PhoenixPhoenixBristol THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 2014 VOL. 178, NO. 9 $1.00 Drug-sniffing dogs sweep into high school School leaders invite state 9:15 a.m., and parents and stu- tol Warren Regional School Dis- have been used as a preventative environment, students cannot police canine unit into dents were not notified before it trict. "It sends a very strong mes- measure at Mt. Hope, Ms. Thies access a quality education. Due to Mt. Hope High School took place. At no time did the dogs sage to students that we're watch- said. an increase over a three-year peri- have contact with the students. ing over them and protecting The results of the sweep were not od in the number of disciplinary Citing an increase in disciplinary them." readily available. If the dogs did incidents at Mt. Hope High School BY CHRISTINE O'CONNOR actions at the high school over the In a press release posted to the find anything, school administra- that involve students being sus-
[email protected] past three years, school adminis- school district's website Wednes- tors would follow the district's dis- pended from school for being Drug-sniffing dogs from the trators along with the Bristol Police day, Ms. Thies said there had been ciplinary protocol, which can be under the influence or in posses- Rhode Island State Police Canine Department and the Rhode Island an increase in students being sus- found in the school's handbook. sion of controlled or illegal sub- Corps swept the interior of Mt. State Police Canine Corps, con- pended at the high school "for The entirety of the superinten- stances, the high school adminis- Hope High School Wednesday ducted the sweep as part of the being under the influence or in dent's letter is below: trative team, the superintendent, morning, checking lockers and the administration's action plan to possession of controlled or illegal "The Bristol Warren Regional and the Chief and Deputy Chief of corridors while students were in address the problem.