Speaker Robert Cupp Vern Riffe Center 77 S. High St, 14th FL Columbus, OH 43215 August 24, 2020

Dear Speaker Cupp,

We, the undersigned members of the Ohio delegation to the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Legislative Caucus, write to ask for your support of House Concurrent Resolution 14. This bipartisan piece of legislation recognizes September 7, 2020 as Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Appreciation Day.

The Great Lakes system is a globally significant resource and ecosystem, holding 21 percent of the world’s surface freshwater. They provide drinking water to more than 48 million Americans and Canadians and supply 56 billion gallons of water per day for municipal, agricultural, and industrial use. The importance of the Great Lakes and the St. Lawrence River to Ohio’s economic and public health cannot be overstated.

Ohio’s 312-mile Lake Erie shoreline is among the state’s most valuable natural resources and a key element in Ohio’s economic development strategy. Lake Erie attracts an estimated 1.5 million anglers and hunters who spend $2 billion annually and supports a recreational boating industry that sustains more than 19,000 jobs. Furthermore, Lake Erie provides drinking water for 3 million Ohio residents and supports a maritime economy in Ohio that is responsible for more than $2 billion of GDP annually.1

The region’s environment, economy, and people rely on the clean, healthy waters of the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River. However, in recent years Lake Erie’s western basin and the Maumee River watershed have been threatened by harmful algae blooms. These blooms are extremely detrimental to the aquatic ecosystem and pose a toxic threat to humans.2

1 House Concurrent Resolution 14, 133rd General Assembly, Ohio House of Representatives 2 https://co.lucas.oh.us/DocumentCenter/View/54639/Moving-Forward-Legal-Solutions-to-Lake-Eries-Harmful- Algal-Blooms?bidId=

Harmful algae blooms (HAB) have created several problems over the last decade. In 2014, a serious HAB caused widespread drinking water contamination in western Lake Erie including municipal water for 400,000 people in Lucas County. Additionally, HABs can result in massive losses of both farmed and wild fish, which can have a direct effect on millions of dollars lost to local economies.3

The health and security of Lake Erie should be a priority for all Ohioans, and passage of H.C.R. 14 would signal that this body will continue to fight for a strong and healthy Great Lakes system. Passage of H.C.R. 14 constitutes a necessary and important step to protecting the health of the Great Lakes, and we urge your public support on the issue.

Thank you for your consideration and we await your reply.


Representative House District 46 Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Legislative Caucus Executive Committee

Senate Minority Leader Representative Kent Smith Senate District 25 House District 8

Representative Representative Michael Skindell House District 11 House District 13

3 https://co.lucas.oh.us/DocumentCenter/View/54639/Moving-Forward-Legal-Solutions-to-Lake-Eries-Harmful- Algal-Blooms?bidId=

Representative Representative House District 14 House District 19

Representative Representative House District 35 House District 37

Representative Paula Hicks-Hudson Representative House District 44 House District 45

Representative Joseph Miller, III Representative John Rogers House District 57 House District 60

Representative John Patterson House District 99

CC: Director Lisa Janairo, Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Legislative Caucus