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3-14-1941 Spectator 1941-03-14 Editors of The pS ectator

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Z— Boo Vol. VIII.— No. 20 SEATTLE, WASHINGTON, FRIDAY, MARCH 14, 1941 Tibbett-Radio, Stage, Screen Star- TAYLOR RIVER NEXT Yearly Frosh Sore Point Creates Discusses Swing,But Prefers Opera HIKE DESTINATION Furor at Meet; Fr, Corkery Speaks By MARJORIE STAPLES On Sunday, March 16th, the and McMurray Try hiking will holdits next jaunt. McGowan Five minutes strolled leisurely "Good? Then club — we, photographer,another Taylor River well-known for its QUEEN, PRINCESS ADV.BUSINESSLAW Co-Chairmen Of Plans; >y as a -- enticing and I, wait- beautiful and scenery will eporter, a taxidriver outing. For April 25th ed, glued expectantly on a Journalism" be the destination of this Date Set eyes fifty OFFERED earby door. Through that door The river is situated some SOUGHT FOR ANNUAL NOW TOBE Seattle and is near Debating wildly on opposite "alked Lawrence Tibbet, Amer- Says Professor miles from greatest baritone, star of Snoqualmie Falls. counts, Freshman students ca's to An advanced course in Business tage, screen and radio, four con- The students will be carried HOMECOMING DANCE upper "If you're good, I'd encourage the site in a special truck which Law will be offered during the vied with classmen last ecutive times chosen "Best Clas- only College question singer" by the radio editors you to try it, but if you're— has been engaged by the Hiyu The Annual Seattle Spring Quarter. The course will Friday on a yearly cal on the subject then Homecoming has been announced wll, a veteran of the Metropolitan lukewarm Cole Club. The entire fee is 75c cover Federal Legislation affect- of Advisory Board represen- no." Thus Professor Merritt E. are the week-end of April 25th )pera Company, presented with and all interested students for - ing business, most of which has tation. Student interest in by Benson spoke to the assembled urged to see either Father Gaff- by co-chairmen, Peggy Ann Mi \e Litteris et Artibus medal been enacted during the past few Sweden, just un- members and pledges of Gamma ney, Betty Jo Sullivan, or Mary Gowan and Joe McMurray. Exten- this old item reached a high le King of an Sigma Alpha journalism at their years. It is devoted to a study ssuming, non-posing American, on Agnes Sullivan. The truck will sive plans are being laid for the point before Student Body first formal initiation, March 6. college at o'clock, entertainment of the graduates at of recent decisions of the United le father of three boys! My first leave the 8 Kelly called short "The field, at present, is crowd- promptly. not said this traditional celebration. How- States Supreme Court and touches President mpression smote me that here was Mass will be daily im- ed with poor or medium workers, at Taylor ever the most pressing question matters of interest and the debate and published a man's man. Not only was I people get- River. portance. I enjoyed and while mediocre are Betty Jo Sullivan, president of at the present is that of the elec- notice for voting to be held nmensely thrilled, but ting jobs, journalism looking presence. is for the club, says, "Judging from the tion of the queen and the Among the matters to be cov- very moment in his brighter Opportunities later. jovial smiie recruits. weather that we've had during the princesses. ered by the course are the facts With that famous are much better, and the reward the world over, he ex- past week, Sunday should be an Two girls are to be nominated behind the Sit-Down Strike in the Home coming chairmen for familiar is worthwhile to those trained in Freshman, Apex Hosiery Company a hearty hand- ideal day for a hike. There are from the Sophomore, in Phila- McGowan tended his hand for fields of economics, political sci- this year are Peggy "What a shame Ihaven't only a few more months left to and Junior classes at the respec- delphia, Pa., where the workers shake. ence, and related fields." be factory and Joe McMurray. Plans are my golf clubs with me. Isn't this our school year, so I hope that tive class meetings and will took over and held the for The occasion, initiation and ban- period a lovely day?" Mr. Tibbett's sur- as many students will attend this submittedto the student body vote a considerable of time. The being formulated for this quet of Gamma Sigma Alpha, was question considered the legal- prisingly deep rich voice filled the Sweden, hike as is possible." for final selection. is event which is to take place held at LittleBit of where ity of such a strike in regard to charming room at the Olympic the intricacies of the smorgasbord the week of April 28 to May Hotel. He possesses a gracious its interference with the trans- were shown to non-Swedish eaters. portation goods manner that immediately dispels meal, short talk of in interstate 3. Following the a Who'llItBe This Year? commerce. all uneasiness. given by Father Carmody, S. Rev. Francis E. Corkery, Presi- was College, ad- "As my secretary, Mr. Evans, J., guest the group. Another subject of present in- dent of Seattle in his of Body an- as doubtless been telling you, Initiation was then held, which terest covered by the course is the dress to the Student c succeeded in visiting Seattle made members of Bettie Kumhera, Sherman Anti-Trust Act. In the nourced the establishment of an bout every other year," he boom- Doc Schweitzer, Larry McDonnell, past few years renewed effort has employment agency at the College? d pleasantly. As the conversa- and Bill Berridge. A reception been made by the Government in All students who are interested on drifted to various musical talk was given by Father Keenan, the enforcement of this act and in the employment bureau may opics, Tibbett's hearty laugh fre- S. J., moderator of the Aegis and of the Clayton Act. A number of regi&ter with the Dean of Women, uently rang out. In a merry, Spectator. . the cases decided during the last Mrs. Marie Leonard. ght-hearted spirit, he related per- Mr. Benson stressed need of term of the Supreme Court will The main speaker for the Fresh- onal incidents proving that "music journalism in fields of labor re- be considered, among them being man amendment were Bernie O'- lath power to soothe the savage lations. Modern newspapers need the Borden Milk case, the Gaso- Brien and Roscoe Balch. Dick Bam- >east" as well as a cow. To illus- men with backgrounds of ethics line case and others. mert asked that this amendment rate his point, he hummed a few and related subjects. "There are to any amendment, field," The course will be open be tabled until another >ars of a number, pointing out the no competent men in that student of junior or senior stand- which would permit Juniors to said, speaking of labor condi- iuse which a cow filled with a he ing and to any student having com- take office in Spring quarter, was )erfectly timed "Moo-o-o." Inci- tions. pleted courses Nos. 54 and 55 in ready for submission to the stu- ently, unexpected "Since the depression and the this assistance reporters Business Law. dent body for discussion. ompletely broke up the rendition New Deal, the old time place, bright that song. are going. In their youngsters who know economics, Mr. Tibbett is the easiestperson science, banking and fin- the to Neither political in world interview. ance,-aw coming up- They are the A nor does he remind Want Job? by word act Business Wants needed The top type that are now. you of his high position on apparent for interpretation i>f the musical sphere. He loves need is of the events taking place in this You, to swim, usually has his golf clubs "In other words," Says Dean Of Women complex world. tours, on with him on and relies he concluded, "the need for an calisthenics for exercise. analyst of worldevents is the per- Principle thought uppermost in Mary Ellen Petrich and Madelyne Hello, Mrs. Leonard? Yes, can Has Advantage While Verdi's lesser known son needed now." college student's minds today was: Paquin, Junior candidates; and you send me a chauffeur for the "Also, the college's central Boccanegra" may be Margaret Scheubert, Eileen Mc- Fine! You pera, "Simon Who will be the final choice of afternoon? You can? location speaks favorably for the onsidered his favorite role, Law- Bride, and Nora Brown, candidates don't know how much Iappreciate the field of beauties selected by odd job department. Our plans in- rence Tibbett loves all music. He for princess and Queen of Home- your Seattle College Employment clude a wide distribution of car- >refers the stage with a live audi- Judges Act At class representatives at meetings corning Week. Bureau! toon cards advertising professional held this week for the Homecom- McHugh, picture is nce to a microphone or. camera. Ellen whose Within a few weeks, Mrs. Leon- S. C window washers, excellent js 1 ing and her Selected above, year's - ideas on swing music are in- Queen court? graced last throne- ard's phone will be singing with lawn mowers, experienced base- vague, among the various classes were: as with Jane Marx, Fresh- ined to be a bit in that Meeting Queen praises as it gleefully carries mes- ment-cleaners, willing gardeners, popular music. Hear- March Rita Geis and Helena Brown, the man princess, Mary Buchanan, Se- le likes some sages of hope and thanksgiving to faithful baby-tenders, and careful Freshman candidates for princess; princess, Margaret Scheubert, ng classics and semi-classics nior many employers with- chauffeurs.Not includedin odd- With the flaring up of the old Betty Connell and Mary Schiltz, Kay Leonard, Sophomore prin- students and the swung" offends him as it does and in the business and residential dis- job department are many other II lovers of music. "For me," he question, "Whether Freshmen Sophomore candidates for princess; cess as her court. representation on tricts of Seattle! Do you need occupations as: cooking, clerking, emarked, "such an arrangement should be given the Advisory Board," the Judicial work? How would you like a part cleaning, cashiering, carpentry, f a belovedselectionas Schubert's time position usherette, cashier, care-of-children, art work, adver- Aye it of Board made an important decision as Maria" robs all the Body meet- PHOTOGRAPHY, receptionist? Or are you one of tising, accounting, drafting, deliv- >eautiful associations." at the March Student St. Mary--S. C. GOLF ing. amendment proposed those students who have long ering, entertaining, janitor, news- to struggling young The Of interest the necessary requirements for cherished a desire to clerk at Fred- paper, salesman, proof reading, oil ngers may be this statement: had passage but many of the amend- Debate Held. One NEW SPRING COURSES erick and Nelsons ? station, shipping clerk, and radio 'here is no dearth of talent today; opposers wished the amend- service. is in America ment's Interested? lere as much talent ment to be shelved until a later s Tonight :Come, gather 'round, my merry Wide Opportunity there ever was. Opera is ex- Judicial Board rendered More If you are, step into Mrs. Leon- auding, the concert field is ex- date. The detectives and puzzle over the "In a talk with Mr. Hollis, di- the decision that the amendment question of "who ard's office today, pay your dol- aiiding; with this European war, ! chased whom rector of the University Employ- must be read at the March meet- Last evening at 8 o'clock in the around what and why and when."' lar registration fee, and fill out oung people should have even College Building William Egan the application cards. With luck ment Bureau," continued Mrs. yen ing. |Ami if you can't decide who the greater opportunities for suc- judicial pointed and Joseph McGrath, represented and Mrs. Leonard on your side, Leonard, "I learned that an un- musically." Board members culprit is, then surely 'tis time dertaking of may go ess proposed amend- St. Mary's College in California on you will gain your ambition within this size out that since the for you to enrol! in the new As Mr. Tibbett accompanied me signed by ten per a dpabte against John Robinson | a very short while. For a full-time rather slowly at first. However, ment was cent i course being'offered this quarter to the door, my greatest Wonder members; was and Roscoe Baleh of Seattle Col- job, a two dollar registration fee if the students back the enterprise, of the Association Crlntfnology. Mr. Archie Itichard-1 lay in that so famous a great secretary lege's intercollegiate debate squad bring in their registrations, evince presented to the in writ- son, director of the King County j is required, with five percent of! singer could be so completely ing by of the signers with the The question was, "Resolved: That the first month's salary as your a personal interest, the project > one [Peace Officers Training School 111 leaps natural. .. Behind that voice lies names of the signers; and was the nations of the Western Hemi- indication of gratitude. grows by and bounds. a powerful personality! days previous to sphere should enter into a perman- jto be the teacher. "Can't you see the scope, the posted seven the Many other new courses are be- meeting, then it had to be read ent union." The debate was open Many Cooperate far-flung influence of this under- to public. in;' offered. One of those getting| taking?," she at the specific meeting In which the (ireat words of commendation pleaded. "Students Mr. Egan, senior class president,la great deal of attention these] who it was presented. be showered on Mrs. otherwise could not attend Mr. McGrath, student day.3 is the course in photography should college will privileged TripleCount Taken Only two members of the Judi- and honor efficient, pa- be to en- and of li»40 to be offered in the l'hysics Lab.j Leonard to extol her cial Board are necessary to make member the football tient, roll in college. Pont you see? ... i Maybe it's the nice spring weather long hours of hard work! The made ■quad are both from San Fran- i that's why I instituted this work. To a decision. decision was or possibly, there is some "An employment a , Choose Beauties justice to cisco. This is the sixth year that other Bureau Is Over a hundred Btudentß are af- rapidly to accord the Mary's reason, but interest in the necessity," beamed, The St. has sent a team on Ij course absolute she fected right now. An employment waiting students concerned. tour, is high. eyes radiating Pacific Northwest debate and enthusiasm. "I've ;iu is a powerful drawing The honor of representing t!ie three members of the board did courses thinking about it for bun card besides the college the team is also Several new music have been a long for any school. Although at pres- ">eshmen at the annual Home- not meet to decide the case because meeting University Washing- been Retdy, .'. It wasn't until the last three majority is all the of added and Father time. ent, we must limit the service to 'oming dance falls this year to a of two members ton on Friday. The debaters from|J. urges all students to Weeks, however, that I actually necessary case. take the to Rtudenta of Seattle College, wo charming girls, Helena Brown that is to decide a Mary's V. on courses, began composed of St. ipoke at Portland I"Music Appreciation" an registration! were chosen from a field of nine Al Plachta,Chief Judge; Stan Con- for full-time jobs. C. at Pullman on March 17 and the A course entitled "Income Tax': Hughes, we have contacted at least Jesuit m-tty candidates nominatedBy the roy,Junior Judge, und ISill Moffat. at Pocatello March firms Rhodes, The Fathers are thrilled. Judge, ready all U. of Idaho has been added to the accounting ten Including |fag* Immensely pleased at the bright las.-. Sophomore is at 20. curricula this quarter. be nliii, The March*, McDoug- times to protect the students' To Bon outlook. Now it s the students' One of the two will be tin- at- The rivalry between St. Mary's ii -idle for this, a student must Best's, Frederick & Wlson's, rights in the constitution. They . all's turn. Get your registration in to ii'iant of who and Seattle College is high be- ha- ■' liad ten hours either Ac- Kartells', Bmst's, Mannings', the Senior Queen require officers of the of ronii a financial backbone to work will be chosen to rule over this all associ-l eaUM of their annual debates in Counting or College Algebra. Penney'S, and Sears and Koelmck. ation to comply with the associ- l from. If can get firmk I home coming. The other ca.i- Seattle, and an interested crow. spotlight Everybody is simply lovely. They we ears ation's constitution and by-lawsi Occupying the In the tahlished now, all will be going idates were: Mary 811611 (iallivan, turned out. ■port program is Uewlj in just couldn't be any nicer in offer- and shall decide all questions aris-j Kappa Delta junior for- the full swing by next fall!" \niia O'l.eary, Mary Fran 0 iI The li stituted course In H"lt'. With the ing their full cooperation. All the ing from the constitution and by- ;ensic tournament at the College of Where there is work to be done, " riis:■inaii, licrnice (Jaffney, Edna advrni of spring, tile urge to !>' hanks, insurance companies, law laws. It may instigate proceeding*'- Pusret Sound in Tacoma will he there do we find our little Dean of lac Farrel, and Jean Kennanl. > » vision of impromptu speaking at heard to remark that he do— ntn t advantage .. . downtownmen ac- that the Freshmen cooperate with any person who tries to be funny, the recent tournament at Linfield know how they are going to get tually prefer Seattle College stu- WANTED ! the Aegis staff in their work on|while Eddie Cantor is frankly sur- will enter oratory as well as de- jtime in for all the students. Init dents to University Students be- 1 A GIRL for part time employment. that publication. His plea was nut jpriced whenever he hears a joke bate, as will several other mem- Ithej'll manage if the stii'l.-n's cause they are nearer to that dis-1 Room and board plus $15 a mo. with an enthusiastic response. Ithat is new. bers of the squad. I just Hign up. trict. Please see Mrs. Leonard. Friday, March 14, 1941 2 THE SPECTATOR THE SPECTATOR Cute Little Trick... Official publication of the Associated Students of Seattle College. THE STUDENT So You Are The One December, Friday during the scholastic INFORMALLY H Founded 1932. Published Street, Seattle, ) year. Business Address: Broadway and East Marion . Who Calls Me Honey Advertising Washington. Subscription Rate: 50 cents per Quarter. OBSERVER liy MARY ELLEN BKTEB Rates on applications. By Bill KeHr A Chinese father loses face among his family, his friends and his Did you ever play on words? EDITORIAL STAFF business associates if his child commits a misdemeanor. The Chinese We have too, but usually only in - — is supposed Gregor MacGregor ...... Editor-in-Chief maintain that it is the father's duty to his country, neighbors and classes oh, but that Editor This Turkey ... to be off the record. The other Mary Williams News liimselt to train his children properly. Consequently, if a Chinese child day we sitting in the library Bob LaLanne - Feature Editor A Lull... is naughty his father must take the blame. Chinese children are were — with absolutely —no practically Bill Berridge - Sports Editor careful not bring sorrow to their parents, for obedience to parents — .... One Hope... to nothing to do except of course NEWS STAFF— Dick Bammert, Abner DeFelice, Mary Doherty, B. is considered the first of all virtues. essays, theses, and other such triv- Pardon the low pun, but Turkey almost among children. One J. Dunham, Catherine McHale, Bill Moffa'. Mary Ellen Nachtsheim. Delinquency is nonexistent Chinese ialities. Brown, Lois today is very like its American reason may he that they haven't time to get in trouble. They not Louise Smythe, Rosemary Weil, Betty Weil, Juanita day — spied dictionary Gaffney, Mary namesake on the after Thanks- only attend American schools until three o'clock in the afternoon but Well we a and Ruddy, Betty Jo Sullivan, Rodney Burgh, Bernice giving— It has been and nothing to do, we de- drawn also Chinese school from four to seven o'clock. There they learn with better Hughes, Beverly Bell, Marielene McGinnis. quartered. To go back a bit,-Tur- cided to play on some words. key has undergone many changes language, history, Confucious. FEATURES— BiII Kelly, Joe Eberharter, Mary Ellen Beyer, Mar ADVENTURE thought first Marjorie the last quarter century. De- MY GREATEST GUSTATORY We that at we garet Scheubert, Frances McGuire, Catherine Mayer, in you spell Afgan- feat in the World War saw Turkey By Booth Tarkington would tell how to Staples, Pat Cramer. considerably weakened by her vic- Aged ten, returning famished from skating, I found in the pantry istan, but we look and looked in — extremely eloquent SPORTS Bill Berridge, Doc Schweitzer, Bob Dempsey. tors. There was a collapse polit- four full-sized pumpkin pies, unattended. Morally undermined, Iate Mr. Webster's — — Ganzini, Murphy. ically, a natural result of losing a pie. Fairly excited, Iate the second pie. Happy, I work and were unable to find it TYPISTS Lucy Savage, Ida Ptt all of the first perhaps we don't Beyer. war. Turkey lost territory. She give up remaining so, and began the third. Enthusiasm de- it's because HEADLINE EDlTOR— Teresa could not how to spell either. lost a valuable trade with Ger- myself the third pie know it parted; but out of a sense of duty to Iate all of Wandering to less strenuous BUSINESS STAFF many whose middlemanshe was in creeping me. _ - — Business and a section of the fourth before a illness seized fields we came upon more common Ted Blanchette near Eastern commerce with the again to eat pumpkin pie. Failed. - Manager contemplated to Baghdad Aged thirty-five, I tried words and so now have decided to Marjorie Staples Circulation Berlin people thought nothing of tackling a railroad. She had to adjust her- Hodgepodge: In the 1900's define some of the average college Tony - - Exchange Manager figured out fogs in London vocabulary. Buhr self to a world ruled by Britain, fourteen-coursedinner: A statistical! that student's ■M— ■»!!■■ '«» »«"»»"■ »OV««TI.IM. .V France and the U. S. cost about $26,001,600 annually; H. G. Wells stated that the three Aristotle; Giving Here are some terms of "inde- NationalAdvertisingService,lnc. * # * greatest men in history were Christ, Buddha and employed by Puilitlurt Ktpnumlmliv cament" the Co-Joe's CotUtf Turkey splendid money to beggars on the street hurts the recipient, society, and or- — 420 MADISON AVI. N«W YOKK. N.Y. Rut did a task to explain the Co-Eds: Honey a ■ son, urges — CNICA4O " iOITOB " *<>" AMILtt S»" F»AMCI«C of rebuilding her nation. A pa- ganized charity, says an expert; Mussolini's Vittorio, that sweet vicid fhiid especially that ternal dictator, Kemal, eradicated "Italian youth learn to be above war'ssorrow,seeing only its beauties"; elaborated by bees— out of the nec- many of the lethargic customs of When young, Napoleon tried to gain distinction as a writer of history; tar of flowers" romantic, huh? "Boss" Kelly govern- ... the East. He modernized men's clothing 8.3 pounds. Boys, remember the next time— you ment and customs. He played ball call your gal friend "honey" she with his neighbors, Britain and Mood not only is fluid but is something Press Parade With France. He shared the prosperity ItTTheTPress A Creative that the bees put away for the which came to the East through future. Cute Little Triek— a trite the mandates from the League of but often used phrase about the Hy im ILast night Iwas assailed "Nations to Britain* * and* France. jßj a maddening yen for cake current "sweet potato. "Cute" is Views On The News Iw dsm Then lots of thought entailed defined in the dictionary as "bow- 1» mSBHS But then came the hurricane. H^hl "st wliat kind t() bake- legged." "Little" is fairly obvious Unexpectedly ! H^^^eSß^^^^ J — the Axis powers : ■°"' ' " "' and "trick" is defined as some l 1 1 a P'neaPP'c upside-down European RfpflßKa m ' — crafty or By Bob La Lanne loomed as the rulers of "^'"' '"' U|l" artifice a deceitful con- ■B9S E^aV a ms angel food. policy. Turkey's toe-hold in Eu- ■ffi . >«A Picking the first, 1 went to town trivance or procedure. Old man Probably the funniest joke of the week was the way the chem. lab. rope 4S\ goes on withits classical Istanbul was R^jffll ' '■''' '' ' '''iativ'' """"'■ Webster to still further politcians toppled all the frosh arguments from their hopeful pedestal in a precarious position inits cor- "--v^-'SiL.Abß elaborations but we can glean fiery body meeting mainly with the It was ' (l that during the student which dealt ner of the Balkans. feared ' l"'<>o r'' '' to measure, sift and from the above information issue of freshman representationon the advisoryy board. If the whole by all that Germany'snext advance S^^BB^^ I you mean she is a "bow-legged lit- procedure you then see any following peers of politics: after Czechoslovakia and Poland tle artifice." Hi, Brenda! If that's baffled of the ' would be Balkans and ■ way you want it, why okey! "Boss' Kelly: "Honest John" Robinson; "Big" Joe MacMurray. or towards the jS? . IHoping that fate would play no the the Ukraine. Turkey passed 1 " l tricks Here are some of the definitions "'Square Deal" Bammert. -Sb » ?4 aP ! — through a diplomatic scramble and M A >'J! A HI And the result turn out to be lead. for gals. Handsome brute an immediately began If any you saw James Stewart in "Mr. Smith Goes to Washing- to line its wP . ',';';"{ '.-,-■ , it recipe called for often used phrase about many Co- of flf A 't To bake the — ton" >ou know which side the chem. lab. boys represent— and we don't forces with Britain* * and* France. CM H '; i/ Thirty-five minutes no less; Joes by many Co-Eds. "Hand- mean the popular Mr. Smith. SB K\| :il''*v--,," - | Time being up, 1 opened the ov'n some" dutinous, suitable or Then came the lull for Turkey as VS* "■■'■■""'■" door ample. "Brute" means irrational low Htow fir '': Scandinavia and the countries " — unthinking. That's combina- -■""■ Jfl ': IWell Imade pudding of the awful or a Notes On Nothing unexpectedly felt the martial r*^B3i tion for you. Now boys, do you tread. The Balkans breathed easier. really feel so flattered? Wonder- Sadness comes with Spring to this writer, for unlike the "V" men, HHHHHHfIHBB^HGKMBBfifIBB Lucy Savage. It was felt that the Western front ful— surprising, strange and as- the collegiate "Tarzans" and the campus "Adonis," wehave no shoulder would turn into a stalemate as in tonishing. What a thrill to be build which would make us worthy of removing our coats and cavort- 1914-18. Turkey return Your Paper... could to -- - thought of as a ghost. ing over the campus in shirt sleeves. He of the inventive mind could normal life. War was far away. c ,G,G ■ LOST - STRAYED or — ■ Well our play on words is by producing a shirt quick Seeing-eye make a fortune on we of the round shoulders But the collapse of France Spectator one joe done for now because the bell just and the dreaded of > with padded shoulders. defeat Britain harter. Name inside. Please re- rang and we are headed for the bore new troubles to Turkey. The C\t jeaiueC/vaftL rrv,ouegenlI«CT0 * " >.■ ui turn Reward. nearest hash-house for eats. fall of Britain would mean that Turkey would be surrounded by of the com- Spring warm soothing sun green leaves rain- All the excitement Scene of ...... enemies on all sides. She had pro- ing quarter will be brought to Jerks and Jokes ... smiling flowers girls strolling along the walks boys bow of ...... spered so well under a capable you glowing, vivid words by girls. in strolling along the walks ..*. after the* hand. But Kemal died on the eve the voice of the College, The Spec- # of the European* * turmoil.* tator. It will take you behind the Brother Buhr's Shirts And Burns scenes of the coming play, "June The one slender hope remaining It will bring you expert "There are Mad." After reading our last week's column which claimed. to Turkey was Russia. Not that analysis of the heated argument fourteen mice in our house and one rat (He wears my shirts). Dad Russia would protect Turkey, for over freshman representation on Weekly Readers Dry Jest came storming at us declaring that such was no way to write about the Czars and the Soviets have the Advisory Board. It will bring your father ... Well, doggonit," we knew our brother was wearing always looked on the Dardanelles you the opinions of all those who Final exams are always hard and therefore— I dedicate the song the shirts and meant that he was the rat, but we certainly didn't as territory desired by Russia. But wish to express their views by way of the week to those students who have failed "It AH Comes Ifocli — hoped mutual know that Dad was in on the daHtardlyy deal, too Yea! and evil it was that the fear of the press. to Me Now." of Germany and Russia would only this, but the Spectator " * will out before all ... (Pop, we're only kidding.) Not ♥ ♥ leave the Dalkans untouched. Both will have its ace staff of writers History Prof.: "Give me the definition of guillotine." * 0 *■ wanted to maintain a sphere of on hand when the big even of the — Student: "A a follow through." influence over* the small" countries. year takes place The Annual Gillette razor with Some writers claim that Robert Burns, the Scotch poet, drank him- « Homecoming. The Feature writers " * " " —Santa C:(l(l. >:(l(l p. m., Friday, March Man 1941, for following examina- months Has anyone seen "Blackout" Moffat? ISy the way, where gum for lent; consequently I've de- the ... tions: you on night March 7? .Can it be that Jack Terhar vtlopod an unquenchable taste for the of .. junior original; they include Rita GefclT With Ed peanut! and popcorn. Incidentally CLERK, carried out his plans? And did LAW STENOGRAPHER, orig- cut and uromising to get his coat cleaned, I'm very fond of fish," she laugh- O'Brien having his hair merrily. ; necessity Marilyn Savage is the cause ed inal we're Wondering If spring, or ■■-, — rather, I INTKUM EDIATE CLERK Bean, when he sn't "\ I work or of it all Why is Abner DeFeUee In class I'm STENOGRAPHER, original and ... Gerry Gillespie should lay play. the ■ecoenpan- soon, betcha and taking Beon.l He'll be Mo. 17 we ... ist at a certain dancing school IDI promotional; OUR breezes lingering PfiTROMZE Wither have been copying the warm ■Bring and late all types of dancing. Of course I INTERMEDIATE CLERK, orig- great on the front lawn ... We always knew that Abe Lincoln was a know the" steps, and so would you inal and promotional. emancipator but how he kept Johnny Deiga«a from flunking oratory if ... Apply in person at 005 County- — depends City Building for application is beyond us ... Don't be too sure it all ADVERTISERS you think? blanks and official bulletins. Bee you next week ... upon the peraon, don't Friday, March 14, 1941 Th E SPECTATOR 3 Softball Scouts Moot Mon! SoftballTeamStartsTraining Chieftain Chatter It's A Braw Game, Lineup SignedFor Season Berridge By Bill SelectSeason's By Staff Correspondent Ihas ever seen. Weeping Willy is And Vurra Cheap! The sounds of bones creaking, also a lead off man of no little GUESTS stiff muscles groaning as they arei repute and is slated to grace that batting Slingers,Slappers And the duffer's heaven Bgitatod, and proud boasts of deedsispot in the order this year, CHITTER CHATTER Fore! out, is under way! to be done ushered in Seattle Col-1 After dire threatsof holding PITCHERS WANTED Combining the Marne and Otis Plans have been completed en- lege's spring training program. Berridge finally capitulated and teams of last year Bill Hendry re- abling both the select few in tho This obserer left the cold reg- signed his contract. Dattling Bill cently applied for entrance into thf; eighties and the golfing novices to ions and traveled south to Collins will be on the slab opening day for (EDITOR'S NOTE: This week's issue of Chatter has been intra-nmral league with a team beat the baffling ball over any 3 field where the Knights have been the Knights unless there is a con- called "Misfits." change plans between by students who will give their ideas on the ol' Seattle's muncipal golf courses, holding spring training. siderable in taken over three Along with the Knights, this for the surprisingly low fee of only Under the keen eye of manager now and then. His average of six S. C. Sports. Come in Burke, Riley and Robel.) club appears on paper to be one 15 cents per nine holes. Joe English, the Knights have won and one lost last year put of the strongest in the league. Pre- Not only is the fun of the play daily been going through their|him on top of the heap in that de- Well, Mr. Sports Editor, you've asked us to come in and season dope has it that if they guaranteed, but, if certain regula- paces, i partment and in his own quiet way give our opinions on the sports situation at Seattle College. can pick one more good pitcher tions are observed, one credit will One of the biggest trades in ball (with a loudspeaker) he is pre- they be all set. participating. better average With the memory of the past basketball season fresh in our will be given to those history saw English quit as man- dieting an even this Led by Bill Hendry himself, the The requirements are one two- ager of the Sophomore team and year. to hand out a few bouquets plenty aggressive minds we can do no better than club should be hour periodof play each week, and become manager of the Knights. Manager Knglish also made the and a few criticisms. First, we might congratulate all those and will probably soon earn the a course in professional instruction A considerable increase in salary startling announcement that Em- the House Gain. players faithfully showed up for every game, which monicker of 'Gas every Tuesday. The city park was the stimulus needed to get niett McKillop would take over the who They are a bunch of fighters who on this latter item, spot vacant when of board insists Knglish to switch clubs. short stop left went to make the league one of the best in the history will be in there battling till the which will be given by a competent Following their beloved manager Lou Sauvain went to the farm. "If the school. Secondly, the referees, Ryan, McArthur, Hendry last. instructor in the lodge hall of the like little lambs, Hill Stapleton and Mac can lose thirty pounds be- Although he hasn't worked out K. C. at 2 p. m.; and whether you Berridge changed tween now and opening day he and McKay should be congratulated on their efforts in this Hendry William J. also his batting order as yet, intend to play golf for a credit or uniforms. Stapleton is a second will start in that coveted spot," faculty lineup he enjoyment thankless job. Thirdly, we heartily agree with the it pretty well set on the merely for your own baseman of the Kid Mohler type, said English, the Frenchman. that a dinner is the best reward for hard play. will use. this course is necessary to secure He is one of the few left-handed First and third base are the Little Johnny McKay, last year's fifteen cent rate. Fun will be biggest to criti- mask the second basemen that this observer11.1 1. X.'s worries. Walsh will Now comes the revolution! First we would like all-star catcher, will don the present even at the training probably play third if he can make John think that Seattle College could not floor and pads for this club. Little course, however, for each student games, doubtful. cize all those who consistenly steady, the but that is inter-collegiate ball. Let us state is flashy but is will be given one club and one ball ON SPORTS Ray Sneeringer, another star of a team which could play and can usually be depended on in follow, or try to follow, the ex- to By last year's soph team is a classy players in our intramural a pinch at plate. pro. addi- here and now that ten or fifteen the pert efforts of the In but is a stubborn coach and student body sup- Captain Hendry himself will be tion to the instructions Tuesday, Ed "Doc" holdout. league combined with a smart pitcher's of the among any schools of in the box. One cards will be issued, cards that-aro port could hold their own of the top pitchers in the league last your only "open Sesame" to the SCHWEITZER the Northwest. Oh, of course, we couldn't go right out and year, Bill should have plenty of fifteen cent rate. Today Iwill take you to the All-Star Champ University and hope to win, but among the good games wrapped up in that Those who delight in attempting lockerroom between halves of a tackle the right If they can pick something for or noth- game, played by a education, and arm of his. to get little basketball Game Cancelled schools such as St. Martin's, the colleges of up another pitcher, they should be ing can trek to the bookstore where former Chieftain gang and will try Gonzaga, we could hold our own. Sure we might take a in the best condition for the start chances are being sold for ten and paint for you the true picture. Hushed out of the sporting pic- fighting and of league play. cents per on a splendid $14.25 set We will stand in the dark re- ture by the premature advent of beatings but we would be right in there 1* few Tom Nault is being tabbed a of golf clubs. The clubs are now cesses of tin' dressinK room and spring and thoughts of is trying and after all that is what counts. the . Nault played on display for your inspection. The watch the the All-Star basketball game which natural set-up for inter iast year and was fair material. lucky number will be drawn at the proceedings . was scheduled for March 18. Orig- We believe that this school is a Tues- body gen- At second Mike Hardiman seems pro instruction in the K. C. Half time inal intentions were to match the collegiate sports. With an active student and the pretty well set. Mike is small, day. scenes are champs of the Intra-Mural league, eral spirit of the students themselves, we could really build n'enty fast afield, and hard to For those who find it easy to pop drip p i n g The Rats, against a select group know, it's surprising the way pitch to at the plate. the pretty pellet into the cup the with drama, representing the cream of the a name for the school. You Hunt definitely slated promoters assure immediate use of remaining teams inter-collegiate sports, but the Jack la and Ican as- crop from the in the various students are for for a starting spot in the outfield. the courses. For those who de- ure you that the league, but lack of interest on pansies pro- strange thingis that even the book-worms, and the Greenwood was in the first five light in digging divots, the his is no ex- the part of both players and the are all for sport. It seems that in hitting the last year's play, and moters ask tolerance during one eption. College has caused the promoters who never saw basketballs should take over the four spot in or two lessons before taking to plans which no other activ- The play- to cancel all for the en- athletics have a certain spark or fire the batting order. the rolling fairways. ers troop in counter. Tommy Ryan, shortstop of last you to preserve the an- ity has. This is especially true of inter-collegiate sports If wish anil slouch Members from both of the year's champs, has cast his lot with cient adage, "Every duffer has his readily that the two are all right but we believe they should be sub- on t o benches. teams admit Intramurals the Misfits. Probably the classi- day" then be at the K. C. hall They look week lay-off since the end of reg- league 18, m., and ordinated to the big thing. est fielding infielder in the Tuesday, March at 2 p. Ap- ular play has caused them to go ;f worry just Bill Murphy dejected. agree and that is last year, Ryan should be ore of money is your big parently the stale, they do not feel it would There is one thing upon which we all players in example of the thrifty and the strongest defensive follow the floor score be fair to the Spectators to play a punch in the intramural games. They league. Besides taking care of golfers who shout not team left the with the the lack of the vital the Scotch against them Their bodies are game which could not display the we patch so capably, Ryan but merely 3.98! ... is something lacking. We believe that the short "FORE!." with beads of prespir- top efforts of the players. are fun but there a sticker. His main glistening just boxers is also smooth Gloomy despair hovers Player interest also lies, at the need a keener competitive spirit. We are like two is getting to first by one ation ... forte Presently the present time, not so much in bas- and have to climb into the ring another, small, an complete the roster. Hendry over the men ... who are the best of friends ■nethod or as he is Kveryone ketball, but more for the coming to a extremely hard to pitch' to, and hasn't decided just who will be the coach enters . . . looks oppose other. You just can't work yourself " " Intra-Mural softball which is to each gets of walks. starting players of this group but up . of your best friend is lots Murphy the coach breaking into the spring sports white heat over making baskets while Joe Janikula, the Strickland will know better after their prac- Wild Hill is on naire 4) picture at this time. checking you. brothers, Frank Buty, and Art Dor- tice games next week. The coming softball season appears to be a knock down- GIVES YOU drag out affair. As yet the THE SMOKE OF SLOWER-BURNING CAMELS number of teams in theleague is undecided but there will either be four or six. It is EXTRA MILDNESS, EXTRA COOLNESS, EXTRA FLAVOR and our belief that a four team league would foster keener in- terestandmuch more rivalry. On the other hand a six team league wouldallow more play- ers, and give more opportun- ■■imippii »niq|M mm ity to those who might not g!^**"— m^p make the four teams. As it stands, Hendry's Mis- fits are hot on the trail of the pennant but the Hikers and the Knights are not far behind. The misfits will field 1 SO MUCH MORE a mixtureof speedand power J^HP^^^^9^H HJIH comprised of the stars of last W ci|M THFV'RP * year's Otis team and the Marne. ISO FLAVORFUL -^TOg^ The pitching situation is JCTnV LESS NICOTINE disconcerting year, due ■ cvroA fr%f\i AMD this ■ CAIKM vwvt MINIL/ M/El than the average of the 4 other largest- to the loss of Beasley, Frank — Ryan, and Sauvain. However, \ PVTftA /VICLD S - I*4 w m selling brands tested less than any of we hope that a new crop of them — according to independent scien- "chuckers" will be found. The |||. jfvzm^m M only first class pitcher is Bill sk*>*^^^^ls ifeS^ M tific tests of the smoke itself Berridge, and with his excep- You from a until tion the hitting should be ex- ff^r/' yrfsm\ mtmm&mmm TT'Ssimple logic: get nothing cigarette tremely plentiful. light it.For qualitiesyou enjoy are in the smoke W&^^^^ JfedKm A you the Let's send out a plea for | / itself. The smoke's the thing. "^% And those qualities depend considerably upon the way coming season. We need %^g this cigarette burns. with good -Jmm your a few of the fellows S^^mT Camels burn slower— definitely. That's a well-established who can referee an oc- YY -$m eyes B^*^*^|JfCIX^liii HHk t scientific finding. That means Camels give you extra mild- casional game and can take a ■"■■'■ ■k ness,extra coolness, extra flavor. lot of abuse. We need a lot Now science confirms another important advantage of part \ iM. J&%** VA BTov bUKNmUdiIDMIMr- OROT 3LU¥VEHCl n\AIPR of cooperation on the slower burning— extra nicotine in the smoke! themselves in \ ||XfcaA freedom from of the players \ it/^^iP^JjaHaA than theavera8eof the4 otherlargest-sellingbrands the smoke's the thing! twine. give appearing for games on VWT|>r~K^rj^^'\ tested-slower than any of them -Camels also Your dealer is featuring Camels at an attractive carton equal, average, — Finally we need a lot of sup- VPIP^P^ ?flc.V\ you a smoking p/w on the to price. For convenience,for economy buy by the carton. port from the student body. 5 EXTRA SMOKES PER PACKI players, might \.tu»^?b»»S!!»^laJy0iSJSS*' " J ne'nolTohtreoCompiny. WlnitonHalcin,NorthCtrolim Speakingas we Vti/iStfn cyoiSJSS*'l^2^^^^c l^2^^^^ say that, although it is a lot of fun to play a game it if a lot more fun to play before a crowd. Half the fun of the game is found in the cheers ana the boos which answer a hit or an error. Page Pour THE SPECTATOR 4 and Father Beezer are well known More "OnSports" Doctors Honored as faculty members at this college. BACKSTAGE C.HauntedBy (Continued from Pnge 3.) IiSigma Chi has been accepted Bill— he ... Tall and angular is by Alpha Epslon Delta to become S. speaks the jargon of an athlete By PiSigmaChi " a local chapter of that nationalor- Xv Hiil Austin Searching and appears the part . . ou; \\>!|, Whatcha' know Joe! The Scout greatest, ganization. This be the only know Bill was one of the will end of the Quarter is here. Lent basketball players ever produced chapter on the Pacific Coast. The you know it or not Tendered an invitation, five well is slightly more than one quarter Whether in Seattle and subsequently be-; will has a scout on known city and school personages formal induction ceremonies over, and the March payment on there been talent came (Jonzaga star and after a ;-M-e accepted honorary member- place some in May. that Bucket-a'-Bolts ia due. Tempus the campus at Seattle College. performed in several take time graduation ship in Pi Sigma Chi pre-medical is "Fufriting" right past us again In the past week or two there A.U tournaments . Here's a A manual describing the activi- mystery personality .. honorary society at Seattle College. as usual. has been this man with bukground. who knows j Sigma now under hurrying! ties of Pi Chi is O. K. MacGregor, I'm looking for a male with the fol- his stuff and you respect him for' Those to whom invKat'ons were ready Legree! Every lowing qualifications: Tisp-curly publication and will be to (That Simon time it Isent are: Dr.. H. T. Buckner, Dr. fifty existing chap- up hair, larg« expressive eyes with ... send out to the staff members shows with Murphy gives men time tc| Zech, H. T. Drill Dr. a the R. L. Dr. ters of the Alpha Bpsilon Delta for a cold, he makes them write their long curly eye lashes, Roman nose, settle down before talking to Helen J. Werby and Father Gerald juat in case.) that stand out, broad approval. This book also contains own obituaries, muscles them ... Bruises are taken care Beezer, S. J. concerning the college, to humans, last shoulders, white, even pearly teeth, by hard statistics To get back of and ankles weakened its size, courses, academic and so- Varsity rud d y corriplextion, expressive smells| Dr. Buckner is one of the fore- Friday nite the Varieties play aretaped...The room city. rial organizations and its scholas- first time. We hands, not necessarily tall or of hard most bone specialists in the went on for the of iodine and the sweat is gastoral intestinal tic rating in relation to other col- might brag a little and say that short, but "built" and of course Dr. Zech a toil ... specialist and Dr. Drill,Dr. Werby leges throughout the country. it went over in a very colossal, have a sparkling personality. The coach moves to the center grand, 3uperstupendous manner, Do you know such a boy? Have of the group ...Overhead a bright but wewon't. We will merely stato you seen him in the halls, and light shines down upon Murphy, that the audience approved, the classrooms? Maybe he is your own CLAIRE DE LUNE md fingers its way into the cor- cast was happy, the coffee, (what boy friend, or brother, or cousin, FOR "JIVERS" REASONS Dorothy ners ... It is deathly still ... there was of it) could have walked or just a platonic friend. Claire,new singingstar onGlenn Suddenly "Murph's" voice bursts from the kitchen by itself, and v Well, the talent scout has been forth and it is a booming voice begged Miller's"Chesterfield Moonlight of group outside of school haunting the halls and classrooms crest of that hits you like a dash cold perform- might single him out. Serenade," is riding the first half of the and pleaded for a repeat in case she Miller's [water ... The ance. See we aren't bragging. Or Maybe your curiosity has been the popularity waves. ■ game is recountered as Murphy are we??? worked up by now to know just grand band broadcasts 3 nights (lashes out cryptically at the mis- But seriously, we wish to ex- who this talent scout is and for weekly over C.B.S. network. Itakes that were made ... tend an invitation to all who whom she is searching? Or did Here and there you can hear a thought the Varietiesfun, to come you know Miss LuciU Fuller is bench scrape as the mentor talks visit and join in. the fun too. It's the talent scout, and that the ob- iloud and then, softly ... The two a sincere invitation, and it won't ject of her searching is Roger Conynes, Frank Taylor, Bob Tobin. cost a thing. Perhaps all this in- Van Vleck, for the play "June NO NAME Bab Masenga, Lou Sauvain, Don viting sounds monotonous but we Mad." Sheehan, listen attentively... No do want the students to get some |haranguing but just quiet thought fun out of their clubs. The Dranvi COLUMN . . . They are cautioned not to Guile' is your club and it's for your Student Observer make the same mistakes and with enjoyment. half time approaching they are By Mary Nachtsheim go to press, part of Ellen pent up on the floor with a slap (HP As we the Page 2) 44fa.. Roger has not as yet been filled. (Continued from Funny thing, how these events on the back by Murphy ... You or two and a "never This is of course, in reference many had to act. Again Turkey just sort of sneak up on you. There see a tear say expression in their face? '* to the Spring Quarter play, "June was gripped with fear and indeci- were, studiously pouring over I die" "&k KB ■"''' been stand- turn, and we These boys loved their school .^^HW^^^f i^^^l Mad." Miss Fuller has sion. When, in Russia Thesis 17 of our Logic last Fri-i... ing shrubbery of our camp- Bulgaria fell to the Germans, and Iand coach .You remember what behind day nite (we were) when Maw .. us sizing up the passing parade Russia stood quietly by and nodded Now, the late director of :?th!et;cs at — ; yeiled "10:30. Lights out." College. Dennir of males. In a purely dramatc approval, Turkey felt that her early Seattle Father we never go to bed that and Sullivan, said, "that some day we sense, you understand! For the last hope was gone. A country of protest, but inexorable people started to would have a great team." As first time in history the boys are around 13 million could rule. And then we re- .. displaying hardly hope was her — you close the door on the locker- being reticent about to combat the Nazi membered Black Out. And it their historonic abilities. Can't un- war machine. Britain was threat- room you carry poignant, never to really was a black out. Sort of forgotten with you derstand it. Must be the spring ened on all fronts and couldn't con- up quick set us be memories the snapped us and For you know that this was weather or perhaps Miss Fuller centrate an army and navy in thinking about our good fortune ... be, to protect to that "great team" is hard to please. Could but Eastern Mediterranean in living where it's only a practice ... help was feared Bud Uader, Tennis mogul, is cx- how's about a few prospects? Turkey. Britain's and not an actual black out. and less physical ipected to get his team and sched- The Drama Guild wishes to take to be more moral speaking blackouts, a opportunity support. And of |ule lined up within the next twr this to thank Mrs. * * * bouquet of signs to Inter- neon the ;weeks If you are interested Iverson, Fr. Carmody and all those their ... helped Turkey was forced to back Collegiate Knights for serv- please contact him . othei swell folks who out Maybe know it, .. emergency down from declaring war on Ger- ices. you didn't Catholic University, another in an at our show. but gallant lads all became People really grand humans many. First, she could not fight those school that announces football enough are "Air Raid Police" for one nite and Antoncich, A little minute is long they a fellow member Germany alone. Second, she could deemphasis ... Steve Jml IWhSbW rwt when see spent their blackout timepatrolins for a big rest when you drink O. K. So we aren't not hope for overwhelming help big man around the XC, is to be f^^J&&7?j^jA in trouble. each a certain section to see that congratulated handling philosophers! But we are very from Britain. What is Turkey's for Sav- an ice-cold bottle of Coca-Cola. fate? The coiee of jo'.ning the "all was well." idges to the second straight North- grateful. dred It brings a feeling of complete «m^^MQg^2__ fl|: Drop by for Act 11, Scene I, Axis or falling comjuerrd. It is "Superb" is a cut ard ! west AAU basketball title ... m Germany v>ill drive to phrase, we know, but after laugh- refreshment...completely satis- next issue. certain that alarmed, lmS!r Britain's oil fields in Iraq; that ing ourselves silly at some of the Don't be fellow stud- pause ~ mumblings fying. So when you i Germany will try to cut the Suez var'ety of the varsity, we find that ents, at these queer and some of | throughout the day, make it «-/ Spring Practice life-line; that she will foment re- we are unsble to think up anything ffbbering you hear from Sigma Alpha """ the original. Anyway, a 1001 con- the Gamma members. (Conttened from Page 3) bellion in India and Africa. In Turkey grat lations to Miss Fuller and the It's roally nothing more than the «" t«te .is is a stubborn midst of all this st:inds «mm third baseman but crossroad of the battle for cast for a grand show. Keep 'em hang-over from their banquet at ZZTJZ?** has about definitely as a of And j holdout. He may fight; but for her coming! the "Little Bit Sweden." quit favor a Suez. She Bottled underauthority ofTheCoci-Cola Company by decided to ball in of own good, probably capitu- Oh yes, we might mention, that Swedish it was, down to the last job offering more security. she will : ] steady to Germany. That is about all after the show the audience moved, morsel of food. Also, the cook in outfield willbe mainly made late apron wandering through The she can do. Do not condemn, but practically en masse, to Alki Beach cap and of Anderson and Bader banquet SEATTLE, WASHINGTON up rookies. sympathize with Turkey. to watch the blackout. the hall. are holdovers in these spots, both are erratic ballplayers and may be beat out of their positions by some of the rookies. McArdel, Mahaney, McCann and Nelson are all good looking recruits who are battling for positions. "If our rookies come through in the outfield, and we can find one more starting pitcher, our lineup is set," was English's final re- mark as he shook his shaggy mane and headed for the showers. I I BILTMORE FLORIST Former Hollywood Florist Corsages and Flower Arrangements lleasonably Priced Open Kveninjjs and Sundays Cor. Spring at 12th EA. 9935 Those clean white Chesterfield packages have M mJKO^^M smoker likes and wants. Pull the *^^J|^ HP^^^ fif V everything a

" 4i smoke Mi« America isuo jp»|^ l^d^l ■ You'll like the COOL way Chesterfields '*m — The Marigold Shop .^^■■■^megt W^TM *S± W t^iem DEFINITELY MILDER not strong, not flat. 1106 Broadway >

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KAUFER J, jf/ CO. *W Catholic Supply House 1904 - Hli Aye., Seattle Kn>ari.->, Prayerbooks, etc. Copyright 1941, 1ii.i-itt ft.Mtibi Tobacco Ca.