7A v rt


T U. S. WEATHER BUREAU, OCTOBER 18 ? SUGAR 96 Test I List 24 hours' rainfall .06; Temperature, max. 83, . Centrifugals. 4.25i Per Ton, I J $55; 8S Analysis Beets. J min. 70 Weather Fair and occasional showers. i !0s 10$dt Per Ton $36.80. I Established July 2, 1856.


OF ARC IS IY YOUNG Hold Their Own at Shahke and Attack Japanese Left Wing, Driving it HEARD, BULL BackJapanese Shells Sink Bayan in Port Arthur Harbor. A'A'AA'A'A''A'Ai''AAA'A'A'A'AA'' tArA4A AAA'A'AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA'A'A'A Mounts Moiliili . Daly Run Down Rostrum for On Richards x t 0. 0. P. Street. . 1 ' T.Irs. Kikaha Exhorts Fracture at Base of Natives to Vote Brain Probably Straight. Will Die. - A appeared at 1 u r Hawaiian Joan of .Arc At a few minutes before six last night . v JUm J? T the mealing of the Republicans at Mo-ili- ili William Daly, better known as "Bill" 4 s last night, and, mounting the plat- - Daly, was struck by a bullock that w-a- Jorm, exhorted the voters present, being driven down Richards street and whether Home Rulers or Democrats, received injuries that may prove fatal. to uphold the administration of Gov- The bullock." which was about a year ernor Carter and to cast a straight old, was being driven down to one of vote for the party of decency the Re- the Island steamers by two native cow- publican. boys. The one on the Ewa side had a The woman orator was Mrs. Kikaha, long rope attached to the animal's 5" 5 -- wife of the bailiff of the horns while the other and older of the District Court. She was a comman- two men rode, by the side of the beast. According eye ding figure as she stood upon the plat-for- m to witnesses the animal f it" half-lig- flare-torch- es. was fceing driven as as could get in the ht shea by fast it Her gestures were emphatic over the ground and in a very reckless fcut eloquent, and her voice,, though fashion.. 7 Tteyed up high pitch, was As the cavalcade approached . Queen to a clear 3 and resonant. Her speech was a fine street Daly, who had been drinking,' stepped out -- of the Aloha Saloon and it oratorical effort and she created 3 a y ' started to cross the street. As he did .(. "favorable imDresslon. ; . . M1- - A Mrs. Kikaha said she was born in so the younger cowboy called out in 'Moiliili and was well acquainted with English: "Go back ": Daly looked up y : 1 - it --the people of that district. She called and hesitated, then instead of going ! men there her brothers and the 5" the back he attempted to go between the , i women, her sisters. She called upon bullock and the horse with the result . "the voters to sustain the straight Re- publican ticket and if there were any that he was struck in the side by the Home Rulers and Democrats yet re- animal's head. He was thrown about AS:'' maining In fhe assemblage she asked ten feet and struck with great force ' -- S ? v that they cast aside their old affilia- on the back of his head. and join the Republican party, tions Bystanders quickly picked him up and 1 .. "which was the party of progress. Iaukea, she said, was hired by the a hurry call was sent in for the patrol Democrats to run for Delegate to Con- wagon. The Injured man was bleeding gress. He was an uncertain man,, for heavy, clotted blood from both ears. 1 1 sit Tie jumped from one party to another. When an examination was made at the r The Executive of the territory was Queen's Hospital a fracture was found a Republican and the Republican at the base of the skull. At a late 5f SSX.' f "ty was the party of decency (Cries of hour last night Daly's condition was r . ?s Pololei! Pololei!"). unchanged and the chances were strongly against recovery, campaign of 1902 she found his although In the hope. v' many of those present were supporters there is still some Daly is well known town as a of the Home Rule ticket, but on the about hackdriver and lately as an employee t coming Rth of November she hoped 1 V It of the Republican Committee.' In k none would forget to vote for the Re- the latter role he has been distributing publican party, "for you will con- AVN then campaign literature. The police are in tinue to have poi and fish and all that i i j formed as to the names of the cofwboys you need." and it ta likelv that an Invpstisratirm -- - : Set asJde all bad feelings," she con- . . . w V -- tinued. "and vote for Prince Kuhio for j mi n iriiAajaik LJlltfai,lrfirff1lini il Delegate to Congress, and also vote for my Senators and my Representatives. WAIT FOR WIRE ASSAULT ON A PORT ARTHUR FORT. Some of them are men that fear God." "Pololei:" shouted the crowd.). " FROM SECT HAY r r ff (AMSOCIATED PRE33 OiSL9B4S.) The general assault by the Russian artillery on Monday was E. W. Quinn, candidate of the Fourth Y repulsed. Representa- MUKDEN, Oct. ig. The Russians are holding the ground District for the House of Washington, October 18; 1904. tives, addressed the audience, Governor Carter is awaiting instruc- gained at Shakhe and have captured several Maxim guns. next (Received 1 '.20 p. m.) speaking English. He said, in part: tions from Secretary Hay at Wash- in , RUSSIANS AGAIN ADVANCING. Consul, Honolulu. 1 To Japanese "I ask you for your votes because I ington before announcing what plans " pn ST. PETERSBURG, The are advancing reports on Monday night the enemy twice am and always have been a Republic-(ContinuedV- he may have for the public reception Oct. 19. Russians Marshal Oyama that Page 3.) of Prince Fushimi. against the Japanese left flank, which has been driven back with made fierce assaults on thp front of the right column of the left, heavy losses. Torrential rains are hindering the operations. army and some smaller assaults on the direction of the central and CRUISER BAYAN SUNK. the right armies, but we repulsed them all. The enemy retreated, YOUNG CORBETT TO FIGHT leaving many corpses on the field. TAKAHIRA. LONDON, Oct. ig. Japanese shells have sunk the cruiser THE ENGLISH CHAMPION Bayan in the harbor of Pori: Arthur. The destruction of the cruiser I.ayan is a serious loss to the YAMADA'S SMALL FORCE Russian navy for this vessel, an armored cruiser of twenty-on-e O ABIEOHAXI3 IASSOCIATED PBZS3 J knots speed, has been very useful at Port Arthur, having borne the LOSES FOURTEEN GUNS NEW YORK, Oct. 19. Young Corbett and Jabez White, the brunt of some severe fighting there. The Bayan was built at La English champion, have been matched to fight. Seyne in 1900. Her dimensions were: Length, 443; beam, fifty-si- x ; depth, twenty-tw- o. of 8-in- ch guns, Washington, October 18, 1904. LOS ANGELES, Oct. 19. Jack Johnson has defeated Denver Her armament consisted two 6-in- eight ch guns, twenty ch guns, seven and five (Received at 6:45 p. m.) .Martin in the second round. torpedo tubes. The vessel was considered one of the finest fight- To Japanese Consul, Honolulu: ing ships of the Czar's nary. One column of our forces under the command of the Brigade

RE-ELECT- ED. detachment PROCTOR SUPPLIES FOR BALTIC FLEET? General Yamada proceeded on the 16th to reinforce the of the left army which was attacking the enemy in the north o CARDIFF, Oct. 19. Half a million tons of coal are to be Shahopou. It attacked and defeated the enemy at Weechialritzu, shipped from here on Russian account. MONTPELIER, Vt., Oct. 19. Redfield Proctor has been capturing two guns and two ammunition wagons, and after again AFTERNOON REPORT. enemy Santa was returning to the original posi- d to the . repelling at okautse ' enemy o ST. PETERSBURG, Oct. 18. The battle at Mukden has not tion ; when it was suddenly enveloped at 7 p. m. by a body of given decided advantage to either army. Both armies exhausted of about one division strength. After a fierce hand-to-han- d ngnt it EXTORTIONER CONVICTED. by the terrific fighting. I succeeded in breaking through the enemy and regaining the original ! TOKIO. Oct. 18. The Russians have repulsed a Tapanese de-- position. Meanwhile our artillery losing most of its men and horses tachment under General Yamada, capturing 14 guns. The fight was was obliged to abandon nine field guns and five mountain gusis. -- ex- - NEW YORK, Oct. 19, Weinsumer has been convicted of 1 a most desperate one, General Yamada finally succeeding in regain- - ice enemy reimorceo tne iront 01 mc tcuu anjr. tortion. ing his position. ties on Sunday were about one thousand. TAKAHIRA. XDVERXISEH; HONOLULU, OCTOBER 19, igof. 2 ETTB PACIFIC COHMERCIXE


v CIW1ELS Little V- fc '

' American Variety Want 4t ' ed for the Cir- Now Exclusively I cus. 11 it Controlled by! Li O CM z TOPEKA Kan., Oct. 7. Prepara- - tinns have besin for a camel hunt In the Southwest. The hunt Is schedulea t to occur in November and will be un s. der the direction of Willie Sells, the SOLfi AGENTS FOR HAWAIIAN TERRITORY UACFART.ANE &C0., LTD. transact showman b. son of "W. Allen Sole Agents for Hawaiian Islands. Sells, who was In charge of the first successful hunt for wild camels in the United States. The elder Sells captur ed nineteen "wild camels in the deserta "82, and some of them No wonder that the Rem of Arizona in are yet alive and on exhibition in tra on ington Typewriter holds velling menageries. New Shipment Just Received Alameda the market? that it main- The present hunt will cover much tains its undisputed leader- the same territory as that traversed by ship over every other writ the hunters of twentyrtwo years ago, younger Sells expects to push ing machine. No typewriter but the 111 a has ever equaled it in speed his search Into the deserts of northern the animals herds already in this country or w$ by the battle of August 10 and that their and durability. Mexico If he fails to find will import them. The latter plan will guns as well as their crews have been haunts. An investiga in to assist J. II HAUaiSON. Agt. in their former be tried last, as it is one of the mosit landed at Fort Arthur order tion made a few weeks ago at the in difficult things to get camels from the land forces. He, however, admits Hotel St. were seriously dam- stance of Mr. Sells showed that tviia foreign countries. It costs a showman that these vessels Japariose, more now get a camel an elt-- aged during the above engagement, but uunos and Mex- to than camels still exist in Arizona i seriously defy temporary re- phant. ; not so as to . "EL MERITO." ico, but their numbers cannot be esti "It is for this reason that I have de pairs, at which work the Russians are GREATLY REDUCED PRICES mated. cided to Invest some money in a breed exceptionally adept. Considering the The Swell Cigar, to be had officer concludes, ' are begining fact, the that the IVORY CARVINGS ONLY 50c; JAPANESE The only camel breeding farm in ing farm. More circuses re- At the year, V Cesarevitch. which at one time was to be established in Kans business every and all of the PICTURE FRAMES, 35c. FINEST OF CHINA HAWAIIAN TOBACCO CO, America is owners of shows are desirous of en ported to have been converted into a AT VERY as, with the captured. Arizona animals sana "floating fort," constituted one of the LOW PRICES. larging their camel herds. The powerful units the Russian New Store, Ewa cor. King and Bethel as a nucleus of the herd. For two years valley of the Arkansas will be a good most of. Streets. squadron in the battle on the 10th ult., Mr. Sells has been looking for a suit place for camel raising and the climate even temporary repairs, conducted by able place In which to estaDiisn a in that part of the State is not too skilled hands, can by no means be j severe for the animals. YE1 despised. ostrich breeding farm. He 1 ' k . camel and a 'f despatches a tract of 2,140 acres Press from Sasebo state 1120 Nuuanu street, just mauka of Hotel street. now has selected that the Russians at Port Arthur, taught along the south side of the Arizona GLIMPSES OF THE f by the bitter lessons afforded by the river in Kearney county in western work of dragging for mines in which Kansas. they have so far lost several steam-launche- s, have now devised a clever route of camel hunt has been The the BESEIGED FORTRES'S method. Each mine-clearin- g vessel is agreed upon. The hunters woo wm ac preceded by two boats, which first locate company the showman will leave the the mines, the clearing then being effect- Faciflc Railroad at Gila Bend ed by the vessel. Southern The Japan Gazette says : At the com blockade. at Port Arthur has re- Maricopa county, Ariz. This is the Our In mencement of our - investment of cently become much stricter than hither- Another place the elder Sells left the railroad to. Reconnaissances in force are of OLD Port Arthur, it was estimated thut 1 twenty-tw- o years ago. garri- daily occurrence and are very valuable, And so the news spreads and the strength of the Russian though dangerous in accomplishment. Housekeepers every- The hunters, under the guidance of was two and a spreads. son there 'about ( During a reconnaissance on the 13th where are talking about the Thomas McClusky, who guided the half divisions, or over 30,000 officei-- s inst., our vessels were severely fired on PLANTERS splendid quality of the famous other party, will 'go north and west and men, exclusive of the marines from by the shore batteries, resulting in heavy across Gila River into McMuIlen's having casualties on" our part. Lieutenant Ka-wana- mi THE HAWAIIAN GAZETTE CO. HAS, AT the the war vessels. Several months by fragment of CONSID. VaUsy and the cactu3 plains. The many was struck the f , PALACE since elapsed, during which time a shell and swept overboard. other camels were found in the cactus fought, ERABLE EXPENSE, SUCCEEDED IN COMPLETING f plains but Mr. Sells is of the opinion severe engagements have been that the animals have moved soutn-war- d it is reasonable to suppose that the num- A LIMITED NUMBER OF SETS OF PLANTERS Canned Goods in the score, of years since an ber of the Russian sick arid wounded is SEASQH Of SURVEY organized effort has been made to cap- su MONTHLIES FROM VOL. I OF 1882 UP TO THE Your grocer will guarantee considerable, and it is therefore every can of the "PALACE" ture them. that the present strength of the FIRST OF THE PRESENT YEAR. If his search in McMuIlen's Valley AT brand and will return your plains re garrison does not exceed 20,000. As IS CLOSE money the goods are not and the cactus is without OF NUMBERS, if ward, he will again cross the Gila and for the marines, it may be inferred that THE EARLIER LONG SINCE OUT 4 A satisfactory. they been joined by the men. fran search south of the Mai Pais Moun have OF PRINT, MANY ISSUES WERE ENTIRELY EX- tains. It was in this neighborhood that those war vessels which have been either The vrork of the Geodetic Survey for win-Mey- er Co., some of the animals were seen recently. combat. Packed by Le party sunk or . rendered hors de the season has been finished, and the HAUSTED, MAKING IT NECESSARY TO RESET AND A member of a surveying work Among the Port Arthur forts, therre San Francisco. ing 100 miles south of the Mexico line steamers employed in the work have REPRINT ALL SUCH NUMBERSTHUS ADDING MA- one are several which have,' since the Rus- SOLD LY ALL GROCERS. also reported to the showman that of his horse herders saw several of the sian occupation, been erected according been assigned to their winter stations. TERIALLY TO THE COST. THIS EXTRA EXPENSE animals about sunset one day during to General Kuropatkin's plans. It is The Patterson and the McArthur, the last summer. offering which been busy surveying and WAS MORE THAN JUSTIFIED, HOWEVER, - these forts that are stubborn have BY THE "There has been no organized effort resistance to our investing army. sounding the new harbor and coaling E. J. WALKERf- made to find these animals," said Mr. VALUABLE NATURE OF MUCH OF THE MATTER Agent, Street. y, An Yingkow despatch of United States at Kiska Wholesale Fort Sells to-da- "since my fiather captured of the 23rd station the a part of the herd twenty years ago. inst. to the Tokyo Asahi, .states that harbor, Aleutian islands will return to CONTAINED IN THESE OLD NUMBERS, MATTER brought He nineteen of the animals there are indications that the Russians this coast, the Patterson to Honolulu CANNOT here and kept them on his farm east at Port Arthur have for some time past the McArthur to this port. The THAT BE FOUND ELSEWHERE THAN IN THE NEW FRENCH REMEDY. Topeka. and of been in communication with the Ta-h- o Gedney, spent the season in 3 "They were the wildest creatures 1 which has THESE BOOKS AND THAT IS VALUABLE REALLY THERAPION. ever saw. They would not eat for sev- by means of wireless telegraphy, and Southeastern Alaska, has started down ftoataa. Jobart, Vatpaau, aod otbere. oombtnaa ait eral days and it was almost Impossible that a French missionary is said to be and will arrive shortly. The steamers BEYOND PRICE TO THE PLANTATION INTERESTS. fm daaldacaXa to ba aovifrbt to m, tnadicUta at tba Irtnd. and surpaaaaa VTorythiag hitherto am ploy. to keep them in an enclosure. concerned in the matter. Pathfinder and Research will spend the THESE PLANTERS ARE UNIFORMLY BOUND THERAPION NO. I maintains tta wortd. "My father experimented for a long following telegram under mud d The Chefoo Philippines, is thought UBiwnid raputaUoa for aa time before he found out how to cap- winter in the it kJduera, tha back, co-plet- IMU oi tba palaa la a4 date of Sept. 21, has been received by ed. IN FULL LAW SHEEP, GIVING THEM AN ATTRACT- Kiftdrad aiuMnka. affording prompt relief waara ture the animals. He tried having the as Ijhelr work there has not been araU-trla- d been powerLiaa. the Tokyo ramadtea ba half-bree- d Indiands of Arizona rope Asahi: In addition to the last two 1 farTHERAPION No. 2 fortapurityofthaUoo. is reported Russians re- IVE APPEARANCE IN ADDITION TO THEIR DURA- tFmrrf, pun plea, sputa, blotchea, pains and wainas them, but a native horse would not It that the steamers a new one, Just designed, mi foanta, govt, rhauiuAtUm, all diaaaaaa lor woiei go within 300 yards of one of the wlla cently hired some Chinese junks on at tea been too muds a faahiuo to am ploy inareur. will be put in service, the many things BILITY. camels, plan was given up. Yang-ma-ta- o Wrtasaxilia fec.to tba daatnictioa o sufferars' teatfc and that (an island about 16 nauti- necessary being too much fco4 ruin of boaith. Tfcla preparation purtfias tba "Mv father then returned to his win- - to be done ayatam through tba blood, and tborouffaiy cal miles east of Chefoo), and are about ANYONE DESIRING A COMPLETE SET, OR ANY fhsli bodj. niio rtora nora n n for two steamers. Chronicle. tFtiniaataa ail prisonous matter from tba to sail to Kiao-cho- w, whence they de- NO or axhaustion, Arizona a carload of horses accustom-- PART OF A SET, DO COMMUNI- THERAPION 3 oooaaquancaaJ5 ammuni-breed- WOULD WELL TO ffanwaa. and ail dutrwinf of sight camels. j sign to smuggle provisions and s (jjatpatiea. worry, overwork, Ac It poaaaaaaa; ed to the of The half fcantiatar pmr in TaaWring strengtb and nn on these horses were able te J tion into Port Arthur. There is evidence KAUAI CORPSES CATE WITH THE GAZETTE CO. AT AN EARLY 3sa aurfcrtnc from tha soerratinff influence oi rope 01 me x am gums cumaw. nineteen "u. showing that the Unison, ot which a r laatdrrtcv in not. nuiauuT to take my own horses with me. certain German firm is the agent and DATE, AS THERE ARE BUT VERY FEW SETS AVAIL- IERAPION J yvth?.vtoP? ' vj. Ta-kin-t- jna KIMl inrvugaoin w i "I do not know how many of the which was wrecked ao on the fenrfand.Jlflnounta, ltd. and a, 6d. In orday at ta now, . COME TO LIFE ABLE AT PRESENT TIME, Me which of tba tnroa bombers ta ra--. camels there are in Arizona but I 15th August, had on board provisions THE AND IN ORDER TO aad obasf that tba word TmnAnom have hear.d that there were nearly 1.- - j and ammunition consigned to Port Ar- V': psan a) tba Vrttiab OoaarnoMBt 8tacap C 000 head. I do not believe this, but x thur. Her cargo which was landed on COMPLETE MORE SETS IT WILL BE NECESSARY avittts fcrUara oa red (rmiad) affixed to rrmry ' kaaetas packao or order of torn Majesty n do believe they exist there in sufficient the above island is being gradually sent message was I ta tocgar-a-t The following wireless AND without waich U a numbers to make it much less expen- - . to Port Arthur by junks. Three of the TO RESET PRINT MORE BACK NUMBERS, in received yesterday from Chester Doyle sive to capture them there than to send latter seem to have so far succeeded THUS INCREASING COST to Asia for them. j reaching their destination safely. The who is now on Kauai investigating THE STILL MORE. "The wild camels there are the de- - j Yentai, another steamer connected with 1 what was originally believed to have . .f-t-t'-- t-t scendants of those turned loose by the Germans, is evidently engaged in t...t ' M t ' the been a double murder: ..... Have Boom Government thirty years ago. The carrying Russian messengers and mails Inst to and from Government brought the animals into . Port Arthur. "Murdered man not dead. Woman for new goods. the country to use them across the ' A certain officer returning from the will recover. Defendant in Jail. Made deserts. They were unfitted for the; front on the 14th inst. says that the full confession. Five witnesses for gov- Clearance sale for the balance of the climbing j remnants of the Russian squadron at work of the mountains. battleships ernment. All O. K. here. No need of ' month at "A Frenchman then brought in a i Port Arthur consist of five Coney returning soon. DOYLE." bunch of camels used and nine destroyers and that they are the and them anxiously awaiting an opportunity to with some degree of success on the He: If I tried to kiss you would you FUKURODA'S Yuma desert. His business away run our blockade. The officer does not Received by fell believe tne report that the Russian call for help! No. 28 to when the railroad came and-h- e turned She: "Would you need it? Hotel St., 32. his animals adrift. battleships were rendered unserviceable Gents Furnishing Goods and Ladies' "From these two bands the herd has Kimonas sold at a sacrifice. grown. For years nobody molested Baaa-- ai S. aaaaaaa laaBM S. a) BaaaaaaaaaaaaBBBBB them. Indians occasionally shot them, America Maru but they are almost too wary for the TO-DA- Y. 28, BEGINNING SEPT. ordinary hunter. Their sense of smell A fine line of SILK, COTTON is highly developed and they can see and CREPE KIMONOS and FASHION RESTAURANT an enemy a great distance. JAPANESE FANCY GOODS. oa Bethel street, rear of the Postofflce, "One of the greatest obstacles to be will serve LAGER BEER with noon overcome in hunting the camels is that lunch. caused by lack of food for man and beast and the absence of water MEALS 25c' . entire in the neighborhood of their haunts. The camel can travel a treat distance without food or water and can remain ALL AMERICAN GOODS ON HAND WILL BE SOLD AT a long time away from water. "On the other hunt we had to tane 12,000,000 VERY LOWEST PRICES. water and food along to follow th camels Into their rasture. They could remain two or three days' travel from MOW IM --at- water longer than our provisions jfy would permit of our remaining, csa USEi that made it very difficult to reach them. "We are going this time with & Mmdm. full knowledge ways of their and the IWAKAMI CO. best methods of finding them. : DRY GOODS "I believe we shall be successful on "Si'l iff Vi' DEPT. this hunt. If we are not, we will get DELIVERED AT YOUR DOOR the camels for our breeding farm from Hotel Street, Robinson Block.

wm siu'M1- H"' - - i & a r. Y ADVETISHS, HIE 4 PACIFIC COMMERCrAE konolutu; October

was the next speaker. He spoke elo- KITCHM quently In Hawaiian, holding the at- TO ENFORCE tention of the large audience from first ipecialties to last. The "Boy Orator" is a mas- o TREASURE terful speaker and sways his audiences with remarkable success. TABLE THE LAW Among other speakers were Sam Kamaiopili, who presided at the meet- Week ONLY A FEW ON HAND ing, Carlos Long, W. W. Harris. John We are offering; tempting-- inducements this week to compensate Lane and Win. Aylett. you for the small inconvenience of shopping-a- t Pacific Import Go. Length 46 inches, Width 26 inch- Governor Announces es, Height 30 inches. DOING POLITICS LADIES MUSLIN UNDERSKIRTS.

Weight 73 pounds. 100 6-in- His Homestead Skirts, Manufacturers' Samples, ch Embroidered I AT ANDRADE'S Flounce with Rows A BARGAIN Only $4.00 delivered free to any part of the city. Policy. 4 Hemstitched Tucks. On sale at. . . . J 500 Ladies' White Invitations were quietly sent around Embroidered Turnover Collars, New Stuff, tl during the week in the First precinct Just Opened (25c value). controversy being On Sale...... Coyne Co., The homestead is to Republicans to foregather at the Furniture Ltd. taken up by Governor Carter with the residence of Frank. Andrade, College Union and Hotel Streets. firm determination to have the law en- Hills, where it was planned to have ISO Ladies' Hemstitched Handkerchiefs on Sale, doz . jjj to forced. The charge of favoritism,' says heart heart talks to urge the in- vited ones not to vote a split ticket, the Governor, will have no foothola, 63x90 65g but vote the straight Republican tick- Ready Made Sheets, Good Quality On Sale. Issued to enforce for orders have been et. The meeting was to have been fullest interpretation. ; the law in its kept secret but the ' result was made one the Idiosyncrasies at THE LIGHTNING NEEDLE. "It is of public, it being alleged that the talks office," Governor yesterday, said the were so well made any desire to The occur. few that latest 5c a package. Each package has Li&htnine "to see the changes that A vote a split ticket was overcome. years ago Commission was There THREADER. when the were twelve present. Sample package H. A. CS OFF here, from the evidence given by toe FREE with every 50c purchase. people of Hawaii, it was fair to as- TO KAUAI sume that their principal objection , to REPUBLICAN RALLY the Territory's handling of lands was was and arbi- Pacific Import Co., that there favoritism PROGRESS Ltd. Baseball Nine Will trary discretion on the part of the HELD Hi DOlPOUfl BLOCK, FORT STREET. AT AUCTION Governor, and that in specific cases Play Three where the law had not been complied with title had been granted. Through Rain Interfered with the Republican THURSDAY, OCT. 20, Games. Mr. Pratt we took hold of this thing meeting at Kalihi campi A steady to enforce the law and not leave it Do AT 10 O'CLOCK A.M., downpour drove away most of the au- You Suffer open to arbitrary discretion. This will At my salesroom, 180 Merchant street. The Honolulu Athletic Club's base- dience and a mere handful courage be done by a pure interpretation of the had HI will Kauai tomor- enough to remain, to the end. ball team leave for law. Kalama Valuable Plants was the chairman and the principal row evening at 5 o'clock on the steam- "Now, the people over there seem to f001 iiervoiisoesi ? consisting of Crotons of all colors, and address was made by J. M. Dowsett, er Mikahala, and will return next Wed- be very much aroused. The Board of many other valuable plants. All on who urged the support of the Repub- Yes! Then why not take a glass of - taking hold of the mat- exhibition. nesday. The team will play a series Trade there is lican ticket and showed why it would say they the of three games as follows: ter and they don't want be folly to send any but a Republican WILL E. FISHER. H. A. C. vs. Kapaa; H. A.. C. vs. law carried out. delegate to Washington. Several idio-syncrais- ies AUCTIONEER. All-Kau- al; H. A. C. vs. Lihue. "That Is what I call one of the speeches in Hawaiian followed, all urg- PRIMO I given in their honor of office." LAGER A dance will be ing the support of the straight ticket. at meal times, 1 ou by the Kauai players, who are also A number of Dernoerafic enthusiasts, win nna it mvigoratig and it will make . paying the expenses of the trip. This VILHELM PASSES who also braved the storm, caused con- you sleep well. It is easy to take. TO LET. will be the first trip of a local league siderable excijement by cheering for team to the Garden Island. The play- their party. They were later assisted ers selected to leave on the Mikahala TO THE by some members of the Home Rule t Sold by all NICE COZY COTTAGE of Parlor, are: BOD camp. H 2 LIQUOR DEALERS, HOTELS AND BARS. Dlningroom, Bedrooms, Kitchen and Gleason, '.'Dick" Garvin, A. Wil- Bath. Electric lights and servants Pat ti liams," En Suf, E. Fernandez, Joe Fer- ciuarters. etc. Mosquito-proo- f. To be After a serious illness of several SEN. KAIUE WILL Oct. 3V1S04. Rent, $15.00. nandez, Carvalho, H. De Fries, G. vacated Wilhelm, contractor Desha . '. weeks, F. J. the NOT ELECTIONEER TWO-STOR- died yesterday forenoon at ELEGANT CORNER Y and builder, DWELLING of 7 Bedrooms, Reception 11:30 o'clock at his residence corner of Dining-roo- m QUINN WANTS is reported on excellent authority Room, Parlor. and Kitch Keeaumoku and Young streets. It I en. Large attic; good dry cellar; ser from a Maui man who departed yes- place this after- i. vants quarters, etc. Nice large yard. BROADER LAWS The funeral will take terday for Kahului, th.it Senator Kal-u- e reasonable. I Rent noon at 3 :45 from his late residence, will not be a candidate for ion Further particulars of Jim Quinn says that there is every the interment to be held in Nuuanu in this campaign although he has Hopp Co. . be J WILL E. FISHER, possibility of Ketchum coming here Valley. A funeral service will also filed his nomination papers as a can- Agent. ISO Merchant street. this winter with Cresceus. Mr. Quinn held at the Masonic Temple at 3 130, un- didate. , In discussing the matter says that the der the auspices of Hawaiian Lorge, of only thing needed to have fast race which the deceased was a member. The Leading Fnrniture Dealers horses sent here during the winter services will be completed in time to DANGEROUS TO i AT AUCTION months, are broader laws" whereby permit the Masons to join the. friends at the residence to participate in the pro- P00I3 could be sold. In such event be SATURDAY, OCT. 22, 1904, cession to the cemetery. says racing would become a popular TELL SECRETS i The deceased leaves a daughter, who 4-- AT 12 O'CLOCK NOON, sport in Honolulu and strings of good resides here, and brother who lives on 0 Ti At my salesroom, ISO Merchant slreer. fast horses would be sent here yearly 4--. Maui. ' C will ofi'er for sale at auction Ung Wan is in durance vile charged ? from California and Eastern stables. Mr. Wilhelm was one of the oldest On November 1st our entire X 4-- with threatening to kill one Ah Kit, of the contractors and builders in Hono- business will be removed from S Cricket on Maul. It seems that the two Chinamen were the location at King and Bethel 4 ELEGANT LOTS lulu having come here from Germany the ON It is proposed to have a cricket members of a fraternl order called streets, which we have occupied f about thirty-fou- r, years ago. He worked fra- i over 25 years, 1053 match between the Honolulu Cricket Kok On Society, but the spirit of for to Nos. on arrival with Mr. Fisher, who con- ternity did not pervade the atmosphere and 1059 Alexander Young Heights Club and the Maui Cricket Club. The Pacific ducted an establishment on Hotel street Ung Ah Kit abided In. former club held a meeting on Monday that Wan and opposite the Arlington Hotel. He after- Ung his friend, Mr. Kit, of evening at which the challenge of the accused By order of C. W. Booth, Esq., I will wards worked for L. Wey and Mr. telling the sacred secrets of the mystic - Maui club was accepted. The local offer for sale at auction . WITHOUT Luacs, father of the Lucas Bros. Mr. order unto the hoi polloi without the LIMIT or RESERVE cricketers will probably leave for Ma- prosperous respected Wilhelm was a and pale of the exclusive organization. As - ixrrs 71. 72. 73 ana n. 01 jracws ui the middle of November and the ' Heights. citizen. a punishment for this indiscretion Ung game will probably be played on the must die and Electric light and telephone facilities. new athletic grounds at Puunene which Wan said that Ah Kit 100x200 Each - to Size of each lot feet. H. P. Baldwin is- constructing. NATIVE JOAN forthwith ordered some Chinamen lot contains 20.000 square feet. job. Ah took to his heels and C. C. von do the Kit o residence of fellow-countryma- n. Makai the made complaint against his Kamm. Esq., and immediately in the at vicinity of other fine residences, posses OF ARC e RD The affair occurred sing ah unexcelled panoramic view of is Aiea in the Ewa district. IIIIS . Honolulu and surroundings. CELEBRATED f Terms One-thi- rd oav balance U BEAT TOM TAGGART. 1 one and two years at 6 per cent interest CContinued from page L r Made in the been beaten at my own Water piped upon the lots. Terraced an. I believe in the Republican plat "I have Just and fruit trees. ' game," laughingly acsiwwicus to. . and planted with shale guarantees honor- - i richest, Title guaranteed. vVater in aoun form, because it an Chairman Thomas Taggart as he and dance will be furnished to residents on able, efficient and economical govern- William F. Sheehan joined a mutual matched, TToichta at orices not to exceed ment, j acquaintance after . lunching together well-know- n the Government rates. always working man, at a Broadway cafe the lots up "I have been a day. figured quartered Partes desirinsr to visi began earning my living was other on application will De conveyed thei when I Replying to a query from the other, free of charge. ten years old, and I have always mix- Chairman Taggart continued: oak. ed with what iii known ag the middle Sheehan and myself were not very Further particulars of class. You can, therefore, be assured hungry to-d- ay and the colored waiter FISHER, oily brought us a check for l-- i We have just received a splendid new stock WILL E. that I will always do what I can for handed the waiter a $5 bill and he Auctioneer. fellow-worki- ng my men." brought me back two ones and two all sizes of roll-to-p desks, fiat desks, Mr. Quinn spoke of the candidates on half dollars in change. 8T09XACS the Senate and House tickets. "What do you suppose he said when desks, typewriter desks and tables. I asked him why he didn't bring me "As for Messrs: Harris, Andrade, some .smaller change? He just shuf Also a new stock of the celebrated Macey AT AUCTION r Long and Aylett, they already fa1 have fled his feet a moment and sputtered: TTln served one term in the Legislature, and " 'De Lawd loveth a cheerful bookcases. MONDAY, OCT. 24, 1904. if they had not been good men they givah.' "New York Times. AT 12 O'CLOCK NOON. could not have renomina-tio- n street, received a neglect a At my salesroom, ISO Merchant SO TIRED from the party. IT IS DANGEROUS to fcy order of David Dayton, Esq., as- cold. Pneumonia is one of the most H. Hackfeld & Co , Ltd. signee of the Kamalo Sugar Co., LttL, I "I have done nothing m my life thus dangerous and fatal diseases. It always rill offer for sale at public auction tk fet you toss about all night, unable to far to regret, and I don't intend at this results from a cold. Chamberlain's SELLING AGENTS. antlre property of the leep. your nerves un time of my life to put any blemishes Cough Remedy will quickly cure a cold It's that are . . strung. you - and- "nernam nrevent an aitacit 01 Weak nerves are starved on my record, so may De assured 7 at pneumonia. It,r is in fact made espe-th- Kamalo Sugar Co,, Ltd. nerves and you therefore need some I will make a clean fight in this thing to nourish and put vim and vital c!aly for that aiirnent and has become campaign. cures over a large part Bituate on the Island of Molokal. Ter- ity into them. For this particular duty famous for Its oC the civilized world. counteracts ritory of Hawaii, unless sooner dis- Hostetter"s Stomach Bitters is highly "Vote for Prince Cupid. He has been It - endorsed by physicians. is also in elected once vou any tenaency or a cold xowara pnui- IN FOREIGN LANDS posed of at private sale. It bv and shn.iM b you neglect your property is admirably situated valuable in. cases of POOR APPETITE, you nia. Can afford to, or in your native land when you are away from home, the This elected by again. In justice to cold when so reliable a remedy can be or stock ranaa. INSOMNIA. INDIGESTION, DYS SEMI-WEEKL- Y lor a sugar plantation himself and yourselves, you should by all deal- GAZETTE will be found a most welcome Fhere is an abundance of water. PEPSIA, WEAK KIDNEYS. BILIOUS had for a trifle? For sale NESS AND MALARIA, FEVER AND send him back to Congress to complete ers. Benson, Smith & Co., Ltd., Agents visitor; giving as it does a condensed summary of all the J'urther particulars of J. Alfred Ma-Boo- m A.GUE. We hope youll try it at once. the work he has so well begun. jfor Hawaii. local news of the Islands and Honolulu. and J. Lightf oot, attorney for "I endorse the platform from top to before you on your you won't . Lidy) Subscribe s'.art travels and Jkainee, or HOSTETTER'S bottom; Jaded Jake (to High Born I endorse the administration Spare a trifle, please lydy! I've walk- need to "wonder what is happening at hon.e" while you are WILL E. FISHER, STOMACH BITTERS of Governor Carter; I especially believe ed the streets all night, lydy, an you away. - In coimty government. , means. AUCTIONEER You will never know what that Price 50 cents per month cr $5.00 per year postpaid to any have a proper government here until 339. Residence TeL 53. part of the United States. Foreign postage extra. Tel. Main White you have county government. It is Fleshglovv better that you should elect your own HAWAIIAN GAZETTE CO., LTD. Dr. Hicks Mrs. E. M. Taylor officers rather than that you should Gives the face the natural pink glow have them appointed. The Republican PUBLISHERS. glass - of health. With a magnifying FLORIST. party 'will give you county govern 65 South King St. Honolulu, Hawaii. it cannot be detected. Call for a FREE Alexander Young Building. Phone 88. TRIAL as a sample at Miss Wynn's Fresh Cower seed just arrived by ment," Hair, Dressing Parlors, RIchard3 street. S. S. Alamfcda. Bernard KelokoTio, "The Boy Orator," on the Emperor's birthday, Nov. MACHINE OR PEOPLE-Wff- lCH ? Arthur Hf PACIFIC Z(L They are so sure aboat as io 4 Co, Territory have it The people of this suggest. that their tunneling under the Jaruptions The Pacific Hardware; four years Commercial Advertiser now had a little more than fortress has been successfttf and that, Dry, moist, scaly tetter, all forms in all depart- of machine government when the appointed day comes, they of eczema or salt rheum, pimples and in the BOLE AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED ments save the Executive will be able to send the principal Rus- and cutaneous jtfAITER G. SMITH, EDITOR Boyds and Wright it other eruptions pro- cases of the two sian forts hurtling into the .air-- Jap- ceed even upon that. from humors, either inherited, 13 encroached anese are remarkable tunnel-builder- s, OCTOBER the re- or acquired through defective di- j4(I Every "WEDNESDAY It is a fair question whether being the custom in their country to commend it sults have been "such as a rural road Through a hill gestion and assimilation. AMERICAN. taxpayers to send THE NAME the machine system to the rather than over it. With thousands To treat these eruptions with Sizes says there vote of confidence j A Canadian correspondent and justify another of men at hand near Port Arthur to Crying medicines is dangerous. among cer- Stove Is considerable indignation in it? mole underground, the Japanese, with The thing to do is to Sec- began business it take Dominion politicians because When the machine their outer works only a tfew hundred and tain choice for retary of State Hay has directed that undertook to prevent the yards from Russian strongholds, must Hood's Sarsaparilla embassies B. Dole and make hereafter the United States Governor-o- Sanford have run a long tunnel during the two official- ,i of any available . Guaranteed and legations abroad are to be th ciwtirtn months they are supposed to have been and Pills Prices ac- - carpet-bagg- er his place. Which thoroughly cleanse the blood, ly styled "American." Mr. Hay's politician or in at work. a con TTaTnilv failed. It also undertook to expelling all humors and building tlon gives particular offense to it Best of material and workmanship. Made in every style papers. capture The courts and It aided In get After six days of fighting the two up the whole system. cure a ,,mher of- Canadian They size known to modern stove construction. Siuciaui "imperial commissions for Humphreys, Gear, in Northern Liaotong Hood't Sarsaparilla Dominion organs of the ting hostile armies permanently cured J. Repairs always on hand. aggrieved. This Gaibraith. Little and Edings. For Con concluded to rest and although some Q. Hines. Franks. 111., of eczema, from which school are particularly he had suffered for some simply tne o it namfrt Sam Parker and for casual battling occurred, the main time: and Miss country, they argue, is Alvina Wolter. Box 212. Aleona. Wis., of pim- recog of the National Committee bodies recuperated. So far Oya ma has United States." and the name is member ples on her face and back and chafed skin on cus WumM Sewall. All the selections not succeeded in enveloping the Rus- her body, by which she had been eretly nized as correct by "established "r were blunders and scme of them were sians. Two hundred thousand good troubled. There are more testimonials in mm-- and "universal practise." favor of Hood's than can be published. much worse than blunders they were crimes. fighting men are not easy to cage by The Montreal Witness reflects Hood's Sarsaparilla PRICES RANGE FROM $9.00 UPWARD. ; j It Then came the first legislative cam an army of similar strength. When the promises t Canadian newspaper opinion when cure and keeps the promise. the Republicans- met enveloped the French at Sedan ak of Secretary Hay's action as a Germans COR. FORT AND MERCHANT STREETS. Home Rulers with the Democrats odds were 250,000 to 90.000; but In : of the "standing insolence of the the as third party. The Home Rulers is man for 'man. Kuro peoplein in speaking of themselves a a' Manchuria it 41 bis Tracticaliv swept the board. Why did patkin has shown great capacity in re 'Americans The Toronto batur SPARKLING the s they do so? We say unhesitatingly as do most Russian, commanders i i 3 & a is shocked. "We have treat Xiht ! " says, "which that it was because the Republican Ter and it is quite possible that he will sense of propriety it put large sums ! a nation oc-- ritorial Committee the matt nis way to iiarDin. Heptoi Split Long Winter Evenings --' a riide iolt when 2 !a of money contributed by the Republican nne-ha- lf of the Ciiiym& .Kan legitimate ex While Honolulu reads a short abstract nerve to monopo- - business houses for the The most ideal LIVER. $ Americas has the penses canvass into the hands of the daily war news, there are men STOMACrl and RE- - V- all. To" of the BOWEL li-- .. v- name of - man who openly arid shamelessly here who read thousands of words of it GULATOR and TONIC BEV- Soon Be Here A, iT'if RtatM America woula of a ERAGE, will pay the bills of the Home every morning and evening and say X describe used them to Effervescing Palatable and ? be quite as ridiculous as to campaign. com nothing. These are the people at the Rule Afterwards that 4. guaranteed harmless. will im- - e . - swimming trunks It enjoj-abl- 2& naii- of They will be evenings of pastimes read- KXJ auu mittee rewarded this perfidy by endors- cable office. The long stories sent by mediately relieve and cure Eil-- as a salt of clothes." ing the same man for a high place un the Associated Press and by the cor- liousness, Constipation, Indiges-- c ing, pedro, bridge, etc., if you use incandescent electric press not eern to tion and Headache . from any The English does der the Republican Territorial adminis- respondents to the press of the United up over Canada's - cause, overindulgence in eating, lights. be very much stirred a post which he left with the States and even of Europe land at Wal- Hrinlrinor cmnl-in- r at- tration a rr 1 grievance. It is not paying much sheriff on his collar. Of No greater cost than kerosene. Xo smoke, no refilling; and clutch of the neighbor's outcries, well-endors- ? to our ed one .w nfHrp and rass on to- - fill the .uasres , m m m m I Ml . tention two ether worthies tiran - III X m, X ..L no odor, no lamp no search, opinion on the " aHrHm a. mm LIBm mm IIm v broken chimneys, for matches, when it does express an i3 nov,-- a refugee ana tne otner is unaer of the great dailies. A few hours later us. no explosions. a turn of the button brings a flood of subject generally sides with plnal ILCillS UL 111 SI liiipvi j wv.ujvu4 w n.lx Just it ten years sentence. Machine rule llitf ia,ivt 1 uviviv in- i gooa i The Manchester Guardian, for or influence in these cases cost the tax- and are published in the local papers, j uiner raeais insures neaitn. light when you use electricity. are - . 1 1 stance, naively asks: "Bu t what payers at least $150,000 of stolen money. But they are stale Indeed to the cable we to do? What are we to call them? In the first three years of its ex men, Directions : Contents of one CONSULT US FOR ESTIMATE. anxiety to offend, f bottle for Adults; drink while ef-- With extreme not istence the machine was responsible, fervesemg. I? inhabitants AT we must yet realize that though its endorsements, for nine em- - HOW ANIMALS BEHAVE SEA --

so-call- ed is not 2- of the United States bexzlements. A. French Scientist has made some rrav 'Yankee' is diff- as to be- a handy phrase, and The second political campaign result interesting observations the j Price 15 cts. See our window Hawaiian Electric Co.f Ltd. icult to assimilate in any high quality ed in the choice of Kuhio for Con- - havior of different wild animals at display!, of the sea. The pblar bear, he says, Is the Office King1 of English prose. The solution gres3 and of a Republican legislature sea, Street near Alakea. 'Phone Main 390. come In only one that takes to the and is matter is that Canada should with a strong working majority. An quite jolly when aboard ship'. All others under Uncle Sam's protecting arms. incident of the same period was a con violently resent a trip on water, and IBollister Drng Go. she wouldn't have any grievance certed effort to remove Governor Dole vociferously give vent to their feelings Then 5J AGENTS. States wouia uive and put Sam without his trus- until seasickness brings silence. Tne . and the United Parker most of all. He whines a cap and a pair of tees in Important place. tiger .suffers FOET STREET. J? coat as well as that pitifully, his eyes water continually, - swimming trunks. The lower house of that Legislature and he rubs his stomach with his ter- - , - The fact ls that the term "American" contained as arrant a lot of rascjils rible paws. Horses are very bad sail- j the- Advertiser. applied to the people of the United and incompetents as could have been ors, and often perish on a sea voyage. as attempts not States Is of purely English origin. In scraped together In the political pur Oxen are heroic in their differenti- to give Way to sickness. Elephants do 1 the early' days the British lieus of San Francisco a piebald aggre- not like the sea, but they are amenable World's News Daily. American and Canadian and gation of knaves and freaks with here A good remedy - ated the to medical treatment. the custom established itself. No Can- and there a respectable manwho had is a bucketful of hot water containing himself an American aay get in without machine help. The Sen- three and a half pints of whiskey and Liectnc adian calls seven ounces of Quinine. more than an American calls himstlf ate was mainly safe; the House was . . run hy a Solid so Canadian. Mice points of geography Thirteen, shameless BEHIND THE BEFORE. courtesy old customs and at tM3 a compact that the honest men were CHOICE to While stumping the State during the FISH day, no one can take the title forced to summon the aid of Home r bite last gubernatorial campaign Governor 0iize al-- "American" from those who have Rulers and Democrats, venturous as Frazier of Tennessee entered the. of- wavjj borne it. hat departure was, to prevent the elee--f fice of a village hotel, where he dis ; -- Unique designs in all the Movu'-A't- on of the Thifteen's - corpulent fc nominee for covered a German seated at Band. writing. Suddenly the Teuton late effects, selected with David Fraser. the London Times cor- Speaker the now indicted Kumalae. table . We have just received on the Alameda fresh coast Hali- yesterday, As Governor Dole's term paused in his task, frowned, scratched especial care according to respondent, who was here neared its head, chewed the end of his pen, but and a variety of other kinds of choice fish. his ; the needs of the market. Also a new said that he doubted the truth of the end some of the machine's most power- and looked so obviously worried that dispatches about a battle of Mukden ful influences were ranged against the Mr. Frazier good naturedly asked: We want you to see our shipment of . and explained his reasons as follows: choice of George Carter for Governor. "My friend, can I be of any service splendid assortment. Only citi-zen- to you?" "The Japanese would hardly attempt by the hard work of reputable ts PRICES RANGE FROM entire was MeCants Stewart's "Yah," was the prompt and relievea Crystal Springs to deliver a battle against the resolution response; "blease tell me vedder you Butter. force of Kuropatkiii, as at the pres- of protest against Carter kept from puts an 'e behindt "before ?" I place are legislative passage. be- ent the Russians at that Plotting also , It was several seconds before the $12.00 numerically stronger than the Japanese, gan to secure the control of the Su- affable candidate grasped the man's gave TO see no reason why the Japanese preme Court. Who for," God knows. meaning and the desired Infor- Metropolitan Meat Co., Ltd. I mation. New York Times. .'. . should force, an important battle while Today the machine is in the field m. Telephone Main 45. "were a numerical disadvan- again with a three-pl- y ticket, one part ' they at . HE WASN'T TO BLAME. $250000 tage." A more careful reading of the competent, one part incompetent and "Madam," said the husky hobo, "you cablegrams would . have shown Mr. one part rascally and it insists, as it Jap- see before you a victim of circum Note the beauty in our Eraser that the Russians, not the did in the cases of Kurnalae, the Boyds, stances over which I have no control." at- show window. LADIES' IMPERIAL anese, delivered the battle in an Wright and the rest of the branded "How is that?" Queried the kind-heart- ed tempt to go southward- - The very fact crew, upon the support of honest men lady, as she extracted a penny of numerical superiority, which tlyj because, and solely because, the ticket from her purse. LACE NO. correspondent mentions, perhaps stands Jor party regularity. "It's like this, madam," explained the F. WiCHMAH & CO., LTD, j 66 Times h. h., "I was born too tired to work." IH. could suc 13 - made Kuropatkin think he What regularity to the taxpayer if News. Fort Street. This is the shoe for long- ser-- ' ceed. j it means bad government? f vice, stylish T What Is a party worth which accepts build and small A number of Republicans met at the price. College hill3 and recommends nominees whom it Really home of Frank Andrade at knows to be unworthy? It is made of the best kid, golf last night and indulged in a quiet talk on. the subject of voting the straight Finally If government by the machine START cut, patent tip and dull top, mil- developed Fine Umbrellas Republican ticket. It that after a four years' trial is shown to be a savings account today. Interest paid itary heel, welt sole which is not there is a great deal of Ignorance con- weak" in the selection of public ser Re- to heavy for dress, and invisible cerning the actual record of the vants; If it is shown to be careless in and All New publican candidates who have beea as- 1- -2 cork sole which makes it damr upon Its adoption of policies and regardless p. c. sailed in certain quarters and a With our elegant new 4 proof, It is very elastic and easy fitting. clearer understanding all disposition of the vital principles of good legisla stock Bulletin per annum and your money can be to split the ticket disappeared. tion and deficient in public spirit, then just to hand, 'Tnoney that you . on demand PRICE Is it hot right that the taxpayers who pay now for an umbrella is withdrawn In ordering mention No. 66. They must have been hypnotized by PAY THE BILLS, should begin to wisely laid aside for a rainy Frank's Jersey milk. choose for themselves? So far, good TO MANUFACTURERS' citizens have delegated their right of day. $1. $5000 SHOE CO., LTD., Fort St. argument Does anybody make the selection in a way to do themselves a The frames are strong- - and accepted on one account administra- wrong; seriously that the Carter now they propose to take back the handles very tion can get more help for good govern- their misused powers of attorney and handsome. Py4CKC0"S ment from Aylett,' Mahelona and Long put Hawaiian legislation in the hands Prices for ladies' and gentle Further particulars at Campbell than it could from Trent. of the best men. Shall they permit men's sizes range from 75c. to Langston? be by and themselves to called down party $10.00. - J S&fisfs, MJispfiMsss , managers whose consciences have been Mil answer to a query the Advertiser In so obscured by ambition that they hold Here are a few say Genghis was born specials, plain and would that Khan up the Mahelonas and Ayletts as men fancy handles. Mongolia, banks of the Ho-ang--ho In on the fit to be elected? Judd Building, The 1162. son Expert Dentist In He was the ... f LADIES' SIZES. river. t Honolulu, T. H. For Honest of the chief of the Mongol tribe Does a bad nominee become desirable Work at Low Prieoo. Mercerized, $1.25. HENRY E. POCOCK, F. L. Key run. . because another party is running a FERGUSON, D. D. 8. ' Gloria Silk, Cashier. good nominee who may beat him? $1.50. $-'- tine Italian Glori a, 25, $2.50 GUARANTEE CAPITAL $2co,ooo.oa It will need a great deal of heart . No. 215 Hotel street, in front of and $3.00. PAID IN CAPi lJL, Sioo.ooo.oa Ta3 to-he-art talking to convince a good citi- It was for lack of knockers at the test Building. Union Silk, $3.00. zen that he can get honest government polls that the last Legislature had a MANY PEOPLE neglect their hair and help Carter by voting for a dis Solid Thirteen. GENTLEMEN'S SIZES. SHOEING I too long. Hair like everything else re- reputable nominee. mRSB quires care. New Restaurant When bad nominee pokes up Fine Mercerized, JPacheco's Dandruff Killer will keep JTJST OPENED. a his Hercules Frame, Everything There is but one way to prevent the head remember your taxes and be a $1.50. your hair in fine condition. New and First CImm. Sold by all Druggists and at Union THE KAIULANI recurrence of Solid Thirteens and that kroeker. Itahan Gloria. 2.00, $2.25 and 1M5 .. W. W. Wright Co., Ltd. Barber Shop. Tel. 232 Main. Tort St., oppo. Club Stable. i trt defeat the men respon?Ible for not only re-el- ec It is a matter of electing Union Silk, ng them when they come up for $30. opened horse-shoei- department good men but of defeating bad ones. have a Extra Size, 30 Inch Umbrellas, shop, tlon. I i in connection with their carriage PAGITIC PANAMA HATS . ?3x A eats any ticket you give him. etc Having secured the services of a Union Street., oppo. Pacific Club. New line just received Don't let anybody do your thinu rion'i be a goat. first-cla- ss shoer, they are prepared to do a for you in politics. Do your own th I Accommodation, for Boar V work intrusted them a first--1 da. ing. Theyapanese say they will take Port all to in and Lodinx. I.OBK CLOTHING COST PACTS' FORT STREET. I class manner. - KIZ1 $mA lis TJnloa CtrwJ, ADVERTISER, HONOLULU, OCTOBER THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL , ig, 1555. 4 5 BISHOP church of this citjv assisted by several prominent citizens of the BIchop RECEPTION FOR REV. same nation, will tender the Bishop and his ood lady a reception Co., Ban kera he E- rSTABLLBHED IN UIZ, Skin - off AY in the M church sorrier of Beretania and Miller streets. If the cannot have AfVin MDC HADPK Tfin You a clear and smooth PHHU 1VII3. HrtKKIJ "Mongolia" arrives in the moming and sails in evenin-th- BANKING skin unless the blood is pure. lJUfll the is re DEPARTMESSZ1 Blotches, eruptions, rashes, pimples, ception will take place at 3 p. m., but otherwise at 7:3.0 in the even- Transact basineBa in all departaEaa. al! show how impure the blood must ing. All ofi banking. be. Get all impurities out of your friends of the Bishop are most cordially invited to be pres- Collections carefuUl attended blood before you are seriously ilL ent, irrespective of nationality. Bishop Harris is en route to Japan Exchange bought and sold. and will henceforth reside in Tokyo, superintending ' the mission Commercial EJ .... and Traveler Letter .. ' - Credit issued on of CalKuffiS , work of the M. E. church in Japan and Korea. Mrs. the Bank Harris is a nla and N. M. Rothschild & Evs highly cultured lady,, fluent in Japanese and well known to'the East London. as an authoress of considerable Correspondents: The Bank of note. Her poems in the vernacular fornia. Commercial Banking Co 3 frequently find a place in the columns of the leading Japanese papers Sydney, Ltd., London. , and periodicals. Do not forget the reception. All friends cordially Drafts and cable transfers on CU&a invited. and Japan through the Hongkong a& Shanghai Banking Corporation &A Chartered Bank of India; Australia aJ f CULTURE OF WINE GRAPE! China. Agents for the sale of Travelers ' x . . ; f Checks of the American Express Com- - pany. Miss Dorothy Maher.vif Fitzroy, Victoria, GOOD FOR THESE ISLANDS J. - sends her photograph and - - . - this letter: " "I had a terrible eruption on my face, . i -- Mi 'r ' Interest allowed on term deposits fij which was of a very irritating nature. I tried the following per annum, many blood medicines, but without relief. rates vi: Friends told me to tryAyer's Sarsaparilla, Honolulu, Hawaii, Oct. 17, 1904. Seven days' notice, at 2 pe cent-Thr- ee as it was a most famous blood remedy. I did 3 per -- months, at cent. no, and after taking-onl- two bottles! began Editor Advertiser: I note with srreat interest the artirle in to see a great change. By the time the third Six months, at 34 per cent. bottle was used the eruption had entirely your Sunday issue of October 16, Twelve months, at 4 per cent. disappeared, and without leaTieg a mark on regarding the culture in these my lace. I am per fectly well now, and I owe TRUST DEPARTMENT. blood-purifyi- 01 grapes tne ng lsianas lor manutacture ot it all to this great remedy." wine. Act as Trustees under mortgage f It is a well known fact that every locality where wine is made, Manage estates, real and person!. 1 f and we might include many other articles of commerce, has made Collect rents and dividends. v-,- : Valuable papers, wills, bond, ctA AVER'S l- - its reputation for excellence because of the peculiar conditions of received for safe keeping. the soil and climate combined with experience in producing commo- ACCOUNTANT DEPT. arsaparilfa dities for which Auditors for corporations and yrS that country may become famous the world over. vate firms. There are many imitation Sarsaparillas. It seems to me that Hawaii has conditions that' qualify her in comi- Books examined and reported oxu Jie sure you get "Ayer's. Statements of affairs prepared. ng1 to the front as a leader may be in tobacco, van-nill- a, Correct any tendency to constipation with it wine, grapes, Trustees on bankrupt or lnvolY3 Ayer's I'ills. They are sugar-coate- d, easy to estates. take, cocoa and sisal. We have the hills and southern slopes for mild in action. A family laxative. Office, 924 Bethel street. Prettied by Dr. J. Ayer Co., Lowell, C. S. A, grapes, C Mat., land that could not "very well be used for any other purpose SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. i . than vineyards. , Deposits HOLLISTER DRUG CO- - Agent. received and Interest allow You say the Republicans have added unofficially to their plat- ed at 4 per cent per annum, in UM f cordanoe with rules and regulations To arrive by S. S. Alameda LREV. BISHOP HARRIS. C form the statement that if their Legislative tickets is elected with copies of which may be obtained' a Lusitanian assistance they will pass a bill permitting the manufac- application. INSURANCE DEPARTMENT, ture of wine. I consider be done in any ,1 that should event, but Agents for FIRE, MARINE, LHTSS, $1-2- 5 a box, at would go further and furnish the land. My idea would be to have ACCIDENT and EMPLOYERS' LIA- GERTZ BROS. Phone White 3231. the Legislature pass a bill to have all of Punchbowl surveyed and BILITY INSURANCE COMPANIES, All order delivered free. Insurance Office, 924 Bethel Street. divided, up in one acre lots, water syphoned from upper Nuuanu valley, no pumping required and' laid to every holding and leased

out . at a small' rental just sufficient to cover cost of. survey and Extraordinary 4 water for say 25 years. No taxes for say ten years. The sides could Acts as Executor, be terraced off and made as productive as level land, after the style Administrator, of the terraced hills on the river Rhine in Germany. The people Guardian, Bargains who would work this successfully are the Portuguese, Many have gone away to the mainland and mahv more are preparing to follow. Assignee or Men 1 They are hard working, industrious citizens. We must try arid re-- 5 Trustee For 4 tain these people here. We cannot afford to lose them. While th? Charges always reasonable and incor- - Legislature is passing a bill to manufacture wine why not satisfaction guaranteed.'. . . . .1 r . t 1 .1 1 - i . f t t t f porate tne mantuacture 01 iugn wines anu aiconoi armj give, mc y company pleased by-prod- This'" has make-mone- of a uct My entire haberdash-- , sugar planters an opportunity to out molasses, which is now allowed to go to waste and which might everybody who has given it ery being.'acri trust business and we can please stock is easily become one of our most prominent industries and feelp swell flced at absolute cost. 5 our export trade. Consider for a moment what cotton seed has done you. Trust funds kept separate and apart from the company's New time to buy. for the whereas, formerly it was burned up and destroyed but is the South, assets. Nothing withheld ev- f is now one.of the most valuable assests. Wine and alcohol and the manipulations combined would give employment to thou- 1 JteJP erything on sale. f different Hawaiian f sands of white skilled citizens. One industry will start up many Trust others. ." '"' Co., Ltd, When the Panama Canal is constructed and about six passenger steamers calling at Honolulu daily on an average for cable advices Fort Street P I. Levingstpn globe-trotte- rs and c and fresh supplies, vessels filled with tourists HONOLULU. , Young Building. with their sachelsfull of money, ready to buy anything arid every- thing, what have we to sell them a few pines and. bananas. It takes rs for fruit trees to bear, and we must be ready for the grand ' ; opening. WM. G. IRWIN & CO., LTD, We want white labor for Hawaii and cheap passenger rates so need liberal and broad men to make Wm. Q. Irwin.. President and Manager people can come here. We "Vice-Preside- 3 that John D. Spreckels.. First nt an a" ir W ulri f law? requiring the Territory to parcel out these small holdings on W. M. Glffard... Second Vice-Preside- nt MRS. HARRIS. long leases. Rentals only enough to cover water and expenses and H. M. Whitney, Jr TreasureE V.V.y.V.VV'V'V'V'V'V"V'VV'V'M.V'VVV'V'V'V'V'V will we begin to realize that Richard Ivers .....Secretary no taxes for ten years at least. Then A. C. Lovekin... Audlto Rev. Bishop and Mrs. Harris are expected on the S. S. this is the Paradise of the World. - , NOW ' Sugar .Factors and Commission Aftatfl OPEI V OSWALD "LJJTTED. today. The members of . the Japanese M. E. J. AT from the Coast AGENTS FOR THE Oceanic Steamship Coxnpas (apiolani Parte mil,.. Of San Francisco, CaL HE WAS JURPRISED. '' AGENTS FOR THE Scottish Union & National Inauraa THE AQUARIUM WILL. BE OPEN An Irishman somewhat under the in- Company 10 o'clock a. m. to of Edinbursr. m Week days from fluence of liquor, ambling1 toward home Wilhelma of Magdeburg General 1p.m.' and from 7 to 9:30 o'clock p. m. on a recent evening, happened to pass In open 1 p. m. surance Company. On Sundays it will at a church, and, being attracted by the Associated Company ADMISSION will be FREE on sound of music, paused for a while and Assurance l days a charge Munich & Berlin. Thursdays. On other then staggered toward the entrance. Alliance Marine & General will be 'made of 10 cents to adults and bump of caution, Assunt&M years With his natural Co., Ltd., of London. I cents to children under fourteen however, he looked up at the snire to 'Jysr-poo- ; Royal Insurance Company of l, M age. . proper cross was see that the kind of Alliance Assurance Company S on it, for to the mind of most good Grew This Hair London. Catholics would be almost a sacrilege CHE DOUGLAS it Cost-- to go into a Protestant church. He saw Rochester German Insurance , . i mi pany N. Y. rT.j ,.i.mii,i, the cross, which apparently satisfied of his scruples, and he went in, sitting AND WE CAN down in a pew near the door. WM. G. IRWIN & CO., LTD. The heat being somewhat oppres- sive he fell asleep. P AGENTS FOR ; " -- sex- ' r-- . y After the service had ended the Western Sugar Refining Co., Eajs ton began at the altar to turn out the Francisco, CaL lights. , Baldwin Locomotive Works, Phila- Coming down the kaisle he tripped over delphia, Pa. the foot of the sleeping man in the Newall Universal Mill Co., Manu- pew, looking down, diagnosed and, the facturers of National Cane t Shredder, case in a moment. New York, N. Y. ""in i He gave the sleeping man a shake J ' v Paraffine Paint Company, San Fram Jr my ffv and said: "See here, good man, -- Cisco, Cal. TIM1a! ' wake up and get but of here at once. I 'WfiV Little Trances aiarie Knowlton is the daugh- Ohlandt & Co., San Francisco, CaL f. Tou are in the wrong place anyway ter cf JJr. E. W. Knowlton, the discorerer of Pacific Oil Transportation Co., Baa your this reat hair-growin- g remedy, and her beauti- this is not church." f use of this Francisco, Cal. The Irishman sat up, rubbed his eyes, ful hiir was grown wboliy by the and, developing an argumentative great tonic. This little girl bad no more ha'r than the C. BREWER & CO., LTD. strain, said in a rather thick, guttural average child before uslug Daniierlne, while voice: now 6he has the longest and most beautiful Sugar Factors and Commission "It ain't my church? "Whose church head of golden bair ever possessed by a child of ber age in the world. Merchants. BATH, THE PLUMBER. is it if it ain't mine?" healthy fertile Youmg is the Protestant Episcopal Panderlne makes the scalp and LIST OF OFFICERS. 53 Bias street, opposite Hetai "This and keeps it so. It is the greatest scalp fertili- 'PHONE CL Church " zer and therefore the greatest g C. M. Cooke, President; George H, "It's no such thing!" remedy ever discovered. It Is a natural food Robertson, Manager; E. F. Bishop tell you it is, and you must get a wholesome medicine ior win mo uan Treasurer and Secretary; CoL W. F CHICHESTtH'S INCUIH "I n. Of Will PUt no1n Frn 9 V. hot tie It C. Jones, TEL out of here." your hair than a gallon of Allen, Auditor; P. C. pEEinVROYAL, PILLS straightened up. and, more genuine life in Cooke, G. He himself any other nair ionic ever wauo. R. Carter, Directors. II r--lK SATE. AiST.rehbi. l.dle. Oruirt pointing a wavering finger toward the CHICHESTER'S KNOLISH . us-- Cold M1U altar, said: AiTlJ?v ..d bo.BehM Ct itbMMriMwi. Tktfcerw "Isn't that the statue of St. Joseph LGvojoy Co. up there on the right?" Iter P.'rtle-l-- n. T-tl- lU Liquor Dealers. lid for t4r-J.f- The sexton was forced to reply in the "KellrMkII. 1 .0HIli."timoni.U. affirmative. 1 - sizes, cents, cents Merchant Mm thU pir. MdlMa ' "Ain't that the Virgin's statue on the w NOW at all druggists, in three 25. 50 Nuuanu and St. left?" . . : and CO per bottle. Main 308. "Yes," replied the sexton. $1. Phone , - acts, we MAN SING ""What is in the center?" &5fA'-''',- sw To show how quickly Danderine will 1. that priri" free by return mail to any one ni7 NUUANU STREET. "That is the statue of our Savior." ?;Hk tX.J rll&Ela send a large sample ?i"T43 -- - Honolulu Candy Co. CA8HIONABI-- F DRESS-- 1 The Irishman, with a look of mingled wjuu stilus uiiio u. ; ; triumph and contempt, said, looking Chicago with name and address and io cents in silver or Bakery MAKER eye Latest Photo Of FRANCES MARIE KNOWLTON, Co.f New England the sexton as nearly in the as he Ag Four Years, 980 Garfield Boulevard, Chicago stamps to pay postage. LADIES' UNDERWEAR. . could: made to order. Sewing guaran-td- J. OSWALD LUTTED, Cthmi will "For God's sake, whin did thim turn If the stitches break I Protestants ?" Lippineott's. FOR SALE AND GUARANTEED BY HOLLISTER DRUG CO. Hotel Street. Managsr. while laboring under emotion asked for the clemency of- - the court In meting H AS out justice to him. He stated he had X'JL-ZL- . "2TO "CT JUSTICE been held in Oahu Prison ever since his I IlIEINV 0"0"SS arrest in April. Several attorneys Xet any man who Is weak, broken down, old spoke in his behalf. In passing sen- and decrepit in physical weakness, full of tence 'Judge Dole spoke feelingly of the pains and aches, gloomy, despondent and any man who wants to be stronger Price, 10c. Per Copy ; Per Annum, $1.00; Foreign, $1.25. I prisoner's loss of position.. Taking In- cheerless IflGS to consideration the length of time al- and younger than he feels let him come an4 ready tell me how he feels, and passed in prison by Mr. Dillon, say the Judge imposed but two days' sen- If I that I can cure him tence. ' I will forfeit $1,000 if I faiL THE I don't want money that Federal Offenders Are SAMOA SENTENCED. I don't earn. I don't nel Judge Dole yesterday sentenced John it, and am not after it. Samoa to sixty days imprisonment But I am after the dollars Sentenced To and to pay a fineof $100 for illicit dis- that are now going wrong - . tilling of liquor. Samoa stated he had In the quest of health. gone into the business for the sake of Look at all these poor Prison. his wife and children. - 1 wrecks of humanity that AND are spending all they earn on drugs dope that Is Justice had her innings in the Fed HACKFELD WINS paralyzing their vital or- eral Court yesterday when a large gans that have spent all they have earned for year riculturist number of offenders against the laws without gaining a pound c? of the United States were either found "LITTLE J0CKEfl" CM strength for the hundred! A MONTHLY MAGAZINE charges of dollars wasted guilty or pleaded guilty to the That Is the money that I The Grand Jury re- ' against them.. Judge Gear yesterday filed a decision am after, because for every Or on a large number of cases, dollar I ta.ke I can give a ported in the case of Isidor Rubenstein, do- body was discharged thousand per cent interest. after which that ing business as I. Pubenstein & Co., so many cases this term with the I have cured Forestry, Entomology and Agriculture from further service vs. H. Hackfeld & Co., Ltd., bill for in- right here that I can prove Judge Dole. thanks of junction in re the right to the exclusive my claims to you, but If McPhetridge, the United proof Is not enough E. clerk at right In the use of the brand of to- that Issued Under the direction Quartermaster's depot in I'll give you the names of States Army bacco known as the "Little Joker" to- you charge men right near where OF THE this city, pleaded guilty to the bacco, finding for the defendant on the you are. Is that fair? was re- of smuggling, and sentence ground that the plaintiff has made out Most of the belts that I am selling now are to men who have besn that is the COMMISSIONERS OF AGRICULTURE served until Thursday morning. The no case. The judge ordered pre- sent here by their friends whom I have cured. I think BOARD OF the 5 standpoint offence for which McPhetridgewas in- best evidence that my business s a success from the of liminary injunction dissolved. Hyman cures, as 'well as on the dollar side. AND FORESTRY. dicted was the smuggling ashore from Bros., the predecessors of Rubenstein Just lately I have received letters of praise from these men: an army transport of several thousand & Co., originally had the right to the James P. Daniels, 709 Devlsadero street, San Francisco. He W8S Manila cigars.' cured of a back- - trouble of i2 years' standing. use of the said brand in this Terri- says D. A. Mackintosh also pleaded guilty J. M. Gaskill, 220 Chestnut ave., Santa Cruz. Cal., who I cured ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO tory, and by extensively advertising It Indigestion, and Lumbago from ADDRE3S charge of adultry, Clara Nieb-- him of Constipation, Nervousness to the had made it a lucrative business. When which he had suffered 15 years. W. M. GIFFARD erdling being named in the matter. the firm changed hands, Hackfeld & Wherever you are, I think I can give you the name of a man In KOITOH was also reserved in this case your town I have cured. send me your address and let me HONORANV Sentence Co. secured ; possession of the brand. that Just Thursday morning. try. This Is my twejity-fourt- h year in the business of pumping new P. O. BOX 308 until The court tier's that the American To- every town bills of Indictment vim Into wornout humanity and I've got cures in nearly Fourteen true bacco CoS aave no . rights to Hyman map. HONOLULU,' M. jury. on the X. were returned by the grand Five Bros, which they could assign to their Write to me. I've got a nice book on men that I'll send sealed, of these were placed on the Secret file successor, Rubenstein & Co. free. If .you inclose thl3 ad. for the present, in order to give the The decision in part is as follows: For business relating to advertl sins "or subscriptions, address ' DR. M. G. McLAUGHLIN, 906 Market St., San Francisco. opportunity to place the - officers an This is a case of novel Impression. ------e9 - 0 - 0 - 9 - - - - Co., LTD., Publishers, . Hawaiian Gazette persons named in custody. One of Diligent research has not enabled the p. O. Box 208. Honolulu. Hawaii. these refers to a case of perjury, two Court to find any authority directly in for. conspiracy in endeavoring to have point so far as the facts of this case two are concerned. The complaint upon a moral offense committed, and which preliminary injunction was ft For Sale violations of the liquor law. "No Bills" granted alleges that the firm of Hyman y by In five cases were reported as fol- Brothers, the predecessor in interest of BOOK "AND NEWS PEAIuERSs. JtLli lows: the plaintiff, during the year 1892 ac- nOBT P OPULAR quired an exclusive right in the brand Toraichi Sato and Rioyo Utomora, in of tobacco known as the "Little Joker" which adultery was alleged; Lick tobacco, f'and acquired the exclusive TURNOUTS Chunt perjury; Leong Sbing Lee, vio- right in said brand, and in the vending THE SWELL lation of Section 8, Immigration Act of thereof, in and for, Hawaii, from the March 3, 1903; Toskicht Sato and two manufacturer thereof; and that since PUBLICATION ALL COME FROM others, conspiracy . to 'cause adultery 1892 have sold Little Joker" in their own to be committed; and Lick Sing Bo, right. ? perjury. The complaint further alleges that Hawaiian Carriage :Dff Among the true bills found the fol since 1892 and up to December 1st, 1903, lowing were reported: the firm of Hyman Brothers consisted J. Kerr, assault on the high seas, al of H. "W. Hyman, Michael Hyman, sai jCompanV, ltd, legedly committed on May 19, 1904, Morris Hyman, J. Hyman and the aboard the transport Buford, on Frank plaintiff, I. Rubenstein; that on or RUBBER TIRES SOLD AND Ramos, a coal passer, Kerr being third about Dec. 1st, 1903, "the aforesaid part engineer aboard the vessel. nership transferred unto complainant J?UT ON. Solomon Keaupuni, alleged forgery of the entire business. . a postal order for $5, alleged to have The complaint further alleges that .... - - - s . rrii-k-- r- r m " a T1 V" T A fUTd REPAIRING, AWU iKimrtiiwurtT vnwunu.a. been committed at Kailua on Febru- the defendant firm, Hackfeld & Co., ary 23, 1904, the name of Mrs. N. K. "has recently and is now unlawfully All orders promptly attended to. Hipa being used. and without permission of your orator, TT-- Donald Aeneas Mackintosh, adultery, selling and offering for sale, in Hono- 425 Queen Street, rear of Judiciary Building. Phone Main 47. naming February 20, lulu and elsewhere within said Terri 1904, as the day the offense was com tory said brand of tobacco," and threat mitted, the particulars appearing ve. ens to continue to do so, unless en Mackintosh has been held at joined from so doing. Oahu Prison for several months pend The defendant has moved to dissolve ing his trial. the injunction, granted as a preliminary E. McPhetridge, violation of the U. S. injunction,upon several grounds stated Revised Statute 3082, Intend to de- in the motion. fraud revenue. He is charged with Upon the hearing of the motion .to having brought into the territory from dissolve the plaintiff was examined as the transport Sherman 3250 cigars, val- a witness by the defendant, and he 4 ued at $248.03, on July 11, 1904. produced a letter which the plaintiff ustoric Manuel Lucero, alleged assault on the stated was the only written document high seas, aboard the steamship Sono he had any positive knowledge of, giv- ma, July 28t on First Assistant En- ing his predecessor the alleged exclu- gineer J. F. Mcintosh. sive right set out in the bill. The let- Inoue, violation of moral laws, two ter is from the "American Tobacco counts; Kuramoto, ditto. Company," whom the evidence shows WAR NEWS, CHURCH NEWS, SPORTING NEWS, OR A CENTURY OF Levi P.; Kauohe, alleged embezzle Is the "manufacturer" referred to in ment and neglect to deposit two the complaint. The letter is in part as GENERAL NEWS AND ALL THE LATEST WORLD'3 counts; the defendant was postmaster follows: EVOLUTION at Kapaa, Kauai, in charge of the New York, Aug. 16th, 1900.. NEWS BY CABLE. HAWAIIAN money order department, among oth- Messrs. Hyman Bros: Referring to ers. He is charged with having failed the conversation had with your Mr. to deposit $1895. Hyman relative to the TKonolulu terri- MISCELLANEOUS, LITERARY AND Ichibaro Kanemura and Toyozo Ka- - tory, would say that it has been de- HUMOROUS nemura, alleged conspiracy to cause an cided to leave the following brands in SELECTIONS, PUNGENT PARAGRAPHS Immoral act to be committed. f your hands under conditions noted, giv- -' OF THE The Grand Jury which has completed ing yoAi sole control of same for the its work was composed of the follow- Haws ianIslands, so long as you han- - BYSTANDER. ing men: dley them to the entire satisfaction of j company. This valuable record of the most important events la Isaac Noar, W. C. Sproule, II. Krfeu- - tins ger, E. H. Newnes, N. D. NaylorJ E. signed by American INTERESTING READING TO SUIT EVERY! of Honolulu for the past hundred years was The letter is the the History L. Huday, L. H. Dee, w. F. Hall, Jbl Tobacco Company. Kidwell, C. A. Simpson, H. E. Murrt TASTE, AND WITHAL, A CLEAN PUBLIC published at great expense in 1899. . ATIOI1 compiled and F. P. Mclntyre, R. D. Lockwood, K. The first question which naturally very Cas-sid- Its historical and descriptive articles are by the R. G. "Wallace, A. B. Bolster, John y, presents itself is as to the right of the ADMISSABLE TO THE FAMILY CIRCLE. authorities on Island matters and are H. L. Kerr. C. R. Collins, E. E. plaintiff to claim the "exclusive right" best recognized Hartman, T. W. Hobron. H. B. Saylor. to sell and control the "Little Joker" handed from absolutely impartial standpoints. There were several charity cases and tobacco in this Territory. and contains portraits and bio- Judge Dole passed them around among While perhaps the firm of Hyman It is finely illustrated a half dozen attorneys. Among those Bros., were it now in existence, might graphical sketches of the principal business and profes- so favored were Lyle Dickey W. T. cmPlaIn of the act of the American Rawlins, W, T. "Whitney and Judge Tobacco Company in giving the agency sional men of the Islands. .. Weaver. - - of the tobacco to the defendant, on the Published by the is a publication that no student of Hawaiian His- I ground that the American Tobacco This ROSE PLEADS GUILTY. 'company could not "arbitrarily change tory can afford to be without. A limited number of copies Edwin K. Rose, who was indicted for tb.e agency unless there existed rea-taki- ng ' still for sale by The' Hawaiian Gazette Ccx, Ltd. a $7 Panama hat from the Hilo sonable grounds for dissatisfaction, can 9 postoffice where the young man had a purchaser Of their business, after Hawaiian Gaze e formerly been an employee, pleaded their dissolution of the partnership, In-gui- lty . Limited. to the charge. The minimum sist that he should be accorded the penalty was imposed byt Judge Dole, eame right? 65 S. King St., Honolulu, Hawaii. being one year's imprisonment at hard It seems to me that the letter of the labor. American Tobacco Company gave Hy- - .w...i..y ..mim,- Attention was called to the man Brothers no rights which they i r'iiiiif art irfi' mm. r extreme in uuiiMM HAM Substantial Cloth Binding youth of Rose, and the fact that he could assign to their successor. It gives had been only a temporary employee to Hyman Brothers the control of the ' 50c per Copy in the postoffice. The Panama hat had brand of tobacco "in question, without VERSATILE LIGHTNING. been damaged in transit and was re- - any words showing an Intent toextend Tightnin' does play, strange tricks" said the old farmer. "I paid $50 for a fj 13 n 30 CENTS EXTRAY assignee. contract POSTAGE Jected by the addressee and was laying the right to an The lightnin' rod, when, here comes a storm, an the lightnin' made seems to me to be one which Involves for the rod, the around the office when young Rose ap-- first thing; ripped it off the buildin,' and twisted it into propriated it. His attorney, Frank a relation of personal confidence such them hoops there you see Thompson, and the District Attorney as must have been Intended to be ex-- as the children playin' with. Then it comes down the chimney, an', findin' the key only by Hyman Broth-o- f in the clock up, dishpan gal-lop- well, both pleaded for the leniency ercised Messrs. the clock, wound threw a at the cook, an' then went in' the court. Judge Dole said he had ers. Not only Is this true, but it is 'cross the country!" Atlanta Constitution. v but one sentence to impose and that also apparent that even Hyman Broth-wa- s year ; ers were at at any time to ter-scrib- ed one being the minimum de- - Hrty - WHICH DO YOU PREFER? bv law. Both Roso an ,i minate their relations with the Ameri- ' they sister, who was at his side, were much can Tobacco Company, whenever Established IMPORTED SOAP MADE FROM CLAY affected wished to do so. DILLON IS Mor-mond- on Cures While or , SENTENCED. The last story of Former attorney, Thomas I. Dillon, declares that President Smith You SIep. one a promising member of the bar, was recently walking down a street in whose professional career in Honolu- Salt Lake City when he met a boy For Whooping Couh, Croup, Coughs, Soap Works lu came to an abrupt end last April smoking a cigarette. The "prophet" Bronchitis, Influenza, Catarrh. Honolulu "with him. when he was arrested for the embez- stopped to remonstrate "It cares because the air rendered stronply antiseptic zlement of $750, the property of the "Little boy" he said "don't you Know is earned over tne diseased surfaces of the bronchial bankrupt case of K. Kajita of It is very wicked to smoke those tubes with eTery breath, giving prolonged and constant which that treatment. Those of a consumptive tenrter.r-v- . or suffer- he was trustee, was sentenced by Judge nasty cigarettes? "What would your ers from chronic bronchitis, find trnmrriiate'relie coughs or from FROM TALLOW? Dole yesterday to forty-eig- ht hours father and mother say if they saw you inflamed conditions of the throat. MADE imprisonment in Oahu Prison. - jnow? " The boy looked up in the Ckesolbkb is a boon to Asthmatics. Mr. Dillon made a complete state-- j speaker's face, and said. " Xkm't you .OesrriptiTe JooklPt with proofs of ita All Dbuggists. L. Agent. T&iue on request. THE YAPO-- C RESOLE HE CO.. 1 preckels' Block, o o o FRED WALDRON, ment of his guilt to the court, and know me, pa? " 80 Fulton St. New York City. THE PACIFIC COmXERCt&L 2&DVEKXISEI5, HONOLULU, OCTOBER 19.- XG34. gAAAAAAAAAAA WAVWVWAWWWWWW tli !PC' g.'Wtiiiiaii .nil nm rom ome looms an y: &'-iir- J those over seas

have been draivn the fabrics from pur Autumn Stein-Bloc- li ' Smart Clothes. They are made from fine woolens, and not 'r'f4- - r3 rsara rasaa rssss "mercerized cottons" that lose their shape in a week. Rich v" browns, varm greys Nik. and solid colors in every variety of mix- MADE ture and tone, meet the eye. The overcoats include, for early SURGEON ST. SURE TO RUN PORT M I LWAUK F K FAMOUS w wear, the tan covert top coat and the regular Fall oercoat, LEAVES ALAMEDA ARTHUR BLOCKADE for. anywhere and any time a conservative but exceedingly m Dr. F. A, St. Sure, the popular sur- following n The article in a Manila stylish piece geon of the Alameda, has doffed the paper tells i of workmanship. of the filibustering scheme blue uniform with the gold stripes of a captain well known in this city: - -- ty Fed Mm' the sleeves and is about to don Captain il. Struve. formerly master of M the ordinary dress of a plantation doc- the U. S. transport Hancock, who left if i, r r. tor. He wag passed by the Board of Manila some weeks aeo for China, has i I k ; 'rv' f " Examiners yesterday and will go to been retained by a syndicate recently! We are proud to show you Hawaii wiinin a lew days where ne ; iormea in northern China, and he is at try-o- 4 n means a ; this label: will be connected with the Hutchinson present in Hongkong purchasing a num-Sug- ar keep-o- n. Plantation at Honuapo. . It is br of medium sized steamers for the said that there is a big salary attached concern. The steamer Sishan, owned by to the job. In this connection there Messrs. Bradley & Co.; at Hongkong, and which &o(wh ' " ' has been a rumor that the genial doc-- j has been engaged in the ,rjf j'" China tor is married and has four children. I coast trade for many years, was This is denounced as a base canard ' sold last week to the syndicate and a ; good by the doctor s shipmates who have price paid for her. She will be C. Peacock & Go. surgeon - m QcK an overhauling and Merchant and Fort Streets. known the for years as a i1- LIMITED . wiI1 then proceed steam-hous- e pronounced-bachelor- But there is a north. Another the Canton attached to the plantation posi- - er' belonging to Jardine, Matheson & Co., was purchased tion and It is rumored that Dr. also by syndicate at Hongkong recent-oth- er REALTY TRANSACTIONS. St. Sure is soon to-- but that is an-- Jhesame - BY AUTHORITY. story. Jldsmobile- DRUNKS MAY surgeon I '3 believed that the steamers of the No has been appointed in We invite your inspection o OF MAIN Dr. St. Sure's place but Dr. G. syndicate will be used for the purpose PAAUHAU RELOCATION Arthur the new ROAD. : Entered for Record Oct. 18, 1904. Hodgins of this city who is going on of running cargoes to Port Arthur, a Kapiolanl to a trip to the Coast will fill the position'"..'profitable, though somewhat risky TONNEAU CARS Estate Ltd I Faria...... L. .i, 13 of- G Uaua and wf to W B Lycett et .D li business, at the present time. Proposals will be received, at the al.. NOT RIDE x se- - and jow. Chew Kwai et to Ang piuuauic Hid l new iiifctn win ue Before Captain Struve left Manila it - "Works, Hono- al Lau cured. fice of the Supt- of Public Kon . , BS Dr. St. Sure's fellow officers on is known that he made overtures for the STANDARD lulu, until 12 o'clock noon of Nov. 7, the Alameda express regret at his de purchase of several coastwise vessels, cision to leave they all pronounce including RUNABOUTS .... 1904, constructing the Paauhau Re- Recorded Oct. 13, 1904. and the Binondo, Minas de Batan for him a fine fellow and an admirable and Atlantis. The owners, Ha-mak- ua, Kittie E.Ashley to however, location of Main Road, Honokaa, James W Pratt; Bamm-Yono- g powers. Conductors Keep Them shipmate. were not willing to sell. Yon Co., Ltd. Hawaii. PA; general B 265, p 225. Dat- Captain Struve will ed Aug 5, 1904. be remembered as Plana and specifications are on file the officer who was sent by the Insular Young Bldg. K Kato to E. Sumino; PA; reneral Off Street government to superintend the building office the Asst. Supt. of Public powers. 265, p 226. 7, 1904. OFFICER GOING at the of B Dated Oct of the vessels for the Coast Guard Ser- -- goon Works, and with E. E. Richards, Agent J Alfred Ma to Richard H Trent vice at the yards of Messrs. Farnham mtg 6S9, Cars. Public "Works, Hilo, Hawaii, copies of Tr; AM; H L Pooloa on Kul HOME TO DIE Boyd & Co. at Shanghai about two years intending bldgs, etc. King St, Honolulu, Oahu; ago. which will be furnished $2300. B 192, p 193. Dated Oct 12, 1904. "' following Qoiog East ? bidders on receipt of $5.00, which sum Mary C Widdifield to Robert W Shin- The man who looks into the wine cup The article from the Manila gle Times tells a pathetic story of an army will be returned to tne bidder after he Tr; Tr Sale; int in cash devise of when it is a deep red and flowing over NEVADAN HAD IF SO, WHY NOT USE has deposited his bid and returned the $5000; $1, etc. B 265, p 228. Dated Oct officer who tried to go to the States on 7, 1904. must take his chances in getting home the Logan, which passed through THE ONLY DOUBLE TRACK plans. Quon gen- this A BIG CARGO RAILWAY between the Missouri River Lee to Lee Shin Kee; PA; if he chooses the trolley car as his means port a few weeks ago. Proposals must be submitted on the eral powers. B 265, p 229. Dated June If he lives he and Chicago. will be furnished by 4, 1904. of transportation, for the car conduc- will come through on the Thomas next blank forms, which The American-Hawaiia- n liner Neva-da- n THREE TRAINS DAILY Supt. of Public "Works and Jane Mist by atty to Western & Hawn tors are making a crusade against month: the Asst. Co AM; mtg Hitch- came into port yesterday and tiea VIA THE SOUTHERN PACIFIC. enclosed in a seal-- Investmt Ltd; H J drunks. "The sailing of the Logan on schedule E. E. Richards, and cock on por Ap 1, Kul 6450, Kalihi Road, up at the company's dock at about UNION PACIFIC AND CHICAGO iriroQaod to Hon. C. S time the afternoon of the loth proved & ...r.iAna the Honolulu. Oahu; $2000. B 237. p 147. A native was refused a ride the other noon. She brings one of the largest NORTHWESTERN RYS. "Works, Ho 7. 1S04. evening by a conductor because he was a bitter disappointment to Lieutenant Hollo way, Supt. of Public Dated Oct cargoes ever brought from Puget Sound Overland Limited. Vestibuled. "Proposal Gear, Lansing & Co by Creditors to i Thomas Devereux of the medical de- UVAU&U, A. tt pndorsed for so intoxicated that the air was blue t David W Anderson; Appmt Tr; un- - ' partment. to this port. It consists principally or Leaves San Francisco at 10:00 a. tn, of Main Road, Ha Tr about him. Another man was put off a The most Luxurious in the WorKL Paauhau Relocation der Tr D in Liber 231, fols 7 to 22. B ; cold storage, beer, meats fish, vege Train it, "On May 27 Lieutenant Devereux ar- - wall." 265, p 231. Dated Oct 8, 1904. car, after he had boarded for the Electric Lighted Throughout- Buffet for- tables and fruit. Eleven hundred and smoking cars with barber and contain the full to Amoehl-on- a; same, reason. rived in the islands for his tour of b.tb, Each proposal must Kuna and wf Henrietta fifty tons of general go Library, Dining Cars, Stand- M; 8013 2406, be eign service. merchandise Booklovers "Same of the party or parties making R Ps and Kailua, The company is to commended for Compartment Sleeping arwl Vs 2529, to Kahulul. The steamer left San ard and Cars accompanied by Koolaupoko. Oahu; int in R P taking this step. There is no greater "Not being in good health at the time day same and must be 1 Observation Cars. Less than three the Koolaupoko, $150. Cor-regid- on 29th September, Kaneohe, Oahu; B he was assigned to hospital or Francisco the of a. check of 5 per cent of the J annoyance on the street cars than the the at to Chicago without change. certified 262, p 93. Dated Oct 13, 1904. temporary Seattle October 7th and Tacoma Octo- amount of the proposal, payable to C presence of a maudlin man, whether for duty. At this Eastern Express. Vestibuled. white Hawaiian. Such persons hospital his case was diagnosed as ber 9th, the passage to this port be- & Holloway, Supt. of Public Works, as or are Leaves San Francisco at 6:00 p. m. FUNERAL NOTICE. ing accomplished in eight and one-ha- lf surety that If the proposal be accepted of especial annoyance to women, at 'galloping' consumption, and soon aft- Through Standard and Tourist Sleeping whom they are inclined to leer. Half erward he entered the First Reserve days. Purser Weeden roports that dur- Cars to Chicago. Dining Cars. Free a contract will be entered Into. HAWAIIAN LODGE, NO. 21 ing strong south- Reclining the time they are sick from the effects Hospital for treatment. He improved the first three days Chair Cars. No proposal will be entertained unless F. & A. M. east and westerly winds were encoun- Atlantic Express. Vestibuled. furnished by the of drink and nauseate fellow passengers so much that it was deemed advisable heavy seas. made on the blanks tered with The remainder Leaves San Francisco at a. ns. and de- - by their efforts to get better. At other to assign him to duty on the Seward of the passage was made in light winds 9:00 Asst. Supt. of Public Works for a time, which was done. Standard and Tourist Sleepers. ' )6c times men in a drunken condition are and with frequent heavy rains. After m of the Supt. of 20 Zam-boan- ga "On August a telegram from discharging her cargo for this port Personally Conducted Fxcursians ttt lra nrevinna to 12 O'clock All members of Hawaiian Lodge, No. not inclined to be careful of their speech stated that Devereux's case XUUUU f - the Nevadan will proceed to Kahului day specified. 21, F. & A. M., are notified to meet at and occasionally let out a string of bias- had assumed a critical stage and it was port Wednesdays, Thursdays and PridayS. noon on the Lodge room, Masonic Temple, to-- j ;VinrV: nennlp earnestly re- and from that to the Sound, reserves the right the n'mj whih w Hrent recommended that he be The best of everything. thence San Francisco. This is her . The Superintendent day (Wednesday), 3:30 p. m., for to .the on first boat1. to R. II. RITCHIE-- . at turned States the trip to sea- to reject any or all bids. the purpose of attending the funeral j The' Seward picked him up on her re- last round the Sound this G. A. P. C. Chicago & Northwester C. S. HOLLOWAT, services of our late Brother F. J. WII-- A FRIEND IN NEED IS A FRIEND turn trip and then there was a race to son as the through. New York boats Ity., 617 Market Street (Palace Ho- I will start in on that run next montn. Superintendent of Public Works. helm. INDEED. That is exactly what Cham- - catch the Logan, Devereux's strength tel), San Francisco. Members of Pacific Lodge, Lodge Le Cough being kept up by the hope of catching The Alaskan, now out 18 days from Honolulu, T. H., Oct. 18, 1904. berlain's Remedy Is. It is the New York will be the first of the Progres, and all sojourning brethren help is suddenly that transport and making a run for 927 are fraternally invited to be present. mother's when she Fort Bayard, New Mexico, the army through liners to come here via the By order of A. Lewis Jr., W. M. awakened in the night by the ominous saritarium for consumptives. Sound this winter. ESTATE FERNANDEZ. K. R. G. WALLACE, husky cough, and labored breathing of """But luck was against him. The Hot Toniales 6927 Secretary. her babe. It is the safe resort of the Seward arrived earl on the irwrning long trace C. P. LINERS DON'T IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE youth or adult when he has "caught of the 16th: after tne faintest Served from 6 .30 a. m. to 12 p. m. - of smoke from Logan's stacks had FIRST JUDICIAL, CIRCUIT TER FUNERAL NOTICE. cold" and there- is coughing and irrita the HAWAII AT CttAAi died out on the horizon. TAKE CONTRABAND RITORY OF tion of the mucous membranes of the "Lieutenant Devereux will now have BERS IN PROBATE. HARMONY LODGE NO. 3. throat. It 'allays the irritation and Delivered steaming hot to j'our to await the sailing of the next trans- home if you wish at 23c. eacli from 3 r - r of Maria cures the cold. Sold by all dealers, XLl hit; iri-.L ti. i. Lti ti Fstate I. O. O. F. port, as the commercial boats are loath "The steamers of the Canadian Pacific to 9 p. m. Fernandez, Deceased. Benson, Smith & Co., Ltd., Agents for to carry passengers his condition." Faustina All members of Harmony Lodge No. Hawaii. in Railway on the Pacific, so far as we NOTICE TO CREDITORS. 3, I. O. O. F., are requested to attend not carrying contraband Rosecrans know, are Notice is hereby givensby the under- the funeral services of our late Brother BEES REMOVE THEIR DEAD Arrives. goods, so we have not thought it neces- Administra- today (Wednesday), Oct. Tomale Cafe signed Manuel Fernandez. F. J. Wilhelm AFTER A FIRE. The Matson Navigation Company's sary to take anv precautions against the Estate 19th, 3:45 p. m., at the family resi- tor with the Will annexed of at steamer Rosecrans arrived yesterday leading 129 Hotel St. Fhone Main 34a Faustina Fernandez, deceas- dence, corner Young and Keeaumoku Over 100,000 honey bees were killed Russian steamers," said a steam- of Maria during Paper afternoon at one o'clock with a corgo ship official day, anyone ed, to the creditors of and all persons streets. the fire at the Eureka the other "If against the said deceas- Members Excelsior Lodge No. 1, I. O. Mills here the other day. As soon as of 22,000 barrels of oil for the Paci- could tell us," he added, "exactly what having claims in- away present claims duly authen- O. F., and all visiting brothers are the smoke had rolled and the fic Oil Transportation Company. She is by contraband, I would be bet- ed to their remnants homes meant 15 ticated with the proper vouchers within vited. charried of their had made the passage from Gaviota, where ter able to answer the question, but as Per Gent Discount By the little insects, humanlike, set ' six months after the first publication of order cooled she took on her cargo, in ten days far as we understand the word, our Administrator at II. GEHRING, to working cleaning up. steamers, far from being adversely af- this notice to said Acting K. G. Apparently, an ambulance corps was which is fair time. The reason she the office of Smith & Lewis, 207 Judd was reported so many days out was fected by the war in the Far East, has TTnnniniu Territory of Ha formed numbering several hundered from been benefited by it to quite a large ex- tjiui These began getting out of that her passage was calculated waii, the same being the place for the CITY MESSENGER SERVICE. bees. the San Francisco whence she went to the tent. This applies most particularly to of said Estate way their dead comrades, many of port. She is passenger traffic." Hongkong Tele- One Only transaction of business killed by stung fireman, the Santa Barbara county Week in said Territory. Should you want a messenger in a them and discharging her oil at the Railway graph. FERNANDEZ, hurry, ring up the City Messenger Ser- way they worked suggested the work MANUEL going on daily on tne wharf No. 2. Administrator with the Will annexed vice, Tel. Main 78. Office, Fort street, that must be Shipping: Notes. Maria Faustina near Hotel. All orders promptly at Russo-Ja- p battlefields. Each bee tack- of the Estate of messengers. one struggled away Go Sack on Thomas. The British ship Fairport got away Fernandez, Deceased. tended to by good, reliable led a dead and last night. EXTRA HEAVY - M. SANTOS, with it, and as the field was strewn Cablegram received from for Portland Smith & Lewis, Attorneys for Admin- J. Instructions Mongolia is due to arrive from Manager. with thousands they have been em- "Washington order the return to the The istrator. ployed past few days. Bridgeport the Coast today with five days mail. Honolulu, T. H., October 4th, 1904. the correspondence Philadelphia Record. I The Manchuria is due at this port on VENETIAN - WARE 691-- Oct. 26. Nov. 2. ' 5, 12, 19. NEW MILLINERY of the O. M. shops, and Captain E. N. er way to the coast on the 29th inst. Reasonable Jones, chief Quartermaster of the de- - j The Alameda sails this morning for Green marbleized outside, white it-sid-e. styles, in-tu- Exclusive rn NOTICE partment of Mindanao. They will re- - pan Francisco with a full cargo, Tea Kettles, Berlin Kettles, Pu- - ' Prices at on the first available transport, eluding a deck load of bananas, a big 'ding Pans, Pie Plates. Jelly Cake Pans, hereby notifies the Manila sugar 4000 cases of The undersigned which will be the Thomas. shipment of and Dish Pans, Jollanders, Wash public that he is the sole and original Miss Power's Milliner? Parlors Cablenews. canned pineapples. Basins. Pop" Ladles, Easting Spoons. Pails, Coverei owner of trade mark "Brorao for Boston B n'lding, Fort Street. headache and tired feeling. Any person Deepest Sounding. RHEUMATISM is a stubborn dis- Buckets, Tea and Coffee Pots, Coffee using or purporting to be the j this mark prose- ease to fight but Chamberlain's Pain Biggans. manufacturers of same will be "J ! Ealm haS cured it many times and will cuted according to opposite Block. any vessel was made by the United , la. WORKS, Fort Street, Star dQ SQ whenever opportunity offers. ARCTIC SODA LADIES' AND CENTS' CLOTHING States steamer Nero, while on the Ho- - This remedy is a general family lini- - LEWIS & CO.. LTD. M. R. De Sa. re- - CLEANED AT LOWES! nolulu-Mani- la survey. "When near : ment and not only does it quickly Honolulu. T. EL. Sept. 7th. 1904. 892 cable 163 KING .PRICES. Guam Nero jrot 5.269 fathoms, or lieve rheumatic pains out it also cures STREET. the -- Phone White 2362. 31,614 feet, only 66 feet less than six lame back, stiff neck, sorenes-- of the 240-- 2 Telephones 2 NOTICE. milws. ' muscles and stiffness of the joints. It HAVE TOUR PIANO TUNED BY is antiseptic ana when applied to ANT WOMAN OR GIRL NEEDING Doric Sails for OoaBt. bruises, burns or scalds, heals suXiThe Miller Candy C&. kelp or advice, la Invited to communi- wounds without maturation and in less j cate, either 1b person or by letter, with the Well-know- n and Keuaoie .riano The O. & Q, S. S. Doric sailed yes time than by any other treatment, and, Will open today with a full line c Ensign matron of Maker. Is very severe, ! across tfcs I. Anderson, Coyne Furniture Co., Ltd., terday morning at eleven o'clock for unless the injury will Fresh Home Made Candies th. Salvation Army Woman's Indu- Office with She not leave a scar. For sale by all deal- - Etreet from the restaurant, Hotel stree Ar- 1113 Union street. Phone Mam San Francisco with a big mail. stry Home. Toung street, between port . rs. lienson, fcmun & Co., Agents Pianos sold on Installments at ?.00 will nrobablv arrive at the Coaet ua. tesian and McCully streets,, xnauk on th 2Ub. for Hawaii. Come and see th Candy Made aide, Honolulu. per month. PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER, HONOLULU, OCTOBER 19, 1904. - 8 THE t GEN. H. G. MAY Gastla l Cooko, td. MAJOR CORBIN HONOLULU. ARRIVE IN HONOLULU TODAY Commission HerchasU J J f--.- FACTORS. . 1 . I . ) I I I I I SUGAR 1904 1 PROTESTS I . ( ) I ) t ).( M AGENTS FOR

V 4-- Ttio Pwa Plantation Co. t The Waialua Agricultural Co., Ltd. Against Vatson Having The Kohala Sugar Co. The Waimea Sugar Mill Co. Re- The Fulton Iron Works, St. Louis. His License The Standard Oil Co. The George F. Blake Steam Pumps. newed. Weston's Centrifugals. ; The New England Mutual Life Insur- x of Ructions ance Co., of Boston. " , v Co., of Hart- "When tea is new It Is beat. of Koolauloa residents si The Aetna Insurance petition f The it ford, Conn. . We have Just received a full vari- against the renewal or restoration of The Alliance Assurance Co., of Lon- don. ety of selected China and Japan the right of David Watson for him to the district : teas in packages or bulk as you again practice law in x M? courts, was made a matter of court yA prefer. i record yesterday when it was place Gillman House 1304 crop I 'l It is all of the new and on file among other legal papers. The Boquet Cigars H w&J&Pt&g , I1 nn T f very fine quality. petition is as follows: i r DIS AVER LUNCH ROOMS Koolauloa, Oahu, Aug. 15, 1904. H. 9. HOLTS. To Lorrin Andrews Attorney-Genera- l, Territory of Hawaii. Ruction Sale flEIMiy&CO,, LTD. Sir: "We, the undersigned American citizens and voters residing In the dis- G. W. LINCOLN trict of Koolauloa, .Island of Oahu, ao Old Lnmfeer, Iron, etc THiu The Popular Grocery Store. hereby present to you our petition TELEPHONES praying against the renewal or restor- ation to David "Watson of a license to Contractor and Builder . Wholesale SATURDAY, OCT. 1904, Retail 22 $2 practice law before the district courts 22, of this Territory, which said license AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M., was revoked by Circuit Judge Robin- I am Instructed to sell upon the Has resumed business at Alakea St. son, Third Judge of the Circuit Court, grounds opposite the Fish'market, cor- opposite the Occidental Hotel. All kinds When First Circuit, In a decision rendered by ner Alakea street and Beach road, of work in the building line will be him and against the said David "Wat- Lot of old Lumber, corrugated Iron, faithfully done. son, and which decision we do hereby Etc., Etc. Buy uphold and approve, on the very Terms: Cash. Please give me a trial, Estimates You ground that we are familiar with his cheerfully given. corrupt works. That we are all of JAS. F. MORGAN. one opinion, that if the said license AUCTIONEER. INOLEUM be renewed ana restored to the said David Watson, he will be exercising W. fiHflfifl & CO; is not cheap un- more of his corrupt works towards all remember that It dis- good. the citizens residing within this C.vCORBIN, Limited less it is trict, and will also be doing extortion- MAJOR GENERAL H. U. S. A. Good linoleum must be thick. ate works towards poor people in the Hucllon Sale through In a Thin stuff will wear district. Major General Henry C. Corbin, formerly adjutant general of Merchant Tailors short time, but the real material And further, we do hereby approve WEDNESDAY, OCT. 26, 1904, Cir- States Army, is scheduled to pass through Honolulu will' last a lifetime. ' that decision rendered by the said the United Waity Building, King St. cuit Judge Robinson of the Circuit Mongolia. is on his way to Manila to as- AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M., "We carry several grades at prices today on the liner He, Phone Blue 2741 Court, First Circuit, of the Territory of of Military Division of the Philippines. He I am instructed by Mrs. Widdifield from 90c. to $1.50 a square yard, ac- - Hawaii, the same being correct and sume command the to sell at residence, corner of King her CppoHU Advertiser Qffiat cording to the pattern all good. proper in every way. , succeeds General Wade. General Corbin was born on his father's and Piikoi streets, on the above date, It wouldn't pay you or us either (Signed) BY 25 PERSONS. farm in Clermont County, Ohio, Sept. 17, 1842. He spent his first all of her very elegant ' American and . Forefsn to carry cheaper grades. AN ODD DEFENSE. nineteen years on the. farm and attended the district school and a Woreteads In our excellent new stock are H. M. Dow by his attorney Geo. A. neighboring academy. In 1861 he responded to the first call for FURNITURE patterns. Bric-a-Bra- splendid inlaid and print Davis makes a "general denial to the troops and enlisted in the Eighty-thir- d Ohio Infantry. He speedily c. Pictures, Silverware, Glassware, Chinaware, Rugs Plain also. . . complaint of plaintiff in the action of rose from private to First Lieutenant and went to the front but was Persian HONOLULU IRON WORE2J " Kitchen Ware,. Etc. : I T Magoon ve. M. Dow, de- COMPANY. 'v.. J. Alfred H. soon transferred to the Seventyrninth Ohio. In the fall of . 1863 he The predominating wood In furniture auditor,' gar- fendant, J. H. Fisher, was made Major of the Fourteenth United States Colored Infan- koa, walnut and mahogany. Machinery. Black Pipe, fol- The cut glass and Chinawara are es 0ItcbIm4 Levvers& Cooke, ltd, nishee. The defendant makes the try.. He was successively promoted to be Lieutenant Colonel and Pipe, Boiler Tubes, Iron amd Steel, Ha lowing statement as being the defense pecially good. The varied assortment gineers' Supplies. S. Street.' Colonel of that regiment and in March, 1865, was breveted Briga- of choice individual pieces of furnl 177 Kiag he will rely upon to prove his case: ture, Office Nuuanu street. dier General on account of "gallant and meritorious conduct" at collected during a number of Works Kakaako. "That the said promissory note set Decatur and Nashville. years, offer a most advantageous op We Will Finish out in the complaint was made and de- portunity for furnishing a house. by to plain- On .view Tuesday, Oct. 25, 1904, from livered the defendant the the evidence of the plaintiff. The ver- 2 until 4 p. m. BEST FOUNTAIN PPNS the Summer tiff in connection with a certain mort- dict was as follows: , "We have a splendid new line of gage as a matter of form only and up- We, the jury, find for the plaintiff SCHOOL CI JAS, F. MORGAN, Waterman's "Ideal" and the Parker Kodak Pictures on the understanding and agreement for the restitution of the property de- AUCTIONEER, "Lucky Curve" In all shapes and scribed in the complaint, together with sizes. would not be called 13-su- that the defendant the sum of $166.65 being .the rents, es Bring in the rolls of films upon to pay the said note, and there and profits arising therefrom from Hawaiian News Company. never was any value or consideration and after the 1st day of April, 1901. Bishop Street. Merchant St, you took during vacation 1 HAVE WATER srhich for the making of the said note by THE FAMILY GROWS. days. the said defendant, and the said plain- P. E. Thompson, guardian ad litem Huctioft Sale tiff first took and always held the same any of the Mersberg minors, has filed a de- JOHN We will develop and print, Gr without value or consideration.". murrer In the case of John A. Cummins THURSDAY, OCT. 27, 1904, NEILL (Late of Catton. Neill & Co., Ltd.) . Lahainaiuna Matter Set had McCHESNEY LOSES. vs. J. O. Carter, trustee under deed of AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M., snake pictures if you have to by A. Cum- The Jury in the ejectment case of trust him made John Machinery Bought, mins, dated October 1, 1896, et al., bill By Governor Sold and Repalre, the developing done. The First National Bank of Hawaii tled FBrmtnre, Etc Ship and General Blacksmithin. M. McChesney for cancellation of trust deed. The vs. J. D. Gaines, G. and demurrer sets forth does not 135, Merchant Street. Best possible results obtained. Alice M. McChesney, rendered a di- that it Carter. I am instructed by Mr. E. R. Fol on appear in the bill by the deed of trust som to sell at his residence, 1048 Kinau Enlargements if you wish. rected verdict for the plaintiff the was voluntary act of PERFECTION ground that the plaintiff having pro- not. the and free street, the whole of his Household Fur the plaintiff; that the plaintiff has been closeted most of niture and Effects. You can enjoy your vacation duced evidence showing title to be in gross Governor Carter was bank, not sufficient evidence guilty of and inexcusable laches For further particulars, see later ad the and presenting same ts the afternoon yesterday with a commit- ever again. being Introduced as would contradict in the and that he vertisement. Beretania St., near Emm. now barred from so doing by said tee from the Board of Health and a All laches. kinds of HOME BAKING representing Lahaina planta- JAS. F. MORGAN. from only the 42 '. That it does not appear in said bill committee BEST MATERLH.8. -, AUCTIONEER. , THE WORRIED WOMEN.- that all the necessary parties have tion, which was also represented by its . TeL iBlue 211. Honolulu They say men must work and been joined, in the cause, in that it attorney, D. H. Case, the matter at is- women must weep; alas, does not appear that Thos. B. Cum- division of time for the Photo-Suppl- y but in sue being the Co. this too busy world women often mins, Matilda K. Walker, Jane B. use of the water rights by Lahainaiuna Roofs Repaired Merseberg May re- ' hare to work and weep at the and I. Creighton plantation. BY Fort Street. ferred to in the deed, have been join- school and the Lahaina " same time. Their holidays are ed as parties. An agreement was drawn up late in WM. T. PAT. too few and their work heavy appears the which was favored and H. E. That it also that, there is afternoon Cooper Estate Carpentry of all kinds and monotonous. - tttrjBi3 ES It makes them a misjoinder of parties defendant in signed b3- both sides. de- - Give us a call. nervous and irritable. The that Adolph Constable, Barney Joy This agreement provides a working Doe as THE GOLF LIN0KS TRACT. A Eressed and worried woman loses and John Blaisdell are joined whereby school is entitled to parties defendant by virtue of their basis the HEALTHIEST SUBURB OF HONO and grows thin and four for jt feeble. Once in a while she has being husbands of certain other par- the use of the water for hours LULU. SMOKE spells of palpitation and ha3 ties defendant named in said bill. its taro lands, and fifteen minutes for Lots are moving slowly but surely. GENERAL to re- ARTHUR CIGARS No lady or gentleman w;!. wear lie up for a day or two. If some COXFESSED JUDGMENT. domestic uses, or 4M hours. The It is the healthy locality and the con case Wilmerding-Loew- e mainder of the time per diem 19 ditions of sale that make them sell. a misfit coat or gown. disease like influenza or malarial In the of the Co. vs. Lawrence H. Dee, the defendant hours is devoted to the plantation and We build you a house to your own Gunst-Eaki- n Cigab Co. fever happens to prevail she is plan, we A misfit coat of paint is confesses judgment to the plaintiff in kuleanas.. but have restrictions as to almost certain to have an attack the sum of $2025.65. whom we build for or sell to. DIBTKIB0TOK8. a lasting worry. The government is also to pay the of it, and that often paves the MAXOA That's a sound proposition when WATER DECISION. plantation $600 for lands taken from the up any community, Take no chances; but get way for chronic troubles of the Supreme building especially The Court yesterday hand- Lahaina plantation for the erection of a so where it is a community in which AH PAT & CO. throat, lungs and other organs; ed down a decision in case of a coat of paint upon your house the Lum and by the govern- YOU want to make YOUR home. and there is no saying what the Ah Lee et al. vs. Ah Soong et al., dam- reservoir built for 103 South King, near that fits well and in harmony with end may be. Let ages, "ISN'T IT?" . Alak. the tired and in which the decision for plain- ment. Full particulars at my office. MERCHANT TAILORS. the surroundings. Paint that looks overladen woman rest as much tiff in the lower court, and from which ExDert- PUtta-- ., iwiuid.jrmt..i wnm.x. st- a3 possible; and, above all, place the defendant appealed from, is af- I regloan. Cleanlnc nnH well, wears well and all's well! at her command a bottle of firmed. The syllabus is as follows: FILE SUIT OF JAMES F. MORGAN, specialty. plaintiff 857 street. by The claims that damage to Kaahumanu When put on WAMPOLE'S PREPARATION taro crop by ille- caused defendants' EJECTMENT Phone Blue C4C a true and sure remedy for the gal diversion of water held properly as- If you have a House to Rent, list it P. O. Bx I Stanley Stephenson, ills and maladies of women. It sessed to defendants, although a drouth with me. I charge first month's rent was the cause of partial failure of Emma "Wood (w) and Solomon Wood as commission, but I generally rent the Kwong Yuen Hing do. is palatable as honey and con- b-. PAINTER. crop, allowance having been made in (k) have filed a suit of ejectment House. 88 and a xr o. . THE tains all the nutritive and cura- the Importers award for the proportion of loss "-u,-c' tive properties arainst Hattie Kekino, otherwise JUDICIOUS ADVERTISING and nnrl III UIM Phone 426. 137 King St. of Pure Cod Liver sustained by the drouth upon other taro HUSTLE that's the reason, but It failks. Fine Mattimr. Oil, combined Com- crops known as Kekalukalu, and Young Hee to with the in the vicinity. costs money. niture, Bamboo Stools, Rattan Atm pound Syrup of Hypophosphites , The taro lands referred to are locat- and Kwong Yee Wai Company, alleg- S. S. Sigis are painted by an up-to-2- ate ed Manoa, Grass and the Extracts of Malt and in, the water in question ing that the defendants have taken JAS. F. MORGAJf, Linens. Signographist. "Wild Cherry. Search flowing over a certain dam called the possession one undivided half of a prices. the world Paaluhi dam. of 857 Kaahumanu street. over you Plaintiffs were awarded Kawai-hapa- i, and will find nothing $1700 damages. certain piece of land situate at to equal granted to Manana and Courteous treatmwtt. The Famous it. Taken before meals FINED Waialua, it improves the nutritive value FOR SMUGGLING. Huia by Royal Patent No. 333. Plain- Prompt attention. Judge Pine-hak- a of ordinary foods by making Dole yesterday fined Captain tiffs claim the property as heirs of Best Quality and mors Treaner of the schooner M. Turner, in Wood, lately deceased, the last loU el them easier to assimilate, and sum $300 quan- the of for smuggling a owner. W. Austin Whiting appears as CONSOLIDATED has carried hope and good cheer tity of liquor ashore here on a previous plaintiffs attorney. SODi WATER WOSI! into thousands of homes. , is trip. He pleaded charge. It guilty to the PHONE MAIN 71. Beers absolutely reliable and effective COURT NOTES. guaranteed absolutely pure. in Nervous Dyspepsia, Impaired Ellen Dwight was yesterday appoint- COTTON BROS. Nutrition, Low Vitality, Wasting ed administratrix of the estate of TU RPIN & CO. Conditions, Melancholy, Chloro- Charles Bishop Dwight, deceased, giv- ENGINEERS AND GENERAL CZ2m NEW ViCTOK KECOKDS sis, Scrofula, and all troubles of ing a bond in the sum of $1,000 with TRACTORS. "We have now on hand over 2000 Sam'l C. Dwight as surety. Plans and Estimates the Throat and Lungs. Dr. E. Judge furnished fa tS Eew Victor Talking Machine Rec- J. Boyes says: "I have found it a Robinson's jury was yesterday classes or Contracting Work. ords. preparation of great excused until next week Wednesday. Boston Block, Honolulu. A fine chance for a new selection. merit. In U. S. Marshal Hendry yesterday re- a recent case a patient gained ceived a Co., cable order for $1500 from the ALL . Bcrgstrom Music Ltd. nearly twenty pounds in two U. S. Attorney-Genera- l, the amount KINDS nv AN ARROW COLLAR vSr-- Odd Fellows' Building. months treatment, in which it needed for witness fees. 1 - U. S. BEST MADE was the principal . remedial Marshal Hendry departed on It carries the guarantee the Kinau yesterday for Hilo to ar- Peabody&Co. The Official and Commercial Record rest a person named in one of the in- duett, yi of reliability and cannot ftWm a Ionic felt want. Published Mon-Ha- fail or dictments reported yesterday by the Makers of Monarch Shirts !A1 and Thursdays. disappoint you. At chemists. Jury. R. H. PEASE, Presidest. ( Grand uora FmrieiBco. Cal., U. SL SL TRICK OF LOCAL BREVITIES. Trie unta PASSENGERS The Aquarium is open evenings from 7 to 9:30. Yet? palm Off Oriental Coins Peter, Lee of Olaa returned to Hilo On Local Peo- yesterday on the Kinao. If you haven't you are rrissing a J. D. Kennedy and J. C. Cohen left good, pure, delicious, ." olive oil, and " ple. for HUo yesterday in the Kinau. spending more money for inferior Mr. Ewart; formerly . a plantation manager, leaves for Mexico today. brands. Eyes Passengers returning from the Ori Mrs. C. H. Atherton departed for Our proposition is business-lik- e. We Maui last evening on the Claudine. know the oil is good. We ask you to ent and stopping over here for but t Judge H. E. Cooper will occupy his Examined day or so are prone to pass off their Manoa valley mansion after Decem- try it. It's got to please you or you ber 1st. i. odds and ends of Oriental money on won't buy more. So far it pleases ten GREATER advancement has been W. JORDAN & Col Tom Lloyd departed for Maui yes- people out of every ten. made in the optician's business than in unsuspecting Honolulans. terday after spending a short vacation anv other. A few years ' Get a bottle of Purita Olive Oil to- since, specta- j During the stay of the Doric an Am in Honolulu. cles were han 'ed over the counter like ARE SHOWING IN THEIR WINDOW Mrs. Gunn's dancing class for chil- day. Full pints 6o cents; quarts $i; by ordinary merchandise, but today the ser- erlcan living or residing In Yokohama a, fully dren will be held at the Young Hotel the gallon $2.75. vices of qualified optician are as the agent for one of the biggest at 3 o'clock this afternoon. essential in order to determine by a In states, C. B. Gray departed yesterday for scientific examination of each eye trusts the united wanted a what are the correct glasses. stenographer, and one badly, Hondkaa, having finished his work here "wanted as The hotel management procured one a Federal Grand Juror. went to early The funeral of the late F. J. Wilhelm A. who the hotel at an hour will take place at 3:45 p. m. today, from N. SANFORD, In the morning.. The great man die the family residence, corner Keeaumo-k- u OPTICIAN. IN GREAT VARIETY.. tated a few letters, and, after making and Young streets. Boston Building. Fort Street arrangements to have the typewritten Miss Campbell, niece" of W. Matlock r May Jt Co. missives left at the steamship office of Campbell, the builder, leaves today in & Co., pay the Mlowera for Vancouver whence she 21. Hackfeld said he would will go to her home in Portland. Fire for the work then and there. The A reception will be given In honor Insurance money, Including a couple of half dol of Principal and Mrs. Perley L. Home lars, was deposited In the palm of the at the Kamehameha school for girls IxlOW The B. F. Dillingham Co., Ltd. 8 if stenographer, and were then placed in at o'clock "next Saturday evening. !8 General Agents for Hawaii. the purse of the knight of the pencIL The regular meeting of the Ladles Atlas Assurance Company of London, Auxiliary of the Ancient Order of Hib- Phoenix Assurance company of Lon Fancy the surprise of the stenographer ' ernians was held last evening at the don. . when about to pay a bill later to find Catholic Mission, when new members The New York Underwriters AcencT. igat the supposed two half dollars were voted In. Providence Washington Insurance Com - pany. Vere only Japanese coins of the 50 sen The police are looking for- Okutani, who is charged gross se- Phoenix Insurance Company of Brook-- variety worth twenty-fiv- e cents apice with cheat in ' curing $170 belonging to a fellow coun Greatest Ice Saver lyn. in American money. tryman by the name of Nakashima ALBERT RAAS, Manager. Sentaro, a resident of Kahului. Ever Invented insurance Deparuient Office, Fourth FEED & BRO.-- W. C. Weedon may arrive from the Floor, Stangenwald Building. PHILP BAND CONCERT Orient on the Manchuria, due here Oc tober 27. Mr. "Weedon has been In Harn:ssmaker and Saddlers. AT THE YOUNG China endeavoring to secure property CHOICE STOCK Trunks and Valises neatly and concessions from the Imperial govern- Per S. S. Nevadan, Oct. 15 Milch ment. ' promptly repaired. There will be a band concert and Cows, Driving Horses and Thorough Mr; and Mrs. J. J. "Williams announce bred Chickens, personally selected by C. Waverley Block. Bethel dance at the Young Hotel tonight. This the engagement of their daughter, Ivy II. Bellina. . Street will be the by the XJ. S. S. K. Williams, to Mr. F. D. Greany, of last concert San Mr. Greany was ; Francisco. for Club Gtobloo Buffalo's band before the cruiser merly connected with Whitney & Fort above Hotel St., Telephone Main The Savin Ice Pad - 109. leaves. General H. C. Corbin who will Marsh of this city. saves one-thi- rd your Ice bills or money be on the Mongolia may be present A gentleman fell into an open trench. back. No taste-- No odor. army and navy In front of the Y. M. C. A. building TOURISTS' WORK PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO numbers of the ' and on Monday evening and sustained Oahu Ice & officers will attend. The people .B-IDZ- here slight injuries to his mouth and knee. W. W. DIMOUD & CO, LTD. Co. X. E, Prop. of Honolulu are invited. The trench was not marked at that Sole Agents Territory Hawaii Electric point by a lantern. i c? Brretania Street. Phoiie Blue 3552. Opposite Hawaiian Hotel Pla'ns are being made for the 'year's Ice delivered to any part of the city. WRIGHT'S INJURY work of the Kilohana Art League, and Island orders promptly filled. Tel. Blue will be announced later. Sketches made 2151. P. O. Box 60a Office: Kewalo. ' IS SERIOUS this summer willVbe upon for :. drawn OI l the autumn exhibition, which Is very YOU DO NOT STOOP BUT STAND ERECT. near at hand, and work for It will not JUST: OPENED-- The injury to Fred Wright, the foot- be received later than Saturday the WHEN USING ball playes. in the Maile eleven, whose twelfth of November. SANDALS UNITED cheek bone was crushed in at a practice Nlblack tofEntertain. BAREFOOT THE STATES ROTARY WASHERS on Monday afternoon, is re- game held Captain Xiblack has Issued Invita This is the lightest running machine on the market The clothes are turn- will probably garded as serious and he . sizes . .80 tions. to the members of the local order Infants'. All ...... $ ed back and forth through the hot soap-sud- s and cleaning them without never be able play the game again. 77 to of Masters and Pilots' Association to be rubbing them to pieces. Children's. AH sizes . . his guests on the TJ. S. S. Iroquois next .. .. 1.00 This is our second shipment and parties who have used these machines BUSINESS LOCALS. Sunday. "A trip. will be made to Pearl speak very highly of them. new buoys . Misses'. All sizes ...... 1.25 Harbor where the and & CO., Look out for Friday's special at ranges will be inspected. THEO. H. DAVIES LTD. "Whitney & Marsh's. Ladies'. All sizes ...... i 1.50 HARDWARE DEPARTMENT. Consult Morsran's column today for Copies now on sale at all book stores announcements. future auction sale of the Hawaiian Forester and Agricul- mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmimmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmnmm The most popular shop in town for turist, a monthly magazine of forestry, good work. Try the Imperial Shaving entomology and agriculture, issued un- Parlors. der the direction of the Board of Com- B. KERR & CO., LTD. Housekeepers Ought to Know A choice lot of valuable plants will missioners of Agriculture and Forestry. N5j L be sold at "Will E. Fisher's auction Price 10 cents a copy, $1.00 per year by Something about "1 able Butter" le-cel- ved ALAKEA rooms at 10 o'clock next Thursday. mail to any address. Subscriptions STREET. at the Gazette office. Learn to buy certain brands that are known to be first class and Boys with the .. blue suits trimmed AGENTS, FOR HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. that every one will find satisfactory. with red stripes are from the Territory Messenger Service. Telephone No. 361. HER .DAY. If you wish the best brand pure and fresh ask for New hats and novelties arrived by She worried over little woes, SUNRISE CREAMERY BUTTER MH-- laughing turned; S. S. Alameda for Miss Power's From which he Guarantee goes with every pound. . linery Parlors. Boston Building, Fort She smarted 'neath the little blows UNDERWOOD WRITING MACHINES. te . street. Which left him unconcerned; t Remember, we keep up-to-da- family groceries and Island writ- ' lour-roo- m She borrowed little troubles when That the Underwood visible me xurniiure oi a uui ers are growing popularity is meats, etc., etc. bargain. She had none of her own; Underwood " in tage is offered for sale at a Ef unquestioned. See classified advertisements for par He smiled, as is the way with man. jCrgt And let her fret alone. &..CO tlculars. 13 MACHINES EIoi Blue H. Hackfeld & Co. have now the full A sorrow that was real and great Corner Beretania Av. and Alakea St. Tel. 2511 control of "Little Joker" smoking to On them was laid one day; were received by us on last bacco. Sold by all dealers all through Bewailing his heart-breakin- g fate steamer, and we have more on the the islands. He flung his .hopes away. way. Some of these were already A sum of money was found on the But in that dreary hour she went, ordered, and the balance have all street by an honest lad. Owner can "While still her eyes were wett been sold during the two days FOR RENT have same by calling at Hollinger's And led him forth, infirm and bent, they have been on view, and will Shoeing Shop on Queen street. To help him to forget. Chicago Rec- - i f all be delivered during the present TWO OF CAMPBELL'S PAWAA COTTAGES ord Herald. IT week. RENT REASONABLE. Hot steaming tamales have at last ' Better call and investigate, and place your order for one of the next struck town. You can get them at the lot good new Tamale Cafe Just opened on Hotel No matter what machine you may have used, or are now using, the Modern improvements neighborhood. Call or address street, near the Young Hotel, Tempting one you will eventually use is the UNDERWOOD. The von Hamm-- t oung Co. have re 137 ceived their big shipment of Oldsmo PEARSON & POTTER CO., LTD; W. CAMPBELL bile Tonneau cars and Standard run-- FORT STREET. 1634 YOUNG STREET, : : : : NEAR PUNAHOU. abouts. Your inspection invited. 931 t ,t . t- -- t t XTf TrTSrt1,a rpcnrd of 150 Words a this .t'''-- writing on a typewriter is pretty f minute B-n-- was p- -a a n n-- --H a H H B H H B-H n-- B- fast. A Remington typewriter t used for this speed test "nuf said." a af The Hawaiian Trust Co. vil1 act as administrator, cruardian. assignee or trustee If you desire. Charges always Nothing that" Nature produces for the good H!1P reasonable and satisfaction guaranteed. pecia aai' a Purita Olive Oil pleases ten ; people a out of event ten. It Is a delicious t RECEIPT California oil and is "having a large B B ' sale in Honolulu. Sold by the Hobron a B Sale 1 Drug Co. FOR I rj4 re- a The use of Hicks Freckle Cure t stores that fair, fresh complexion seen NEW PERCALES, extra wide, best bethesda B f t l in perfect health !n childhood. A few new patterns. Regular 15c sun-ta- n quality, all a B applications will remove and 1 Co; sallowness. Sold only at Miss Wynn's quality. Special at 10c. a yard. WATER J a Wilder Steamship street, Ha- I Manicuring Parlors, Alakea See our Fort street windows. n t waiian Hotel grounds. Sold by all druggists, hotels and bars. If 1 Inter-Islan-d . B Steamship Co. Where to Spend Sunday. B day's outing is A I t The most attractive new & Company. B Oahu Railway & Co. a NEW PRINTED LAWNS. All Carrera Ltd, t Land that afforded by the excursion down It M 20c. 17 Hotel Street. Agents. Phone Main 219. B the railroad line. The HALEIWA designs, fresh, crisp goods. Worth I B B LIMITED, a first class train, leaves yard. Special at 12c. f For Sale at t B Honolulu every Sunday morning at 8:22 I B o'clock making the run In two hours, I t the rate for round trip being oi.ly $2.00. B B From 10:22 a. m. 8:10 p. m. is l , t until ETJTTERICK PATTERNS and THE B awaiiao Gazette Co. B spent beautiful HOTEL HA- l at the DELINEATOR for NOVEMBER NOW LEIWA, with fresh and salt water B Von-Ho- lt a t Block, King Street. . i bathing, tennis, golf, drives and walks, READY. B B shooting or fishing, and you are back New lines of I - B-- B- B-- B B- - B-- B BW-P-- B-B- -HP .In town at 10:10 o'clock in the even- B B S B B B BP B B B fl . . !!, S. SACHS DRY GOODS CO, Francisco Abernos, a Porto Rican Shifts, Hats and Ties who is alleged to have chased a woman Full lines of TRUNKS and VALISES at 1024, Fort Street, (I. O. with a whip, was locked up last night LIMITED. charged with drunkenness. Corner Fort and Beretanla Streets. O. F. new. building) and 152 Hotel Street. ;.(. p-j. j... J, - J 4JLU


If HUE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISED, irONOtULU, OCTOBER 19, ifca. Br. sp. Fairport, Armstrong, for HONOLULU STOCK EXCHAE. Portland, 3:30 p. m. Halstead Co., U& Canadian Royal Mail Line MIXED UP Schr. Ka Moi, for Pa.auilo and Hond-ip- u, I 4:30 p. m. Honolulu, Oct. IS, 1504. ' tfee Candln-Pi.ei- f Railway Co. Ctfi.mer running In coaxectlon wi th DUE TODAY. STOCK Honolulu on or about the following dates: KAUX STOCK. I CapiUl. AND S at C.-- A. S. S. Miowera, 07 Val Eil. . Hammand, from ?OH FIJI AXD AUSTRALIA. FOB VALUUvr-n- the Colonies, a. m. ' - " 1SC4 : MXKC4JSTOJU t BOND ; ; ;:. 1904 Stmr. Gregory, Ma-kaw- ell, 19 THE KOREAS Mikahala. from 22 MIOWERA ...OCTOBER a. m. SCO SORANGI ...OCTOBER 16 C. Brewer k Co...... $1,000,000 100 850 SllOWERA . NOVEMBER 19 MOANA ....NOVEMBER P. M. S. S. Mongolia. Porter. , from 17 AORANGI ...... DECEMBER 14 Bvam. . 230ANA . . ..DECEMBER San Francisco, a. m. Ewa ..J 5,000,000 30 23i SAIL TODAY. Hw.Agricultural l.ZOO.WW too 110 amd Europe. Hftw.com.fcSaffarCo. 2,ai2750 100 W LOASQ United States A. 65& "iroigh tickets issued to aU points In Canada. Funny Editing of a C.-- S. S. Miowera, Hammand, for Hawaiian Sugar Co. 2. 000,600 iO sa NEGOTIATED Victoria and Vancouver, p. m. uonomu 750,000 100 115 H." DAVIES & CO., LTD. Honoka . 2,000,000 30 15 '"W THEO. O. S. S. 600,000 ISO ' Cablegram From Alameda, DowdelL for San Haikn 100 GENERAL AGENTS. j Francisco, 9 a. m. Kabulm...... i.. 500,000 20 '"20 Eoafl Stmr- - Likelike, Naopala, Maul KJhei Plan. Co., Ltd.. 2,500,000 50 1214 Ezcliine. Coast for Kipahuln...... 160,000 100 40 and Molokal ports, 5 p. m. Koloa 600,000 100 a & Oriental M. S. S. Me Eryde Sag. Co., Ltd. 1,500,000 20 Mail S. S. Co., Occidental P. Mongolia, Porter, for the Oafcn Sugar 8,600,000 100 Pacific may p. Co. cablegram Sept. 17, Orient, sail m. Onomea.... l.UUU.WU 20 27! ..... The of announc ; SO . m Ookala 600,000 -- THE-' S. S. Co. ing the presence of the Russian auxi f Olaa Sugar Col, Ltd 6,000,000 20 4 port 150.000 100 . Steamers of the above companies will call at Honolulu and leave this liary cruiser Korea oft Vancouver went PASSENGERS. Paanhaa SugPlanCo. 5,000.000 60 . 600,000 "150 mm below mentioned: en- rcmc ...... 100 or about the dates to Manila as well as Honolulu and , Departed. P&ia... 750,000 100 133 ; SAN FRANCISCO. FOR SAN FRANCISCO. capi- 18, Pepeekeo ...... 750,000 100 rnu abled the papers of the Philippine Per stmr. Claudine. October for , enry 20 MANCHURIA 29 W, Pioneer 2,750,000 100 117!l22K MONGOLIA OCTOBER ...... OCTOBER tal to Indulge In their pet propensity Maui ports William Von Seggern Wai&lna AfrrL Co 4,600,000 100 4j) su .....NOVEMBER 1 COPTIC .NOVEMBER 5 B. Keanu, J. A. Kahiona, S. K. Kaloa, Wailuku 700,000 100 CHINA faking. The Cablenews once 150 . . . . .NOVEMBER IS KOREA ...... NOVEMBER 19 for at L. Barkhausen, F. Klamp, A. Enos Jr., Waimanalo.... 25200 100 SORTC 26 DECEMBER 3 GAELIC ...... NOVEMBER pronounced the Korea to be the Pacific and wife, R, G. Ross and wife, D. H STlAXSHrr Cos. Waterhousg COPTIC .... 30 30TIEA DECEMBER 10 SIBERIA ...... NOVEMBER Mail liner of that name and after mak- R. H. Anderson, Mrs. C. H. Case, Mrs. . 20 .: ...... DECEMBER 13 Wilder S. 8. Co.-- .. 600,000 100 lOAELIC ...... DECEMBER MONGOLIA ing a big story of the "Korea's escape" H. C. Ovenden and daughter, R-- H. Inter-Islan- d a S. Co.. 600,000 1J0 100 Anderson. Mrs. C. H. Atherton Miss HlSCXtXAJtBOrt. U, V reenforced it with the following fake For further information apply E. A. Carlson, Mrs. J. S. Walker, Mas- Haw. Electric Co .... . 600,000 100 Co., cablegram: . Trust amtoi - . ter Joe Kalune, M. Rosenberg, W. L. H.R.T. 100 HACKFELD & COMPANY, LTD., AGENTS. AL.Cod. i.'oooVbbo H. Crawley. H.E.T.AL Co.. C ioo' ?0 (Special to the Cablenews.) Decoto, J. s. MatuaJ lei. Co 160,000 10 lu Per stmr. Kinau, October 18, Hilo O. 4,000,000 100 vo SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 17. Captain for R.4L.CO.. and way. ports Peter Lee, J. Jorgen-se- n, HllO XL. FL. CO 1,U,000 ao 17 Seabury pf the Korea, interviewed at Bond. Oooanlo Stoo Victoria, stated that the reason for his T. A. Lloyd, C. J. Flshel, H. Gor man, John Kal Jr.t W. Downer, E. R.N Haw. Gov't.. Bp.c... passenger is line will arrive and leave this port having avoided his port of call 4 p. C. The fine steamers of th herend Hendry, J. D. Kennedy, J. C. Cohen, A;' Haw. Ter., (Fire hereunder: l gone north to JPuget Sound was his Uiaims) H. Cole and wife, A. W. Keech,' . B. Hilo K. &. Co., 0 P. c having sighted a Russian evi- fc For ; cruiser Rent SAN : FRANCISCO. FOR SAN FRANCISCO. Waggoner, C. A. A. McKlllop, Hon. K. T. L. Co., FROM dently patrolling the waters near San Graham, BD.C 106 19 Miss Rogers, Awana, Mr. 8 STSNTURA ...... OCTOBER 26 ALAMEDA ..OCTOBER Francisco on the lookout for the Ko- Miss J. Ewa Plant.. n. Cottage Emma $30.00 4 ...OCTOBER 25 House, J. A. Smith, J. H. Mackenzie, O. R. A L. Co., 8 p. c .. 104 St..... ULAMEDA NOVEMBER SIERRA rea or other vessels. Oahtt Sugar Co.. 6 v. 16 ALAMEDA ...... ; .NO VEMBER 9 C. Dunkhase, C. B. Gray, H. Fuller. c. " SIERRA ....NOVEMBER Having in mind the methods practic- . . J. Olaa Sugar Co., 6 p. c. GandallLane 15.00 ytLAMEDA .NOVEMBER 5 SONOMA NOVEMBER 15 ed by the Russian war ships on mer- naiaiuaAg. vo, o.p.C. 1C0 KahnkuB p. c Gandall Lane ..... 23.00 In connection with the sailing: of the above steamers, the agents are pre- chantmen and mail steamers he decided VESSELS IN PORT. Pioneer MOI Co. 6 D.O. 100 passengers. Coupon Through Tickets by any requests Paia 6 p. c 100 pared to issue, to intending to run no risks and, on of the Haikuo o. c " Aloha Lane ... 18.00 from British-Canadia- n xltooad, from San Francisco to all points in the United States, and passengers, headed for the ARMY AND NAVY. Hawaiian Sugar 6 d. c. 100 any steamship line to all European ports. port. Hawn. Coml. a Sugar ...... 12.00 $w York by ue. p. Kallhl. FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS, APPLY TO Another Russian cruiser has now ap- U. S. S. Iroquois, Niblack, station c WM. G. IRWIN & CO., LTD. peared off this coast and the two ves- vessel. Waiklki (furnished) sels seem to be patrolling the waters U. S. Training Cruiser Buffalo, Ever- SALES BETWEEN BOARDS. 15.00 they ett. Midway and Sept. 30. Fifty-thre-e H. R. & L. Co., $65; 50 near here. It is believed wyi call Alaska. T. House Kinau St. (furnished) -- San to coal in- U. S. Coast Survey. Steamer Patter- "Waialua, $48; 75 McBryde, $4; 20 Pala, i iimerican-Hawaiia- at Francisco and much 0.00 f. n Steamship Company. been son, Pratt, Dutch Harbor, Oct. 13. $135. i: " terest has aroused. I ' direct Monthly Service Between New York and Honolulu via The coastwise vessels which have re- MERCHANT VESSELS. SESSION SALES. Cottage near 1490 King St 16.00 Pacific Coast. ported the presence of the cruisers did One hundred Haw. Com. & Sugar not learn their names. Alpena, Am. schr., Spicer, Newcastle, Co.. $66. House King St near .rllkol 35.00 THE SPLENDID NEW STEEL STEAMERS The Manila Times printed this sensa- Oct. 16. Andrew Welch, Am. bk., Drew, San STROM YORK TO HONOLULU i And each month thereafter. tional "special:" NEW Francisco, Oct. 17. TIDES, SUN AND MOON. VIA PACIFIC COAST. Freight received at Company's wharf, KOREA IS SAFE IN BRITISH PORT. 8 Erskine M. Phelps, Am. sp., Graham, S. Nebraskan, to sail about. ...Oct. Greenwich street. 4 a in at ult Philadelphia, Aug. 31. a Cor. Merchant and Sta. Nov. 1 FRAN- Cautious Commander Puts - Fort S. S. Arizonan, to sail about.... FROM HONOLULU TO SAN Not Knowing What Dogs Mohican, Am. bk., Kelly San Francis- H cm? . JS 213. Freight received at all times at the CISCO VIA PUGET SOUND. co, 7. a a Tel. Main street,' Oct. 18 of War Might Growl at His Heels. Oct. m O alia B a o 11 JOompany's wharf, 41st South S. S. Nevadan, to sail. Nevadan, Am. gtr., Green, Tacoma, Oct. a 63 3 J Brooklyn. FROM SEATTLE AND TACOMA VIA Hay Wins Victory at the Kremlin. J 18. a.m. t. P.m. a.m. I Sets. 3T.OM SAN FRANCISCO TO HONO- SAN FRANCIS CO. - m 1.4 6.44 8.45 5.84 0.29 1 Special to The Manila Times. Olympic, Am. bk., Evans, San Fran- nio.ai 67 LULU DIRECT. S. S. Nevadan, from Seattle. Nov. 13. 2 SANFRANCISCO, Sept. 17. Consid- cisco, Oct. T 18 11.23 1.3 0.10 8 22 5 08 5.57 5.33 1.21 BUILDIKG-- 7 S. Nevadan, to sail ...... Nov. 9 S. S. Nevadan, from Tacoma.. ..Nov. Rosecrans, Am. str., Johnson, Gavlota, p.m. a speculation and not a little W 19 2 15 1.S 0.50 6.54 6. 3 5J8'5.82 2.11 erable 18. FOR SALE. House 5 H. HACKFELD & COMPANY, LTD AGENTS. anxiety, have been rife here on account Oct. T 20 1.04 1.2 0 723 7.10 5.58 f.3;r a 68 and acres land Santiago, Am. bk., Anderson, San g 21 1.44 1.2 1.64 7.M 7.57 5X8 5.S1 S.48 under cultivation, at Wahlawa. of the non-arriv- al of the liner Korea FOR C P. MORSE. General Freight Agent. Francisco, Aug. 28. a.m. p.m. RENT Furnished house on Beretania J ' which was six days overdue at this. 8 32 2.27 1.4 2.18 8.25 8.40 5.59 5.80 4.S8 . . 1-- Property col- port today. Fears were set at rest, 8 23 3.00 6 2.B2 8.53; 9; 18 5H 5.29 5.29 street cared for, rents lected. Abstracts and general Real Es- however, by a cable dispatch received The XXails. h 24 3.32 1.7 3.25 9.22 9.57 6X0 5.29 Else by the agents of the steamer from tate business. Money loaned and In- Esquimau, announcing that she had Mails are due from the following vestments recommended. Full moon Oct. 24th at 0.25 a. m. W. L. HOWARD. YOUR BAGGAGE. stopped at that place, and asking for points as follows: Times of the tide are taken from the WILL CALL FOR advices concerning the Russian cruisers Sup San Francisco Per Mongolia, today. United States Coast and Geodetic BXXM reported to be making for San Fran- vey . ; ; We pack, haul and ship your goods and save you money. Yokohama Per Manchuria, Oct. 29. tables. cisco. It seems that at Honolulu the The tides at Kahulul and Hilo cccur CHAS. BEEWER & CO.'S captain was the presence Victoria Per Miowera, Oct. 19. Dealers in stove, wood, coal and kindlings. informedof Sydney Per Miowera, Oct. 19. about one hour earlier than at Hono of the Lena "In this harbor and the lulu. HEW YOEK LXITE Storage in Brick Warehouse, 126 King Street. Phone Main 58. possibility that she might be ordered Malls .will denart as follbwa: Hawaiian standard time Is 10 hours by to put to sea inside 30 the authorities San Per Alameda, today. minutes slower than Greenwich Bark Nuuanu sailing twenty-fou- r hours. were also Francisco from cf There Sydney Aorangi, 22. time, being that of the meridian of 157 New York to Honolulu on or C. Campbell, Vice-Preside- L. McLean, Sec- Russian Per Oct. J. F. Morgan. President; J. J. rumors that several other Yokohama Per Mongolia, today. degrees thirty minutes. The time whia about Nov. 15th. FREIGHT retary; A. F. Clark, Insurer: N. E. Gedge, Auditor; Fran: Hustace, Man cruisers were hovering about San Fran- tie blows at 1:30 p. m., which Is the to falling with Victoria Per Miowera, Oct. 19. TAKEN AT LOWEST RATES. ager. cisco. In order avoid in same as Greenwich, 0 hours 0 minutes. For freight rates apply to ls: any possible subse- SC-o-stsuce-ec- of these and the Sun and moon are local , - for time for Co., quent unpleasant experiences, Captain U. S. WEATHER BUREAU. the whole group. - CHAS. BREWER & CO., Seabury, like a wise commander, turn- 27 Kllby St, Boston, or 63 QUEEN STREET ed his prow northeastward and ran for Alexander Young Building, Honolulu, port METEOROLOGICAL RECORD. C. BREWER & CO., LTD., Victoria, B. C. Having made that T. II. Honolulu. DKAIiBRH m without adventure he dropped down the .October 18, 8 p. m. Issued by the U. S. "Weather Bureau strait a few miles to the naval station Office Every Sunday Morning. Flrowood, Qtovo Cool az Esquimau, whence he cabled to this Mean temperature 76. and Stoom city for further advices concerning the Maximum temperature 83. WIND F. T. P. Waterhouse A. '. Also White and. Black Sand. Telephone Main 295. temperature 70. THERM WaterkM situation. If necessary he may request Minimum MKAN a the escort of a British gunboat for the Mean barometer 29.98. J 36 o Branch of Hustace, Peck Co., trip down the coast. He has been in- Rainfall 24 hours ending 8 p."m. .06. BAKOM. The Waterhonse Co. humidity 8 a. m., 70 per Go. formed that the Lena is dismantling Relative Q o a a PS Onion Express Ltd, and that no other cruisers have ap- cent; 8 p. m., 76 per cent. humidity 7.266 grs. S 9 SO .01 83 74 .C3 68 NK 63 Queen Street. , peared although their arrival is vaguely Mean absolute con- per foot. M 10 30.06 83 72 .14! 79 sa phophesied. He was instructed, to cubic T 11 8U.02 82 74 .021 78 NS FOR RENT Having baggage contracts with the following steamship lines: to Prevailing of wind N. E. W 12 80 74 85 tinue use the admirable caution that direction .0 82 .ill KS Office with use telephone, good Oceanic Steamship Co. Pacific Mail Steamship Co. had characterized his previous move- Average wind velocity, miles per T IS 80. OS 83 76 .t 0 59 K of Occidental & Oriental Steamship Co. Toyo Kaisen Kaisha Steamship Co. F 14 80.06 81 72 75 X central location. ments. hour 6. S 15 S0.0d 84 72 .03! 67 X We check your' baggage at your homes, saving you the trouble Esquimau is the largest British naval Average cloudiness. In tenths 6. cf checking on the wharf. station on the American continent, be- ALEX. McC. ASHLEY, Note: Barometer readings are cor- Agents for American Insurance Co. ing the rendezvous of the North Pacific Section Director, in Charge. rected for temperature, instrumental and the Waterhouse Investment Co-- ?anos and Furniture moving a squadron. Millions of pounds have been errors, and local gravity, and reduced Ltd. Specialty. Telephone MAIN 86. sptent ppon ' fortifying the place and to sea leveL Average cloudiness stated Office, 932 Fort street ,m "" I ML making base. Both nggCT"' '." ? it an Ideal naval In scale from 0 to 10. , Direction of wind Esquimau and Victoria are situated on Classified Advertisements. THE PACIFIC is prevailing direction during 24 hours Professional Gards Vancouver island, and are approched ending at 8 p. m. Velocity of wind Is through the strait of Juan de Fuca, WANTED IN EXCHANGE. average velocity in miles per hour. and are respectively forty and sixty - -- p Commercial Advertiser A GOOD typewriter for a Syracuse ALEX. McC. ASHLEY, tt- r ir- n r ATTORNEY-AT-LA- W. miles up the Cape ri the channel from double-barr- el gun. I EL I Statered at the Post Office at Honolulu, Flattery light. It would be the most hammerless shot Section Director, In Charge. n N & UU. f T. H., as second class matter. PHILIP L. "WEAVE R. Law office, 79 course the Particulars at Advertiser office. 6909 Merchant street. Cases in real prop- natural of procedure in erty not accepted. world, for a British steamer like the SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Korea, in the face of such news as she ROOMS AND BOARD. Small Passenger Elevator Business Agents, S?r Tear...... $12.00 received at Honolulu, and not knowing SUITABLE for two gentlemen or mar Six Months 0 ARCHITECTS. what action the" American authorities couple, home cooking. Terms FOR SALE Real Estate Brokers, on application. ried Advertising rates W. MATLOCK CAMPBELL Office 1034 would take regarding the Russian reasonable. Mrs. Winter, 1141 Adams PUMP PIT OR PRIVATE RESI- Young street. cruisers, to put into the nearest Brit- lane... 6912 DENCE. PERFECTLY NEW. Investments and Loans. I: EtofcHshed every morning except Sunday ish port and seek the shelter of British by the eastern naval vessels. Victoria is the AT WAHIAWA, ten dollars per week, HAWAIIAN GAZETTE CO.. LTD.. ENGINEERS. terminus for the steamships' that con- 1 Reedy Passenger Elevator complete r C. two dollars per day. Stage meets iVon Holt Block No. 65 South King St. ARTHUR ALEXANDER. Survey- nect with the Canadian Pacific, but the p. vrlth hydraulic engine, and necessary 938 Fort Street or and Engineer. 406 Bldg.; run, 3:15 m. train from Honolulu at f A. vr. PEARSON. Manager. Judd P. Korea, being on the San Francisco City, on Tuesdays and Fridays. cables, overhead sheaves, platform and t O. box 732. does not call there ordinarily. Pearl passenger car 4x4. Address Mrs. Caroline Rhodes, at No Pearl City. Phone King 57. reasonable offer refused. If nec- INSURANCE. ALWAYS TELL THE TRUTH. essary the hydraulic engine can be sold BA!LWAf&LAHD CO. MUTUAL separate from the car should the engine THE LIFE INSURANCE Father I hear, my boy. that you FOR RENT. alone be wanted. LARGE HOUSE ON BERETANIA CO. OF NEW YORK. 11 have lately told your mother several rooms, each Apply to office of the STREET Next to Hospital; S. B. ROSE. Agent : : : Honolulu. me the TWO furnished suitable for rooms. Rent, cheap. falsehoods. This grieves to two people, at 1124 Adams lane. Elec- S. N. CASTLE ESTATE, LTD., TIME TABLE " heart. Always tell the truth, even tric lights and telephone. Also rooms Stangenwald Building. Also, RESIDENCE LOTS for sale at ; though may suffering upon Kapahulu and on easy October 6, 1904. MASSAGE. it bring at lowest rates at Helen's Court. 6878 Puunul LADIES' FACIAL you. Will you promise me? terms. OUTWARD. MASSAGE. By Apply telephoning Main 227 you can s;cure Boy Yes, father. v COTTAGES; Christley lane, off to W. W. CHAMBERLAIN, Walanae, Walalua. Kahuku and Fort St. Bargains at Kaimuki 6864 Bldg. 3or services of expert operator your Father Very . well. Now go and Rent reasonable. Apply Wong KwaL Room 206. Judd. Way Stations 9: 15 a. m., 3:20 p. m. at see homes. . who is knocking at the door. If 3W Pearl City, Ewa Mill and Way the rate say not at AAA 9:15 m., it's collector I'm Stations 17:30 a, m., a. home. Stray Straw.s. , OFFICES FOR RENT. m-- m., 11:05 a. m., 2:15 p. i 3:20 p. MUSIC. "THE STANGENWALD," only fire- $475 $50 down, balance in $10 For that little boy of yours &:15 p. m., $9:30 p. m., tH:15 p. m. MRS. ANNA B. TUCKER. proof office building in city. monthly instalments WITHOUT IN- SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. put a few dollars in the INWARD. Teacher of Piano and Voice. TEREST, will buy you a beautiful, well Honolulu from Kahuku, Wal- High School grounds. Emma street. Utrrive ARRIVED. , FOR SALE. improved lot of 15,000 sq. at Kaimu- Mutual Building and Loan alua and Waianae 8:36 a-- m., 5:31 ft, p. m. , OCULIST AND Tuesday, Oct. 18. THE furniture of a four-roo- m cottage ki, same affords a fine, unobstructed Society every month, and AURIST. A.-- H. Arrive Honolulu from Ewa Mill and DR. S. S. Nevadan, Green, from at a bargain. Apply No. 1 cottage, view and is provided WM. G. ROGERS Rooms 33 and Puget 11:30 with water and when he grows uphe will Pearl City 17:46 a. m., 8:36 a. m., 34, Young Sound. a. m. King Place, near German church. building. . Phone Main 18. S. 6927 ready for building; worth $750. Also 10:33 a. m., 1:40 p. m,, 4:31 p. nx, M. S. Rosecrans, from San Fran- have a good start in life. 1 p. m 7:30 p. m. cisco, 12:30 p. m. for rent at $18 per mon. some neat Open an account DaUy. TYPEWRITERS. DEPARTED. COMPLETE set bound volumes Plant- cottages. J. H. SCHNACK. for him Sunday Excepted, BOUGHT, sold, rented and repaired ers' Monthly. 22 vols., 1882 to 1904. t Remington at Stmr. J. A. Cummins, Searle, for Wai- now. Office 938 Fort street Sunday Only. Typewriter office, Hotel St. ports, 7 Uniform binding: full sheep. Price t manalo and all Koolau a. m. $175.00. Ittr-F- . C. SMITH, Address P. M., care Gazette JOIN THE RELIEF AND & Co. DENISON, F. Schr. Kawailani, for Koolau ports, 10 ' with Trent Supt. G. P. & T. A. HAWAII SHINPO a. m. Co. 6903 BURIAL ASSOCIATION. SHA. O. & O. S. S. Doric, Smith, for San Membership Hawaiian Realty and Maturity Co., THE PIONEER JAPANESE PRINT-In- g Francisco. 11 a. m. FOUND. fee $3.00 2a office. The publisher of Stmr. Niihau, W. Thompson, for Maui money. Endowment to the Relief Fund 50 Harrison Mutual Burial Associa Limited. Shlnpo. Hawaii SUM of Party can have same the only daily Japanese paper and Hamakua ports. 5:05 p. m. by. proving property and paying ex- No monthly dues nor yearly assess- tion of Honolulu Xaal Estate, Mortgage, Loans and published in the Territory Stmr. Kinau, Freeman, Hilo Investment Securities. of Hawaii. for and penses. Hollinger Shoeing Shop. 6927 ment. Has over 2.800 members. Has buried way ports. 12 m. IT. Wil-la- ms C. SHIOZAWA. Proprietor. H. Williams and Mrs. E. C. 102 during years since Somes built on the installment plan. Stmr. W. G. Hall, S. Thompson, for are members the two Hono-fe2- a, Y. SOGA, Editor. the undertakers of the Relief organization. entitles vou a cer Some Office: Mclntyre Bldg.. Kauai ports, 5:40 p. m. DRESSMAKING. its $.zo T. LL L. K. KENTWELL, nd Burial Association. tificate in Qass A, entitling you to all Editorial and Printing Office 1038 Stmr. Claudine. Parker, for Maui PLAIN sewlner and dressmakinsr at Rft No. 1127 Fort street, opposite Club v General Manager. Smith St., above King. Phone Main 4S. ports, 5:10 p. its benefits. m. School street, near Nuuanu. 6920 Stables. J. H. TOWNSEND, Secretary.

tap" i t I!