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"5.8 magnitude earthquake jolted Lamjung" An earthquake measuring 5.8 magnitude hit Lamjung district early morning of 19 May, Wednesday at 5:42 am (NST) as per the National Earthquake Monitoring and Research Center (NEMRC). The epicenter of the quake was , Marshyangdi Rural Municipality in Lamjung district of . The tremor was felt in , the Gandaki Provincial Headquarter and Kathmandu, the capital city of including Gorkha, Tanahu and other neighbouring districts of Gandaki and . HRRP Bulletin Housing Recovery and Reconstruction Platform, Nepal


● Invitation to the upcoming webinar on “Post-earthquake urban housing recovery in Nepal: Challenges and Recommendations” scheduled for 9 June. ● A webinar report on NRA Disengagement and NDRRMA Engagement Plan ● A research report published on ”Post-earthquake Urban Housing Recovery in Nepal: Challenges & Recommendations” ● Monsoon Preparedness and Response Plan 2077 ● Covid-19 Response and Preparedness Plan ● Nepal Earthquake with its epicenter at Bhulbhule of Lamjung district in Gandaki Province,19 May. ● Urban Recovery Study: ongoing KII with urban stakeholders and local governments ● COVID-19 live updates from Ministry of Health and Population (MoHP)

FEATURED TECHNICAL STAFF STORY: Prakash Sanjel, Social Mobilizer, Bagmati Rural Municipality, Lalitpur

Prakash Sanjel, Social Mobilizer, Bagmati Rural Municipality, Lalitpur:

Prakash Sanjel has a long experience of working in the social mobilization sector before he joined as Social Mobilizer for the Bagmati Rural Municipality () appointed by DLPIU-Building, Lalitpur. He was assigned to oversee only three wards of the Gaunpalika and jointly with his colleagues, he handled responsibility of one ward. Tracking vulnerable benefciaries, sensitizing them for housing reconstruction, extending door-to-door assistance, supervision, monitoring, commitment Prakash Sanjel, collection for housing reconstruction and Social Mobilizer

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Bagmati Rural Municipality, construction completion certifcate distribution Lalitpur are some of his major responsibilities. Besides this, he also facilitated dialogue between earthquake afected benefciaries and local level government for generating required support for reconstruction.

According to Prakash, almost 80% housing construction was completed by the end of March 2021 in Bagmati Rural Municipality. Furthermore, COVID-19 pandemic has created obstacles to complete reconstruction within the timeframe of NRA. Mr. Sanjel proudly shares that because of dedication and tireless efort put forward by him and by a team of Mobile Masons, they were successful in supporting the reconstruction of houses for three vulnerable benefciaries.


NRA, CLPIU- GMaLI and CLPIU-Building, Grant Disbursement Data, as of 31 May 2021

*N/A indicates that the information source was not accessible at the time of reporting

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Progress with the disbursement of the GoN housing reconstruction and retroft grants based on NRA GMaLI CLPIU data as of 31 May 2021

You are invited to a Urban Webinar Series entitled “ Post-Earthquake Urban Housing Recovery in Nepal: Challenges & Recommendations” scheduled for 9 June 2021.

HRRP, together with Urban Reconstruction Technical Working Group (UR-TWG), CRS & UKAID would like to invite for the upcoming Urban Webinar/sharing session entitled “Sharing of Post-Earthquake Urban Housing Research Study Publication: ‘Post-Earthquake Urban Housing Recovery in Nepal: Challenges & Recommendations” scheduled for 9 June 2021. This Urban Webinar series1 will mainly focus on the dissemination of this newly-published report, inform about the publication and share in brief the identifed issues of urban housing recovery and the proposed recommendations, among the stakeholders. It will have a presentation followed by the expert commentators panel (national and international) remarks.

A webinar report on NRA Disengagement and NDRRMA Engagement Plan: On 10 May 2021, HRRP in consultation with National Reconstruction Authority (NRA) and National

1 About Urban Webinar Series: Urban Webinar Series is a virtual gathering for sharing learnings from Nepal’s post-earthquake urban housing recovery and intends to connect these learnings to longer term Nepal’s urban development visions in order to facilitate efcient, sustainable and inclusive urban settlement recovery. The Webinar Series intended to ofer a platform for national and international knowledge sharing on urban housing recovery issues, best practices and success stories.

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Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Authority (NDRRMA) organized an interaction meeting/ webinar with the objective of understanding NRA’s exit strategy and its disengagement plan (as it nears it mandate by end of Dec 2021) and the planned of NDRRMA including other government agencies and local governments. Dr. Chandra Bahadur Shrestha, Executive Committee Member from NRA and Mr. Anil Pokhrel, Executive Director form NDRRMA made a presentation followed by a brief question and answer session. It was explicitly mentioned that the transition process is already underway and therefore engagement of development partners and I/NGOs is very essential with all federal, provincial and local governments to make meaningful impact and make concerted eforts in promoting disaster resilient Nepal.

A new research report published on Post-earthquake Urban Housing Recovery in Nepal: Challenges & Recommendations:

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On 21 May, a new study report titled ‘Post-Earthquake Urban Housing Recovery in Nepal: Challenges & Recommendations (To contribute towards developing an urban recovery strategy)’ has been published by HRRP and the UR-TWG in collaboration with CRS-Nepal, NSET, LUMANTI and UKAID, with invaluable support and guidance from the GoN/NRA and NRA/Central Level Project Implementation Unit (CLPIU- Building).

The study consisted of a mix of qualitative and quantitative methods and was conducted in several earthquake-afected districts, starting January 2020. The study was completed in August 2020 and analysis was carried out, which provided a detailed diagnosis of urban recovery issues and helped identify key issues as major constraints hindering urban recovery such as access to fnance and land issues, among others with recommendations. Study was conducted with support from NRA, CLPIU-Building, GMaLI, DLPIUs and NRA technical staf, and core UR-TWG members (LUMANTI, NSET, CRS & HRRP). Involvement and support from national and international urban experts and institutions in-between was instrumental in the conducting of this research. The outcome of this research was recently published on 21 May 2021. Please click here for full report publication. For further information please contact - Bishan Wagle, Urban Coordination Ofcer, [email protected]

Urban Recovery Strategy Study update : Ongoing KII with urban stakeholders and local governments

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HRRP is coordinating the ongoing Urban recovery strategy study (March-June) on urban issues commissioned by NRA with technical support by NSET, CRS and HRRP. An independent consultant team with lead consultant, Mr. Surya Bhakta Sangachhe, Urban Expert, is leading the study. The objective of the study is to collate learning elements and prepare ground for integration of evidence-based urban strategies into specifc government Acts, Policies, Working procedures and Regulation.

As part of the study various high-level events, such as the consultative meeting of 02 April titled, “Taking Forward Urban Housing Reconstruction Strategic Issues” organized by the NRA/CLPIU-Building and supported by CRS, NSET, UKAID and HRRP was held in Kathmandu with the objective of obtaining endorsement on the study approach and to discuss key issues and gaps in the identifed policies and legal provisions in the context of ongoing urban recovery. Similarly, on 12 April, the NRA organized a follow-up validation team meeting with 5 expert members of the validation team to discuss issues that came up in the consultative meeting.

The consultant/study team is currently collating information, data and drafting the report sections while holding Key Informant Interviews (KIIs) with urban stakeholders, local governments among others. As of last week of May, around half of the planned KIIs (of 15) have been completed while others are in the pipeline for June and the KIIs schedule has been understandably impacted due to the COVID-19 2nd wave and the ongoing prohibitory orders in place. KIIs have so far been held with President of Municipal Association of Nepal (MuAN), CEO of Nepal Bankers Association (NBA), Chairperson of Maya Foundation, Managing Director of Dwarika’s Hotel, Advisor to Mayor of Lalitpur Metropolitan City (LMC), Ward Chair of Khokana, LMC and Microfnance Bankers’ Association (NMBA). More KIIs are being planned. Together with the KIIs, an analysis of issues coming out from these interviews is being done by the study team. Likewise, desk review of the NRA’s 22 policies and guidelines is also being carried out to understand any gaps. For more information, please write to - Bishan Wagle, Urban Coordination Ofcer; [email protected]

HRRP jointly with NRA and the partners organized webinar on the topic “Housing Recovery of Vulnerable Households (HHs): Lessons from the Field”

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On 28 May, HRRP in consultation with NRA and the partners, organized a partner sharing session entitled “Housing Recovery of Vulnerable Households (HHs): Lessons from the Field.” The objective of the sharing session was to share best practices of housing recovery and reconstruction eforts of vulnerable households and learn from each other’s experience. Mott MacDonald and CRS-Nepal shared their lessons learnt from the feld experience while Dr. Chandra Bahadur Shrestha from NRA, Ms. Jasmine Rajbhandary from World Bank and Mr Narayan Prasad Panday, Chairperson, Tadi Rural Municipality () and Mr. Om Bahadur Gurung, Chairperson, Dordi Rural Municipality (Lamjung district) respectively provided their feedback and comments on the working approach and ways of further scaling up the work at local levels. It was noted that engagement with local governments, use of local construction materials and holistic program support approach is critical for the overall housing recovery and reconstruction of vulnerable HHs. Accordingly, more intense coordination and collaboration with local governments is required to overcome the barriers of economic constraints, lack of information, geographical remoteness, social barriers and lack of family support faced by the vulnerable HHs. It is necessary for partners to come together to scale up housing reconstruction of vulnerable HHs so that no one is left behind in the reconstruction process. Such sharing sessions will continue through the Vulnerable Support Working Group (VSWG) in coming months. For more information, contact: HRRP General Coordination-Team Lead, Ruplal Aidi: [email protected]

Economic Impact Study Update: HRRP is coordinating the Economic Impact Study executed by a team of three independent consultants, technically supported by NRA. As of 31 May, 66% of 6,600 households have responded to survey questions. The COVID-19 pandemic has been the major issue that has impacted greatly in the timely completion of the survey questions. As of now, the consultants have completed key informant interviews (KII) with NRA Executive Members, NDRRMA Senior Executive Ofcials, development partners, I/NGO staf members including local government ofcials. For more information, contact HRRP District Management Team - Coordinator, Mr. Suf Mohammad Faiz (9851241401) [email protected]

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COVID-19 live updates from Ministry of Health and Population (MoHP) According to the Ministry of Health & Population (MoHP) website data, as of 30 May 2021, total cumulative new cases are 557,124 (Male-342,016 & Female-215,108) out of which 440,955 (79.15%) have recovered and 108,897 (19.55%) are undergoing medical treatment in isolation. A total of 7,272 (1.31%) people have lost their lives due to COVID-19 as of 30 May, MoHP data.

Current Nepal COVID-19 Pandemic Situation: Nepal experienced an unexpected surge in COVID-19 second wave infections in the last week of April consistently rising throughout May. During this period, hospitals in Kathmandu and other cities faced shortages of bed, oxygen, essential supplies and trained human resources. The situation has slightly improved after the intervention of humanitarian communities and medical equipment support received from diferent governments around the world. The government’s Social Welfare Council has requested all I/NGO members to divert 5-20% of their resources to the COVID-19 response. On 20 May, The UN Nepal’s Humanitarian Country Team (HCT) released Covid-19 Response and Preparedness Plan in response to the emerging health crisis. Likewise, the UN Resident Coordinator Ofce (UN-RCO) is monitoring the situation and releasing regular Situation Reports (SitReps) and issued Nepal COVID-19 Sitrep (as of 14 May) Nepal COVID-19 Sitrep (as of 28 May)

Monsoon Preparedness: The (GoN)/MoHA/NDRRMA has prepared the “Monsoon Preparedness and Response Plan-2077'' as part of disaster preparedness for this year With the monsoon approaching and COVID-19 second wave reaching its climax, the response plan stresses the importance of humanitarian actors acting in close collaboration and coordination with federal ministries, departments, Nepal Army, Nepal Police, Armed Police Force, Provincial Disaster Management Committee (PDMC), District Disaster Management Committee (DDMC), Local Disaster Management Committee (LDMC), national and international non-governmental organizations, development partners and private sectors. This plan includes delineated roles of the relevant stakeholders for

31 May 2021 Page 9 of 30 HRRP Bulletin Housing Recovery and Reconstruction Platform, Nepal preparedness and response based on the consultations with relevant stakeholders, technical and expert-level analysis, and risk estimation through past experiences.

Aa a pre-warning of the monsoon approaching nearer in addition to the present COVID-19 crisis, NDRRMA recently issued a press statement alerting the general public to be safe from natural disaster specially food and landslide.

Nepal Earthquake with its epicenter at Bhulbhule in Marshyangdi Rural Municipality#3 in Lamjung district : On 19 May 2021, Wednesday at 5:42 AM local time, the earthquake of 5.8 magnitude with subsequent aftershocks of 4 magnitude at 8:16 AM and and 5.3 magnitude at 8:26 AM, hit Lamjung district of Gandaki Province in Nepal as per the National Earthquake Monitoring and Research Center (NEMRC). According to information from local governments, 6 people were injured; 411 houses were fully damaged and 1,697 houses were partially damaged. The initial assessment of the loss and damage is ongoing by the local governments. Humanitarian organizations have been providing relief assistance through a one-door policy system under the leadership of the Lamjung District Administration Ofce (DAO). The details of the damage and response, click on the following situation reports here: Sitrep #1 (as of 19 May ) ; Sitrep # 2 (as of 23 May) & Sitrep # 3 (as of 30 May 2021). So far, Nepal Redcross Society (NRCS), CRS-Nepal, World Vision/RCDC, Namaste Kid Nepal, Cottage and Small Industries Federation, LWR/USAID/COPPADES, Kopila Nepal have been providing relief assistance to afected families on the ground through one door policy. A Task Force composed of Ward Chairperson, Ward Secretary, two technical staf and a local Police representative has been formed for data collection of the afected households to make a long-term reconstruction action plan jointly with the Provincial government. For more information, please contact HRRP National Coordination Ofcer, Rijan Gajurel, [email protected]


In Lalitpur, Mr. Purushottam Subedi has joined as Project Chief of DLPIU-GMaLI Lalitpur. Also, about 503 benefciaries have converted their benefciaries types from retroftting to reconstruction. Because of COVID-19 pandemic, DLPIUs (Building and GMaLI) Ofce has been operating through partial presence of staf on an alternate basis. Major works being

31 May 2021 Page 10 of 30 HRRP Bulletin Housing Recovery and Reconstruction Platform, Nepal carried out include data management, data reconciliation and verifcation of documentation for inspection of the third tranche.

In Bhaktapur, about 105 benefciaries have converted their benefciaries types from retroftting to reconstruction list while 32 benefciaries did conversion from reconstruction to retroftting. Tranche distribution has been halted due to delay in budget release.

In Kathmandu, 12 benefciaries were added to the reconstruction grant list after a legal hearing. Amidst the second wave of COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown in , CLPIU Building has requested all the DLPIUs to complete their backlog work such as inspection digitization, data management etc. As of now, 19,180 households have completed their housing reconstruction, while 26,835 houses are under construction, 23,737 benefciaries have received second tranche and 19,737 have received third tranche. So far, 97.5% of inspection digitization work has been completed. Collection of missing Partnership Agreement numbers within is ongoing, where engineers and social mobilizers will be supporting in this regard.

In Makwanpur, a district facilitation meeting was organized on 25 May. In the meeting, reconstruction progress of was shared. Out of 37,715 reconstruction benefciaries, 23,983 benefciaries have received third tranche, 29,061 received second tranche, and 35,076 benefciaries received frst tranche. Out of 10,247 retroft benefciaries, the frst tranche was received by 8,115 benefciaries and 127 benefciaries received the second tranche.

In Sindhupalchowk, DLPIU - Building is working on tranche certifcation and is also providing technical assistance. DLPIU - Building is also doing supervision, monitoring and quality control works of diferent government buildings like schools and hospital buildings. Despite the prohibitory orders imposed by the District Administration Ofce, DLPIU - GMaLI is providing supervision, monitoring, and quality control of on-going reconstruction of monasteries, tranche disbursement, and data reconciliation.

In Nuwakot, 1,169 earthquake benefciaries are listed into the vulnerable category. Accordingly 95% of them have received frst tranche and second tranche on an average from the eligibility vulnerable criteria, while 84% of benefciaries have completed their

31 May 2021 Page 11 of 30 HRRP Bulletin Housing Recovery and Reconstruction Platform, Nepal reconstruction. There are now 593 retroftting benefciaries remaining in the district. However, only 5% of the retroft benefciaries have completed retroftting of houses.

In Kavrepalanchowk, DLPIU engineers have prioritized digitization for fle inspection and backlog data cleaning, management, and update. Some district ofce engineers have been attending ofce alternatively to complete health post reconstruction and other remaining work. GMaLI has been working remotely and only key staf have been attending on the need basis. Majority of the tranche distribution process from DLPIU-Building has been completed. In case of a request from other government authorities and other work priorities, GMaLI chief and responsible staf are attending and addressing their request support. Due to the delay in grant allocation from the Ministry of Finance, minimum grant processing is ongoing from the GMaLI ofce. GMaLI has verifed the problems and errors occurred at the bank and addressed those issues.

In Lamjung, the District Facilitation and Coordination Committee Meeting was held on 12 May to discuss issues regarding dummy accounts. The meeting concluded with two major decisions; Firstly, the necessary information and details regarding dummy accounts will be provided to the local level for further coordination with respective benefciaries. After that, the local level will provide details of all the relevant benefciaries within 15 days and provide the details to DLPIU - GMaLI for further process. Secondly, banks should provide details of the benefciaries within three days, whose dummy accounts have not been activated.

HRRP District Coordination Team Bhaktapur, Lalitpur Monthly Report, 22 Apr - 26 May 2021

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Ward-4, Changunarayan Municipality, Bhaktapur: Two-roomed house built of hollow concrete bricks, a fexible roof in plan and has used salvaged materials. The house owner is a single woman and falls into the vulnerable benefciary category. Team of Mobile Masons and Social Mobilizers were involved in the housing reconstruction. The house owner has already received the frst tranche and he has jointly processed applications for the second and third tranche.

HRRP District Coordination Team Dolakha, Ramechhap, Sindhuli Monthly Report, 22 Apr - 26 May 2021

Ward-7, Khadadevi Rural Municipality, Ramechhap: Stone in Mud Mortar (SMM) under construction with RCC band and attic. The house owner has applied for the third tranche. The house owner has received the second tranche and has applied for the third tranche.

HRRP District Coordination Team Kathmandu Monthly Report, 22 Apr - 26 May 2021

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Ward-3, Gokarneshwor Municipality, Kathmandu: Two storey RCC structure house listed under retroftting category. The house had 9” X 9'' columns.

HRRP District Coordination Team Kavrepalanchok Monthly Report, 22 Apr - 26 May 2021

Ward-5, Chaurideurali Rural Municipality, Kavrepalanchowk: Stone with Mud Mortar (SMM) house construction is completed. Mobile Mason supported house construction under technical guidance from ward technical staf. The house owner has received upto second tranches from the Government Housing Grant and has applied for subsequent tranche.

HRRP District Coordination Team Makwanpur Cluster Monthly Report, 22 Apr - 26 May 2021

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Ward-7, Bhimphedi Rural Municipality, Makwanpur: Brick in Cement Mortar (BMC) house under construction with CGI roofng with concrete block structure with two rooms. House owner has received only the frst tranche only from the Government Housing Grant and has applied for the subsequent tranche.

HRRP District Coordination Team Solukhumbu Cluster Monthly Report, 22 Apr - 26 May 2021

Ward-3, Mahakulung Rural Municipality, Solukhumbu: Stone in Mud Mortar (SMM) House with wooden band. The house owner has received all the tranches from the Government Housing Grant.

HRRP District Coordination Team Rasuwa, Nuwakot Monthly Report, 22 Apr - 26 May 2021

Ward-12, Bidur Municipality, Nuwakot: Stone Mud Mortar (SMM) house under construction supported by DLPIU’s Mobile Mason. The house owner has received a second tranche from the Government Housing Grant.

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HRRP District Coordination Team Sindhupalchowk Monthly Report, 22 Apr - 26 May 2021

Ward-4, Helambu Rural Municipality, Sindhupalchwok: Load Bearing Structure house Brick and Cement Mortar Masonry (BMC) with RCC bands and CGI roofng. The house owner has received all the tranches from the government housing grant.

HRRP District Coordination Team Lamjung Monthly Report, 22 Apr - 26 May 2021

Ward-6, Dordi Rural Municipality, Lamjung: Single-Storey Load Bearing Stone Masonry in Cement Mortar (SMC) house with plinth area less than 1000 sq feet. The house has all the horizontal and vertical RCC bands at all levels with a fexible foor. The house owner has received a third tranche from the Government Housing Grant.

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FEATURED STORY Prakash Sanjel, Social Mobilizer, Bagmati Rural Municipality, Lalitpur: Prakash Sanjel has long experience of working in the social mobilization sector before he joined as Social Mobilizer for Bagmati Rural Municipality (Gaunpalika), appointed by DLPIU Building Lalitpur. He was assigned to oversee only three wards of the Gaunpalika and jointly with his colleagues, he handled responsibility of one ward. Tracking vulnerable benefciaries, sensitizing them for housing reconstruction, extending door to door assistance, supervision, monitoring, commitment collection for housing reconstruction and construction completion certifcate distribution are some of his major responsibilities. Besides this he also facilitated dialogue between earthquake afected benefciaries and local level government for generating required support for reconstruction.

He also initiated a social media platform whereby the entire NRA deployed social mobilizers in 14 highly earthquake afected districts connected in the same platform to share and compile success stories, case studies, best practices and achievements in housing reconstruction, especially of vulnerable benefciaries.

According to him, almost 80% housing construction was completed by the end of March 2021. Furthermore, COVID-19 pandemic has created obstacles to complete reconstruction within the timeframe of NRA. Mr. Sanjel proudly shares that because of dedication and tireless efort by his team, they were successful in supporting the reconstruction of houses of three vulnerable benefciaries. He is also grateful towards benefciaries, who have taken their suggestions in positive ways that has further helped to create a conducive environment in connecting to the whole process of housing reconstruction. At the end, he

31 May 2021 Page 17 of 30 HRRP Bulletin Housing Recovery and Reconstruction Platform, Nepal added that their contract is ending in July 2021 as the NRA mandate approaches to end in December 2021, despite the remaining house reconstruction caseloads.

CASE STORY Rajiv Bhujel, 12 years old, has been living with his aunt for the past four years. He is a resident of Bidur Municipality ward no 12, Nuwakot district . He is currently studying at class seven. He lost his father during the Gorkha Earthquake 2015. He used to stay in a temporary shelter along with his brother and sister which was supported by a social organization. His days were sorrowful after his mother eloped three years before.

He and his siblings had a dream to have their own house, but that was merely a dream after their mother had disappeared with a second tranche from the NRA. Their aunt is now supporting them for their daily needs after such pitiful conditions. Their mother had constructed till plinth level, but they don't have enough money for further reconstruction. Though some social organizations have supported their education, there was no one to support house reconstruction. He forgot his dream to be in his house.

His aunt coordinated with local governments and POs to start housing reconstruction, but there was some technical issue to complete reconstruction support. She met ward chairperson and other organization representatives but they found it difcult to start reconstructing after plinth level.

Upon the referral of the local ward chairperson Sabina Pandey visited his house for further support. Soon after that, she

31 May 2021 Page 18 of 30 HRRP Bulletin Housing Recovery and Reconstruction Platform, Nepal managed a trained mason from DLPIU and neighbors provided unskilled labor. Housing reconstruction was completed within 15 days. Now, Rajiv and his siblings have their own house. Four children are delighted to have their own house in a short period of time.

Households Grant Type Conversion Number of households switching to grant type (May 2021): This data has been collected from the DLPIU ofces by the HRRP District Coordination Teams. It will be updated as more information is received.

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Districts No of benefciaries No of benefciaries converting from Retroftting converting from to Reconstruction Reconstruction to Retroftting Arghakhanchi 34 0 Baglung 50 0 Bhaktapur 107 33 Bhojpur 387 2 Chitwan 563 1 Dhading 2,893 1 Dhankuta 158 18 Dolakha 1,689 19 Gorkha 3,329 33 Gulmi 224 8 Kaski 219 0 Kathmandu 138 132 Kavrepalanchowk 2,103 51 Khotang 524 2 Lalitpur 495 0 Lamjung 202 0 Makwanpur 3,550 17 Myagdi 40 9 Nawalparasi 73 0 Nuwakot 1,104 4 Okhaldhunga 3,728 0 Palpa 173 10 Parbat 353 0 Ramechhap 4,750 0 Rasuwa 155 0 Sankhuwasabha 101 1

Sindhuli 1,567 6 Sindhupalchowk 270 6 Solukhumbu 142 0 Syangja 227 37

Tanahun 439 2 Grand Total 29,786 392

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Households Returning NRA Grant Number of households returning NRA Grant (May 2021): As of May 2021, 2,530 benefciaries have voluntarily returned their tranche amount to the NRA. This data has been collected from the DLPIU ofces. It will be updated as more information is received.

Districts Benefciaries Returning Tranche

Bhaktapur 13

Dhading 27

Dolakha 278

Gorkha 231

Kathmandu 29

Kavrepalanchowk 218

Khotang 153

Lalitpur 242

Makwanpur 30

Nuwakot 435

Okhaldhunga 51

Ramechhap 65

Rasuwa 5

Sankhuwasabha 33

Sindhuli 142

Sindhupalchowk 578

Grand Total 2,530

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Vulnerable Households Reconstruction

Vulnerable Households Reconstruction (May 2021): Out of the total 18,505 NRA identifed vulnerable households, 89% (16,558) have received the frst tranche, 70% (12,928) have received the second tranche and 61% (11,358) have received the third tranche. In total 2,698 HHs have been supported by various partner organizations.

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Grievances Data Update: As of May 2021, 15,643 grievances have been addressed by NRA, out of which 7,919 HHs have been enlisted as reconstruction benefciaries and 7,724 as retroftting benefciaries.

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Baliyo Ghar Surakshit Nepal| 21 May 2021: This episode focused on how the National Reconstruction Authority (NRA) is planning its exit strategy while the reconstruction is greatly impacted by COVID-19 second wave with ongoing prohibitory orders issued by many districts including in the capital by Kathmandu valley’s District Administration Ofces (DAOs) since 28 April 2021 with restriction of movements including halt on domestic and international air fights The program airs on Nepal Television every Friday 7:00 PM and every Saturday 10:30 AM.


Monthly e-newsletter of NRA April 2021

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Reconstruction Caseload Remaining (May 2021)

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Retroftting Caseload Remaining (May 2021)

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Vulnerable Households Reconstruction Caseload Remaining (May 2021)

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Urban Reconstruction Caseload Remaining (May 2021)

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Coverage of Socio Technical Assistance (May 2021): This is based on 5W data collection, May 2021.

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Palika Profles (Municipal Reconstruction and Retroftting Municipal Dataset on Reconstruction Profles) Information Pack Reconstruction

CSV, PDF The recovery profles contain This highlights A composite dataset for 282 various updates on the the reconstruction and retroftting municipalities (urban status, reconstruction and recovery at the progress in all 32 damage grade, reconstruction, Municipal level for all 282 earthquake-afected districts at the retroftting and vulnerable HHs as earthquake-afected municipal level. This data is updated identifed by NRA can be assessed municipalities. The municipalities by HRRP district staf in close here as CSV and PDF). The dataset is are updating the profles on a coordination with municipal focal updated by the municipalities with monthly basis with technical persons. The links will be support from HRRP. support from HRRP. automatically updated to provide the reconstruction snapshot (PDF) for the month.

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