(Consultation by Argyll and Bute Council ) – Creag Dhubh Windfarm
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Planning and Access Committee Meeting: Monday 30th August 2021 Agenda item: 5 SUBMITTED BY: Director of Place APPLICATION NUMBER: 19/02544/PP (Argyll & Bute Council reference) APPLICANT: Muirden Energy LLP LOCATION: Creag Dhubh Windfarm Creag Dubh North East Of Strachur Village Argyll And Bute situated over 1km to the northeast of the village of Strachur, with the proposed wind turbines located approximately 3km from the village. PROPOSAL: Construction of wind farm comprising of 9 wind turbines (maximum blade tip height 145m), formation of 5.6km new access track, erection of substation building, welfare building, temporary construction compound and 2 borrow pits COMMUNITY COUNCIL AREA Strachur CASE OFFICER: Name: Amanda Muller Tel: 01389 727721 E-mail: [email protected] National Park Authority Planning & Access Committee 1 30th August 2021 1. Summary and reason for presentation ........................................................................ 3 2. Recommendation ....................................................................................................... 3 3. Site Description .......................................................................................................... 3 4. Description of Proposal .............................................................................................. 6 5. Summary of Supporting Information (submitted to Argyll and Bute Council) ............... 7 6. Policy context ............................................................................................................. 8 7. National Park Authority’s planning assessment ........................................................ 10 8. Summary and Conclusions ....................................................................................... 16 9. Appendices. ............................................................................................................. 17 Appendix 1:Site Location Plan Scale 1:75,000 ................................................................ 18 Appendix 2: Zone of Theoretical Visibility (ZTV) to Tip Height (Scale 1:90,000) .............. 19 Appendix 3: Viewpoint 5 Beinn Bheula ............................................................................ 20 Appendix 4: Viewpoint 8 Ben Donich ............................................................................... 23 Appendix 5: Viewpoint 13 Ben Arthur (the Cobbler) ......................................................... 26 Appendix 6: Viewpoint 2 A815 Balliemeanoch ................................................................. 29 Links to Documents ......................................................................................................... 32 National Park Authority Planning & Access Committee 2 30th August 2021 1. Summary and reason for presentation 1.1. The proposed development relates to a consultation by Argyll and Bute Council as a neighbouring planning authority. 1.2. The National Park’s consultation response is being reported for Committee’s consideration, due to the anticipated significant adverse effects on the Special Landscape Qualities for the National Park. 1.3. The proposed development is for the erection of 9 wind turbines with a maximum blade tip height 145m and associated formation of 5.6km new access track and erection of substation building. 1.4. The development is situated approximately 1km from the National Park boundary and is 3km from the village of Strachur in the Cowal peninsula. 2. Recommendation 2.1. That Members: APPROVE the contents of the report and its submission to Argyll and Bute Council as the National Park Authority’s consultation response on the planning application. The response concludes that the National Park Authority objects to the proposal for the following reasons: • The proposal will result in a significant adverse effect on the Special Landscape Qualities of the Argyll Forest area of the National Park by introducing a new built landscape feature to the Landscape Character Type (LCT) of Steep Ridges and Mountains. • The proposed development will have a significant adverse effect on visual amenity affecting views from the Arrochar Alps, Ben Donich and Beinn Bheula and the Cowal Way Long Distance Route approaching this gateway into the Park. 3. Site Description 3.1. The site is located in Argyll and Bute, situated approximately 1km from the edge of the National Park boundary with the proposed wind turbines located approximately 3km from the village of Strachur. 3.2. The wind farm would be located on the slopes of Creag Dhubh, 484m AOD at its summit, and partially below Creag an t-Suidheachain, across an area of commercial forestry and open moorland. There are several waterbodies within close proximity of the proposed turbine locations that drain the site to the River Cur, with the most notable entitled the Allt Mor. 3.3. The site is located approximately 8km south of the operational Clachan Flats wind farm on the west of Loch Fyne, which is the closest proposed, consented or operational wind farm consisting of 9 turbines at a height of 93m to blade tip. National Park Authority Planning & Access Committee 3 30th August 2021 Figure 1- Location of proposed Creag Dhubh Wind Farm National Park Authority Planning & Access Committee 4 30th August 2021 Figure 2 - Precise location of each of the 9 turbines Table 1 Turbine ID and corresponding height Turbine ID Hub height (m) Blade tip height (m) T1 84.6 130.6 T2 98.4 144.4 T3 78.3 124.3 T4 68.9 114.9 T5 84.6 130.6 T6 68.9 114.9 T7 78.3 114.9 T8 78.3 124.3 T9 84.6 124.3 National Park Authority Planning & Access Committee 5 30th August 2021 4. Description of Proposal The main components of the proposed development 4.1. 9 turbines up to 145m to blade tip and each with a rated output of up to 4MW, giving a total output of up to 36MW; 4.2. 9 crane hardstandings with dimensions of 45m x 23m; 4.3. Approximately 5.6km of new permanent access tracks, including 1 turning area, and upgrades to 5.9km of existing forestry tracks; 4.4. Electrical and communication underground cables running along sections of the access track; 4.5. A substation and control building. Proposed Community Benefits 4.6. The applicant (Creag Dhubh Renewables LLP) is proposing to provide community benefits: stating an intent to offer opportunities to the local communities of Strachur and Lochgoilhead. As well as a commitment to shared ownership of up to 10% of the equity in the proposed development. In addition they propose to contribute to an annual community fund for the local community equal to £5,000 per MW potentially generating an annual income of up to £180,000. The fund would be managed with long-term goals in mind to deliver meaningful benefits to the community. Economic factors 4.7. The applicant estimates that the proposal could create 127 man year equivalent jobs and an investment of £13.1m in Scotland during the development and construction phase, including 91 man year equivalent jobs and investment of £17.9m in Argyll and Bute. 4.8. During operational phase the applicant anticipates a total of 15 man year equivalent jobs and generate £1.26m per annum for the Scottish economy during the operational phase, including 8 man year equivalent jobs and £0.53m in Argyll and Bute. National Park Authority Planning & Access Committee 6 30th August 2021 5. Summary of Supporting Information (submitted to Argyll and Bute Council) Environmental Impact Assessment Report 5.1. The Environmental Impact Assessment Report prepared by the applicant was submitted with the application to Argyll and Bute. 5.2. The statement includes a Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (LVIA).This document has been prepared by the applicant in accordance with best practice guidelines. 5.3. The LVIA sets out the potential landscape and visual impacts arising from the proposed windfarm. An LVIA is required to present an analysis of the impact the proposed windfarm will have on the character of the different landscape types and designated areas within a 30km radius of the site. It also sets out an analysis of the visual impact of the proposed development in relation to important viewpoints and routes. This presents an indication of the potential impact of the windfarm on visitor experience and residential amenity. 5.4. The LVIA includes a figure showing the Zone of Theoretical Visibility (ZTV) (attached in Appendix 2), this shows the extent of theoretical visibility of the wind turbines and takes account of relief and topography, but not of trees, buildings and other land cover. As such, the ZTV can be considered to present a ‘worst case scenario’ as views of wind turbines can be wholly or partially obscured by vegetation or buildings. 5.5. The LVIA and the ZTV along with the applicant’s assessment are reviewed as part of the National Park Authority’s assessment on the impact of this proposal in relation to the National Park. 5.6. The Environmental Impact Assessment Report and any associated documents can be viewed online via Argyll and Bute Council’s planning portal by entering the planning reference 19/02544/PP. National Park Authority Planning & Access Committee 7 30th August 2021 6. Policy context Determining Planning Authority Argyll and Bute Council 6.1. The application will be determined by Argyll and Bute Council in accordance with the current Argyll and Bute Local Development Plan and supporting documents. 6.2. Argyll and Bute Landscape Wind Energy Capacity Study 2012 (updated 2017) is a study prepared by Landscape Architects and provides the