St. Gemma Galgani “Daughter of the Passion”

Feast Day: April 11

Born: March 12, 1878

Died: April 11, 1903

Canonized: May 2, 1940 by Pope Pius XII

Patron: Students, pharmacists, paratroopers, those suffering from back pain, headaches, loss of parents, temptations of impurity

Maria Gemma was born on March 12, 1878 the fifth of 8 children to Enrico, a chemist, and Aurelia Galgani. They were very pious. A family member wished for the child to be named Gemma, but the mother was concerned that there were no of that name who could be her patron and help guide her to Heaven. The priest replied that all of the saints are gems of Heaven and that it is appropriate to hope that this child would also be a gem of Paradise.

Gemma had mystical experiences throughout her life. As a child she had visions of Jesus, the Blessed Mother and her guardian angel who would deliver letters to her confessor Monsignor Volpi. She also conversed with saints especially with St. Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows.

Tragedy struck and with each new struggle Gemma offered up her suffering to our Savior for the reparation of sin. Gemma lost two brothers and a sister to disease. When Gemma was 7 years old, her mother died of tuberculosis after having suffered for 5 years. At age 16, Gemma became seriously ill with spinal meningitis. She was not expected to live. After meditating on the of Jesus, Gemma was miraculously healed through the intercession of St. Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows and St. Margaret Alacoque. Then, at age 18, Gemma lost her father and went to live with an aunt. She turned down two marriage proposals to help raise her younger siblings.

When Gemma was 21, on the eve of the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, she received the , the marks of Christ’s Passion, experiencing pain and bleeding in her hands and feet. She received messages from Jesus, her guardian angel and saints foretelling future events. Her siblings made fun of her. People thought she was crazy. Even Mgr. Volpi doubted. Gemma would continue to feel the Passion of Christ, the pains of the crown of thorns, the shoulder burdened with the cross, the lance in the side, the heart pierced, and the nails in the hands and feet. While holding a crucifix and meditating on the wounds of Christ, Gemma levitated. Gemma attended a mission held by the priests of the Congregation of the Passion. Jesus told her to tell the all that has happened to her and she shall be a Daughter of the Passion. Fr. Germano Ruoppolo became her spiritual director. After investigating her experiences, he called her “a true Gem of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

At age 25, Gemma contracted tuberculosis and declined quickly. She suffered tremendously during Holy Week and died on . Her relics rest in the Sanctuary of Santa Gemma in the Passionist in Lucca, .

“If you really want to love Jesus, learn to suffer, because suffering teaches you love.” ~ St. Gemma