Sustainable Development Law & Policy Volume 8 Article 14 Issue 2 Winter 2008: Climate Law Reporter 2008 Landmark Agreement to Strengthen Montreal Protocol Provides Powerful Climate Mitigation Donald Kaniaru Rajendra Shende Durwood Zaelke Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Environmental Law Commons Recommended Citation Kaniaru, Donald, Rajendra Shende and Durwood Zaelke. “Landmark Agreement to Strengthen Montreal Protocol Provides Powerful Climate Mitigation.” Sustainable Development Law & Policy, Winter 2008, 46-50, 87-89. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Washington College of Law Journals & Law Reviews at Digital Commons @ American University Washington College of Law. It has been accepted for inclusion in Sustainable Development Law & Policy by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ American University Washington College of Law. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. LAN D MA R K AG R EEMENT TO ST R ENGTHEN MONT R EAL PR OTOCOL PR OVI D E S POWE rf UL CLIMATE MITIGATION by Donald Kaniaru, Rajendra Shende & Durwood Zaelke* IN T RO D UC ti ON sued immediately and independently of the international climate treaty negotiations. ast September’s historic agreement under the Montreal Protocol to accelerate the phase-out of hydrochlorofluo- THE MON T REAL PRO T OCOL : Lrocarbons (“HCFCs”) marked the first time both devel- “ST AR T AN D ST RENG T HEN ” oped and developing countries explicitly agreed to accept binding In 1987,