FALL 2019 Contents EXAMINATION COPIES The Brookings Institution Brookings Institution Press Press publishes many books Books 1 ideal for course adoption. For Journals 18 easy ordering, visit www.ingramacademic.com. Partner Presses Institute of Latin American Studies 21 Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center 23 World Trade Organization 24 Sign up for our e-newsletter, Sales Information 30 Brookings BookNews, at www.brookings .edu/newsletters.

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To request review copies or press material, or for other marketing- related questions, e-mail [email protected]. The Brookings Institution is a private nonprofit organization devoted to research, education, and publication on important issues of domestic and foreign policy. Its principal purpose is to bring the highest quality independent research and analysis to bear on current and emerging policy problems and to offer practical approaches to those problems in language aimed at the general public. In its conferences, publications, and other activities, Brookings serves as a bridge between scholarship and policymaking, bringing new knowledge to the attention of decisionmakers and affording scholars greater insight into public policy issues. The Institution’s activities are carried out through five core research programs (Economic Studies, Foreign Policy, Governance Studies, Metropolitan Policy, and Global Economy and Development), as well as through the Brookings Institution Press, which publishes about forty books annually. Brookings Institution Press

October 2019, 5 × 8, 128 pp cloth, 9780815737292, $24.99t ebook, 9780815737353, $24.99


In July 1958, U.S. Marines stormed the beaches of Beirut, Lebanon, Lessons not ready for combat. They were greeted by vendors and sunbathers. The rest of their mission—to help end Lebanon’s first civil war—went nearly remembered from as smoothly, thanks in large part to the skillful work of American diplomats, who helped arrange a compromise solution. Future a U.S. intervention American interventions in the region would not work out quite as well. that succeeded Bruce Riedel’s new book recounts the almost forgotten story of the first U.S. combat operation in the Middle East. President Eisenhower sent in the Marines in the wake of a bloody coup in Iraq, a seismic event that altered the politics of the entire region. Eisenhower feared that the ALSO BY THE BRUCE RIEDEL coup threatened American interests in the Middle East. Eisenhower’s intervention in Lebanon and his behind-the-scenes Kings and Presidents: Saudi diplomacy hold important lessons for today’s policymakers as they seek Arabia and the to deal with the challenges in the Middle East. Veteran analyst Bruce since FDR Riedel unpacks the experiences of decades past to see what guidance March 2019, 6 × 9, 275 pp they may offer to today’s decisionmakers. A key lesson? Not to rush to paper, 9780815737155, $23.99t judgment when surprised by the unexpected. And don’t assume the ebook, 9780815737162, $18.99 worst. JFK’s Forgotten Crisis: Tibet, the BRUCE RIEDEL is the director of the Intelligence Project at the CIA, and the Sino-Indian War Brookings Institution and a senior fellow at the Center for Middle paper, 9780815731634, $16.99t East Studies. He has extensive service with the Central Intelligence ebook, 9780815727002, $16.99 Agency, including postings in the Middle East and Europe.


FALL 2019 1 Brookings Institution Press

November 2019, 6 × 9, 320 pp cloth, 9780815737735, $29.99a ebook, 9780815737742, $23.99

The Dissidents A MEMOIR OF WORKING WITH THE RESISTANCE IN , 1960–1990 Peter Reddaway

The nearly forgotten It has been nearly three decades since the collapse of the —enough time for the role of the courageous dissidents who story of Soviet helped contributed to the communist system’s demise to have been largely forgotten, especially in the West. This book brings to life for dissidents contemporary readers the underground work of the men and women who opposed the regime and authored dissident texts that exposed the tyrannies and weaknesses of the Soviet state. Peter Reddaway spent decades studying the Soviet Union and got to know these dissidents and their work, publicizing their writings in the West and helping some of them escape the Soviet Union and settle abroad. In this memoir he captures the human costs of the repression that marked the Soviet state, focusing in particular on the life and work of , , General , , , Vyacheslav Bakhmin, and . His book contextualizes their writing in relation to the power struggles in the Kremlin, which had enormous import for .

PETER REDDAWAY, former director of the Kennan Institute at the Wilson Center, is professor emeritus of political science and international affairs, George Washington University.


2 FALL 2019 Brookings Institution Press

January 2020, 6 × 9, 380 pp paper, 9780815737711, $39.99 ebook, 9780815737728, $31.99


In this Asian century, the outcome of the geopolitical rivalry between Taking a long view China and India is of increasing concern. Where once the U.S. developed separate relationships with each of the two Asian giants, of the three-party those relations now appear to be intertwined. A major issue is China’s growing global influence and how it might alter the dynamics among relationship and its the three nations. future prospects In Fateful Triangle, Tanvi Madan argues that China’s influence on the U.S.-India relationship is not a recent phenomenon. Rather, U.S. and Indian perceptions of and policy toward China significantly shaped U.S.-India relations in three crucial decades, from 1949 to 1979. Fateful Triangle updates our understanding of the diplomatic history of U.S.-India relations, highlighting China’s central role in it, and provides historical context for the interactions among the three countries.

TANVI MADAN is a fellow in the Foreign Policy program at the Brookings Institution, where she specializes in Indian foreign policy.


FALL 2019 3 Brookings Institution Press

September 2019, 6 × 9, 280 pp paper, 9780815737216, $34.99 ebook, 9780815737223, $27.99


edited by Thomas Carothers and Andrew O’Donohue

Why societal Severe political polarization, part of the global democratic recession, is increasingly afflicting old and new democracies alike, eroding divisions have democratic norms and exacerbating societal unrest. Democracies Divided offers a comparative analysis of this troubling global deepened, and what phenomenon, presenting in-depth case studies of countries as different can be done to heal as Brazil, India, Kenya, Poland, Turkey, and the United States. The case study authors are a diverse group of country and regional experts, each them with deep local knowledge and experience. In nearly every case examined, political entrepreneurs have exploited and exacerbated long-simmering divisions for their own purposes, in the process undermining prospects for democratic consensus and productive governance. But the book is not simply a diagnosis of what has gone wrong. Each case study discusses actions that concerned citizens and organizations are taking to counter polarizing forces, whether through reforms to political parties, institutions, or the media. The book’s editors distill from the case studies a range of possible ways to restore consensus and defeat polarization in the world’s democracies.

THOMAS CAROTHERS is senior vice president for studies at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and director of Carnegie’s Democracy, Conflict, and Governance Program. ANDREW O’DONOHUE is a James C. Gaither Junior Fellow in the Democracy, Conflict, and Governance Program at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.


4 FALL 2019 Brookings Institution Press

November 2019, 6 × 9, 200 pp cloth, 9780815737650, $24.99a ebook, 9780815737650, $24.99


In just a few decades, high technology has transformed the world, Designing a new making vast quantities of information available to billions of people and reshaping businesses, institutions, and entire economies. But digital social it is also exacerbating deep social and political divisions in society. Elections influenced by fake news and unscrupulous hidden actors, contract for our the vacuuming up of private information by Silicon Valley behemoths, technological future ongoing threats to vital infrastructure from terrorist groups and even foreign governments—all these activities attack the social fabric and are certain to become increasingly serious in the future. In this book, Dipayan Ghosh, a former Facebook public policy adviser who went on to assist President Obama on technology matters, offers practical ideas for using technology to create an open and accessible world that protects all consumers and civilians. Providing clear explanations of the complex issues lying at the nexus of technology and the individual or society, Terms of Disservice should prove a useful guide for industry leaders, policymakers, and members of the general public concerned to ensure that high tech works for everyone, not just Silicon Valley.

DIPAYAN GHOSH is the Pozen Fellow at the Harvard Kennedy School, where he directs the Platform Accountability Project.


FALL 2019 5 Brookings Institution Press

February 2020, 6 x 9, 200 pp paper, 9780815737933, $36.99 ebook, 9780815737940, $28.99

The Iranian Revolution at Forty Suzanne Maloney, editor

How Iran—and the Iran’s 1979 Revolution is one of the most important events of the late twentieth century. The overthrow of the Western-leaning shah world around it— and the emergence of a unique religious government reshaped Iran, dramatically shifted the balance of power in the Middle East, have changed in the and generated serious challenges to the global geopolitical order— four decades since challenges that continue to this day. The revolution also precipitated a calamitous war between Iran and Iraq and an expansion of the U.S. a revolutionary military’s role in maintaining security in the Persian Gulf. Forty years after the revolution, more than two dozen experts theocracy took power look back on the rise of the Islamic Republic and explore the ongoing significance of the events of 1979. The contributors consider whether the promises of the revolution have been borne out, the impact of clerical rule on ordinary Iranians, Iran’s continuing antagonism toward the United States, and the repercussions of the revolution not only for Iran’s immediate neighborhood but for the broader Middle East as well.

SUZANNE MALONEY is deputy director of the Foreign Policy program at the Brookings Institution and a senior fellow with the Brookings Center for Middle East Policy. She has advised both Republican and Democratic administrations on Iran and the Middle East.


6 FALL 2019 Brookings Institution Press

November 2019, 6 × 9, 314 pp paper, 9780815737360, $39.99 ebook, 9780815737377, $31.99

Reluctant Warriors GERMANY, JAPAN, AND THEIR U.S. ALLIANCE DILEMMA Alexandra Sakaki, Hanns W. Maull, Kerstin Lukner, Ellis S. Krauss, and Thomas U. Berger

Since the end of World War II, Germany and Japan have been the most The dilemma of reluctant of all major U.S. allies to take on military responsibilities. But with the resurgence of a belligerent Russia under Vladimir Putin, upholding the the steady rise of an increasingly assertive China, and North Korea’s worrisome acquisition of nuclear weapons, the roles Japan and international order Germany could play in international security have become increasingly without militarizing important. Partly in response to these developments, Germany and Japan have recently increased their defense spending and taken on a somewhat broader range of military missions. Nonetheless, because of their post– World War II cultures of anti-militarism, both countries are reluctant to assume more responsibility for upholding regional or even global peace through force projection. The United States, should it make too simplistic a demand for the countries to “do more,” would incur certain risks to its own economy and national security.

ALEXANDRA SAKAKI is a senior associate in the Asia division of the German Institute for International and Security Affairs, Berlin. HANNS W. MAULL is senior distinguished fellow at the German Institute for International and Security Affairs, senior policy fellow for China’s Global Role at the Mercator Institute for China Studies (both Berlin), and adjunct professor of international relations and strategic studies at the Johns Hopkins University SAIS Europe in Bologna. KERSTIN LUKNER is managing director of AREA (Alliance on Research on East Asia) Ruhr, a research and teaching alliance of the Universities of Bochum and Duisburg-Essen, Germany. ELLIS S. KRAUSS is professor emeritus at the School of Global Policy and Strategy, the University of California, San Diego. THOMAS U. BERGER is a professor at the Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies, Boston University.


FALL 2019 7 Brookings Institution Press

The Chatham House Insights Series

The Insights series provides new perspectives and knowledge on an increasingly complex, uncertain, and interconnected world. Concise, lively, and authoritative, these books will, through different modes of interpretation, put a wide range of country, regional, and international developments into the global context. Focusing on topical issues within key policy areas such as health, security, economics, law, and the environment, volumes in the series will be written accessibly by leading experts—both academic and practitioner—to anticipate trends and illuminate new ideas and thinking. Insights books will be of great interest to all those seeking to develop a deeper understanding of the policy challenges and choices facing decisionmakers, both in academia and the practitioner world as well as among general readers. also available from the chatham house insights series Dance of the Trillions By David Lubin August 2018, 6 × 9, 159 pp paper, 9780815736745, $34.99 ebook, 9780815736752, $27.99

Moscow Rules By Keir Giles January 2019, 6 × 9, 256 pp paper 9780815735748, $34.99 ebook, 9780815735755, $27.99

Tectonic Politics By Nigel Gould-Davies May 2019, 6 × 9, 188 pp paper, 9780815737131, $38.99 ebook, 9780815737148, $30.99

FALL 2019 9 Brookings Institution Press

January 2020, 6 x 9, 300 pp paper, 9780815737919, $31.99 ebook, 9780815737926, $24.99

Nuclear Weapons and American Grand Strategy Francis J. Gavin

What know The world first confronted the power of nuclear weapons when the United States dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki and don’t know in August 1945. The global threat of these weapons deepened in the following decades as more advanced weapons, aggressive strategies, about how nuclear and new nuclear powers emerged. Countless publications since then weapons shape have tried to explain the so-called nuclear revolution. Francis J. Gavin argues that many key issues related to nuclear American grand weapons are poorly understood. Questions such as how and why the United States chose its nuclear strategies, whether nuclear deterrence strategy and works, and whether nuclear weapons make the world safer or more international dangerous warrant much better scrutiny and informed understanding. These questions matter because the nuclear threat is returning as a relations genuine possibility. Emerging technologies and shifting great power rivalries may be pointing toward a new type of cold war, just three decades after the end of the U.S.-Soviet conflict. Nuclear Weapons and American Grand Strategy should help inform policymakers wrestling with the latest challenges in U.S. security policy and foreign policy.

FRANCIS J. GAVIN is the Giovanni Agnelli Distinguished Professor and inaugural director of the Henry A. Kissinger Center for Global Affairs at the Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies.


10 FALL 2019 Brookings Institution Press

August 2019, 6 x 9, 320 pp paper, 9780815737193, $39.99 ebook, 9780815737209, $31.99

Economic Inequality and Morality DIVERSE ETHICAL PERSPECTIVES

edited by Richard Madsen and William M. Sullivan

Rising inequality has attracted a great deal of attention in recent years from scholars and politicians, but the moral dimensions of inequality tend to be ignored. Is inequality morally acceptable? Is it morally permissible to allow practices and systems that contribute to inequality? Is there an ethical obligation to try to alleviate inequality, and if so, who is obligated to take that action? This book addresses these and similar questions through a comparative study of ethical traditions, both secular and religious, Western and non-Western. The moral and political traditions considered are liberalism, Marxism, natural law, feminism, Buddhism, Judaism, Islam, Christianity, and Confucianism. The types of inequality examined include property, natural resources, products, wealth, income, jobs, and taxation. The editors’ introduction provides information on contemporary dimensions of the problem of economic inequality. Economic Inequality and Morality is unusual in that it addresses similarities and differences on the question of inequality within and across moral traditions. The contributors address a common set of topic-related questions, providing a broad perspective on how a range of traditions view and respond to inequality.

RICHARD MADSEN is a Distinguished Research Professor, Department of Sociology, the University of California, San Diego. WILLIAM M. SULLIVAN is a senior scholar at the New American Colleges and Universities.


FALL 2019 11 Brookings Institution Press

October 2019, 6 x 9, 300 pp paper, 9780815737834, $34.99 ebook, 9780815737841, $27.99


edited by Homi Kharas, John W. McArthur, and Izumi Ohno

Transforming a The ambitious fifteen-year agenda known as the Sustainable Development Goals, adopted in 2015 by all members of the United noble aspiration Nations, contains a pledge that “no one will be left behind.” This book aims to translate that bold global commitment into an action-oriented into specific actions perspective focused on supporting specific people in specific places who to help specific are facing specific problems. In this book, experts from Japan, the United States, and other people countries address a range of challenges faced by people across the globe, including women and girls, smallholder farmers, migrants, and those living in extreme poverty. These are many of the people whose lives are at the heart of the aspirations embedded in the seventeen Sustainable Development Goals. They are the people most in need of such essentials as health care, quality education, decent work, affordable energy, and a clean environment. This book, the result of a collaboration between the Japan International Cooperation Research Institute and the Global Economy and Development program at the Brookings Institution, offers practical ideas for transforming the “leave no one behind” philosophy into effective actions that, if implemented, should make realizing the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030 possible.

HOMI KHARAS is the interim vice president and director of the Global Economy and Development program at the Brookings Institution. JOHN W. MCARTHUR is a senior fellow in the Global Economy and Development program at the Brookings Institution and senior adviser on sustainable development to the United Nations Foundation. IZUMI OHNO is the director of the Japan International Cooperation Agency Research Institute.


12 FALL 2019 Brookings Institution Press

February 2020, 6 × 9, 240 pp paper, 9780815737759, $34.99 ebook, 9780815737766, $27.99


edited by Hyeon-Wook Kim and Zia Qureshi

Growth in a Time of Change: Global and Country Perspectives on a A collaboration New Agenda is the first of a two-book research project that addresses new issues and challenges for economic growth arising from ongoing between the significant change in the world economy, especially that resulting from technological transformation. Brookings Part I of the book looks at key elements of change from a global Institution and the perspective. Technology is changing the global configuration of comparative advantage, and globalization increasingly has a digital Korea Development dimension. The implications of these developments for the future of sectors such as manufacturing and for international trade are assessed. Institute Part II addresses new issues in the growth agenda from the perspective of an individual major economy, South Korea. Rising income and wealth inequalities are a major concern globally, and macroeconomic developments and technological change are influencing the consumption, saving, and investment decisions of households and firms. Trends in the labor income share and wage inequalities in South Korea are analyzed in this context, with an emphasis on the roles played by technology, industrial concentration, and shifts in labor demand and supply. The contributors emphasize the policy implications of these and other factors affecting economic growth.

HYEON-WOOK KIM is a senior fellow and director of macroeconomic analysis and forecasting at the Korea Development Institute and a professor at the KDI School of Public Policy and Management. He previously worked at the Bank of Korea. ZIA QURESHI is a visiting fellow in the Global Economy and Development program at the Brookings Institution and an economic consultant. He previously worked at the IMF and the World Bank, including as director of the bank’s Development Economics Department.


FALL 2019 13 Brookings Institution Press

September 2019, 6 × 9, 365 pp paper, 9780815737254, $39.99 ebook, 9780815737261, $31.99


edited by Jacques deLisle and Avery Goldstein

Assessing prospects In 1978, China’s Deng Xiaoping launched the economic reforms that have resulted in one of history’s most dramatic and profound national as China’s reform transformations. The reforms, which evolved over the ensuing four enters middle age decades, removed institutional and policy obstacles to economic growth, tapped China’s immense reserves of labor and entrepreneurial talent, and opened the country to foreign capital and investment. China has developed a more high-tech and service-based economy— currently the world’s second largest—and now sends companies and capital abroad, in keeping with its new status as a leading force in international trade and investment. But China also faces daunting challenges in sustaining growth, continuing the unfinished agenda of economic transformation, and dealing with mounting pressure and suspicion from the United States and other long-standing trade and investment partners as the country seeks to expand its influence across the globe. In To Get Rich Is Glorious, the contributors introduce perspectives from economics, political science, and policy analysis to examine the many issues China now faces, including rural development, urban industrial policy, and public finance, and offer insights into the difficulties confronting China’s economy as the reform era moves into its fifth decade.

JACQUES DELISLE is the Stephen A. Cozen Professor of Law, professor of political science, and deputy director of the Center for the Study of Contemporary China at the University of Pennsylvania and director of the Asia Program at the Foreign Policy Research Institute. AVERY GOLDSTEIN is the David M. Knott Professor of Global Politics and International Relations, director of the Center for the Study of Contemporary China, and associate director of the Christopher H. Browne Center for International Politics at the University of Pennsylvania.


14 FALL 2019 Brookings Institution Press

February 2020, 6 × 9, 333 pp paper, 9780815737384, $35.99 ebook, 9780815737384, $27.99

Unlocking Africa’s Business Potential TRENDS, OPPORTUNITIES, RISKS, AND STRATEGIES Landry Signé

Africa has tremendous economic potential and offers rewarding Welcoming business opportunities for global businesses looking for new markets and long- term investments with favorable returns. One of the world’s fastest- investment and growing regions, by 2030 Africa will be home to nearly 1.7 billion offering some of people and offer an estimated $6.7 trillion worth of consumer and business spending. Increasing political stability and better regional the world’s highest integration are making market access easier, and business expansion should generate many more jobs. Current economic growth and returns poverty-alleviation efforts mean that more than 43 percent of the continent’s people will reach middle- or upper-class status by 2030. Unlocking Africa’s Business Potential examines business opportunities in the eight sectors with the highest potential returns on private investment—the same sectors that will foster economic growth and diversification, job creation, and improved general welfare: consumer markets, agriculture and agriprocessing, information and communication technology, manufacturing, oil and gas, tourism, banking, and infrastructure and construction. For each sector, the book identifies specific opportunities for investment and growth, along with long-term market projections to inform decisionmaking and aid policymakers in attracting new business.

LANDRY SIGNÉ is a Rubenstein Fellow with the Global Economy and Development program and Africa Growth Initiative at the Brookings Institution and chair of the Global Network for Africa’s Prosperity. His most recent book is African Development, African Transformation: How Institutions Shape Development Strategies.


FALL 2019 15 Brookings Institution Press

December 2019, 6 × 9, 233 pp paper, 9780815737773, $34.99 ebook, 9780815737780, $27.99


Charles Johnson and Kathryn Newcomer

Working to keep Inspectors general are important players in the federal government, though their work often draws attention only when they uncover government honest, serious misdeeds or mismanagement. This book, by two experts on public policy, provides a comprehensive, up-to-date examination of how efficient, and inspectors general have operated in the four decades since Congress effective established the office to investigate waste, fraud, and mismanagement at federal agencies and to promote efficiency and effectiveness in government programs. Unique among federal officials, inspectors general are independent of the agencies they monitor, and they report to both the executive and the legislative branches of government. A key factor in their independence is that they are expected to be nonpartisan and to carry out their work without regard to their own or others’ political suasion. The authors of U.S. Inspectors General: Truth Tellers in Turbulent Times emphasize the “strategic environment” in which inspectors general work and interact with a variety of stakeholders inside and outside government. The book will be of interest to scholars and students of public policy and public management, journalists, and ordinary citizens interested in how the government works—or doesn’t work—on their behalf.

CHARLES JOHNSON is professor emeritus of political science and dean emeritus of liberal arts at Texas A&M University. KATHRYN NEWCOMER is professor and director of the Trachtenberg School of Public Policy and Public Administration, George Washington University.



Brookings Papers on Economic Activity edited by Janice Eberly and James H. Stock

Brookings Papers on Economic Activity (BPEA) provides academic and business economists, government officials, and members of the financial and business communities with timely research on current economic issues.

LATEST ISSUE: Spring 2018 October 2018, 6 × 9, 520 pp paper, 9780815736875, $36.00 ebook, 9780815736882, $35.99

Economía edited by Marcela Eslava, Sergio Urzúa, Rafael Dix Carneiro, Bernardo Guimarães, Julian Messina, Alexander Monge-Naranjo, and Ugo Panizza

This semiannual journal from the Latin American and Caribbean Economic Association (LACEA) provides a forum for influential economists and policymakers from the region to share high-quality research directly applied to policy issues within and among those countries.

LATEST ISSUE: Spring 2019 May 2019, 6 × 9, 202 pp paper, 9780815737117, $36.00

Behavioral Science & Policy VOLUME 4, ISSUE 1 edited by Craig R. Fox, Sim Sitkin, and Steven Patierno

Behavioral Science & Policy is a key offering of the Behavioral Science & Policy Association in partnership with the Brookings Institution. The mission of BSPA is to foster dialog among social scientists, policymakers, and other practitioners in order to promote the application of rigorous empirical behavioral science in ways that serve the public interest. BSPA does not advance a particular agenda or political perspective.

LATEST ISSUE: December 2018 81⁄2 × 11, 69 pp paper, 9780815737056, $20.00 ebook, 9780815737063, $19.99


December 2019, 6 × 9, 250 pp paper, 9781908857552, $30.00

Cultures of Anti-Racism in Latin America and the Caribbean edited by Peter Wade, James Scorer, and Ignacio Aguiló

Latin America’s long history of racism existing side by side with racial mixture and conviviality offers useful ammunition for strengthening anti-racist stances. In a broader global context, the region affords valuable opportunities for thinking about anti-racism when recent political events have made ever more fragile the claims that we are in a postracial world. The contributors analyze art, education, language, and film in diverse national contexts across Latin America and the Caribbean to illustrate how anti-racist cultural practices can challenge racist discourse, even as “anti-racism” can be monopolized by the state to reproduce the acts of exclusion it purports to overturn.

PETER WADE is a British anthropologist and professor of social anthropology at the University of Manchester. JAMES SCORER is a senior lecturer in Latin American cultural studies at the University of Manchester. IGNACIO AGUILÓ is a lecturer in Latin American cultural studies, Department of Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies, the University of Manchester.


December 2019, 6 × 9, 250 pp paper, 9781908857651, $30.00

Memory, Migration and (De)colonisation in the Caribbean and Beyond edited by Jack Webb, Roderick Westmaas, Maria del Pilar Kaladeen, and William Tantam

This edited volume provides interdisciplinary perspectives on the interpellation of migration and (de)colonization, paying particular attention to how these two phenomena have been experienced and have affected one another in the Caribbean and its diasporas. The volume forwards an understanding of (de)colonization as a set of multidirectional processes that are advancing and receding simultaneously across various contexts. Individual chapters represent a conversation among academics, the interested public, and community activists with the aim of promoting a more democratic and publicly engaged analysis of decolonization and Caribbean migration.

JACK WEBB is a lecturer in the Division of History, University of Manchester. RODERICK WESTMAAS is an independent researcher and cofounder and director of the community organization GUYANA SPEAKS. WILLIAM TANTAM is a postdoctoral fellow in Caribbean Studies, Institute of Latin American Studies, University of London, and director of the Centre for Integrated Caribbean Research. MARIA DEL PILAR KALADEEN is an associate fellow at the Institute of Commonwealth Studies.


January 2020, 6 × 9, 325 pp paper, 9781931368544, $29.95

Healthy Aging in Asia edited by Karen Eggleston

How are health systems in Asia promoting evidence-based policies for healthy aging? What strategies have been tried to prevent chronic disease and advance early detection, raise the quality of care, improve medication adherence, reduce unnecessary hospitalizations, and increase “value for money” in health care spending? The contributors to this book consider how diverse economies in Asia are preparing for older population age structures and transforming health care systems to support patients who will live with chronic disease for decades. Several chapters draw on research led by the Stanford Asia Health Policy Program with the goal of understanding the net value of medical spending for patients with complicated chronic diseases across diverse health management programs in Asia.

KAREN EGGLESTON leads the Asia Health Policy Program at the Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center and is deputy director of that institution, a fellow at Stanford’s Center for Health Policy/ Primary Care and Outcomes Research, and a faculty research fellow with the National Bureau of Economic Research.


December 2019, 8 × 11, 800 pp paper, 9789287047298, $120.00

Boxed set of WTO statistical titles 2019 World Trade Organization

The latest trade data from the WTO is now available in one complete package. The boxed set brings together: Statistical Review of International Trade 2019 World Tariff Profiles 2019 Trade Profiles 2019

WORLD TRADE ORGANIZATION (WTO) Press provides quantitative information in relation to economic and trade policy issues. Its databases and publications provide access to data on trade flows, tariffs, nontariff measures, and trade in value added.


World Trade Statistical Review 2019 November 2019, 8 × 11, 180 pp paper, 9789287047786, $50.00

World Trade Statistical Review 2019 World Trade Organization

This report provides a detailed analysis of the latest developments in world trade, focusing on the most recent trends in goods and services trade and the participation of developing economies in world trade. The publication also looks ahead to future developments. The analytical chapters are complemented by a statistical appendix that includes more than sixty tables providing detailed data on trade by region and sector. The publication serves as an invaluable reference tool for researchers, policymakers, and anyone interested in international trade. Also available in French and Spanish.

Examen Estadístico del Comercio Mundial 2019 (Spanish Edition) November 2019, 8 × 11, 180 pp paper, 9789287047809, $50.00

Examen Statistique du Commerce Mondial 2019 (French Edition) November 2019, 8 × 11, 180 pp paper, 9789287047793, $50.00


L’Intégration du Commerce en Vue de la Réalisation des Objectifs de Développement Durable (French Edition) September 2019, 8 × 11, 70 pp paper, 9789287042743, $30.00

Mainstreaming Trade to Attain the Sustainable Development Goals World Trade Organization

The World Trade Organization (WTO) is central to achieving the UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which set targets to be achieved by 2030 in such areas as poverty reduction, health, education, and the environment. The SDGs emphasize the role of trade in promoting sustainable development and recognize the contribution the WTO can make to the 2030 Agenda. By delivering and implementing trade reforms that are pro-growth and pro-development, and by continuing to foster stable, predictable, and equitable trading relations across the world, the WTO will play an important role in delivering the SDGs, just as it did with the Millennium Development Goals before them. Also available in French and Spanish.

Mainstreaming Trade to Attain the Sustainable Development Goals May 2018, 8 × 11, 70 pp paper, 9789287042729, $30.00

Integración del Comercio para Alcanzar los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (Spanish Edition) September 2019, 8 × 11, 70 pp paper, 9789287042767, $30.00


World Tariff Profiles 2019 November 2019, 8 × 11, 250 pp paper, 9789287047489, $50.00

World Tariff Profiles 2019 World Trade Organization

World Tariff Profiles 2019 provides a unique collection of data on tariffs imposed by WTO members and other countries. It includes summary tables showing the average tariffs imposed by individual countries, as well as more detailed tables for each country, listing the tariffs each imposes on imports (by product group) and the tariffs each faces for exports to major trading partners. The profiles show the maximum tariff rates that are legally “bound” in the WTO and the rates that countries actually apply. Copublished with ITC and UNCTAD. Also available in French and Spanish.

Perfiles Arancelarios en el Mundo 2019 (Spanish Edition) November 2019, 8 × 11, 250 pp paper, 9789287048578, $50.00

Tarifaires dans le Monde 2019 (French Edition) November 2019, 8 × 11, 250 pp paper, 9789287048554, $50.00


January 2020, 8 × 11, 200 pp paper, 9789287041296, $50.00

The WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement and Its Relationship with Other WTO Agreements edited by Nora Neufeld

The Trade Facilitation Agreement is the first multilateral treaty adopted in the WTO since the organization was created. This book looks at how the agreement is structured and how it relates to existing WTO agreements, such as the Customs Valuation Agreement, the Agreement on Rules of Origin, the Agreement on Import Licensing, the Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade, the Agreement on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures, and the Agreement on Pre- Shipment Inspection. The publication includes the full text of the Trade Facilitation Agreement.


Hong Kong, China September 2019, 9 × 11, 200 pp paper, 9789287044167, $70.00

Trade Policy Review 2018 World Trade Organization

Each Trade Policy Review consists of three parts: a report by the government under review, a report written independently by the WTO Secretariat, and the concluding remarks by the chair of the Trade Policy Review Body. A highlights section provides an overview of key findings. Fifteen to twenty new review titles are published each year. The reviews consist of detailed chapters examining the trade policies and practices of the member and describing trade policymaking institutions and the macroeconomic situation; these chapters are preceded by the secretariat’s Summary Observations, which summarize the report and presents the secretariat’s perspective on the member’s trade policies.

Colombia Norway September 2019, 9 × 11, 200 pp September 2019, 9 × 11, 200 pp paper, 9789287043948, $70.00 paper, 9789287043986, $70.00

Guinea Conakry United States of America July 2019, 9 × 11, 200 pp October 2019, 9 × 11, 200 pp paper, 9789287048646, $70.00 paper, 9789287044228, $70.00

Mauritania Uruguay September 2019, 9 × 11, 200 pp October 2019, 9 × 11, 200 pp paper, 9789287043900, $70.00 paper, 9789287044006, $70.00

Nepal October 2019, 9 × 11, 200 pp paper, 9789287044204, $70.00


WTO Dispute Settlement: One-Page Case Summaries 1995–2018 July 2019, 8 x 11, 270 pp paper, 9789287049797, $40.00

WTO Dispute Settlement ONE-PAGE CASE SUMMARIES 1995–2018 World Trade Organization

WTO Dispute Settlement: One-Page Case Summaries 1995–2018 provides a succinct summary of the key findings of every dispute panel report up to the end of 2018 and, where applicable, the subsequent Appellate Body report. Each one-page summary consists of three sections: the core facts, the key findings of the reports, and, where relevant, other matters of particular significance. The disputes are presented in chronological order (by dispute settlement number). Two indexes at the end of the publication list the disputes by WTO agreement and by WTO member responding to the complaint.

Solución de Diferencias en la OMC: Resúmenes de Una Página por Caso 1995–2018 (Spanish Edition) December 2019, 8 x 11, 270 pp paper, 9789287049810, $40.00

Le Règlement des Différends dans le Cadre de l’OMC: Un Différend, Une Page 1995–2018 (French Edition) December 2019, 8 x 11, 270 pp paper, 9789287049803, $40.00


September 2019, 8 x 11, 530 pp paper, 9789287049865, $70.00

Aid for Trade at a Glance 2019 World Trade Organization

Aid for Trade at a Glance 2019 analyzes how trade contributes to economic diversification and empowerment by eliminating extreme poverty, particularly through the effective participation of women and youth. Aid for trade initiatives can contribute to those objectives by addressing supply-side capacity and alleviating trade-related infrastructure constraints, including for micro, small, and medium- sized enterprises (MSMEs), especially in rural areas. The analysis is based on the views of 133 respondents—including eighty-eight developing countries, thirty-five donors, five providers of South-South trade-related support, and five regional organizations— that participated in the World Trade Organization’s 2019 aid for trade monitoring and evaluation exercise. Participants shared the view that economic diversification is a gateway to economic empowerment, but also pointed out that empowerment is essential for economic diversification, particularly when it enables youth, women, and MSMEs to engage in international trade.


August 2019, 8 x 11, 50 pp paper, 9789287050083, $30.00

Trade Finance and the Compliance Challenge A SHOWCASE OF INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION World Trade Organization and International Finance Corporation

The availability of trade finance has become an increasingly important issue in the past few years. The growing reluctance of international banks to provide trade finance guarantees, particularly in developing countries, has reduced the capacity of local banks to provide credit to businesses wishing to trade. The result is a significant gap between the demand for and supply of trade finance. Small and medium-sized enterprises have been especially hard-hit by this trade finance gap. This book explores the global trade finance gap and the challenges of regulatory compliance and describes the efforts of international organizations, such as the World Trade Organization and the International Finance Corporation, to respond to this issue. Supplementing the analysis are case studies of capacity-building programs organized by multilateral development banks that aim to improve the availability of trade finance.

FALL 2019 29 Brookings Institution Press

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