even the harshest the potassium (K) amount. The numbers wet, and cloudy season. Cool-season grasses like Kentucky days of winter. It sustains and primes the should appear prominently on the This year is called a “La bluegrass, tall fescue, and perennial lawn for success in the new season. winter fertilizer bag, usually on the front label. Nina” winter, which ryegrass respond best to fall and winter COMPONENTS OF WINTER means higher than fertilization. These cool-season lawns FERTILIZER In general, a winter fertilizer should average rain amounts. typically grow best in regions where the Lawn fertilizer contains nitrogen and have a higher potassium amount than While this may be a bummer to some, it spring temperatures average between phosphorus. Nitrogen helps with stem other fertilizers. For example, a standard should lead to a vibrant and beautiful 65 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Warm- growth, while phosphorus is vital for the fertilizer may have a potassium level of spring, as our local plants soak up a little season grasses can wait until late spring root system. Winter fertilizers also are 4, while its winter version has 14. If you extra water. However, there is more you for fertilizing. If you are unsure what high in potassium, which plants need to find this confusing, ask a landscaping or can do to help your lawn look kind of grass you have or what fertilizer thrive. It’s an essential nutrient that garden professional to help you. spectacular when spring comes along. you should use, ask a professional. helps your lawn increase its hardiness or Remember, this Oregon winter is rainier We’re talking about the flashy and super Using the wrong fertilizer can severely tolerance for cold temperatures as well exciting topic of winter fertilization. than most, so be sure to fertilize a few damage your yard. as stress. Plants also require potassium days before or after rain. If you fertilize Okay, maybe this subject isn’t exactly a What does winter fertilizer do for to be able to absorb other essential during a rainstorm, the chances are page-turner, but it is essential, so pay my lawn? nutrients. Additional nutrients found in higher that your fertilizer will get washed attention. Winter fertilizer is a crucial component fertilizer include but are not limited to away. calcium, carbon, hydrogen, magnesium, When you fertilize in the winter, you set to helping the lawn regain essential oxygen, and sulfur. your lawn up for success in various nutrients that may have leached from its Juan Ascension works at Green Acres ways. First, it will make your yard look soils throughout the hottest of the READING THE FERTILIZER Landscape, a full-service, residential, lush and green as the weather warms up. summer and even early fall days. Winter NUMBERS and commercial landscaping business Secondly, more healthy grass and lawn fertilizer helps the root system grow To determine how much of each nutrient and nursery in Salem, Oregon. mean less space for weeds to grow, so stronger and deeper, leading to a fuller, the fertilizer contains, you need to read www.GreenAcresLandscapeInc.com Page 16 SBJ.News: Salem Business Journal - The Local - Salem Magazine April 2021 Outdoor Heating By Mario Rodriguez, Green Acres Landscape

Winter is officially here. the house. We are expecting a cold, rainy winter with a Outdoor Fireplace: possibility of snow in the Do you want to cook outdoors, stay valley. Most people are warm, and add great property value? bundling up and staying Then an outdoor fireplace is the perfect inside to avoid the cold amenity to add. Similar to the firepit, weather. the outdoor fireplace is a step up However, it doesn’t have because you can cook effectively on it to be this way. Outdoor heating is a great while still enjoying its warmth as a focal way to bring the indoors outdoors and gathering hub. These add a lot of extend areas of your house. After all, ambiance and come in many styles and most people are pretty tired of being sizes. crammed indoors. Extending your habitable areas will make a big Heaters: difference on chilly winter nights (and Similar to the kinds of heaters you will summer nights too). see at outdoor areas in restaurants, you too can add an affordable heating source Here are a few outdoor amenities to to your outdoor areas. Standing heaters consider that will make your deck, and heat lamps will typically heat up an porch, patio, or outdoor area as area of about five feet. comfortable and hospitable as your indoor space. You can also consider hanging heaters. These are best used in outdoor covered Firepit: areas and can be powered by natural A popular trend right now, firepits are glass or electricity. an effective and often affordable way to provide a little light and warmth to your Mario Rodriguez works at Green Acres outdoor space. It’s a great gathering Landscape, a full-service, residential, area for friends and family and can give and commercial landscaping business you that camping experience (smores and nursery in Salem, Oregon. anyone?!) without ever having to leave www.GreenAcresLandscapeInc.com

Salem's oldest restaurant, the Court Street Dairy Lunch, is a legendary downtown landmark. Since 1929, the Court Street Dairy Lunch has been serving homestyle favorites from the 18 old fashioned counter seats and the 11 comfy booths. Locals, dignitaries, blue collar workers, students, and tourists have made this little restaurant on Court Street a venerable staple in the mid-Willamette Valley. Often referred to as "Salem's living room", located in the heart of the city, the Dairy Lunch always seems to be in the middle of local conversation.

The real star here is the food. Homemade from scratch, the Dairy Lunch has used the same ingredients for nearly 100 years. Famous for biscuits and real Dallas Mill Industrial Park country gravy as well as the big Ranch Burger, the Court Street Dairy Lunch $4,000,000 | Dallas, OR features milkshakes, which are still the champion that kids from 3 to 93 enjoy more and more every year! This site is 66.13 acres of Heavy Industrial zoned property. The site can be sold The Court Street Foundation now runs this historic eatery. Dedicated to the to single or multiple users, leased or redeveloped for a number of uses. Seller preservation of the Court Street Dairy Lunch, your favorite recipes, and to will also look at build to suit. This site has the development of a Student Culinary Program, veterans in the restaurant almost endless possibilities. Proposed uses business share knowledge and experience with high school culinary could be small warehouses and yards, Ag students in all aspects of operating an actual restaurant. George storage, Equipment dealer, manufacturing, Grabenhorst laydown yard, or transload facility. Please visit our website: https://dairylunch.com Senior Advisor Highlights: [email protected] direct: 503.588.7395 • City's larger Industrial site • Build to Suit • 3,600 to 54,000 SF existing mobile: 503.559.9397 with 66.13 Acres. • Small to large users. buildings available. Licensed in the State • Rail Service possibilities. • Available For Lease of Oregon • Use for Manufacturing .25/SF/m NNN All SVN® Offices are To see other opportunities independently owned and operated. available go to SVNCA.com April 2021 Salem Metro Area • Population 400,408 Page 17 OnPoint Community Credit Union NEW SALEM LOCATION Supports Oregon Humane Society

As the Oregon Humane Society (OHS) new approach is more time and labor- works to save lives and continue to help intensive, it's also been very successful, animals and pet owners in need, with more than 7,000 pets finding OnPoint Community Credit Union loving homes in 2020. Click here to announced today the launch of its Refer learn more about OHS's experience a Friend campaign benefitting the local through the pandemic. non-profit animal welfare organization. "With many people working from home OnPoint's new Refer a Friend campaign and practicing physical distancing, began on Monday, March 1, 2021, and interest in adoptions has been very concludes on April 30, 2021. The high," said Sarah Yusavitz, Corporate campaign is OnPoint's sixth Refer a Relations Officer, Oregon Humane Friend effort, which donates $50 to Society. "Pets have provided a sense of local non-profits for every friend, family comfort and calm as we've dealt with or business associate who joins OnPoint the stress of the pandemic." within a specified period. Referring and OHS has also responded to the needs of new members also both receive $50 the community in a variety of ways from OnPoint. during the past year. During the "Oregon Humane Society's mission of wildfires in September, OHS deployed creating a more humane society is responders to deliver supplies and set especially meaningful now," said Rob up kennels at evacuation sites. OHS also Stuart, President and Chief Executive provided emergency boarding to Officer, OnPoint Community Credit evacuees and took in stray cats from the Union. "Through all the challenges of the pandemic and devastating wildfires, fire zone in Clackamas County. In OHS has served animals and pet owners response to the economic hardship in extraordinary ways. OnPoint is proud brought on by COVID-19, OHS has to continue working alongside OHS to hosted free pet-food banks and create a society where all animals are delivered supplies to animal shelters treated with compassion, kindness and and food pantries around the state. respect." OHS's Second Chance program As the largest animal welfare organization continued to be a lifeline for shelters in the Northwest, more animals are around the country that face adopted from OHS than from any other overcrowding. In addition, pets have single-facility shelter on the West Coast. been transferred to OHS from local OHS puts no time limits on how long animal services agencies and shelters as animals can remain at the shelter. A pet far away as Texas and Hawaii. stays available for adoption as long as "The support of OnPoint and its needed to find a loving home. If a pet in members will help us save more lives by the care of OHS needs medical making us more agile and able to say attention, the OHS veterinary hospital 'yes' to more shelter animals across the provides the pet with the same level of nation when natural disasters and other care an owner would. OHS also has crises occur," said Yusavitz. "We can't SAFELY OPEN! training and behavior experts who work thank the OnPoint community enough, with animals who have suffered and we look forward to seeing the emotional trauma and need specialized results of Refer a Friend this Spring." care. For OnPoint members who are interested in supporting OHS through the Refer a Friend campaign, click here. SHOWROOM SERVICE AUTOSPA To learn more about OHS's lifesaving We specialize in affordable, high- Freeman Service Center has a team Our AutoSpa offers the best cosmetic mission and the many other ways you end European vehicles to suit every of dedicated Advisors and certified reconditioning and detailing services can be more humane, visit: lifestyle here in the Northwest and technicians to take care of your ve- in Salem. We believe proper care of across the country. We pride our- hicle. Our technicians specialize in your vehicle is integral to protecting https://www.oregonhumane.org/. selves in having the best car selection European mechanical repair but are your investment, and are committed kept in the protection of a boutique skilled to work on any make and to keeping your car looking great like indoor showroom. When you’re model. Use of the latest diagnostic throughout the lifetime of ownership. ABOUT OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY ready to buy, our finance team is equipment, tools and information Oregon Humane Society is the there to find you the best financing systems allow us to efficiently and ac- solution to fit your needs. We make curately work on today’s sophisticated Northwest's oldest and largest animal the sales process quick, easy and vehicles, keeping you and your family pressure free so you can drive away safe on the road. welfare organization, with one of the confident. highest adoption rates in the nation. OHS receives no government funds for its adoption, education and animal cruelty investigation programs. Visit: OHS has had a busy year as it Oregonhumane.org 3784 Portland Road NE transformed its operations at the onset for more information. SHOWROOM 503-485-0007 | SERVICE & AUTOSPA 503-485-0303 of the pandemic to safely meet the needs of shelter animals and the public. Its new virtual adoption process allows staff to work one-on-one with potential WWW.FREEMANMOTORSALEM.COM adopters to ensure the right fit while keeping everyone safe. Although the Page 18 SBJ.News: Salem Business Journal - The Local - Salem Magazine April 2021 John L. Scott Salem welcomes Richard Riggs our new agents: Enters Salem Keizer School Board Race

Richard Riggs, a chairperson and lobbied Congress 20 year Navy and the state legislature on veteran who education issues. Riggs was served in Iraq, has instrumental in the passage of entered the Salem Chemeketa’s 2008 bond levy after Keizer School its initial failure in 2006 and he board race for supported the college’s efforts to position 1. The reduce textbook costs for position, currently held by Katy students. Riggs states, “I will work Goss, covers West Salem, part of tirelessly for the best interests of Sabrina Dikeman Sydney Massingale Thomas O’Neil South Salem, and surrounding our students and ensure our rural areas. Riggs is the fourth limited resources and tax dollars person to file for the position in are not wasted. When elected I what is shaping up to be a highly will represent all people within the contested race. Ms. Goss has not district and not focus on the yet filed for reelection after a narrow special interests of the left tumultuous term in which the or right.” Riggs’ website states his board has been criticized by many priorities for the district include community members for making sure SK students are silencing debate and its treatment ready to work and ready to learn of peoples of color. upon graduating from high school, supporting STEM, career Riggs currently serves as the and technical education, music, Western Region Director for the athletics and arts programs and Oregon State University creating an accessible and Extension service. He rose to equitable learning environment so prominence in 2007 when he was that all students may thrive. elected to the Chemeketa Board of Directors and was reelected in The filing deadline for candidates 2011. As a board member he wishing to run for office in the served as vice-chairperson and May 18th election is March 18th. April 2021 Salem Metro Area • Population 400,408 Page 19 VanNatta Wins Five Awards

VanNatta Public Relations in The Reed and establish its (VPR), a PR, marketing, and new brand in the community. consulting firm in Salem, was VPR was also recognized for honored by the Public Relations campaigns with the Salem Fire Society of America Oregon Foundation and the Salem Chapter (PRSA) during its Police Foundation. They helped Spotlight Award ceremony. The promote the Salem Fire company was recognized for Foundation’s use of Community five noteworthy PR campaigns Connect, a web-based program in 2019-2020. VPR has won that allows citizens to share life- eleven PRSA awards in three saving information with first years. responders before responding to The Oregon PRSA held its a 911 call. VPR also implemented annual event (virtually) on Dec. a community relations campaign 3, 2020. The PRSA Spotlight to fundraise for the Salem Police Awards draws hundreds of Foundation and purchase a TI communication professionals Training Simulator, which helps every year to see the best prepare police officers for campaigns in the state and dangerous situations. honor mentors, young The final award was for an event professionals, and lifetime campaign for TinyFest NW, an achievement in the industry. annual festival in the pacific VPR won two awards (a northwest that features tiny community relations campaign homes. VPR helped promote the and a branding campaign) for their work with The Reed event and highlight alternative (formerly Reed Opera House) in ways to live small. Salem. The firm managed a VanNatta PR is at 3340 successful campaign to Commercial Street SE, Salem, showcase the renovation efforts OR 97302. PRSalem.com Page 20 SBJ.News: Salem Business Journal - The Local - Salem Magazine April 2021

What can be more inspiring, and yet more daunting, than a blank canvas? SO much potential, and yet SO much intimidation - all at once!

Serendipity by Dena I'm Dena Lynn, owner and artist of Paint-Fun, and also of Wonderland Art. For the past 5 years, I've made it my business to turn every-day humans into artists. I truly believe that every person has an inner-artist, lurking within, and I love to find it, and bring it out to play. I've led thousands of people, of all ages, of all levels of experience, into the joy of self-expression -- simply by walking them through an entire painting, start to finish. Since the restrictions on gathering have occurred, I've taken my Paint-Parties, both public and private, to the magic of Zoom. This makes it possible for humans all over the planet to create together - a wonderful way to celebrate holidays, or any other occasion, with far-away loved-ones. I offer a selection of public Paint- Parties each month, and I'm available to create private Paint-Parties, using the painting of your choice. In addition to that, I've been hand-painting 3D items (furniture, mirrors, lamps, decor items) in a whimsical, joyous style, for decades. I look for unusual, distinctive, yet discarded items, and I bring them to new life - functional furnARTure. I'm featured in Lunaria Gallery in Silverton, where I'm one of the co-owners, and in Elsinore Gallery in Salem, as well as through my Etsy shop -- and yes, I can be commissioned to paint items that you already own. "If it holds still ~ I can paint it!"

Being self-taught myself, I know it's not only possible, but provable -- to date no one has "failed" - no one has died. I love to hear two things from first-time painters: "Ok, that was more fun than I thought!" and "Wow, I'm better than I knew I could be!" I do not expect, nor do I even want, for others to precisely copy me (though I demonstrate, stroke by stroke, one step at a time) -- what I want, is to create a safe environment, in which each person can find, and unleash their own creativity. Like with any muscle, the "creativity muscle" gets stronger over time, and with each artistic adventure, each person becomes more competent, and more confident. I turn ordinary objects into art, and ordinary humans into artists! You can find my Paint-Party Event Calendar at http://paintfun.party/ April 2021 Salem Metro Area • Population 400,408 Page 21 Page 22 SBJ.News: Salem Business Journal - The Local - Salem Magazine April 2021

We are so Excited the Safe Air Network has launched into the Pacific North West! In 2020 coronavirus caught all of us all off-guard. The only advice we all got was to wear a mask and social distance. With no education available in terms of what to do if our space has been contaminated, Safe Air Network quickly became the experts in decontamination. We have the only technology that purifies not only air, but all surfaces including doorknobs, walls, handrails, and even cracks and crevices. It is imperative we work together to OPEN OREGON businesses and schools and SAFE AIR NETWORK is the common-sense solution to bring con- sumer confidence back to both public and private spaces. Our patented technology was tested in independently verified, third party, FDA approved laboratories on live Sars-Cov-2 virus, not proxies, among dozens of other types of virus and bacteria including H1N1 swine flu, Ebola, strep, staph, mold, fungus, germs, allergens, and even the common cold. We are proud to announce our technology proved a consistent elimination rate of over 99.9% within 3 minutes (unlike all other air purifiers that can take a minimum of 6 hours and as long as 48 hours, and do not decontaminate surfaces). We can provide you the necessary information about every type of air purification technology available, especially if you already have equipment operating in your facility that may be unsafe or even dangerous to use in occupied spaces, ineffi- cient and/or costly. Unlike other technologies, our patented process is 100% natural and safe, and can be used in spaces occupied by everyone, even infants and children, as well as pets, in addition to being the most effective and cost efficient. Depending on the size and lay-out of your commercial or residential building, we have equipment from easy plug and purify (plugs into any standard 110v outlet), to systems that our professionals can install in your HVAC system. We streamline the process to assure you have Safe Air and Surfaces very quickly. April 2021 Salem Metro Area • Population 400,408 Page 23 SIMPLY TYPE IN YOUR • Interactive Map With GPS • Comprehensive Property Details w/Photos • Location Based Search • Built In Sharing Tools BROWSER JLSAPP.COM • MIs/Property Number Search • Driving Directions • Extensive Search Criteria Options • Mortgage Calculator • Road And Satellite Map Views

John L. Scott Real Estate Salem Office - 503-585-0100 salemoffice.johnlscott.com